
And that's for Affi's install

Darthpred [02-21-15 - 20:47]
And that's for Affi's install
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
index 5e18e36..7657cc4 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
@@ -730,497 +730,299 @@ local function AffinitiiSetup() --The function to switch from class ElvUI settin
 	SLEInstallStepComplete.message = L["Affinitii's Defaults Set"]
 	if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
+	if not E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["customTexts"] then E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["customTexts"] = {} end
+	if not E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["raid40"]["customTexts"] then E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["raid40"]["customTexts"] = {} end
 	-- layout = E.db.layoutSet  --Pull which layout was selected if any.
 	pixel = E.PixelMode  --Pull PixelMode

-	E.db["sle"] = {
-		["nameplate"] = {
-			["showthreat"] = true,
-			["targetcount"] = true,
-		},
-		["datatext"] = {
-			["chathandle"] = true,
-			["top"] = {
-				["enabled"] = true,
-				["transparent"] = true,
-				["width"] = 100,
-			},
-			["bottom"] = {
-				["enabled"] = true,
-				["transparent"] = true,
-				["width"] = 100,
-			},
-			["dp6"] = {
-				["enabled"] = true,
-				["transparent"] = true,
-				["alpha"] = 0.8,
-				["width"] = 399,
-			},
-		},
-		["minimap"] = {
-			["buttons"] = {
-				["anchor"] = "VERTICAL",
-				["mouseover"] = true,
-			},
-			["mapicons"] = {
-				["skinmail"] = false,
-				["iconmouseover"] = true,
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	E.db["movers"] = {
-		["DP_6_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM03",
-		["ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM096",
-		["ElvUF_RaidMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT440511",
-		["LeftChatMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021",
-		["ElvUF_Raid10Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511",
-		["BossButton"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT622-352",
-		["ElvUF_FocusMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-63436",
-		["ClassBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-337500",
-		["SquareMinimapBar"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-211",
-		["ElvUF_TargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM278200",
-		["ElvUF_Raid40Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT447-468",
-		["ElvAB_1"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM059",
-		["ElvAB_2"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM025",
-		["ElvAB_4"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-413200",
-		["AltPowerBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-300338",
-		["ElvAB_3"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM25425",
-		["ElvAB_5"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-25425",
-		["MMButtonsMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-214-160",
-		["ElvUF_PlayerMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-278200",
-		["ElvUF_TargetTargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0190",
-		["ShiftAB"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421",
-		["RightChatMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021",
-		["TotemBarMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421",
-		["ArenaHeaderMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-210-410",
-		["DP_5_Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4327",
-		["Top_Center_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-2543",
-		["BossHeaderMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-210435",
-		["ElvUF_PetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0230",
-		["ElvAB_6"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0102",
-		["ElvUF_PartyMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511",
-		["Bottom_Panel_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM2543",
-		["PetAB"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-433",
-		["ElvUF_Raid25Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT449-448",
-	}
+	E.db["sle"]["nameplate"]["showthreat"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["nameplate"]["targetcount"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["chathandle"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["top"]["enabled"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["top"]["transparent"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["top"]["width"] = 100
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["bottom"]["enabled"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["bottom"]["transparent"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["bottom"]["width"] = 100
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["dp6"]["enabled"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["dp6"]["transparent"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["dp6"]["alpha"] = 0.8
+	E.db["sle"]["datatext"]["dp6"]["width"] = 399
+	E.db["sle"]["minimap"]["buttons"]["anchor"] = "VERTICAL"
+	E.db["sle"]["minimap"]["buttons"]["mouseover"] = true
+	E.db["sle"]["minimap"]["mapicons"]["skinmail"] = false
+	E.db["sle"]["minimap"]["mapicons"]["iconmouseover"] = true
+	E.db["movers"]["DP_6_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM03"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM096"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_RaidMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT440511"
+	E.db["movers"]["LeftChatMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_Raid10Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511"
+	E.db["movers"]["BossButton"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT622-352"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_FocusMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-63436"
+	E.db["movers"]["ClassBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-337500"
+	E.db["movers"]["SquareMinimapBar"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-211"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_TargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM278200"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_Raid40Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT447-468"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_1"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM059"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_2"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM025"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_4"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-413200"
+	E.db["movers"]["AltPowerBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-300338"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_3"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM25425"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_5"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-25425"
+	E.db["movers"]["MMButtonsMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-214-160"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_PlayerMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-278200"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_TargetTargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0190"
+	E.db["movers"]["ShiftAB"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
+	E.db["movers"]["RightChatMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021"
+	E.db["movers"]["TotemBarMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
+	E.db["movers"]["ArenaHeaderMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-210-410"
+	E.db["movers"]["DP_5_Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4327"
+	E.db["movers"]["Top_Center_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-2543"
+	E.db["movers"]["BossHeaderMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-210435"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_PetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0230"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvAB_6"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0102"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_PartyMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511"
+	E.db["movers"]["Bottom_Panel_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM2543"
+	E.db["movers"]["PetAB"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-433"
+	E.db["movers"]["ElvUF_Raid25Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT449-448"

 	E.db["gridSize"] = 110

-	E.db["tooltip"] = {
-		["style"] = "inset",
-		["visibility"] = {
-			["combat"] = true,
-		},
-	}
+	E.db["tooltip"]["style"] = "inset"
+	E.db["tooltip"]["visibility"]["combat"] = true

-	E.db["chat"] = {
-		["timeStampFormat"] = "%I:%M ",
-		["editBoxPosition"] = "ABOVE_CHAT",
-		["lfgIcons"] = false,
-		["emotionIcons"] = false,
-	}
+	E.db["chat"]["timeStampFormat"] = "%I:%M "
+	E.db["chat"]["editBoxPosition"] = "ABOVE_CHAT"
+	E.db["chat"]["lfgIcons"] = false
+	E.db["chat"]["emotionIcons"] = false

-	E.db["unitframe"] = {
-		["units"] = {
-			["tank"] = {
-				["enable"] = false,
-			},
-			["party"] = {
-				["horizontalSpacing"] = 1,
-				["debuffs"] = {
-					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
-					["yOffset"] = -7,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-					["xOffset"] = -4,
-				},
-				["buffs"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["yOffset"] = 28,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-					["clickThrough"] = true,
-					["useBlacklist"] = false,
-					["noDuration"] = false,
-					["playerOnly"] = false,
-					["perrow"] = 1,
-					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
-					["noConsolidated"] = false,
-					["sizeOverride"] = 22,
-					["xOffset"] = 30,
-				},
-				["growthDirection"] = "LEFT_UP",
-				["GPSArrow"] = {
-					["size"] = 40,
-				},
-				["buffIndicator"] = {
-					["size"] = 10,
-				},
-				["roleIcon"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-					["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-				},
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-					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
-				},
-				["power"] = {
-					["text_format"] = "",
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
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-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = -7,
-						["text_format"] = "[healthcolor][health:deficit]",
-						["size"] = 10,
-					},
-				},
-				["healPrediction"] = true,
-				["width"] = 80,
-				["name"] = {
-					["text_format"] = "[namecolor][name:veryshort] [difficultycolor][smartlevel]",
-					["position"] = "TOP",
-				},
-				["health"] = {
-					["frequentUpdates"] = true,
-					["position"] = "BOTTOM",
-					["text_format"] = "",
-				},
-				["height"] = 45,
-				["verticalSpacing"] = 1,
-				["petsGroup"] = {
-					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
-				},
-				["raidicon"] = {
-					["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
-					["xOffset"] = 9,
-					["yOffset"] = 0,
-					["size"] = 13,
-				},
-			},
-			["raid40"] = {
-				["horizontalSpacing"] = 1,
-				["debuffs"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["yOffset"] = -9,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-					["clickThrough"] = true,
-					["useBlacklist"] = false,
-					["perrow"] = 2,
-					["useFilter"] = "Blacklist",
-					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
-					["xOffset"] = -4,
-				},
-				["rdebuffs"] = {
-					["size"] = 26,
-				},
-				["growthDirection"] = "UP_LEFT",
-				["health"] = {
-					["frequentUpdates"] = true,
-				},
-				["power"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["width"] = "inset",
-					["position"] = "CENTER",
-				},
-				["customTexts"] = {
-					["Health Text"] = {
-						["font"] = "ElvUI Pixel",
-						["justifyH"] = "CENTER",
-						["fontOutline"] = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = -7,
-						["text_format"] = "[healthcolor][health:deficit]",
-						["size"] = 10,
-					},
-				},
-				["healPrediction"] = true,
-				["width"] = 50,
-				["invertGroupingOrder"] = false,
-				["name"] = {
-					["text_format"] = "[namecolor][name:veryshort]",
-					["position"] = "TOP",
-				},
-				["buffs"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["yOffset"] = 25,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-					["clickThrough"] = true,
-					["useBlacklist"] = false,
-					["noDuration"] = false,
-					["playerOnly"] = false,
-					["perrow"] = 1,
-					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
-					["noConsolidated"] = false,
-					["sizeOverride"] = 17,
-					["xOffset"] = 21,
-				},
-				["height"] = 43,
-				["verticalSpacing"] = 1,
-				["raidicon"] = {
-					["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
-					["xOffset"] = 9,
-					["yOffset"] = 0,
-					["size"] = 13,
-				},
-			},
-			["focus"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["target"] = {
-				["portrait"] = {
-					["overlay"] = true,
-				},
-				["aurabar"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-					["height"] = 11,
-				},
-			},
-			["raid"] = {
-				["debuffs"] = {
-					["countFontSize"] = 13,
-					["fontSize"] = 9,
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["yOffset"] = -7,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
-					["xOffset"] = -4,
-				},
-				["growthDirection"] = "LEFT_UP",
-				["numGroups"] = 8,
-				["roleIcon"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["healPrediction"] = true,
-				["power"] = {
-					["height"] = 8,
-				},
-				["buffs"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["yOffset"] = 28,
-					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-					["clickThrough"] = true,
-					["useBlacklist"] = false,
-					["noDuration"] = false,
-					["playerOnly"] = false,
-					["perrow"] = 1,
-					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
-					["noConsolidated"] = false,
-					["sizeOverride"] = 22,
-					["xOffset"] = 30,
-				},
-			},
-			["focustarget"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["pettarget"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["pet"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["player"] = {
-				["debuffs"] = {
-					["attachTo"] = "BUFFS",
-				},
-				["portrait"] = {
-					["overlay"] = true,
-				},
-				["classbar"] = {
-					["detachFromFrame"] = true,
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["aurabar"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-					["height"] = 11,
-				},
-				["buffs"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["noDuration"] = false,
-					["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
-				},
-				["castbar"] = {
-					["width"] = 399,
-					["height"] = 25,
-				},
-			},
-			["boss"] = {
-				["portrait"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["overlay"] = true,
-				},
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["arena"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["targettarget"] = {
-				["power"] = {
-					["width"] = "inset",
-				},
-			},
-			["assist"] = {
-				["targetsGroup"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["enable"] = false,
-			},
-		},
-		["statusbar"] = "Polished Wood",
-		["colors"] = {
-			["auraBarBuff"] = {
-				["b"] = 0.0941176470588236,
-				["g"] = 0.0784313725490196,
-				["r"] = 0.309803921568628,
-			},
-			["transparentPower"] = true,
-			["castColor"] = {
-				["b"] = 0.1,
-				["g"] = 0.1,
-				["r"] = 0.1,
-			},
-			["health"] = {
-				["b"] = 0.235294117647059,
-				["g"] = 0.235294117647059,
-				["r"] = 0.235294117647059,
-			},
-			["transparentHealth"] = true,
-			["transparentCastbar"] = true,
-			["transparentAurabars"] = true,
-		},
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["tank"]["enable"] = false
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["horizontalSpacing"] = 1
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["debuffs"]["sizeOverride"] = 21
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+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["debuffs"]["xOffset"] = -4
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["enable"] = true
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["yOffset"] = 28
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT"
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["clickThrough"] = true
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["useBlacklist"] = false
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["noDuration"] = false
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["playerOnly"] = false
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["perrow"] = 1
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs"
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["noConsolidated"] = false
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["sizeOverride"] = 22
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffs"]["xOffset"] = 30
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+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["GPSArrow"]["size"] = 40
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["buffIndicator"]["size"] = 10
+	E.db["unitframe"]["units"]["party"]["roleIcon"]["enable"] = false
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