
Updating code to patch 5.0.4.

Tirds [09-02-12 - 16:13]
Updating code to patch 5.0.4.
diff --git a/GridStatusSmartHealing.lua b/GridStatusSmartHealing.lua
index f732fe3..7b13636 100644
--- a/GridStatusSmartHealing.lua
+++ b/GridStatusSmartHealing.lua
@@ -292,9 +292,9 @@ end
 function GridStatusSmartHealing:UpdateRoster()
     self.roster = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {}, [4] = {}, [5] = {}, [6] = {}, [7] = {}, [8] = {} };

-    local RaidMemberNum = GetNumRaidMembers();
+    local RaidMemberNum = GetNumGroupMembers();

-    if (RaidMemberNum == 0) then
+    if (IsInRaid() == false) then
         tinsert(self.roster[1], "player");
         player_group = 1;
         for i = 1, 4 do
diff --git a/GridStatusSmartHealing.toc b/GridStatusSmartHealing.toc
index ac62dc2..7a6327c 100644
--- a/GridStatusSmartHealing.toc
+++ b/GridStatusSmartHealing.toc
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-## Interface: 40300
+## Interface: 50001
 ## Title: GridStatusSmartHealing
 ## Notes: Adds statuses to grid for best targets for smart heals.
 ## Dependencies: Grid, LibMapData-1.0
 ## Author: Tirds
-## Version: v0.2.1b
+## Version: v0.3b
 ## X-GridStatusModule: GridStatusSmartHealing

diff --git a/status/chainheal.lua b/status/chainheal.lua
index 0120d4c..32d6589 100644
--- a/status/chainheal.lua
+++ b/status/chainheal.lua
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ function GridStatusSmartHealing_ChainHeal:OnStatusEnable(status)
         healingPower = nil,
         crit = nil,
-        sparkOfLife = nil,
+        --sparkOfLife = nil,
         restoSpec = nil,
-        chGlyph = false,
+        --chGlyph = false,
         coef = 1,
     self.chainHeal =
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ function GridStatusSmartHealing_ChainHeal:Update()

         local text = '';
         if (Settings.centerTextOption == "bestTarget") then
-            text = "#" + i;
+            text = string.format("#%s", i);
             text = string.format("^%.1fk", path.totalHeal / 1000);
             --text = path.totalHeal;
@@ -254,13 +254,15 @@ end
 function GridStatusSmartHealing_ChainHeal:UpdateCoefs(e, ...)
     self.spellInfo.healingPower = GetSpellBonusHealing();
     self.spellInfo.crit = GetSpellCritChance(2);
-    self.spellInfo.restoSpec = GetPrimaryTalentTree() == 3;
+    self.spellInfo.restoSpec = GetSpecialization() == 3;
+    --self.spellInfo.restoSpec = GetSpecialization()
     local _, _, _, _, spark = GetTalentInfo(3, 3);

     -- 2%, 4%, 6% -- 3 differnt ranks
     -- spark = 1-3
-    self.spellInfo.sparkOfLife = (spark * 2) / 100;
-    self.spellInfo.chGlyph = SmartHealing:HasGlyph(ChainHealGlyph);
+    --self.spellInfo.sparkOfLife = (spark * 2) / 100;
+    --self.spellInfo.chGlyph = SmartHealing:HasGlyph(ChainHealGlyph);

     if (self.spellInfo.restoSpec) then
         self.spellInfo.coef = 1 + 0.25;
@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ function GridStatusSmartHealing_ChainHeal:UpdateCoefs(e, ...)
     -- jump1 really isnt a jump its the main target.
     local jump1, jump2, jump3, jump4;

+    --[[
     if (self.spellInfo.chGlyph) then
         local coef = self.spellInfo.coef - 0.10;
         jump1 = (self.chainHeal.base + self.spellInfo.healingPower * self.chainHeal.coef) * coef;
@@ -276,11 +279,12 @@ function GridStatusSmartHealing_ChainHeal:UpdateCoefs(e, ...)
         jump3 = (jump2 * 0.70) * 1.15;
         jump4 = (jump3 * 0.70) * 1.15;
-        jump1 = (self.chainHeal.base + self.spellInfo.healingPower * self.chainHeal.coef) * self.spellInfo.coef;
-        jump2 = (jump1 * 0.70);
-        jump3 = (jump2 * 0.70);
-        jump4 = (jump3 * 0.70);
-    end
+    ]]--
+    jump1 = (self.chainHeal.base + self.spellInfo.healingPower * self.chainHeal.coef) * self.spellInfo.coef;
+    jump2 = (jump1 * 0.70);
+    jump3 = (jump2 * 0.70);
+    jump4 = (jump3 * 0.70);
+    --end

     self.chainHeal.jumps[1] = jump1;
     self.chainHeal.jumps[2] = jump2;