
Rewrite of inspect module to use LibGroupInSpecT.

Peter Eliasson [07-30-16 - 17:55]
Rewrite of inspect module to use LibGroupInSpecT.

Using a proven lib is likely better than creating a new one from scratch.
LGIST also provides some nice features, such as syncing inspect data among
raid members.
diff --git a/src/inspect.lua b/src/inspect.lua
index 002d331..ef93ae3 100644
--- a/src/inspect.lua
+++ b/src/inspect.lua
@@ -4,24 +4,27 @@
 -- Contains the inspect module. The inspect module
 -- is used for getting additional information about
 -- players that can only be gotten by doing an inspection
--- of them. These datas are item level and spec.
+-- of them.
--- The module has an inspectCache that is used to reduce
--- the number of inspects required, as inspects are quite
--- slow to perform. This cache is automatically added to
--- for every successful inspect.
--- The module tries to inspect the raid whenever the player
--- enters a raid instance and clears the inspect cache when
--- the player leaves the group.
+-- The module uses LibGroupInSpecT for keeping track of
+-- the group members and performing the inspects. A local
+-- playerInfo table is kept, as we are also interested in
+-- the item levels of the group members.
+-- The local playerInfo table is index by player guid and
+-- may have a value for the following keys:
+--  * itemLevel: Avg equiped item level of the player
+--  * specName: Name of player's current spec
+--  * specRole: Role of the player's current spec

 local addonName, addonTable = ...

 -- Global functions for faster access
-local tinsert = tinsert;
 local floor = floor;
-local wipe = wipe;
+-- LibGroupInSpecT, lib handling inspection of group members
+local LGIST = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibGroupInSpecT-1.1")

 -- ItemUpgradeInfo, lib for information about item upgrades applied to items.
 local ItemUpgradeInfo = LibStub("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0")
@@ -31,63 +34,19 @@ local addon = addonTable[1];
 local inspect = addon:NewModule("inspect", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0")
 addon.inspect = inspect;

--- How many seconds before a cached inspect is considered invalid.
--- How many seconds before an attempted inspect is canceled.
+-- Slots used for calculating item level of a player

-local NOOP = function() end
--- UnitGUID("player") seems to not always be available here,
--- so PLAYER_GUID is set in OnEnable.
-local PLAYER_GUID = nil;
--- A map from player GUID to an object: {itemLevel, specName, time}
-local inspectCache = {};
--- Function returning true if the player is currently in a
--- PVE instance.
-local function isInPVEInstance()
-	local isInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance();
-	return inInstance and (instanceType == "party" or instanceType == "raid")
--- Attempts to get the talent spec name of the provided unitName.
--- The unitName must either be "player" or a unit currently being
--- inspected.
-local function getTalentSpec(unitName)
-	if unitName == "player" then
-		local spec = GetSpecialization();
-		if spec and spec > 0 then
-			local _, name = GetSpecializationInfo(spec);
-			return name;
-		end
-	else
-		local spec = GetInspectSpecialization(unitName)
-		if spec and spec > 0 then
-			local role = GetSpecializationRoleByID(spec);
-			if role then
-				local _, name = GetSpecializationInfoByID(spec);
-				return name
-			end
-		end
-	end

 -- Attempts to get the item level of the provided unitName.
 -- The unitName must either be "player" or a unit currently being
 -- inspected.
 local function getItemLevel(unitName)
-	if unitName == "player" then
+	if unitName == "player" or UnitIsUnit(unitName, "player") then
 		local _, equipped = GetAverageItemLevel();
 		return floor(equipped);
@@ -96,7 +55,6 @@ local function getItemLevel(unitName)
 			local slotName = INVENTORY_SLOT_NAMES[i];
 			local slotId = GetInventorySlotInfo(slotName);
 			local itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink(unitName, slotId);
 			if itemLink then
 				itemLevel = ItemUpgradeInfo:GetUpgradedItemLevel(itemLink)
 				if itemLevel and itemLevel > 0 then
@@ -113,114 +71,35 @@ local function getItemLevel(unitName)

--- Returns true if the inspectCache has an entry for the playerId
--- specified. If the optional ignoreExpired flag is true, then
--- this function will not check the time of the stored entry.
-local function hasPlayerInspectCache(playerId, ignoreExpired)
-	if inspectCache[playerId] and ignoreExpired then
-		return true -- We have a cache, might be expired
-	elseif inspectCache[playerId] and inspectCache[playerId].time then
-		local isExpired = (GetTime() - inspectCache[playerId].time) > INSPECT_CACHE_TIMEOUT
-		local hasAllAttributes = inspectCache[playerId].specName and inspectCache[playerId].itemLevel;
-		return (not isExpired and hasAllAttributes)
-	else
-		return false; -- No entry for player id
-	end
--- Removes any entry for the specified playerId from the
--- inspectCache.
-local function unsetPlayerInspectCache(playerId)
-	inspectCache[playerId] = nil;
--- Sets the entry for a player with the specified playerId to match
--- the provided values.
-local function setPlayerInspectCache(playerId, specName, itemLevel)
-	inspectCache[playerId] = {};
-	inspectCache[playerId].specName = specName;
-	inspectCache[playerId].itemLevel = itemLevel;
-	if specName and itemLevel then
-		-- Dont set time if not all values are provided, as that would
-		-- make this entry valid and prevent inspections of the player
-		-- for the duration of the INSPECT_CACHE_TIMEOUT.
-		inspectCache[playerId].time = GetTime();
-	end
--- Starts the timer for doing inspects, if not already started.
-function inspect:StartNotifyInspectTimer()
-	if not self.notifyInspectTimer then
-		self:Debug("Starting notifyInspectTimer");
-		self.notifyInspectTimer = self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(function()
-			self:OnNotifyInspectTimerDone()
-	end
--- Stops the NotifyInspect timer, if not already stopped.
-function inspect:StopNotifyInspectTimer()
-	if self.notifyInspectTimer then
-		self:Debug("Stopping notifyInspectTimer");
-		self:CancelTimer(self.notifyInspectTimer);
-		self.notifyInspectTimer = nil;
-	end
--- Adds a player object to the queue of players to inspect.
--- The provided callback will be called with the result of the
--- inspect when done.
-function inspect:QueueInspect(player, callback)
-	self:Debug("QueueInspect", player.name)
-	if not self.inspectQueue[player.id] then
-		self.inspectQueue[player.id] = {player = player, callbacks = {}};
-	end
-	tinsert(self.inspectQueue[player.id].callbacks, callback);
-	self:StartNotifyInspectTimer();
--- Attempts to set fields on the player object by using
--- cached data from the inspectCache. Returns true if data
--- was available and not expired. False if no data could be
--- found or the data was expired. Note that data will be added
--- to the player object even if the data is expired.
-function inspect:SetCachedInspectDataForPlayer(player)
-	if player.id == PLAYER_GUID then
-		player.specName = getTalentSpec("player")
-		player.itemLevel = getItemLevel("player");
-		return true
-	elseif hasPlayerInspectCache(player.id, false) then
-		player.specName = inspectCache[player.id].specName;
-		player.itemLevel = inspectCache[player.id].itemLevel;
-		return true
-	elseif hasPlayerInspectCache(player.id, true) then
-		-- Expired cache, but better than nothing
-		player.specName = inspectCache[player.id].specName;
-		player.itemLevel = inspectCache[player.id].itemLevel;
-		return false
-	else
-		return false
-	end
 -- Helper method for getting inspect data for a single player,
 -- calling the provided callback on success/error.
 function inspect:GetInspectDataForPlayer(player, callback)
-	-- Make sure we always have a callback
-	callback = callback and callback or NOOP;
+	local playerId = player.id;
+	local playerInfo = self.playerInfo[playerId]
+	if playerInfo then
+		-- If the playerInfo object is missing expected values,
+		-- make sure that that player is queued for a re-inspect.
+		if not (playerInfo["specName"] and playerInfo["itemLevel"] and playerInfo["specRole"]) then
+			LGIST:Rescan(playerId)
+		end
+		-- Set inspect-only data
+		player["specName"] = playerInfo["specName"];
+		player["itemLevel"] = playerInfo["itemLevel"];

-	if self:SetCachedInspectDataForPlayer(player) then
-		return callback()
-	elseif not CanInspect(player.name, false) then
-		return callback()
+		-- Add role from spec if role is not already a valid role
+		if not (role == "TANK" or role == "HEALER" or role == "DAMAGER") then
+			player["role"] = playerInfo["specRole"];
+		end
+		self:Debug("inspect:GetInspectDataForPlayer", "success",
+			player["specName"], player["itemLevel"], player["role"]);
-		self:QueueInspect(player, callback);
+		self:Debug("inspect:GetInspectDataForPlayer", "fail");
+	callback()

 -- Takes a list of player objects and tries to get inspect data
@@ -241,131 +120,55 @@ function inspect:GetInspectDataForPlayers(players, callback)

--- Tries to pre-inspect all guild members of a raid group
--- to populate the inspectCache for the players.
-function inspect:PreInspectGroup()
-	self:Debug("PreInspectGroup")
-	for i=1, GetNumGroupMembers() do
-		local playerName = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
-		if playerName and addon:IsInMyGuild(playerName) then
-			local playerId = UnitGUID(playerName)
-			if playerId and playerId ~= PLAYER_GUID and not hasPlayerInspectCache(playerId) then
-				local player = {name = playerName, id = playerId}
-				self:QueueInspect(player, NOOP);
-			end
-		end
-	end
--- Resolves a pending inspect for playerId. If successful
--- sets the player object's data to the new values. Calls
--- all callbacks registered for this player id and removes
--- the player id from the queue of inspects.
-function inspect:ResolveInspect(playerId, success)
-	if not self.inspectQueue[playerId] then
-		return
-	end
-	local player = self.inspectQueue[playerId].player;
-	local callbacks = self.inspectQueue[playerId].callbacks;
-	self.inspectQueue[playerId] = nil;
-	self:Debug("ResolveInspect", player.name, (success and "success" or "fail"))
-	if success then
-		if not hasPlayerInspectCache(player.id, false) then
-			local specName = getTalentSpec(player.name);
-			local itemLevel = getItemLevel(player.name);
-			setPlayerInspectCache(player.id, specName, itemLevel);
-		end
-		player.specName = inspectCache[player.id].specName;
-		player.itemLevel = inspectCache[player.id].itemLevel;
-		ClearInspectPlayer();
-	end
-	for _,callback in ipairs(callbacks) do
-		callback();
-	end
--- Called once every INSPECT_CANCEL_TIMEOUT seconds. If a
--- sent inspect request is currently pending this request will
--- be canceld and considered failed.
--- If any inspects are queued a request for a new inspect is
--- sent.
-function inspect:OnNotifyInspectTimerDone()
-	-- Timeout any current inspection
-	if self.currentInspectPlayerId then
-		self:ResolveInspect(self.currentInspectPlayerId, false);
-		self.currentInspectPlayerId = nil;
-	end
+-- LGIST event for INSPECT_READY where we can perform our own
+-- inspection handling. In our case, we need to try and grab
+-- the item level here, as that is not provided by LGIST.
+function inspect:GroupInSpecT_InspectReady(evt, guid, unit)
+	self.playerInfo[guid] = self.playerInfo[guid] or {};
+	local playerInfo = self.playerInfo[guid];

-	local playerId, inspectData = next(self.inspectQueue);
-	if playerId then
-		NotifyInspect(inspectData.player.name);
-		self.currentInspectPlayerId = playerId;
-	else
-		self:StopNotifyInspectTimer();
+	-- Getting the item level is unreliable, as it requires
+	-- proximity to the target (among other things?). Because
+	-- of that we keep the old itemLevel if we can not get a
+	-- new one. This might mean that we don't pick up on all
+	-- item changes. However, as LGIST might re-inspect players
+	-- frequently, we instead optimize for the case where players
+	-- do not change their item levels.
+	local itemLevel = getItemLevel(unit);
+	if itemLevel then
+		playerInfo["itemLevel"] = itemLevel;

-function inspect:INSPECT_READY(evt, GUID)
-	if self.currentInspectPlayerId == GUID then
-		self:ResolveInspect(self.currentInspectPlayerId, true)
-		self.currentInspectPlayerId = nil;
-	end
+	self:Debug("inspect:GroupInSpecT_InspectReady", unit, itemLevel, playerInfo["itemLevel"])

-function inspect:GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE(evt)
-	if not IsInGroup() then
-		self:Debug("Left group, wiping inspect cache");
-		wipe(inspectCache);
-		wipe(inspect.inspectQueue);
-		inspect.currentInspectPlayerId = nil;
-	end
+-- LGIST event for when info for a player is ready or has been modified.
+function inspect:GroupInSpecT_Update(evt, guid, unit, info)
+	self.playerInfo[guid] = self.playerInfo[guid] or {};
+	local playerInfo = self.playerInfo[guid];

-function inspect:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA(evt)
-	if isInPVEInstance() then
-		-- We just zoned into an instance, try pre-inspecting the group
-		self:PreInspectGroup();
-	end
+	-- Copy data we are interested in
+	playerInfo["specName"] = info.spec_name_localized;
+	playerInfo["specRole"] = info.spec_role;

-function inspect:PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED(evt, unitId)
-	if unitId and unitId ~= "player" then
-		local playerId = UnitGUID(unitId);
-		unsetPlayerInspectCache(playerId);
-	end
+-- LGIST event for when a member leaves the group.
+function inspect:GroupInSpecT_Remove(evt, guid)
+	self.playerInfo[guid] = nil;

 function inspect:OnEnable()
-	PLAYER_GUID = UnitGUID("player");
+	self.playerInfo = {};

-	inspect.inspectQueue = {};
-	inspect.notifyInspectTimer = nil;
-	inspect.currentInspectPlayerId = nil;
-	self:RegisterEvent("INSPECT_READY");
-	self:RegisterEvent("GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE");
-	self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
+	LGIST.RegisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_Update");
+	LGIST.RegisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_Remove");
+	LGIST.RegisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_InspectReady");

 function inspect:OnDisable()
-	self:UnregisterEvent("INSPECT_READY");
-	self:UnregisterEvent("GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE");
-	self:UnregisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
-	self:StopNotifyInspectTimer();
+	LGIST.UnregisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_Update");
+	LGIST.UnregisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_Remove");
+	LGIST.UnregisterCallback(self, "GroupInSpecT_InspectReady");

-	wipe(inspectCache);
-	wipe(inspect.inspectQueue);
-	inspect.currentInspectPlayerId = nil;
\ No newline at end of file
+	self.playerInfo = nil;