
Minor cleanup in inspect module.

Peter Eliasson [03-09-15 - 10:31]
Minor cleanup in inspect module.
diff --git a/src/inspect.lua b/src/inspect.lua
index 78387de..caaf26f 100644
--- a/src/inspect.lua
+++ b/src/inspect.lua
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ function inspect:QueueInspect(player, callback)

 -- Attempts to set fields on the player object by using
--- cached data from the inspectCage. Returns true if data
+-- cached data from the inspectCache. Returns true if data
 -- was available and not expired. False if no data could be
 -- found or the data was expired. Note that data will be added
 -- to the player object even if the data is expired.
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ function inspect:ResolveInspect(playerId, success)
 	self:Debug("ResolveInspect", player.name, (success and "success" or "fail"))

 	if success then
-		if not hasPlayerInspectCache(player.id) then
+		if not hasPlayerInspectCache(player.id, false) then
 			local specName = getTalentSpec(player.name);
 			local itemLevel = getItemLevel(player.name);
 			setPlayerInspectCache(player.id, specName, itemLevel);