
Added Russian localization

FranekWoW [06-13-19 - 22:56]
Added Russian localization
diff --git a/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc b/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
index abfa148..97b2926 100644
--- a/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
+++ b/HandyNotes_ShrinesForJewelcrafters.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: HandyNotes: Shrines For Jewelcrafters
 ## Notes: All six shrine locations for jewelcrafters
 ## Author: FranekWoW
-## Version: 1.0.0
+## Version: 1.1.1
 ## DefaultState: enabled
 ## X-Category: Map
 ## X-eMail:
diff --git a/Localization/ruRU.lua b/Localization/ruRU.lua
index 8016f2e..95f748a 100644
--- a/Localization/ruRU.lua
+++ b/Localization/ruRU.lua
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@ L["Shrine of Storms"] = true
 L["Owlseye"] = true

 -- Waypoints
-L["Create waypoint"] = true
-L["Create all waypoints"] = true
-L["Hide node"] = true
-L["Close"] = true
+L["Create waypoint"] = "Создать путевую точку"
+L["Create all waypoints"] = "Создать все путевые точки"
+L["Hide node"] = "Скрыть точку"
+L["Close"] = "Закрыть"

 -- Options
-L["Icon settings"] = true
-L["These settings control the look of the icon."] = true
-L["Icon Scale"] = true
-L["The scale of the icons"] = true
-L["Icon Alpha"] = true
-L["The alpha transparency of the icons"] = true
-L["World Map"] = true
-L["Show icons on world map"] = true
-L["Minimap"] = true
-L["Show icons on the minimap"] = true
-L["What to display"] = true
-L["Show Shrines"] = true
-L["Show Shrines which Jewelercrafters can use to create gems"] = true
-L["Reset hidden nodes"] = true
-L["Show all nodes that you manually hid by right-clicking on them and choosing \"hide\"."] = true
\ No newline at end of file
+L["Icon settings"] = "Настройки Значков"
+L["These settings control the look of the icon."] = "Эти настройки управляют внешним видом значка."
+L["Icon Scale"] = "Масштаб Значков"
+L["The scale of the icons"] = "Масштаб Значков"
+L["Icon Alpha"] = "Альфа Значок"
+L["The alpha transparency of the icons"] = "Прозрачность значков"
+L["World Map"] = "Карта Мира"
+L["Show icons on world map"] = "Показать значки на карте мира"
+L["Minimap"] = "Мини-карта"
+L["Show icons on the minimap"] = "Показать значки на мини-карте"
+L["What to display"] = "Что отображать"
+L["Show Shrines"] = "Показать святыни"
+L["Show Shrines which Jewelercrafters can use to create gems"] = "Показать святыни, которые ювелиры могут использовать для создания драгоценных камней"
+L["Reset hidden nodes"] = "Сбросить скрытые точки"
+L["Show all nodes that you manually hid by right-clicking on them and choosing \"hide\"."] = "Показать все точки, которые вы вручную скрыли, щелкнув по ним правой кнопкой мыши и выбрав \"скрыть\"."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Shrines.lua b/Shrines.lua
index 2bb9292..2b870bf 100644
--- a/Shrines.lua
+++ b/Shrines.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
 local myname, ns = ...
-local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, true)
--- ns.merge = merge
--- ns.path = path
--- local merge = function(t1, t2)
---     if not t2 then return t1 end
---     for k, v in pairs(t2) do
---         t1[k] = v
---     end
--- end
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, false)

 local path_meta = {__index = {
     label = "Path to treasure",
@@ -18,19 +8,14 @@ local path_meta = {__index = {
     scale = 1.1,

-local path = function(details)
-    return setmetatable(details or {}, path_meta)
--- ns.map_spellids = {
---     -- [862] = 0, -- Zuldazar
---     -- [863] = 0, -- Nazmir
---     -- [864] = 0, -- Vol'dun
---     -- [895] = 0, -- Tiragarde Sound
---     -- [896] = 0, -- Drustvar
---     -- [942] = 0, -- Stormsong Valley
--- }
+ns.map_spellids = {
+    -- [862] = 0, -- Zuldazar
+    -- [863] = 0, -- Nazmir
+    -- [864] = 0, -- Vol'dun
+    -- [895] = 0, -- Tiragarde Sound
+    -- [896] = 0, -- Drustvar
+    -- [942] = 0, -- Stormsong Valley

 ns.points = {
     [862] = { -- Zuldazar
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index f63e331..1c14994 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 local myname, ns = ...
-local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, true)
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, false)

 ns.defaults = {
     profile = {
diff --git a/handler.lua b/handler.lua
index f29022d..4a2bbc3 100644
--- a/handler.lua
+++ b/handler.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 local myname, ns = ...
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, false)

 local HandyNotes = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("HandyNotes")
 local HL = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(myname, "AceEvent-3.0")
-local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(myname, true)

 ns.HL = HL

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local HandyNotes = HandyNotes

 local ARTIFACT_LABEL = '|cffff8000' .. ARTIFACT_POWER .. '|r'

-local cache_tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "HNJewelcraftingNotes")
+local cache_tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "HNBattleTreasuresTooltip")
     cache_tooltip:CreateFontString("$parentTextLeft1", nil, "GameTooltipText"),
     cache_tooltip:CreateFontString("$parentTextRight1", nil, "GameTooltipText")
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local function mob_name(id)
         cache_tooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
         if cache_tooltip:IsShown() then
-            name_cache[id] = HNJewelcraftingNotesTextLeft1:GetText()
+            name_cache[id] = HNBattleTreasuresTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()
     return name_cache[id]
@@ -198,13 +198,6 @@ do
                 info.arg2 = currentCoord
                 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
-                info.text = L["Create all waypoints"]
-                info.notCheckable = 1
-                info.func = createWaypointBulk
-                info.arg1 = currentZone
-                UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
-                wipe(info)

             -- Hide menu item