
Now with localization for the Enchants (I hope).

kibsgaard [08-18-14 - 18:05]
Now with localization for the Enchants (I hope).
Please PM me on curse if it doesn't work in your language and state what "Enchanted:" is in your language (on the tooltips)

Signed-off-by: kibsgaard <kibsgaard@curseforge.com>
diff --git a/KibsItemLevel.toc b/KibsItemLevel.toc
index 0eda572..ae4e7fd 100644
--- a/KibsItemLevel.toc
+++ b/KibsItemLevel.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
-## Version: 0.2.2
-## Title: KibsItemLevel
+## Version: 0.4
 ## Author: Kibs
 ## SavedVariables: KibsItemLevelConfig