
ADDED: Timer module (Track kills within specified time).

F16Gaming [11-20-11 - 19:28]
ADDED: Timer module (Track kills within specified time).
diff --git a/Command.lua b/Command.lua
index dbf4f78..55f9d3c 100644
--- a/Command.lua
+++ b/Command.lua
@@ -132,6 +132,36 @@ C:Register({"list", "moblist", "mobs"}, function(args)

+C:Register({"time", "timer"}, function(args)
+	if #args <= 0 then
+		KT:Msg("Usage: time <seconds> [minutes] [hours]")
+		KT:Msg("Usage: time <seconds>[s<minutes>m[<hours>h]]")
+		return
+	end
+	local s, m, h
+	if #args == 1 then
+		if not tonumber(args[1]) then
+			args[1] = args[1]:lower()
+			s = args[1]:match("(%d+)s")
+			m = args[1]:match("(%d+)m")
+			h = args[1]:match("(%d+)h")
+			if not s and not m and not h then
+				KT:Msg("Invalid number format.")
+				return
+			end
+		else
+			s = tonumber(args[1])
+		end
+	else
+		s = tonumber(args[1])
+		m = tonumber(args[2])
+		h = tonumber(args[3])
+	end
+	KT.TimerFrame:Start(s, m, h)
 for i,v in ipairs(C.Slash) do
 	_G["SLASH_" .. KT.Name:upper() .. i] = "/" .. v
diff --git a/KillTrack.lua b/KillTrack.lua
index 918f8fe..0f94c53 100644
--- a/KillTrack.lua
+++ b/KillTrack.lua
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ function KT.Events.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(self, ...)
 	local name = tostring((select(9, ...)))
 	if id == 0 then return end
 	self:AddKill(id, name)
+	if self.Timer:IsRunning() then
+		self.Timer:SetData("Kills", self.Timer:GetData("Kills", true) + 1)
+	end

 function KT.Events.UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT(self, ...)
diff --git a/KillTrack.toc b/KillTrack.toc
index e9153a2..8fe7263 100644
--- a/KillTrack.toc
+++ b/KillTrack.toc
@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ KillTrack.lua
diff --git a/Timer.lua b/Timer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4bb3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Timer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+KillTrack.Timer = {
+	Time = {
+		Start = 0,
+		Stop = 0
+	},
+	Running = false,
+	State = {
+		START = 0,
+		UPDATE = 1,
+		STOP = 2
+	}
+local KT = KillTrack
+local T = KT.Timer
+local KTT = KillTrack_Tools
+local TimerData = {}
+local function FormatTime(s)
+	local h = floor(s/60/60)
+	local m = floor(s/60) - h * 60
+	s = s - h * 60 ^ 2 - m * 60
+	return ("%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f"):format(h, m, s)
+T.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local function TimeCheck(_, _)
+	if not T.Running then print("TIMER AUTO-STOP") T.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) return end
+	local now = time()
+	TimerData.Last = now
+	TimerData.Current = now - T.Time.Start
+	TimerData.Start = T.Time.Start
+	TimerData.Stop = T.Time.Stop
+	TimerData.Total = TimerData.Stop - TimerData.Start
+	TimerData.Left = TimerData.Total - TimerData.Current
+	TimerData.LeftFormat = FormatTime(TimerData.Left)
+	TimerData.Progress = TimerData.Current / TimerData.Total
+	T:RunCallback(T:GetAllData(), T.State.UPDATE)
+	if now >= T.Time.Stop then print("TIMER REACHED END") T:Stop() end
+function T:GetAllData()
+	return KTT:TableCopy(TimerData)
+function T:GetData(key, failsafe)
+	local r
+	if failsafe then r = 0 end
+	if not TimerData.__DATA__ then if failsafe then return 0 else return nil end end
+	return TimerData.__DATA__[key] or r
+function T:SetData(key, value)
+	if type(TimerData.__DATA__) ~= "table" then TimerData.__DATA__ = {} end
+	TimerData.__DATA__[key] = value
+function T:IsRunning()
+	return self.Running
+function T:Start(seconds, minutes, hours, callback, data)
+	if self.Running then return end
+	self.Running = true
+	self:Reset()
+	seconds = tonumber(seconds) or 0
+	minutes = tonumber(minutes) or 0
+	hours = tonumber(hours) or 0
+	seconds = seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 60 ^ 2
+	if seconds <= 0 then
+		self.Running = false
+		KT:Msg("Time must be greater than zero.")
+		return
+	end
+	if type(callback) == "function" then
+		self:SetCallback(callback)
+	end
+	if type(data) == "table" then
+		for k,v in pairs(data) do
+			self:SetData(k, v)
+		end
+	end
+	self.Time.Start = time()
+	self.Time.Stop = self.Time.Start + seconds
+	self:RunCallback(self:GetAllData(), self.State.START)
+	self.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", TimeCheck)
+	print("TIMER START")
+function T:Stop()
+	if not self.Running then return end
+	self.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	self:RunCallback(self:GetAllData(), self.State.STOP)
+	self.Running = false
+	self.Time.Diff = self.Time.Stop - self.Time.Start
+	print("TIMER STOPPED")
+	return self.Time.Diff
+function T:Reset()
+	wipe(TimerData)
+	self.Time.Start = 0
+	self.Time.Stop = 0
+function T:GetCallback()
+	return self.Callback
+function T:SetCallback(func)
+	if type(func) ~= "function" then error("Argument 'func' must be of type 'function'.") end
+	self.Callback = func
+function T:RunCallback(data, state)
+	if type(data) ~= "table" then error("Argument 'data' must be of type 'table'.") end
+	local callback = self:GetCallback()
+	if callback then callback(data, state) end
diff --git a/TimerFrame.lua b/TimerFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6283cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TimerFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+local BAR_MAX_WIDTH = 190
+local function Enabled(object, enabled)
+	if not object.Enable or not object.Disable then return end
+	if enabled then
+		object:Enable()
+	else
+		object:Disable()
+	end
+local function Toggle(object)
+	if not object.IsEnabled or not object.Enable or not object.Disable then return end
+	if object:IsEnabled() then
+		object:Disable()
+	else
+		object:Enable()
+	end
+KillTrack.TimerFrame = {
+	Running = false
+local KT = KillTrack
+local TF = KT.TimerFrame
+local T = KillTrack.Timer
+function TF:InitializeControls()
+	KillTrackTimerFrame_CurrentCount:SetText("0")
+	KillTrackTimerFrame_TimeCount:SetText("00:00:00")
+	KillTrackTimerFrame_ProgressLabel:SetText("0%")
+	KillTrackTimerFrame_ProgressBar:SetWidth(0.01)
+	self:UpdateControls()
+function TF:UpdateControls()
+	Enabled(KillTrackTimerFrame_CancelButton, self.Running)
+	Enabled(KillTrackTimerFrame_CloseButton, not self.Running)
+function TF:UpdateData(data, state)
+	if state == T.State.START then
+		self:InitializeControls()
+	else
+		local kills = T:GetData("Kills", true)
+		local kpm, kps
+		if data.Current <= 0 then
+			kpm, kps = 0, 0
+		else
+			kpm = kills / (data.Current / 60)
+			kps = kills / data.Current
+		end
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_CurrentCount:SetText(kills)
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_TimeCount:SetText(data.LeftFormat)
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_ProgressLabel:SetText(floor(data.Progress*100) .. "%")
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_ProgressBar:SetWidth(data.Progress <= 0 and 0.01 or BAR_MAX_WIDTH * data.Progress)
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_KillsPerMinuteCount:SetText(("%.2f"):format(kpm))
+		KillTrackTimerFrame_KillsPerSecondCount:SetText(("%.2f"):format(kps))
+		if state == T.State.STOP then self:Stop() end
+	end
+	self:UpdateControls()
+function TF:Start(s, m, h)
+	if self.Running then return end
+	self.Running = true
+	self:InitializeControls()
+	KillTrackTimerFrame:Show()
+	T:Start(s, m, h, function(d, u) TF:UpdateData(d, u) end, nil)
+function TF:Stop()
+	if not self.Running then return end
+	self.Running = false
+function TF:Cancel()
+	T:Stop()
+function TF:Close()
+	self:InitializeControls()
+	KillTrackTimerFrame:Hide()
diff --git a/TimerFrame.xml b/TimerFrame.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c4e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TimerFrame.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Font name="KillTrackFontTemplate" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" virtual="true">
+		<Color a="1" r="1" g="1" b="1" />
+		<FontHeight>
+			<AbsValue val="10" />
+		</FontHeight>
+	</Font>
+	<Frame name="KillTrackTimerFrame" hidden="true" movable="true" enableMouse="true">
+		<Size>
+			<AbsDimension x="200" y="93" />
+		</Size>
+		<Anchors>
+			<Anchor point="CENTER" />
+		</Anchors>
+		<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
+			<EdgeSize>
+				<AbsValue val="16" />
+			</EdgeSize>
+			<TileSize>
+				<AbsValue val="32" />
+			</TileSize>
+			<BackgroundInsets>
+				<AbsInset left="2.5" right="2.5" top="2.5" bottom="2.5" />
+			</BackgroundInsets>
+		</Backdrop>
+		<Scripts>
+			<OnMouseDown>self:StartMoving();</OnMouseDown>
+			<OnMouseUp>self:StopMovingOrSizing();</OnMouseUp>
+		</Scripts>
+		<Layers>
+			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
+				<FontString name="$parent_CurrentLabel" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="Number of kills:">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="6" y="-6" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_CurrentCount" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="0">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="-6" y="-6" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_TimeLabel" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="Time left:">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_CurrentLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_TimeCount" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="00:00:00">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_CurrentCount" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_KillsPerMinuteLabel" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="Kills Per Minute:">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_TimeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_KillsPerMinuteCount" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="0">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_TimeCount" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_KillsPerSecondLabel" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="Kills Per Second:">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_KillsPerMinuteLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_KillsPerSecondCount" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="0">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_KillsPerMinuteCount" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+				<FontString name="$parent_ProgressLabel" inherits="KillTrackFontTemplate" text="0%">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOP">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="0" y="-55" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+			</Layer>
+			<Layer level="ARTWORK">
+				<Texture name="$parent_ProgressBar" file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar">
+					<Color a="1" r="0" g="1" b="0" />
+					<Size>
+						<AbsDimension x="1" y="12" />
+					</Size>
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_KillsPerSecondLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="-1" y="-2" />
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+			</Layer>
+		</Layers>
+		<Frames>
+			<Button name="$parent_CancelButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate2" text="Cancel">
+				<Size>
+					<AbsDimension x="60" y="16" />
+				</Size>
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOM">
+						<Offset>
+							<AbsDimension x="-40" y="7" />
+						</Offset>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnLoad>self:Disable();</OnLoad>
+					<OnClick>KillTrack.TimerFrame:Cancel();</OnClick>
+				</Scripts>
+			</Button>
+			<Button name="$parent_CloseButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate2" text="Close">
+				<Size>
+					<AbsDimension x="60" y="16" />
+				</Size>
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOM">
+						<Offset>
+							<AbsDimension x="40" y="7" />
+						</Offset>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnLoad>self:Disable();</OnLoad>
+					<OnClick>KillTrack.TimerFrame:Close();</OnClick>
+				</Scripts>
+			</Button>
+		</Frames>
+	</Frame>