
v1.14 - 7.0 patch update, unit auta

Pawel [10-08-16 - 03:31]
v1.14 - 7.0 patch update, unit auta
diff --git a/TDDps.lua b/TDDps.lua
index 3888bd0..c2d3097 100644
--- a/TDDps.lua
+++ b/TDDps.lua
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ _tdError = '|cFFF0563D';
 _tdSuccess = '|cFFBCCF02';

 local _DPS_time = 0;
+-- Globals for time to die
+TDDps_TargetGuid = nil;
+TD_Hp0, TD_T0, TD_Hpm, TD_Tm = nil, nil, nil, nil;
 local Classes = {
 	[1] = 'Warrior',
 	[2] = 'Paladin',
@@ -126,6 +130,15 @@ function TDDps_OnEvent(self, event)
 	elseif event == 'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD' then
+	if event == 'PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED' then
+		TD_Hp0, TD_T0, TD_Hpm, TD_Tm = nil, nil, nil, nil;
+		if UnitExists('target') and not UnitIsFriend('player', 'target') then
+			TDDps_TargetGuid = UnitGUID('target');
+		else
+			TDDps_TargetGuid = nil;
+		end
+	end
 	if TDDps_Frame.rotationEnabled then
 		if event == 'PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED' then
 			if (UnitIsFriend('player', 'target')) then
diff --git a/TDDps.toc b/TDDps.toc
index bd6d696..692d31c 100644
--- a/TDDps.toc
+++ b/TDDps.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: TDDps
 ## Notes: Rotation helper framework.
-## Version: 1.13
+## Version: 1.14
 ## Author: Kaminaris
 ## Interface: 70000
 ## SavedVariables: TDDps_Options
diff --git a/TDHelper.lua b/TDHelper.lua
index 71cd708..cad6210 100644
--- a/TDHelper.lua
+++ b/TDHelper.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ _Netherwinds		= 160452;
 _DrumsOfFury		= 178207;
 _Exhaustion			= 57723;

+local INF = 2147483647;
 local _Bloodlusts = {_Bloodlust, _TimeWrap, _Heroism, _AncientHysteria, _Netherwinds, _DrumsOfFury};

@@ -51,6 +53,18 @@ function TD_Aura(name, timeShift)
 	return false, 0;

+-- Is aura on specific unit
+function TD_UnitAura(name, timeShift, unit)
+	timeShift = timeShift or 0.2;
+	local spellName = GetSpellInfo(name);
+	local _, _, _, count, _, _, expirationTime = UnitAura(unit, spellName);
+	if expirationTime ~= nil and (expirationTime - GetTime()) > timeShift then
+		return true, count;
+	end
+	return false, 0;

 -- Is aura on target
@@ -185,6 +199,44 @@ function TD_Cooldown(spell, timeShift)

+-- Time to die - NOT YET WORKING
+--TD_Hp0, TD_T0, TD_Hpm, TD_Tm
+function TD_TimeToDie(health)
+	local unit = UnitGUID('target');
+	if unit ~= TDDps_TargetGuid then
+		--print('phial');
+		return INF;
+	end
+	health = health or UnitHealth('target');
+	if health == UnitHealthMax('target') then
+		TD_Hp0, TD_T0, TD_Hpm, TD_Tm = nil, nil, nil, nil;
+		--print('phial2');
+		return INF;
+	end
+	local time = GetTime();
+	if not TD_Hp0 then
+		TD_Hp0, TD_T0 = health, time;
+		TD_Hpm, TD_Tm = health, time;
+		--print('phial3');
+		return INF;
+	end
+	TD_Hpm = (TD_Hpm + health) * .5;
+	TD_Tm = (TD_Tm + time) * .5;
+	if TD_Hpm >= TD_Hp0 then
+		TD_Hp0, TD_T0, TD_Hpm, TD_Tm = nil, nil, nil, nil;
+	else
+		return health * (TD_T0 - TD_Tm) / (TD_Hpm - TD_Hp0);
+	end
 -- Current or Future Mana Percent
 function TD_Mana(minus, timeShift)