
Add OvaleTotem module to keep state for player's totems.

Johnny C. Lam [12-15-14 - 15:46]
Add OvaleTotem module to keep state for player's totems.

OvaleTotem tracks everything that is considered to be a totem in-game.
This includes shaman totems, mage's Rune of Power and Prismatic Crystal,
druid Wild Mushroom, and monk statues.  Casting a spell that summons a
totem in the simulator will now actually summon the totem in the

Modify script conditions to use the new state methods provided by
OvaleTotem.  RuneOfPowerRemaining() is deprecated and the Totem*()
conditions now directly take the ID of the spell that summons the totem.

Decorate totem spell descriptions in the default scripts with information
used by OvaleTotem.
diff --git a/Ovale.toc b/Ovale.toc
index 106f8a1..7432344 100644
--- a/Ovale.toc
+++ b/Ovale.toc
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ ShadowWordDeath.lua

diff --git a/SimulationCraft.lua b/SimulationCraft.lua
index 6b09dd4..e4e78f3 100644
--- a/SimulationCraft.lua
+++ b/SimulationCraft.lua
@@ -186,27 +186,6 @@ local EMIT_DISAMBIGUATION = {}
 local OPERAND_TOKEN_PATTERN = "[^.]+"

-local TOTEM_TYPE = {
-	["prismatic_crystal"] = "crystal",	-- XXX
-	["capacitor_totem"] = "air",
-	["cloudburst_totem"] = "water",
-	["earth_elemental_totem"] = "earth",
-	["earthbind_totem"] = "earth",
-	["earthgrab_totem"] = "earth",
-	["fire_elemental_totem"] = "fire",
-	["grounding_totem"] = "air",
-	["healing_stream_totem"] = "water",
-	["healing_tide_totem"] = "water",
-	["magma_totem"] = "fire",
-	["mana_tide_totem"] = "water",
-	["searing_totem"] = "fire",
-	["spirit_link_totem"] = "air",
-	["storm_elemental_totem"] = "air",
-	["stone_bulwark_totem"] = "earth",
-	["tremor_totem"] = "earth",
-	["windwalk_totem"] = "air",
 local POTION_STAT = {
 	["draenic_agility"]		= "agility",
 	["draenic_armor"]		= "armor",
@@ -1065,6 +1044,23 @@ local function InitializeDisambiguation()
 	AddDisambiguation("shield_barrier",			"shield_barrier_tank",			"WARRIOR",		"protection")

+local function IsTotem(name)
+	if strsub(name, 1, 13) == "wild_mushroom" then
+		-- Druids.
+		return true
+	elseif name == "prismatic_crystal" or name == "rune_of_power" then
+		-- Mages.
+		return true
+	elseif strsub(name, -7, -1) == "_statue" then
+		-- Monks.
+		return true
+	elseif strsub(name, -6, -1) == "_totem" then
+		-- Shamans.
+		return true
+	end
+	return false
 local EMIT_VISITOR = nil
 -- Forward declarations of code generation functions.
 local Emit = nil
@@ -2003,14 +1999,8 @@ EmitOperandAction = function(operand, parseNode, nodeList, annotation, action, t

 	local code
 	if property == "active" then
-		if strsub(name, -6) == "_totem" then
-			local totemType = TOTEM_TYPE[name]
-			if totemType then
-				code = format("TotemPresent(%s totem=%s)", totemType, name)
-			else
-				code = format("TotemPresent(%s)", name)
-				symbol = false
-			end
+		if IsTotem(name) then
+			code = format("TotemPresent(%s)", name)
 			code = format("%s%sPresent(%s)", target, prefix, buffName)
 			symbol = buffName
@@ -2047,14 +2037,8 @@ EmitOperandAction = function(operand, parseNode, nodeList, annotation, action, t
 	elseif property == "recharge_time" then
 		code = format("SpellChargeCooldown(%s)", name)
 	elseif property == "remains" then
-		if strsub(name, -6) == "_totem" then
-			local totemType = TOTEM_TYPE[name]
-			if totemType then
-				code = format("TotemRemaining(%s totem=%s)", totemType, name)
-			else
-				code = format("TotemRemaining(%s)", name)
-				symbol = false
-			end
+		if IsTotem(name) then
+			code = format("TotemRemaining(%s)", name)
 			code = format("%s%sRemaining(%s)", buffTarget, prefix, buffName)
 			symbol = buffName
@@ -2478,21 +2462,13 @@ EmitOperandPet = function(operand, parseNode, nodeList, annotation, action)
 		local name = tokenIterator()
 		local property = tokenIterator()
 		name = Disambiguate(name, annotation.class, annotation.specialization)
-		local totemType = TOTEM_TYPE[name]
+		local isTotem = IsTotem(name)

 		local code
-		if property == "active" then
-			if totemType then
-				code = format("TotemPresent(%s totem=%s)", totemType, name)
-			else
-				code = format("TotemPresent(%s)", name)
-			end
-		elseif property == "remains" then
-			if totemType then
-				code = format("TotemRemaining(%s totem=%s)", totemType, name)
-			else
-				code = format("TotemRemaining(%s)", name)
-			end
+		if isTotem and property == "active" then
+			code = format("TotemPresent(%s)", name)
+		elseif isTotem and property == "remains" then
+			code = format("TotemRemaining(%s)", name)
 			-- Strip the "pet.<name>." from the operand and re-evaluate.
 			local pattern = format("^pet%%.%s%%.([%%w_.]+)", name)
@@ -2522,9 +2498,7 @@ EmitOperandPet = function(operand, parseNode, nodeList, annotation, action)
 		if ok and code then
 			annotation.astAnnotation = annotation.astAnnotation or {}
 			node = OvaleAST:ParseCode("expression", code, nodeList, annotation.astAnnotation)
-			if totemType then
-				AddSymbol(annotation, name)
-			end
+			AddSymbol(annotation, name)
 		ok = false
@@ -2732,7 +2706,7 @@ EmitOperandSpecial = function(operand, parseNode, nodeList, annotation, action,
 		AddSymbol(annotation, fbName)
 		AddSymbol(annotation, ffbName)
 	elseif class == "MAGE" and operand == "buff.rune_of_power.remains" then
-		code = "RuneOfPowerRemaining()"
+		code = "TotemRemaining(rune_of_power)"
 	elseif class == "MAGE" and operand == "dot.frozen_orb.ticking" then
 		-- The Frozen Orb is ticking if fewer than 10s have elapsed since it was cast.
 		local name = "frozen_orb"
diff --git a/Totem.lua b/Totem.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b620d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Totem.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2014 Johnny C. Lam.
+    See the file LICENSE.txt for copying permission.
+local OVALE, Ovale = ...
+local OvaleTotem = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleTotem", "AceEvent-3.0")
+Ovale.OvaleTotem = OvaleTotem
+local OvaleProfiler = Ovale.OvaleProfiler
+-- Forward declarations for module dependencies.
+local OvaleData = nil
+local OvaleSpellBook = nil
+local OvaleState = nil
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local pairs = pairs
+local API_GetTotemInfo = GetTotemInfo
+local API_UnitClass = UnitClass
+local AIR_TOTEM_SLOT = AIR_TOTEM_SLOT		-- FrameXML\Constants
+local FIRE_TOTEM_SLOT = FIRE_TOTEM_SLOT		-- FrameXML\Constants
+local INFINITY = math.huge
+local MAX_TOTEMS = MAX_TOTEMS				-- FrameXML\Constants
+-- Register for profiling.
+-- Player's class.
+local _, self_class = API_UnitClass("player")
+-- Current age of totem state.
+local self_serial = 0
+-- Classes that can have totems.
+local TOTEM_CLASS = {
+	DRUID = true,			-- Wild Mushroom
+	MAGE = true,			-- Rune of Power, Prismatic Crystal
+	MONK = true,			-- Summon Black Ox Statue, Summon Jade Serpent Statue
+	SHAMAN = true,			-- Totems
+-- Maps totem type to the totem slot.
+local TOTEM_SLOT = {
+-- Shaman's Totemic Recall destroys all totems.
+local TOTEMIC_RECALL = 36936
+-- Current totem information, indexed by slot.
+OvaleTotem.totem = {}
+function OvaleTotem:OnInitialize()
+	-- Resolve module dependencies.
+	OvaleData = Ovale.OvaleData
+	OvaleSpellBook = Ovale.OvaleSpellBook
+	OvaleState = Ovale.OvaleState
+function OvaleTotem:OnEnable()
+	if TOTEM_CLASS[self_class] then
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", "Update")
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE", "Update")
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE", "Update")
+		self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM", "Update")
+		OvaleState:RegisterState(self, self.statePrototype)
+	end
+function OvaleTotem:OnDisable()
+	if TOTEM_CLASS[self_class] then
+		OvaleState:UnregisterState(self)
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE")
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE")
+		self:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM")
+	end
+function OvaleTotem:Update()
+	-- Advance age of current totem state.
+	self_serial = self_serial + 1
+	State machine for simulator.
+OvaleTotem.statePrototype = {}
+local statePrototype = OvaleTotem.statePrototype
+-- Totem state, indexed by slot (1 through 4).
+statePrototype.totem = nil
+-- Initialize the state.
+function OvaleTotem:InitializeState(state)
+	state.totem = {}
+	for slot = 1, MAX_TOTEMS do
+		state.totem[slot] = {}
+	end
+-- Reset the state to the current conditions.
+function OvaleTotem:ResetState(state)
+	self:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_ResetState")
+	for _, totem in pairs(state.totem) do
+		-- Remove outdated totems.
+		if totem.serial and totem.serial < self_serial then
+			for k in pairs(totem) do
+				totem[k] = nil
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	self:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_ResetState")
+-- Release state resources prior to removing from the simulator.
+function OvaleTotem:CleanState(state)
+	for slot, totem in pairs(state.totem) do
+		for k in pairs(totem) do
+			totem[k] = nil
+		end
+		state.totem[slot] = nil
+	end
+-- Apply the effects of the spell on the player's state, assuming the spellcast completes.
+function OvaleTotem:ApplySpellAfterCast(state, spellId, targetGUID, startCast, endCast, nextCast, isChanneled, spellcast)
+	self:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_ApplySpellAfterCast")
+	if self_class == "SHAMAN" and spellId == TOTEMIC_RECALL then
+		-- Shaman's Totemic Recall destroys all totems.
+		for slot in ipairs(state.totem) do
+			state:DestroyTotem(slot)
+		end
+	else
+		local slot = state:GetTotemSlot(spellId)
+		if slot then
+			state:SummonTotem(spellId, slot)
+		end
+	end
+	self:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_ApplySpellAfterCast")
+-- Return the table holding the simulator's totem information for the given slot.
+statePrototype.GetTotem = function(state, slot)
+	OvaleTotem:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_GetTotem")
+	slot = TOTEM_SLOT[slot] or slot
+	-- Populate the totem information from the current game state if it is outdated.
+	local totem = state.totem[slot]
+	if totem then
+		if not totem.isActive or not totem.serial or totem.serial < self_serial then
+			local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon = API_GetTotemInfo(slot)
+			totem.isActive = haveTotem
+			totem.name = name
+			totem.start = startTime
+			totem.duration = duration
+			totem.icon = icon
+			totem.serial = self_serial
+		end
+		-- Advance the totem state to the current time.
+		if totem.isActive and totem.start + totem.duration <= state.currentTime then
+			state:DestroyTotem(slot)
+		end
+	end
+	OvaleTotem:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_GetTotem")
+	return totem
+-- Return the totem information in the given slot in the simulator.
+statePrototype.GetTotemInfo = function(state, slot)
+	local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon
+	slot = TOTEM_SLOT[slot] or slot
+	local totem = state:GetTotem(slot)
+	if totem then
+		haveTotem = totem.isActive
+		name = totem.name
+		startTime = totem.start
+		duration = totem.duration
+		icon = totem.icon
+	end
+	return haveTotem, name, startTime, duration, icon
+-- Return the number of totems previously summoned by the spell and the interval of time that at least one totem is active.
+statePrototype.GetTotemCount = function(state, spellId)
+	local start, ending
+	local count = 0
+	local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+	if si and si.totem then
+		local buffPresent = true
+		-- "buff_totem" is the ID of the aura applied by the totem summoned by the spell.
+		-- If the aura is absent, then the totem is considered to be expired.
+		if si.buff_totem then
+			local aura = state:GetAura("player", si.buff_totem)
+			buffPresent = state:IsActiveAura(aura)
+		end
+		if buffPresent then
+			local texture = OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellTexture(spellId)
+			-- "max_totems" is the maximum number of the totem that can be summoned concurrently.
+			-- Default to allowing only one such totem.
+			local maxTotems = si.max_totems or 1
+			for slot in ipairs(state.totem) do
+				local totem = state:GetTotem(slot)
+				if totem.isActive and totem.icon == texture then
+					count = count + 1
+					-- Save earliest start time.
+					if not start or start > totem.start then
+						start = totem.start
+					end
+					-- Save latest ending time.
+					if not ending or ending < totem.start + totem.duration then
+						ending = totem.start + totem.duration
+					end
+				end
+				if count >= maxTotems then
+					break
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return count, start, ending
+-- Return the totem slot that will contain the totem summoned by the spell.
+statePrototype.GetTotemSlot = function(state, spellId)
+	OvaleTotem:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_GetTotemSlot")
+	local totemSlot
+	local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+	if si and si.totem then
+		-- Check if the totem summoned by the spell maps to a known totem slot.
+		totemSlot = TOTEM_SLOT[si.totem]
+		if not totemSlot then
+			-- Find the first available totem slot.
+			local availableSlot
+			for slot in ipairs(state.totem) do
+				local totem = state:GetTotem(slot)
+				if not totem.isActive then
+					availableSlot = slot
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			local texture = OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellTexture(spellId)
+			-- "max_totems" is the maximum number of the totem that can be summoned concurrently.
+			-- Default to allowing only one such totem.
+			local maxTotems = si.max_totems or 1
+			local count = 0
+			-- Find the totem slot with the oldest such totem.
+			local start = INFINITY
+			for slot in ipairs(state.totem) do
+				local totem = state:GetTotem(slot)
+				if totem.isActive and totem.icon == texture then
+					count = count + 1
+					if start > totem.start then
+						start = totem.start
+						totemSlot = slot
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			-- If there are fewer than the maximum number of totems, then summon into the first available slot.
+			if count < maxTotems then
+				totemSlot = availableSlot
+			end
+		end
+		-- Catch-all: if there are no totem slots for the spell, then summon the totem into the first totem slot.
+		totemSlot = totemSlot or 1
+	end
+	OvaleTotem:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_GetTotemSlot")
+	return totemSlot
+-- Summon a totem into the slot in the simulator at the current time.
+statePrototype.SummonTotem = function(state, spellId, slot)
+	OvaleTotem:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_SummonTotem")
+	slot = TOTEM_SLOT[slot] or slot
+	state:Log("Spell %d summons totem into slot %d.", spellId, slot)
+	local name, _, icon = OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellInfo(spellId)
+	local duration = state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, "duration")
+	local totem = state.totem[slot]
+	totem.isActive = true
+	-- The name is not always the same as the name of the summoning spell, but totems
+	-- are compared based on their icon/texture, so this inaccuracy doesn't break anything.
+	totem.name = name
+	totem.start = state.currentTime
+	-- Default to 15 seconds if no duration is found.
+	totem.duration = duration or 15
+	totem.icon = icon
+	OvaleTotem:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_SummonTotem")
+-- Destroy the totem in the slot.
+statePrototype.DestroyTotem = function(state, slot)
+	OvaleTotem:StartProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_DestroyTotem")
+	slot = TOTEM_SLOT[slot] or slot
+	state:Log("Destroying totem in slot %d.", slot)
+	local totem = state.totem[slot]
+	totem.isActive = false
+	totem.name = ""
+	totem.start = 0
+	totem.duration = 0
+	totem.icon = ""
+	OvaleTotem:StopProfiling("OvaleTotem_state_DestroyTotem")
diff --git a/conditions.lua b/conditions.lua
index 37a3eff..d9b67fc 100644
--- a/conditions.lua
+++ b/conditions.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ local API_GetItemCooldown = GetItemCooldown
 local API_GetItemCount = GetItemCount
 local API_GetNumTrackingTypes = GetNumTrackingTypes
 local API_GetTime = GetTime
-local API_GetTotemInfo = GetTotemInfo
 local API_GetTrackingInfo = GetTrackingInfo
 local API_GetUnitSpeed = GetUnitSpeed
 local API_GetWeaponEnchantInfo = GetWeaponEnchantInfo
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ do
 	local function AfterWhiteHit(condition, state)
 		local seconds, comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2], condition[3]
 		local value = 0
-		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'AfterWhiteHit() is not implemented.")
+		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'AfterWhiteHit()' is not implemented.")
 		return TestValue(0, INFINITY, value, state.currentTime, -1, comparator, limit)

@@ -4257,6 +4256,7 @@ do

+	local RUNE_OF_POWER = 116011
 	local RUNE_OF_POWER_BUFF = 116014

 	--- Get the remaining time in seconds before the latest Rune of Power expires.
@@ -4271,20 +4271,11 @@ do
 	-- if RuneOfPowerRemaining() < CastTime(rune_of_power) Spell(rune_of_power)

 	local function RuneOfPowerRemaining(condition, state)
+		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'RuneOfPowerRemaining()' is deprecated; use 'TotemRemaining(rune_of_power)' instead.")
 		local comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2]
-		local aura = state:GetAura("player", RUNE_OF_POWER_BUFF, "HELPFUL")
-		if state:IsActiveAura(aura) then
-			local start, ending
-			for totemSlot = 1, 2 do
-				local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = API_GetTotemInfo(totemSlot)
-				if haveTotem and startTime and (not start or startTime > start) then
-					start = startTime
-					ending = startTime + duration
-				end
-			end
-			if start then
-				return TestValue(0, INFINITY, ending - start, start, -1, comparator, limit)
-			end
+		local count, start, ending = state:GetTotemCount(RUNE_OF_POWER)
+		if count > 0 then
+			return TestValue(start, ending, 0, ending, -1, comparator, limit)
 		return Compare(0, comparator, limit)
@@ -4971,7 +4962,7 @@ do
 			comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2]
 			start = 0
-		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'LastSwing() is not implemented.")
+		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'LastSwing()' is not implemented.")
 		return TestValue(start, INFINITY, 0, start, 1, comparator, limit)

@@ -4998,7 +4989,7 @@ do
 			comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2]
 			ending = 0
-		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'NextSwing() is not implemented.")
+		Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: 'NextSwing()' is not implemented.")
 		return TestValue(0, ending, 0, ending, -1, comparator, limit)

@@ -5443,72 +5434,99 @@ do

-	{
-		-- Death Knights
-		ghoul = 1,
-		-- Druid
-		mushroom = 1,
-		-- XXX Mage
-		crystal = 4,
-		-- Monks
-		statue = 1,
-		-- Shamans
-		fire = 1,
-		earth = 2,
-		water = 3,
-		air = 4
-	}
+	-- Deprecated: totem types
+	local function CheckDeprecatedTotem(id, state)
+		local warning = false
+		local specialization = state.specialization
+		if id == "mushroom" then
+			warning = id
+			if specialization == 1 then
+				-- Balance.
+				id = 88747
+			elseif specialization == 4 then
+				-- Restoration.
+				id = 145205
+			end
+		elseif id == "statue" then
+			warning = id
+			if specialization == 1 then
+				-- Brewmaster.
+				id = 115315
+			elseif specialization == 2 then
+				-- Mistweaver.
+				id = 115313
+			end
+		elseif id == "ghoul" then
+			-- Ghouls are no longer totems, but pets summoned by Unholy Death Knights.
+			warning = id
+		end
+		if warning then
+			Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: '%s' is deprecated; using '%s' instead.", warning, tostring(id))
+		end
+		return id
+	end

-	--- Test if the totem for shamans, the mushroom for druids, the ghoul for death knights, or the statue for monks has expired.
+	--- Test if the totem has expired.
 	-- @name TotemExpires
 	-- @paramsig boolean
-	-- @param id The totem ID of the totem, ghoul or statue, or the type of totem.
-	--     Valid types: fire, water, air, earth, ghoul, mushroom, statue.
+	-- @param id The ID of the spell used to summon the totem or one of the four shaman totem categories (air, earth, fire, water).
 	-- @param seconds Optional. The maximum number of seconds before the totem should expire.
 	--     Defaults to 0 (zero).
-	-- @param totem Optional. Sets the specific totem to check of given totem ID type.
-	--     Valid values: any totem spell ID
 	-- @return A boolean value.
 	-- @see TotemPresent, TotemRemaining
 	-- @usage
 	-- if TotemExpires(fire) Spell(searing_totem)
-	-- if TotemPresent(water totem=healing_stream_totem) and TotemExpires(water 3) Spell(totemic_recall)
+	-- if TotemPresent(healing_stream_totem) and TotemExpires(water 3) Spell(totemic_recall)

 	local function TotemExpires(condition, state)
-		local totemId, seconds = condition[1], condition[2]
+		local id, seconds = condition[1], condition[2]
 		seconds = seconds or 0
-		if type(totemId) ~= "number" then
-			totemId = OVALE_TOTEMTYPE[totemId]
+		if condition.totem then
+			id = condition.totem
+			Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: using 'totem' parameter in 'TotemExpires()' is deprecated.")
-		local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = API_GetTotemInfo(totemId)
-		if haveTotem and startTime and (not condition.totem or OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellName(condition.totem) == name) then
-			return startTime + duration - seconds, INFINITY
+		id = CheckDeprecatedTotem(id, state)
+		if type(id) == "string" then
+			local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = state:GetTotemInfo(id)
+			if haveTotem and startTime then
+				return startTime + duration - seconds, INFINITY
+			end
+		else -- if type(id) == "number" then
+			local count, start, ending = state:GetTotemCount(id)
+			if count > 0 then
+				return ending - seconds, INFINITY
+			end
 		return 0, INFINITY

-	--- Test if the totem for shamans, the ghoul for death knights, or the statue for monks is present.
+	--- Test if the totem is present.
 	-- @name TotemPresent
 	-- @paramsig boolean
-	-- @param id The totem ID of the totem, ghoul or statue, or the type of totem.
-	--     Valid types: fire, water, air, earth, ghoul, statue.
-	-- @param totem Optional. Sets the specific totem to check of given totem ID type.
-	--     Valid values: any totem spell ID
+	-- @param id The ID of the spell used to summon the totem or one of the four shaman totem categories (air, earth, fire, water).
 	-- @return A boolean value.
 	-- @see TotemExpires, TotemRemaining
 	-- @usage
 	-- if not TotemPresent(fire) Spell(searing_totem)
-	-- if TotemPresent(water totem=healing_stream_totem) and TotemExpires(water 3) Spell(totemic_recall)
+	-- if TotemPresent(healing_stream_totem) and TotemExpires(water 3) Spell(totemic_recall)

 	local function TotemPresent(condition, state)
-		local totemId = condition[1]
-		if type(totemId) ~= "number" then
-			totemId = OVALE_TOTEMTYPE[totemId]
+		local id = condition[1]
+		if condition.totem then
+			id = condition.totem
+			Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: using 'totem' parameter in 'TotemPresent()' is deprecated.")
-		local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = API_GetTotemInfo(totemId)
-		if haveTotem and startTime and (not condition.totem or OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellName(condition.totem) == name) then
-			return startTime, startTime + duration
+		id = CheckDeprecatedTotem(id, state)
+		if type(id) == "string" then
+			local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = state:GetTotemInfo(id)
+			if haveTotem and startTime then
+				return startTime, startTime + duration
+			end
+		else -- if type(id) == "number" then
+			local count, start, ending = state:GetTotemCount(id)
+			if count > 0 then
+				return start, ending
+			end
 		return nil
@@ -5519,27 +5537,33 @@ do
 	--- Get the remaining time in seconds before a totem expires.
 	-- @name TotemRemaining
 	-- @paramsig number or boolean
-	-- @param id The totem ID of the totem, ghoul or statue, or the type of totem.
-	--     Valid types: fire, water, air, earth, ghoul, statue.
+	-- @param id The ID of the spell used to summon the totem or one of the four shaman totem categories (air, earth, fire, water).
 	-- @param operator Optional. Comparison operator: less, atMost, equal, atLeast, more.
 	-- @param number Optional. The number to compare against.
-	-- @param totem Optional. Sets the specific totem to check of given totem ID type.
-	--     Valid values: any totem spell ID
 	-- @return The number of seconds.
 	-- @return A boolean value for the result of the comparison.
 	-- @see TotemExpires, TotemPresent
 	-- @usage
-	-- if TotemRemaining(water totem=healing_stream_totem) <2 Spell(totemic_recall)
+	-- if TotemRemaining(healing_stream_totem) <2 Spell(totemic_recall)

 	local function TotemRemaining(condition, state)
-		local totemId, comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2], condition[3]
-		if type(totemId) ~= "number" then
-			totemId = OVALE_TOTEMTYPE[totemId]
+		local id, comparator, limit = condition[1], condition[2], condition[3]
+		if condition.totem then
+			id = condition.totem
+			Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: using 'totem' parameter in 'TotemRemaining()' is deprecated.")
-		local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = API_GetTotemInfo(totemId)
-		if haveTotem and startTime and (not condition.totem or OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellName(condition.totem) == name) then
-			local start, ending = startTime, startTime + duration
-			return TestValue(start, ending, duration, start, -1, comparator, limit)
+		id = CheckDeprecatedTotem(id, state)
+		if type(id) == "string" then
+			local haveTotem, name, startTime, duration = state:GetTotemInfo(id)
+			if haveTotem and startTime then
+				local start, ending = startTime, startTime + duration
+				return TestValue(start, ending, 0, ending, -1, comparator, limit)
+			end
+		else -- if type(id) == "number" then
+			local count, start, ending = state:GetTotemCount(id)
+			if count > 0 then
+				return TestValue(start, ending, 0, ending, -1, comparator, limit)
+			end
 		return Compare(0, comparator, limit)
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua b/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
index 436856a..f081ece 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
@@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ Define(wild_growth 48438)
 Define(wild_growth_buff 48438)
 	SpellInfo(wild_growth_buff duration=7 haste=spell tick=1)
 Define(wild_mushroom_heal 145205)
+	SpellInfo(wild_mushroom_heal duration=30 totem=1)
 Define(wrath 5176)
 	SpellAddBuff(wrath solar_empowerment_buff=-1)
 	SpellAddTargetBuff(wrath sunfire_debuff=extend,4 if_spell=balance_of_power)
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_mage_spells.lua b/scripts/ovale_mage_spells.lua
index 553def6..eaf2373 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_mage_spells.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_mage_spells.lua
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Define(presence_of_mind_buff 12043)
 Define(profound_magic_buff 145252)
 	SpellInfo(profound_magic_buff duration=10 max_stacks=4)
 Define(prismatic_crystal 152087)
-	SpellInfo(prismatic_crystal cd=90)
+	SpellInfo(prismatic_crystal cd=90 duration=12 totem=1)
 Define(prismatic_crystal_talent 20)
 Define(pyroblast 11366)
 	SpellAddBuff(pyroblast ice_floes_buff=0 if_spell=ice_floes)
@@ -195,11 +195,10 @@ Define(pyroblast_debuff 11366)
 Define(pyromaniac_buff 166868)
 	SpellInfo(pyromaniac_buff duration=4)
 Define(rune_of_power 116011)
+	SpellInfo(rune_of_power buff_totem=rune_of_power_buff duration=180 max_totems=2 totem=1)
 	SpellAddBuff(rune_of_power ice_floes_buff=0 if_spell=ice_floes)
-	SpellAddBuff(rune_of_power rune_of_power_buff=1)
 	SpellAddBuff(rune_of_power presence_of_mind_buff=0 if_spell=presence_of_mind)
 Define(rune_of_power_buff 116014)
-	SpellInfo(rune_of_power_buff duration=180)
 Define(scorch 2948)
 Define(spellsteal 30449)
 Define(supernova 157980)
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_monk_spells.lua b/scripts/ovale_monk_spells.lua
index 55a4225..cf9c07a 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_monk_spells.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_monk_spells.lua
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ Define(stance_of_the_wise_serpent 115070)
 	SpellInfo(stance_of_the_wise_serpent to_stance=monk_stance_of_the_wise_serpent)
 	SpellInfo(stance_of_the_wise_serpent unusable=1 if_stance=monk_stance_of_the_wise_serpent)
 Define(summon_black_ox_statue 115315)
-	SpellInfo(summon_black_ox_statue cd=10)
+	SpellInfo(summon_black_ox_statue cd=10 duration=900 totem=1)
 Define(summon_jade_serpent_statue 115313)
-	SpellInfo(summon_jade_serpent_statue cd=10)
+	SpellInfo(summon_jade_serpent_statue cd=10 duration=900 totem=1)
 Define(surging_mist 116694)
 	SpellInfo(surging_mist chi=-1 if_stance=monk_stance_of_the_wise_serpent)
 	SpellInfo(surging_mist replace=surging_mist_glyphed unusable=1 glyph=glyph_of_surging_mist)
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_shaman_spells.lua b/scripts/ovale_shaman_spells.lua
index 15c933d..f71ce45 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_shaman_spells.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_shaman_spells.lua
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ Define(chain_lightning 421)
 	SpellAddBuff(chain_lightning maelstrom_weapon_buff=0 if_spell=maelstrom_weapon)
 	SpellAddBuff(chain_lightning enhanced_chain_lightning_buff=1 if_spell=enhanced_chain_lightning)
 Define(cloudburst_totem 157153)
-	SpellInfo(cloudburst_totem cd=30)
+	SpellInfo(cloudburst_totem cd=30 duration=15 totem=water)
 Define(cloudburst_totem_talent 19)
 Define(earth_elemental_totem 2062)
-	SpellInfo(earth_elemental_totem cd=300)
+	SpellInfo(earth_elemental_totem cd=300 duration=60 totem=earth)
 	SpellInfo(earth_elemental_totem buff_cdr=cooldown_reduction_agility_buff specialization=enhancement)
 Define(earth_shield 974)
 	SpellAddTargetBuff(earth_shield earth_shield_buff=1)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Define(feral_spirit 51533)
 	SpellInfo(feral_spirit addcd=60 glyph=glyph_of_ephemeral_spirits)
 	SpellInfo(feral_spirit buff_cdr=cooldown_reduction_agility_buff)
 Define(fire_elemental_totem 2894)
-	SpellInfo(fire_elemental_totem cd=300)
+	SpellInfo(fire_elemental_totem cd=300 duration=60 totem=fire)
 	SpellInfo(fire_elemental_totem cd=150 glyph=glyph_of_fire_elemental_totem)
 	SpellInfo(fire_elemental_totem buff_cdr=cooldown_reduction_agility_buff specialization=enhancement)
 Define(fire_nova 1535)
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ Define(healing_rain 73920)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_rain ancestral_swiftness_buff=0 if_spell=ancestral_swiftness)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_rain maelstrom_weapon_buff=0 if_spell=maelstrom_weapon)
 Define(healing_stream_totem 5394)
-	SpellInfo(healing_stream_totem cd=30)
+	SpellInfo(healing_stream_totem cd=30 duration=15 totem=water)
 Define(healing_surge 8004)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_surge ancestral_swiftness_buff=0 if_spell=ancestral_swiftness)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_surge tidal_waves_buff=-1 if_spell=tidal_waves)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_surge unleash_life_buff=0 if_spell=unleash_life)
 Define(healing_tide_totem 108280)
-	SpellInfo(healing_tide_totem cd=180)
+	SpellInfo(healing_tide_totem cd=180 duration=10 totem=water)
 Define(healing_wave 77472)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_wave ancestral_swiftness_buff=0 if_spell=ancestral_swiftness)
 	SpellAddBuff(healing_wave tidal_waves_buff=-1 if_spell=tidal_waves)
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ Define(liquid_magma_talent 21)
 Define(maelstrom_weapon_buff 53817)
 	SpellInfo(maelstrom_weapon_buff duration=30 max_stacks=5)
 Define(magma_totem 8190)
+	SpellInfo(magma_totem duration=60 totem=fire)
 Define(primal_elementalist_talent 17)
 Define(primal_strike 73899)
 	SpellInfo(primal_strike cd=8)
@@ -215,8 +216,9 @@ Define(riptide 61295)
 Define(riptide_buff 61295)
 	SpellInfo(riptide_buff duration=18 haste=spell tick=3)
 Define(searing_totem 3599)
+	SpellInfo(searing_totem duration=60 totem=fire)
 Define(spirit_link_totem 98008)
-	SpellInfo(spirit_link_totem cd=180)
+	SpellInfo(spirit_link_totem cd=180 duration=6 totem=air)
 Define(spirit_walk 58875)
 	SpellInfo(spirit_walk cd=60)
 	SpellInfo(spirit_walk addcd=-15 glyph=glyph_of_spirit_walk)
@@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ Define(spiritwalkers_grace 79206)
 	SpellInfo(spiritwalkers_grace addcd=-60 glyph=glyph_of_spiritual_focus)
 	SpellInfo(spiritwalkers_grace buff_cdr=cooldown_reduction_agility_buff specialization=enhancement)
 Define(storm_elemental_totem 152256)
-	SpellInfo(storm_elemental_totem cd=300)
+	SpellInfo(storm_elemental_totem cd=300 duration=60 totem=air)
 Define(storm_elemental_totem_talent 20)
 Define(stormstrike 17364)
 	SpellInfo(stormstrike cd=7.5)
@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ Define(tidal_waves_buff 53390)
 Define(totemic_persistence_talent 8)
 Define(totemic_recall 36936)
 Define(tremor_totem 8143)
-	SpellInfo(tremor_totem cd=60)
+	SpellInfo(tremor_totem cd=60 duration=10 totem=earth)
 Define(unleash_elements 73680)
 	SpellInfo(unleash_elements cd=15)
 	SpellInfo(unleash_elements cd_haste=melee gcd_haste=melee if_spell=flurry)
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ Define(windstrike 115356)
 	SpellRequire(windstrike cd 0=buff,echo_of_the_elements_buff if_spell=echo_of_the_elements)
 	SpellAddBuff(windstrike echo_of_the_elements_buff=0 if_spell=echo_of_the_elements)
 Define(windwalk_totem 108273)
-	SpellInfo(windwalk_totem cd=60)
+	SpellInfo(windwalk_totem cd=60 duration=6 totem=air)

 # Pet spells (Primal Elementalist Talent)
 Define(pet_empower 118350)