
Druid: Use the Elitist Jerks balance druid rotation by default.

Johnny C. Lam [05-27-14 - 18:27]
Druid: Use the Elitist Jerks balance druid rotation by default.

The EJ rotation emphasizes better DoT uptime and smarter DoT refresh
decisions than the SimulationCraft action list.

This still needs logic to properly clip DoTs when powerful buffs are in

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1501 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_druid.lua b/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
index cbd7170..ba55c73 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_druid.lua
@@ -18,6 +18,96 @@ AddCheckBox(opt_icons_right "Right icons")
 ### Balance
+### Elitist Jerks rotation functions.
+AddCheckBox(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation "Elitist Jerks Balance Rotation" default mastery=balance)
+AddFunction BalanceIsNearEclipseState
+	# True if we're one cast away from reaching the next Eclipse.
+	   { EclipseDir() < 0 and BuffExpires(shooting_stars_buff) and Eclipse() + 100 <= 30 }
+	or { EclipseDir() < 0 and BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and Eclipse() + 100 <= 40 }
+	or { EclipseDir() > 0 and 100 - Eclipse() <= 40 }
+AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksDotActions
+	# If both DoTs need to be applied or refreshed, apply the non-Eclipsed DoT first to gain Lunar Shower for the application of the Eclipsed DoT.
+	if target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2
+	{
+		if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) Spell(sunfire)
+		if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(moonfire)
+	}
+	# Apply the Eclipsed DoT when entering the corresponding Eclipse state.
+	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) - 2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(moonfire)
+	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) - 2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(sunfire)
+	# Apply the Eclipsed DoT if it fell off during the Eclipse state.
+	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
+	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)
+	# Apply the non-Eclipsed DoT only when it is about to expire (on the last tick) and we are not about to enter a new Eclipse state.
+	if not BalanceIsNearEclipseState()
+	{
+		if BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
+		if BuffExpires(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)
+	}
+	# Simplistic logic for refreshing DoTs early to snapshot powerful buff effects.
+	if Level() >= 90 and target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_debuff) and Damage(moonfire_debuff) / LastEstimatedDamage(moonfire_debuff) > 1.15 Spell(moonfire)
+	if Level() >= 90 and target.DebuffPresent(sunfire_debuff) and Damage(sunfire_debuff) / LastEstimatedDamage(sunfire_debuff) > 1.15 Spell(sunfire)
+# Minimize the time spent outside of Eclipse by only casting Starsurge at the appropriate times:
+#	* The Shooting Stars buff is about to expire.
+#	* Always during Lunar Eclipse unless it pushes you out of Eclipse during Starfall.
+#	* Always when outside Lunar Eclipse and moving toward Solar Eclipse.
+#	* The first time Starsurge is available during Solar Eclipse.
+#	* The second time Starsurge is available during Solar Eclipse only at 5 Eclipse energy.
+AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition
+	   { BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffRemains(shooting_stars_buff) < 2 }
+	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() > 20 }
+	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffExpires(starfall_buff) }
+	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffExpires(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffRemains(starfall_buff) < CastTime(starsurge) }
+	or { BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and EclipseDir() > 0 }
+	or { BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and { Eclipse(asValue=1) - 10 } % 15 == 0 }
+	or { BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and Eclipse() == 5 }
+	or { BuffExpires(solar_eclipse_buff) and EclipseDir() < 0 }
+AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksMainActions
+	# Cast instant-cast Starsurge.
+	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
+	# Apply and maintain Moonfire and Sunfire on the target.
+	BalanceElitistJerksDotActions()
+	# Cast Starsurge on cooldown.
+	if BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
+	# Spam Starfire during Celestial Alignment.
+	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(starfire) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(starfire)
+	# Cast Wrath as Celestial Alignment is expiring if the cast will finish before the buff expires.
+	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(wrath) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(wrath)
+	# Cast Starfire if moving toward Solar Eclipse (only if it won't affect Eclipsed Starfall).
+	if EclipseDir() > 0 and { BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) or 0 - Eclipse() > 20 or { 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffRemains(starfall_buff) < CastTime(starfire) } } Spell(starfire)
+	# Filler
+	Spell(wrath)
+AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksMovingActions
+	# Cast instant-cast Starsurge.
+	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
+	# Apply and maintain Moonfire and Sunfire on the target.
+	BalanceElitistJerksDotActions()
+	if WildMushroomCount() < 3 Spell(wild_mushroom_caster)
+	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(sunfire)
+	Spell(moonfire)
 # Based on SimulationCraft profile "Druid_Balance_T16H".
 #	class=druid
 #	spec=balance
@@ -185,13 +275,15 @@ AddIcon mastery=balance help=shortcd
 AddIcon mastery=balance help=main
 	if InCombat(no) BalancePrecombatActions()
-	BalanceDefaultActions()
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceElitistJerksMainActions()
+	if CheckBoxOff(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceDefaultActions()

 AddIcon mastery=balance help=moving
 	if InCombat(no) BalancePrecombatMovingActions()
-	BalanceDefaultMovingActions()
+	if CheckBoxOn(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceElitistJerksMovingActions()
+	if CheckBoxOff(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceDefaultMovingActions()

 AddIcon mastery=balance help=cd
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua b/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
index 049a1d0..c9f84bc 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_druid_spells.lua
@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@ Define(moonfire 8921)
 Define(moonfire_debuff 8921)
 	SpellInfo(moonfire_debuff arcane=1 duration=14 haste=spell tick=2)
 	SpellInfo(moonfire_debuff addduration=2 itemset=T14_caster itemcount=4)
+	SpellInfo(moonfire_debuff damage=BalanceMoonfireTickDamage mastery=balance)
+	SpellInfo(moonfire_debuff lastEstimatedDamage=BalanceMoonfireTickLastDamage mastery=balance)
 Define(moonkin_form 24858)
 Define(natures_grace_buff 16886)
 	SpellInfo(natures_grace_buff duration=15)
@@ -318,7 +320,9 @@ Define(sunfire 93402)
 	SpellAddTargetDebuff(sunfire sunfire_debuff=1)
 Define(sunfire_debuff 93402)
 	SpellInfo(sunfire_debuff duration=14 haste=spell nature=1 tick=2)
-	SpellInfo(sunfire addduration=2 itemset=T14_caster itemcount=4)
+	SpellInfo(sunfire_debuff addduration=2 itemset=T14_caster itemcount=4)
+	SpellInfo(sunfire_debuff damage=BalanceSunfireTickDamage mastery=balance)
+	SpellInfo(sunfire_debuff lastEstimatedDamage=BalanceSunfireTickLastDamage mastery=balance)
 Define(survival_instincts 61336)
 	SpellInfo(survival_instincts cd=180)
 	SpellInfo(survival_instincts addcd=-60 glyph=glyph_of_survival_instincts)
@@ -438,6 +442,26 @@ AddFunction FeralInterrupt

+### Moonfire
+AddFunction BalanceMoonfireTickDamage asValue=1
+	{ 263 + 0.24 * Spellpower() } * DamageMultiplier(moonfire_debuff) * { 1 + SpellCritChance() / 100 }
+AddFunction BalanceMoonfireTickLastDamage asValue=1
+	{ 263 + 0.24 * target.DebuffSpellpower(moonfire_debuff) } * target.DebuffDamageMultiplier(moonfire_debuff) * { 1 + target.DebuffSpellCritChance(moonfire_debuff) / 100 }
+### Sunfire
+AddFunction BalanceSunfireTickDamage asValue=1
+	{ 263 + 0.24 * Spellpower() } * DamageMultiplier(sunfire_debuff) * { 1 + SpellCritChance() / 100 }
+AddFunction BalanceSunfireTickLastDamage asValue=1
+	{ 263 + 0.24 * target.DebuffSpellpower(sunfire_debuff) } * target.DebuffDamageMultiplier(sunfire_debuff) * { 1 + target.DebuffSpellCritChance(moonfire_debuff) / 100 }
 AddFunction FeralMasteryDamageMultiplier asValue=1 { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 }

 ### Ferocious Bite.