
Fix some issues with Classic

Jim Whitehead [08-11-19 - 14:48]
Fix some issues with Classic
diff --git a/Dongle.lua b/Dongle.lua
index 804eb98..9cfa1cd 100644
--- a/Dongle.lua
+++ b/Dongle.lua
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ local g = getfenv(0)

 if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then
 	local lib = setmetatable({}, {
-		__call = function(t,k)
-			if type(t.versions) == "table" and t.versions[k] then
+		__call = function(t,k)
+			if type(t.versions) == "table" and t.versions[k] then
 				return t.versions[k].instance
 				error("Cannot find a library with name '"..tostring(k).."'", 2)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then
 		local oldmajor,oldminor = versionData.instance:GetVersion()
 		return minor > oldminor
 	local function NilCopyTable(src, dest)
 		for k,v in pairs(dest) do dest[k] = nil end
 		for k,v in pairs(src) do dest[k] = v end
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then
 				["instance"] = newInstance,
 				["deactivate"] = deactivate,
 			self.versions[major] = versionData
 			if type(activate) == "function" then
 				table.insert(self.log, string.format("Activate: %s, %s", major, minor))
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then
 			return newInstance
 		local oldDeactivate = versionData.deactivate
 		local oldInstance = versionData.instance
 		versionData.deactivate = deactivate
 		local skipCopy
 		if type(activate) == "function" then
 			table.insert(self.log, string.format("Activate: %s, %s", major, minor))
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then

 	local function Activate(new, old)
 		-- This code ensures that we'll move the versions table even
-		-- if the major version names are different, in the case of
+		-- if the major version names are different, in the case of
 		-- DongleStub
 		if not old then old = g.DongleStub end

@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ if not g.DongleStub or g.DongleStub:IsNewerVersion(major, minor) then
 		g.DongleStub = new
 	-- Actually trigger libary activation here
 	local stub = g.DongleStub or lib
 	lib = stub:Register(lib, Activate)
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ local function OnUpdate(frame, elapsed)
 				safecall(schedule.func, schedule.name)
 			if schedule.repeating then
 				schedule.timeToFire = schedule.timeToFire + schedule.repeating
@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ function Dongle.GetProfiles(db, tbl)
 		i = i + 1
 		tbl[i] = db.keys.profile
 	return tbl, i

@@ -1304,9 +1304,9 @@ do

 	function PLAYER_LOGIN()
 		if lockPlayerLogin then return end
 		lockPlayerLogin = true
 		local obj = table.remove(loadorder, 1)
 		while obj do
 			if type(obj.Enable) == "function" then
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ do
 			obj = table.remove(loadorder, 1)
 		lockPlayerLogin = false
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ local function ADDON_LOADED(event, ...)
 	local obj = table.remove(loadqueue, 1)
 	while obj do
 		table.insert(loadorder, obj)
 		if type(obj.Initialize) == "function" then
 			safecall(obj.Initialize, obj)
diff --git a/PerfectRaid.toc b/PerfectRaid.toc
index 1a23969..f7fa2dd 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid.toc
+++ b/PerfectRaid.toc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Interface: 80000
+## Interface: 80200
 ## Title: PerfectRaid
 ## Version: @project-version@
 ## Author: Cladhaire
diff --git a/PerfectRaid.xml b/PerfectRaid.xml
index 1102784..9d5fdef 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid.xml
+++ b/PerfectRaid.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-		  <Button name="$parentHeader">
+		  <Button name="$parentHeader">
 			  <AbsDimension x="350" y="64"/>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 				self.Title = getglobal(name.."Title")
-				PlaySound("UChatScrollButton");
diff --git a/PerfectRaid_Roles.lua b/PerfectRaid_Roles.lua
index e0495d8..fc6b054 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid_Roles.lua
+++ b/PerfectRaid_Roles.lua
@@ -1,124 +1,128 @@
-  *
-  * RaidRoles module for PerfectRaid addon.
-  *
-  * Written by: Panoramix
-  * Version: 1.0
-  *
-local RaidRoles = PerfectRaid:NewModule("PerfectRaid-Roles")
-local L = PerfectRaidLocals
-local utils, frames
-function RaidRoles:Initialize()
-	frames = PerfectRaid.frames
-	utils = PerfectRaid.utils
-	self:RegisterMessage("DONGLE_PROFILE_CHANGED")
-	self:RegisterMessage("PERFECTRAID_CONFIG_CHANGED")
--- Update Raid Roles when profiles changes
-function RaidRoles:DONGLE_PROFILE_CHANGED(event, addon, svname, name)
-	if svname == "PerfectRaidDB" then
-		RaidRoles:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
-	end
--- Update Raid Roles when config is changed
-function RaidRoles:PERFECTRAID_CONFIG_CHANGED(event, addon, svname, name)
-	self:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
--- Update Raid Roles when addon is enabled
-function RaidRoles:Enable()
-	self:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
--- Show/Hide raid icons depending on value
-function RaidRoles:ShowRaidRoles(value)
-	if value then
-		self:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ROLES_ASSIGNED", "UpdateAllUnits" )
-	else
-		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ROLES_ASSIGNED" )
-	end
-	self:UpdateAllUnits()
--- Request full update for all units
-function RaidRoles:FullUpdate()
-	self:UpdateAllUnits()
-function RaidRoles:UpdateAllUnits()
-	local showRoles   = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles
-	local showTank    = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroletank
-	local showDamager = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroledamager
-	local showHealer  = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showrolehealer
-    for unit, tbl in pairs(frames) do
-		local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned( unit )
-		if role == "NONE" then
-			if GetPartyAssignment("MAINTANK", unit) or GetPartyAssignment("MAINASSIST", unit) then
-				role = "TANK"
-			end
-		end
-		if ( role and frames and frames[unit] ) then
-			for frame in pairs( frames[unit] ) do
-				local parent = frame:GetParent()
-				local options = PerfectRaid.db.profile.headers[parent.idx]
-				-- create indicator and texture
-				if (not frame.raidrole) then
-					frame.raidrole = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.leftbox)
-					frame.raidrole:SetHeight(frame:GetHeight() * 0.75)
-					frame.raidrole:SetWidth(frame:GetHeight() * 0.75)
-					frame.raidrole:SetFrameLevel(frame.leftbox:GetFrameLevel()+1)
-					frame.raidroletex = frame.raidrole:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-					frame.raidroletex:SetAllPoints()
-					frame.raidroletex:SetTexture("Interface\\LFGFrame\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES")
-				end
-				-- position frame according to align
-				if options.alignright then
-					frame.raidrole:ClearAllPoints()
-					frame.raidrole:SetParent(frame.rightbox)
-					frame.raidrole:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-				else
-					frame.raidrole:ClearAllPoints()
-					frame.raidrole:SetParent(frame.leftbox)
-					frame.raidrole:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-				end
-				if ( showRoles and showTank and role == "TANK" ) then
-					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(0, 19/64, 22/64, 41/64)
-					frame.raidroletex:Show()
-				elseif ( showRoles and showHealer and role == "HEALER" ) then
-					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(20/64, 39/64, 1/64, 20/64)
-					frame.raidroletex:Show()
-				elseif ( showRoles and showDamager and role == "DAMAGER" ) then
-					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(20/64, 39/64, 22/64, 41/64)
-					frame.raidroletex:Show()
-				else
-					frame.raidroletex:Hide()
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
+  *
+  * RaidRoles module for PerfectRaid addon.
+  *
+  * Written by: Panoramix
+  * Version: 1.0
+  *
+	return
+local RaidRoles = PerfectRaid:NewModule("PerfectRaid-Roles")
+local L = PerfectRaidLocals
+local utils, frames
+function RaidRoles:Initialize()
+	frames = PerfectRaid.frames
+	utils = PerfectRaid.utils
+	self:RegisterMessage("DONGLE_PROFILE_CHANGED")
+	self:RegisterMessage("PERFECTRAID_CONFIG_CHANGED")
+-- Update Raid Roles when profiles changes
+function RaidRoles:DONGLE_PROFILE_CHANGED(event, addon, svname, name)
+	if svname == "PerfectRaidDB" then
+		RaidRoles:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
+	end
+-- Update Raid Roles when config is changed
+function RaidRoles:PERFECTRAID_CONFIG_CHANGED(event, addon, svname, name)
+	self:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
+-- Update Raid Roles when addon is enabled
+function RaidRoles:Enable()
+	self:ShowRaidRoles(PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles)
+-- Show/Hide raid icons depending on value
+function RaidRoles:ShowRaidRoles(value)
+	if value then
+		self:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ROLES_ASSIGNED", "UpdateAllUnits" )
+	else
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ROLES_ASSIGNED" )
+	end
+	self:UpdateAllUnits()
+-- Request full update for all units
+function RaidRoles:FullUpdate()
+	self:UpdateAllUnits()
+function RaidRoles:UpdateAllUnits()
+	local showRoles   = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroles
+	local showTank    = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroletank
+	local showDamager = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showroledamager
+	local showHealer  = PerfectRaid.db.profile.showrolehealer
+    for unit, tbl in pairs(frames) do
+		local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned( unit )
+		if role == "NONE" then
+			if GetPartyAssignment("MAINTANK", unit) or GetPartyAssignment("MAINASSIST", unit) then
+				role = "TANK"
+			end
+		end
+		if ( role and frames and frames[unit] ) then
+			for frame in pairs( frames[unit] ) do
+				local parent = frame:GetParent()
+				local options = PerfectRaid.db.profile.headers[parent.idx]
+				-- create indicator and texture
+				if (not frame.raidrole) then
+					frame.raidrole = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.leftbox)
+					frame.raidrole:SetHeight(frame:GetHeight() * 0.75)
+					frame.raidrole:SetWidth(frame:GetHeight() * 0.75)
+					frame.raidrole:SetFrameLevel(frame.leftbox:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+					frame.raidroletex = frame.raidrole:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+					frame.raidroletex:SetAllPoints()
+					frame.raidroletex:SetTexture("Interface\\LFGFrame\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES")
+				end
+				-- position frame according to align
+				if options.alignright then
+					frame.raidrole:ClearAllPoints()
+					frame.raidrole:SetParent(frame.rightbox)
+					frame.raidrole:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+				else
+					frame.raidrole:ClearAllPoints()
+					frame.raidrole:SetParent(frame.leftbox)
+					frame.raidrole:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+				end
+				if ( showRoles and showTank and role == "TANK" ) then
+					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(0, 19/64, 22/64, 41/64)
+					frame.raidroletex:Show()
+				elseif ( showRoles and showHealer and role == "HEALER" ) then
+					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(20/64, 39/64, 1/64, 20/64)
+					frame.raidroletex:Show()
+				elseif ( showRoles and showDamager and role == "DAMAGER" ) then
+					frame.raidroletex:SetTexCoord(20/64, 39/64, 22/64, 41/64)
+					frame.raidroletex:Show()
+				else
+					frame.raidroletex:Hide()
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end