
Fixed final rogue resource bug

Failcoder [07-27-16 - 15:43]
Fixed final rogue resource bug

Updated mage resources
Updated many fx animations that lost their shape
Heavily stripped down nameplates so that they can utilize the new native plates for now
Fixed bag sorting errors
Resolve bar for tanks is disabled by default now
diff --git a/SVUI_!Core/libs/_SVUI_Lib/SpecialFX.lua b/SVUI_!Core/libs/_SVUI_Lib/SpecialFX.lua
index d4544ab..77dd552 100644
--- a/SVUI_!Core/libs/_SVUI_Lib/SpecialFX.lua
+++ b/SVUI_!Core/libs/_SVUI_Lib/SpecialFX.lua
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if not lib then return end
 local DEFAULT_MODEL = [[Spells\Missile_bomb.m2]];
 local DEFAULT_EFFECT = {DEFAULT_MODEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.75, 0, 0};
 local EFFECTS_LIST = setmetatable({
-    ["default"]     = {[[Spells\Missile_bomb.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.25, 0.125, 0.05},
+    ["default"]     = {[[Spells\Missile_bomb.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.4, 0.125, 0.05},
     ["holy"]        = {[[Spells\Solar_precast_hand.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.23, 0, 0},
     ["shadow"]      = {[[Spells\Shadow_precast_uber_hand.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.23, -0.1, 0.1},
     ["arcane"]      = {[[Spells\Cast_arcane_01.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.25, 0, 0},
diff --git a/SVUI_!Core/system/media.lua b/SVUI_!Core/system/media.lua
index ec6b6ac..d7de399 100644
--- a/SVUI_!Core/system/media.lua
+++ b/SVUI_!Core/system/media.lua
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ local function ChangeSystemFonts()
 	_alterFont("GameTooltipHeader", "tipheader")
 	_alterFont("Tooltip_Med", "tipdialog")
 	_alterFont("Tooltip_Small", "tipdialog", -1)
-	_alterFont("SystemFont_Shadow_Huge3", "combat", 0, "OUTLINE")
+	_alterFont("SystemFont_Shadow_Huge3", "combat", -10, "OUTLINE")
 	_alterFont("CombatTextFont", "combat", 64, "OUTLINE")

diff --git a/SVUI_!Options/UnitFrames.lua b/SVUI_!Options/UnitFrames.lua
index 9503f0c..987d925 100644
--- a/SVUI_!Options/UnitFrames.lua
+++ b/SVUI_!Options/UnitFrames.lua
@@ -2477,7 +2477,11 @@ SV.Options.args[Schema] = {
 									order = 6,
 									name = L["Resolve Meter"],
 									desc = L["A convenient meter for tanks to display their current resolve."],
-									type = "toggle"
+									type = "toggle",
+									set = function(key, value)
+										MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, "resolveBar");
+										SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")
+									end
 								infoBackgrounds = {
 									order = 7,
diff --git a/SVUI_Inventory/components/sorting.lua b/SVUI_Inventory/components/sorting.lua
index 206de6b..31363ef 100644
--- a/SVUI_Inventory/components/sorting.lua
+++ b/SVUI_Inventory/components/sorting.lua
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ local NUM_BAG_SLOTS             = _G.NUM_BAG_SLOTS;
-local GetAuctionItemClasses   	= _G.GetAuctionItemClasses;
 local GetAuctionItemSubClasses  = _G.GetAuctionItemSubClasses;
 local ContainerIDToInventoryID  = _G.ContainerIDToInventoryID;
 local GetContainerItemID        = _G.GetContainerItemID;
@@ -138,7 +137,20 @@ local RefEquipmentSlots = {
+local ItemCategories = {
 local sortingCache = {
 	[1] = {}, --BAG
 	[2] = {}, --ID
@@ -239,7 +251,7 @@ end
 local function BuildSortOrder()
 	itemTypes = {}
 	itemSubTypes = {}
-	for i, iType in ipairs({GetAuctionItemClasses()}) do
+	for i, iType in ipairs(ItemCategories) do
 		itemTypes[iType] = i
 		itemSubTypes[iType] = {}
 		for ii, isType in ipairs({GetAuctionItemSubClasses(i)}) do
diff --git a/SVUI_NamePlates/OLD_SVUI_NamePlates.lua b/SVUI_NamePlates/OLD_SVUI_NamePlates.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f1446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SVUI_NamePlates/OLD_SVUI_NamePlates.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1555 @@
+S V U I   By: Munglunch
+credit: Elv.       NamePlatess was parently nameplates.lua adapted from ElvUI #
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack    = _G.unpack;
+local select    = _G.select;
+local pairs     = _G.pairs;
+local ipairs    = _G.ipairs;
+local type      = _G.type;
+local error     = _G.error;
+local pcall     = _G.pcall;
+local tostring  = _G.tostring;
+local tonumber  = _G.tonumber;
+local tinsert   = _G.tinsert;
+local string    = _G.string;
+local math      = _G.math;
+local bit       = _G.bit;
+local table     = _G.table;
+local lower, upper = string.lower, string.upper;
+local find, format, split = string.find, string.format, string.split;
+local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub;
+--[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
+local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil;  -- Basic
+local band, bor = bit.band, bit.bor;
+--[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
+local tremove, tcopy, twipe, tsort, tconcat = table.remove, table.copy, table.wipe, table.sort, table.concat;
+local SV = _G['SVUI'];
+local L = SV.L;
+local MOD = SV.NamePlates;
+if(not MOD) then return end;
+local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
+local SetCVar           	= _G.SetCVar;
+local UIParent              = _G.UIParent;
+local WorldFrame           	= _G.WorldFrame;
+local GameTooltip           = _G.GameTooltip;
+local CreateFrame           = _G.CreateFrame;
+local InCombatLockdown      = _G.InCombatLockdown;
+local numChildren = -1;
+local PlateRegistry, VisiblePlates = {}, {};
+local WorldFrameUpdateHook, UpdatePlateElements, PlateForge;
+local TARGET_CHECKS = 0;
+local PLATE_TOP = MOD.media.topArt;
+local PLATE_BOTTOM = MOD.media.bottomArt;
+local PLATE_RIGHT = MOD.media.rightArt;
+local PLATE_LEFT = MOD.media.leftArt;
+	Quick explaination of what Im doing with all of these locals...
+	Unlike many of the other modules, NamePlatess has to continuously
+	reference config settings which can start to get sluggish. What
+	I have done is set local variables for every database value
+	that the module can read efficiently. The function "UpdateLocals"
+	is used to refresh these any time a change is made to configs
+	and once when the mod is loaded.
+local NPBaseAlpha = 0.6;
+local NPCombatHide = false;
+local NPNameMatch = false;
+local NPComboColor={
+	[1]={0.69,0.31,0.31},
+	[2]={0.69,0.31,0.31},
+	[3]={0.65,0.63,0.35},
+	[4]={0.65,0.63,0.35},
+	[5]={0.33,0.59,0.33}
+local NPBarTex = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]];
+local NPUsePointer = true;
+local NPPointerMatch = false;
+local NPUseModel = true;
+local NPPointerColor = {0.9, 1, 0.9, 0.5};
+local NPUseThreat = false;
+local NPThreatGS = 1;
+local NPThreatBS = 1;
+local NPReactTap = {0.3,0.3,0.3}
+local NPReactNPCGood = {0.31,0.45,0.63}
+local NPReactPlayerGood = {0.29,0.68,0.3}
+local NPReactNeutral = {0.85,0.77,0.36}
+local NPReactEnemy = {0.78,0.25,0.25}
+local RIconCoords = {[0]={[0]="STAR", [0.25]="MOON"}, [0.25]={[0]="CIRCLE", [0.25]="SQUARE"}, [0.5]={[0]="DIAMOND", [0.25]="CROSS"}, [0.75]={[0]="TRIANGLE", [0.25]="SKULL"}};
+local RIAnchor = "LEFT";
+local RIXoffset = -4;
+local RIYoffset = 6;
+local RISize = 36;
+local HBThresh = 0.4;
+local HBTextFormat = false;
+local HBTextAnchor = "CENTER";
+local HBXoffset = 0;
+local HBYoffset = 0;
+local HBWidth = 108;
+local HBHeight = 9;
+local NPIcons = 14;
+local ICON_SIZE = 20;
+local CBColor = {0.1,0.81,0}
+local CBNoInterrupt = {1,0.25,0.25}
+local CBHeight = 6;
+local CBText = true;
+local CBXoffset = 0;
+local CBYoffset = 0;
+local AuraFilterName, AuraFilter;
+local AuraMaxCount = 5;
+local NPFindHealers = false;
+local RestrictedPlates = {
+	["Army of the Dead Ghoul"] = true,
+	["Venomous Snake"] = true,
+	["Healing Tide Totem"] = true,
+	["Dragonmaw War Banner"] = true
+local RIconData = {["STAR"] = 0x00000001, ["CIRCLE"] = 0x00000002, ["DIAMOND"] = 0x00000004, ["TRIANGLE"] = 0x00000008, ["MOON"] = 0x00000010, ["SQUARE"] = 0x00000020, ["CROSS"] = 0x00000040, ["SKULL"] = 0x00000080};
+local RIconNames = {"STAR", "CIRCLE", "DIAMOND", "TRIANGLE", "MOON", "SQUARE", "CROSS", "SKULL"}
+local UnitPlateAuras = {};
+local AuraByRaidIcon = {};
+local AuraByName = {};
+local CachedAuraDurations = {};
+local AurasCache = {};
+local AuraClocks = {};
+local ClockIsTicking = false;
+local TickTock = 0;
+local LastKnownTarget;
+local CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE = { {0.29,0.68,0.3}, {0.85,0.77,0.36}, {0.94,0.6,0.06}, {0.78,0.25,0.25} };
+local CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { 1,1,1,1 };
+	for classToken, colorData in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
+			PLATE_CLASS_COLORS[classToken] = {colorData.r, colorData.g, colorData.b}
+	end
+	-- (1) PLAYER
+	function(token)
+		if(not token) then
+			return NPReactPlayerGood,NPThreatGS
+		else
+			return PLATE_CLASS_COLORS[token],NPThreatGS
+		end
+	end,
+	-- (2) TAPPED
+	function() return NPReactTap,NPThreatGS end,
+	-- (3) FRIENDLY
+	function() return NPReactNPCGood,NPThreatGS end,
+	-- (4) NEUTRAL
+	function(threatLevel)
+		local color,scale;
+		if((not threatLevel) or (not NPUseThreat) or (not InCombatLockdown())) then
+			color = NPReactNeutral
+			scale = NPThreatGS
+		else
+			color = CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE[threatLevel]
+			scale = CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE[threatLevel]
+		end
+		return color,scale
+	end,
+	-- (5) HOSTILE
+	function(threatLevel)
+		local color,scale;
+		if((not threatLevel) or (not NPUseThreat) or (not InCombatLockdown())) then
+			color = NPReactEnemy
+			scale = NPThreatGS
+		else
+			color = CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE[threatLevel]
+			scale = CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE[threatLevel]
+		end
+		return color,scale
+	end,
+local NPGrip = _G.SVUI_PlateParentFrame
+local NPGlow = _G.SVUI_PlateGlowFrame
+local AuraClockManager = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local formatting = {
+	["CURRENT"] = "%s",
+	["CURRENT_MAX"] = "%s - %s",
+	["CURRENT_PERCENT"] = "%s - %s%%",
+	["CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT"] = "%s - %s | %s%%",
+	["PERCENT"] = "%s%%",
+	["DEFICIT"] = "-%s"
+local function IsEnemyPlayer(flags)
+	if((band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) == 0) and (band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
+		return true
+	end
+local function TruncateString(value)
+    if value  >= 1e9 then
+        return ("%.1fb"):format(value / 1e9):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
+    elseif value  >= 1e6 then
+        return ("%.1fm"):format(value / 1e6):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
+    elseif value  >= 1e3 or value  <= -1e3 then
+        return ("%.1fk"):format(value / 1e3):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
+    else
+        return value
+    end
+local function SetTextStyle(style, min, max)
+	if max == 0 then max = 1 end
+	local result;
+	local textFormat = formatting[style]
+	if style == "DEFICIT" then
+		local result = max - min;
+		if result  <= 0 then
+			return ""
+		else
+			return format(textFormat, TruncateString(result))
+		end
+	elseif style == "PERCENT" then
+		result = format(textFormat, format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
+		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
+		return result
+	elseif style == "CURRENT" or (style == "CURRENT_MAX" or style == "CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT" or style == "CURRENT_PERCENT") and min == max then
+		return format(formatting["CURRENT"], TruncateString(min))
+	elseif style == "CURRENT_MAX" then
+		return format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), TruncateString(max))
+	elseif style == "CURRENT_PERCENT" then
+		result = format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
+		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
+		return result
+	elseif style == "CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT" then
+		result = format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), TruncateString(max), format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
+		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
+		return result
+	end
+local function CreatePlateBorder(plate)
+	if(not plate.backdrop) then
+		plate.backdrop = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		plate.backdrop:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", -4)
+		plate.backdrop:SetAllPoints(plate)
+		plate.backdrop:SetTexture(SV.media.statusbar.default)
+		plate.backdrop:SetVertexColor(0.1,0.1,0.1)
+		plate.bordertop = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		plate.bordertop:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
+		plate.bordertop:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2)
+		plate.bordertop:SetHeight(2)
+		plate.bordertop:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+		plate.bordertop:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
+		plate.borderbottom = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		plate.borderbottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -2)
+		plate.borderbottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 2, -2)
+		plate.borderbottom:SetHeight(2)
+		plate.borderbottom:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+		plate.borderbottom:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
+		plate.borderleft = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		plate.borderleft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
+		plate.borderleft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -2)
+		plate.borderleft:SetWidth(2)
+		plate.borderleft:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+		plate.borderleft:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
+		plate.borderright = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		plate.borderright:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2)
+		plate.borderright:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, -2)
+		plate.borderright:SetWidth(2)
+		plate.borderright:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+		plate.borderright:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
+	end
+	if(not plate.eliteborder) then
+		plate.eliteborder = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, plate)
+		plate.eliteborder:SetAllPoints(plate)
+		plate.eliteborder:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+		plate.eliteborder:SetFrameLevel(0)
+		plate.eliteborder.top = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetHeight(22)
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetTexture(PLATE_TOP)
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.top:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetHeight(32)
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetTexture(PLATE_BOTTOM)
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetWidth(plate:GetHeight() * 4)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetTexture(PLATE_RIGHT)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetWidth(plate:GetHeight() * 4)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetTexture(PLATE_LEFT)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+		plate.eliteborder:SetAlpha(0.35)
+		plate.eliteborder:Hide()
+	end
+local function ProxyThisPlate(plate, updateName)
+	if(not plate or not plate.frame) then return false; end
+	BLIZZ_PLATE = plate
+	SVUI_PLATE = plate.frame
+	PLATE_AURAS = plate.frame.auras
+	PLATE_AURAICONS = plate.frame.auraicons
+	PLATE_ARGS = plate.setting
+	if updateName then
+		plate.nametext = gsub(plate.name:GetText(), '%s%(%*%)','');
+	end
+	PLATE_REALNAME = plate.nametext
+	return true
+local function ParseByGUID(guid)
+	for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
+		if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.guid == guid then
+			return plate
+		end
+	end
+local function CheckRaidIcon(plate)
+	if(plate and plate.frame) then
+		SVUI_PLATE = plate.frame
+	end
+	if PLATE_REF.raidicon:IsShown() then
+		local ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy = PLATE_REF.raidicon:GetTexCoord()
+		PLATE_REF.raidicontype = RIconCoords[ULx][ULy]
+		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:Show()
+		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:SetTexCoord(ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy)
+	else
+		PLATE_REF.raidicontype = nil;
+		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:Hide()
+	end
+local function UpdateComboPoints()
+	local guid = UnitGUID("target")
+	if (not guid) then return end
+	local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI('player') and 'vehicle' or 'player', 'target')
+	numPoints = numPoints or 0
+	if(numPoints > 0) then
+		if(LastKnownTarget and LastKnownTarget.guid and LastKnownTarget.guid ~= guid) then
+			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[1]:Hide()
+			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[2]:Hide()
+			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[3]:Hide()
+			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[4]:Hide()
+			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[5]:Hide()
+			LastKnownTarget = nil
+		end
+	end
+	local plate = ParseByGUID(guid)
+	if(plate) then
+		for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+			if(i <= numPoints) then
+				plate.frame.combo[i]:Show()
+			else
+				plate.frame.combo[i]:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+		LastKnownTarget = plate
+	end
+local ClockUpdateHandler = function(self, elapsed)
+	local curTime = GetTime()
+	if curTime < TickTock then return end
+	local deactivate = true;
+	TickTock = curTime + 0.1
+	for frame, expiration in pairs(AuraClocks) do
+		local calc = 0;
+		local expires = expiration - curTime;
+		if expiration < curTime then
+			frame:Hide();
+			AuraClocks[frame] = nil
+		else
+			if expires < 60 then
+				calc = floor(expires)
+				if expires >= 4 then
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffff00%d|r", calc)
+				elseif expires >= 1 then
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%d|r", calc)
+				else
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%.1f|r", expires)
+				end
+			elseif expires < 3600 then
+				calc = ceil(expires / 60);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffffff%.1f|r", calc)
+			elseif expires < 86400 then
+				calc = ceil(expires / 3600);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff66ffff%.1f|r", calc)
+			else
+				calc = ceil(expires / 86400);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff6666ff%.1f|r", calc)
+			end
+			deactivate = false
+		end
+	end
+	if deactivate then
+		self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
+		ClockIsTicking = false
+	end
+local function RegisterAuraClock(frame, expiration)
+	if(not frame) then return end
+	if expiration == 0 then
+		frame:Hide()
+		AuraClocks[frame] = nil
+	else
+		AuraClocks[frame] = expiration
+		frame:Show()
+		if(not ClockIsTicking) then
+			AuraClockManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ClockUpdateHandler)
+			ClockIsTicking = true
+		end
+	end
+local function GetUnitPlateAuras(guid)
+	if guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid] then return UnitPlateAuras[guid] end
+local function SetAuraInstance(guid, spellID, expiration, stacks, caster, duration, texture)
+	if(spellID == 65148) then return end
+	local filter = true;
+	if (caster == UnitGUID('player')) then
+		filter = nil;
+	end
+	if(AuraFilter and AuraFilterName) then
+		local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
+		if(AuraFilter[name] and AuraFilter[name].enable and ((AuraFilterName ~= 'BlackList') and (AuraFilterName ~= 'Allowed'))) then
+			filter = nil;
+		end
+	end
+	if(not filter and (guid and spellID and caster and texture)) then
+		local auraID = spellID..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
+		UnitPlateAuras[guid] = UnitPlateAuras[guid] or {}
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = {
+			spellID = spellID,
+			expiration = expiration or 0,
+			stacks = stacks,
+			duration = duration,
+			texture = texture
+		}
+	end
+local function UpdateAuraIcon(aura, texture, expiration, stacks, test)
+	if aura and texture and expiration then
+		aura.Icon:SetTexture(texture)
+		if(stacks and stacks > 1) then
+			aura.Stacks:SetText(stacks)
+		else
+			aura.Stacks:SetText("")
+		end
+		aura:Show()
+		RegisterAuraClock(aura, expiration)
+	else
+		RegisterAuraClock(aura, 0)
+	end
+local function SortExpires(t)
+	tsort(t, function(a,b) return a.expiration < b.expiration end)
+	return t
+local function UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+	local frame = plate.frame;
+	local guid = plate.guid;
+	local iconCache = frame.auraicons;
+	local AurasOnUnit = GetUnitPlateAuras(guid);
+	local AuraSlotIndex = 1;
+	local auraID;
+	if AurasOnUnit then
+		frame.auras:Show()
+		local auraCount = 1
+		for auraID,aura in pairs(AurasOnUnit) do
+			if tonumber(aura.spellID) then
+				aura.name = GetSpellInfo(tonumber(aura.spellID))
+				aura.unit = plate.unit
+				if(aura.expiration > GetTime()) then
+					AurasCache[auraCount] = aura
+					auraCount = auraCount + 1
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	AurasCache = SortExpires(AurasCache)
+	for index = 1,  #AurasCache do
+		local cachedaura = AurasCache[index]
+		local gridaura = iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]
+		if gridaura and cachedaura.spellID and cachedaura.expiration then
+			UpdateAuraIcon(gridaura, cachedaura.texture, cachedaura.expiration, cachedaura.stacks)
+			AuraSlotIndex = AuraSlotIndex + 1
+		end
+		if(AuraSlotIndex > AuraMaxCount) then
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	if(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]) then
+		RegisterAuraClock(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex], 0)
+	end
+	twipe(AurasCache)
+local function LoadDuration(spellID)
+	if spellID then
+		return CachedAuraDurations[spellID] or 0
+	end
+	return 0
+local function SaveDuration(spellID, duration)
+	duration = duration or 0
+	if spellID then CachedAuraDurations[spellID] = duration end
+local function CreateAuraIcon(auras, plate)
+	local button = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, auras)
+	button.bord = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	button.bord:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 2)
+	button.bord:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,1)
+	button.bord:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
+	button.bord:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 2, -2)
+	button.Icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+	button.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT")
+	button.Icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	button.Icon:SetTexCoord(.1, .9, .2, .8)
+	button.TimeLeft = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+	button.TimeLeft:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
+	button.TimeLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT",-3,-1)
+	button.TimeLeft:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+	button.Stacks = button:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
+	button.Stacks:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
+	button.Stacks:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT",3,-3)
+	button:SetScript('OnHide', function()
+		if plate.guid then
+			UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+		end
+	end)
+	button:Hide()
+	return button
+function MOD:UpdateAuras(plate)
+	if plate.setting.tiny then return end
+	local guid = plate.guid
+	local frame = plate.frame
+	if(NPFindHealers and plate.isHealer) then
+		frame.health.icon:Show()
+	end
+	if not guid then
+		if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.classToken] then
+			local pn = plate.name:GetText()
+			local name = pn:gsub("%s%(%*%)", "")
+			guid = AuraByName[name]
+		--elseif plate.raidicon:IsShown() then
+			--guid = AuraByRaidIcon[plate.raidicontype]
+		end
+		if guid then
+			plate.guid = guid
+		else
+			frame.auras:Hide()
+			return
+		end
+	end
+	UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+	if(self.UseCombo) then
+		local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI("player") and "vehicle" or "player", "target")
+		for i = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+			if(i <= numPoints) then
+				frame.combo[i]:Show()
+			else
+				frame.combo[i]:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unitid)
+	local guid = UnitGUID(unitid)
+	if(guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid]) then
+		local auras = UnitPlateAuras[guid]
+		for auraID, _ in pairs(auras) do
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	for i = 1, 40 do
+		local spellname , _, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellid, _, isBossDebuff = UnitAura(unitid, i, "HARMFUL")
+		if(not spellname) then break end
+		SaveDuration(spellid, duration)
+		SetAuraInstance(guid, spellid, expirationTime, count, UnitGUID(unitCaster or ""), duration, texture)
+	end
+	local name;
+	if UnitPlayerControlled(unitid) then
+		name = UnitName(unitid)
+		AuraByName[name] = guid
+	end
+	local raidIcon = RIconNames[GetRaidTargetIndex(unitid) or ""];
+	if(raidIcon) then
+		AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = guid
+	end
+	self:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, "UpdateAuras")
+	local function GetPlateThreatReaction(plate)
+		if plate.aggroHighlight:IsShown() then
+			local r, g, b = plate.aggroHighlight:GetVertexColor()
+			local lastThreat = plate.reaction or 1
+			if g + b < 1 then
+				plate.reaction = 4
+				return 4
+			else
+				if lastThreat > 2 then
+					plate.reaction = 2
+					return 2
+				elseif lastThreat < 3 then
+					plate.reaction = 3
+					return 3
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		plate.reaction = 1
+		return 1
+	end
+	local function GetPlateReaction(plate)
+		if plate.guid ~= nil then
+			local class, classToken, _, _, _, _, _ = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(plate.guid)
+			if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken] then
+				plate.setting.classToken = classToken
+				return REACTION_COLORING[1](classToken)
+			end
+		end
+		local oldR,oldG,oldB = plate.healthBar:GetStatusBarColor()
+		local r = floor(oldR * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
+		local g = floor(oldG * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
+		local b = floor(oldB * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
+		--print(plate.health:GetStatusBarColor())
+		for classToken, _ in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
+			local bb = b
+			if classToken == 'MONK' then
+				bb = bb - 0.01
+			end
+			if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].r == r and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].g == g and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].b == bb then
+				plate.setting.classToken = classToken
+				return REACTION_COLORING[1](classToken)
+			end
+		end
+		plate.setting.classToken = nil
+		if(r + b < 0.25) then
+			return REACTION_COLORING[3]()
+		else
+			local threatReaction = GetPlateThreatReaction(plate)
+			if(r + g > 1.8) then
+				return REACTION_COLORING[4](threatReaction)
+			elseif(g + b < 0.25) then
+				return REACTION_COLORING[5](threatReaction)
+			elseif((r > 0.45 and r < 0.55) and (g > 0.45 and g < 0.55) and (b > 0.45 and b < 0.55)) then
+			else
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function ColorizeAndScale(plate, frame)
+		local unitType = GetPlateReaction(plate)
+		plate.setting.classToken = unitType
+		local latestColor, scale = GetPlateReaction(plate);
+		local r,g,b
+		if(latestColor) then
+			r,g,b = unpack(latestColor)
+		else
+			r,g,b = plate.healthBar:GetStatusBarColor()
+		end
+		frame.health:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b)
+		if(NPUsePointer and (NPPointerMatch == true) and plate.setting.unit == "target") then
+			NPGlow:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,0.5)
+			NPGlow:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b,0.5)
+		end
+		--frame.health.elite.bottom:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
+		--frame.health.elite.right:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
+		--frame.health.elite.left:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
+		scale = scale or 1
+		if(not plate.setting.scaled and not plate.setting.tiny and frame.health:GetWidth() ~= (HBWidth * scale)) then
+			frame.health:SetSize(HBWidth * scale, HBHeight * scale)
+			local scaledIconSize = CBHeight + (HBHeight * scale) + 5;
+			plate.castBar.Icon:SetSize(scaledIconSize, scaledIconSize)
+		end
+	end
+	function UpdatePlateElements(plate, frame)
+		ColorizeAndScale(plate, frame)
+		frame.health.elitetop:Hide()
+		frame.health.elitebottom:Hide()
+		if(frame.name.SetText) then
+			frame.name:SetText(plate.name:GetText())
+		end
+	end
+	local function IsNamePlate(frame)
+		local frameName = frame:GetName()
+		if frameName and frameName:find('^NamePlate%d') then
+			local textObj = select(2, frame:GetChildren())
+			if textObj then
+				local textRegions = textObj:GetRegions()
+				return (textRegions and textRegions:GetObjectType() == 'FontString')
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function SetPlateAlpha(plate, frame)
+		if plate:GetAlpha() < 1 then
+			frame:SetAlpha(NPBaseAlpha)
+		else
+			frame:SetAlpha(1)
+		end
+	end
+	local function UpdatePlateUnit()
+		local plateName = BLIZZ_PLATE.nametext
+		if BLIZZ_PLATE:GetAlpha() == 1 and CURRENT_TARGET_NAME and (CURRENT_TARGET_NAME == plateName) then
+			BLIZZ_PLATE.guid = UnitGUID("target")
+			PLATE_ARGS.unit = "target"
+			SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(2)
+			SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Hide()
+			if(NPUsePointer) then
+				NPGlow:SetParent(SVUI_PLATE)
+				NPGlow:WrapPoints(SVUI_PLATE.health,2,2)
+				NPGlow:SetFrameLevel(0)
+				NPGlow:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+				if(not NPGlow:IsShown()) then
+					NPGlow:Show()
+					if(NPUseModel) then
+						NPGlow.FX:Show()
+						NPGlow.FX:SetEffect("platepoint")
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if((TARGET_CHECKS > 0) or PLATE_ARGS.allowed) then
+				if(TARGET_CHECKS == 2) then
+				end
+				MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID('target')
+				if MOD.UseCombo then
+					UpdateComboPoints()
+				end
+				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
+			end
+		elseif UnitExists("mouseover") and (UnitName("mouseover") == plateName) then
+			if(PLATE_ARGS.unit ~= "mouseover" or PLATE_ARGS.allowed) then
+				SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(1)
+				SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Show()
+				MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID('mouseover')
+				if MOD.UseCombo then
+					UpdateComboPoints()
+				end
+				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
+			end
+			BLIZZ_PLATE.guid = UnitGUID("mouseover")
+			PLATE_ARGS.unit = "mouseover"
+		else
+			SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(0)
+			SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Hide()
+			PLATE_ARGS.unit = nil
+		end
+		--CheckRaidIcon()
+		UpdatePlateElements(BLIZZ_PLATE,SVUI_PLATE)
+	end
+	function MOD:NAME_PLATE_CREATED(event, ...)
+		local frame = ...;
+		if(not PlateRegistry[frame]) then
+			PlateForge(frame)
+		end
+	end
+	function MOD:NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED(event, ...)
+		local namePlateUnitToken = ...;
+		local frame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(namePlateUnitToken);
+		if(not PlateRegistry[frame]) then
+			PlateForge(frame)
+		end
+	end
+	local function HealthBarSizeChanged(self, width, height)
+		if(not ProxyThisPlate(self.sync)) then return; end
+		width = floor(width + 0.5)
+		local numAuras = AuraMaxCount
+		local auraWidth = ((width - (4 * (numAuras - 1))) / numAuras)
+		local auraHeight = (auraWidth * 0.7)
+		for index = 1, numAuras do
+			if not PLATE_AURAICONS[index] then
+			end
+			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetWidth(auraWidth)
+			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetHeight(auraHeight)
+			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:ClearAllPoints()
+			if(index == 1) then
+				PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetPoint("LEFT", PLATE_AURAS, 0, 0)
+			else
+				PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetPoint("LEFT", PLATE_AURAICONS[index-1], "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+			end
+		end
+		if(numAuras > #PLATE_AURAICONS) then
+			for index = (numAuras + 1), #PLATE_AURAICONS do
+				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function HealthBarValueChanged(self, value)
+		local healthBar = self.sync;
+		local alert = healthBar.alert;
+		local minValue, maxValue = self:GetMinMaxValues()
+		local showText = false
+		healthBar:SetMinMaxValues(minValue, maxValue)
+		healthBar:SetValue(value)
+		local percentValue = (value/maxValue)
+		if percentValue < HBThresh then
+			alert:Show()
+			if percentValue < (HBThresh / 2) then
+				alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 0.9)
+			else
+				alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.9)
+			end
+		elseif alert:IsShown() then
+			alert:Hide()
+		end
+		if((value and value > 0) and (maxValue and maxValue > 1) and self:GetScale() == 1) then
+			showText = true
+		end
+		if(HBTextFormat and showText) then
+			healthBar.text:Show()
+			healthBar.text:SetText(SetTextStyle(HBTextFormat, value, maxValue))
+		elseif healthBar.text:IsShown() then
+			healthBar.text:Hide()
+		end
+	end
+	local function CastBarValueChanged(self, value)
+		local castBar = self.sync
+		local min, max = self:GetMinMaxValues()
+		local isChannel = value < castBar:GetValue()
+		castBar:SetMinMaxValues(min, max)
+		castBar:SetValue(value)
+		castBar.Text:SetFormattedText("%.1f ", value)
+		local color
+		if(self.shield and self.shield:IsShown()) then
+			color = CBNoInterrupt
+		else
+			if value > 0 and (isChannel and (value/max) <= 0.02 or (value/max) >= 0.98) then
+				color = {0,1,0}
+			else
+				color = CBColor
+			end
+		end
+		castBar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(color))
+	end
+	local function ShowThisPlate(plate)
+		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate, true)) then return; end
+		if RestrictedPlates[PLATE_REALNAME] then
+			SVUI_PLATE:Hide()
+			return
+		elseif(not SVUI_PLATE:IsShown()) then
+			SVUI_PLATE:Show()
+		end
+		VisiblePlates[BLIZZ_PLATE] = true
+		PLATE_ARGS.tiny = (BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetEffectiveScale() < 1)
+		SVUI_PLATE.name:ClearAllPoints()
+		if(PLATE_ARGS.tiny) then
+			SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetWidth() * (BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetEffectiveScale() * 1.25), HBHeight)
+			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOM", SVUI_PLATE.health, "TOP", 0, 3)
+		else
+			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", SVUI_PLATE.health, "TOPLEFT", 0, 3)
+			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", SVUI_PLATE.level, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, 0)
+		end
+		UpdatePlateElements(BLIZZ_PLATE, SVUI_PLATE)
+		HealthBarValueChanged(BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar, BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetValue())
+		if(not PLATE_ARGS.tiny) then
+			--CheckRaidIcon()
+			MOD:UpdateAuras(BLIZZ_PLATE)
+		else
+			PLATE_ARGS.allowed = true
+		end
+		if(NPUsePointer and (not NPPointerMatch)) then
+			NPGlow:SetBackdropColor(unpack(NPPointerColor))
+			NPGlow:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(NPPointerColor))
+		end
+	end
+	local function HideThisPlate(plate)
+		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate)) then return; end
+		SVUI_PLATE:Hide()
+		VisiblePlates[plate] = nil
+		PLATE_ARGS.classToken = nil
+		plate.guid = nil
+		PLATE_ARGS.unit = nil
+		PLATE_ARGS.scaled = nil
+		PLATE_ARGS.tiny = nil
+		PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
+		if(NPGlow:GetParent() == SVUI_PLATE) then
+			NPGlow:Hide()
+			if(NPGlow.FX:IsShown()) then
+				NPGlow.FX:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+		SVUI_PLATE.health.alert:Hide()
+		SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:Hide()
+		if SVUI_PLATE.health then
+			SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(HBWidth, HBHeight)
+			plate.castBar.Icon:SetSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
+		end
+		if PLATE_AURAS then
+			for index = 1, #PLATE_AURAICONS do
+				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
+			end
+		end
+		if MOD.UseCombo then
+			for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+				SVUI_PLATE.combo[i]:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function UpdateThisPlate(plate)
+		--print("NamePlate UpdateThisPlate Start")
+		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate, true)) then return; end
+		SVUI_PLATE.name:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate)
+		SVUI_PLATE.name:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.level:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Number)
+		-- if not PLATE_ARGS.scaled and not PLATE_ARGS.tiny then
+		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(HBWidth, HBHeight)
+		-- end
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.health:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.text:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Number)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast:SetSize(HBWidth, CBHeight)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast.text:SetFont(SV.media.font.default, 8, "OUTLINE")
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:ClearAllPoints()
+		-- SV:SetReversePoint(SVUI_PLATE.health.icon, RIAnchor, SVUI_PLATE.health, RIXoffset, RIYoffset)
+		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:SetSize(RISize, RISize)
+		-- for index = 1, #PLATE_AURAICONS do
+		-- 	if PLATE_AURAICONS and PLATE_AURAICONS[index] then
+		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].TimeLeft:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
+		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].Stacks:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
+		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].Icon:SetTexCoord(.07, 0.93, .23, 0.77)
+		-- 	end
+		-- end
+		--
+		-- if(MOD.UseCombo and not SVUI_PLATE.combo:IsShown()) then
+		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.combo:Show()
+		-- elseif(SVUI_PLATE.combo:IsShown()) then
+		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.combo:Hide()
+		-- end
+		--
+		-- ShowThisPlate(plate)
+		-- HealthBarSizeChanged(SVUI_PLATE.health, SVUI_PLATE.health:GetSize())
+	end
+	function PlateForge(source)
+		local plate = source.UnitFrame;
+		if(not plate) then return end;
+		--print("NamePlate Creation Start")
+		local ref, skin = {}, {};
+		plate.healthBar:SetStatusBarTexture(SV.NoTexture)
+		plate.castBar:SetStatusBarTexture(SV.NoTexture)
+		plate.healthBar:Hide()
+		plate.castBar:Hide()
+		plate.name:ClearAllPoints()
+		plate.name:Hide()
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, plate)
+		--[[ HEALTH BAR ]]--
+		--print("NamePlate Creating Health")
+		frame.health = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, frame)
+		frame.health:SetPoint('BOTTOM', frame, 'BOTTOM', 0, 5)
+		frame.health:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+		frame.health:SetFrameLevel(1)
+		frame.health:SetStyle("Frame", "Nameplate")
+		frame.health:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", HealthBarSizeChanged)
+		frame.health.elitetop = frame.health.Panel.Top
+		frame.health.elitebottom = frame.health.Panel.Bottom
+		frame.health.sync = plate.healthBar;
+		--CreatePlateBorder(frame.health)
+		frame.health.text = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+		frame.health.text:SetPoint("CENTER", frame.health, HBTextAnchor, HBXoffset, HBYoffset)
+		frame.health.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+		--print("NamePlate Creating LevelText")
+		frame.level = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+		frame.level:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.health, "TOPRIGHT", 3, 3)
+		frame.level:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+		frame.name = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+		frame.name:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+--print("NamePlate Creating Icons")
+		frame.eliteicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.skullicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.raidicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		frame.raidicon:SetSize(NPIcons,NPIcons)
+		frame.raidicon:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame.health, "LEFT", -3, 0)
+		--frame.raidicon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons")
+		frame.raidicon:SetTexture("")
+		frame.health.icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
+		frame.health.icon:SetSize(14,14)
+		frame.health.icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.health, "TOPLEFT", -3, 3)
+		frame.health.icon:SetTexture(MOD.media.roles)
+		frame.health.icon:SetTexCoord(0,0.5,0.5,1)
+		frame.health.icon:Hide()
+		frame.highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+		frame.highlight:SetAllPoints(frame.health)
+		frame.highlight:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 0.3)
+		frame.highlight:Hide()
+--print("NamePlate Creating Alert")
+		local alert = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+		alert:SetFrameLevel(0)
+		alert:WrapPoints(frame.health,2,2)
+		alert:SetBackdrop({
+			edgeFile = SV.media.border.shadow,
+			edgeSize = 2
+		});
+		alert:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+		alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.9)
+		alert:SetScale(1.5)
+		alert:Hide()
+		frame.health.alert = alert
+		plate.healthBar.sync = frame.health
+		--[[ CAST BAR ]]--
+--print("NamePlate Creating CastBar")
+		frame.cast = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, frame)
+		frame.cast:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame.health, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -8)
+		frame.cast:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', frame.health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -8)
+		frame.cast:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+		frame.cast:SetStyle("Frame", 'Bar')
+		frame.cast:SetFrameLevel(0)
+		frame.cast.text = frame.cast:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+		frame.cast.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame.cast, "LEFT", -4, CBYoffset)
+		frame.cast.text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetParent(frame.cast)
+		-- plate.castBar.Text:ClearAllPoints()
+		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.cast, "LEFT", CBXoffset, CBYoffset)
+		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+		--
+		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetParent(frame.cast)
+		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetTexCoord(.07, .93, .07, .93)
+		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY")
+		-- plate.castBar.Icon:ClearAllPoints()
+		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.health, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
+		-- local bgFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.cast)
+		-- bgFrame:WrapPoints(plate.castBar.Icon)
+		-- bgFrame:SetFrameLevel(bgFrame:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
+		-- bgFrame:SetStyle("Frame", "Bar", true, 2, 0, 0)
+		plate.castBar.sync = frame.cast
+--print("NamePlate Creating Combo")
+		frame.combo = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.health)
+		frame.combo:SetPoint("CENTER", frame.health, "BOTTOM")
+		frame.combo:SetSize(68, 1)
+		frame.combo:Hide()
+		if MOD.UseCombo then
+			for i = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+				frame.combo[i] = frame.combo:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+				frame.combo[i]:SetTexture(MOD.media.comboIcon)
+				frame.combo[i]:SetSize(12, 12)
+				frame.combo[i]:SetVertexColor(unpack(NPComboColor[i]))
+				if(i == 1) then
+					frame.combo[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.combo, "TOPLEFT")
+				else
+					frame.combo[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.combo[i-1], "RIGHT", 2, 0)
+				end
+				frame.combo[i]:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+--print("NamePlate Creating Auras")
+		frame.auras = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+		frame.auras:SetHeight(32); frame.auras:Show()
+		frame.auras:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame.health, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 10)
+		frame.auras:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', frame.health, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 10)
+		frame.auras:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+		frame.auras:SetFrameLevel(0)
+		frame.auraicons = {}
+		plate.frame = frame;
+		plate.setting = {};
+--print("NamePlate UpdateThisPlate")
+		UpdateThisPlate(plate)
+--print("NamePlate Setting Hooks")
+		plate:HookScript("OnShow", ShowThisPlate)
+		plate:HookScript("OnHide", HideThisPlate)
+		plate:HookScript("OnSizeChanged", function(self, width, height)
+			self.frame:SetSize(width, height)
+		end)
+		plate.healthBar:HookScript("OnValueChanged", HealthBarValueChanged)
+		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnShow", function(self) self.sync:Show() end)
+		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnHide", function(self) self.sync:Hide() end)
+		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnValueChanged", CastBarValueChanged)
+		VisiblePlates[plate] = true
+		PlateRegistry[source] = true;
+		--print("NamePlate Added")
+	end
+	function MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
+		self:UpdateLocals()
+		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
+			if(plate) then
+				UpdateThisPlate(plate)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function ParseByName(sourceName)
+		if not sourceName then return; end
+		local SearchFor = split("-", sourceName)
+		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
+			if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.nametext == SearchFor and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.classToken] then
+				return plate
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function ParseByIconName(raidIcon)
+		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
+			--CheckRaidIcon(plate)
+			if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.raidicon:IsShown() and (plate.raidicontype and plate.raidicontype == raidIcon) then
+				return plate
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	function MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, callbackFunc, ...)
+		local plate
+		if guid then plate = ParseByGUID(guid) end
+		if (not plate) and name then plate = ParseByName(name) end
+		--if (not plate) and raidIcon then plate = ParseByIconName(raidIcon) end
+		if(plate and callbackFunc and MOD[callbackFunc]) then
+			MOD[callbackFunc](MOD, plate, ...)
+		end
+	end
+	self:UpdateLocals();
+	WorldFrame.elapsed = 0.1
+	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 1)
+	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 0)
+	NPGlow:Hide()
+	if(NPGlow.FX:IsShown()) then
+		NPGlow.FX:Hide()
+	end
+	if(UnitExists("target")) then
+		CURRENT_TARGET_NAME = UnitName("target");
+		WorldFrame.elapsed = 0.1;
+	else
+	end
+function MOD:UNIT_COMBO_POINTS(event, unit)
+	if(unit == "player" or unit == "vehicle") then
+		UpdateComboPoints()
+	end
+function MOD:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)
+  if(unit == "target" or unit == "focus") then
+    self:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unit)
+		if(self.UseCombo) then
+			UpdateComboPoints()
+		end
+  end
+		["SPELL_HEAL"] = true,
+		["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"] = true,
+		["SPELL_CAST_START"] = true,
+		["SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"] = true,
+		["SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL"] = true,
+	}
+	}
+	function MOD:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(event, timestamp, combatevent, hideCaster, ...)
+	  local sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellID, spellname = ...;
+		local hasChange = false;
+		local eventCheck = COMBAT_AURA_EVENTS[combatevent];
+		if(eventCheck and destGUID and spellID) then
+			if(eventCheck > 1) then
+				local stackCount = 1
+				local duration = LoadDuration(spellID)
+				local texture = GetSpellTexture(spellID)
+				if(eventCheck == 3) then stackCount = select(16, ...) end
+				SetAuraInstance(destGUID, spellID, (GetTime() + duration), stackCount, sourceGUID, duration, texture)
+			else
+				local auraID = spellID..(tostring(sourceName or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
+				if(auraID and UnitPlateAuras[destGUID] and UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID]) then
+				  UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID] = nil
+				end
+			end
+			hasChange = true;
+		end
+		if(NPFindHealers and COMBAT_HEAL_EVENTS[combatevent] and IsEnemyPlayer(sourceFlags) and sourceName) then
+			local healerName = split("-", sourceName)
+			self:RequestScanUpdate(sourceGUID, false, healerName, "UpdateHealer", healerName, spellID)
+			hasChange = true;
+		end
+	  if(not hasChange) then
+	    return
+	  end
+	  local rawName, raidIcon
+	  if(destName and (band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
+	    rawName = split("-", destName)
+	    AuraByName[rawName] = destGUID
+	  end
+	  for iconName, bitmask in pairs(RIconData) do
+	    if band(destRaidFlags, bitmask) > 0  then
+	      raidIcon = iconName
+	      AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = destGUID
+	      break
+	    end
+	  end
+	  self:RequestScanUpdate(destGUID, raidIcon, rawName, "UpdateAuras")
+	end
+local function PlayerRoleUpdate()
+	MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
+function MOD:UpdateLocals()
+	local db = SV.db.NamePlates
+	if not db then return end
+	NPBarTex = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.barTexture);
+	NPBaseAlpha = db.nonTargetAlpha;
+	NPCombatHide = db.combatHide;
+	RIAnchor = db.raidHealIcon.attachTo;
+	RIXoffset = db.raidHealIcon.xOffset;
+	RIYoffset = db.raidHealIcon.yOffset;
+	RISize = db.raidHealIcon.size;
+	HBThresh = db.healthBar.lowThreshold;
+	NPNameMatch = db.colorNameByValue;
+	HBTextFormat = db.healthBar.text.enable and db.healthBar.text.format or false;
+	HBTextAnchor = db.healthBar.text.attachTo;
+	HBXoffset = db.healthBar.text.xOffset;
+	HBYoffset = db.healthBar.text.yOffset;
+	HBWidth = db.healthBar.width;
+	HBHeight = db.healthBar.height;
+	NPIcons = HBHeight * 1.5
+	CBColor = {db.castBar.color[1], db.castBar.color[2], db.castBar.color[3]}
+	CBNoInterrupt = {db.castBar.noInterrupt[1], db.castBar.noInterrupt[2], db.castBar.noInterrupt[3]}
+	CBHeight = db.castBar.height;
+	CBText = db.castBar.text.enable;
+	CBXoffset = db.castBar.text.xOffset;
+	CBYoffset = db.castBar.text.yOffset;
+	ICON_SIZE = CBHeight + HBHeight + 5
+	NPUsePointer = db.pointer.enable;
+	NPPointerMatch = db.pointer.colorMatchHealthBar;
+	NPPointerColor = {db.pointer.color[1], db.pointer.color[2], db.pointer.color[3], 0.5};
+	NPUseModel = db.pointer.useArrowEffect
+	local rc = db.reactions
+	NPReactTap = {rc.tapped[1], rc.tapped[2], rc.tapped[3]}
+	NPReactNPCGood = {rc.friendlyNPC[1], rc.friendlyNPC[2], rc.friendlyNPC[3]}
+	NPReactPlayerGood = {rc.friendlyPlayer[1], rc.friendlyPlayer[2], rc.friendlyPlayer[3]}
+	NPReactNeutral = {rc.neutral[1], rc.neutral[2], rc.neutral[3]}
+	NPReactEnemy = {rc.enemy[1], rc.enemy[2], rc.enemy[3]}
+	AuraMaxCount = db.auras.numAuras;
+	AuraFilterName = db.auras.additionalFilter
+	AuraFilter = SV.db.Filters[AuraFilterName]
+	NPFindHealers = db.findHealers
+	local tc = SV.db.NamePlates.threat
+	NPUseThreat = tc.enable;
+	NPThreatGS = tc.goodScale;
+	NPThreatBS = tc.badScale;
+	if(SV.ClassRole == 'TANK') then
+			{tc.badColor[1], tc.badColor[2], tc.badColor[3]},
+			{tc.badTransitionColor[1], tc.badTransitionColor[2], tc.badTransitionColor[3]},
+			{tc.goodTransitionColor[1], tc.goodTransitionColor[2], tc.goodTransitionColor[3]},
+			{tc.goodColor[1], tc.goodColor[2], tc.goodColor[3]}
+		};
+		CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { NPThreatBS, NPThreatBS, NPThreatGS, NPThreatGS };
+	else
+			{tc.goodColor[1], tc.goodColor[2], tc.goodColor[3]},
+			{tc.goodTransitionColor[1], tc.goodTransitionColor[2], tc.goodTransitionColor[3]},
+			{tc.badTransitionColor[1], tc.badTransitionColor[2], tc.badTransitionColor[3]},
+			{tc.badColor[1], tc.badColor[2], tc.badColor[3]}
+		};
+		CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { NPThreatGS, NPThreatGS, NPThreatBS, NPThreatBS };
+	end
+	if(not db.themed) then
+		PLATE_TOP = SV.NoTexture
+		PLATE_BOTTOM = SV.NoTexture
+		PLATE_RIGHT = SV.NoTexture
+		PLATE_LEFT = SV.NoTexture
+	else
+		PLATE_TOP = self.media.topArt
+		PLATE_BOTTOM = self.media.bottomArt
+		PLATE_RIGHT = self.media.rightArt
+		PLATE_LEFT = self.media.leftArt
+	end
+	if (db.comboPoints and (SV.class == 'ROGUE' or SV.class == 'DRUID')) then
+		self.UseCombo = true
+		self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
+	else
+		self.UseCombo = false
+		self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
+	end
+	if (NPFindHealers) then
+		self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE")
+	else
+		self:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE")
+	end
+function MOD:CombatToggle(noToggle)
+	if(NPCombatHide) then
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
+		if(not noToggle) then
+			SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 0)
+		end
+	else
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
+		self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
+		if(not noToggle) then
+			SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 1)
+		end
+	end
+function MOD:ReLoad()
+	self:UpdateAllPlates();
+function MOD:Load()
+	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Arcane_missile_lvl1.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
+	SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Arrow_state_animated.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -50, 0.75, 0, 0.1)
+	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Cast_arcane_01.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
+	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Cast_arcane_01.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
+	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Shadow_precast_uber_hand.m2]],  -12, 22, 12, -22, 0.23, -0.1, 0.1)
+	SV.SpecialFX:SetFXFrame(NPGlow, "platepoint", true)
+	NPGlow.FX:SetParent(SV.Screen)
+	NPGlow.FX:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+	NPGlow.FX:SetFrameLevel(0)
+	NPGlow.FX:Hide()
+	self:UpdateLocals()
+	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
+	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
+	self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT")
+	self:RegisterEvent("NAME_PLATE_CREATED")
+	self:RegisterEvent("NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED")
+	--WorldFrame:HookScript('OnUpdate', WorldFrameUpdateHook)
+	self:CombatToggle(true)
+	SV.Events:On("PLAYER_ROLE_CHANGED", PlayerRoleUpdate, true)
diff --git a/SVUI_NamePlates/SVUI_NamePlates.lua b/SVUI_NamePlates/SVUI_NamePlates.lua
index 999c3d1..1336369 100644
--- a/SVUI_NamePlates/SVUI_NamePlates.lua
+++ b/SVUI_NamePlates/SVUI_NamePlates.lua
@@ -47,166 +47,18 @@ if(not MOD) then return end;
 local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
-local SetCVar           	= _G.SetCVar;
-local UIParent              = _G.UIParent;
-local WorldFrame           	= _G.WorldFrame;
-local GameTooltip           = _G.GameTooltip;
-local CreateFrame           = _G.CreateFrame;
-local InCombatLockdown      = _G.InCombatLockdown;
-local numChildren = -1;
 local PlateRegistry, VisiblePlates = {}, {};
-local WorldFrameUpdateHook, UpdatePlateElements, PlateForge;
+local _hook_NamePlateDriverMixin, PlateForge;
 local TARGET_CHECKS = 0;
 local PLATE_TOP = MOD.media.topArt;
 local PLATE_BOTTOM = MOD.media.bottomArt;
 local PLATE_RIGHT = MOD.media.rightArt;
 local PLATE_LEFT = MOD.media.leftArt;
-	Quick explaination of what Im doing with all of these locals...
-	Unlike many of the other modules, NamePlatess has to continuously
-	reference config settings which can start to get sluggish. What
-	I have done is set local variables for every database value
-	that the module can read efficiently. The function "UpdateLocals"
-	is used to refresh these any time a change is made to configs
-	and once when the mod is loaded.
-local NPBaseAlpha = 0.6;
-local NPCombatHide = false;
-local NPNameMatch = false;
-local NPComboColor={
-	[1]={0.69,0.31,0.31},
-	[2]={0.69,0.31,0.31},
-	[3]={0.65,0.63,0.35},
-	[4]={0.65,0.63,0.35},
-	[5]={0.33,0.59,0.33}
 local NPBarTex = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]];
-local NPUsePointer = true;
-local NPPointerMatch = false;
-local NPUseModel = true;
-local NPPointerColor = {0.9, 1, 0.9, 0.5};
-local NPUseThreat = false;
-local NPThreatGS = 1;
-local NPThreatBS = 1;
-local NPReactTap = {0.3,0.3,0.3}
-local NPReactNPCGood = {0.31,0.45,0.63}
-local NPReactPlayerGood = {0.29,0.68,0.3}
-local NPReactNeutral = {0.85,0.77,0.36}
-local NPReactEnemy = {0.78,0.25,0.25}
-local RIconCoords = {[0]={[0]="STAR", [0.25]="MOON"}, [0.25]={[0]="CIRCLE", [0.25]="SQUARE"}, [0.5]={[0]="DIAMOND", [0.25]="CROSS"}, [0.75]={[0]="TRIANGLE", [0.25]="SKULL"}};
-local RIAnchor = "LEFT";
-local RIXoffset = -4;
-local RIYoffset = 6;
-local RISize = 36;
-local HBThresh = 0.4;
-local HBTextFormat = false;
-local HBTextAnchor = "CENTER";
-local HBXoffset = 0;
-local HBYoffset = 0;
-local HBWidth = 108;
-local HBHeight = 9;
-local NPIcons = 14;
-local ICON_SIZE = 20;
-local CBColor = {0.1,0.81,0}
-local CBNoInterrupt = {1,0.25,0.25}
-local CBHeight = 6;
-local CBText = true;
-local CBXoffset = 0;
-local CBYoffset = 0;
-local AuraFilterName, AuraFilter;
-local AuraMaxCount = 5;
-local NPFindHealers = false;
-local RestrictedPlates = {
-	["Army of the Dead Ghoul"] = true,
-	["Venomous Snake"] = true,
-	["Healing Tide Totem"] = true,
-	["Dragonmaw War Banner"] = true
-local RIconData = {["STAR"] = 0x00000001, ["CIRCLE"] = 0x00000002, ["DIAMOND"] = 0x00000004, ["TRIANGLE"] = 0x00000008, ["MOON"] = 0x00000010, ["SQUARE"] = 0x00000020, ["CROSS"] = 0x00000040, ["SKULL"] = 0x00000080};
-local RIconNames = {"STAR", "CIRCLE", "DIAMOND", "TRIANGLE", "MOON", "SQUARE", "CROSS", "SKULL"}
-local UnitPlateAuras = {};
-local AuraByRaidIcon = {};
-local AuraByName = {};
-local CachedAuraDurations = {};
-local AurasCache = {};
-local AuraClocks = {};
-local ClockIsTicking = false;
-local TickTock = 0;
-local LastKnownTarget;
-local CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE = { {0.29,0.68,0.3}, {0.85,0.77,0.36}, {0.94,0.6,0.06}, {0.78,0.25,0.25} };
-local CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { 1,1,1,1 };
-	for classToken, colorData in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
-			PLATE_CLASS_COLORS[classToken] = {colorData.r, colorData.g, colorData.b}
-	end
-	-- (1) PLAYER
-	function(token)
-		if(not token) then
-			return NPReactPlayerGood,NPThreatGS
-		else
-			return PLATE_CLASS_COLORS[token],NPThreatGS
-		end
-	end,
-	-- (2) TAPPED
-	function() return NPReactTap,NPThreatGS end,
-	-- (3) FRIENDLY
-	function() return NPReactNPCGood,NPThreatGS end,
-	-- (4) NEUTRAL
-	function(threatLevel)
-		local color,scale;
-		if((not threatLevel) or (not NPUseThreat) or (not InCombatLockdown())) then
-			color = NPReactNeutral
-			scale = NPThreatGS
-		else
-			color = CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE[threatLevel]
-			scale = CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE[threatLevel]
-		end
-		return color,scale
-	end,
-	-- (5) HOSTILE
-	function(threatLevel)
-		local color,scale;
-		if((not threatLevel) or (not NPUseThreat) or (not InCombatLockdown())) then
-			color = NPReactEnemy
-			scale = NPThreatGS
-		else
-			color = CONFIG_THREAT_HOSTILE[threatLevel]
-			scale = CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE[threatLevel]
-		end
-		return color,scale
-	end,
@@ -214,677 +66,34 @@ UTILITY FRAMES
 local NPGrip = _G.SVUI_PlateParentFrame
 local NPGlow = _G.SVUI_PlateGlowFrame
-local AuraClockManager = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local formatting = {
-	["CURRENT"] = "%s",
-	["CURRENT_MAX"] = "%s - %s",
-	["CURRENT_PERCENT"] = "%s - %s%%",
-	["CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT"] = "%s - %s | %s%%",
-	["PERCENT"] = "%s%%",
-	["DEFICIT"] = "-%s"
-local function IsEnemyPlayer(flags)
-	if((band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) == 0) and (band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
-		return true
-	end
-local function TruncateString(value)
-    if value  >= 1e9 then
-        return ("%.1fb"):format(value / 1e9):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
-    elseif value  >= 1e6 then
-        return ("%.1fm"):format(value / 1e6):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
-    elseif value  >= 1e3 or value  <= -1e3 then
-        return ("%.1fk"):format(value / 1e3):gsub("%.?0 + ([kmb])$", "%1")
-    else
-        return value
-    end
-local function SetTextStyle(style, min, max)
-	if max == 0 then max = 1 end
-	local result;
-	local textFormat = formatting[style]
-	if style == "DEFICIT" then
-		local result = max - min;
-		if result  <= 0 then
-			return ""
-		else
-			return format(textFormat, TruncateString(result))
-		end
-	elseif style == "PERCENT" then
-		result = format(textFormat, format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
-		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
-		return result
-	elseif style == "CURRENT" or (style == "CURRENT_MAX" or style == "CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT" or style == "CURRENT_PERCENT") and min == max then
-		return format(formatting["CURRENT"], TruncateString(min))
-	elseif style == "CURRENT_MAX" then
-		return format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), TruncateString(max))
-	elseif style == "CURRENT_PERCENT" then
-		result = format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
-		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
-		return result
-	elseif style == "CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT" then
-		result = format(textFormat, TruncateString(min), TruncateString(max), format("%.1f", min  /  max  *  100))
-		result = result:gsub(".0%%", "%%")
-		return result
-	end
-local function CreatePlateBorder(plate)
-	if(not plate.backdrop) then
-		plate.backdrop = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		plate.backdrop:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", -4)
-		plate.backdrop:SetAllPoints(plate)
-		plate.backdrop:SetTexture(SV.media.statusbar.default)
-		plate.backdrop:SetVertexColor(0.1,0.1,0.1)
-		plate.bordertop = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		plate.bordertop:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
-		plate.bordertop:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2)
-		plate.bordertop:SetHeight(2)
-		plate.bordertop:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-		plate.bordertop:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
-		plate.borderbottom = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		plate.borderbottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -2)
-		plate.borderbottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 2, -2)
-		plate.borderbottom:SetHeight(2)
-		plate.borderbottom:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-		plate.borderbottom:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
-		plate.borderleft = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		plate.borderleft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
-		plate.borderleft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -2)
-		plate.borderleft:SetWidth(2)
-		plate.borderleft:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-		plate.borderleft:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
-		plate.borderright = plate:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		plate.borderright:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate, "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2)
-		plate.borderright:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, -2)
-		plate.borderright:SetWidth(2)
-		plate.borderright:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-		plate.borderright:SetDrawLayer("BORDER", 1)
-	end
-	if(not plate.eliteborder) then
-		plate.eliteborder = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, plate)
-		plate.eliteborder:SetAllPoints(plate)
-		plate.eliteborder:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
-		plate.eliteborder:SetFrameLevel(0)
-		plate.eliteborder.top = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetHeight(22)
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetTexture(PLATE_TOP)
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.top:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetHeight(32)
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetTexture(PLATE_BOTTOM)
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		plate.eliteborder.bottom:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetWidth(plate:GetHeight() * 4)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetTexture(PLATE_RIGHT)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.right:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left = plate.eliteborder:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", plate.eliteborder, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetWidth(plate:GetHeight() * 4)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetTexture(PLATE_LEFT)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		-- plate.eliteborder.left:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
-		plate.eliteborder:SetAlpha(0.35)
-		plate.eliteborder:Hide()
-	end
-local function ProxyThisPlate(plate, updateName)
-	if(not plate or not plate.frame) then return false; end
-	BLIZZ_PLATE = plate
-	SVUI_PLATE = plate.frame
-	PLATE_AURAS = plate.frame.auras
-	PLATE_AURAICONS = plate.frame.auraicons
-	PLATE_ARGS = plate.setting
-	if updateName then
-		plate.nametext = gsub(plate.name:GetText(), '%s%(%*%)','');
-	end
-	PLATE_REALNAME = plate.nametext
-	return true
-local function ParseByGUID(guid)
-	for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
-		if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.guid == guid then
-			return plate
-		end
-	end
-local function CheckRaidIcon(plate)
-	if(plate and plate.frame) then
-		SVUI_PLATE = plate.frame
-	end
-	if PLATE_REF.raidicon:IsShown() then
-		local ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy = PLATE_REF.raidicon:GetTexCoord()
-		PLATE_REF.raidicontype = RIconCoords[ULx][ULy]
-		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:Show()
-		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:SetTexCoord(ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy)
-	else
-		PLATE_REF.raidicontype = nil;
-		SVUI_PLATE.raidicon:Hide()
-	end
-local function UpdateComboPoints()
-	local guid = UnitGUID("target")
-	if (not guid) then return end
-	local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI('player') and 'vehicle' or 'player', 'target')
-	numPoints = numPoints or 0
-	if(numPoints > 0) then
-		if(LastKnownTarget and LastKnownTarget.guid and LastKnownTarget.guid ~= guid) then
-			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[1]:Hide()
-			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[2]:Hide()
-			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[3]:Hide()
-			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[4]:Hide()
-			LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[5]:Hide()
-			LastKnownTarget = nil
-		end
-	end
-	local plate = ParseByGUID(guid)
-	if(plate) then
-		for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-			if(i <= numPoints) then
-				plate.frame.combo[i]:Show()
-			else
-				plate.frame.combo[i]:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-		LastKnownTarget = plate
-	end
-local ClockUpdateHandler = function(self, elapsed)
-	local curTime = GetTime()
-	if curTime < TickTock then return end
-	local deactivate = true;
-	TickTock = curTime + 0.1
-	for frame, expiration in pairs(AuraClocks) do
-		local calc = 0;
-		local expires = expiration - curTime;
-		if expiration < curTime then
-			frame:Hide();
-			AuraClocks[frame] = nil
-		else
-			if expires < 60 then
-				calc = floor(expires)
-				if expires >= 4 then
-					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffff00%d|r", calc)
-				elseif expires >= 1 then
-					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%d|r", calc)
-				else
-					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%.1f|r", expires)
-				end
-			elseif expires < 3600 then
-				calc = ceil(expires / 60);
-				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffffff%.1f|r", calc)
-			elseif expires < 86400 then
-				calc = ceil(expires / 3600);
-				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff66ffff%.1f|r", calc)
-			else
-				calc = ceil(expires / 86400);
-				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff6666ff%.1f|r", calc)
-			end
-			deactivate = false
-		end
-	end
-	if deactivate then
-		self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
-		ClockIsTicking = false
-	end
-local function RegisterAuraClock(frame, expiration)
-	if(not frame) then return end
-	if expiration == 0 then
-		frame:Hide()
-		AuraClocks[frame] = nil
-	else
-		AuraClocks[frame] = expiration
-		frame:Show()
-		if(not ClockIsTicking) then
-			AuraClockManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ClockUpdateHandler)
-			ClockIsTicking = true
-		end
-	end
-local function GetUnitPlateAuras(guid)
-	if guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid] then return UnitPlateAuras[guid] end
-local function SetAuraInstance(guid, spellID, expiration, stacks, caster, duration, texture)
-	if(spellID == 65148) then return end
-	local filter = true;
-	if (caster == UnitGUID('player')) then
-		filter = nil;
-	end
-	if(AuraFilter and AuraFilterName) then
-		local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
-		if(AuraFilter[name] and AuraFilter[name].enable and ((AuraFilterName ~= 'BlackList') and (AuraFilterName ~= 'Allowed'))) then
-			filter = nil;
-		end
-	end
-	if(not filter and (guid and spellID and caster and texture)) then
-		local auraID = spellID..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
-		UnitPlateAuras[guid] = UnitPlateAuras[guid] or {}
-			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = {
-			spellID = spellID,
-			expiration = expiration or 0,
-			stacks = stacks,
-			duration = duration,
-			texture = texture
-		}
-	end
-local function UpdateAuraIcon(aura, texture, expiration, stacks, test)
-	if aura and texture and expiration then
-		aura.Icon:SetTexture(texture)
-		if(stacks and stacks > 1) then
-			aura.Stacks:SetText(stacks)
-		else
-			aura.Stacks:SetText("")
-		end
-		aura:Show()
-		RegisterAuraClock(aura, expiration)
-	else
-		RegisterAuraClock(aura, 0)
-	end
-local function SortExpires(t)
-	tsort(t, function(a,b) return a.expiration < b.expiration end)
-	return t
-local function UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-	local frame = plate.frame;
-	local guid = plate.guid;
-	local iconCache = frame.auraicons;
-	local AurasOnUnit = GetUnitPlateAuras(guid);
-	local AuraSlotIndex = 1;
-	local auraID;
-	if AurasOnUnit then
-		frame.auras:Show()
-		local auraCount = 1
-		for auraID,aura in pairs(AurasOnUnit) do
-			if tonumber(aura.spellID) then
-				aura.name = GetSpellInfo(tonumber(aura.spellID))
-				aura.unit = plate.unit
-				if(aura.expiration > GetTime()) then
-					AurasCache[auraCount] = aura
-					auraCount = auraCount + 1
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	AurasCache = SortExpires(AurasCache)
-	for index = 1,  #AurasCache do
-		local cachedaura = AurasCache[index]
-		local gridaura = iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]
-		if gridaura and cachedaura.spellID and cachedaura.expiration then
-			UpdateAuraIcon(gridaura, cachedaura.texture, cachedaura.expiration, cachedaura.stacks)
-			AuraSlotIndex = AuraSlotIndex + 1
-		end
-		if(AuraSlotIndex > AuraMaxCount) then
-			break
-		end
-	end
-	if(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]) then
-		RegisterAuraClock(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex], 0)
-	end
-	twipe(AurasCache)
-local function LoadDuration(spellID)
-	if spellID then
-		return CachedAuraDurations[spellID] or 0
-	end
-	return 0
-local function SaveDuration(spellID, duration)
-	duration = duration or 0
-	if spellID then CachedAuraDurations[spellID] = duration end
-local function CreateAuraIcon(auras, plate)
-	local button = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, auras)
-	button.bord = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	button.bord:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 2)
-	button.bord:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,1)
-	button.bord:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", -2, 2)
-	button.bord:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 2, -2)
-	button.Icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-	button.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT")
-	button.Icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
-	button.Icon:SetTexCoord(.1, .9, .2, .8)
-	button.TimeLeft = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-	button.TimeLeft:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
-	button.TimeLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT",-3,-1)
-	button.TimeLeft:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
-	button.Stacks = button:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
-	button.Stacks:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
-	button.Stacks:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT",3,-3)
-	button:SetScript('OnHide', function()
-		if plate.guid then
-			UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-		end
-	end)
-	button:Hide()
-	return button
-function MOD:UpdateAuras(plate)
-	if plate.setting.tiny then return end
-	local guid = plate.guid
-	local frame = plate.frame
-	if(NPFindHealers and plate.isHealer) then
-		frame.health.icon:Show()
-	end
-	if not guid then
-		if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.classToken] then
-			local pn = plate.name:GetText()
-			local name = pn:gsub("%s%(%*%)", "")
-			guid = AuraByName[name]
-		elseif plate.raidicon:IsShown() then
-			guid = AuraByRaidIcon[plate.raidicontype]
-		end
-		if guid then
-			plate.guid = guid
-		else
-			frame.auras:Hide()
-			return
-		end
-	end
-	UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-	if(self.UseCombo) then
-		local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI("player") and "vehicle" or "player", "target")
-		for i = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-			if(i <= numPoints) then
-				frame.combo[i]:Show()
-			else
-				frame.combo[i]:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unitid)
-	local guid = UnitGUID(unitid)
-	if(guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid]) then
-		local auras = UnitPlateAuras[guid]
-		for auraID, _ in pairs(auras) do
-			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = nil
-		end
-	end
-	for i = 1, 40 do
-		local spellname , _, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellid, _, isBossDebuff = UnitAura(unitid, i, "HARMFUL")
-		if(not spellname) then break end
-		SaveDuration(spellid, duration)
-		SetAuraInstance(guid, spellid, expirationTime, count, UnitGUID(unitCaster or ""), duration, texture)
-	end
-	local name;
-	if UnitPlayerControlled(unitid) then
-		name = UnitName(unitid)
-		AuraByName[name] = guid
-	end
-	local raidIcon = RIconNames[GetRaidTargetIndex(unitid) or ""];
-	if(raidIcon) then
-		AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = guid
-	end
-	self:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, "UpdateAuras")
-	local function GetPlateThreatReaction(plate)
-		if plate.aggroHighlight:IsShown() then
-			local r, g, b = plate.aggroHighlight:GetVertexColor()
-			local lastThreat = plate.reaction or 1
-			if g + b < 1 then
-				plate.reaction = 4
-				return 4
-			else
-				if lastThreat > 2 then
-					plate.reaction = 2
-					return 2
-				elseif lastThreat < 3 then
-					plate.reaction = 3
-					return 3
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		plate.reaction = 1
-		return 1
-	end
-	local function GetPlateReaction(plate)
-		if plate.guid ~= nil then
-			local class, classToken, _, _, _, _, _ = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(plate.guid)
-			if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken] then
-				plate.setting.classToken = classToken
-				return REACTION_COLORING[1](classToken)
-			end
-		end
-		local oldR,oldG,oldB = plate.healthBar:GetStatusBarColor()
-		local r = floor(oldR * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
-		local g = floor(oldG * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
-		local b = floor(oldB * 100 + .5) * 0.01;
-		--print(plate.health:GetStatusBarColor())
-		for classToken, _ in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
-			local bb = b
-			if classToken == 'MONK' then
-				bb = bb - 0.01
-			end
-			if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].r == r and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].g == g and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classToken].b == bb then
-				plate.setting.classToken = classToken
-				return REACTION_COLORING[1](classToken)
-			end
-		end
-		plate.setting.classToken = nil
-		if(r + b < 0.25) then
-			return REACTION_COLORING[3]()
-		else
-			local threatReaction = GetPlateThreatReaction(plate)
-			if(r + g > 1.8) then
-				return REACTION_COLORING[4](threatReaction)
-			elseif(g + b < 0.25) then
-				return REACTION_COLORING[5](threatReaction)
-			elseif((r > 0.45 and r < 0.55) and (g > 0.45 and g < 0.55) and (b > 0.45 and b < 0.55)) then
-			else
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function ColorizeAndScale(plate, frame)
-		local unitType = GetPlateReaction(plate)
-		plate.setting.classToken = unitType
-		local latestColor, scale = GetPlateReaction(plate);
-		local r,g,b
-		if(latestColor) then
-			r,g,b = unpack(latestColor)
-		else
-			r,g,b = plate.healthBar:GetStatusBarColor()
-		end
-		frame.health:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b)
-		if(NPUsePointer and (NPPointerMatch == true) and plate.setting.unit == "target") then
-			NPGlow:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,0.5)
-			NPGlow:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b,0.5)
-		end
-		--frame.health.elite.bottom:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
-		--frame.health.elite.right:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
-		--frame.health.elite.left:SetVertexColor(r,g,b)
-		scale = scale or 1
-		if(not plate.setting.scaled and not plate.setting.tiny and frame.health:GetWidth() ~= (HBWidth * scale)) then
-			frame.health:SetSize(HBWidth * scale, HBHeight * scale)
-			local scaledIconSize = CBHeight + (HBHeight * scale) + 5;
-			plate.castBar.Icon:SetSize(scaledIconSize, scaledIconSize)
-		end
-	end
-	function UpdatePlateElements(plate, frame)
-		ColorizeAndScale(plate, frame)
-		frame.health.elitetop:Hide()
-		frame.health.elitebottom:Hide()
-		if(frame.name.SetText) then
-			frame.name:SetText(plate.name:GetText())
-		end
-	end
-	local function IsNamePlate(frame)
-		local frameName = frame:GetName()
-		if frameName and frameName:find('^NamePlate%d') then
-			local textObj = select(2, frame:GetChildren())
-			if textObj then
-				local textRegions = textObj:GetRegions()
-				return (textRegions and textRegions:GetObjectType() == 'FontString')
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function SetPlateAlpha(plate, frame)
-		if plate:GetAlpha() < 1 then
-			frame:SetAlpha(NPBaseAlpha)
-		else
-			frame:SetAlpha(1)
-		end
-	end
-	local function UpdatePlateUnit()
-		local plateName = BLIZZ_PLATE.nametext
-		if BLIZZ_PLATE:GetAlpha() == 1 and CURRENT_TARGET_NAME and (CURRENT_TARGET_NAME == plateName) then
-			BLIZZ_PLATE.guid = UnitGUID("target")
-			PLATE_ARGS.unit = "target"
-			SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(2)
-			SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Hide()
-			if(NPUsePointer) then
-				NPGlow:SetParent(SVUI_PLATE)
-				NPGlow:WrapPoints(SVUI_PLATE.health,2,2)
-				NPGlow:SetFrameLevel(0)
-				NPGlow:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
-				if(not NPGlow:IsShown()) then
-					NPGlow:Show()
-					if(NPUseModel) then
-						NPGlow.FX:Show()
-						NPGlow.FX:SetEffect("platepoint")
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			if((TARGET_CHECKS > 0) or PLATE_ARGS.allowed) then
-				if(TARGET_CHECKS == 2) then
-				end
-				MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID('target')
-				if MOD.UseCombo then
-					UpdateComboPoints()
-				end
-				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
-			end
-		elseif UnitExists("mouseover") and (UnitName("mouseover") == plateName) then
-			if(PLATE_ARGS.unit ~= "mouseover" or PLATE_ARGS.allowed) then
-				SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(1)
-				SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Show()
-				MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID('mouseover')
-				if MOD.UseCombo then
-					UpdateComboPoints()
-				end
-				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
-			end
-			BLIZZ_PLATE.guid = UnitGUID("mouseover")
-			PLATE_ARGS.unit = "mouseover"
-		else
-			SVUI_PLATE:SetFrameLevel(0)
-			SVUI_PLATE.highlight:Hide()
-			PLATE_ARGS.unit = nil
-		end
-		--CheckRaidIcon()
-		UpdatePlateElements(BLIZZ_PLATE,SVUI_PLATE)
-	end
-	function MOD:NAME_PLATE_CREATED(event, ...)
+function _hook_NamePlateDriverMixin(self, event, ...)
+	if event == "NAME_PLATE_CREATED" then
 		local frame = ...;
 		if(not PlateRegistry[frame]) then
-	end
-	function MOD:NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED(event, ...)
+	elseif event == "NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED" then
 		local namePlateUnitToken = ...;
 		local frame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(namePlateUnitToken);
 		if(not PlateRegistry[frame]) then
+	elseif event == "NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED" then
+		-- local namePlateUnitToken = ...;
+		-- DO STUFF
+	elseif event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" then
+		-- DO STUFF
+	elseif event == "DISPLAY_SIZE_CHANGED" then
+		-- DO STUFF
+	elseif event == "RAID_TARGET_UPDATE" then
+		-- DO STUFF
+	elseif ( event == "UNIT_FACTION" ) then
+		-- DO STUFF
@@ -892,412 +101,25 @@ end
-	local function HealthBarSizeChanged(self, width, height)
-		if(not ProxyThisPlate(self.sync)) then return; end
-		width = floor(width + 0.5)
-		local numAuras = AuraMaxCount
-		local auraWidth = ((width - (4 * (numAuras - 1))) / numAuras)
-		local auraHeight = (auraWidth * 0.7)
-		for index = 1, numAuras do
-			if not PLATE_AURAICONS[index] then
-			end
-			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetWidth(auraWidth)
-			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetHeight(auraHeight)
-			PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:ClearAllPoints()
-			if(index == 1) then
-				PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetPoint("LEFT", PLATE_AURAS, 0, 0)
-			else
-				PLATE_AURAICONS[index]:SetPoint("LEFT", PLATE_AURAICONS[index-1], "RIGHT", 4, 0)
-			end
-		end
-		if(numAuras > #PLATE_AURAICONS) then
-			for index = (numAuras + 1), #PLATE_AURAICONS do
-				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function HealthBarValueChanged(self, value)
-		local healthBar = self.sync;
-		local alert = healthBar.alert;
-		local minValue, maxValue = self:GetMinMaxValues()
-		local showText = false
-		healthBar:SetMinMaxValues(minValue, maxValue)
-		healthBar:SetValue(value)
-		local percentValue = (value/maxValue)
-		if percentValue < HBThresh then
-			alert:Show()
-			if percentValue < (HBThresh / 2) then
-				alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 0.9)
-			else
-				alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.9)
-			end
-		elseif alert:IsShown() then
-			alert:Hide()
-		end
-		if((value and value > 0) and (maxValue and maxValue > 1) and self:GetScale() == 1) then
-			showText = true
-		end
-		if(HBTextFormat and showText) then
-			healthBar.text:Show()
-			healthBar.text:SetText(SetTextStyle(HBTextFormat, value, maxValue))
-		elseif healthBar.text:IsShown() then
-			healthBar.text:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-	local function CastBarValueChanged(self, value)
-		local castBar = self.sync
-		local min, max = self:GetMinMaxValues()
-		local isChannel = value < castBar:GetValue()
-		castBar:SetMinMaxValues(min, max)
-		castBar:SetValue(value)
-		castBar.Text:SetFormattedText("%.1f ", value)
-		local color
-		if(self.shield and self.shield:IsShown()) then
-			color = CBNoInterrupt
-		else
-			if value > 0 and (isChannel and (value/max) <= 0.02 or (value/max) >= 0.98) then
-				color = {0,1,0}
-			else
-				color = CBColor
-			end
-		end
-		castBar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(color))
-	end
-	local function ShowThisPlate(plate)
-		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate, true)) then return; end
-		if RestrictedPlates[PLATE_REALNAME] then
-			SVUI_PLATE:Hide()
-			return
-		elseif(not SVUI_PLATE:IsShown()) then
-			SVUI_PLATE:Show()
-		end
-		VisiblePlates[BLIZZ_PLATE] = true
-		PLATE_ARGS.tiny = (BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetEffectiveScale() < 1)
-		SVUI_PLATE.name:ClearAllPoints()
-		if(PLATE_ARGS.tiny) then
-			SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetWidth() * (BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetEffectiveScale() * 1.25), HBHeight)
-			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOM", SVUI_PLATE.health, "TOP", 0, 3)
-		else
-			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", SVUI_PLATE.health, "TOPLEFT", 0, 3)
-			SVUI_PLATE.name:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", SVUI_PLATE.level, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, 0)
-		end
-		UpdatePlateElements(BLIZZ_PLATE, SVUI_PLATE)
-		HealthBarValueChanged(BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar, BLIZZ_PLATE.healthBar:GetValue())
-		if(not PLATE_ARGS.tiny) then
-			--CheckRaidIcon()
-			MOD:UpdateAuras(BLIZZ_PLATE)
-		else
-			PLATE_ARGS.allowed = true
-		end
-		if(NPUsePointer and (not NPPointerMatch)) then
-			NPGlow:SetBackdropColor(unpack(NPPointerColor))
-			NPGlow:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(NPPointerColor))
-		end
-	end
-	local function HideThisPlate(plate)
-		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate)) then return; end
-		SVUI_PLATE:Hide()
-		VisiblePlates[plate] = nil
-		PLATE_ARGS.classToken = nil
-		plate.guid = nil
-		PLATE_ARGS.unit = nil
-		PLATE_ARGS.scaled = nil
-		PLATE_ARGS.tiny = nil
-		PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
-		if(NPGlow:GetParent() == SVUI_PLATE) then
-			NPGlow:Hide()
-			if(NPGlow.FX:IsShown()) then
-				NPGlow.FX:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-		SVUI_PLATE.health.alert:Hide()
-		SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:Hide()
-		if SVUI_PLATE.health then
-			SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(HBWidth, HBHeight)
-			plate.castBar.Icon:SetSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-		end
-		if PLATE_AURAS then
-			for index = 1, #PLATE_AURAICONS do
-				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
-			end
-		end
-		if MOD.UseCombo then
-			for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				SVUI_PLATE.combo[i]:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function UpdateThisPlate(plate)
-		--print("NamePlate UpdateThisPlate Start")
-		if(not ProxyThisPlate(plate, true)) then return; end
-		SVUI_PLATE.name:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate)
-		SVUI_PLATE.name:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.level:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Number)
-		-- if not PLATE_ARGS.scaled and not PLATE_ARGS.tiny then
-		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.health:SetSize(HBWidth, HBHeight)
-		-- end
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.health:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.text:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Number)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast:SetSize(HBWidth, CBHeight)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.cast.text:SetFont(SV.media.font.default, 8, "OUTLINE")
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:ClearAllPoints()
-		-- SV:SetReversePoint(SVUI_PLATE.health.icon, RIAnchor, SVUI_PLATE.health, RIXoffset, RIYoffset)
-		-- SVUI_PLATE.health.icon:SetSize(RISize, RISize)
-		-- for index = 1, #PLATE_AURAICONS do
-		-- 	if PLATE_AURAICONS and PLATE_AURAICONS[index] then
-		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].TimeLeft:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
-		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].Stacks:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate_Aura)
-		-- 		PLATE_AURAICONS[index].Icon:SetTexCoord(.07, 0.93, .23, 0.77)
-		-- 	end
-		-- end
-		--
-		-- if(MOD.UseCombo and not SVUI_PLATE.combo:IsShown()) then
-		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.combo:Show()
-		-- elseif(SVUI_PLATE.combo:IsShown()) then
-		-- 	SVUI_PLATE.combo:Hide()
-		-- end
-		--
-		-- ShowThisPlate(plate)
-		-- HealthBarSizeChanged(SVUI_PLATE.health, SVUI_PLATE.health:GetSize())
-	end
-	function PlateForge(source)
-		local plate = source.UnitFrame;
-		if(not plate) then return end;
-		--print("NamePlate Creation Start")
-		local ref, skin = {}, {};
-		plate.healthBar:SetStatusBarTexture(SV.NoTexture)
-		plate.castBar:SetStatusBarTexture(SV.NoTexture)
-		plate.healthBar:Hide()
-		plate.castBar:Hide()
-		plate.name:ClearAllPoints()
-		plate.name:Hide()
-		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, plate)
-		--[[ HEALTH BAR ]]--
-		--print("NamePlate Creating Health")
-		frame.health = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, frame)
-		frame.health:SetPoint('BOTTOM', frame, 'BOTTOM', 0, 5)
-		frame.health:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
-		frame.health:SetFrameLevel(1)
-		frame.health:SetStyle("Frame", "Nameplate")
-		frame.health:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", HealthBarSizeChanged)
-		frame.health.elitetop = frame.health.Panel.Top
-		frame.health.elitebottom = frame.health.Panel.Bottom
-		frame.health.sync = plate.healthBar;
-		--CreatePlateBorder(frame.health)
+function PlateForge(source)
+	local plate = source.UnitFrame;
+	if(not plate) then return end;

-		frame.health.text = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-		frame.health.text:SetPoint("CENTER", frame.health, HBTextAnchor, HBXoffset, HBYoffset)
-		frame.health.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	plate.healthBar:SetStyle("Frame", "Bar")
+	plate.healthBar:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
+	plate.castBar:SetStyle("Frame", 'Bar')
+	plate.castBar:SetStatusBarTexture(NPBarTex)
+	plate.name:SetFontObject(SVUI_Font_NamePlate)
+	plate.name:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)

-		--print("NamePlate Creating LevelText")
-		frame.level = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-		frame.level:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.health, "TOPRIGHT", 3, 3)
-		frame.level:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
-		frame.name = frame.health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-		frame.name:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
---print("NamePlate Creating Icons")
-		frame.eliteicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.skullicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.raidicon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		frame.raidicon:SetSize(NPIcons,NPIcons)
-		frame.raidicon:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame.health, "LEFT", -3, 0)
-		--frame.raidicon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons")
-		frame.raidicon:SetTexture("")
-		frame.health.icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
-		frame.health.icon:SetSize(14,14)
-		frame.health.icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.health, "TOPLEFT", -3, 3)
-		frame.health.icon:SetTexture(MOD.media.roles)
-		frame.health.icon:SetTexCoord(0,0.5,0.5,1)
-		frame.health.icon:Hide()
-		frame.highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-		frame.highlight:SetAllPoints(frame.health)
-		frame.highlight:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 0.3)
-		frame.highlight:Hide()
---print("NamePlate Creating Alert")
-		local alert = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-		alert:SetFrameLevel(0)
-		alert:WrapPoints(frame.health,2,2)
-		alert:SetBackdrop({
-			edgeFile = SV.media.border.shadow,
-			edgeSize = 2
-		});
-		alert:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
-		alert:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 0, 0.9)
-		alert:SetScale(1.5)
-		alert:Hide()
-		frame.health.alert = alert
-		plate.healthBar.sync = frame.health
-		--[[ CAST BAR ]]--
---print("NamePlate Creating CastBar")
-		frame.cast = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, frame)
-		frame.cast:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame.health, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -8)
-		frame.cast:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', frame.health, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -8)
-		frame.cast:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
-		frame.cast:SetStyle("Frame", 'Bar')
-		frame.cast:SetFrameLevel(0)
-		frame.cast.text = frame.cast:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-		frame.cast.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame.cast, "LEFT", -4, CBYoffset)
-		frame.cast.text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
-		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetParent(frame.cast)
-		-- plate.castBar.Text:ClearAllPoints()
-		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.cast, "LEFT", CBXoffset, CBYoffset)
-		-- plate.castBar.Text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
-		--
-		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetParent(frame.cast)
-		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetTexCoord(.07, .93, .07, .93)
-		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY")
-		-- plate.castBar.Icon:ClearAllPoints()
-		-- plate.castBar.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.health, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
-		-- local bgFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.cast)
-		-- bgFrame:WrapPoints(plate.castBar.Icon)
-		-- bgFrame:SetFrameLevel(bgFrame:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
-		-- bgFrame:SetStyle("Frame", "Bar", true, 2, 0, 0)
-		plate.castBar.sync = frame.cast
---print("NamePlate Creating Combo")
-		frame.combo = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame.health)
-		frame.combo:SetPoint("CENTER", frame.health, "BOTTOM")
-		frame.combo:SetSize(68, 1)
-		frame.combo:Hide()
-		if MOD.UseCombo then
-			for i = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				frame.combo[i] = frame.combo:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-				frame.combo[i]:SetTexture(MOD.media.comboIcon)
-				frame.combo[i]:SetSize(12, 12)
-				frame.combo[i]:SetVertexColor(unpack(NPComboColor[i]))
-				if(i == 1) then
-					frame.combo[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.combo, "TOPLEFT")
-				else
-					frame.combo[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", frame.combo[i-1], "RIGHT", 2, 0)
-				end
-				frame.combo[i]:Hide()
-			end
-		end
---print("NamePlate Creating Auras")
-		frame.auras = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
-		frame.auras:SetHeight(32); frame.auras:Show()
-		frame.auras:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame.health, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 10)
-		frame.auras:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', frame.health, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 10)
-		frame.auras:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
-		frame.auras:SetFrameLevel(0)
-		frame.auraicons = {}
-		plate.frame = frame;
-		plate.setting = {};
---print("NamePlate UpdateThisPlate")
-		UpdateThisPlate(plate)
---print("NamePlate Setting Hooks")
-		plate:HookScript("OnShow", ShowThisPlate)
-		plate:HookScript("OnHide", HideThisPlate)
-		plate:HookScript("OnSizeChanged", function(self, width, height)
-			self.frame:SetSize(width, height)
-		end)
-		plate.healthBar:HookScript("OnValueChanged", HealthBarValueChanged)
-		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnShow", function(self) self.sync:Show() end)
-		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnHide", function(self) self.sync:Hide() end)
-		plate.castBar:HookScript("OnValueChanged", CastBarValueChanged)
-		VisiblePlates[plate] = true
-		PlateRegistry[source] = true;
-		--print("NamePlate Added")
-	end
-	function MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
-		self:UpdateLocals()
-		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
-			if(plate) then
-				UpdateThisPlate(plate)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function ParseByName(sourceName)
-		if not sourceName then return; end
-		local SearchFor = split("-", sourceName)
-		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
-			if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.nametext == SearchFor and RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.classToken] then
-				return plate
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local function ParseByIconName(raidIcon)
-		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
-			--CheckRaidIcon(plate)
-			if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.raidicon:IsShown() and (plate.raidicontype and plate.raidicontype == raidIcon) then
-				return plate
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	function MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, callbackFunc, ...)
-		local plate
-		if guid then plate = ParseByGUID(guid) end
-		if (not plate) and name then plate = ParseByName(name) end
-		--if (not plate) and raidIcon then plate = ParseByIconName(raidIcon) end
-		if(plate and callbackFunc and MOD[callbackFunc]) then
-			MOD[callbackFunc](MOD, plate, ...)
-		end
-	end
+	VisiblePlates[plate] = true
+	PlateRegistry[source] = true;
-	self:UpdateLocals();
-	WorldFrame.elapsed = 0.1
 	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 1)
@@ -1314,175 +136,22 @@ function MOD:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED()
 	if(UnitExists("target")) then
 		CURRENT_TARGET_NAME = UnitName("target");
-		WorldFrame.elapsed = 0.1;
-function MOD:UNIT_COMBO_POINTS(event, unit)
-	if(unit == "player" or unit == "vehicle") then
-		UpdateComboPoints()
-	end
-function MOD:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)
-  if(unit == "target" or unit == "focus") then
-    self:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unit)
-		if(self.UseCombo) then
-			UpdateComboPoints()
-		end
-  end
-		["SPELL_HEAL"] = true,
-		["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"] = true,
-		["SPELL_CAST_START"] = true,
-		["SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"] = true,
-		["SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL"] = true,
-	}
-	}
-	function MOD:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(event, timestamp, combatevent, hideCaster, ...)
-	  local sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellID, spellname = ...;
-		local hasChange = false;
-		local eventCheck = COMBAT_AURA_EVENTS[combatevent];
-		if(eventCheck and destGUID and spellID) then
-			if(eventCheck > 1) then
-				local stackCount = 1
-				local duration = LoadDuration(spellID)
-				local texture = GetSpellTexture(spellID)
-				if(eventCheck == 3) then stackCount = select(16, ...) end
-				SetAuraInstance(destGUID, spellID, (GetTime() + duration), stackCount, sourceGUID, duration, texture)
-			else
-				local auraID = spellID..(tostring(sourceName or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
-				if(auraID and UnitPlateAuras[destGUID] and UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID]) then
-				  UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID] = nil
-				end
-			end
-			hasChange = true;
-		end
-		if(NPFindHealers and COMBAT_HEAL_EVENTS[combatevent] and IsEnemyPlayer(sourceFlags) and sourceName) then
-			local healerName = split("-", sourceName)
-			self:RequestScanUpdate(sourceGUID, false, healerName, "UpdateHealer", healerName, spellID)
-			hasChange = true;
-		end
-	  if(not hasChange) then
-	    return
-	  end
-	  local rawName, raidIcon
-	  if(destName and (band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
-	    rawName = split("-", destName)
-	    AuraByName[rawName] = destGUID
-	  end
-	  for iconName, bitmask in pairs(RIconData) do
-	    if band(destRaidFlags, bitmask) > 0  then
-	      raidIcon = iconName
-	      AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = destGUID
-	      break
-	    end
-	  end
-	  self:RequestScanUpdate(destGUID, raidIcon, rawName, "UpdateAuras")
-	end
-local function PlayerRoleUpdate()
-	MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
 function MOD:UpdateLocals()
 	local db = SV.db.NamePlates
 	if not db then return end

 	NPBarTex = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.barTexture);

-	NPBaseAlpha = db.nonTargetAlpha;
-	NPCombatHide = db.combatHide;
-	RIAnchor = db.raidHealIcon.attachTo;
-	RIXoffset = db.raidHealIcon.xOffset;
-	RIYoffset = db.raidHealIcon.yOffset;
-	RISize = db.raidHealIcon.size;
-	HBThresh = db.healthBar.lowThreshold;
-	NPNameMatch = db.colorNameByValue;
-	HBTextFormat = db.healthBar.text.enable and db.healthBar.text.format or false;
-	HBTextAnchor = db.healthBar.text.attachTo;
-	HBXoffset = db.healthBar.text.xOffset;
-	HBYoffset = db.healthBar.text.yOffset;
-	HBWidth = db.healthBar.width;
-	HBHeight = db.healthBar.height;
-	NPIcons = HBHeight * 1.5
-	CBColor = {db.castBar.color[1], db.castBar.color[2], db.castBar.color[3]}
-	CBNoInterrupt = {db.castBar.noInterrupt[1], db.castBar.noInterrupt[2], db.castBar.noInterrupt[3]}
-	CBHeight = db.castBar.height;
-	CBText = db.castBar.text.enable;
-	CBXoffset = db.castBar.text.xOffset;
-	CBYoffset = db.castBar.text.yOffset;
-	ICON_SIZE = CBHeight + HBHeight + 5
-	NPUsePointer = db.pointer.enable;
-	NPPointerMatch = db.pointer.colorMatchHealthBar;
-	NPPointerColor = {db.pointer.color[1], db.pointer.color[2], db.pointer.color[3], 0.5};
-	NPUseModel = db.pointer.useArrowEffect
-	local rc = db.reactions
-	NPReactTap = {rc.tapped[1], rc.tapped[2], rc.tapped[3]}
-	NPReactNPCGood = {rc.friendlyNPC[1], rc.friendlyNPC[2], rc.friendlyNPC[3]}
-	NPReactPlayerGood = {rc.friendlyPlayer[1], rc.friendlyPlayer[2], rc.friendlyPlayer[3]}
-	NPReactNeutral = {rc.neutral[1], rc.neutral[2], rc.neutral[3]}
-	NPReactEnemy = {rc.enemy[1], rc.enemy[2], rc.enemy[3]}
-	AuraMaxCount = db.auras.numAuras;
-	AuraFilterName = db.auras.additionalFilter
-	AuraFilter = SV.db.Filters[AuraFilterName]
-	NPFindHealers = db.findHealers
-	local tc = SV.db.NamePlates.threat
-	NPUseThreat = tc.enable;
-	NPThreatGS = tc.goodScale;
-	NPThreatBS = tc.badScale;
-	if(SV.ClassRole == 'TANK') then
-			{tc.badColor[1], tc.badColor[2], tc.badColor[3]},
-			{tc.badTransitionColor[1], tc.badTransitionColor[2], tc.badTransitionColor[3]},
-			{tc.goodTransitionColor[1], tc.goodTransitionColor[2], tc.goodTransitionColor[3]},
-			{tc.goodColor[1], tc.goodColor[2], tc.goodColor[3]}
-		};
-		CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { NPThreatBS, NPThreatBS, NPThreatGS, NPThreatGS };
-	else
-			{tc.goodColor[1], tc.goodColor[2], tc.goodColor[3]},
-			{tc.goodTransitionColor[1], tc.goodTransitionColor[2], tc.goodTransitionColor[3]},
-			{tc.badTransitionColor[1], tc.badTransitionColor[2], tc.badTransitionColor[3]},
-			{tc.badColor[1], tc.badColor[2], tc.badColor[3]}
-		};
-		CONFIG_THREAT_SCALE = { NPThreatGS, NPThreatGS, NPThreatBS, NPThreatBS };
-	end
 	if(not db.themed) then
 		PLATE_TOP = SV.NoTexture
 		PLATE_BOTTOM = SV.NoTexture
@@ -1494,20 +163,6 @@ function MOD:UpdateLocals()
 		PLATE_RIGHT = self.media.rightArt
 		PLATE_LEFT = self.media.leftArt
-	if (db.comboPoints and (SV.class == 'ROGUE' or SV.class == 'DRUID')) then
-		self.UseCombo = true
-		self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
-	else
-		self.UseCombo = false
-		self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
-	end
-	if (NPFindHealers) then
-		self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE")
-	else
-		self:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE")
-	end

 function MOD:CombatToggle(noToggle)
@@ -1531,11 +186,8 @@ function MOD:ReLoad()

 function MOD:Load()
-	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Arcane_missile_lvl1.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
+	SV:FontManager(SystemFont_NamePlate, "platename")
 	SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Arrow_state_animated.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -50, 0.75, 0, 0.1)
-	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Cast_arcane_01.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
-	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Cast_arcane_01.m2]], -12, 48, 12, -48, 0.25, 0, 0)
-	--SV.SpecialFX:Register("platepoint", [[Spells\Shadow_precast_uber_hand.m2]],  -12, 22, 12, -22, 0.23, -0.1, 0.1)
 	SV.SpecialFX:SetFXFrame(NPGlow, "platepoint", true)
@@ -1543,13 +195,7 @@ function MOD:Load()
-	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
-	self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT")
-	self:RegisterEvent("NAME_PLATE_CREATED")
-	self:RegisterEvent("NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED")
-	--WorldFrame:HookScript('OnUpdate', WorldFrameUpdateHook)
+	NamePlateDriverFrame:HookScript("OnEvent", _hook_NamePlateDriverMixin)
-	SV.Events:On("PLAYER_ROLE_CHANGED", PlayerRoleUpdate, true)
diff --git a/SVUI_Skins/components/blizzard/talents.lua b/SVUI_Skins/components/blizzard/talents.lua
index ea1a70b..a2f9e51 100644
--- a/SVUI_Skins/components/blizzard/talents.lua
+++ b/SVUI_Skins/components/blizzard/talents.lua
@@ -103,17 +103,19 @@ local function TalentFrameStyle()
 	SV.API:Set("Window", PlayerTalentFrame)
-	PlayerTalentFrameSpecialization:RemoveTextures()
+	--PlayerTalentFrameSpecialization:RemoveTextures()
+	PlayerTalentFramePetSpecializationTutorialButton:Die()

 	PlayerTalentFrame.Panel:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", PlayerTalentFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -5)

 	PlayerTalentFrameTalents:SetStyle("!_Frame", "Inset")
 	PlayerTalentFrameSpecialization:SetStyle("!_Frame", "Inset")
+	PlayerTalentFramePetSpecialization:SetStyle("!_Frame", "Inset")
 	SV.API:Set("CloseButton", PlayerTalentFrameCloseButton)
 	SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", PlayerTalentFrameSpecializationSpellScrollFrameScrollBar, 5)
+	SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", PlayerTalentFramePetSpecializationSpellScrollFrameScrollBar, 5)
 	for i = 1, 4 do
 		SV.API:Set("Tab", _G["PlayerTalentFrameTab"..i])
diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/Loader.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/Loader.lua
index 37daaed..8a21b2b 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/Loader.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/Loader.lua
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ SV.defaults[Schema] = {
 	["auraBarShield"] = true,
 	["castClassColor"] = false,
 	["xrayFocus"] = true,
-	["resolveBar"] = true,
+	["resolveBar"] = false,
 	["player"] = {
 		["enable"] = true,
 		["width"] = 215,
diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/hunter.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/hunter.lua
index 7cf76f1..1a3f6c4 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/hunter.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/hunter.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 S V U I   By: Munglunch
 local _G = _G;
 local unpack    = _G.unpack;
 local select    = _G.select;
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ local L = SV.L;
 local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
 local MOD = SV.UnitFrames

-if(not MOD) then return end
+if(not MOD) then return end

 local oUF_SVUI = MOD.oUF
 assert(oUF_SVUI, "SVUI UnitFrames: unable to locate oUF.")
-if(SV.class ~= "HUNTER") then return end
+if(SV.class ~= "HUNTER") then return end

-SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_fire", [[Spells\Fireshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.4, 0, 0.2)
-SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_ice", [[Spells\Frostshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.4, 0, 0.18)
-SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_frost", [[Spells\Blindingshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.4, -0.2, 0.3)
+SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_fire", [[Spells\Fireshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.6, 0, 0.2)
+SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_ice", [[Spells\Frostshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.6, 0, 0.18)
+SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_frost", [[Spells\Blindingshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.6, -0.1, 0.22)
 SV.SpecialFX:Register("trap_snake", [[Spells\Poisonshot_missile.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.4, 0, -0.21)
-local specEffects = {
-	[1] = "trap_fire",
-	[2] = "trap_ice",
+local specEffects = {
+	[1] = "trap_fire",
+	[2] = "trap_ice",
 	[3] = "trap_frost"
 local HAS_SNAKE_TRAP = false;
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ local Reposition = function(self)
-		if i==1 then
+		if i==1 then
 			bar[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		else
-			bar[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1], "RIGHT", -1, 0)
+		else
+			bar[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1], "RIGHT", -1, 0)
-	end
+	end
 local TrapUpdate = function(self, isReady)
 	if(isReady) then
-		if(not self.FX:IsShown()) then
+		if(not self.FX:IsShown()) then
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ local SnakeTrapUpdate = function(self, isReady, isSnake, bypass)

 	if(not bypass) then
 		if(isReady) then
-			if(not self.FX:IsShown()) then
+			if(not self.FX:IsShown()) then
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 	local bar = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,playerFrame)
 	bar:SetFrameLevel(playerFrame.TextGrip:GetFrameLevel() + 30)

-	for i = 1, max do
+	for i = 1, max do
 		bar[i] = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, bar)
@@ -145,5 +145,5 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 	playerFrame.MaxClassPower = max;
 	playerFrame.RefreshClassBar = Reposition;
 	playerFrame.HunterTraps = bar
-	return 'HunterTraps'
\ No newline at end of file
+	return 'HunterTraps'
diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/mage.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/mage.lua
index 8d15586..a629fd5 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/mage.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/mage.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 S V U I   By: Munglunch
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ local assert 	= _G.assert;
 local math 		= _G.math;
 --[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
 local random = math.random;
@@ -30,26 +30,26 @@ local L = SV.L;
 local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
 local MOD = SV.UnitFrames

-if(not MOD) then return end
+if(not MOD) then return end

 local oUF_SVUI = MOD.oUF
 assert(oUF_SVUI, "SVUI UnitFrames: unable to locate oUF.")
-if(SV.class ~= "MAGE") then return end
+if(SV.class ~= "MAGE") then return end

 local ORB_ICON = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_UnitFrames\assets\Class\ORB]];
 local ORB_BG = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_UnitFrames\assets\Class\ORB-BG]];
 local CHARGE_ICON = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_UnitFrames\assets\Class\MAGE-CHARGE]];
 local ICICLE_ICON = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI_UnitFrames\assets\Class\MAGE-ICICLE]];
 local NO_ART = SV.NoTexture;
-SV.SpecialFX:Register("mage_fire", [[Spells\Fill_fire_cast_01.m2]], 2, -2, -2, 2, 0.5, -0.45, 1)
+SV.SpecialFX:Register("mage_fire", [[Spells\Fill_fire_cast_01.m2]], 2, -2, -2, 2, 0.85, -0.45, 1)
 local specEffects = { [1] = "arcane", [2] = "mage_fire", [3] = "frost" };
-local specColors = {
-	[1] = {0.8, 1, 1, 1},
-	[2] = {1, 0.2, 0, 0.75},
+local specColors = {
+	[1] = {0.8, 1, 1, 1},
+	[2] = {1, 0.2, 0, 0.75},
 	[3] = {0.95, 1, 1, 0.75}
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ local Reposition = function(self)
 	for i = 1, max do
-		bar[i]:SetHeight(size)
-		bar[i]:SetWidth(size)
-		if i==1 then
+		bar[i]:SetHeight(size-4)
+		bar[i]:SetWidth(size-4)
+		if i==1 then
 			bar[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		else
-			bar[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1], "RIGHT", -3, 0)
+		else
+			bar[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1], "RIGHT", -3, 0)
-	end
+	end
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 	local bar = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,playerFrame)
 	bar:SetFrameLevel(playerFrame.TextGrip:GetFrameLevel() + 30)

-	for i = 1, max do
+	for i = 1, max do
 		bar[i] = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, bar)
@@ -146,33 +146,33 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)

 	local borderB = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
-    borderB:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-    borderB:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
-    borderB:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
-    borderB:SetHeight(2)
+  borderB:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+  borderB:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+  borderB:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+  borderB:SetHeight(2)

-    local borderT = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
-    borderT:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-    borderT:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-    borderT:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
-    borderT:SetHeight(2)
+  local borderT = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
+  borderT:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+  borderT:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+  borderT:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+  borderT:SetHeight(2)

-    local borderL = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
-    borderL:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-    borderL:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-    borderL:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
-    borderL:SetWidth(2)
+  local borderL = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
+  borderL:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+  borderL:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+  borderL:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+  borderL:SetWidth(2)

-    local borderR = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
-    borderR:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
-    borderR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
-    borderR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
-    borderR:SetWidth(2)
+  local borderR = bgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
+  borderR:SetColorTexture(0,0,0)
+  borderR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+  borderR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+  borderR:SetWidth(2)

-    bar.bg = bgTexture;
+  bar.bg = bgTexture;

-    local ignite = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, bgFrame)
+  local ignite = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, bgFrame)
 	ignite.noupdate = true;
@@ -200,5 +200,5 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 	playerFrame.MaxClassPower = max;
 	playerFrame.RefreshClassBar = Reposition;
 	playerFrame.MageMagic = bar
-	return 'MageMagic'
\ No newline at end of file
+	return 'MageMagic'
diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/paladin.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/paladin.lua
index 34afa24..86d4fa2 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/paladin.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/paladin.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 S V U I   By: Munglunch
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ local assert 	= _G.assert;
 local math 		= _G.math;
 --[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
 local random = math.random;
@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ local L = SV.L;
 local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
 local MOD = SV.UnitFrames

-if(not MOD) then return end
+if(not MOD) then return end

 local oUF_SVUI = MOD.oUF
 assert(oUF_SVUI, "SVUI UnitFrames: unable to locate oUF.")
-if(SV.class ~= "PALADIN") then return end
+if(SV.class ~= "PALADIN") then return end

 --SV.SpecialFX:Register("holypower", [[Spells\Holy_missile_low.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 1.5, 0, 0)
-SV.SpecialFX:Register("holypower", [[Spells\Holylight_impact_head.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 0.8, 0, -0.4)
+SV.SpecialFX:Register("holypower", [[Spells\Holylight_impact_head.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 1.5, 0, -0.4)
 --SV.SpecialFX:Register("holypower", [[Spells\Paladin_healinghands_state_01.m2]], -12, 12, 12, -12, 1.2, 0, 0)

@@ -76,40 +76,40 @@ local Reposition = function(self)
-		if i==1 then
+		if i==1 then
 			bar[i].holder:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		else
-			bar[i].holder:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1].holder, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
+		else
+			bar[i].holder:SetPoint("LEFT", bar[i - 1].holder, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
-	end
+	end

 local Update = function(self, event, unit, powerType)
-	if self.unit ~= unit or (powerType and powerType ~= 'HOLY_POWER') then return end
+	if self.unit ~= unit or (powerType and powerType ~= 'HOLY_POWER') then return end
 	local bar = self.HolyPower;
 	local baseCount = UnitPower('player',SPELL_POWER_HOLY_POWER)
 	local maxCount = UnitPowerMax('player',SPELL_POWER_HOLY_POWER)
-	for i=1,maxCount do
-		if i <= baseCount then
+	for i=1,maxCount do
+		if i <= baseCount then
 			if(not bar[i].holder.FX:IsShown()) then
-		else
+		else
-		end
-		if i > maxCount then
+		end
+		if i > maxCount then
-		else
+		else
-		end
+		end
 	self.MaxClassPower = maxCount
@@ -133,17 +133,17 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)

-		bar[i].bg = underlay:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-		bar[i].bg:SetAllPoints(underlay)
-		bar[i].bg:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI_UnitFrames\\assets\\Class\\PALADIN-HAMMER-BG")
-		bar[i].bg:SetVertexColor(0,0,0)
+		-- bar[i].bg = underlay:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
+		-- bar[i].bg:SetAllPoints(underlay)
+		-- bar[i].bg:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI_UnitFrames\\assets\\Class\\PALADIN-HAMMER-BG")
+		-- bar[i].bg:SetVertexColor(0,0,0)

 		bar[i].holder = underlay
 		--bar[i]:SetScript("OnShow", ShowLink)
 		--bar[i]:SetScript("OnHide", HideLink)
-	end
+	end
 	bar.Override = Update;
 	local classBarHolder = CreateFrame("Frame", "Player_ClassBar", bar)
 	classBarHolder:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", playerFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2)
 	bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", classBarHolder, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
@@ -153,5 +153,5 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 	playerFrame.MaxClassPower = max;
 	playerFrame.RefreshClassBar = Reposition;
 	playerFrame.HolyPower = bar
-	return 'HolyPower'
\ No newline at end of file
+	return 'HolyPower'
diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/rogue.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/rogue.lua
index 33f59fa..92ce418 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/rogue.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/rogue.lua
@@ -69,9 +69,8 @@ local OnMove = function()

 local ShowPoint = function(self)
-	--self.FX:SetEffect("default")
-	--self.Blood:SetTexture(BLOOD_TEXTURE)
+	self.FX:SetEffect("default")

 local HidePoint = function(self)
 	local coords = ICON_COORDS[random(2,4)];
@@ -103,15 +102,15 @@ local Reposition = function(self)

 	local points = bar.Combo;
 	local max = UnitPowerMax('player', SPELL_POWER_COMBO_POINTS);
-	local size = height + 4
-	--if(db.classbar.altComboPoints) then
+	if(db.classbar.altComboPoints) then
 		for i = 1, max do
-			--points[i].FX:SetAlpha(0)
+			points[i].FX:SetAlpha(0)
-			points[i]:SetSize(size, size)
-			--points[i].Icon:SetTexture(ICON_FILE)
+			points[i]:SetSize(height, height)
+			points[i].Icon:SetTexture(ICON_FILE)
 			if i==1 then
 				points[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", points)
@@ -120,24 +119,24 @@ local Reposition = function(self)
 		bar.PointShow = nil;
 		bar.PointHide = HidePoint;
-	-- else
-	-- 	for i = 1, max do
-	-- 		points[i].FX:SetAlpha(1)
-	-- 		points[i]:ClearAllPoints()
-	-- 		points[i]:SetSize(size, size)
-	-- 		points[i].Icon:SetTexture(EMPTY_TEXTURE)
-	-- 		if(points[i].Blood) then
-	-- 			points[i].Blood:SetTexture(EMPTY_TEXTURE)
-	-- 		end
-	-- 		if i==1 then
-	-- 			points[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", points)
-	-- 		else
-	-- 			points[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", points[i - 1], "RIGHT", -8, 0)
-	-- 		end
-	-- 	end
-	-- 	bar.PointShow = ShowPoint;
-	-- 	bar.PointHide = nil;
-	-- end
+	else
+		for i = 1, max do
+			points[i].FX:SetAlpha(1)
+			points[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+			points[i]:SetSize(height, height)
+			points[i].Icon:SetTexture(EMPTY_TEXTURE)
+			if(points[i].Blood) then
+				points[i].Blood:SetTexture(EMPTY_TEXTURE)
+			end
+			if i==1 then
+				points[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", points)
+			else
+				points[i]:SetPoint("LEFT", points[i - 1], "RIGHT", -8, 0)
+			end
+		end
+		bar.PointShow = ShowPoint;
+		bar.PointHide = nil;
+	end
@@ -145,8 +144,8 @@ ROGUE COMBO TRACKER
 function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
-	local max = 5
-	local size = 25
+	local max = 6
+	local size = 20
 	local coords

 	local bar = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, playerFrame)
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 		local cpoint = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, bar.Combo)

-		--SV.SpecialFX:SetFXFrame(cpoint, "default")
+		SV.SpecialFX:SetFXFrame(cpoint, "default")

 		local icon = cpoint:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,1)
@@ -168,11 +167,10 @@ function MOD:CreateClassBar(playerFrame)
 		cpoint.Icon = icon

 		local blood = cpoint:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,2)
-		blood:SetSize(size,size)
-		blood:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",cpoint,6,-6)
+		blood:SetAllPoints(cpoint)
 		cpoint.Blood = blood

diff --git a/SVUI_UnitFrames/libs/Plugins/oUF_MageMagic/oUF_MageMagic.lua b/SVUI_UnitFrames/libs/Plugins/oUF_MageMagic/oUF_MageMagic.lua
index 9b80a15..c5b67f6 100644
--- a/SVUI_UnitFrames/libs/Plugins/oUF_MageMagic/oUF_MageMagic.lua
+++ b/SVUI_UnitFrames/libs/Plugins/oUF_MageMagic/oUF_MageMagic.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ local ARCANE_BARRAGE_ID = 44425;
 local IGNITE_ID = 12654;
 local COMBUSTION_ID = 83853;
 local PYROBLAST_ID = 11366;
-local ICICLE_ID = 148022;
+--local ICICLE_ID = 148022;
+local ICICLE_ID = 205473;
 local FROSTBOLT_ID = 116;
 local FROSTFIREBOLT_ID = 44614;
 local ICELANCE_ID = 30455;
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ local LASTRECORD = 0;
 local SpecMaximum = {
 	[1] = 4,
 	[2] = 4,
-	[3] = 5,
+	[3] = 5,

 local ResetMagic = function(self)
@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ local ResetMagic = function(self)
 	for i = 1, 5 do
-		bar[i].start = nil
-		bar[i].duration = nil
+		bar[i].start = 0
+		bar[i].duration = 0
 		bar[i]:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
@@ -72,32 +73,13 @@ end

 local GetResources = {
 	[1] = function(self, event, ...)
-		if(event == 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED') then
-			local _, eventType, _, srcGUID, _, _, _, destGUID, _, _, _, spellID, _, _, amount = ...
-			if(srcGUID == playerGUID) then
-				if(eventType:find("_DAMAGE")) then
-					if(spellID == ARCANE_BARRAGE_ID) then
-						SPELLCOUNT = 0
-						return
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		elseif(event == 'UNIT_AURA') then
-			local unit = ...;
-			for index = 1, 30 do
-				local name, _, _, count, _, start, duration, _, _, _, spellID = UnitDebuff(unit, index)
-				if(spellID == ARCANE_CHARGE_ID) then
-					SPELLCOUNT = count or 0
-					return start, duration
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		return 0,0,true
+		return 0,0
 	[2] = function(self, event, ...)
 		if(event == 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED') then
 			local _, eventType, _, srcGUID, _, _, _, destGUID, _, _, _, spellID, _, _, amount = ...
-			if(srcGUID == playerGUID) then
+			if(srcGUID == playerGUID) then
 				if(eventType:find("_DAMAGE")) then
 					if(spellID == IGNITE_ID) then
 						DAMAGETOTAL = amount
@@ -113,48 +95,42 @@ local GetResources = {
 					local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitDebuff('target', index)
 					if(spellID == IGNITE_ID) then
 						return floor(expires), duration
-					end
+					end
 		return 0,0,true
 	[3] = function(self, event, ...)
+		--SPELLCOUNT = 0;
 		if(event == 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED') then
 			local _, eventType, _, srcGUID, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellID, _, _, amount = ...
-			if not (srcGUID == playerGUID) then
-				return 0,0,true;
-			end
-			if(eventType == CAST_SUCCESS) and (spellID == ALTERTIME_ID) then
-			elseif(eventType == AURA_REMOVED) and (spellID == ALTERTIMEAURA_ID) then
-				return 0,0;
-			end
-			if(not eventType:find("_DAMAGE")) then return end
-			if(spellID == ICICLE_ID) then
-				if(SPELLCOUNT > 0) then
+			if (srcGUID == playerGUID) then
+				if((eventType == CAST_SUCCESS) and (spellID == ICELANCE_ID)) then
+					SPELLCOUNT = 0
 					return 0,0;
+				elseif(eventType:find("_DAMAGE") and (spellID == ICICLE_ID)) then
+					if(SPELLCOUNT > 0) then
+						return 0,0;
+					end
-			elseif((spellID == FROSTBOLT_ID) or (spellID == FROSTFIREBOLT_ID)) then
-				if(SPELLCOUNT < 5) then
-					if(ICYVEINS_NAME and UnitBuff("player", ICYVEINS_NAME)) then
-						if(SPELLCOUNT > 5) then SPELLCOUNT = 5 end
-					else
+			end
+		elseif(event == 'UNIT_AURA') then
+			local unit = ...;
+			if(unit == 'player') then
+				for index = 1, 30 do
+					local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitBuff(unit, index)
+					if(spellID == ICICLE_ID) then
+						SPELLCOUNT = count
+						return floor(expires), duration
-					return 0,0;
 		return 0,0,true;
-	end,
+	end,

 local BarOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
@@ -175,7 +151,7 @@ local BarOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
 			self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-	end
+	end

 local IgniteOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
@@ -196,34 +172,37 @@ local IgniteOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
 			self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
-	end
+	end

 local IcicleOnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
+	if not self.duration then return end
 	self.elapsed = (self.elapsed or 0) + elapsed
 	if self.elapsed >= 0.5 then
-		local timeLeft = (31 - self.elapsed)
-		if timeLeft > 0 then
+		local timeLeft = (self.duration - self.elapsed)
+		if((SPELLCOUNT > 0) and timeLeft > 0) then
 			if(SPELLCOUNT > 0) then
+			self.start = 0;
+			self.duration = 5;
 			self.elapsed = 0;
 			self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
-	end
+	end

 local Update = function(self, event, ...)
 	local bar = self.MageMagic
 	local spec = bar.CurrentSpec;
 	if(not spec) then return end
 	if(bar.PreUpdate) then bar:PreUpdate(spec) end
 	local maxCount = SpecMaximum[spec];
 	local start, duration, reset = GetResources[spec](self, event, ...);
 	if(not reset) then
@@ -234,8 +213,8 @@ local Update = function(self, event, ...)
 			if(duration and start and (start > igniteBar.start)) then
 				igniteBar.start = start
 				igniteBar.duration = duration
-				igniteBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, duration)
 				igniteBar.elapsed = 0
+				igniteBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, duration)
 				igniteBar:SetScript('OnUpdate', IgniteOnUpdate)
@@ -248,31 +227,29 @@ local Update = function(self, event, ...)
 					if(not bar[i]:IsShown()) then bar[i]:Show() end
 					if(spec == 1) then
 						if i <= SPELLCOUNT then
-							if start and duration then
-								bar[i]:Show()
-								bar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, start)
-								bar[i].start = start
-								bar[i].duration = duration
-								bar[i]:SetValue(start)
-								bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', BarOnUpdate)
-							else
-								bar[i].elapsed = 0;
-								bar[i]:SetValue(0)
-								bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
-								bar[i]:Hide()
-							end
+							bar[i]:Show()
+							bar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+							bar[i]:SetValue(100)
+							bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
-						bar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 31)
 						if i <= SPELLCOUNT then
-							bar[i]:SetValue(31)
-							bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', IcicleOnUpdate)
+							if(duration and start and (start > bar[i].start)) then
+								bar[i].start = start
+								bar[i].duration = duration
+								bar[i].elapsed = 0
+								bar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, duration)
+								bar[i]:SetValue(duration)
+								bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', IcicleOnUpdate)
+							end
-							bar[i].elapsed = 0;
+							bar[i].start = 0
+							bar[i].duration = 0
+							bar[i].elapsed = 0
 							bar[i]:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
@@ -282,7 +259,7 @@ local Update = function(self, event, ...)
 	if(bar.PostUpdate) then
 		return bar:PostUpdate(event, SPELLCOUNT, maxCount)
@@ -291,7 +268,6 @@ end
 local Proxy = function(self, ...)
 	local bar = self.MageMagic
 	local spec = GetSpecialization()
 	if(not playerGUID) then
 		playerGUID = UnitGUID('player')
@@ -300,7 +276,7 @@ local Proxy = function(self, ...)
 		if(spec) then
 			bar.CurrentSpec = spec;
 			if(spec == 3) then
-				self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Update)
+				self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Update)
 				self:RegisterEvent('COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED', Update, true)
 				--print("Switch To Frost")
 			elseif(spec == 2) then
@@ -348,21 +324,21 @@ local Enable = function(self, unit)

 			bar[i]:SetFrameLevel(bar:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
 			if bar[i].bg then
 				bar[i]:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)
-			end
+			end
 		bar.Ignite.Bar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 5)
 		return true;
-	end
+	end

 local Disable = function(self, unit)
@@ -377,5 +353,5 @@ local Disable = function(self, unit)
-oUF:AddElement("MageMagic", Path, Enable, Disable)
\ No newline at end of file
+oUF:AddElement("MageMagic", Path, Enable, Disable)