

Steven Jackson [07-25-14 - 04:47]
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua.orig b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15393ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+############################################################################## ]]--
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack        = _G.unpack;
+local select        = _G.select;
+local pairs         = _G.pairs;
+local type          = _G.type;
+local rawset        = _G.rawset;
+local rawget        = _G.rawget;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local tostring      = _G.tostring;
+local error         = _G.error;
+local getmetatable  = _G.getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = _G.setmetatable;
+local string    = _G.string;
+local math      = _G.math;
+local table     = _G.table;
+local upper = string.upper;
+local format, find, match, gsub = string.format, string.find, string.match, string.gsub;
+--[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
+local floor = math.floor
+--[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
+local tsort, tconcat = table.sort, table.concat;
+BINDING_HEADER_SVUI = GetAddOnMetadata(..., "Title");
+local callbacks = {};
+local numCallbacks = 0;
+function enforce(condition, ...)
+   if not condition then
+      if next({...}) then
+         local fn = function (...) return(string.format(...)) end
+         local s,r = pcall(fn, ...)
+         if s then
+            error("Error!: " .. r, 2)
+         end
+      end
+      error("Error!", 2)
+   end
+local assert = enforce;
+local rootstring = function(self) return self.name end
+function SVUI_LIB:SetObject(globalName)
+    local r = {}
+    r.name = globalName
+    local mt = {}
+    local old = getmetatable(r)
+    if old then
+        for k, v in pairs(old) do mt[k] = v end
+    end
+    mt.__tostring = rootstring
+    setmetatable(r, mt)
+    return r
+local failsafe = function() assert(false) end
+local metaread = {
+    __index = function(self, key)
+        rawset(self, key, key)
+        return key
+    end
+local activeLocale
+local defaultwrite = setmetatable({}, {
+    __newindex = function(self, key, value)
+        if not rawget(activeLocale, key) then
+            rawset(activeLocale, key, value == true and key or value)
+        end
+    end,
+    __index = failsafe
+local metawrite = setmetatable({}, {
+    __newindex = function(self, key, value)
+        rawset(activeLocale, key, value == true and key or value)
+    end,
+    __index = failsafe
+function SVUI_LOCALE:SetLocalStrings(locale, isDefault)
+    local gameLocale = GetLocale()
+    if gameLocale == "enGB" then gameLocale = "enUS" end
+    if not SVUI_LOCALE["LANG"] then
+        SVUI_LOCALE["LANG"] = setmetatable({}, metaread)
+    end
+    activeLocale = SVUI_LOCALE["LANG"]
+    if isDefault then
+        return defaultwrite
+    elseif(locale == GAME_LOCALE or locale == gameLocale) then
+        return metawrite
+    end
+function SVUI_LOCALE:SetObject()
+    return SVUI_LOCALE["LANG"]
+local function formatValueString(text)
+    if "string" == type(text) then
+        text = gsub(text,"\n","\\n")
+        if match(gsub(text,"[^'\"]",""),'^"+$') then
+            return "'"..text.."'";
+        else
+            return '"'..gsub(text,'"','\\"')..'"';
+        end;
+    else
+        return tostring(text);
+    end
+local function formatKeyString(text)
+    if "string"==type(text) and match(text,"^[_%a][_%a%d]*$") then
+        return text;
+    else
+        return "["..formatValueString(text).."]";
+    end
+local function RegisterCallback(self, m, h)
+    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (string or function expected)")
+    if type(m) == "string" then
+        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :RegisterCallback (table expected)")
+        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :RegisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
+        m = h[m]
+    end
+    callbacks[m] = h or true
+    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
+local function UnregisterCallback(self, m, h)
+    assert(type(m) == "string" or type(m) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (string or function expected)")
+    if type(m) == "string" then
+        assert(type(h) == "table", "Bad argument #2 to :UnregisterCallback (table expected)")
+        assert(type(h[m]) == "function", "Bad argument #1 to :UnregisterCallback (m \"" .. m .. "\" not found)")
+        m = h[m]
+    end
+    callbacks[m] = nil
+    numCallbacks = numCallbacks + 1
+local function DispatchCallbacks()
+    if (numCallbacks < 1) then return end;
+    for m, h in pairs(callbacks) do
+        local ok, err = pcall(m, h ~= true and h or nil)
+        if not ok then
+            print("ERROR:", err)
+        end
+    end
+    local classes = {};
+    local supercolors = {
+        ["HUNTER"]        = { r = 0.454, g = 0.698, b = 0 },
+        ["WARLOCK"]       = { r = 0.286, g = 0,     b = 0.788 },
+        ["PRIEST"]        = { r = 0.976, g = 1,     b = 0.839 },
+        ["PALADIN"]       = { r = 0.956, g = 0.207, b = 0.733 },
+        ["MAGE"]          = { r = 0,     g = 0.796, b = 1 },
+        ["ROGUE"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.894, b = 0.117 },
+        ["DRUID"]         = { r = 1,     g = 0.513, b = 0 },
+        ["SHAMAN"]        = { r = 0,     g = 0.38,  b = 1 },
+        ["WARRIOR"]       = { r = 0.698, g = 0.36,  b = 0.152 },
+        ["DEATHKNIGHT"]   = { r = 0.847, g = 0.117, b = 0.074 },
+        ["MONK"]          = { r = 0.015, g = 0.886, b = 0.38 },
+    };
+    for class in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
+        tinsert(classes, class)
+    end
+    tsort(classes)
+    setmetatable(SVUI_CLASS_COLORS,{
+        __index = function(t, k)
+            if k == "RegisterCallback" then return RegisterCallback end
+            if k == "UnregisterCallback" then return UnregisterCallback end
+            if k == "DispatchCallbacks" then return DispatchCallbacks end
+        end
+    });
+    for i, class in ipairs(classes) do
+        local color = supercolors[class]
+        local r, g, b = color.r, color.g, color.b
+        local hex = format("ff%02x%02x%02x", r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
+        if not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].r or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].g or not SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class].b then
+            SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[class] = {
+                r = r,
+                g = g,
+                b = b,
+                colorStr = hex,
+            }
+        end
+    end
+    classes = nil
+function math.parsefloat(value,decimal)
+    if decimal and decimal > 0 then
+        local calc1 = 10 ^ decimal;
+        local calc2 = (value * calc1) + 0.5;
+        return floor(calc2) / calc1
+    end;
+    return floor(value + 0.5)
+function table.dump(targetTable)
+    local dumpTable = {};
+    local dumpCheck = {};
+    for key,value in ipairs(targetTable) do
+        tinsert(dumpTable, formatValueString(value));
+        dumpCheck[key] = true;
+    end;
+    for key,value in pairs(targetTable) do
+        if not dumpCheck[key] then
+            tinsert(dumpTable, "\n    "..formatKeyString(key).." = "..formatValueString(value));
+        end
+    end;
+    local output = tconcat(dumpTable, ", ");
+    return "{ "..output.." }";
+function table.copy(targetTable,deepCopy,mergeTable)
+    mergeTable = mergeTable or {};
+    if targetTable==nil then return nil end;
+    if mergeTable[targetTable] then return mergeTable[targetTable] end;
+    local replacementTable = {}
+    for key,value in pairs(targetTable)do
+        if deepCopy and type(value) == "table" then
+            replacementTable[key] = table.copy(value, deepCopy, mergeTable)
+        else
+            replacementTable[key] = value
+        end
+    end;
+    setmetatable(replacementTable, table.copy(getmetatable(targetTable), deepCopy, mergeTable))
+    mergeTable[targetTable] = replacementTable;
+    return replacementTable
+function string.trim(this)
+    return this:find'^%s*$' and '' or this:match'^%s*(.*%S)'
+function string.color(this,color)
+    return "|cff"..color..this.."|r";
+function string.link(this,prefix,text,color)
+    return "|H"..prefix..":"..tostring(text).."|h"..tostring(this):color(color or"ffffff").."|h";
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