
major fixes

Munglunch [09-29-14 - 20:58]
major fixes
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua
index 0fd2bbc..55a5fca 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.lua
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ local tostring      = _G.tostring;
 local error         = _G.error;
 local getmetatable  = _G.getmetatable;
 local setmetatable  = _G.setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
 local string    = _G.string;
 local math      = _G.math;
 local table     = _G.table;
@@ -62,10 +63,6 @@ local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));

 local actualWidth, actualHeight = UIParent:GetSize()

-local assert = enforce;

 local function RegisterCallback(self, m, h)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
index 603ab4b..6bc9be8 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
     <Script file="language\chinese_ui.lua"/>
     <Script file="language\portuguese_ui.lua"/>

-    <Script file="configs\configs.lua"/>
+    <Script file="setup\configs.lua"/>
+    <Script file="setup\installer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="setup\presets.lua"/>

     <Script file="system\media.lua"/>
     <Script file="system\utilities.lua"/>
@@ -27,8 +29,7 @@
     <Script file="system\slash.lua"/>
     <Script file="system\alerts.lua"/>
     <Script file="system\moveable.lua"/>
-    <Include file="system\mentalo.xml"/>
-    <Script file="system\setup.lua"/>
+    <Script file="system\mentalo.lua"/>

     <Include file="packages\stats\SVStats.xml"/>
     <Script file="packages\dock\SVDock.lua"/>
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
     <Script file="scripts\raid.lua"/>
     <Script file="scripts\reactions.lua"/>
     <Script file="scripts\spellbind.lua"/>
+    <Script file="scripts\ego.lua"/>

     <Script file="system\load.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/configs/configs.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/configs/configs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 655ef10..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/configs/configs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3657 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
-local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
-local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
-local filterClass = playerClass or "NONE"
-local function safename(id)
-    local n = GetSpellInfo(id)
-    if not n then
-        if type(id) == "string" then
-            n = id
-        else
-            SV:Debugger('|cffFF9900SVUI:|r Spell not found: (#ID) '..id)
-            n = "Voodoo Doll";
-        end
-    end
-    return n
---[[ SYSTEM DATA ]]--
-SV.configs = {}
-    PRIEST = {
-        {-- Weakened Soul
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 6788,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 0, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Prayer of Mending
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 41635,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Renew
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 139,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Power Word: Shield
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 17,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Power Word: Shield Power Insight
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 123258,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Power Infusion
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 10060,
-            ["point"] = "RIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Guardian Spirit
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 47788,
-            ["point"] = "LEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.86, ["g"] = 0.44, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Pain Suppression
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 33206,
-            ["point"] = "LEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    DRUID = {
-        {-- Rejuvenation
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 774,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Regrowth
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 8936,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Lifebloom
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 33763,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Wild Growth
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 48438,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    PALADIN = {
-        {-- Beacon of Light
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 53563,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Protection
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1022,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Freedom
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1044,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.45, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Salvation
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 1038,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Sacrifice
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 6940,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.1, ["b"] = 0.1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Hand of Purity
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114039,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.64, ["g"] = 0.41, ["b"] = 0.72},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Sacred Shield
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 20925,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Eternal Flame
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114163,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.87, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.03},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    SHAMAN = {
-        {-- Riptide
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 61295,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Earth Shield
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 974,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Earthliving
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 51945,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.4},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    MONK = {
-        {--Renewing Mist
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 119611,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Life Cocoon
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 116849,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Enveloping Mist
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 132120,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Zen Sphere
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 124081,
-            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    ROGUE = {
-        {-- Tricks of the Trade
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 57934,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    MAGE = {
-        {-- Ice Ward
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 111264,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    WARRIOR = {
-        {-- Vigilance
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114030,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Intervene
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 3411,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Safe Guard
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 114029,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-        {-- Unholy Frenzy
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 49016,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
-            ["anyUnit"] = false,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
-            ['displayText'] = false,
-            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-    },
-    NONE = {}
-local FilterIDs = {
-    ["Blocked"] = [[36900,36901,36893,114216,97821,36032,132365,8733,57724,25771,57723,36032,58539,26013,6788,71041,41425,55711,8326,23445,24755,25163,80354,95809,95223,124275,124274,124273,117870,123981,15007,113942,89140]],
-    ["Allowed"] = [[31821,2825,32182,80353,90355,47788,33206,116849,22812,1490,116202,123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
-    ["Strict"] = [[123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
-    ["CC"] = [[47476,91800,91807,91797,108194,115001,33786,2637,339,78675,22570,5211,9005,102359,99,127797,45334,102795,114238,113004,3355,1513,19503,34490,24394,64803,19386,117405,128405,50519,91644,90337,54706,4167,90327,56626,50245,50541,96201,96201,31661,118,55021,122,82691,118271,44572,33395,102051,20066,10326,853,105593,31935,105421,605,64044,8122,9484,15487,114404,88625,113792,87194,2094,1776,6770,1833,51722,1330,408,88611,115197,113953,51514,64695,63685,76780,118905,118345,710,6789,118699,5484,6358,30283,24259,115782,115268,118093,89766,137143,20511,7922,676,105771,107566,132168,107570,118895,18498,116706,117368,115078,122242,119392,119381,120086,116709,123407,140023,25046,20549,107079]],
-    ["Shield"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,115610,48797,48792,49039,87256,55233,50461,33206,47788,62618,47585,104773,110913,108359,22812,102342,106922,61336,19263,53480,1966,31224,74001,5277,45182,98007,30823,108271,1022,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,31850,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,20594]],
-    ["Player"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,45438,115610,110909,12051,12472,80353,12042,32612,110960,108839,111264,108843,48797,48792,49039,87256,49222,55233,50461,49016,51271,96268,33206,47788,62618,47585,6346,10060,114239,119032,27827,104773,110913,108359,113860,113861,113858,88448,22812,102342,106922,61336,117679,102543,102558,102560,16689,132158,106898,1850,106951,29166,52610,69369,112071,124974,19263,53480,51755,54216,34471,3045,3584,131894,90355,90361,31224,74001,5277,45182,51713,114018,2983,121471,11327,108212,57933,79140,13750,98007,30823,108271,16188,2825,79206,16191,8178,58875,108281,108271,16166,114896,1044,1022,1038,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,20925,31850,31884,53563,31842,54428,105809,85499,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,18499,1719,23920,114028,46924,3411,107574,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,125174,116841,20594,59545,20572,26297,68992]],
-    ["Raid"] = [[116281,116784,116417,116942,116161,117708,118303,118048,118135,117878,117949,116835,116778,116525,122761,122760,122740,123812,123180,123474,122835,123081,122125,121885,121949,117436,118091,117519,122752,123011,116161,123121,119985,119086,119775,122151,138349,137371,136767,137641,137359,137972,136903,136753,137633,137731,133767,133768,136050,138569,134691,137440,137408,137360,135000,143436,143579,147383,146124,144851,144358,144774,147207,144215,143990,144330,143494,142990,143919,143766,143773,146589,143777,143385,143974,145183]]
-local FilterOverrides = {
-    ["45438"] = 5, ["48797"] = 5, ["87256"] = 4,
-    ["33206"] = 3, ["47585"] = 5, ["22812"] = 2,
-    ["102342"] = 2, ["19263"] = 5, ["5277"] = 5,
-    ["1022"] = 5, ["31821"] = 3, ["498"] = 2,
-    ["642"] = 5, ["86659"] = 4, ["31850"] = 4,
-    ["118038"] = 5, ["114029"] = 2, ["871"] = 3,
-    ["120954"] = 2, ["131523"] = 5
---[[ CACHE DATA ]]--
-SV.configs = {
-    ["general"] = {
-        ["cooldown"] = true,
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-        ["multiMonitor"] = false,
-        ["taintLog"] = false,
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-        ["loginmessage"] = true,
-        ["hideErrorFrame"] = true,
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-        ["bubbles"] = true,
-        ["comix"] = true,
-        ["bigComix"] = true,
-        ["questWatch"] = true,
-        ["woot"] = true,
-        ["pvpinterrupt"] = true,
-        ["lookwhaticando"] = false,
-        ["reactionChat"] = false,
-        ["reactionEmote"] = false,
-        ["sharingiscaring"] = false,
-        ["arenadrink"] = true,
-        ["stupidhat"] = true,
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-        },
-        ["unitframes"] = {
-            ["health"]       = {0.3, 0.5, 0.3},
-            ["power"]        = {
-                ["MANA"]         = {0.41, 0.85, 1},
-                ["RAGE"]         = {1, 0.31, 0.31},
-                ["FOCUS"]        = {1, 0.63, 0.27},
-                ["ENERGY"]       = {0.85, 0.83, 0.25},
-                ["RUNES"]        = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
-                ["RUNIC_POWER"] = {0, 0.82, 1},
-                ["FUEL"]         = {0, 0.75, 0.75}
-            },
-            ["reaction"]     = {
-                [1] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-                [2] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-                [3] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
-                [4] = {0.85, 0.85, 0.13},
-                [5] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-                [6] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-                [7] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-                [8] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
-            },
-            ["tapped"]           = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
-            ["disconnected"]     = {0.84, 0.75, 0.65},
-            ["casting"]          = {0.8, 0.8, 0},
-            ["spark"]            = {1, 0.72, 0},
-            ["interrupt"]        = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
-            ["shield_bars"]      = {0.56, 0.4, 0.62},
-            ["buff_bars"]        = {0.31, 0.31, 0.31},
-            ["debuff_bars"]      = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1},
-            ["predict"]          = {
-                ["personal"]         = {0, 1, 0.5, 0.25},
-                ["others"]           = {0, 1, 0, 0.25},
-                ["absorbs"]          = {1, 1, 0, 0.25}
-            },
-            ["spellcolor"] = {
-                [safename(2825)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11},  --Bloodlust
-                [safename(32182)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Heroism
-                [safename(80353)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Time Warp
-                [safename(90355)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Ancient Hysteria
-                [safename(84963)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Inquisition
-                [safename(86659)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Guardian of Ancient Kings
-            }
-        }
-    }
-local FILTERS = {
-    ["CC"] = {},
-    ["Shield"] = {},
-    ["Player"] = {},
-    ["Blocked"] = {},
-    ["Allowed"] = {},
-    ["Strict"] = {},
-    ["Raid"] = {},
-    ["BuffWatch"] = BUFFWATCH_BY_CLASS[filterClass],
-    ["PetBuffWatch"] = {
-        {-- Frenzy
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 19615,
-            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
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-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
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-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
-            ['yOffset'] = 0
-        },
-        {-- Mend Pet
-            ["enabled"] = true,
-            ["id"] = 136,
-            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
-            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
-            ["anyUnit"] = true,
-            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
-            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
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-            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
-            ['xOffset'] = 0,
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-        },
-    }
-for k, x in pairs(FilterIDs) do
-    local src = {};
-    for id in x:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
-        if(id) then
-            local saved
-            local n = safename(id);
-            local p = FilterOverrides[tostring(id)] or 0;
-            if k == "Strict" then
-                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['spellID'] = id, ['priority'] = p}
-            else
-                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['priority'] = p}
-            end
-            src[n] = saved
-        end
-    end
-    FILTERS[k] = src
-SV.configs["filter"] = FILTERS
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-		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "",
-		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
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-		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
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-		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
-		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
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-		    ["MONK"]    	 = "",
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-		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "",
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-		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; [pet, novehicleui, nooverridebar, nopossessbar] show; hide",
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-	["Stance"] = {
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-		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; show",
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-	},
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-		["showBy"] = "LEFT_DOWN",
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-	["incompatible"] = {
-		["AdiBags"] = true,
-		["ArkInventory"] = true,
-		["Bagnon"] = true,
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-	["currencyFormat"] = "ICON",
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-		["enable"] = false,
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-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["tags"] = "",
-			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
-			["height"] = 4,
-			["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
-			["hideonnpc"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-		},
-		["name"] =
-		{
-			["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:4]",
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 8,
-			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-		["buffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["perrow"] = 3,
-			["numrows"] = 1,
-			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
-			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
-			["filterPlayer"] = true,
-			["filterRaid"] = true,
-			["filterBlocked"] = true,
-			["filterAllowed"] = false,
-			["filterInfinite"] = true,
-			["filterDispellable"] = false,
-			["useFilter"] = "",
-			["xOffset"] = 8,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
-		},
-		["debuffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["perrow"] = 3,
-			["numrows"] = 1,
-			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
-			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
-			["filterPlayer"] = false,
-			["filterBlocked"] = true,
-			["filterAllowed"] = false,
-			["filterInfinite"] = false,
-			["filterDispellable"] = false,
-			["useFilter"] = "",
-			["xOffset"] = 8,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
-		},
-		["rdebuffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = true,
-			["size"] = 22,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["yOffset"] = 2,
-		},
-		["auraWatch"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = true,
-			["size"] = 8,
-		},
-		["icons"] =
-		{
-			["raidicon"] =
-			{
-				["enable"] = true,
-				["size"] = 15,
-				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
-				["xOffset"] = -8,
-				["yOffset"] = 0,
-			},
-			["roleIcon"] =
-			{
-				["enable"] = true,
-				["size"] = 12,
-				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
-				["xOffset"] = 8,
-				["yOffset"] = 0,
-			},
-			["raidRoleIcons"] =
-			{
-				["enable"] = true,
-				["size"] = 18,
-				["attachTo"] = "TOPLEFT",
-				["xOffset"] = 8,
-				["yOffset"] = -4,
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["raidpet"] = {
-		["enable"] = false,
-		["rangeCheck"] = true,
-		["threatEnabled"] = true,
-		["visibility"] = "[group:raid] show; hide",
-		["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
-		["wrapXOffset"] = 3,
-		["wrapYOffset"] = 3,
-		["groupCount"] = 2,
-		["gRowCol"] = 1,
-		["customSorting"] = true,
-		["sortMethod"] = "PETNAME",
-		["sortDir"] = "ASC",
-		["invertGroupingOrder"] = false,
-		["startFromCenter"] = false,
-		["predict"] = false,
-		["colorOverride"] = "USE_DEFAULT",
-		["width"] = 80,
-		["height"] = 30,
-		["gridAllowed"] = true,
-		["formatting"] = {
-			["power_colored"] = true,
-			["power_type"] = "none",
-			["power_class"] = false,
-			["power_alt"] = false,
-			["health_colored"] = true,
-			["health_type"] = "deficit",
-			["name_colored"] = true,
-			["name_length"] = 4,
-			["smartlevel"] = false,
-			["absorbs"] = false,
-			["threat"] = false,
-			["incoming"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-		},
-		["misc"] = {
-			["tags"] = ""
-		},
-		["health"] =
-		{
-			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
-			["position"] = "BOTTOM",
-			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
-			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["reversed"] = false,
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-		},
-		["name"] =
-		{
-			["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:4]",
-			["yOffset"] = 4,
-			["xOffset"] = -4,
-			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-		["buffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["perrow"] = 3,
-			["numrows"] = 1,
-			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
-			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
-			["filterPlayer"] = true,
-			["filterRaid"] = true,
-			["filterBlocked"] = true,
-			["filterAllowed"] = false,
-			["filterInfinite"] = true,
-			["filterDispellable"] = false,
-			["useFilter"] = "",
-			["xOffset"] = 8,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
-		},
-		["debuffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["perrow"] = 3,
-			["numrows"] = 1,
-			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
-			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
-			["filterPlayer"] = false,
-			["filterBlocked"] = true,
-			["filterAllowed"] = false,
-			["filterInfinite"] = false,
-			["filterDispellable"] = false,
-			["useFilter"] = "",
-			["xOffset"] = 8,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
-		},
-		["auraWatch"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = true,
-			["size"] = 8,
-		},
-		["rdebuffs"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = true,
-			["size"] = 26,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["yOffset"] = 2,
-		},
-		["icons"] =
-		{
-			["raidicon"] =
-			{
-				["enable"] = true,
-				["size"] = 18,
-				["attachTo"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-				["xOffset"] = 0,
-				["yOffset"] = 0,
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["tank"] = {
-		["enable"] = true,
-		["threatEnabled"] = true,
-		["rangeCheck"] = true,
-		["width"] = 120,
-		["height"] = 28,
-		["gridAllowed"] = true,
-		["formatting"] = {
-			["power_colored"] = true,
-			["power_type"] = "none",
-			["power_class"] = false,
-			["power_alt"] = false,
-			["health_colored"] = true,
-			["health_type"] = "deficit",
-			["name_colored"] = true,
-			["name_length"] = 8,
-			["smartlevel"] = false,
-			["absorbs"] = false,
-			["threat"] = false,
-			["incoming"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-		},
-		["misc"] = {
-			["tags"] = ""
-		},
-		["health"] =
-		{
-			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
-			["position"] = "INNERRIGHT",
-			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
-			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["reversed"] = false,
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-		},
-		["name"] =
-		{
-			["position"] = "INNERLEFT",
-			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:8]",
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-		["targetsGroup"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["xOffset"] = 1,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["width"] = 120,
-			["height"] = 28,
-		},
-	},
-	["assist"] = {
-		["enable"] = true,
-		["threatEnabled"] = true,
-		["rangeCheck"] = true,
-		["width"] = 120,
-		["height"] = 28,
-		["gridAllowed"] = true,
-		["formatting"] = {
-			["power_colored"] = true,
-			["power_type"] = "none",
-			["power_class"] = false,
-			["power_alt"] = false,
-			["health_colored"] = true,
-			["health_type"] = "deficit",
-			["name_colored"] = true,
-			["name_length"] = 8,
-			["smartlevel"] = false,
-			["absorbs"] = false,
-			["threat"] = false,
-			["incoming"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-		},
-		["misc"] = {
-			["tags"] = ""
-		},
-		["health"] =
-		{
-			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
-			["position"] = "INNERRIGHT",
-			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
-			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["reversed"] = false,
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-		},
-		["name"] =
-		{
-			["position"] = "INNERLEFT",
-			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:8]",
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["xOffset"] = 0,
-			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 10,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-		["targetsGroup"] =
-		{
-			["enable"] = false,
-			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
-			["xOffset"] = 1,
-			["yOffset"] = 0,
-			["width"] = 120,
-			["height"] = 28,
-		},
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
index 24009a2..ff3fcf0 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/LibSuperVillain-1.0/LibSuperVillain-1.0.lua
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ local next          = next;
 local pcall         = pcall;
 local getmetatable  = getmetatable;
 local setmetatable  = setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
 local string        = string;
 local upper         = string.upper;
@@ -53,30 +59,10 @@ local floor         = math.floor
 local table         = table;
 local tsort         = table.sort;
 local tconcat       = table.concat;
-local _G            = _G;
-local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
-local tremove       = _G.tremove;
-local twipe         = _G.wipe;
-function enforce(condition, ...)
-   if not condition then
-      if next({...}) then
-         local fn = function (...) return(format(...)) end
-         local s,r = pcall(fn, ...)
-         if s then
-            error("Error!: " .. r, 2)
-         end
-      end
-      error("Error!", 2)
-   end

 --[[ LIB CONSTRUCT ]]--

-enforce(LibStub, "LibSuperVillain-1.0 requires LibStub")
+assert(LibStub, "LibSuperVillain-1.0 requires LibStub")

 local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("LibSuperVillain-1.0", 1)

@@ -232,7 +218,7 @@ Linguist is a simple localization component. Seriously, thats it!
 local activeLocale

-local failsafe = function() enforce(false) end
+local failsafe = function() assert(false) end

 local metaread = {
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
index 59d9e49..a7d98d1 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ local AutomatedEvents = {
-local ColorFunc = function(self) SV.Setup.SetColorTheme(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
-local UnitFunc = function(self) SV.Setup.SetUnitframeLayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
-local BarFunc = function(self) SV.Setup.SetupBarLayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
-local AuraFunc = function(self) SV.Setup.SetupAuralayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
+local ColorFunc = function(self) SV.Setup:ColorTheme(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
+local UnitFunc = function(self) SV.Setup:UnitframeLayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
+local BarFunc = function(self) SV.Setup:BarLayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
+local AuraFunc = function(self) SV.Setup:Auralayout(self.value, true); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
 local ConfigFunc = function() SV:ToggleConfig(); SV:ToggleHenchman() end
 local speechTimer;

diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
index d4760f7..b9db340 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
@@ -16,24 +16,35 @@ S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G 		= _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local pairs 	= _G.pairs;
-local ipairs 	= _G.ipairs;
-local type 		= _G.type;
-local tostring 	= _G.tostring;
-local tinsert 	= _G.tinsert;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local find, format, upper = string.find, string.format, string.upper;
-local match, gsub = string.match, string.gsub;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local min, random = math.min, math.random;
-local assert = enforce;
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local pairs         = pairs;
+local type          = type;
+local rawset        = rawset;
+local rawget        = rawget;
+local tostring      = tostring;
+local error         = error;
+local next          = next;
+local pcall         = pcall;
+local getmetatable  = getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
+local string        = string;
+local format        = string.format;
+local find          = string.find;
+local match         = string.match;
+local math          = math;
+local min, random   = math.min, math.random;
+local table         = table;
 local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
@@ -43,6 +54,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA AND TEST FOR oUF
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local SVLib = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0");
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
index a7392fc..1e6660f 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/auras.lua
@@ -16,25 +16,38 @@ S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack    = _G.unpack;
-local select    = _G.select;
-local pairs     = _G.pairs;
-local ipairs    = _G.ipairs;
-local type      = _G.type;
-local error     = _G.error;
-local pcall     = _G.pcall;
-local tostring  = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber  = _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert 	= _G.tinsert;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local table 	= _G.table;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local abs, ceil, floor, round = math.abs, math.ceil, math.floor, math.round;
---[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local tremove, tsort, twipe = table.remove, table.sort, table.wipe;
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local pairs         = pairs;
+local type          = type;
+local rawset        = rawset;
+local rawget        = rawget;
+local tostring      = tostring;
+local error         = error;
+local next          = next;
+local pcall         = pcall;
+local getmetatable  = getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
+local string        = string;
+local upper         = string.upper;
+local format        = string.format;
+local find          = string.find;
+local match         = string.match;
+local gsub          = string.gsub;
+local math          = math;
+local table         = table;
+local tsort         = table.sort;
+local tremove       = table.remove;
@@ -42,8 +55,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.");

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/castbar.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/castbar.lua
index bd4c163..dd5ebd7 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/castbar.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/castbar.lua
@@ -16,25 +16,38 @@ S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I  By: Munglunch               #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack  = _G.unpack;
-local select  = _G.select;
-local pairs   = _G.pairs;
-local tostring = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert  = _G.tinsert;
-local string  = _G.string;
-local math   = _G.math;
-local table   = _G.table;
-local find, format, len, split = string.find, string.format, string.len, string.split;
-local match, sub, join = string.match, string.sub, string.join;
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local pairs         = pairs;
+local type          = type;
+local rawset        = rawset;
+local rawget        = rawget;
+local tostring      = tostring;
+local error         = error;
+local next          = next;
+local pcall         = pcall;
+local getmetatable  = getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
+local string        = string;
+local format        = string.format;
+local sub           = string.sub;
+local math          = math;
+local table         = table;
+local tsort         = table.sort;
+local tremove       = table.remove;
 --[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
 local abs, ceil, floor = math.abs, math.ceil, math.floor; -- Basic
 local parsefloat = math.parsefloat; -- Uncommon
---[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local tremove, tcopy, twipe, tsort, tconcat = table.remove, table.copy, table.wipe, table.sort, table.concat;
@@ -43,7 +56,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.");

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/essentials.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/essentials.lua
index 99dd0df..6289a85 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/essentials.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/essentials.lua
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@ S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local assert 	= _G.assert;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local random 	= math.random;
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local math          = math;
+local random        = math.random;
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.");

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/misc.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/misc.lua
index 179ac9e..8ff8c49 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/misc.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/misc.lua
@@ -13,10 +13,16 @@ _____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
 S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.");

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/tags.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/tags.lua
index 07cdb37..685abc0 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/tags.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/elements/tags.lua
@@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I  By: Munglunch               #
 --[[ GLOBALS ]]--
 local _G 		= _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local pairs 	= _G.pairs;
-local table 	= _G.table;
-local string 	= _G.string;
+local unpack 	= unpack;
+local select 	= select;
+local pairs 	= pairs;
+local assert 	= assert;
+local table 	= table;
+local string 	= string;
 local find, format, byte, upper = string.find, string.format, string.byte, string.upper;
 local sub, gsub, len = string.sub, string.gsub, string.len;
 --[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local twipe = table.wipe;
+local twipe = _G.wipe;
@@ -33,8 +34,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/frames.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/frames.lua
index 3c43b09..0541516 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/frames.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/frames.lua
@@ -13,31 +13,49 @@ _____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
 S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G        = _G;
-local unpack    = _G.unpack;
-local select    = _G.select;
-local pairs     = _G.pairs;
-local ipairs    = _G.ipairs;
-local type      = _G.type;
-local tostring  = _G.tostring;
-local tinsert   = _G.tinsert;
-local string    = _G.string;
-local math      = _G.math, math.ceil;
-local find, format, upper = string.find, string.format, string.upper;
-local match, gsub = string.match, string.gsub;
-local numMin, ceil = math.min;
+local unpack        = unpack;
+local select        = select;
+local pairs         = pairs;
+local type          = type;
+local rawset        = rawset;
+local rawget        = rawget;
+local tostring      = tostring;
+local error         = error;
+local next          = next;
+local pcall         = pcall;
+local getmetatable  = getmetatable;
+local setmetatable  = setmetatable;
+local assert        = assert;
+local _G            = _G;
+local tinsert       = _G.tinsert;
+local tremove       = _G.tremove;
+local twipe         = _G.wipe;
+local string        = string;
+local format        = string.format;
+local sub           = string.sub;
+local upper         = string.upper;
+local match         = string.match;
+local gsub          = string.gsub;
+local math          = math;
+local numMin        = math.min;
+local table         = table;
+local tsort         = table.sort;
+local tremove       = table.remove;

 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
 local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
 local MOD = SV.SVUnit
 if(not MOD) then return end
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/deathknight.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/deathknight.lua
index e98e970..61abcd4 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/deathknight.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/deathknight.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/druid.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/druid.lua
index 4504f67..3253000 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/druid.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/druid.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/hunter.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/hunter.lua
index fda1e73..ddd809e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/hunter.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/hunter.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/mage.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/mage.lua
index a6d33a6..e141394 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/mage.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/mage.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/monk.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/monk.lua
index 792fb30..53fd729 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/monk.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/monk.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/paladin.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/paladin.lua
index 9c897a9..1d4f554 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/paladin.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/paladin.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/priest.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/priest.lua
index f33b6b2..315144b 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/priest.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/priest.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/rogue.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/rogue.lua
index 8da527f..92df5ba 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/rogue.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/rogue.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/shaman.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/shaman.lua
index bbc1340..ba7b7dc 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/shaman.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/shaman.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warlock.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warlock.lua
index 08f9aec..d5b30ef 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warlock.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warlock.lua
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")

 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warrior.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warrior.lua
index e75786c..a75f100 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warrior.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/resources/warrior.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ GET ADDON DATA
 local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
 local oUF_Villain = SV.oUF
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
 assert(oUF_Villain, "SVUI was unable to locate oUF.")
 local L = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0"):Lang();
 if(SV.class ~= "WARRIOR") then return end
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d177c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/scripts/ego.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
+local select 	= _G.select;
+local math 		= _G.math;
+--[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
+local random = math.random;
+local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
+local SVLib = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0")
+local L = SVLib:Lang()
+local EgoFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "EgoFrame", UIParent);
+local animReady = true;
+local playerGUID;
+function EgoFrame:LaunchPopup()
+	self.Model:Show()
+	self.anim[2]:SetOffset(500, -500)
+	self.anim[2]:SetOffset(0, 0)
+	self.anim:Play()
+	self.Model:SetAnimation(74)
+local Ego_OnEvent = function(self, event)
+	if event == "ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED" then
+		self:LaunchPopup()
+	else
+		self:LaunchPopup()
+	end
+function SV:ToggleEgo()
+	if not SV.db.general.ego then
+		EgoFrame:UnregisterEvent("ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED")
+		EgoFrame:UnregisterEvent("SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED")
+		EgoFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
+	else
+		EgoFrame:RegisterEvent("ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED")
+		EgoFrame:RegisterEvent("SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED")
+		EgoFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", Ego_OnEvent)
+	end
+local EgoPop_OnUpdate = function(self) self.parent:SetAlpha(0) end
+local function LoadSVEgo()
+	EgoFrame:SetParent(SV.UIParent)
+	EgoFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	EgoFrame:SetWidth(500)
+	EgoFrame:SetHeight(500)
+	local model = CreateFrame("PlayerModel", "EgoFrameModel", EgoFrame)
+	model:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",EgoFrame,25,-25)
+	model:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",EgoFrame,-25,25)
+	model:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+	model:SetPosition(0,0,0)
+	model:SetUnit("player")
+	model:Hide()
+	EgoFrame.Model = model
+	SV.Animate:Slide(EgoFrame, 500, -500, true)
+	EgoFrame:SetAlpha(0)
+	EgoFrame.anim[4]:SetScript("OnFinished", EgoPop_OnUpdate)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655ef10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/configs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3657 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
+local playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
+local filterClass = playerClass or "NONE"
+local function safename(id)
+    local n = GetSpellInfo(id)
+    if not n then
+        if type(id) == "string" then
+            n = id
+        else
+            SV:Debugger('|cffFF9900SVUI:|r Spell not found: (#ID) '..id)
+            n = "Voodoo Doll";
+        end
+    end
+    return n
+--[[ SYSTEM DATA ]]--
+SV.configs = {}
+    PRIEST = {
+        {-- Weakened Soul
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 6788,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 0, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Prayer of Mending
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 41635,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Renew
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 139,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Word: Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 17,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Word: Shield Power Insight
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 123258,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.81, ["g"] = 0.85, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Power Infusion
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 10060,
+            ["point"] = "RIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Guardian Spirit
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 47788,
+            ["point"] = "LEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.86, ["g"] = 0.44, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Pain Suppression
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 33206,
+            ["point"] = "LEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    DRUID = {
+        {-- Rejuvenation
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 774,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Regrowth
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 8936,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Lifebloom
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 33763,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Wild Growth
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 48438,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    PALADIN = {
+        {-- Beacon of Light
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 53563,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Protection
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1022,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Freedom
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1044,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.45, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Salvation
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 1038,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Sacrifice
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 6940,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.1, ["b"] = 0.1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Hand of Purity
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114039,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.64, ["g"] = 0.41, ["b"] = 0.72},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Sacred Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 20925,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.93, ["g"] = 0.75, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Eternal Flame
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114163,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.87, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.03},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    SHAMAN = {
+        {-- Riptide
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 61295,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.3, ["b"] = 0.7},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Earth Shield
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 974,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.7, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Earthliving
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 51945,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.4},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    MONK = {
+        {--Renewing Mist
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 119611,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.8, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0.8},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Life Cocoon
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 116849,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Enveloping Mist
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 132120,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.4, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Zen Sphere
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 124081,
+            ["point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.7, ["g"] = 0.4, ["b"] = 0},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    ROGUE = {
+        {-- Tricks of the Trade
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 57934,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    MAGE = {
+        {-- Ice Ward
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 111264,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    WARRIOR = {
+        {-- Vigilance
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114030,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.2, ["b"] = 1},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Intervene
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 3411,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Safe Guard
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 114029,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+        {-- Unholy Frenzy
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 49016,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = false,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    },
+    NONE = {}
+local FilterIDs = {
+    ["Blocked"] = [[36900,36901,36893,114216,97821,36032,132365,8733,57724,25771,57723,36032,58539,26013,6788,71041,41425,55711,8326,23445,24755,25163,80354,95809,95223,124275,124274,124273,117870,123981,15007,113942,89140]],
+    ["Allowed"] = [[31821,2825,32182,80353,90355,47788,33206,116849,22812,1490,116202,123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
+    ["Strict"] = [[123059,136431,137332,137375,144351,142863,142864,142865,143198]],
+    ["CC"] = [[47476,91800,91807,91797,108194,115001,33786,2637,339,78675,22570,5211,9005,102359,99,127797,45334,102795,114238,113004,3355,1513,19503,34490,24394,64803,19386,117405,128405,50519,91644,90337,54706,4167,90327,56626,50245,50541,96201,96201,31661,118,55021,122,82691,118271,44572,33395,102051,20066,10326,853,105593,31935,105421,605,64044,8122,9484,15487,114404,88625,113792,87194,2094,1776,6770,1833,51722,1330,408,88611,115197,113953,51514,64695,63685,76780,118905,118345,710,6789,118699,5484,6358,30283,24259,115782,115268,118093,89766,137143,20511,7922,676,105771,107566,132168,107570,118895,18498,116706,117368,115078,122242,119392,119381,120086,116709,123407,140023,25046,20549,107079]],
+    ["Shield"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,115610,48797,48792,49039,87256,55233,50461,33206,47788,62618,47585,104773,110913,108359,22812,102342,106922,61336,19263,53480,1966,31224,74001,5277,45182,98007,30823,108271,1022,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,31850,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,20594]],
+    ["Player"] = [[17,47515,45243,45438,45438,115610,110909,12051,12472,80353,12042,32612,110960,108839,111264,108843,48797,48792,49039,87256,49222,55233,50461,49016,51271,96268,33206,47788,62618,47585,6346,10060,114239,119032,27827,104773,110913,108359,113860,113861,113858,88448,22812,102342,106922,61336,117679,102543,102558,102560,16689,132158,106898,1850,106951,29166,52610,69369,112071,124974,19263,53480,51755,54216,34471,3045,3584,131894,90355,90361,31224,74001,5277,45182,51713,114018,2983,121471,11327,108212,57933,79140,13750,98007,30823,108271,16188,2825,79206,16191,8178,58875,108281,108271,16166,114896,1044,1022,1038,6940,114039,31821,498,642,86659,20925,31850,31884,53563,31842,54428,105809,85499,118038,55694,97463,12975,114029,871,114030,18499,1719,23920,114028,46924,3411,107574,120954,131523,122783,122278,115213,116849,125174,116841,20594,59545,20572,26297,68992]],
+    ["Raid"] = [[116281,116784,116417,116942,116161,117708,118303,118048,118135,117878,117949,116835,116778,116525,122761,122760,122740,123812,123180,123474,122835,123081,122125,121885,121949,117436,118091,117519,122752,123011,116161,123121,119985,119086,119775,122151,138349,137371,136767,137641,137359,137972,136903,136753,137633,137731,133767,133768,136050,138569,134691,137440,137408,137360,135000,143436,143579,147383,146124,144851,144358,144774,147207,144215,143990,144330,143494,142990,143919,143766,143773,146589,143777,143385,143974,145183]]
+local FilterOverrides = {
+    ["45438"] = 5, ["48797"] = 5, ["87256"] = 4,
+    ["33206"] = 3, ["47585"] = 5, ["22812"] = 2,
+    ["102342"] = 2, ["19263"] = 5, ["5277"] = 5,
+    ["1022"] = 5, ["31821"] = 3, ["498"] = 2,
+    ["642"] = 5, ["86659"] = 4, ["31850"] = 4,
+    ["118038"] = 5, ["114029"] = 2, ["871"] = 3,
+    ["120954"] = 2, ["131523"] = 5
+--[[ CACHE DATA ]]--
+SV.configs = {
+    ["general"] = {
+        ["cooldown"] = true,
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+        ["multiMonitor"] = false,
+        ["taintLog"] = false,
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+        ["loginmessage"] = true,
+        ["hideErrorFrame"] = true,
+        ["threatbar"] = false,
+        ["bubbles"] = true,
+        ["comix"] = true,
+        ["bigComix"] = true,
+        ["questWatch"] = true,
+        ["woot"] = true,
+        ["pvpinterrupt"] = true,
+        ["lookwhaticando"] = false,
+        ["reactionChat"] = false,
+        ["reactionEmote"] = false,
+        ["sharingiscaring"] = false,
+        ["arenadrink"] = true,
+        ["stupidhat"] = true,
+    },
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+        mediastyle = "default",
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+            ["pattern"]      = "SVUI Backdrop 1",
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+            ["default"]      = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1},
+            ["special"]      = {0.37, 0.32, 0.29, 1},
+        },
+        ["unitframes"] = {
+            ["health"]       = {0.3, 0.5, 0.3},
+            ["power"]        = {
+                ["MANA"]         = {0.41, 0.85, 1},
+                ["RAGE"]         = {1, 0.31, 0.31},
+                ["FOCUS"]        = {1, 0.63, 0.27},
+                ["ENERGY"]       = {0.85, 0.83, 0.25},
+                ["RUNES"]        = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
+                ["RUNIC_POWER"] = {0, 0.82, 1},
+                ["FUEL"]         = {0, 0.75, 0.75}
+            },
+            ["reaction"]     = {
+                [1] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+                [2] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+                [3] = {0.92, 0.15, 0.15},
+                [4] = {0.85, 0.85, 0.13},
+                [5] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+                [6] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+                [7] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+                [8] = {0.19, 0.85, 0.13},
+            },
+            ["tapped"]           = {0.55, 0.57, 0.61},
+            ["disconnected"]     = {0.84, 0.75, 0.65},
+            ["casting"]          = {0.8, 0.8, 0},
+            ["spark"]            = {1, 0.72, 0},
+            ["interrupt"]        = {0.78, 0.25, 0.25},
+            ["shield_bars"]      = {0.56, 0.4, 0.62},
+            ["buff_bars"]        = {0.31, 0.31, 0.31},
+            ["debuff_bars"]      = {0.8, 0.1, 0.1},
+            ["predict"]          = {
+                ["personal"]         = {0, 1, 0.5, 0.25},
+                ["others"]           = {0, 1, 0, 0.25},
+                ["absorbs"]          = {1, 1, 0, 0.25}
+            },
+            ["spellcolor"] = {
+                [safename(2825)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11},  --Bloodlust
+                [safename(32182)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Heroism
+                [safename(80353)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Time Warp
+                [safename(90355)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Ancient Hysteria
+                [safename(84963)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Inquisition
+                [safename(86659)] = {0.98, 0.57, 0.11}, --Guardian of Ancient Kings
+            }
+        }
+    }
+local FILTERS = {
+    ["CC"] = {},
+    ["Shield"] = {},
+    ["Player"] = {},
+    ["Blocked"] = {},
+    ["Allowed"] = {},
+    ["Strict"] = {},
+    ["Raid"] = {},
+    ["BuffWatch"] = BUFFWATCH_BY_CLASS[filterClass],
+    ["PetBuffWatch"] = {
+        {-- Frenzy
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 19615,
+            ["point"] = "TOPLEFT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.89, ["g"] = 0.09, ["b"] = 0.05},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+        {-- Mend Pet
+            ["enabled"] = true,
+            ["id"] = 136,
+            ["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+            ["color"] = {["r"] = 0.2, ["g"] = 0.8, ["b"] = 0.2},
+            ["anyUnit"] = true,
+            ["onlyShowMissing"] = false,
+            ['style'] = 'coloredIcon',
+            ['displayText'] = false,
+            ['textColor'] = {["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 1},
+            ['textThreshold'] = -1,
+            ['xOffset'] = 0,
+            ['yOffset'] = 0
+        },
+    }
+for k, x in pairs(FilterIDs) do
+    local src = {};
+    for id in x:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
+        if(id) then
+            local saved
+            local n = safename(id);
+            local p = FilterOverrides[tostring(id)] or 0;
+            if k == "Strict" then
+                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['spellID'] = id, ['priority'] = p}
+            else
+                saved = {['enable'] = true, ['priority'] = p}
+            end
+            src[n] = saved
+        end
+    end
+    FILTERS[k] = src
+SV.configs["filter"] = FILTERS
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+	["unlock"] = "SHIFT",
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+		["enable"] = true,
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+		["enable"] = true,
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+		["buttonsize"] = 32,
+		["buttonspacing"] = 2,
+		["useCustomPaging"] = true,
+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[petbattle] hide; show",
+		["customPaging"] = {
+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARLOCK"] 	 = "[form:2] 10;",
+		    ["PRIEST"]  	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7;",
+		    ["PALADIN"] 	 = "",
+		    ["MAGE"]    	 = "",
+		    ["ROGUE"]   	 = "[stance:1] 7; [stance:2] 7; [stance:3] 7; [bonusbar:1] 7; [form:3] 7;",
+		    ["DRUID"]   	 = "[bonusbar:1, nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1, stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;",
+		    ["SHAMAN"]  	 = "",
+		    ["WARRIOR"] 	 = "",
+		    ["DEATHKNIGHT"]  = "",
+		    ["MONK"]    	 = "[bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9;",
+		},
+		["alpha"] = 1
+	},
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+		["enable"] = false,
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+		["useCustomVisibility"] = false,
+		["customVisibility"] = "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show",
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+		    ["HUNTER"]  	 = "",
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+			["enable"] = true,
+			["tags"] = "",
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+			["height"] = 4,
+			["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+			["hideonnpc"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+		},
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+		{
+			["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:4]",
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+			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["perrow"] = 3,
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+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
+			["filterPlayer"] = true,
+			["filterRaid"] = true,
+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = true,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
+			["xOffset"] = 8,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["debuffs"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["perrow"] = 3,
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+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
+			["filterPlayer"] = false,
+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = false,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
+			["xOffset"] = 8,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["auraWatch"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 8,
+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 26,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["yOffset"] = 2,
+		},
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+		{
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 15,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
+				["xOffset"] = -8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
+			["roleIcon"] =
+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 12,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
+			["raidRoleIcons"] =
+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 18,
+				["attachTo"] = "TOPLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = -4,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	["raid25"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["visibility"] = "[@raid6, noexists][@raid11, noexists][@raid26, exists][nogroup] hide;show",
+		["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
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+		["wrapYOffset"] = 8,
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+		["sortMethod"] = "GROUP",
+		["sortDir"] = "ASC",
+		["showPlayer"] = true,
+		["predict"] = false,
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+		["width"] = 50,
+		["height"] = 30,
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+			["power_type"] = "none",
+			["power_class"] = false,
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+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "none",
+			["name_colored"] = true,
+			["name_length"] = 4,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
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+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
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+		{
+			["tags"] = "",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
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+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["tags"] = "",
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+			["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
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+		},
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+		},
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+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = true,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
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+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
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+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
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+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = false,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
+			["xOffset"] = 8,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["auraWatch"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 8,
+		},
+		["rdebuffs"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
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+		},
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+		{
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+			{
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+				["size"] = 15,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
+				["xOffset"] = -8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 12,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 18,
+				["attachTo"] = "TOPLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = -4,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	["raid40"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["visibility"] = "[@raid6, noexists][@raid11, noexists][@raid26, noexists][nogroup] hide;show",
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+			["health_type"] = "none",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
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+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
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+		{
+			["tags"] = "",
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+		},
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+		{
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+			["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
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+		},
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+		{
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+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
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+			["filterInfinite"] = true,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
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+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
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+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
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+			["useFilter"] = "",
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+			["yOffset"] = 0,
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+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 22,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["yOffset"] = 2,
+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 8,
+		},
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+		{
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 15,
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+				["xOffset"] = -8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 12,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
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+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 18,
+				["attachTo"] = "TOPLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 8,
+				["yOffset"] = -4,
+			},
+		},
+	},
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+		["enable"] = false,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["visibility"] = "[group:raid] show; hide",
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+		["sortMethod"] = "PETNAME",
+		["sortDir"] = "ASC",
+		["invertGroupingOrder"] = false,
+		["startFromCenter"] = false,
+		["predict"] = false,
+		["colorOverride"] = "USE_DEFAULT",
+		["width"] = 80,
+		["height"] = 30,
+		["gridAllowed"] = true,
+		["formatting"] = {
+			["power_colored"] = true,
+			["power_type"] = "none",
+			["power_class"] = false,
+			["power_alt"] = false,
+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "deficit",
+			["name_colored"] = true,
+			["name_length"] = 4,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
+		["misc"] = {
+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
+		["health"] =
+		{
+			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
+			["position"] = "BOTTOM",
+			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
+			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
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+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["reversed"] = false,
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+		},
+		["name"] =
+		{
+			["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:4]",
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+			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
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+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["perrow"] = 3,
+			["numrows"] = 1,
+			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
+			["filterPlayer"] = true,
+			["filterRaid"] = true,
+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = true,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
+			["xOffset"] = 8,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["debuffs"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["perrow"] = 3,
+			["numrows"] = 1,
+			["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["verticalGrowth"] = "UP",
+			["horizontalGrowth"] = "RIGHT",
+			["filterPlayer"] = false,
+			["filterBlocked"] = true,
+			["filterAllowed"] = false,
+			["filterInfinite"] = false,
+			["filterDispellable"] = false,
+			["useFilter"] = "",
+			["xOffset"] = 8,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["sizeOverride"] = 0,
+		},
+		["auraWatch"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 8,
+		},
+		["rdebuffs"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = true,
+			["size"] = 26,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["yOffset"] = 2,
+		},
+		["icons"] =
+		{
+			["raidicon"] =
+			{
+				["enable"] = true,
+				["size"] = 18,
+				["attachTo"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+				["xOffset"] = 0,
+				["yOffset"] = 0,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	["tank"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
+		["width"] = 120,
+		["height"] = 28,
+		["gridAllowed"] = true,
+		["formatting"] = {
+			["power_colored"] = true,
+			["power_type"] = "none",
+			["power_class"] = false,
+			["power_alt"] = false,
+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "deficit",
+			["name_colored"] = true,
+			["name_length"] = 8,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
+		["misc"] = {
+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
+		["health"] =
+		{
+			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
+			["position"] = "INNERRIGHT",
+			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
+			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["reversed"] = false,
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+		},
+		["name"] =
+		{
+			["position"] = "INNERLEFT",
+			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:8]",
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
+		["targetsGroup"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["xOffset"] = 1,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["width"] = 120,
+			["height"] = 28,
+		},
+	},
+	["assist"] = {
+		["enable"] = true,
+		["threatEnabled"] = true,
+		["rangeCheck"] = true,
+		["width"] = 120,
+		["height"] = 28,
+		["gridAllowed"] = true,
+		["formatting"] = {
+			["power_colored"] = true,
+			["power_type"] = "none",
+			["power_class"] = false,
+			["power_alt"] = false,
+			["health_colored"] = true,
+			["health_type"] = "deficit",
+			["name_colored"] = true,
+			["name_length"] = 8,
+			["smartlevel"] = false,
+			["absorbs"] = false,
+			["threat"] = false,
+			["incoming"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+		},
+		["misc"] = {
+			["tags"] = ""
+		},
+		["health"] =
+		{
+			["tags"] = "[health:color][health:deficit]",
+			["position"] = "INNERRIGHT",
+			["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
+			["frequentUpdates"] = false,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["reversed"] = false,
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+		},
+		["name"] =
+		{
+			["position"] = "INNERLEFT",
+			["tags"] = "[name:color][name:8]",
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["xOffset"] = 0,
+			["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 10,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
+		["targetsGroup"] =
+		{
+			["enable"] = false,
+			["anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT",
+			["xOffset"] = 1,
+			["yOffset"] = 0,
+			["width"] = 120,
+			["height"] = 28,
+		},
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/installer.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/installer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2985fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/installer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
+local select 	= _G.select;
+local type 		= _G.type;
+local string 	= _G.string;
+local table     = _G.table;
+local format = string.format;
+local tcopy = table.copy;
+local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
+local SVLib = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0");
+local L = SVLib:Lang();
+local CURRENT_PAGE, MAX_PAGE, XOFF = 0, 9, (GetScreenWidth() * 0.025)
+local okToResetMOVE = false
+local mungs = false;
+local user_music_vol;
+local musicIsPlaying;
+local PageData, OnClickData
+local scc = SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
+local rcc = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
+local r2 = .1 + (rcc.r * .1)
+local g2 = .1 + (rcc.g * .1)
+local b2 = .1 + (rcc.b * .1)
+SV.Setup = {};
+local function PlayThemeSong()
+	if(not musicIsPlaying) then
+		SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", 100)
+		SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
+		StopMusic()
+		PlayMusic([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\sounds\SuperVillain.mp3]])
+		musicIsPlaying = true
+	end
+local function SetInstallButton(button)
+    if(not button) then return end
+    button.Left:SetAlpha(0)
+    button.Middle:SetAlpha(0)
+    button.Right:SetAlpha(0)
+    button:SetNormalTexture("")
+    button:SetPushedTexture("")
+    button:SetPushedTexture("")
+    button:SetDisabledTexture("")
+    button:RemoveTextures()
+    button:SetFrameLevel(button:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
+local function forceCVars()
+	SetCVar("alternateResourceText",1)
+	SetCVar("statusTextDisplay","BOTH")
+	SetCVar("ShowClassColorInNameplate",1)
+	SetCVar("screenshotQuality",10)
+	SetCVar("chatMouseScroll",1)
+	SetCVar("chatStyle","classic")
+	SetCVar("WholeChatWindowClickable",0)
+	SetCVar("ConversationMode","inline")
+	SetCVar("showTutorials",0)
+	SetCVar("UberTooltips",1)
+	SetCVar("threatWarning",3)
+	SetCVar('alwaysShowActionBars',1)
+	SetCVar('lockActionBars',1)
+	SetCVar('SpamFilter',0)
+	InterfaceOptionsActionBarsPanelPickupActionKeyDropDown:SetValue('SHIFT')
+	InterfaceOptionsActionBarsPanelPickupActionKeyDropDown:RefreshValue()
+local function ShowLayout(show40)
+	if(not _G["SVUI_Raid40"] or (show40 and _G["SVUI_Raid40"].forceShow == true)) then return end
+	if(not show40 and _G["SVUI_Raid40"].forceShow ~= true) then return end
+	SV.SVUnit:UpdateGroupConfig(_G["SVUI_Raid40"], show40)
+local function BarShuffle()
+	local bar2 = SV.db.SVBar.Bar2.enable;
+	local base = 30;
+	local bS = SV.db.SVBar.Bar1.buttonspacing;
+	local tH = SV.db.SVBar.Bar1.buttonsize  +  (base - bS);
+	local b2h = bar2 and tH or base;
+	local sph = (400 - b2h);
+	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
+	if not anchors then anchors = {} end
+	anchors.SVUI_SpecialAbility_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0"..sph;
+	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar2_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUI_ActionBar1TOP0"..(-bS);
+	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar3_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar1BOTTOMRIGHT40";
+	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar5_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar1BOTTOMLEFT-40";
+	if bar2 then
+		anchors.SVUI_PetActionBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar2TOPLEFT04"
+		anchors.SVUI_StanceBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar2TOPRIGHT04";
+	else
+		anchors.SVUI_PetActionBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar1TOPLEFT04"
+		anchors.SVUI_StanceBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar1TOPRIGHT04";
+	end
+local function UFMoveBottomQuadrant(toggle)
+	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
+	if not toggle then
+		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278182"
+		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278122"
+		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278182"
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278122"
+		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0181"
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0214"
+		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM310432"
+		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495182"
+	elseif toggle == "shift" then
+		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278210"
+		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278150"
+		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278210"
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278150"
+		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0209"
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0242"
+		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM310432"
+		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495210"
+	else
+		local c = 136;
+		local d = 135;
+		local e = 80;
+		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..d;
+		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..(d-60);
+		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..d;
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..(d-60);
+		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..e;
+		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..e;
+		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..(d + 150);
+		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495"..d;
+	end
+local function UFMoveLeftQuadrant(toggle)
+	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
+	if not toggle then
+		anchors.SVUI_Assist_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-250"
+		anchors.SVUI_Tank_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-175"
+		anchors.SVUI_Raidpet_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-325"
+	else
+		anchors.SVUI_Assist_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-250"
+		anchors.SVUI_Tank_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-175"
+		anchors.SVUI_Raidpet_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-325"
+	end
+local function UFMoveTopQuadrant(toggle)
+	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
+	if not toggle then
+		anchors.GM_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT250-25"
+		anchors.SVUI_LootFrame_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0350"
+		anchors.SVUI_AltPowerBar_MOVE = "TOPSVUIParentTOP0-40"
+		anchors.LoC_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0350"
+	else
+		anchors.GM_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT344-25"
+		anchors.SVUI_LootFrame_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0254"
+		anchors.SVUI_AltPowerBar_MOVE = "TOPSVUIParentTOP0-39"
+		anchors.LoC_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0443"
+	end
+local function UFMoveRightQuadrant(toggle)
+	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
+	local dH = SV.db.SVDock.dockRightHeight  +  60
+	if not toggle or toggle == "high" then
+		anchors.SVUI_BossHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
+		anchors.SVUI_ArenaHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
+		anchors.Tooltip_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-284"..dH;
+	else
+		anchors.SVUI_BossHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
+		anchors.SVUI_ArenaHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
+		anchors.Tooltip_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-284"..dH;
+	end
+local function SetUserScreen(rez, preserve)
+	if not preserve then
+		if okToResetMOVE then
+			SV.Mentalo:Reset("")
+			okToResetMOVE = false;
+		end
+		SV:ResetData("SVUnit")
+	end
+	if rez == "low" then
+		if not preserve then
+			SV.db.SVDock.dockLeftWidth = 350;
+			SV.db.SVDock.dockLeftHeight = 180;
+			SV.db.SVDock.dockRightWidth = 350;
+			SV.db.SVDock.dockRightHeight = 180;
+			SV.db.SVAura.wrapAfter = 10
+			SV.db.SVUnit.fontSize = 10;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.player.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.player.castbar.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.player.classbar.fill = "fill"
+			SV.db.SVUnit.player.health.tags = "[health:color][health:current]"
+			SV.db.SVUnit.target.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.target.castbar.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.target.health.tags = "[health:color][health:current]"
+			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.power.enable = false;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.height = 26;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.debuffs.enable = false;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.power.enable = false;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.height = 26;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.boss.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.boss.castbar.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.arena.width = 200;
+			SV.db.SVUnit.arena.castbar.width = 200
+		end
+		if not mungs then
+			UFMoveBottomQuadrant(true)
+			UFMoveLeftQuadrant(true)
+			UFMoveTopQuadrant(true)
+			UFMoveRightQuadrant(true)
+		end
+		SV.ghettoMonitor = true
+	else
+		SV:ResetData("SVDock")
+		SV:ResetData("SVAura")
+		if not mungs then
+			UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
+			UFMoveLeftQuadrant()
+			UFMoveTopQuadrant()
+			UFMoveRightQuadrant()
+		end
+		SV.ghettoMonitor = nil
+	end
+	if(not preserve and not mungs) then
+		BarShuffle()
+    	SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
+		SVLib:Update('SVDock')
+		SVLib:Update('SVAura')
+		SVLib:Update('SVBar')
+		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
+		SV:SavedPopup()
+	end
+function SV.Setup:ChatConfigs(mungs)
+	forceCVars()
+	FCF_ResetChatWindows()
+	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame1, 1)
+	FCF_DockFrame(ChatFrame2)
+	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame2, 1)
+	FCF_OpenNewWindow(LOOT)
+	FCF_DockFrame(ChatFrame3)
+	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame3, 1)
+	for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
+		local chat = _G["ChatFrame"..i]
+		local chatID = chat:GetID()
+		if i == 1 then
+			chat:ClearAllPoints()
+			chat:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", LeftSuperDock, "BOTTOMLEFT", 5, 5)
+			chat:Point("TOPRIGHT", LeftSuperDock, "TOPRIGHT", -5, -10)
+		end
+		FCF_SavePositionAndDimensions(chat)
+		FCF_StopDragging(chat)
+		FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(nil, chat, 12)
+		if i == 1 then
+			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, GENERAL)
+		elseif i == 2 then
+			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, GUILD_EVENT_LOG)
+		elseif i == 3 then
+			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, LOOT)
+		end
+	end
+	ChatFrame_RemoveAllMessageGroups(ChatFrame1)
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SAY")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "EMOTE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "YELL")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "GUILD")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "OFFICER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "WHISPER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_SAY")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_EMOTE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_YELL")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "PARTY")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "PARTY_LEADER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID_LEADER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID_WARNING")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "INSTANCE_CHAT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BATTLEGROUND")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BATTLEGROUND_LEADER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_HORDE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_ALLIANCE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_NEUTRAL")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SYSTEM")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "ERRORS")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "AFK")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "DND")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "IGNORED")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "ACHIEVEMENT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_WHISPER")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_CONVERSATION")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SKILL")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "LOOT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONEY")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_XP_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_RemoveAllMessageGroups(ChatFrame3)
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "SKILL")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "LOOT")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "MONEY")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_XP_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN")
+	ChatFrame_AddChannel(ChatFrame1, GENERAL)
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "SAY")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "EMOTE")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "YELL")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "GUILD")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "OFFICER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "ACHIEVEMENT")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "WHISPER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "PARTY")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "PARTY_LEADER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID_LEADER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID_WARNING")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "BATTLEGROUND")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "BATTLEGROUND_LEADER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "INSTANCE_CHAT")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL1")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL2")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL3")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL4")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL5")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL6")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL7")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL8")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL9")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL10")
+	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL11")
+	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL1", 195 / 255, 230 / 255, 232 / 255)
+	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL2", 232 / 255, 158 / 255, 121 / 255)
+	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL3", 232 / 255, 228 / 255, 121 / 255)
+	if not mungs then
+		if SV.Chat then
+			SV.Chat:ReLoad(true)
+			if SV.SVDock.Cache.RightSuperDockFaded  == true then RightSuperDockToggleButton:Click()end
+			if SV.SVDock.Cache.LeftSuperDockFaded  == true then LeftSuperDockToggleButton:Click()end
+		end
+		SV:SavedPopup()
+	end
+function SV.Setup:ColorTheme(style, preserve)
+	style = style or "default";
+	if not preserve then
+		SV:ResetData("media")
+	end
+	local presets = self:CopyPreset("media", style)
+	--print(table.dump(SV.db))
+	SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle = style;
+	if(style == "default") then
+		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = true;
+	else
+		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = false;
+	end
+	if(not mungs) then
+		SV:MediaUpdate()
+		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
+		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
+		if(not preserve) then
+			SV:SavedPopup()
+		end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:UnitframeLayout(style, preserve)
+	style = style or "default";
+	if not preserve then
+		SV:ResetData("SVUnit")
+		SV:ResetData("SVStats")
+		if okToResetMOVE then
+			SV.Mentalo:Reset('')
+			okToResetMOVE = false
+		end
+	end
+	local presets = self:CopyPreset("units", style)
+	SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = style
+	if(SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle == "default") then
+		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = true;
+	end
+	if(not mungs) then
+		if(not preserve) then
+			if SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle and (SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle == "twosmall" or SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle == "twobig") then
+				UFMoveBottomQuadrant("shift")
+			else
+				UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
+			end
+			SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
+		end
+		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
+		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
+		if(not preserve) then
+			SV:SavedPopup()
+		end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:GroupframeLayout(style, preserve)
+	style = style or "default";
+	local presets = self:CopyPreset("layouts", style)
+	SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = style
+	if(not mungs) then
+		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
+		if(not preserve) then
+			SV:SavedPopup()
+		end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:BarLayout(style, preserve)
+	style = style or "default";
+	if not preserve then
+		SV:ResetData("SVBar")
+		if okToResetMOVE then
+			SV.Mentalo:Reset('')
+			okToResetMOVE=false
+		end
+	end
+	local presets = self:CopyPreset("bars", style)
+	SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = style;
+	if(not mungs) then
+		if(not preserve) then
+			if(style == 'twosmall' or style == 'twobig') then
+				UFMoveBottomQuadrant("shift")
+			else
+				UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
+			end
+		end
+		if(not preserve) then
+			BarShuffle()
+			SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
+		end
+		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
+		SVLib:Update('SVBar')
+		if(not preserve) then
+			SV:SavedPopup()
+		end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:Auralayout(style, preserve)
+	style = style or "default";
+	local presets = self:CopyPreset("auras", style)
+	SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle = style;
+	if(not mungs) then
+		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
+		SVLib:Update('SVAura')
+		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
+		if(not preserve) then
+			SV:SavedPopup()
+		end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:EZDefault()
+	mungs = true;
+	okToResetMOVE = false;
+	self:ChatConfigs(true);
+	self:UserScreen('high');
+	self:ColorTheme("default", true);
+	self:UnitframeLayout("default", true);
+	self:BarLayout("default", true);
+	self:Auralayout("default", true);
+	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version)
+	StopMusic()
+	SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
+	ReloadUI()
+function SV.Setup:Complete()
+	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version)
+	StopMusic()
+	SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
+	okToResetMOVE = false;
+	ReloadUI()
+local OptionButton_OnClick = function(self)
+	local fn = self.FuncName
+	if(self.ClickIndex) then
+		for option, text in pairs(self.ClickIndex) do
+			SVUI_InstallerFrame[option]:SetText(text)
+		end
+	end
+	if(SV.Setup[fn] and type(SV.Setup[fn]) == "function") then
+		SV.Setup[fn](nil, self.Arg)
+	end
+local InstallerFrame_PreparePage = function(self)
+	self.Option01:Hide()
+	self.Option01:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
+	self.Option01:SetText("")
+	self.Option01.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option01.Arg = nil
+	self.Option01.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option02:Hide()
+	self.Option02:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
+	self.Option02:SetText("")
+	self.Option02.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option02.Arg = nil
+	self.Option02.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option03:Hide()
+	self.Option03:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
+	self.Option03:SetText("")
+	self.Option03.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option03.Arg = nil
+	self.Option03.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option1:Hide()
+	self.Option1:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
+	self.Option1:SetText("")
+	self.Option1.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option1.Arg = nil
+	self.Option1.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option2:Hide()
+	self.Option2:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
+	self.Option2:SetText('')
+	self.Option2.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option2.Arg = nil
+	self.Option2.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option3:Hide()
+	self.Option3:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
+	self.Option3:SetText('')
+	self.Option3.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option3.Arg = nil
+	self.Option3.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.Option4:Hide()
+	self.Option4:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
+	self.Option4:SetText('')
+	self.Option4.FuncName = nil
+	self.Option4.Arg = nil
+	self.Option4.ClickIndex = nil
+	self.SubTitle:SetText("")
+	self.Desc1:SetText("")
+	self.Desc2:SetText("")
+	self.Desc3:SetText("")
+	if CURRENT_PAGE == 1 then
+		self.Prev:Disable()
+		self.Prev:Hide()
+	else
+		self.Prev:Enable()
+		self.Prev:Show()
+	end
+		self.Next:Disable()
+		self.Next:Hide()
+		self:Size(550, 350)
+	else
+		self.Next:Enable()
+		self.Next:Show()
+		self:Size(550,400)
+	end
+local InstallerFrame_SetPage = function(self, newPage)
+	PageData, MAX_PAGE = SV.Setup:CopyPage(newPage)
+	CURRENT_PAGE = newPage;
+	self:PreparePage()
+	self.Status.text:SetText(CURRENT_PAGE.."  /  "..MAX_PAGE)
+	ShowLayout()
+	for option, data in pairs(PageSettings) do
+		if(type(data) == "table" and data[1] and data[2]) then
+			if(data[4] and not data[4]()) then return end;
+			self[option]:Show()
+			self[option]:SetText(data[1])
+			self[option].FuncName = data[2]
+			self[option].Arg = data[3]
+			local postclickIndex = ("%d_%s"):format(newPage, option)
+			self[option].ClickIndex = SV.Setup:CopyOnClick(postclickIndex)
+			self[option]:SetScript("OnClick", OptionButton_OnClick)
+		elseif(type(data) == "function") then
+			local optionText = data()
+			self[option]:SetText(optionText)
+		else
+			self[option]:SetText(data)
+		end
+	end
+local NextPage_OnClick = function(self)
+		self.parent:SetPage(CURRENT_PAGE)
+	end
+local PreviousPage_OnClick = function(self)
+	if CURRENT_PAGE ~= 1 then
+		self.parent:SetPage(CURRENT_PAGE)
+	end
+function SV.Setup:Reset()
+	mungs = true;
+	okToResetMOVE = false;
+	self:ChatConfigs(true);
+	SVLib:WipeDatabase()
+	self:UserScreen()
+	if SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle then
+        self:ColorTheme(SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle)
+    else
+    	SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle = nil;
+    	self:ColorTheme()
+    end
+    if SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle then
+        self:UnitframeLayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle)
+    else
+    	SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
+    	self:UnitframeLayout()
+    end
+    if SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle then
+        self:BarLayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle)
+    else
+    	SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
+    	self:BarLayout()
+    end
+    if SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle then
+        self:Auralayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle)
+    else
+    	SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle = nil;
+    	self:Auralayout()
+    end
+    SVLib:WipeCache()
+	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version);
+	ReloadUI()
+function SV.Setup:Install(autoLoaded)
+	if(not user_music_vol) then
+		user_music_vol = GetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume")
+	end
+	local old = SVLib:GetSafeData()
+    local media = old.mediastyle or ""
+    local bars = old.barstyle or ""
+    local units = old.unitstyle or ""
+    local groups = old.groupstyle or ""
+    local auras = old.aurastyle or ""
+    SV.db.LAYOUT = {
+        mediastyle = media,
+        barstyle = bars,
+        unitstyle = units,
+        groupstyle = groups,
+        aurastyle = auras
+    }
+	if not SVUI_InstallerFrame then
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallerFrame", UIParent)
+		frame:Size(550, 400)
+		frame:SetPanelTemplate("Action")
+		frame:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		frame:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
+		frame.SetPage = InstallerFrame_SetPage;
+		frame.PreparePage = InstallerFrame_PreparePage;
+		--[[ NEXT PAGE BUTTON ]]--
+		frame.Next = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Next:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Next:Size(110, 25)
+		frame.Next:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", 50, 5)
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Next)
+		frame.Next.texture = frame.Next:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Next.texture:Size(110, 75)
+		frame.Next.texture:Point("RIGHT")
+		frame.Next.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION-ARROW")
+		frame.Next.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
+		frame.Next.text = frame.Next:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Next.text:SetFont(SV.Media.font.action, 18, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Next.text:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		frame.Next.text:SetText(CONTINUE)
+		frame.Next:Disable()
+		frame.Next.parent = frame
+		frame.Next:SetScript("OnClick", NextPage_OnClick)
+		frame.Next:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		end)
+		frame.Next:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
+		end)
+		frame.Prev = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Prev:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Prev:Size(110, 25)
+		frame.Prev:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", -50, 5)
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Prev)
+		frame.Prev.texture = frame.Prev:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Prev.texture:Size(110, 75)
+		frame.Prev.texture:Point("LEFT")
+		frame.Prev.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION-ARROW")
+		frame.Prev.texture:SetTexCoord(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+		frame.Prev.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
+		frame.Prev.text = frame.Prev:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Prev.text:SetFont(SV.Media.font.action, 18, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Prev.text:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		frame.Prev.text:SetText(PREVIOUS)
+		frame.Prev:Disable()
+		frame.Prev.parent = frame
+		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnClick", PreviousPage_OnClick)
+		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+		end)
+		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
+		end)
+		--[[ OPTION 01 ]]--
+		frame.Option01 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option01:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option01:Size(160, 30)
+		frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		frame.Option01:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option01)
+		frame.Option01.texture = frame.Option01:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option01.texture:Size(160, 160)
+		frame.Option01.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option01, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
+		frame.Option01.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option01.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0)
+		frame.Option01:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option01:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0)
+		end)
+		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option01, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
+			g.texture:Size(h, h)
+			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
+		end)
+		frame.Option01:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option01:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 02 ]]--
+		frame.Option02 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option02:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option02:Size(130, 30)
+		frame.Option02:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
+		frame.Option02:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option02)
+		frame.Option02.texture = frame.Option02:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option02.texture:Size(130, 110)
+		frame.Option02.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option02, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
+		frame.Option02.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option02.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0)
+		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0)
+		end)
+		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option02, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
+			g.texture:Size(h, h)
+			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
+		end)
+		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+			frame.Option01:SetWidth(130)
+			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+			frame.Option01:SetWidth(160)
+			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option02:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option02:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 03 ]]--
+		frame.Option03 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option03:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option03:Size(130, 30)
+		frame.Option03:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		frame.Option03:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option03)
+		frame.Option03.texture = frame.Option03:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option03.texture:Size(130, 110)
+		frame.Option03.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option03, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
+		frame.Option03.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option03.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 0.7)
+		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.2, 0.5, 1)
+		end)
+		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 0.7)
+		end)
+		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option03, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
+			g.texture:Size(h, h)
+			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
+		end)
+		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
+			self:SetWidth(130)
+			frame.Option01:SetWidth(130)
+			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option01:Point("RIGHT", self, "LEFT", -8, 0)
+			frame.Option02:SetWidth(130)
+			frame.Option02:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option02:Point("LEFT", self, "RIGHT", 8, 0)
+		end)
+		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+			frame.Option01:SetWidth(160)
+			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+			frame.Option02:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option02:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option03:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option03:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 1 ]]--
+		frame.Option1 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option1:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option1:Size(160, 30)
+		frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		frame.Option1:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option1)
+		frame.Option1.texture = frame.Option1:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option1.texture:Size(160, 160)
+		frame.Option1.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option1, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
+		frame.Option1.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option1.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		frame.Option1:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option1:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		end)
+		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option1, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
+			g.texture:Size(h, h)
+			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
+		end)
+		frame.Option1:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option1:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 2 ]]--
+		frame.Option2 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option2:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option2:Size(120, 30)
+		frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
+		frame.Option2:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option2)
+		frame.Option2.texture = frame.Option2:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option2.texture:Size(120, 110)
+		frame.Option2.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option2, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
+		frame.Option2.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option2.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		end)
+		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option2, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
+			g.texture:Size(h, h)
+			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
+		end)
+		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+			frame.Option1:SetWidth(120)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option2:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option2:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 3 ]]--
+		frame.Option3 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option3:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option3:Size(110, 30)
+		frame.Option3:Point("LEFT", frame.Option2, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+		frame.Option3:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option3)
+		frame.Option3.texture = frame.Option3:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option3.texture:Size(110, 100)
+		frame.Option3.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option3, "BOTTOM", 0, -9)
+		frame.Option3.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option3.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		end)
+		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+			frame.Option1:SetWidth(110)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("RIGHT", frame.Option2, "LEFT", -4, 0)
+			frame.Option2:SetWidth(110)
+			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+			frame.Option2:SetWidth(120)
+			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option3:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option3:Hide()
+		--[[ OPTION 4 ]]--
+		frame.Option4 = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+		frame.Option4:RemoveTextures()
+		frame.Option4:Size(110, 30)
+		frame.Option4:Point("LEFT", frame.Option3, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+		frame.Option4:SetText("")
+		SetInstallButton(frame.Option4)
+		frame.Option4.texture = frame.Option4:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		frame.Option4.texture:Size(110, 100)
+		frame.Option4.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option4, "BOTTOM", 0, -9)
+		frame.Option4.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
+		frame.Option4.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
+		end)
+		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
+			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+		end)
+		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnShow", function()
+			frame.Option1:Width(110)
+			frame.Option2:Width(110)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("RIGHT", frame.Option2, "LEFT", -4, 0)
+			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
+			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
+			frame.Option2:SetWidth(120)
+			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
+		end)
+		frame.Option4:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		frame.Option4:Hide()
+		--[[ TEXT HOLDERS ]]--
+		local statusHolder = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+		statusHolder:SetFrameLevel(statusHolder:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+		statusHolder:Size(150, 30)
+		statusHolder:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "TOP", 0, 2)
+		frame.Status = frame.Status:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Status:SetFont(SV.Media.font.numbers, 22, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Status:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		frame.Status:SetText(CURRENT_PAGE.."  /  "..MAX_PAGE)
+		local titleHolder = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		titleHolder:SetFont(SV.Media.font.narrator, 22, "OUTLINE")
+		titleHolder:Point("TOP", 0, -5)
+		titleHolder:SetText(L["Supervillain UI Installation"])
+		frame.SubTitle = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.SubTitle:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 16, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.SubTitle:Point("TOP", 0, -40)
+		frame.Desc1 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Desc1:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Desc1:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -75)
+		frame.Desc1:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
+		frame.Desc2 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Desc2:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Desc2:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -125)
+		frame.Desc2:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
+		frame.Desc3 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		frame.Desc3:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
+		frame.Desc3:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -175)
+		frame.Desc3:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
+		--[[ MISC ]]--
+		local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+		closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT")
+		closeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function() frame:Hide() end)
+		local tutorialImage = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		tutorialImage:Size(256, 128)
+		tutorialImage:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\SPLASH")
+		tutorialImage:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 70)
+	end
+	SVUI_InstallerFrame:SetScript("OnHide", function()
+		StopMusic()
+		SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
+		musicIsPlaying = nil
+	end)
+	SVUI_InstallerFrame:Show()
+	NextPage()
+	if(not autoLoaded) then
+		PlayThemeSong()
+	else
+		SV.Timers:ExecuteTimer(PlayThemeSong, 5)
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/presets.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/presets.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404bc7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/setup/presets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1407 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
+local select 	= _G.select;
+local type 		= _G.type;
+local string 	= _G.string;
+local table     = _G.table;
+local format = string.format;
+local tcopy = table.copy;
+local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
+local SVLib = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0")
+local L = SVLib:Lang();
+local scc = SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
+local rcc = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
+local r2 = .1 + (rcc.r * .1)
+local g2 = .1 + (rcc.g * .1)
+local b2 = .1 + (rcc.b * .1)
+local hasOldConfigs = function()
+	return SVLib:GetSafeData("install_version")
+local isLowRez = function()
+	if SV.ghettoMonitor then
+		return L["This resolution requires that you change some settings to get everything to fit on your screen."].." "..L["Click the button below to resize your chat frames, unitframes, and reposition your actionbars."].." "..L["You may need to further alter these settings depending how low your resolution is."]
+	else
+		return L["This resolution doesn't require that you change settings for the UI to fit on your screen."].." "..L["Click the button below to resize your chat frames, unitframes, and reposition your actionbars."].." "..L["This is completely optional."]
+	end
+local function LoadPresetData()
+		["media"] = {
+			["link"] = "media",
+			["default"] = {
+				["colors"] = {
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+					width = 50,
+					height = 30,
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+					width = 50,
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+						enable = false
+					}
+				},
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+					height = 50,
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+					width = 50,
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+					width = 50,
+					height = 30,
+					wrapXOffset = 6,
+					wrapYOffset = 6,
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+						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+						["xOffset"] = 8,
+						["yOffset"] = 0,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			["healer"] = {
+				["grid"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["party"] = {
+					width = 75,
+					height = 60,
+					wrapXOffset = 9,
+					wrapYOffset = 13,
+					portrait = {
+						enable = true,
+						overlay = true,
+						style = "3D",
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
+							["xOffset"] = 0,
+							["yOffset"] = 0,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+						["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = 0,
+					},
+				},
+				["raid10"] = {
+					width = 50,
+					height = 30,
+					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = true,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 8,
+							["yOffset"] = 0,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+						["xOffset"] = 8,
+						["yOffset"] = 0,
+					},
+				},
+				["raid25"] = {
+					width = 50,
+					height = 30,
+					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = true,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 8,
+							["yOffset"] = 0,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+						["xOffset"] = 8,
+						["yOffset"] = 0,
+					},
+				},
+				["raid40"] = {
+					width = 50,
+					height = 30,
+					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = true,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 8,
+							["yOffset"] = 0,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
+						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
+						["xOffset"] = 8,
+						["yOffset"] = 0,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			["dps"] = {
+				["grid"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["party"] = {
+					width = 115,
+					height = 25,
+					wrapXOffset = 9,
+					wrapYOffset = 13,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = false,
+					},
+					portrait = {
+						enable = false,
+						overlay = false,
+						style = "2D",
+						width = 35,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = -2,
+							["yOffset"] = 0,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "Roboto",
+						["fontOutline"] = "NONE",
+						["position"] = "CENTER",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = 1,
+					},
+				},
+				["raid10"] = {
+					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 2,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = false,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 10,
+							["yOffset"] = 1,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "Roboto",
+						["position"] = "CENTER",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = 1,
+					},
+					["width"] = 80,
+					["height"] = 20,
+				},
+				["raid25"] = {
+					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 3,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = false,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 10,
+							["yOffset"] = 1,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "Roboto",
+						["position"] = "CENTER",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = 1,
+					},
+					["width"] = 80,
+					["height"] = 20,
+				},
+				["raid40"] = {
+					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
+					["gRowCol"] = 4,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = false,
+					},
+					["icons"] = {
+						["roleIcon"] = {
+							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
+							["xOffset"] = 10,
+							["yOffset"] = 1,
+						},
+					},
+					["name"] = {
+						["font"] = "Roboto",
+						["position"] = "CENTER",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = 1,
+					},
+					["width"] = 80,
+					["height"] = 20,
+				},
+			},
+			["grid"] = {
+				["grid"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["size"] = 34,
+					["shownames"] = true,
+				},
+				["party"] = {
+					["gridAllowed"] = true,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
+					["power"] = {
+						["enable"] = false,
+					},
+					portrait = {
+						enable = false,
+					},
+				},
+				["raid10"] = {
+					["gridAllowed"] = true,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
+				},
+				["raid25"] = {
+					["gridAllowed"] = true,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
+				},
+				["raid40"] = {
+					["gridAllowed"] = true,
+					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
+					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
+					["gRowCol"] = 1,
+					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
+				},
+			},
+		}
+	};
+	if(SV.UserPresets) then
+		for key, data in pairs(SV.UserPresets) do
+			for category, presets in pairs(data) do
+				PRESET_DATA[key][category] = presets
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function LoadPageData()
+		--PAGE 1
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = (L["This is Supervillain UI version %s!"]):format(SV.Version),
+			["Desc1"] = L["Before I can turn you loose, persuing whatever villainy you feel will advance your professional career... I need to ask some questions and turn a few screws first."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["At any time you can get to the config options by typing the command  / sv. For quick changes to frame, bar or color sets, call your henchman by clicking the button on the bottom right of your screen. (Its the one with his stupid face on it)"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option01"] = {USE.."\n"..DEFAULT.."\n"..SETTINGS, "EZDefault"},
+			["Option02"] = {"PRETEND YOU\nDID THIS\nALREADY", "Complete"},
+			["Option03"] = {"Keep\nSaved\n"..SETTINGS, "Complete", nil, hasOldConfigs},
+		},
+		--PAGE 2
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = CHAT,
+			["Desc1"] = L["Whether you want to or not, you will be needing a communicator so other villains can either update you on their doings-of-evil or inform you about the MANY abilities of Chuck Norris"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["The chat windows function the same as standard chat windows, you can right click the tabs and drag them, rename them, slap them around, you know... whatever. Clickity-click to setup your chat windows."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {CHAT_DEFAULTS, "ChatConfigs"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 3
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = RESOLUTION,
+			["Desc1"] = (L["Your current resolution is %s, this is considered a %s resolution."]):format(GetCVar("gxResolution"), (SV.ghettoMonitor and LOW or HIGH)),
+			["Desc2"] = isLowRez,
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {HIGH, "SetUserScreen", "high"},
+			["Option2"] = {LOW, "SetUserScreen", "low"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 4
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = COLOR.." "..SETTINGS,
+			["Desc1"] = L["Choose a theme layout you wish to use for your initial setup."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["You can always change fonts and colors of any element of Supervillain UI from the in-game configuration."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["Kaboom!"], "ColorTheme", "kaboom"},
+			["Option2"] = {L["Darkness"], "ColorTheme", "dark"},
+			["Option3"] = {L["Class" .. "\n" .. "Colors"], "ColorTheme", "classy"},
+			["Option4"] = {L["Vintage"], "ColorTheme"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 5
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = UNITFRAME_LABEL.." "..SETTINGS,
+			["Desc1"] = L["You can now choose what primary unitframe style you wish to use."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This will change the layout of your unitframes (ie.. Player, Target, Pet, Party, Raid ...etc)."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["Super"], "UnitframeLayout", "super"},
+			["Option2"] = {L["Simple"], "UnitframeLayout", "simple"},
+			["Option3"] = {L["Compact"], "UnitframeLayout", "compact"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 6
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = "Group Layout",
+			["Desc1"] = L["You can now choose what group layout you prefer."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This will adjust various settings on group units, attempting to make certain roles more usable"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["Standard"], "GroupframeLayout", "default"},
+			["Option2"] = {L["Healer"], "GroupframeLayout", "healer"},
+			["Option3"] = {L["DPS"], "GroupframeLayout", "dps"},
+			["Option4"] = {L["Grid"], "GroupframeLayout", "grid"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 7
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = ACTIONBAR_LABEL.." "..SETTINGS,
+			["Desc1"] = L["Choose a layout for your action bars."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Sometimes you need big buttons, sometimes you don't. Your choice here."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["Small" .. "\n" .. "Row"], "BarLayout", "default"},
+			["Option2"] = {L["2 Small" .. "\n" .. "Rows"], "BarLayout", "twosmall"},
+			["Option3"] = {L["Big" .. "\n" .. "Row"], "BarLayout", "onebig"},
+			["Option4"] = {L["2 Big" .. "\n" .. "Rows"], "BarLayout", "twobig"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 8
+		{
+			["SubTitle"] = AURAS.." "..SETTINGS,
+			["Desc1"] = L["Select an aura layout. \"Icons\" will display only icons and aurabars won't be used. \"Bars\" will display only aurabars and icons won't be used (duh). \"The Works!\" does just what it says.... icons, bars and awesomeness."],
+			["Desc2"] = L["If you have an aura that you don't want to display simply hold down shift and right click the icon for it to suffer a painful death."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["Vintage"], "Auralayout"},
+			["Option2"] = {L["Icons"], "Auralayout", "icons"},
+			["Option3"] = {L["Bars"], "Auralayout", "bars"},
+			["Option4"] = {L["The" .. "\n" .. "Works!"], "Auralayout", "theworks"},
+		},
+		--PAGE 9
+		{
+			["Desc1"] = L["Thats it! All done! Now we just need to hand these choices off to the henchmen so they can get you ready to (..insert evil tasks here..)!"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Click the button below to reload and get on your way! Good luck villain!"],
+			["Option1"] = {L["THE_BUTTON_BELOW"], "Complete"},
+		},
+	};
+local function LoadOnClickData()
+		["Page3_Option1"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cffFF9F00"..HIGH.." "..RESOLUTION.."!|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["So what you think your better than me with your big monitor? HUH?!?!"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["Dont forget whos in charge here! But enjoy the incredible detail."],
+		},
+		["Page3_Option2"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cffFF9F00"..LOW.." "..RESOLUTION.."|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Why are you playing this on what I would assume is a calculator display?"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["Enjoy the ONE incredible pixel that fits on this screen."],
+		},
+		["Page4_Option1"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cffFF9F00KABOOOOM!|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This theme tells the world that you are a villain who can put on a show"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["or better yet, you ARE the show!"],
+		},
+		["Page4_Option2"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cffAF30FFThe Darkest Night|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This theme indicates that you have no interest in wasting time"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L[" the dying begins NOW!"],
+		},
+		["Page4_Option3"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cffFFFF00"..CLASS_COLORS.."|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This theme is for villains who take pride in their class"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L[" villains know how to reprezent!"],
+		},
+		["Page4_Option4"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFPlain and Simple|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This theme is for any villain who sticks to their traditions"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["you don't need fancyness to kick some ass!"],
+		},
+		["Page5_Option1"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFLets Do This|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This layout is anything but minimal! Using this is like being at a rock concert"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["then annihilating the crowd with frickin lazer beams!"],
+		},
+		["Page5_Option2"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFSimply Simple|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["This layout is for the villain who just wants to get things done!"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["but he still wants to see your face before he hits you!"],
+		},
+		["Page5_Option3"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFEl Compacto|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Just the necessities so you can see more of the world around you"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["you dont need no fanciness getting in the way of world domination do you?"],
+		},
+		["Page6_Option1"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFStandard|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["You are good to go with the default layout"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["frames schmames, lets kill some stuff!"],
+		},
+		["Page6_Option2"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFMEDIC!!|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["You are pretty helpful.. for a VILLAIN!"]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["Hey, even a super villain gets his ass kicked once in awhile. We need the likes of you!"],
+		},
+		["Page6_Option3"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFDeath Dealer|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["You are the kings of our craft. Handing out pain like its halloween candy."]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["I will move and squeeze group frames out of your way so you have more room for BOOM!"],
+		},
+		["Page6_Option4"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFCubed|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["You are cold and calculated, your frames should reflect as much."]..CONTINUED,
+			["Desc3"] = CONTINUED..L["I'm gonna make these frames so precise that you can cut your finger on them!"],
+		},
+		["Page7_Option1"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFLean And Clean|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Lets keep it slim and deadly, not unlike a ninja sword."],
+			["Desc3"] = L["You dont ever even look at your bar hardly, so pick this one!"],
+		},
+		["Page7_Option2"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFMore For Less|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Granted, you dont REALLY need the buttons due to your hotkey-leetness, you just like watching cooldowns!"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["Sure thing cowboy, your secret is safe with me!"],
+		},
+		["Page7_Option3"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFWhat Big Buttons You Have|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["The better to PEW-PEW you with my dear!"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["When you have little time for mouse accuracy, choose this set!"],
+		},
+		["Page7_Option4"] = {
+			["Desc1"] = L["|cff00FFFFThe Double Down|r"],
+			["Desc2"] = L["Lets be honest for a moment. Who doesnt like a huge pair in their face?"],
+			["Desc3"] = L["Double your bars then double their size for maximum button goodness!"],
+		},
+	};
+local function _copyPresets(saved, preset)
+	--if not saved then return end
+	if(type(preset) == 'table') then
+        for key,val in pairs(preset) do
+        	if(not saved[key]) then saved[key] = {} end
+    		if(type(val) == "table") then
+    			_copyPresets(saved[key], val)
+    		elseif(saved[key]) then
+            	saved[key] = val
+            end
+        end
+    else
+    	saved = preset
+    end
+function SV.Setup:CopyPreset(category, theme)
+	if(not PRESET_DATA) then LoadPresetData() end
+	if(PRESET_DATA and PRESET_DATA[category] and PRESET_DATA[category]["link"]) then
+		theme = theme or "default"
+		local saved = PRESET_DATA[category]["link"]
+		local preset =  PRESET_DATA[category][theme]
+		local data = SV.db[saved]
+		if(data) then
+	    	_copyPresets(data, preset)
+	    end
+	end
+function SV.Setup:CopyPage(pageNum)
+	if(not PAGE_DIALOG) then LoadPageData() end
+	if(PAGE_DIALOG and PAGE_DIALOG[pageNum]) then
+		return PAGE_DIALOG[pageNum], #PAGE_DIALOG
+	end
+function SV.Setup:CopyOnClick(index)
+	if(not CLICK_DIALOG) then LoadOnClickData() end
+	if(CLICK_DIALOG and CLICK_DIALOG[index]) then
+		return CLICK_DIALOG[index]
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/alerts.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/alerts.lua
index efa03e1..630b4fd 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/alerts.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/alerts.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ local random = math.random;
 --[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
 local tremove, twipe = table.remove, table.wipe;
-local assert = enforce;
+local assert = assert;
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/mentalo.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/mentalo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b23b0..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/mentalo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-    <Frame name="SVUI_MentaloPrecision" inherits="SVUI_PanelTemplate" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
-        <Size x="130" y="60"/>
-        <Anchors>
-            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
-        </Anchors>
-        <Layers>
-            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
-                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="Focused Position">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="X">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                            <Offset x="-3" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="Y">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="3" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-            </Layer>
-        </Layers>
-        <Frames>
-            <EditBox name="$parentSetX" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
-                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="-12" y="3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnEscapePressed>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                    </OnEscapePressed>
-                    <OnEditFocusLost>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnEditFocusLost>
-                    <OnShow>
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnShow>
-                </Scripts>
-            </EditBox>
-            <EditBox name="$parentSetY" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
-                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="12" y="3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnEscapePressed>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                    </OnEscapePressed>
-                    <OnEditFocusLost>
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnEditFocusLost>
-                    <OnShow>
-                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
-                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
-                    </OnShow>
-                </Scripts>
-            </EditBox>
-            <Button name="$parentUpButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
-                        <Offset x="10" y="-3"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "UP");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentDownButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
-                        <Offset x="2" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "DOWN");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentRightButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                        <Offset x="-20" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "RIGHT");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-            <Button name="$parentLeftButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
-                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRightButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
-                        <Offset x="-2" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-                <Scripts>
-                    <OnLoad>
-                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "LEFT");
-                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
-                    </OnLoad>
-                    <OnClick>
-                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
-                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
-                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
-                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
-                    </OnClick>
-                </Scripts>
-            </Button>
-        </Frames>
-    </Frame>
-	<Frame name="SVUI_Mentalo" movable="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
-        <Size x="300" y="30"/>
-        <Anchors>
-            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
-        </Anchors>
-        <Layers>
-            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
-                <Texture name="$parentBG" setAllPoints="true"/>
-            </Layer>
-            <Layer level="OVERLAY">
-                <Texture name="$parentTitleBG">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="0" y="-30"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </Texture>
-            </Layer>
-            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
-                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="SystemFont_Small" justifyH="LEFT" text="Mentalo The Frame Mover!">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG">
-                            <Offset x="4" y="0"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="1" a="1"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <FontString parentKey="SubTitle" inherits="FriendsFont_Small" justifyH="CENTER" text="Right-click frames to move with precision.">
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
-                            <Offset x="4" y="-4"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
-                            <Offset x="-4" y="-4"/>
-                        </Anchor>
-                    </Anchors>
-                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="0" a="0.8"/>
-                </FontString>
-                <Texture parentKey="Avatar" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Doodads\MENTALO-OFF">
-                    <Size x="132" y="132"/>
-                    <Anchors>
-                        <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOP"/>
-                    </Anchors>
-                </Texture>
-            </Layer>
-        </Layers>
-        <Frames>
-            <Button name="$parentLockButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="Lock">
-                <Size x="96" y="24"/>
-                <Anchors>
-                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG">
-                        <Offset x="-4" y="0"/>
-                    </Anchor>
-                </Anchors>
-            </Button>
-        </Frames>
-        <Scripts>
-            <OnHide>
-                _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecision"]:Hide();
-            </OnHide>
-            <OnDragStart>
-                self.moving = true;
-                self:StartMoving();
-            </OnDragStart>
-            <OnDragStop>
-                self.moving = nil;
-                self:StopMovingOrSizing();
-            </OnDragStop>
-        </Scripts>
-    </Frame>
-    <Script file="mentalo.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/setup.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/setup.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1767903..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/setup.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2426 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local type 		= _G.type;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local table     = _G.table;
-local format = string.format;
-local tcopy = table.copy;
-local SVUI_ADDON_NAME, SV = ...
-local SVLib = LibStub("LibSuperVillain-1.0");
-local L = SVLib:Lang();
-local CURRENT_PAGE, MAX_PAGE, XOFF = 0, 9, (GetScreenWidth() * 0.025)
-local okToResetMOVE = false
-local mungs = false;
-local user_music_vol;
-local musicIsPlaying;
-local scc = SVUI_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
-local rcc = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[SV.class];
-local r2 = .1 + (rcc.r * .1)
-local g2 = .1 + (rcc.g * .1)
-local b2 = .1 + (rcc.b * .1)
-local Setup = {};
-local function LoadAllPresets()
-		["media"] = {
-			["link"] = "media",
-			["default"] = {
-				["colors"] = {
-					["special"] = {.37, .32, .29, 1},
-				},
-				["textures"] = {
-					["pattern"] = "SVUI Backdrop 1",
-					["comic"] = "SVUI Comic 1",
-					["unitlarge"] = "SVUI Unit BG 1",
-					["unitsmall"] = "SVUI Small BG 1",
-				},
-				["unitframes"] = {
-					["buff_bars"] = {.91, .91, .31, 1},
-					["health"] = {.1, .6, .02, 1},
-					["casting"] = {.91, .91, .31, 1},
-					["spark"] = {1, .72, 0, 1},
-				},
-			},
-			["kaboom"] = {
-				["colors"] = {
-					["special"] = {.28, .31, .32, 1},
-				},
-				["textures"] = {
-					["pattern"] = "SVUI Backdrop 2",
-					["comic"] = "SVUI Comic 2",
-					["unitlarge"] = "SVUI Unit BG 2",
-					["unitsmall"] = "SVUI Small BG 2",
-				},
-				["unitframes"] = {
-					["buff_bars"] = {.51, .79, 0, 1},
-					["health"] = {.16, .86, .22, 1},
-					["casting"] = {.91, .91, 0, 1},
-					["spark"] = {1, .72, 0, 1},
-				},
-			},
-			["classy"] = {
-				["colors"] = {
-					["special"] = {r2, g2, b2, 1},
-				},
-				["textures"] = {
-					["pattern"] = "SVUI Backdrop 3",
-					["comic"] = "SVUI Comic 3",
-					["unitlarge"] = "SVUI Unit BG 3",
-					["unitsmall"] = "SVUI Small BG 3",
-				},
-				["unitframes"] = {
-					["buff_bars"] = {scc.r, scc.g, scc.b, 1},
-					["health"] = {.16, .86, .22, 1},
-					["casting"] = {.91, .91, 0, 1},
-					["spark"] = {1, .72, 0, 1},
-				},
-			},
-			["dark"] = {
-				["colors"] = {
-					["special"] = {.25, .26, .27, 1},
-				},
-				["textures"] = {
-					["pattern"] = "SVUI Backdrop 4",
-					["comic"] = "SVUI Comic 4",
-					["unitlarge"] = "SVUI Unit BG 4",
-					["unitsmall"] = "SVUI Small BG 4",
-				},
-				["unitframes"] = {
-					["buff_bars"] = {.45, .55, .15, 1},
-					["health"] = {.06, .06, .06, 1},
-					["casting"] = {.8, .8, 0, 1},
-					["spark"] = {1, .72, 0, 1},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["auras"] = {
-			["link"] = "SVUnit",
-			["default"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "DEBUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "DISABLED",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["focus"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "DISABLED",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			["icons"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "DISABLED",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["focus"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "DISABLED",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			["bars"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "SHOW_DEBUFFS_ON_FRIENDLIES",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					}
-				},
-				["focus"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "SHOW_DEBUFFS_ON_FRIENDLIES",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = false,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME"
-					}
-				}
-			},
-			["theworks"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'RIGHT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "DEBUFFS"
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "SHOW_DEBUFFS_ON_FRIENDLIES",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "DEBUFFS"
-					}
-				},
-				["focus"] = {
-					["smartAuraDisplay"] = "SHOW_DEBUFFS_ON_FRIENDLIES",
-					["buffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "FRAME",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["debuffs"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "BUFFS",
-						anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT',
-						verticalGrowth = 'UP',
-						horizontalGrowth = 'LEFT',
-					},
-					["aurabar"] = {
-						enable = true,
-						attachTo = "DEBUFFS"
-					}
-				}
-			},
-		},
-		["bars"] = {
-			["link"] = "SVBar",
-			["default"] = {
-				["Bar1"] = {
-					buttonsize = 32
-				},
-				["Bar2"] = {
-					enable = false
-				},
-				["Bar3"] = {
-					buttons = 6,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 32
-				},
-				["Bar5"] = {
-					buttons = 6,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 32
-				}
-			},
-			["onebig"] = {
-				["Bar1"] = {
-					buttonsize = 40
-				},
-				["Bar2"] = {
-					enable = false
-				},
-				["Bar3"] = {
-					buttons = 6,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 40
-				},
-				["Bar5"] = {
-					buttons = 6,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 40
-				}
-			},
-			["twosmall"] = {
-				["Bar1"] = {
-					buttonsize = 32
-				},
-				["Bar2"] = {
-					enable = true,
-					buttonsize = 32
-				},
-				["Bar3"] = {
-					buttons = 12,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 32
-				},
-				["Bar5"] = {
-					buttons = 12,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 32
-				}
-			},
-			["twobig"] = {
-				["Bar1"] = {
-					buttonsize = 40
-				},
-				["Bar2"] = {
-					enable = true,
-					buttonsize = 40
-				},
-				["Bar3"] = {
-					buttons = 12,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 40
-				},
-				["Bar5"] = {
-					buttons = 12,
-					buttonspacing = 2,
-					buttonsPerRow = 6,
-					buttonsize = 40
-				}
-			},
-		},
-		["units"] = {
-			["link"] = "SVUnit",
-			["default"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
-				["pet"] = {
-					width = 130,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
-				},
-				["targettarget"] = {
-					width = 130,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
-				},
-				["boss"] = {
-					width = 200,
-					height = 45,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
-				["party"] = {
-					width = 75,
-					height = 60,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "INNERTOPLEFT"
-					},
-				},
-				["raid10"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-			},
-			["super"] = {
-				["player"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
-				["pet"] = {
-					width = 150,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
-				},
-				["targettarget"] = {
-					width = 150,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
-				},
-				["boss"] = {
-					width = 200,
-					height = 45,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					}
-				},
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-					width = 75,
-					height = 60,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "INNERTOPLEFT"
-					},
-				},
-				["raid10"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-			},
-			["simple"] = {
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-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 60,
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-					width = 215,
-					height = 60,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 60,
-					}
-				},
-				["pet"] = {
-					width = 150,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 30,
-					},
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-						position = "INNERLEFT"
-					},
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-					width = 150,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 30,
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "INNERLEFT"
-					},
-				},
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-					width = 200,
-					height = 45,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 45,
-					}
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-				["party"] = {
-					width = 100,
-					height = 35,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 35,
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "INNERRIGHT"
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-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-			},
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-				["player"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 50,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["target"] = {
-					width = 215,
-					height = 50,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
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-					width = 130,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
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-					width = 130,
-					height = 30,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "CENTER"
-					},
-				},
-				["boss"] = {
-					width = 200,
-					height = 45,
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-						enable = false
-					}
-				},
-				["party"] = {
-					width = 70,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
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-						enable = false
-					},
-					name = {
-						position = "INNERTOPLEFT"
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-				["raid10"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					wrapXOffset = 6,
-					wrapYOffset = 6,
-				},
-			},
-		},
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-			["link"] = "SVUnit",
-			["default"] = {
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-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
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-					width = 75,
-					height = 60,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					portrait = {
-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
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-						roleIcon = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
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-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					gRowCol = 1,
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-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					showBy = "RIGHT_DOWN",
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-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
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-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
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-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					gRowCol = 1,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					showBy = "RIGHT_DOWN",
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-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
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-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 8,
-							["yOffset"] = 1,
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-						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
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-						["yOffset"] = 0,
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-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					gRowCol = 1,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					showBy = "RIGHT_DOWN",
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-						["enable"] = false,
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-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
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-							["yOffset"] = 1,
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-						["xOffset"] = 8,
-						["yOffset"] = 0,
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-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
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-					width = 75,
-					height = 60,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
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-						enable = true,
-						overlay = true,
-						style = "3D",
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-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMRIGHT",
-							["xOffset"] = 0,
-							["yOffset"] = 0,
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-						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = 0,
-					},
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-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = true,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 8,
-							["yOffset"] = 0,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-						["xOffset"] = 8,
-						["yOffset"] = 0,
-					},
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = true,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 8,
-							["yOffset"] = 0,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-						["xOffset"] = 8,
-						["yOffset"] = 0,
-					},
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					width = 50,
-					height = 30,
-					["showBy"] = "DOWN_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = true,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERBOTTOMLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 8,
-							["yOffset"] = 0,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "SVUI Default Font",
-						["position"] = "INNERTOPLEFT",
-						["xOffset"] = 8,
-						["yOffset"] = 0,
-					},
-				},
-			},
-			["dps"] = {
-				["grid"] = {
-					["enable"] = false,
-				},
-				["party"] = {
-					width = 115,
-					height = 25,
-					wrapXOffset = 9,
-					wrapYOffset = 13,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false,
-						overlay = false,
-						style = "2D",
-						width = 35,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = -2,
-							["yOffset"] = 0,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "Roboto",
-						["fontOutline"] = "NONE",
-						["position"] = "CENTER",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = 1,
-					},
-				},
-				["raid10"] = {
-					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 2,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 10,
-							["yOffset"] = 1,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "Roboto",
-						["position"] = "CENTER",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = 1,
-					},
-					["width"] = 80,
-					["height"] = 20,
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 3,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 10,
-							["yOffset"] = 1,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "Roboto",
-						["position"] = "CENTER",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = 1,
-					},
-					["width"] = 80,
-					["height"] = 20,
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					["showBy"] = "UP_RIGHT",
-					["gRowCol"] = 4,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 4,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 4,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
-					["icons"] = {
-						["roleIcon"] = {
-							["attachTo"] = "INNERLEFT",
-							["xOffset"] = 10,
-							["yOffset"] = 1,
-						},
-					},
-					["name"] = {
-						["font"] = "Roboto",
-						["position"] = "CENTER",
-						["xOffset"] = 0,
-						["yOffset"] = 1,
-					},
-					["width"] = 80,
-					["height"] = 20,
-				},
-			},
-			["grid"] = {
-				["grid"] = {
-					["enable"] = true,
-					["size"] = 34,
-					["shownames"] = true,
-				},
-				["party"] = {
-					["gridAllowed"] = true,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
-					["power"] = {
-						["enable"] = false,
-					},
-					portrait = {
-						enable = false,
-					},
-				},
-				["raid10"] = {
-					["gridAllowed"] = true,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
-				},
-				["raid25"] = {
-					["gridAllowed"] = true,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
-				},
-				["raid40"] = {
-					["gridAllowed"] = true,
-					["wrapXOffset"] = 1,
-					["wrapYOffset"] = 1,
-					["gRowCol"] = 1,
-					["showBy"] = "RIGHT_DOWN",
-				},
-			},
-		}
-	}
-local function _copyPresets(saved, preset)
-	--if not saved then return end
-	if(type(preset) == 'table') then
-        for key,val in pairs(preset) do
-        	if(not saved[key]) then saved[key] = {} end
-    		if(type(val) == "table") then
-    			_copyPresets(saved[key], val)
-    		elseif(saved[key]) then
-            	saved[key] = val
-            end
-        end
-    else
-    	saved = preset
-    end
-local function SetInstallButton(button)
-    if(not button) then return end
-    button.Left:SetAlpha(0)
-    button.Middle:SetAlpha(0)
-    button.Right:SetAlpha(0)
-    button:SetNormalTexture("")
-    button:SetPushedTexture("")
-    button:SetPushedTexture("")
-    button:SetDisabledTexture("")
-    button:RemoveTextures()
-    button:SetFrameLevel(button:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
-local function forceCVars()
-	SetCVar("alternateResourceText",1)
-	SetCVar("statusTextDisplay","BOTH")
-	SetCVar("ShowClassColorInNameplate",1)
-	SetCVar("screenshotQuality",10)
-	SetCVar("chatMouseScroll",1)
-	SetCVar("chatStyle","classic")
-	SetCVar("WholeChatWindowClickable",0)
-	SetCVar("ConversationMode","inline")
-	SetCVar("showTutorials",0)
-	SetCVar("UberTooltips",1)
-	SetCVar("threatWarning",3)
-	SetCVar('alwaysShowActionBars',1)
-	SetCVar('lockActionBars',1)
-	SetCVar('SpamFilter',0)
-	InterfaceOptionsActionBarsPanelPickupActionKeyDropDown:SetValue('SHIFT')
-	InterfaceOptionsActionBarsPanelPickupActionKeyDropDown:RefreshValue()
-local function ShowLayout(show40)
-	if(not _G["SVUI_Raid40"] or (show40 and _G["SVUI_Raid40"].forceShow == true)) then return end
-	if(not show40 and _G["SVUI_Raid40"].forceShow ~= true) then return end
-	SV.SVUnit:UpdateGroupConfig(_G["SVUI_Raid40"], show40)
-local function BarShuffle()
-	local bar2 = SV.db.SVBar.Bar2.enable;
-	local base = 30;
-	local bS = SV.db.SVBar.Bar1.buttonspacing;
-	local tH = SV.db.SVBar.Bar1.buttonsize  +  (base - bS);
-	local b2h = bar2 and tH or base;
-	local sph = (400 - b2h);
-	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
-	if not anchors then anchors = {} end
-	anchors.SVUI_SpecialAbility_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0"..sph;
-	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar2_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUI_ActionBar1TOP0"..(-bS);
-	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar3_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar1BOTTOMRIGHT40";
-	anchors.SVUI_ActionBar5_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar1BOTTOMLEFT-40";
-	if bar2 then
-		anchors.SVUI_PetActionBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar2TOPLEFT04"
-		anchors.SVUI_StanceBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar2TOPRIGHT04";
-	else
-		anchors.SVUI_PetActionBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMLEFTSVUI_ActionBar1TOPLEFT04"
-		anchors.SVUI_StanceBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUI_ActionBar1TOPRIGHT04";
-	end
-local function UFMoveBottomQuadrant(toggle)
-	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
-	if not toggle then
-		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278182"
-		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278122"
-		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278182"
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278122"
-		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0181"
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0214"
-		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM310432"
-		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495182"
-	elseif toggle == "shift" then
-		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278210"
-		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM-278150"
-		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278210"
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM278150"
-		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0209"
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0242"
-		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM310432"
-		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495210"
-	else
-		local c = 136;
-		local d = 135;
-		local e = 80;
-		anchors.SVUI_Player_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..d;
-		anchors.SVUI_PlayerCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..(d-60);
-		anchors.SVUI_Target_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..d;
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetCastbar_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..(d-60);
-		anchors.SVUI_Pet_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..-c..""..e;
-		anchors.SVUI_TargetTarget_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..e;
-		anchors.SVUI_Focus_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM"..c..""..(d + 150);
-		anchors.SVUI_ThreatBar_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-495"..d;
-	end
-local function UFMoveLeftQuadrant(toggle)
-	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
-	if not toggle then
-		anchors.SVUI_Assist_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-250"
-		anchors.SVUI_Tank_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-175"
-		anchors.SVUI_Raidpet_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT"..XOFF.."-325"
-	else
-		anchors.SVUI_Assist_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-250"
-		anchors.SVUI_Tank_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-175"
-		anchors.SVUI_Raidpet_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT4-325"
-	end
-local function UFMoveTopQuadrant(toggle)
-	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
-	if not toggle then
-		anchors.GM_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT250-25"
-		anchors.SVUI_LootFrame_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0350"
-		anchors.SVUI_AltPowerBar_MOVE = "TOPSVUIParentTOP0-40"
-		anchors.LoC_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0350"
-	else
-		anchors.GM_MOVE = "TOPLEFTSVUIParentTOPLEFT344-25"
-		anchors.SVUI_LootFrame_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0254"
-		anchors.SVUI_AltPowerBar_MOVE = "TOPSVUIParentTOP0-39"
-		anchors.LoC_MOVE = "BOTTOMSVUIParentBOTTOM0443"
-	end
-local function UFMoveRightQuadrant(toggle)
-	local anchors = SV.Mentalo.Anchors
-	local dH = SV.db.SVDock.dockRightHeight  +  60
-	if not toggle or toggle == "high" then
-		anchors.SVUI_BossHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
-		anchors.SVUI_ArenaHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
-		anchors.Tooltip_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-284"..dH;
-	else
-		anchors.SVUI_BossHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
-		anchors.SVUI_ArenaHolder_MOVE = "RIGHTSVUIParentRIGHT-1050"
-		anchors.Tooltip_MOVE = "BOTTOMRIGHTSVUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-284"..dH;
-	end
-local function InitializeChatFrames(mungs)
-	forceCVars()
-	FCF_ResetChatWindows()
-	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame1, 1)
-	FCF_DockFrame(ChatFrame2)
-	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame2, 1)
-	FCF_OpenNewWindow(LOOT)
-	FCF_DockFrame(ChatFrame3)
-	FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame3, 1)
-	for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
-		local chat = _G["ChatFrame"..i]
-		local chatID = chat:GetID()
-		if i == 1 then
-			chat:ClearAllPoints()
-			chat:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", LeftSuperDock, "BOTTOMLEFT", 5, 5)
-			chat:Point("TOPRIGHT", LeftSuperDock, "TOPRIGHT", -5, -10)
-		end
-		FCF_SavePositionAndDimensions(chat)
-		FCF_StopDragging(chat)
-		FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(nil, chat, 12)
-		if i == 1 then
-			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, GENERAL)
-		elseif i == 2 then
-			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, GUILD_EVENT_LOG)
-		elseif i == 3 then
-			FCF_SetWindowName(chat, LOOT)
-		end
-	end
-	ChatFrame_RemoveAllMessageGroups(ChatFrame1)
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SAY")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "EMOTE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "YELL")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "GUILD")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "OFFICER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "WHISPER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_SAY")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_EMOTE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_YELL")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "PARTY")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "PARTY_LEADER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID_LEADER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "RAID_WARNING")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "INSTANCE_CHAT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BATTLEGROUND")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BATTLEGROUND_LEADER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_HORDE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_ALLIANCE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BG_NEUTRAL")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SYSTEM")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "ERRORS")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "AFK")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "DND")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "IGNORED")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "ACHIEVEMENT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_WHISPER")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_CONVERSATION")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "SKILL")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "LOOT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "MONEY")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_XP_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame1, "COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_RemoveAllMessageGroups(ChatFrame3)
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "SKILL")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "LOOT")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "MONEY")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_XP_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(ChatFrame3, "COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN")
-	ChatFrame_AddChannel(ChatFrame1, GENERAL)
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "SAY")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "EMOTE")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "YELL")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "GUILD")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "OFFICER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "ACHIEVEMENT")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "WHISPER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "PARTY")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "PARTY_LEADER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID_LEADER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "RAID_WARNING")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "BATTLEGROUND")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "BATTLEGROUND_LEADER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "INSTANCE_CHAT")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL1")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL2")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL3")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL4")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL5")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL6")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL7")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL8")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL9")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL10")
-	ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL11")
-	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL1", 195 / 255, 230 / 255, 232 / 255)
-	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL2", 232 / 255, 158 / 255, 121 / 255)
-	ChangeChatColor("CHANNEL3", 232 / 255, 228 / 255, 121 / 255)
-	if not mungs then
-		if SV.Chat then
-			SV.Chat:ReLoad(true)
-			if SV.SVDock.Cache.RightSuperDockFaded  == true then RightSuperDockToggleButton:Click()end
-			if SV.SVDock.Cache.LeftSuperDockFaded  == true then LeftSuperDockToggleButton:Click()end
-		end
-		SV:SavedPopup()
-	end
-local function SetUserScreen(rez, preserve)
-	if not preserve then
-		if okToResetMOVE then
-			SV.Mentalo:Reset("")
-			okToResetMOVE = false;
-		end
-		SV:ResetData("SVUnit")
-	end
-	if rez == "low" then
-		if not preserve then
-			SV.db.SVDock.dockLeftWidth = 350;
-			SV.db.SVDock.dockLeftHeight = 180;
-			SV.db.SVDock.dockRightWidth = 350;
-			SV.db.SVDock.dockRightHeight = 180;
-			SV.db.SVAura.wrapAfter = 10
-			SV.db.SVUnit.fontSize = 10;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.player.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.player.castbar.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.player.classbar.fill = "fill"
-			SV.db.SVUnit.player.health.tags = "[health:color][health:current]"
-			SV.db.SVUnit.target.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.target.castbar.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.target.health.tags = "[health:color][health:current]"
-			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.power.enable = false;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.pet.height = 26;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.debuffs.enable = false;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.power.enable = false;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.targettarget.height = 26;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.boss.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.boss.castbar.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.arena.width = 200;
-			SV.db.SVUnit.arena.castbar.width = 200
-		end
-		if not mungs then
-			UFMoveBottomQuadrant(true)
-			UFMoveLeftQuadrant(true)
-			UFMoveTopQuadrant(true)
-			UFMoveRightQuadrant(true)
-		end
-		SV.ghettoMonitor = true
-	else
-		SV:ResetData("SVDock")
-		SV:ResetData("SVAura")
-		if not mungs then
-			UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
-			UFMoveLeftQuadrant()
-			UFMoveTopQuadrant()
-			UFMoveRightQuadrant()
-		end
-		SV.ghettoMonitor = nil
-	end
-	if(not preserve and not mungs) then
-		BarShuffle()
-    	SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
-		SVLib:Update('SVDock')
-		SVLib:Update('SVAura')
-		SVLib:Update('SVBar')
-		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
-		SV:SavedPopup()
-	end
-local function LoadPresetData(category, theme)
-	if(not PRESET_DATA) then LoadAllPresets() end
-	if(PRESET_DATA and PRESET_DATA[category] and PRESET_DATA[category]["link"]) then
-		theme = theme or "default"
-		local saved = PRESET_DATA[category]["link"]
-		local preset =  PRESET_DATA[category][theme]
-		local data = SV.db[saved]
-		if(data) then
-	    	_copyPresets(data, preset)
-	    end
-	end
-local function SetColorTheme(style, preserve)
-	style = style or "default";
-	if not preserve then
-		SV:ResetData("media")
-	end
-	local presets = LoadPresetData("media", style)
-	--print(table.dump(SV.db))
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle = style;
-	if(style == "default") then
-		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = true;
-	else
-		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = false;
-	end
-	if(not mungs) then
-		SV:MediaUpdate()
-		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
-		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
-		if(not preserve) then
-			SV:SavedPopup()
-		end
-	end
-local function SetUnitframeLayout(style, preserve)
-	style = style or "default";
-	if not preserve then
-		SV:ResetData("SVUnit")
-		SV:ResetData("SVStats")
-		if okToResetMOVE then
-			SV.Mentalo:Reset('')
-			okToResetMOVE = false
-		end
-	end
-	local presets = LoadPresetData("units", style)
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = style
-	if(SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle == "default") then
-		SV.db.SVUnit.healthclass = true;
-	end
-	if(not mungs) then
-		if(not preserve) then
-			if SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle and (SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle == "twosmall" or SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle == "twobig") then
-				UFMoveBottomQuadrant("shift")
-			else
-				UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
-			end
-			SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
-		end
-		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
-		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
-		if(not preserve) then
-			SV:SavedPopup()
-		end
-	end
-local function SetGroupframeLayout(style, preserve)
-	style = style or "default";
-	local presets = LoadPresetData("layouts", style)
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = style
-	if(not mungs) then
-		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
-		if(not preserve) then
-			SV:SavedPopup()
-		end
-	end
-local function SetupBarLayout(style, preserve)
-	style = style or "default";
-	if not preserve then
-		SV:ResetData("SVBar")
-		if okToResetMOVE then
-			SV.Mentalo:Reset('')
-			okToResetMOVE=false
-		end
-	end
-	local presets = LoadPresetData("bars", style)
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = style;
-	if(not mungs) then
-		if(not preserve) then
-			if(style == 'twosmall' or style == 'twobig') then
-				UFMoveBottomQuadrant("shift")
-			else
-				UFMoveBottomQuadrant()
-			end
-		end
-		if(not preserve) then
-			BarShuffle()
-			SV.Mentalo:SetPositions()
-		end
-		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
-		SVLib:Update('SVBar')
-		if(not preserve) then
-			SV:SavedPopup()
-		end
-	end
-local function SetupAuralayout(style, preserve)
-	style = style or "default";
-	local presets = LoadPresetData("auras", style)
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle = style;
-	if(not mungs) then
-		SVLib:Update('SVStats')
-		SVLib:Update('SVAura')
-		SVLib:Update('SVUnit')
-		if(not preserve) then
-			SV:SavedPopup()
-		end
-	end
-local function PlayThemeSong()
-	if(not musicIsPlaying) then
-		SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", 100)
-		SetCVar("Sound_EnableMusic", 1)
-		StopMusic()
-		PlayMusic([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\sounds\SuperVillain.mp3]])
-		musicIsPlaying = true
-	end
-local function InstallComplete()
-	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version)
-	StopMusic()
-	SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
-	okToResetMOVE = false;
-	ReloadUI()
-local function InstallMungsChoice()
-	mungs = true;
-	okToResetMOVE = false;
-	InitializeChatFrames(true);
-	SetUserScreen('high');
-	SetColorTheme();
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
-	SetUnitframeLayout();
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = nil;
-	SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-	SetupBarLayout();
-	SetupAuralayout();
-	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version)
-	StopMusic()
-	SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
-	ReloadUI()
-local function ResetAll()
-	SVUI_InstallNextButton:Disable()
-	SVUI_InstallPrevButton:Disable()
-	SVUI_InstallOption01Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption01Button:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption01Button:SetText("")
-	SVUI_InstallOption02Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption02Button:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption02Button:SetText("")
-	SVUI_InstallOption03Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption03Button:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption03Button:SetText("")
-	SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick",nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText("")
-	SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText('')
-	SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText('')
-	SVUI_InstallOption4Button:Hide()
-	SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetScript('OnClick',nil)
-	SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetText('')
-	SVUI_SetupHolder.SubTitle:SetText("")
-	SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText("")
-	SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText("")
-	SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText("")
-	SVUI_SetupHolder:Size(550,400)
-local function SetPage(newPage)
-	CURRENT_PAGE = newPage;
-	ResetAll()
-	InstallStatus.text:SetText(CURRENT_PAGE.."  /  "..MAX_PAGE)
-	local setupFrame = SVUI_SetupHolder;
-	if newPage  ~= MAX_PAGE then
-		SVUI_InstallNextButton:Enable()
-		SVUI_InstallNextButton:Show()
-	end
-	if newPage  ~= 1 then
-		SVUI_InstallPrevButton:Enable()
-		SVUI_InstallPrevButton:Show()
-	end
-	--[[
-		more useful globalstrings
-		USE
-	]]--
-	ShowLayout()
-	if newPage == 1 then
-		local hasOldConfig = SVLib:GetSafeData("install_version")
-		SVUI_InstallPrevButton:Disable()
-		SVUI_InstallPrevButton:Hide()
-		okToResetMOVE = true
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(format(L["This is Supervillain UI version %s!"], SV.Version))
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Before I can turn you loose, persuing whatever villainy you feel will advance your professional career... I need to ask some questions and turn a few screws first."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["At any time you can get to the config options by typing the command  / sv. For quick changes to frame, bar or color sets, call your henchman by clicking the button on the bottom right of your screen. (Its the one with his stupid face on it)"])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption01Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption01Button:SetScript("OnClick", InstallMungsChoice)
-		SVUI_InstallOption01Button:SetText(USE.."\n"..DEFAULT.."\n"..SETTINGS)
-		SVUI_InstallOption02Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption02Button:SetScript("OnClick", InstallComplete)
-		SVUI_InstallOption02Button:SetText("PRETEND YOU\nDID THIS\nALREADY")
-		if(hasOldConfig) then
-			SVUI_InstallOption03Button:Show()
-			SVUI_InstallOption03Button:SetScript("OnClick", InstallComplete)
-			SVUI_InstallOption03Button:SetText("Keep\nSaved\n"..SETTINGS)
-		end
-	elseif newPage == 2 then
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(CHAT)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Whether you want to or not, you will be needing a communicator so other villains can either update you on their doings-of-evil or inform you about the MANY abilities of Chuck Norris"])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["The chat windows function the same as standard chat windows, you can right click the tabs and drag them, rename them, slap them around, you know... whatever. Clickity-click to setup your chat windows."])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			InitializeChatFrames(false)
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(CHAT_DEFAULTS)
-	elseif newPage == 3 then
-		local rez = GetCVar("gxResolution")
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(RESOLUTION)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(format(L["Your current resolution is %s, this is considered a %s resolution."], rez, (SV.ghettoMonitor and LOW or HIGH)))
-		if SV.ghettoMonitor then
-			setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["This resolution requires that you change some settings to get everything to fit on your screen."].." "..L["Click the button below to resize your chat frames, unitframes, and reposition your actionbars."].." "..L["You may need to further alter these settings depending how low your resolution is."])
-			setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		else
-			setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["This resolution doesn't require that you change settings for the UI to fit on your screen."].." "..L["Click the button below to resize your chat frames, unitframes, and reposition your actionbars."].." "..L["This is completely optional."])
-			setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		end
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetUserScreen("high")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cffFF9F00"..HIGH.." "..RESOLUTION.."!|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["So what you think your better than me with your big monitor? HUH?!?!"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["Dont forget whos in charge here! But enjoy the incredible detail."])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(HIGH)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetUserScreen("low")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cffFF9F00"..LOW.." "..RESOLUTION.."|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["Why are you playing this on what I would assume is a calculator display?"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["Enjoy the ONE incredible pixel that fits on this screen."])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(LOW)
-	elseif newPage == 4 then
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(COLOR.." "..SETTINGS)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Choose a theme layout you wish to use for your initial setup."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["You can always change fonts and colors of any element of Supervillain UI from the in-game configuration."])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetColorTheme("kaboom")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cffFF9F00KABOOOOM!|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This theme tells the world that you are a villain who can put on a show"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["or better yet, you ARE the show!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["Kaboom!"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetColorTheme("dark")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cffAF30FFThe Darkest Night|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This theme indicates that you have no interest in wasting time"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L[" the dying begins NOW!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(L["Darkness"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetColorTheme("classy")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cffFFFF00"..CLASS_COLORS.."|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This theme is for villains who take pride in their class"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L[" villains know how to reprezent!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText(L["Class" .. "\n" .. "Colors"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetColorTheme()
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFPlain and Simple|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This theme is for any villain who sticks to their traditions"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["you don't need fancyness to kick some ass!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetText(L["Vintage"])
-	elseif newPage == 5 then
-		ShowLayout(true)
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(UNITFRAME_LABEL.." "..SETTINGS)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["You can now choose what primary unitframe style you wish to use."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["This will change the layout of your unitframes (ie.. Player, Target, Pet, Party, Raid ...etc)."])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
-			SetUnitframeLayout("super")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFLets Do This|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This layout is anything but minimal! Using this is like being at a rock concert"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["then annihilating the crowd with frickin lazer beams!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["Super"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
-			SetUnitframeLayout("simple")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFSimply Simple|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["This layout is for the villain who just wants to get things done!"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["but he still wants to see your face before he hits you!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(L["Simple"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
-			SetUnitframeLayout("compact")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFEl Compacto|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["Just the necessities so you can see more of the world around you"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["you dont need no fanciness getting in the way of world domination do you?"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText(L["Compact"])
-	elseif newPage == 6 then
-		ShowLayout(true)
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText("Group Layout")
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["You can now choose what group layout you prefer."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["This will adjust various settings on group units, attempting to make certain roles more usable"])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = "default";
-			SetGroupframeLayout("default")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFStandard|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["You are good to go with the default layout"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["frames schmames, lets kill some stuff!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["Standard"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = nil;
-			SetGroupframeLayout("healer")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFMEDIC!!|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["You are pretty helpful.. for a VILLAIN!"]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["Hey, even a super villain gets his ass kicked once in awhile. We need the likes of you!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(L["Healer"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = nil;
-			SetGroupframeLayout("dps")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFDeath Dealer|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["You are the kings of our craft. Handing out pain like its halloween candy."]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["I will move and squeeze group frames out of your way so you have more room for BOOM!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText(L["DPS"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.groupstyle = nil;
-			SetGroupframeLayout("grid")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFCubed|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["You are cold and calculated, your frames should reflect as much."]..CONTINUED)
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(CONTINUED..L["I'm gonna make these frames so precise that you can cut your finger on them!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetText(L["Grid"])
-	elseif newPage == 7 then
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(ACTIONBAR_LABEL.." "..SETTINGS)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Choose a layout for your action bars."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["Sometimes you need big buttons, sometimes you don't. Your choice here."])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-			SetupBarLayout("default")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFLean And Clean|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["Lets keep it slim and deadly, not unlike a ninja sword."])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["You dont ever even look at your bar hardly, so pick this one!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["Small" .. "\n" .. "Row"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-			SetupBarLayout("twosmall")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFMore For Less|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["Granted, you dont REALLY need the buttons due to your hotkey-leetness, you just like watching cooldowns!"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["Sure thing cowboy, your secret is safe with me!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(L["2 Small" .. "\n" .. "Rows"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-			SetupBarLayout("onebig")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFWhat Big Buttons You Have|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["The better to PEW-PEW you with my dear!"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["When you have little time for mouse accuracy, choose this set!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText(L["Big" .. "\n" .. "Row"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-			SetupBarLayout("twobig")
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc1:SetText(L["|cff00FFFFThe Double Down|r"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc2:SetText(L["Lets be honest for a moment. Who doesnt like a huge pair in their face?"])
-			SVUI_SetupHolder.Desc3:SetText(L["Double your bars then double their size for maximum button goodness!"])
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetText(L["2 Big" .. "\n" .. "Rows"])
-	elseif newPage == 8 then
-		setupFrame.SubTitle:SetText(AURAS.." "..SETTINGS)
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Select an aura layout. \"Icons\" will display only icons and aurabars won't be used. \"Bars\" will display only aurabars and icons won't be used (duh). \"The Works!\" does just what it says.... icons, bars and awesomeness."])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["If you have an aura that you don't want to display simply hold down shift and right click the icon for it to suffer a painful death."])
-		setupFrame.Desc3:SetText(L["CHOOSE_OR_DIE"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetupAuralayout()
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["Vintage"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetupAuralayout("icons")
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption2Button:SetText(L["Icons"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetupAuralayout("bars")
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption3Button:SetText(L["Bars"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-			SetupAuralayout("theworks")
-		end)
-		SVUI_InstallOption4Button:SetText(L["The" .. "\n" .. "Works!"])
-	elseif newPage == 9 then
-		SVUI_InstallNextButton:Disable()
-		SVUI_InstallNextButton:Hide()
-		setupFrame.Desc1:SetText(L["Thats it! All done! Now we just need to hand these choices off to the henchmen so they can get you ready to (..insert evil tasks here..)!"])
-		setupFrame.Desc2:SetText(L["Click the button below to reload and get on your way! Good luck villain!"])
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:Show()
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", InstallComplete)
-		SVUI_InstallOption1Button:SetText(L["THE_BUTTON_BELOW"])
-		SVUI_SetupHolder:Size(550, 350)
-	end
-local function NextPage()
-	end
-local function PreviousPage()
-	if CURRENT_PAGE ~= 1 then
-	end
-function Setup:Reset()
-	mungs = true;
-	okToResetMOVE = false;
-	InitializeChatFrames(true);
-	SVLib:WipeDatabase()
-	SetUserScreen()
-	if SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle then
-        SetColorTheme(SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle)
-    else
-    	SV.db.LAYOUT.mediastyle = nil;
-    	SetColorTheme()
-    end
-    if SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle then
-        SetUnitframeLayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle)
-    else
-    	SV.db.LAYOUT.unitstyle = nil;
-    	SetUnitframeLayout()
-    end
-    if SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle then
-        SetupBarLayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle)
-    else
-    	SV.db.LAYOUT.barstyle = nil;
-    	SetupBarLayout()
-    end
-    if SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle then
-        SetupAuralayout(SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle)
-    else
-    	SV.db.LAYOUT.aurastyle = nil;
-    	SetupAuralayout()
-    end
-    SVLib:WipeCache()
-	SVLib:SaveSafeData("install_version", SV.Version);
-	ReloadUI()
-function Setup:Install(autoLoaded)
-	if(not user_music_vol) then
-		user_music_vol = GetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume")
-	end
-	local old = SVLib:GetSafeData()
-    local media = old.mediastyle or ""
-    local bars = old.barstyle or ""
-    local units = old.unitstyle or ""
-    local groups = old.groupstyle or ""
-    local auras = old.aurastyle or ""
-    SV.db.LAYOUT = {
-        mediastyle = media,
-        barstyle = bars,
-        unitstyle = units,
-        groupstyle = groups,
-        aurastyle = auras
-    }
-	-- frame
-	if not SVUI_SetupHolder then
-		local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_SetupHolder", UIParent)
-		frame.SetPage = SetPage;
-		frame:Size(550, 400)
-		frame:SetPanelTemplate("Action")
-		frame:SetPoint("CENTER")
-		frame:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
-		frame.Title = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Title:SetFont(SV.Media.font.narrator, 22, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Title:Point("TOP", 0, -5)
-		frame.Title:SetText(L["Supervillain UI Installation"])
-		frame.Next = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallNextButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Next:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Next:Size(110, 25)
-		frame.Next:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", 50, 5)
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Next)
-		frame.Next.texture = frame.Next:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Next.texture:Size(110, 75)
-		frame.Next.texture:Point("RIGHT")
-		frame.Next.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION-ARROW")
-		frame.Next.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
-		frame.Next.text = frame.Next:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Next.text:SetFont(SV.Media.font.action, 18, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Next.text:SetPoint("CENTER")
-		frame.Next.text:SetText(CONTINUE)
-		frame.Next:Disable()
-		frame.Next:SetScript("OnClick", NextPage)
-		frame.Next:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		end)
-		frame.Next:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
-		end)
-		frame.Prev = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallPrevButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Prev:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Prev:Size(110, 25)
-		frame.Prev:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", -50, 5)
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Prev)
-		frame.Prev.texture = frame.Prev:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Prev.texture:Size(110, 75)
-		frame.Prev.texture:Point("LEFT")
-		frame.Prev.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION-ARROW")
-		frame.Prev.texture:SetTexCoord(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-		frame.Prev.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
-		frame.Prev.text = frame.Prev:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Prev.text:SetFont(SV.Media.font.action, 18, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Prev.text:SetPoint("CENTER")
-		frame.Prev.text:SetText(PREVIOUS)
-		frame.Prev:Disable()
-		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnClick", PreviousPage)
-		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-		end)
-		frame.Prev:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0)
-		end)
-		frame.Status = CreateFrame("Frame", "InstallStatus", frame)
-		frame.Status:SetFrameLevel(frame.Status:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
-		frame.Status:Size(150, 30)
-		frame.Status:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "TOP", 0, 2)
-		frame.Status.text = frame.Status:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Status.text:SetFont(SV.Media.font.numbers, 22, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Status.text:SetPoint("CENTER")
-		frame.Status.text:SetText(CURRENT_PAGE.."  /  "..MAX_PAGE)
-		frame.Option01 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption01Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option01:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option01:Size(160, 30)
-		frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		frame.Option01:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option01)
-		frame.Option01.texture = frame.Option01:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option01.texture:Size(160, 160)
-		frame.Option01.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option01, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
-		frame.Option01.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option01.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0)
-		frame.Option01:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option01:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0)
-		end)
-		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option01, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
-			g.texture:Size(h, h)
-			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
-		end)
-		frame.Option01:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option01:Hide()
-		frame.Option02 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption02Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option02:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option02:Size(130, 30)
-		frame.Option02:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
-		frame.Option02:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option02)
-		frame.Option02.texture = frame.Option02:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option02.texture:Size(130, 110)
-		frame.Option02.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option02, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
-		frame.Option02.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option02.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0)
-		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0)
-		end)
-		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option02, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
-			g.texture:Size(h, h)
-			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
-		end)
-		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnShow", function()
-			frame.Option01:SetWidth(130)
-			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option02:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-			frame.Option01:SetWidth(160)
-			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option02:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option02:Hide()
-		frame.Option03 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption03Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option03:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option03:Size(130, 30)
-		frame.Option03:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		frame.Option03:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option03)
-		frame.Option03.texture = frame.Option03:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option03.texture:Size(130, 110)
-		frame.Option03.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option03, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
-		frame.Option03.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option03.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 0.7)
-		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.2, 0.5, 1)
-		end)
-		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 0.7)
-		end)
-		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option03, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
-			g.texture:Size(h, h)
-			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
-		end)
-		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
-			self:SetWidth(130)
-			frame.Option01:SetWidth(130)
-			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option01:Point("RIGHT", self, "LEFT", -8, 0)
-			frame.Option02:SetWidth(130)
-			frame.Option02:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option02:Point("LEFT", self, "RIGHT", 8, 0)
-		end)
-		frame.Option03:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-			frame.Option01:SetWidth(160)
-			frame.Option01:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option01:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-			frame.Option02:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option02:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option03:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option01:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option03:Hide()
-		frame.Option1 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption1Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option1:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option1:Size(160, 30)
-		frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		frame.Option1:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option1)
-		frame.Option1.texture = frame.Option1:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option1.texture:Size(160, 160)
-		frame.Option1.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option1, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
-		frame.Option1.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option1.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		frame.Option1:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option1:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		end)
-		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option1, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
-			g.texture:Size(h, h)
-			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
-		end)
-		frame.Option1:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option1:Hide()
-		frame.Option2 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption2Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option2:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option2:Size(120, 30)
-		frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
-		frame.Option2:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option2)
-		frame.Option2.texture = frame.Option2:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option2.texture:Size(120, 110)
-		frame.Option2.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option2, "BOTTOM", 0, -15)
-		frame.Option2.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option2.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		end)
-		hooksecurefunc(frame.Option2, "SetWidth", function(g, h)
-			g.texture:Size(h, h)
-			g.texture:Point("CENTER", g, "BOTTOM", 0, -(h * 0.09))
-		end)
-		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnShow", function()
-			frame.Option1:SetWidth(120)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option2:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option2:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option2:Hide()
-		frame.Option3 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption3Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option3:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option3:Size(110, 30)
-		frame.Option3:Point("LEFT", frame.Option2, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
-		frame.Option3:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option3)
-		frame.Option3.texture = frame.Option3:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option3.texture:Size(110, 100)
-		frame.Option3.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option3, "BOTTOM", 0, -9)
-		frame.Option3.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option3.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		end)
-		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnShow", function()
-			frame.Option1:SetWidth(110)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("RIGHT", frame.Option2, "LEFT", -4, 0)
-			frame.Option2:SetWidth(110)
-			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option3:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-			frame.Option2:SetWidth(120)
-			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option3:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option3:Hide()
-		frame.Option4 = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallOption4Button", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-		frame.Option4:RemoveTextures()
-		frame.Option4:Size(110, 30)
-		frame.Option4:Point("LEFT", frame.Option3, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
-		frame.Option4:SetText("")
-		SetInstallButton(frame.Option4)
-		frame.Option4.texture = frame.Option4:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-		frame.Option4.texture:Size(110, 100)
-		frame.Option4.texture:Point("CENTER", frame.Option4, "BOTTOM", 0, -9)
-		frame.Option4.texture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\Template\\OPTION")
-		frame.Option4.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 1, 0.4)
-		end)
-		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnLeave", function(this)
-			this.texture:SetGradient("VERTICAL", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-		end)
-		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnShow", function()
-			frame.Option1:Width(110)
-			frame.Option2:Width(110)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("RIGHT", frame.Option2, "LEFT", -4, 0)
-			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOM", -4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option4:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-			frame.Option1:SetWidth(160)
-			frame.Option1:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option1:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 15)
-			frame.Option2:SetWidth(120)
-			frame.Option2:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame.Option2:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOM", 4, 15)
-		end)
-		frame.Option4:SetFrameLevel(frame.Option1:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
-		frame.Option4:Hide()
-		frame.SubTitle = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.SubTitle:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 16, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.SubTitle:Point("TOP", 0, -40)
-		frame.Desc1 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Desc1:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Desc1:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -75)
-		frame.Desc1:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
-		frame.Desc2 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Desc2:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Desc2:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -125)
-		frame.Desc2:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
-		frame.Desc3 = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		frame.Desc3:SetFont(SV.Media.font.roboto, 14, "OUTLINE")
-		frame.Desc3:Point("TOPLEFT", 20, -175)
-		frame.Desc3:Width(frame:GetWidth()-40)
-		local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_InstallCloseButton", frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
-		closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT")
-		closeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()frame:Hide()end)
-		frame.tutorialImage = frame:CreateTexture("InstallTutorialImage", "OVERLAY")
-		frame.tutorialImage:Size(256, 128)
-		frame.tutorialImage:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\SVUI\\assets\\artwork\\SPLASH")
-		frame.tutorialImage:Point("BOTTOM", 0, 70)
-	end
-	SVUI_SetupHolder:SetScript("OnHide", function()
-		StopMusic()
-		SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", user_music_vol)
-		musicIsPlaying = nil
-	end)
-	SVUI_SetupHolder:Show()
-	NextPage()
-	if(not autoLoaded) then
-		PlayThemeSong()
-	else
-		SV.Timers:ExecuteTimer(PlayThemeSong, 5)
-	end
-SV.Setup = Setup
-SV.Setup.SetColorTheme = SetColorTheme
-SV.Setup.SetUnitframeLayout = SetUnitframeLayout
-SV.Setup.SetupBarLayout = SetupBarLayout
-SV.Setup.SetupAuralayout = SetupAuralayout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
index dc0c93f..4beb4ad 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/system.xml
@@ -93,4 +93,240 @@
+    <Frame name="SVUI_MentaloPrecision" inherits="SVUI_PanelTemplate" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
+        <Size x="130" y="60"/>
+        <Anchors>
+            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
+        </Anchors>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
+                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="Focused Position">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="X">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                            <Offset x="-3" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString inherits="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" text="Y">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parent" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="3" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="0.5" b="0" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <EditBox name="$parentSetX" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
+                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="-12" y="3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnEscapePressed>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                    </OnEscapePressed>
+                    <OnEditFocusLost>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnEditFocusLost>
+                    <OnShow>
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnShow>
+                </Scripts>
+            </EditBox>
+            <EditBox name="$parentSetY" inherits="InputBoxTemplate" autoFocus="false">
+                <Size x="50" y="17"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="12" y="3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnEscapePressed>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                    </OnEscapePressed>
+                    <OnEditFocusLost>
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnEditFocusLost>
+                    <OnShow>
+                        EditBox_ClearFocus(self)
+                        self:SetText(math.floor((self.CurrentValue or 0) + 0.5))
+                    </OnShow>
+                </Scripts>
+            </EditBox>
+            <Button name="$parentUpButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="CENTER">
+                        <Offset x="10" y="-3"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "UP");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentDownButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+                        <Offset x="2" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "DOWN");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetY"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentRightButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentUpButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                        <Offset x="-20" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "RIGHT");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue + 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+            <Button name="$parentLeftButton" inherits="UIPanelSquareButton">
+                <Size x="25" y="20"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRightButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
+                        <Offset x="-2" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+                <Scripts>
+                    <OnLoad>
+                        SquareButton_SetIcon(self, "LEFT");
+                        self:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");
+                    </OnLoad>
+                    <OnClick>
+                        local frame = _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecisionSetX"];
+                        frame.CurrentValue = frame.CurrentValue - 1
+                        frame:SetText(frame.CurrentValue)
+                        frame:GetScript('OnEnterPressed')(frame)
+                    </OnClick>
+                </Scripts>
+            </Button>
+        </Frames>
+    </Frame>
+    <Frame name="SVUI_Mentalo" movable="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="DIALOG">
+        <Size x="300" y="30"/>
+        <Anchors>
+            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
+        </Anchors>
+        <Layers>
+            <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+                <Texture name="$parentBG" setAllPoints="true"/>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="OVERLAY">
+                <Texture name="$parentTitleBG">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="0" y="-30"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
+                <FontString parentKey="Title" inherits="SystemFont_Small" justifyH="LEFT" text="Mentalo The Frame Mover!">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG">
+                            <Offset x="4" y="0"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="1" a="1"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <FontString parentKey="SubTitle" inherits="FriendsFont_Small" justifyH="CENTER" text="Right-click frames to move with precision.">
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+                            <Offset x="4" y="-4"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                        <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentTitleBG" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+                            <Offset x="-4" y="-4"/>
+                        </Anchor>
+                    </Anchors>
+                    <Color r="1" g="1" b="0" a="0.8"/>
+                </FontString>
+                <Texture parentKey="Avatar" file="Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Doodads\MENTALO-OFF">
+                    <Size x="132" y="132"/>
+                    <Anchors>
+                        <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="$parentBG" relativePoint="TOP"/>
+                    </Anchors>
+                </Texture>
+            </Layer>
+        </Layers>
+        <Frames>
+            <Button name="$parentLockButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="Lock">
+                <Size x="96" y="24"/>
+                <Anchors>
+                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentBG">
+                        <Offset x="-4" y="0"/>
+                    </Anchor>
+                </Anchors>
+            </Button>
+        </Frames>
+        <Scripts>
+            <OnHide>
+                _G["SVUI_MentaloPrecision"]:Hide();
+            </OnHide>
+            <OnDragStart>
+                self.moving = true;
+                self:StartMoving();
+            </OnDragStart>
+            <OnDragStop>
+                self.moving = nil;
+                self:StopMovingOrSizing();
+            </OnDragStop>
+        </Scripts>
+    </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/utility.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/utility.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d95f19..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/xml/utility.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Frame name="SVUI_EventHandler1" hidden="true" virtual="true">
-        <Scripts>
-            <OnEvent function="SVUI_EventHandler1_OnEvent"/>
-        </Scripts>
-    </Frame>
-    <Frame name="SVUI_EventHandler2" hidden="true" virtual="true">
-        <Scripts>
-            <OnEvent function="SVUI_EventHandler2_OnEvent"/>
-        </Scripts>
-    </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file