
patch 4.073

Steven Jackson [07-23-14 - 06:33]
patch 4.073
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
index 3891746..f31043e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/SVUI.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
 ## Author: Munglunch
-## Version: 4.0662
+## Version: 4.073
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFCore Framework|r].
 ## SavedVariables: SVUI_Global, SVUI_AuraFilters
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml
index febec3d..2236c23 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/_load.xml
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 <Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Include file='stats\SVStats.xml'/>
-	<Include file="dock\SVDock.xml"/>
+	<Include file="stats\SVStats.xml"/>
+	<Script file="dock\SVDock.lua"/>
 	<Include file="aura\SVAura.xml"/>
 	<Include file="plates\SVPlate.xml"/>
-	<Include file="tip\SVTip.xml"/>
-	<Include file="actionbar\SVBar.xml"/>
-	<Include file='unit\SVUnit.xml'/>
-	<Include file="map\SVMap.xml"/>
-	<Include file="chat\SVChat.xml"/>
+	<Script file="tip\SVTip.lua"/>
+	<Script file="actionbar\SVBar.lua"/>
+	<Script file="actionbar\KeyBind.lua"/>
+	<Include file="unit\SVUnit.xml"/>
+	<Script file="map\SVMap.lua"/>
+	<Script file="chat\SVChat.lua"/>
 	<Include file="bag\SVBag.xml"/>
-	<Include file="override\SVOverride.xml"/>
-	<Include file='gear\SVGear.xml'/>
-	<Include file='henchmen\SVHenchmen.xml'/>
+	<Script file="override\SVOverride.lua"/>
+	<Script file="gear\SVGear.lua"/>
+	<Script file="henchmen\SVHenchmen.lua"/>
 	<Include file="laborer\SVLaborer.xml"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/KeyBind.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/KeyBind.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c44bf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/KeyBind.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
+ ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
+  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
+   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
+    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
+     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
+      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
+       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
+        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
+S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
+--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
+local _G = _G;
+local select  = _G.select;
+local pairs   = _G.pairs;
+local ipairs  = _G.ipairs;
+local type    = _G.type;
+local string  = _G.string;
+local math    = _G.math;
+local table   = _G.table;
+local GetTime = _G.GetTime;
+local format, find = string.format, string.find;
+--[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
+local floor = math.floor;
+local tonumber = tonumber;
+local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
+local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVBar');
+local LibAB = LibStub("LibActionButton-1.0")
+local _G = getfenv(0);
+local RefreshBindings
+local NewFrame = CreateFrame;
+local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
+local Binder = NewFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);
+  --[[ HANDLERS ]]--
+  local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
+    self:SetOwner(Binder, "ANCHOR_TOP")
+    self:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Binder, "TOP", 0, 1)
+    self:AddLine(Binder.button.name, 1, 1, 1)
+    Binder.button.bindings = {GetBindingKey(Binder.button.bindstring)}
+    local count = #Binder.button.bindings
+    if(count == 0) then
+      self:AddLine(L["No bindings set."], .6, .6, .6)
+    else
+      self:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"], L["Key"], .6, .6, .6, .6, .6, .6)
+      for i = 1, count do
+        self:AddDoubleLine(i, Binder.button.bindings[i])
+      end
+    end;
+    self:Show()
+    self:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
+  end
+  --[[ END OF HANDLERS ]]--
+  function RefreshBindings(bindTarget, bindType)
+    if(not Binder.active or InCombatLockdown()) then return end;
+    Binder.button = bindTarget;
+    Binder.spellmacro = bindType;
+    Binder:ClearAllPoints()
+    Binder:SetAllPoints(bindTarget)
+    Binder:Show()
+    ShoppingTooltip1:Hide()
+    if(bindTarget.FlyoutArrow and bindTarget.FlyoutArrow:IsShown()) then
+      Binder:EnableMouse(false)
+    elseif(not Binder:IsMouseEnabled()) then
+      Binder:EnableMouse(true)
+    end;
+    local keyBindID, keyBindName, keyBindString;
+    if bindType == "FLYOUT" then
+      keyBindName = GetSpellInfo(bindTarget.spellID);
+      keyBindString = "SPELL " .. keyBindName;
+      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
+      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
+    elseif bindType == "SPELL" then
+      keyBindID = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot(bindTarget)
+      keyBindName = GetSpellBookItemName(keyBindID, SpellBookFrame.bookType);
+      keyBindString = "SPELL " .. keyBindName;
+      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
+      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
+      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
+    elseif bindType == "MACRO" then
+      keyBindID = bindTarget:GetID()
+      if(floor(.5  +  select(2, MacroFrameTab1Text:GetTextColor())  *  10)  /  10 == .8) then
+        keyBindID = keyBindID  +  36
+      end;
+      keyBindName = GetMacroInfo(keyBindID)
+      keyBindString = "MACRO " .. keyBindName;
+      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
+      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
+      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
+      Binder.button.bindings = {GetBindingKey(keyBindString)}
+      GameTooltip:SetOwner(Binder, "ANCHOR_TOP")
+      GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Binder, "TOP", 0, 1)
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(keyBindName, 1, 1, 1)
+      if #Binder.button.bindings == 0 then
+        GameTooltip:AddLine(L["No bindings set."], .6, .6, .6)
+      else
+        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"], L["Key"], .6, .6, .6, .6, .6, .6)
+        for i = 1, #Binder.button.bindings do
+          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"]..i, Binder.button.bindings[i], 1, 1, 1)
+        end
+      end;
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+    elseif bindType == "STANCE" or bindType == "PET" then
+      keyBindID = tonumber(bindTarget:GetID())
+      keyBindName = bindTarget:GetName()
+      if(not keyBindName) then return end;
+      if ((not keyBindID) or (keyBindID < 1) or (keyBindID > (bindType == "STANCE" and 10 or 12))) then
+        keyBindString = "CLICK "..keyBindName..":LeftButton"
+      else
+        keyBindString = (bindType == "STANCE" and "StanceButton" or "BONUSACTIONBUTTON")..keyBindID
+      end;
+      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
+      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
+      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
+    else
+      keyBindID = tonumber(bindTarget.action)
+      keyBindName = bindTarget:GetName()
+      if(not keyBindName) then return end;
+      if(not bindTarget.keyBoundTarget and ((not keyBindID) or (keyBindID < 1) or (keyBindID > 132))) then
+        keyBindString = "CLICK "..keyBindName..":LeftButton"
+      elseif(bindTarget.keyBoundTarget) then
+        keyBindString = bindTarget.keyBoundTarget
+      else
+        local slotID = 1 + (keyBindID - 1) % 12;
+        if((keyBindID < 25) or (keyBindID > 72)) then
+          keyBindString = "ACTIONBUTTON"..slotID;
+        elseif((keyBindID < 73) and (keyBindID > 60)) then
+          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR1BUTTON"..slotID;
+        elseif(keyBindID < 61 and keyBindID > 48) then
+          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR2BUTTON"..slotID;
+        elseif(keyBindID < 49 and keyBindID > 36) then
+          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR4BUTTON"..slotID;
+        elseif(keyBindID < 37 and keyBindID > 24) then
+          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR3BUTTON"..slotID;
+        end
+      end;
+      Binder.button.action = keyBindID
+      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
+      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
+    end
+  end;
+function MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(deactivate, saveRequested)
+  if not deactivate then
+    Binder.active = true;
+    SuperVillain:StaticPopupSpecial_Show(SVUI_KeyBindPopup)
+    MOD:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED','ToggleKeyBindingMode',true,false)
+  else
+    if saveRequested then
+      SaveBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet())
+      SuperVillain:AddonMessage(L["Binding Changes Stored"])
+    else
+      LoadBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet())
+      SuperVillain:AddonMessage(L["Binding Changes Discarded"])
+    end;
+    Binder.active = false;
+    Binder:ClearAllPoints()
+    Binder:Hide()
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+    MOD:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
+    SuperVillain:StaticPopupSpecial_Hide(SVUI_KeyBindPopup)
+    MOD.bindingsChanged = false
+  end
+blockedButtons = { LSHIFT = true, RSHIFT = true, LCTRL = true, RCTRL = true, LALT = true, RALT = true, UNKNOWN = true, LeftButton = true}
+--[[ HANDLERS ]]--
+local tipTimeLapse = 0;
+local GameTooltip_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
+  tipTimeLapse = (tipTimeLapse + elapsed);
+  if tipTimeLapse < .2 then
+    return
+  else
+    tipTimeLapse = 0
+  end;
+  if(not self.comparing and IsModifiedClick("COMPAREITEMS")) then
+    GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem(self)
+    self.comparing = true
+  elseif(self.comparing and not IsModifiedClick("COMPAREITEMS")) then
+    for _,tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
+      tip:Hide()
+    end;
+    self.comparing = false
+  end
+local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
+  for _, tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
+    tip:Hide()
+  end
+local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
+  for _, tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
+    tip:Hide()
+  end
+local SpellButton_OnEnter = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self, "SPELL")
+local Button_Proxy = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self)
+local Stance_Proxy = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self,"STANCE")
+local Pet_Proxy = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self,"PET")
+local Flyout_Proxy = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self,"FLYOUT")
+local Macro_Proxy = function(self)
+  RefreshBindings(self, "MACRO")
+local BinderButton_OnEnter = function(self)
+  local parent = self.button:GetParent()
+  if parent and parent._fade then
+    SuperVillain:SecureFadeIn(parent, 0.2, parent:GetAlpha(), parent._alpha)
+  end
+local BinderButton_OnLeave = function(self)
+  local parent = self.button:GetParent()
+  self:ClearAllPoints()
+  self:Hide()
+  GameTooltip:Hide()
+  if parent and parent._fade then
+    SuperVillain:SecureFadeOut(parent, 1, parent:GetAlpha(), 0)
+  end
+local Binder_OnBinding = function(self, event)
+  MOD.bindingsChanged = true;
+  if(event == "ESCAPE" or event == "RightButton") then
+    local count = #Binder.button.bindings
+    for i=1, count do
+      SetBinding(Binder.button.bindings[i])
+    end;
+    SuperVillain:AddonMessage(format(L["All keybindings cleared for |cff00ff00%s|r."], Binder.button.name))
+    RefreshBindings(Binder.button, Binder.spellmacro)
+    if(Binder.spellmacro ~= "MACRO") then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end;
+    return
+  end;
+  if(blockedButtons[event]) then return end;
+  if(event == "MiddleButton") then
+    event = "BUTTON3"
+  end;
+  if(event:find('Button%d')) then
+    event = event:upper()
+  end;
+  local altText = IsAltKeyDown() and "ALT-" or "";
+  local ctrlText = IsControlKeyDown() and "CTRL-" or "";
+  local shiftText = IsShiftKeyDown() and "SHIFT-" or "";
+  if(not Binder.spellmacro or Binder.spellmacro == "PET" or Binder.spellmacro == "STANCE" or Binder.spellmacro == "FLYOUT") then
+    SetBinding(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event, Binder.button.bindstring)
+  else
+    SetBinding(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event, Binder.spellmacro.." "..Binder.button.name)
+  end;
+  SuperVillain:AddonMessage(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event..L[" |cff00ff00bound to |r"]..Binder.button.name..".")
+  RefreshBindings(Binder.button, Binder.spellmacro)
+  if Binder.spellmacro~="MACRO" then
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end
+local BinderButton_OnMouseWheel = function(self, delta)
+  if delta > 0 then
+    Binder_OnBinding(self, "MOUSEWHEELUP")
+  else
+    Binder_OnBinding(self, "MOUSEWHEELDOWN")
+  end
+local SetBindingMacro = function(self, arg)
+  if(arg == "Blizzard_MacroUI") then
+    for i=1,36 do
+      local btn = _G["MacroButton"..i]
+      btn:HookScript("OnEnter", MacroBinding_OnEnter)
+    end
+  end
+local Check_OnShow = function(self)
+  self:SetChecked(GetCurrentBindingSet() == 2)
+local Check_OnEnter = function(self)
+  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
+  GameTooltip:SetText(CHARACTER_SPECIFIC_KEYBINDING_TOOLTIP, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1)
+local Check_OnClick = function(self)
+  if(MOD.bindingsChanged) then
+    SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_LOSE_BINDING_CHANGES")
+  else
+    if SVUI_KeyBindPopupCheckButton:GetChecked() then
+      LoadBindings(2)
+      SaveBindings(2)
+    else
+      LoadBindings(1)
+      SaveBindings(1)
+    end
+  end
+local Save_OnClick = function(self)
+  MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(true, true)
+local Discard_OnClick = function(self)
+  MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(true, false)
+--[[ END OF HANDLERS ]]--
+local function SetBindingButton(button, force)
+  local click1 = StanceButton1:GetScript("OnClick")
+  local click2 = PetActionButton1:GetScript("OnClick")
+  local click3 = SecureActionButton_OnClick;
+  local button_OnClick = button:GetScript("OnClick")
+  if button_OnClick == click3 or force then
+    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Button_Proxy)
+  elseif button_OnClick == click1 then
+    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Stance_Proxy)
+  elseif button_OnClick == click2 then
+    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Pet_Proxy)
+  end
+local function RefreshAllFlyouts()
+  local count = GetNumFlyouts()
+  for i = 1, count do
+    local id = GetFlyoutID(i)
+    local _,_,numSlots,isKnown = GetFlyoutInfo(id)
+    if isKnown then
+      for x = 1, numSlots do
+        local btn = _G["SpellFlyoutButton"..x]
+        if(SpellFlyout:IsShown() and btn and btn:IsShown()) then
+          if(not btn.hookedFlyout) then
+            btn:HookScript("OnEnter", Flyout_Proxy)
+            btn.hookedFlyout = true
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function MOD:LoadKeyBinder()
+  self:RefreshActionBars()
+  Binder:SetParent(SuperVillain.UIParent)
+  Binder:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+  Binder:SetFrameLevel(99)
+  Binder:EnableMouse(true)
+  Binder:EnableKeyboard(true)
+  Binder:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+  Binder.texture = Binder:CreateTexture()
+  Binder.texture:SetAllPoints(a)
+  Binder.texture:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, .25)
+  Binder:Hide()
+  GameTooltip:HookScript("OnUpdate", GameTooltip_OnUpdate)
+  NewHook(GameTooltip, "Hide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
+  Binder:SetScript("OnEnter", BinderButton_OnEnter)
+  Binder:SetScript("OnLeave", BinderButton_OnLeave)
+  Binder:SetScript("OnKeyUp", Binder_OnBinding)
+  Binder:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Binder_OnBinding)
+  Binder:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", BinderButton_OnMouseWheel)
+  local OBJECT = EnumerateFrames()
+  while OBJECT do
+    if(OBJECT.IsProtected and OBJECT:IsProtected() and OBJECT.GetObjectType and OBJECT:GetObjectType() == "CheckButton" and OBJECT.GetScript) then
+      SetBindingButton(OBJECT)
+    end
+    OBJECT = EnumerateFrames(OBJECT)
+  end;
+  for OBJECT, _ in pairs(self.Storage.Cache)do
+    if(OBJECT.IsProtected and OBJECT:IsProtected() and OBJECT.GetObjectType and OBJECT:GetObjectType() == "CheckButton" and OBJECT.GetScript) then
+      SetBindingButton(OBJECT, true)
+    end
+  end;
+  for l = 1, 12 do
+    local spellButton = _G["SpellButton"..l]
+    spellButton:HookScript("OnEnter", SpellButton_OnEnter)
+  end;
+  if not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_MacroUI")then
+    NewHook("LoadAddOn", SetBindingMacro)
+  else
+    for i=1,36 do
+      local btn = _G["MacroButton"..i]
+      btn:HookScript("OnEnter", Macro_Proxy)
+    end
+  end;
+  NewHook("ActionButton_UpdateFlyout", RefreshAllFlyouts)
+  RefreshAllFlyouts()
+  local pop = NewFrame("Frame", "SVUI_KeyBindPopup", UIParent)
+  pop:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+  pop:SetToplevel(true)
+  pop:EnableMouse(true)
+  pop:SetMovable(true)
+  pop:SetFrameLevel(99)
+  pop:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+  pop:SetWidth(360)
+  pop:SetHeight(130)
+  pop:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Transparent")
+  pop:Hide()
+  local moveHandle = NewFrame("Button", nil, pop)
+  moveHandle:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Button", true)
+  moveHandle:SetWidth(100)
+  moveHandle:SetHeight(25)
+  moveHandle:SetPoint("CENTER", pop, "TOP")
+  moveHandle:SetFrameLevel(moveHandle:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+  moveHandle:EnableMouse(true)
+  moveHandle:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")
+  local onMouseDown = function() pop:StartMoving() end
+  moveHandle:SetScript("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
+  local onMouseUp = function() pop:StopMovingOrSizing() end
+  moveHandle:SetScript("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
+  local moveText = moveHandle:CreateFontString("OVERLAY")
+  moveText:SetFontTemplate()
+  moveText:SetPoint("CENTER", moveHandle, "CENTER")
+  moveText:SetText("Key Binds")
+  local moveDesc = pop:CreateFontString("ARTWORK")
+  moveDesc:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+  moveDesc:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+  moveDesc:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+  moveDesc:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 18, -32)
+  moveDesc:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -18, 48)
+  moveDesc:SetText(L["Hover your mouse over any actionbutton or spellbook button to bind it. Press the escape key or right click to clear the current actionbutton's keybinding."])
+  local checkButton = NewFrame("CheckButton", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupCheckButton", pop, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+  checkButton:SetCheckboxTemplate(true)
+  checkButton:SetScript("OnShow", Check_OnShow)
+  checkButton:SetScript("OnClick", Check_OnClick)
+  checkButton:SetScript("OnEnter", Check_OnEnter)
+  checkButton:SetScript("OnLeave", GameTooltip_Hide)
+  local saveButton = NewFrame("Button", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupSaveButton", pop, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
+  saveButton:Width(150)
+  saveButton:SetButtonTemplate()
+  _G["SVUI_KeyBindPopupSaveButtonText"]:SetText(L["Save"])
+  saveButton:SetScript("OnClick", Save_OnClick)
+  local discardButton = NewFrame("Button", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupDiscardButton", pop, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
+  discardButton:Width(150)
+  discardButton:SetButtonTemplate()
+  _G["SVUI_KeyBindPopupDiscardButtonText"]:SetText(L["Discard"])
+  discardButton:SetScript("OnClick", Discard_OnClick)
+  checkButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", discardButton, "TOPLEFT", 0, 2)
+  saveButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -14, 10)
+  discardButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ab5f5..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVBar.lua'/>
-	<Script file='SVBar_KeyBind.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar_KeyBind.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar_KeyBind.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c44bf2e..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/actionbar/SVBar_KeyBind.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local select  = _G.select;
-local pairs   = _G.pairs;
-local ipairs  = _G.ipairs;
-local type    = _G.type;
-local string  = _G.string;
-local math    = _G.math;
-local table   = _G.table;
-local GetTime = _G.GetTime;
-local format, find = string.format, string.find;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local floor = math.floor;
-local tonumber = tonumber;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVBar');
-local LibAB = LibStub("LibActionButton-1.0")
-local _G = getfenv(0);
-local RefreshBindings
-local NewFrame = CreateFrame;
-local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
-local Binder = NewFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);
-  --[[ HANDLERS ]]--
-  local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
-    self:SetOwner(Binder, "ANCHOR_TOP")
-    self:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Binder, "TOP", 0, 1)
-    self:AddLine(Binder.button.name, 1, 1, 1)
-    Binder.button.bindings = {GetBindingKey(Binder.button.bindstring)}
-    local count = #Binder.button.bindings
-    if(count == 0) then
-      self:AddLine(L["No bindings set."], .6, .6, .6)
-    else
-      self:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"], L["Key"], .6, .6, .6, .6, .6, .6)
-      for i = 1, count do
-        self:AddDoubleLine(i, Binder.button.bindings[i])
-      end
-    end;
-    self:Show()
-    self:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
-  end
-  --[[ END OF HANDLERS ]]--
-  function RefreshBindings(bindTarget, bindType)
-    if(not Binder.active or InCombatLockdown()) then return end;
-    Binder.button = bindTarget;
-    Binder.spellmacro = bindType;
-    Binder:ClearAllPoints()
-    Binder:SetAllPoints(bindTarget)
-    Binder:Show()
-    ShoppingTooltip1:Hide()
-    if(bindTarget.FlyoutArrow and bindTarget.FlyoutArrow:IsShown()) then
-      Binder:EnableMouse(false)
-    elseif(not Binder:IsMouseEnabled()) then
-      Binder:EnableMouse(true)
-    end;
-    local keyBindID, keyBindName, keyBindString;
-    if bindType == "FLYOUT" then
-      keyBindName = GetSpellInfo(bindTarget.spellID);
-      keyBindString = "SPELL " .. keyBindName;
-      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
-      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
-      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
-      GameTooltip:Show()
-      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
-    elseif bindType == "SPELL" then
-      keyBindID = SpellBook_GetSpellBookSlot(bindTarget)
-      keyBindName = GetSpellBookItemName(keyBindID, SpellBookFrame.bookType);
-      keyBindString = "SPELL " .. keyBindName;
-      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
-      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
-      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
-      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
-      GameTooltip:Show()
-      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
-    elseif bindType == "MACRO" then
-      keyBindID = bindTarget:GetID()
-      if(floor(.5  +  select(2, MacroFrameTab1Text:GetTextColor())  *  10)  /  10 == .8) then
-        keyBindID = keyBindID  +  36
-      end;
-      keyBindName = GetMacroInfo(keyBindID)
-      keyBindString = "MACRO " .. keyBindName;
-      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
-      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
-      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString;
-      Binder.button.bindings = {GetBindingKey(keyBindString)}
-      GameTooltip:SetOwner(Binder, "ANCHOR_TOP")
-      GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Binder, "TOP", 0, 1)
-      GameTooltip:AddLine(keyBindName, 1, 1, 1)
-      if #Binder.button.bindings == 0 then
-        GameTooltip:AddLine(L["No bindings set."], .6, .6, .6)
-      else
-        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"], L["Key"], .6, .6, .6, .6, .6, .6)
-        for i = 1, #Binder.button.bindings do
-          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Binding"]..i, Binder.button.bindings[i], 1, 1, 1)
-        end
-      end;
-      GameTooltip:Show()
-    elseif bindType == "STANCE" or bindType == "PET" then
-      keyBindID = tonumber(bindTarget:GetID())
-      keyBindName = bindTarget:GetName()
-      if(not keyBindName) then return end;
-      if ((not keyBindID) or (keyBindID < 1) or (keyBindID > (bindType == "STANCE" and 10 or 12))) then
-        keyBindString = "CLICK "..keyBindName..":LeftButton"
-      else
-        keyBindString = (bindType == "STANCE" and "StanceButton" or "BONUSACTIONBUTTON")..keyBindID
-      end;
-      Binder.button.id = keyBindID
-      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
-      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString
-      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
-      GameTooltip:Show()
-      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
-    else
-      keyBindID = tonumber(bindTarget.action)
-      keyBindName = bindTarget:GetName()
-      if(not keyBindName) then return end;
-      if(not bindTarget.keyBoundTarget and ((not keyBindID) or (keyBindID < 1) or (keyBindID > 132))) then
-        keyBindString = "CLICK "..keyBindName..":LeftButton"
-      elseif(bindTarget.keyBoundTarget) then
-        keyBindString = bindTarget.keyBoundTarget
-      else
-        local slotID = 1 + (keyBindID - 1) % 12;
-        if((keyBindID < 25) or (keyBindID > 72)) then
-          keyBindString = "ACTIONBUTTON"..slotID;
-        elseif((keyBindID < 73) and (keyBindID > 60)) then
-          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR1BUTTON"..slotID;
-        elseif(keyBindID < 61 and keyBindID > 48) then
-          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR2BUTTON"..slotID;
-        elseif(keyBindID < 49 and keyBindID > 36) then
-          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR4BUTTON"..slotID;
-        elseif(keyBindID < 37 and keyBindID > 24) then
-          keyBindString = "MULTIACTIONBAR3BUTTON"..slotID;
-        end
-      end;
-      Binder.button.action = keyBindID
-      Binder.button.name = keyBindName
-      Binder.button.bindstring = keyBindString
-      GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Trigger"])
-      GameTooltip:Show()
-      GameTooltip:SetScript("OnHide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
-    end
-  end;
-function MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(deactivate, saveRequested)
-  if not deactivate then
-    Binder.active = true;
-    SuperVillain:StaticPopupSpecial_Show(SVUI_KeyBindPopup)
-    MOD:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED','ToggleKeyBindingMode',true,false)
-  else
-    if saveRequested then
-      SaveBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet())
-      SuperVillain:AddonMessage(L["Binding Changes Stored"])
-    else
-      LoadBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet())
-      SuperVillain:AddonMessage(L["Binding Changes Discarded"])
-    end;
-    Binder.active = false;
-    Binder:ClearAllPoints()
-    Binder:Hide()
-    GameTooltip:Hide()
-    MOD:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
-    SuperVillain:StaticPopupSpecial_Hide(SVUI_KeyBindPopup)
-    MOD.bindingsChanged = false
-  end
-blockedButtons = { LSHIFT = true, RSHIFT = true, LCTRL = true, RCTRL = true, LALT = true, RALT = true, UNKNOWN = true, LeftButton = true}
---[[ HANDLERS ]]--
-local tipTimeLapse = 0;
-local GameTooltip_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
-  tipTimeLapse = (tipTimeLapse + elapsed);
-  if tipTimeLapse < .2 then
-    return
-  else
-    tipTimeLapse = 0
-  end;
-  if(not self.comparing and IsModifiedClick("COMPAREITEMS")) then
-    GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem(self)
-    self.comparing = true
-  elseif(self.comparing and not IsModifiedClick("COMPAREITEMS")) then
-    for _,tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
-      tip:Hide()
-    end;
-    self.comparing = false
-  end
-local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
-  for _, tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
-    tip:Hide()
-  end
-local GameTooltip_OnHide = function(self)
-  for _, tip in pairs(self.shoppingTooltips)do
-    tip:Hide()
-  end
-local SpellButton_OnEnter = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self, "SPELL")
-local Button_Proxy = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self)
-local Stance_Proxy = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self,"STANCE")
-local Pet_Proxy = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self,"PET")
-local Flyout_Proxy = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self,"FLYOUT")
-local Macro_Proxy = function(self)
-  RefreshBindings(self, "MACRO")
-local BinderButton_OnEnter = function(self)
-  local parent = self.button:GetParent()
-  if parent and parent._fade then
-    SuperVillain:SecureFadeIn(parent, 0.2, parent:GetAlpha(), parent._alpha)
-  end
-local BinderButton_OnLeave = function(self)
-  local parent = self.button:GetParent()
-  self:ClearAllPoints()
-  self:Hide()
-  GameTooltip:Hide()
-  if parent and parent._fade then
-    SuperVillain:SecureFadeOut(parent, 1, parent:GetAlpha(), 0)
-  end
-local Binder_OnBinding = function(self, event)
-  MOD.bindingsChanged = true;
-  if(event == "ESCAPE" or event == "RightButton") then
-    local count = #Binder.button.bindings
-    for i=1, count do
-      SetBinding(Binder.button.bindings[i])
-    end;
-    SuperVillain:AddonMessage(format(L["All keybindings cleared for |cff00ff00%s|r."], Binder.button.name))
-    RefreshBindings(Binder.button, Binder.spellmacro)
-    if(Binder.spellmacro ~= "MACRO") then
-      GameTooltip:Hide()
-    end;
-    return
-  end;
-  if(blockedButtons[event]) then return end;
-  if(event == "MiddleButton") then
-    event = "BUTTON3"
-  end;
-  if(event:find('Button%d')) then
-    event = event:upper()
-  end;
-  local altText = IsAltKeyDown() and "ALT-" or "";
-  local ctrlText = IsControlKeyDown() and "CTRL-" or "";
-  local shiftText = IsShiftKeyDown() and "SHIFT-" or "";
-  if(not Binder.spellmacro or Binder.spellmacro == "PET" or Binder.spellmacro == "STANCE" or Binder.spellmacro == "FLYOUT") then
-    SetBinding(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event, Binder.button.bindstring)
-  else
-    SetBinding(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event, Binder.spellmacro.." "..Binder.button.name)
-  end;
-  SuperVillain:AddonMessage(altText..ctrlText..shiftText..event..L[" |cff00ff00bound to |r"]..Binder.button.name..".")
-  RefreshBindings(Binder.button, Binder.spellmacro)
-  if Binder.spellmacro~="MACRO" then
-    GameTooltip:Hide()
-  end
-local BinderButton_OnMouseWheel = function(self, delta)
-  if delta > 0 then
-    Binder_OnBinding(self, "MOUSEWHEELUP")
-  else
-    Binder_OnBinding(self, "MOUSEWHEELDOWN")
-  end
-local SetBindingMacro = function(self, arg)
-  if(arg == "Blizzard_MacroUI") then
-    for i=1,36 do
-      local btn = _G["MacroButton"..i]
-      btn:HookScript("OnEnter", MacroBinding_OnEnter)
-    end
-  end
-local Check_OnShow = function(self)
-  self:SetChecked(GetCurrentBindingSet() == 2)
-local Check_OnEnter = function(self)
-  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
-  GameTooltip:SetText(CHARACTER_SPECIFIC_KEYBINDING_TOOLTIP, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1)
-local Check_OnClick = function(self)
-  if(MOD.bindingsChanged) then
-    SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_LOSE_BINDING_CHANGES")
-  else
-    if SVUI_KeyBindPopupCheckButton:GetChecked() then
-      LoadBindings(2)
-      SaveBindings(2)
-    else
-      LoadBindings(1)
-      SaveBindings(1)
-    end
-  end
-local Save_OnClick = function(self)
-  MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(true, true)
-local Discard_OnClick = function(self)
-  MOD:ToggleKeyBindingMode(true, false)
---[[ END OF HANDLERS ]]--
-local function SetBindingButton(button, force)
-  local click1 = StanceButton1:GetScript("OnClick")
-  local click2 = PetActionButton1:GetScript("OnClick")
-  local click3 = SecureActionButton_OnClick;
-  local button_OnClick = button:GetScript("OnClick")
-  if button_OnClick == click3 or force then
-    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Button_Proxy)
-  elseif button_OnClick == click1 then
-    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Stance_Proxy)
-  elseif button_OnClick == click2 then
-    button:HookScript("OnEnter", Pet_Proxy)
-  end
-local function RefreshAllFlyouts()
-  local count = GetNumFlyouts()
-  for i = 1, count do
-    local id = GetFlyoutID(i)
-    local _,_,numSlots,isKnown = GetFlyoutInfo(id)
-    if isKnown then
-      for x = 1, numSlots do
-        local btn = _G["SpellFlyoutButton"..x]
-        if(SpellFlyout:IsShown() and btn and btn:IsShown()) then
-          if(not btn.hookedFlyout) then
-            btn:HookScript("OnEnter", Flyout_Proxy)
-            btn.hookedFlyout = true
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function MOD:LoadKeyBinder()
-  self:RefreshActionBars()
-  Binder:SetParent(SuperVillain.UIParent)
-  Binder:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
-  Binder:SetFrameLevel(99)
-  Binder:EnableMouse(true)
-  Binder:EnableKeyboard(true)
-  Binder:EnableMouseWheel(true)
-  Binder.texture = Binder:CreateTexture()
-  Binder.texture:SetAllPoints(a)
-  Binder.texture:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, .25)
-  Binder:Hide()
-  GameTooltip:HookScript("OnUpdate", GameTooltip_OnUpdate)
-  NewHook(GameTooltip, "Hide", GameTooltip_OnHide)
-  Binder:SetScript("OnEnter", BinderButton_OnEnter)
-  Binder:SetScript("OnLeave", BinderButton_OnLeave)
-  Binder:SetScript("OnKeyUp", Binder_OnBinding)
-  Binder:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Binder_OnBinding)
-  Binder:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", BinderButton_OnMouseWheel)
-  local OBJECT = EnumerateFrames()
-  while OBJECT do
-    if(OBJECT.IsProtected and OBJECT:IsProtected() and OBJECT.GetObjectType and OBJECT:GetObjectType() == "CheckButton" and OBJECT.GetScript) then
-      SetBindingButton(OBJECT)
-    end
-    OBJECT = EnumerateFrames(OBJECT)
-  end;
-  for OBJECT, _ in pairs(self.Storage.Cache)do
-    if(OBJECT.IsProtected and OBJECT:IsProtected() and OBJECT.GetObjectType and OBJECT:GetObjectType() == "CheckButton" and OBJECT.GetScript) then
-      SetBindingButton(OBJECT, true)
-    end
-  end;
-  for l = 1, 12 do
-    local spellButton = _G["SpellButton"..l]
-    spellButton:HookScript("OnEnter", SpellButton_OnEnter)
-  end;
-  if not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_MacroUI")then
-    NewHook("LoadAddOn", SetBindingMacro)
-  else
-    for i=1,36 do
-      local btn = _G["MacroButton"..i]
-      btn:HookScript("OnEnter", Macro_Proxy)
-    end
-  end;
-  NewHook("ActionButton_UpdateFlyout", RefreshAllFlyouts)
-  RefreshAllFlyouts()
-  local pop = NewFrame("Frame", "SVUI_KeyBindPopup", UIParent)
-  pop:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
-  pop:SetToplevel(true)
-  pop:EnableMouse(true)
-  pop:SetMovable(true)
-  pop:SetFrameLevel(99)
-  pop:SetClampedToScreen(true)
-  pop:SetWidth(360)
-  pop:SetHeight(130)
-  pop:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Transparent")
-  pop:Hide()
-  local moveHandle = NewFrame("Button", nil, pop)
-  moveHandle:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Button", true)
-  moveHandle:SetWidth(100)
-  moveHandle:SetHeight(25)
-  moveHandle:SetPoint("CENTER", pop, "TOP")
-  moveHandle:SetFrameLevel(moveHandle:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
-  moveHandle:EnableMouse(true)
-  moveHandle:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")
-  local onMouseDown = function() pop:StartMoving() end
-  moveHandle:SetScript("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
-  local onMouseUp = function() pop:StopMovingOrSizing() end
-  moveHandle:SetScript("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
-  local moveText = moveHandle:CreateFontString("OVERLAY")
-  moveText:SetFontTemplate()
-  moveText:SetPoint("CENTER", moveHandle, "CENTER")
-  moveText:SetText("Key Binds")
-  local moveDesc = pop:CreateFontString("ARTWORK")
-  moveDesc:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
-  moveDesc:SetJustifyV("TOP")
-  moveDesc:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
-  moveDesc:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 18, -32)
-  moveDesc:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -18, 48)
-  moveDesc:SetText(L["Hover your mouse over any actionbutton or spellbook button to bind it. Press the escape key or right click to clear the current actionbutton's keybinding."])
-  local checkButton = NewFrame("CheckButton", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupCheckButton", pop, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-  checkButton:SetCheckboxTemplate(true)
-  checkButton:SetScript("OnShow", Check_OnShow)
-  checkButton:SetScript("OnClick", Check_OnClick)
-  checkButton:SetScript("OnEnter", Check_OnEnter)
-  checkButton:SetScript("OnLeave", GameTooltip_Hide)
-  local saveButton = NewFrame("Button", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupSaveButton", pop, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
-  saveButton:Width(150)
-  saveButton:SetButtonTemplate()
-  _G["SVUI_KeyBindPopupSaveButtonText"]:SetText(L["Save"])
-  saveButton:SetScript("OnClick", Save_OnClick)
-  local discardButton = NewFrame("Button", "SVUI_KeyBindPopupDiscardButton", pop, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
-  discardButton:Width(150)
-  discardButton:SetButtonTemplate()
-  _G["SVUI_KeyBindPopupDiscardButtonText"]:SetText(L["Discard"])
-  discardButton:SetScript("OnClick", Discard_OnClick)
-  checkButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", discardButton, "TOPLEFT", 0, 2)
-  saveButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -14, 10)
-  discardButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/common/sorting.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/common/sorting.lua
index 33af4ca..012cf90 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/common/sorting.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/bag/common/sorting.lua
@@ -830,5 +830,6 @@ function MOD:RunSortingProcess(func, groupsDefaults)
+		collectgarbage("collect")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e412b7..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVChat.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/dock/SVDock.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/dock/SVDock.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bba6efc..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/dock/SVDock.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVDock.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/gear/SVGear.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/gear/SVGear.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 448f04f..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/gear/SVGear.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVGear.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
index 8a91f8d..2f9e1ca 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.lua
@@ -767,9 +767,9 @@ REP AUTOMATONS
 	if not self.db.autorepchange then return end
-	local _, _, faction, amount = find(msg, incpat)
+	local _, _, faction, amount = msg:find(incpat)
 	if not faction then
-		_, _, faction, amount = find(msg, changedpat) or find(msg, decpat)
+		_, _, faction, amount = msg:find(changedpat) or msg:find(decpat)
 	if faction and faction ~= GUILD_REPUTATION then
 		local active = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae82f1..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/henchmen/SVHenchmen.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVHenchmen.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
index 7292b5f..e9d8f95 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.lua
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ do

 	function MOD:UpdateMinimapButtonSettings()
 		if(not self.db.minimapbar.enable) then return end
-		SuperVillain:ExecuteTimer(StyleMinimapButtons, 5)
+		SuperVillain:ExecuteTimer(StyleMinimapButtons, 4)

@@ -349,31 +349,54 @@ local function CheckMovement()

-local function UpdateWorldMapCoords()
-	if(not WorldMapFrame:IsShown() or not SVUI_WorldMapCoords) then return end
-	local a, b = IsInInstance()
+local function UpdateMapCoords()
+	local xF, yF = "|cffffffffx:  |r%.1f", "|cffffffffy:  |r%.1f"
+	local skip = IsInInstance()
 	local c, d = GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
-	c = parsefloat(100 * c, 2)
-	d = parsefloat(100 * d, 2)
-	if c ~= 0 and d ~= 0 then
-		SVUI_WorldMapCoords.playerCoords:SetText(PLAYER..":   "..c..", "..d)
-	else
-		SVUI_WorldMapCoords.playerCoords:SetText("")
-	end
-	local e = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
-	local f = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()
-	local g = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()
-	local h, i = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetCenter()
-	local c, d = GetCursorPosition()
-	local j = (c / e - (h - (f / 2))) / f;
-	local k = (i + (g / 2)-d / e) / g;
-	if j >= 0 and k >= 0 and j <= 1 and k <= 1 then
-		j = parsefloat(100 * j, 2)
-		k = parsefloat(100 * k, 2)
-		SVUI_WorldMapCoords.mouseCoords:SetText(MOUSE_LABEL..":   "..j..", "..k)
-	else
-		SVUI_WorldMapCoords.mouseCoords:SetText("")
-	end
+	if(not skip and not IsIndoors() and c ~= 0 and d ~= 0) then
+		c = parsefloat(100 * c, 2)
+		d = parsefloat(100 * d, 2)
+		if(MOD.db.playercoords == "SIMPLE") then
+			xF, yF = "%.1f", "%.1f";
+		end
+		if c ~= 0 and d ~= 0 then
+			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetFormattedText(xF, c)
+			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetFormattedText(yF, d)
+			if(SVUI_WorldMapCoords and WorldMapFrame:IsShown()) then
+				SVUI_WorldMapCoords.playerCoords:SetText(PLAYER..":   "..c..", "..d)
+			end
+		else
+			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetText("")
+			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetText("")
+			if(SVUI_WorldMapCoords and WorldMapFrame:IsShown()) then
+				SVUI_WorldMapCoords.playerCoords:SetText("")
+			end
+		end
+		if(not WorldMapFrame:IsShown() or not SVUI_WorldMapCoords) then return end
+		local e = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
+		local f = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()
+		local g = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()
+		local h, i = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetCenter()
+		local c, d = GetCursorPosition()
+		local j = (c / e - (h - (f / 2))) / f;
+		local k = (i + (g / 2)-d / e) / g;
+		if j >= 0 and k >= 0 and j <= 1 and k <= 1 then
+			j = parsefloat(100 * j, 2)
+			k = parsefloat(100 * k, 2)
+			SVUI_WorldMapCoords.mouseCoords:SetText(MOUSE_LABEL..":   "..j..", "..k)
+		else
+			SVUI_WorldMapCoords.mouseCoords:SetText("")
+		end
+	else
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetText("")
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetText("")
+		if(SVUI_WorldMapCoords and WorldMapFrame:IsShown()) then
+			SVUI_WorldMapCoords.playerCoords:SetText("")
+		end
+	end
+	if(MOD.db.mapAlpha < 100) then
+		CheckMovement()
+	end

 local function UpdateWorldMapConfig()
@@ -385,14 +408,20 @@ local function UpdateWorldMapConfig()
 		NewHook("WorldMapFrame_SetQuestMapView", SetQuestWorldMap)
 		MOD.WorldMapHooked = true
-	if(MOD.db.mapAlpha == 100) then
-		if MOD.MovingTimer then
-			SuperVillain:RemoveLoop(MOD.MovingTimer)
-			MOD.MovingTimer = nil
+	if(not MOD.db.playercoords or MOD.db.playercoords == "HIDE") then
+		if MOD.CoordTimer then
+			SuperVillain:RemoveLoop(MOD.CoordTimer)
+			MOD.CoordTimer = nil;
-	elseif(not MOD.MovingTimer) then
-		MOD.MovingTimer = SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(CheckMovement, 0.2)
-	end
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetText("")
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetText("")
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords:Hide()
+	else
+		SVUI_MiniMapCoords:Show()
+		MOD.CoordTimer = SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(UpdateMapCoords, 0.8)
+		UpdateMapCoords()
+	end

@@ -417,24 +446,6 @@ CORE FUNCTIONS
 MOD.narrative = "";
 MOD.locationPrefix = "";
-	local function _updateCoords()
-		local a, b = IsInInstance()
-		local c, d = GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
-		local xF, yF = "|cffffffffx:  |r%.1f", "|cffffffffy:  |r%.1f"
-		if(MOD.db.playercoords == "SIMPLE") then
-			xF, yF = "%.1f", "%.1f";
-		end;
-		c = parsefloat(100 * c, 2)
-		d = parsefloat(100 * d, 2)
-		if c ~= 0 and d ~= 0 then
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetFormattedText(xF, c)
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetFormattedText(yF, d)
-		else
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetText("")
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetText("")
-		end;
-	end
 	local function _createCoords()
 		local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
 		x = tonumber(parsefloat(100  *  x, 0))
@@ -506,20 +517,6 @@ do
 			CoordsHolder.playerYCoords:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Media.font.numbers, 12, "OUTLINE")
 			CoordsHolder.playerYCoords:SetTextColor(cColor.r, cColor.g, cColor.b)
-		end
-		if(not MOD.db.playercoords or MOD.db.playercoords == "HIDE") then
-			if MOD.CoordTimer then
-				SuperVillain:RemoveLoop(MOD.CoordTimer)
-				MOD.CoordTimer = nil;
-			end
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerXCoords:SetText("")
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords.playerYCoords:SetText("")
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords:Hide()
-		else
-			SVUI_MiniMapCoords:Show()
-			MOD.CoordTimer = SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(_updateCoords, 0.05)
-			_updateCoords()
@@ -605,8 +602,8 @@ function MOD:RefreshMiniMap()

-	UpdateWorldMapConfig()
+	UpdateWorldMapConfig()

 local function CreateMiniMapElements()
@@ -775,7 +772,6 @@ local function LoadWorldMap()
 	CoordsHolder.mouseCoords:SetText(MOUSE_LABEL..":   0, 0")

-	MOD.CoordsTimer = SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(UpdateWorldMapCoords, 0.05)
 		if(DropDownList1:GetScale() ~= UIParent:GetScale() and SuperVillain.db.SVMap.tinyWorldMap) then
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 29163e9..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/map/SVMap.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVMap.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.lua
index e34e96b..b910b38 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.lua
@@ -43,7 +43,55 @@ LOCAL VARS
 local UIErrorsFrame = UIErrorsFrame;
 local interruptMsg = INTERRUPTED.." %s's \124cff71d5ff\124Hspell:%d\124h[%s]\124h\124r!";
+local FORCE_POSITION = false;
 local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
+local mirrorYOffset={
+	["BREATH"] = 96,
+	["EXHAUSTION"] = 119,
+	["FEIGNDEATH"] = 142
+local mirrorTypeColor={
+	EXHAUSTION = {1,.9,0},
+	BREATH = {0.31,0.45,0.63},
+	DEATH = {1,.7,0},
+	FEIGNDEATH = {1,.7,0}
+local RegisteredMirrorBars = {}
+local lastQuality,lastID,lastName;
+local dead_rollz = {}
+local RollTypePresets = {
+	[0] = {
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Up",
+		"",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Down",
+		[[0]],
+		[[2]]
+	},
+	[1] = {
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Up",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Highlight",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Down",
+		[[5]],
+		[[-1]]
+	},
+	[2] = {
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Up",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Highlight",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Down",
+		[[0]],
+		[[-1]]
+	},
+	[3] = {
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Up",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Highlight",
+		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Down",
+		[[0]],
+		[[-1]]
+	}
+local LootRollType = {[1] = "need", [2] = "greed", [3] = "disenchant", [0] = "pass"};
+local LOOT_WIDTH, LOOT_HEIGHT = 328, 28
@@ -54,7 +102,7 @@ local PVPRaidNoticeHandler = function(self, event, msg)
 	if instanceType == 'pvp' or instanceType == 'arena' then
 		RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame, msg, ChatTypeInfo["RAID_BOSS_EMOTE"]);

 local CaptureBarHandler = function()
@@ -92,10 +140,11 @@ local Vehicle_OnSetPoint = function(self,_,parent)
 			VehicleSeatIndicator:Point("TOPLEFT", SuperVillain.UIParent, "TOPLEFT", 22, -45)
 			SuperVillain:SetSVMovable(VehicleSeatIndicator, L["Vehicle Seat Frame"])
-		end;
+		end
 local Dura_OnSetPoint = function(_, _, anchor)
 	if anchor == "MinimapCluster"or anchor == _G["MinimapCluster"] then
@@ -123,7 +172,827 @@ function MOD:DisbandRaidGroup()
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors = function(self)
+	if MissingLootFrame:IsShown() then
+		MissingLootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		MissingLootFrame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT)
+		if GroupLootContainer:IsShown() then
+			GroupLootContainer:ClearAllPoints()
+			GroupLootContainer:SetPoint(POSITION, MissingLootFrame, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+		end
+	elseif GroupLootContainer:IsShown() or FORCE_POSITION then
+		GroupLootContainer:ClearAllPoints()
+		GroupLootContainer:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT)
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors = function(self)
+	for i = 1, #LOOT_WON_ALERT_FRAMES do
+		local frame = LOOT_WON_ALERT_FRAMES[i]
+		if frame:IsShown() then
+			frame:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+			self = frame
+		end
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors = function(self)
+	for i = 1, #MONEY_WON_ALERT_FRAMES do
+		local frame = MONEY_WON_ALERT_FRAMES[i]
+		if frame:IsShown() then
+			frame:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+			self = frame
+		end
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors = function(self)
+	if AchievementAlertFrame1 then
+			local frame = _G["AchievementAlertFrame"..i]
+			if frame and frame:IsShown() then
+				frame:ClearAllPoints()
+				frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+				self = frame
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors = function(self)
+	if CriteriaAlertFrame1 then
+			local frame = _G["CriteriaAlertFrame"..i]
+			if frame and frame:IsShown() then
+				frame:ClearAllPoints()
+				frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+				self = frame
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors = function(self)
+	local frame = ChallengeModeAlertFrame1;
+	if frame:IsShown() then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors = function(self)
+	local frame = DungeonCompletionAlertFrame1;
+	if frame:IsShown() then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors = function(self)
+	local frame = StorePurchaseAlertFrame;
+	if frame:IsShown() then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors = function(self)
+	local frame = ScenarioAlertFrame1;
+	if frame:IsShown() then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+	end
+local _hook_AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors = function(self)
+	local frame = GuildChallengeAlertFrame;
+	if frame:IsShown() then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
+	end
+local afrm = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUI_AlertFrame", UIParent);
+local AlertFramePostMove_Hook = function(forced)
+	local b, c = SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:GetCenter()
+	local d = SuperVillain.UIParent:GetTop()
+	if(c > (d  /  2)) then
+		YOFFSET = -10;
+		SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:SetText(SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE.textString.." (Grow Down)")
+	else
+		YOFFSET = 10;
+		SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:SetText(SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE.textString.." (Grow Up)")
+	end
+	if MOD.db.lootRoll then
+		local f, g;
+		for h, i in pairs(MOD.LewtRollz) do
+			i:ClearAllPoints()
+			if h   ~= 1 then
+				if POSITION == "TOP" then
+					i:Point("TOP", f, "BOTTOM", 0, -4)
+				else
+					i:Point("BOTTOM", f, "TOP", 0, 4)
+				end
+			else
+				if POSITION == "TOP" then
+					i:Point("TOP", SVUI_AlertFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, -4)
+				else
+					i:Point("BOTTOM", SVUI_AlertFrame, "TOP", 0, 4)
+				end
+			end
+			f = i;
+			if i:IsShown() then
+				g = i
+			end
+		end
+		AlertFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		if g then
+			AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(g)
+		else
+			AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(SVUI_AlertFrame)
+		end
+	else
+		AlertFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(SVUI_AlertFrame)
+	end
+	if forced then
+		AlertFrame_FixAnchors()
+	end
+local SetMirrorPosition = function(bar)
+	local yOffset = mirrorYOffset[bar.type]
+	return bar:Point("TOP", SuperVillain.UIParent, "TOP", 0, -yOffset)
+local MirrorBar_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
+	if self.paused then
+		return
+	end
+	self.lastupdate = (self.lastupdate or 0) + elapsed;
+	if self.lastupdate < .1 then
+		return
+	end
+	self.lastupdate = 0;
+	self:SetValue(GetMirrorTimerProgress(self.type) / 1e3)
+local MirrorBar_Start = function(self, min, max, s, t, text)
+	if t > 0 then
+		self.paused = 1
+	elseif self.paused then
+		self.paused = nil
+	end
+	self.text:SetText(text)
+	self:SetMinMaxValues(0, max / 1e3)
+	self:SetValue(min / 1e3)
+	if not self:IsShown() then
+		self:Show()
+	end
+local function MirrorBarRegistry(barType)
+	if RegisteredMirrorBars[barType] then
+		return RegisteredMirrorBars[barType]
+	end
+	local bar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, SuperVillain.UIParent)
+	bar:SetPanelTemplate("Bar", false, 3, 3, 3)
+	bar:SetScript("OnUpdate", MirrorBar_OnUpdate)
+	local r, g, b = unpack(mirrorTypeColor[barType])
+	bar.text = bar:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+	bar.text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Media.font.roboto, 12, 'OUTLINE')
+	bar.text:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+	bar.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+	bar.text:SetPoint('LEFT', bar)
+	bar.text:SetPoint('RIGHT', bar)
+	bar.text:Point('TOP', bar, 0, 2)
+	bar.text:SetPoint('BOTTOM', bar)
+	bar:Size(222, 18)
+	bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
+	bar:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b)
+	bar.type = barType;
+	bar.Start = MirrorBar_Start;
+	bar.Stop = Stop;
+	SetMirrorPosition(bar)
+	RegisteredMirrorBars[barType] = bar;
+	return bar
+local function SetTimerStyle(bar)
+	for i=1, bar:GetNumRegions()do
+		local child = select(i, bar:GetRegions())
+		if child:GetObjectType() == "Texture"then
+			child:SetTexture(nil)
+		elseif child:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then
+			child:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Media.font.roboto, 12, 'OUTLINE')
+		end
+	end
+	bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
+	bar:SetStatusBarColor(0.37, 0.92, 0.08)
+	bar:SetPanelTemplate("Bar", false, 3, 3, 3)
+local MirrorBarToggleHandler = function(_, event, arg, ...)
+	if(event == "START_TIMER") then
+		for _,timer in pairs(TimerTracker.timerList)do
+			if timer["bar"] and not timer["bar"].styled then
+				SetTimerStyle(timer["bar"])
+				timer["bar"].styled = true
+			end
+		end
+	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_START") then
+		return MirrorBarRegistry(arg):Start(...)
+	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_STOP") then
+		return MirrorBarRegistry(arg):Hide()
+	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_PAUSE") then
+		local pausedValue = (arg > 0 and arg or nil);
+		for barType,bar in next,RegisteredMirrorBars do
+			bar.paused = pausedValue;
+		end
+	end
+local MirrorBarUpdateHandler = function(_, event)
+	if not GetCVarBool("lockActionBars") and SuperVillain.db.SVBar.enable then
+		SetCVar("lockActionBars", 1)
+	end
+	if(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
+			local v, q, r, s, t, u = GetMirrorTimerInfo(i)
+			if v ~= "UNKNOWN"then
+				MirrorBarRegistry(v):Start(q, r, s, t, u)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function UpdateLootUpvalues()
+	LOOT_WIDTH = MOD.db.lootRollWidth
+	LOOT_HEIGHT = MOD.db.lootRollHeight
+local Loot_OnHide = function(self)
+	SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Hide("CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION");
+	CloseLoot()
+local SVUI_LootFrameHolder = CreateFrame("Frame","SVUI_LootFrameHolder",SuperVillain.UIParent);
+local SVUI_LootFrame = CreateFrame('Button', 'SVUI_LootFrame', SVUI_LootFrameHolder);
+SVUI_LootFrame.title = SVUI_LootFrame:CreateFontString(nil,'OVERLAY');
+SVUI_LootFrame.slots = {};
+SVUI_LootFrame:SetScript("OnHide", Loot_OnHide);
+local function HideItemTip()
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+local function HideRollTip()
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+	ResetCursor()
+local function LootRoll_SetTooltip(self)
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
+	GameTooltip:SetText(self.tiptext)
+	if self:IsEnabled() == 0 then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffff3333"..L["Can't Roll"])
+	end
+	for r, s in pairs(self.parent.rolls)do
+		if LootRollType[s] == LootRollType[self.rolltype] then
+			GameTooltip:AddLine(r, 1, 1, 1)
+		end
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+local function LootItem_SetTooltip(self)
+	if not self.link then
+		return
+	end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
+	GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.link)
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem()
+	end
+	if IsModifiedClick("DRESSUP") then
+		ShowInspectCursor()
+	else
+		ResetCursor()
+	end
+local function LootItem_OnUpdate(v)
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem()
+	end
+	CursorOnUpdate(v)
+local function LootRoll_OnClick(self)
+	if IsControlKeyDown() then
+		DressUpItemLink(self.link)
+	elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		ChatEdit_InsertLink(self.link)
+	end
+local function LootRoll_OnEvent(self, event, value)
+	dead_rollz[value] = true;
+	if self.rollID ~= value then
+		return
+	end
+	self.rollID = nil;
+	self.time = nil;
+	self:Hide()
+local function LootRoll_OnUpdate(self)
+	if not self.parent.rollID then return end
+	local remaining = GetLootRollTimeLeft(self.parent.rollID)
+	local mu = remaining / self.parent.time;
+	self.spark:Point("CENTER", self, "LEFT", mu * self:GetWidth(), 0)
+	self:SetValue(remaining)
+	if remaining > 1000000000 then
+		self:GetParent():Hide()
+	end
+local DoDaRoll = function(self)
+	RollOnLoot(self.parent.rollID, self.rolltype)
+local LootSlot_OnEnter = function(self)
+	local slotID = self:GetID()
+	if LootSlotHasItem(slotID) then
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
+		GameTooltip:SetLootItem(slotID)
+		CursorUpdate(self)
+	end
+	self.drop:Show()
+	self.drop:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
+local LootSlot_OnLeave = function(self)
+	if self.quality and self.quality > 1 then
+		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[self.quality]
+		self.drop:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+	else
+		self.drop:Hide()
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+	ResetCursor()
+local LootSlot_OnClick = function(self)
+	LootFrame.selectedQuality = self.quality;
+	LootFrame.selectedItemName = self.name:GetText()
+	LootFrame.selectedSlot = self:GetID()
+	LootFrame.selectedLootButton = self:GetName()
+	LootFrame.selectedTexture = self.icon:GetTexture()
+	if IsModifiedClick() then
+		HandleModifiedItemClick(GetLootSlotLink(self:GetID()))
+	else
+		lastID = self:GetID()
+		lastQuality = self.quality;
+		lastName = self.name:GetText()
+		LootSlot(lastID)
+	end
+local LootSlot_OnShow = function(self)
+	if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
+		GameTooltip:SetLootItem(self:GetID())
+		CursorOnUpdate(self)
+	end
+local function HandleSlots(frame)
+	local scale = 30;
+	local counter = 0;
+	for i = 1, #frame.slots do
+		local slot = frame.slots[i]
+		if slot:IsShown() then
+			counter = counter + 1;
+			slot:Point("TOP", SVUI_LootFrame, 4, (-8 + scale) - (counter * scale))
+		end
+	end
+	frame:Height(max(counter * scale + 16, 20))
+local function MakeSlots(id)
+	local size = LOOT_HEIGHT;
+	local slot = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_LootSlot"..id, SVUI_LootFrame)
+	slot:Point("LEFT", 8, 0)
+	slot:Point("RIGHT", -8, 0)
+	slot:Height(size)
+	slot:SetID(id)
+	slot:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
+	slot:SetScript("OnEnter", LootSlot_OnEnter)
+	slot:SetScript("OnLeave", LootSlot_OnLeave)
+	slot:SetScript("OnClick", LootSlot_OnClick)
+	slot:SetScript("OnShow", LootSlot_OnShow)
+	slot.iconFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, slot)
+	slot.iconFrame:Height(size)
+	slot.iconFrame:Width(size)
+	slot.iconFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot)
+	slot.iconFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Default")
+	slot.icon = slot.iconFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+	slot.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
+	slot.icon:FillInner()
+	slot.count = slot.iconFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	slot.count:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
+	slot.count:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", slot.iconFrame, -2, 2)
+	slot.count:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"), 12, "OUTLINE")
+	slot.count:SetText(1)
+	slot.name = slot:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	slot.name:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	slot.name:SetPoint("LEFT", slot)
+	slot.name:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot.icon, "LEFT")
+	slot.name:SetNonSpaceWrap(true)
+	slot.name:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"), 12, "OUTLINE")
+	slot.drop = slot:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+	slot.drop:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogTitleHighlight")
+	slot.drop:SetPoint("LEFT", slot.icon, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+	slot.drop:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot)
+	slot.drop:SetAllPoints(slot)
+	slot.drop:SetAlpha(.3)
+	slot.questTexture = slot.iconFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	slot.questTexture:FillInner()
+	slot.questTexture:SetTexture(TEXTURE_ITEM_QUEST_BANG)
+	slot.questTexture:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
+	SVUI_LootFrame.slots[id] = slot;
+	return slot
+local function CreateRollButton(rollFrame, type, locale, anchor)
+	local preset = RollTypePresets[type];
+	local rollButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, rollFrame)
+	rollButton:Point("LEFT", anchor, "RIGHT", tonumber(preset[4]), tonumber(preset[5]))
+	rollButton:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT - 4)
+	rollButton:SetNormalTexture(preset[1])
+	if preset[2] and preset[2] ~= "" then
+		rollButton:SetPushedTexture(preset[2])
+	end
+	rollButton:SetHighlightTexture(preset[3])
+	rollButton.rolltype = type;
+	rollButton.parent = rollFrame;
+	rollButton.tiptext = locale;
+	rollButton:SetScript("OnEnter", LootRoll_SetTooltip)
+	rollButton:SetScript("OnLeave", HideItemTip)
+	rollButton:SetScript("OnClick", DoDaRoll)
+	rollButton:SetMotionScriptsWhileDisabled(true)
+	local text = rollButton:CreateFontString(nil, nil)
+	text:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"),14,"OUTLINE")
+	text:Point("CENTER", 0, ((type == 2 and 1) or (type == 0 and -1.2) or 0))
+	return rollButton, text
+local function CreateRollFrame()
+	UpdateLootUpvalues()
+	local rollFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,SuperVillain.UIParent)
+	rollFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate('Default')
+	rollFrame:SetScript("OnEvent",LootRoll_OnEvent)
+	rollFrame:RegisterEvent("CANCEL_LOOT_ROLL")
+	rollFrame:Hide()
+	rollFrame.button = CreateFrame("Button",nil,rollFrame)
+	rollFrame.button:Point("RIGHT",rollFrame,'LEFT',0,0)
+	rollFrame.button:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT - 2)
+	rollFrame.button:SetPanelTemplate('Default')
+	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnEnter",LootItem_SetTooltip)
+	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnLeave",HideRollTip)
+	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnUpdate",LootItem_OnUpdate)
+	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnClick",LootRoll_OnClick)
+	rollFrame.button.icon = rollFrame.button:CreateTexture(nil,'OVERLAY')
+	rollFrame.button.icon:SetAllPoints()
+	rollFrame.button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9 )
+	local border = rollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
+	border:Point("TOPLEFT",rollFrame,"TOPLEFT",4,0)
+	border:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT",rollFrame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-4,0)
+	border:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
+	border:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	border:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL",.1,.1,.1,0,.1,.1,.1,0)
+	rollFrame.status=CreateFrame("StatusBar",nil,rollFrame)
+	rollFrame.status:FillInner()
+	rollFrame.status:SetScript("OnUpdate",LootRoll_OnUpdate)
+	rollFrame.status:SetFrameLevel(rollFrame.status:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
+	rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
+	rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarColor(.8,.8,.8,.9)
+	rollFrame.status.parent = rollFrame;
+	rollFrame.status.bg = rollFrame.status:CreateTexture(nil,'BACKGROUND')
+	rollFrame.status.bg:SetAlpha(0.1)
+	rollFrame.status.bg:SetAllPoints()
+	rollFrame.status.bg:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND',2)
+	rollFrame.status.spark = rollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
+	rollFrame.status.spark:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT * 0.5, LOOT_HEIGHT)
+	rollFrame.status.spark:SetTexture("Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark")
+	rollFrame.status.spark:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	local needButton,needText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,1,NEED,rollFrame.button)
+	local greedButton,greedText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,2,GREED,needButton,"RIGHT")
+	local deButton,deText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,3,ROLL_DISENCHANT,greedButton)
+	local passButton,passText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,0,PASS,deButton or greedButton)
+	rollFrame.NeedIt,rollFrame.WantIt,rollFrame.BreakIt = needButton,greedButton,deButton;
+	rollFrame.need,rollFrame.greed,rollFrame.pass,rollFrame.disenchant = needText,greedText,passText,deText;
+	rollFrame.bindText = rollFrame:CreateFontString()
+	rollFrame.bindText:Point("LEFT",passButton,"RIGHT",3,1)
+	rollFrame.bindText:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),14,"OUTLINE")
+	rollFrame.lootText = rollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK")
+	rollFrame.lootText:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),14,"OUTLINE")
+	rollFrame.lootText:Point("LEFT",rollFrame.bindText,"RIGHT",0,0)
+	rollFrame.lootText:Point("RIGHT",rollFrame,"RIGHT",-5,0)
+	rollFrame.lootText:Size(200,10)
+	rollFrame.lootText:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	rollFrame.yourRoll = rollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK")
+	rollFrame.yourRoll:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),18,"OUTLINE")
+	rollFrame.yourRoll:Size(22,22)
+	rollFrame.yourRoll:Point("LEFT",rollFrame,"RIGHT",5,0)
+	rollFrame.yourRoll:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	rollFrame.rolls = {}
+	return rollFrame
+local AutoConfirmLoot = function(_, event, ...)
+	if event == 'CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL' or event == 'CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL' then
+		local arg1, arg2 = ...
+		ConfirmLootRoll(arg1, arg2)
+	elseif event == 'LOOT_OPENED' or event == 'LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM' then
+		local count = GetNumLootItems()
+		if count == 0 then CloseLoot() return end
+		for slot = 1, count do
+			ConfirmLootSlot(slot)
+		end
+	end
+local LootSimpleEventsHandler = function(_, event, slot)
+	if(event == 'LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED') then
+		if not SVUI_LootFrame:IsShown() then return; end
+		SVUI_LootFrame.slots[slot]:Hide()
+		HandleSlots(SVUI_LootFrame)
+	elseif(event == 'LOOT_CLOSED') then
+		StaticPopup_Hide("LOOT_BIND")
+		SVUI_LootFrame:Hide()
+		for _,slot in pairs(SVUI_LootFrame.slots)do
+			slot:Hide()
+		end
+	elseif(event == 'OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST') then
+		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, GroupLootDropDown, SVUI_LootFrame.slots[lastID], 0, 0)
+	elseif(event == 'UPDATE_MASTER_LOOT_LIST') then
+		MasterLooterFrame_UpdatePlayers()
+	end
+local OpenedLootHandler = function(_, event, autoLoot)
+	SVUI_LootFrame:Show()
+	if not SVUI_LootFrame:IsShown() then CloseLoot(autoLoot == 0) end
+	local drops = GetNumLootItems()
+	if IsFishingLoot() then
+		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(L["Fishy Loot"])
+	elseif not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and UnitIsDead"target" then
+		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(UnitName("target"))
+	else
+		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(LOOT)
+	end
+	if GetCVar("lootUnderMouse") == "1" then
+		local cursorX,cursorY = GetCursorPosition()
+		cursorX = cursorX / SVUI_LootFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
+		cursorY = (cursorY  /  (SVUI_LootFrame:GetEffectiveScale()));
+		SVUI_LootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		SVUI_LootFrame:Point("TOPLEFT", nil, "BOTTOMLEFT", cursorX - 40, cursorY + 20)
+		SVUI_LootFrame:GetCenter()
+		SVUI_LootFrame:Raise()
+	else
+		SVUI_LootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+		SVUI_LootFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SVUI_LootFrameHolder, "TOPLEFT")
+	end
+	local iQuality, nameWidth, titleWidth = 0, 0, SVUI_LootFrame.title:GetStringWidth()
+	UpdateLootUpvalues()
+	if drops > 0 then
+		for i = 1, drops do
+			local slot = SVUI_LootFrame.slots[i] or MakeSlots(i)
+			local texture, item, quantity, quality, locked, isQuestItem, questId, isActive = GetLootSlotInfo(i)
+			local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality]
+			if texture and texture:find("INV_Misc_Coin") then
+				item = item:gsub("\n", ", ")
+			end
+			if quantity and quantity > 1 then
+				slot.count:SetText(quantity)
+				slot.count:Show()
+			else
+				slot.count:Hide()
+			end
+			if quality and quality > 1 then
+				slot.drop:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+				slot.drop:Show()
+			else
+				slot.drop:Hide()
+			end
+			slot.quality = quality;
+			slot.name:SetText(item)
+			if color then
+				slot.name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+			end
+			slot.icon:SetTexture(texture)
+			if quality then
+				iQuality = max(iQuality, quality)
+			end
+			nameWidth = max(nameWidth, slot.name:GetStringWidth())
+			local qTex = slot.questTexture;
+			if questId and not isActive then
+				qTex:Show()
+				ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
+			elseif questId or isQuestItem then
+				qTex:Hide()
+				ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
+			else
+				qTex:Hide()
+				ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
+			end
+			slot:Enable()
+			slot:Show()
+			ConfirmLootSlot(i)
+		end
+	else
+		local slot = SVUI_LootFrame.slots[1] or MakeSlots(1)
+		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[0]
+		slot.name:SetText(L["Empty Slot"])
+		if color then
+			slot.name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
+		end
+		slot.icon:SetTexture[[Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Herb_AncientLichen]]
+		drops = 1;
+		nameWidth = max(nameWidth, slot.name:GetStringWidth())
+		slot.count:Hide()
+		slot.drop:Hide()
+		slot:Disable()
+		slot:Show()
+	end
+	HandleSlots(SVUI_LootFrame)
+	nameWidth = nameWidth + 60;
+	titleWidth = titleWidth + 5;
+	local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[iQuality]
+	SVUI_LootFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, .8)
+	SVUI_LootFrame:Width(max(nameWidth, titleWidth))
+local function rollz()
+	for _,roll in ipairs(MOD.LewtRollz)do
+		if not roll.rollID then
+			return roll
+		end
+	end
+	local roll = CreateRollFrame()
+	roll:Point("TOP", next(MOD.LewtRollz) and MOD.LewtRollz[#MOD.LewtRollz] or SVUI_AlertFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, -4);
+	tinsert(MOD.LewtRollz, roll)
+	return roll
+local LootComplexEventsHandler = function(_, event, arg1, arg2)
+	if(event == "START_LOOT_ROLL") then
+		if dead_rollz[arg1] then return end
+		local texture,name,count,quality,bindOnPickUp,canNeed,canGreed,canBreak = GetLootRollItemInfo(arg1);
+		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality];
+		local rollFrame = rollz();
+		rollFrame.rollID = arg1;
+		rollFrame.time = arg2;
+		for i in pairs(rollFrame.rolls)do
+			rollFrame.rolls[i] = nil
+		end
+		rollFrame.need:SetText(0)
+		rollFrame.greed:SetText(0)
+		rollFrame.pass:SetText(0)
+		rollFrame.disenchant:SetText(0)
+		rollFrame.button.icon:SetTexture(texture)
+		rollFrame.button.link = GetLootRollItemLink(arg1)
+		if canNeed then
+			rollFrame.NeedIt:Enable()
+			rollFrame.NeedIt:SetAlpha(1)
+		else
+			rollFrame.NeedIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
+			rollFrame.NeedIt:Disable()
+		end
+		if canGreed then
+			rollFrame.WantIt:Enable()
+			rollFrame.WantIt:SetAlpha(1)
+		else
+			rollFrame.WantIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
+			rollFrame.WantIt:Disable()
+		end
+		if canBreak then
+			rollFrame.BreakIt:Enable()
+			rollFrame.BreakIt:SetAlpha(1)
+		else
+			rollFrame.BreakIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
+			rollFrame.BreakIt:Disable()
+		end
+		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.NeedIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canNeed)
+		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.WantIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canGreed)
+		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.BreakIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canBreak)
+		rollFrame.bindText:SetText(bindOnPickUp and "BoP" or "BoE")
+		rollFrame.bindText:SetVertexColor(bindOnPickUp and 1 or 0.3, bindOnPickUp and 0.3 or 1, bindOnPickUp and 0.1 or 0.3)
+		rollFrame.lootText:SetText(name)
+		rollFrame.yourRoll:SetText("")
+		rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarColor(color.r,color.g,color.b,0.7)
+		rollFrame.status.bg:SetTexture(color.r,color.g,color.b)
+		rollFrame.status:SetMinMaxValues(0,arg2)
+		rollFrame.status:SetValue(arg2)
+		rollFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",WorldFrame,"CENTER")
+		rollFrame:Show()
+		AlertFrame_FixAnchors()
+		if SuperVillain.db.SVHenchmen.autoRoll and UnitLevel('player') == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and quality == 2 and not bindOnPickUp then
+			if canBreak then
+				RollOnLoot(arg1,3)
+			else
+				RollOnLoot(arg1,2)
+			end
+		end
+	elseif(event == "LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_CHANGED") then
+		local rollID,_,_,_,_,_ = C_LootHistory.GetItem(arg1);
+		local name,_,rollType,rollResult,_ = C_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo(arg1,arg2);
+		if name and rollType then
+			for _,roll in ipairs(MOD.LewtRollz)do
+				if roll.rollID == rollID then
+					roll.rolls[name] = rollType;
+					roll[LootRollType[rollType]]:SetText(tonumber(roll[LootRollType[rollType]]:GetText()) + 1);
+					return
+				end
+				if rollResult then
+					roll.yourRoll:SetText(tostring(rollResult))
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end

+local GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot = function(self)
+	if lastQuality >= MASTER_LOOT_THREHOLD then
+		local confirmed = SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION",ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[lastQuality].hex..lastName..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE,self:GetText());
+		if confirmed then confirmed.data = self.value end
+	else
+		GiveMasterLoot(lastID, self.value)
+	end
+	CloseDropDownMenus()
+	SuperVillain.SystemAlert["CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION"].OnAccept = function(self,index) GiveMasterLoot(lastID,index) end
 function MOD:Load()
@@ -151,9 +1020,54 @@ function MOD:Load()
 	self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED', ErrorFrameHandler)
 	self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED', ErrorFrameHandler)

-	self:OverrideAlerts()
-	self:OverrideLootFrame()
-	self:OverrideMirrorBars()
+	SVUI_AlertFrame:SetParent(SuperVillain.UIParent)
+	SVUI_AlertFrame:SetPoint("TOP", SuperVillain.UIParent, "TOP", 0, -18);
+	SuperVillain:SetSVMovable(SVUI_AlertFrame, L["Loot  /  Alert Frames"], nil, nil, AlertFramePostMove_Hook)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_FixAnchors', AlertFramePostMove_Hook)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors)
+	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors)
+	LootFrame:UnregisterAllEvents();
+	SVUI_LootFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate('Transparent');
+	SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),18,"OUTLINE")
+	SuperVillain:SetSVMovable(SVUI_LootFrameHolder, L["Loot Frame"], nil, nil, nil, nil, "SVUI_LootFrame");
+	tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "SVUI_LootFrame");
+	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM")
+	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL")
+	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL")
+	self:RegisterEvent("CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL", AutoConfirmLoot)
+	self:RegisterEvent("CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL", AutoConfirmLoot)
+	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM", AutoConfirmLoot)
+	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED", OpenedLootHandler);
+	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
+	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
+	self:RegisterEvent("OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
+	self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MASTER_LOOT_LIST", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
+	if self.db.lootRoll then
+		self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_CHANGED", LootComplexEventsHandler);
+		self:RegisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL", LootComplexEventsHandler);
+		UIParent:UnregisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL");
+		UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CANCEL_LOOT_ROLL");
+	end
+	_G.GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot = GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot
+	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START")
+	self:RegisterEvent("CVAR_UPDATE", MirrorBarUpdateHandler)
+	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", MirrorBarUpdateHandler)
+	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
+	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_STOP", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
+	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_PAUSE", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
+	self:RegisterEvent("START_TIMER", MirrorBarToggleHandler)

 	local exit = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_BailOut", SuperVillain.UIParent, "SecureHandlerClickTemplate")
 	exit:Size(40, 40)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6762d90..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/SVOverride.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVOverride.lua'/>
-	<Include file='common\_load.xml'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/_load.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6645910..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/_load.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='alert.lua'/>
-	<Script file='looting.lua'/>
-	<Script file='mirror.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/alert.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/alert.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eea635c..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/alert.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local pairs 	= _G.pairs;
-local tinsert 	= _G.tinsert;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local find, format, len, split = string.find, string.format, string.len, string.split;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local abs, ceil, floor, round = math.abs, math.ceil, math.floor, math.round;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVOverride');
-local NewHook = hooksecurefunc;
-local FORCE_POSITION = false;
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors = function(self)
-	if MissingLootFrame:IsShown() then
-		MissingLootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		MissingLootFrame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT)
-		if GroupLootContainer:IsShown() then
-			GroupLootContainer:ClearAllPoints()
-			GroupLootContainer:SetPoint(POSITION, MissingLootFrame, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-		end
-	elseif GroupLootContainer:IsShown() or FORCE_POSITION then
-		GroupLootContainer:ClearAllPoints()
-		GroupLootContainer:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT)
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors = function(self)
-	for i = 1, #LOOT_WON_ALERT_FRAMES do
-		local frame = LOOT_WON_ALERT_FRAMES[i]
-		if frame:IsShown() then
-			frame:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-			self = frame
-		end
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors = function(self)
-	for i = 1, #MONEY_WON_ALERT_FRAMES do
-		local frame = MONEY_WON_ALERT_FRAMES[i]
-		if frame:IsShown() then
-			frame:ClearAllPoints()
-			frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-			self = frame
-		end
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors = function(self)
-	if AchievementAlertFrame1 then
-			local frame = _G["AchievementAlertFrame"..i]
-			if frame and frame:IsShown() then
-				frame:ClearAllPoints()
-				frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-				self = frame
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors = function(self)
-	if CriteriaAlertFrame1 then
-			local frame = _G["CriteriaAlertFrame"..i]
-			if frame and frame:IsShown() then
-				frame:ClearAllPoints()
-				frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-				self = frame
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors = function(self)
-	local frame = ChallengeModeAlertFrame1;
-	if frame:IsShown() then
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors = function(self)
-	local frame = DungeonCompletionAlertFrame1;
-	if frame:IsShown() then
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors = function(self)
-	local frame = StorePurchaseAlertFrame;
-	if frame:IsShown() then
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors = function(self)
-	local frame = ScenarioAlertFrame1;
-	if frame:IsShown() then
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-	end
-local _hook_AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors = function(self)
-	local frame = GuildChallengeAlertFrame;
-	if frame:IsShown() then
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint(POSITION, self, ANCHOR_POINT, 0, YOFFSET)
-	end
-local afrm = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUI_AlertFrame", UIParent);
-local AlertFramePostMove_Hook = function(forced)
-	local b, c = SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:GetCenter()
-	local d = SuperVillain.UIParent:GetTop()
-	if(c > (d  /  2)) then
-		YOFFSET = -10;
-		SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:SetText(SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE.textString.." (Grow Down)")
-	else
-		YOFFSET = 10;
-		SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE:SetText(SVUI_AlertFrame_MOVE.textString.." (Grow Up)")
-	end;
-	if SuperVillain.db.SVOverride.lootRoll then
-		local f, g;
-		for h, i in pairs(MOD.LewtRollz) do
-			i:ClearAllPoints()
-			if h   ~= 1 then
-				if POSITION == "TOP" then
-					i:Point("TOP", f, "BOTTOM", 0, -4)
-				else
-					i:Point("BOTTOM", f, "TOP", 0, 4)
-				end
-			else
-				if POSITION == "TOP" then
-					i:Point("TOP", SVUI_AlertFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, -4)
-				else
-					i:Point("BOTTOM", SVUI_AlertFrame, "TOP", 0, 4)
-				end
-			end;
-			f = i;
-			if i:IsShown() then
-				g = i
-			end
-		end;
-		AlertFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		if g then
-			AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(g)
-		else
-			AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(SVUI_AlertFrame)
-		end
-	else
-		AlertFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		AlertFrame:SetAllPoints(SVUI_AlertFrame)
-	end;
-	if forced then
-		AlertFrame_FixAnchors()
-	end
-function MOD:OverrideAlerts()
-	SVUI_AlertFrame:SetParent(SuperVillain.UIParent)
-	SVUI_AlertFrame:SetPoint("TOP", SuperVillain.UIParent, "TOP", 0, -18);
-	SuperVillain:SetSVMovable(SVUI_AlertFrame, L["Loot  /  Alert Frames"], nil, nil, AlertFramePostMove_Hook)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_FixAnchors', AlertFramePostMove_Hook)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetLootWonAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetMoneyWonAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetAchievementAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetCriteriaAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetChallengeModeAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetDungeonCompletionAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetScenarioAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetGuildChallengeAnchors)
-	NewHook('AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors', _hook_AlertFrame_SetStorePurchaseAnchors)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/looting.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/looting.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fdcdcc6..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/looting.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local pairs 	= _G.pairs;
-local tonumber	= _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert 	= _G.tinsert;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local find, format, len, split = string.find, string.format, string.len, string.split;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local abs, ceil, floor, round = math.abs, math.ceil, math.floor, math.round;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVOverride');
-local lastQuality,lastID,lastName;
-local dead_rollz={}
-local RollTypePresets = {
-	[0] = {
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Up",
-		"",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-Down",
-		[[0]],
-		[[2]]
-	},
-	[1] = {
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Up",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Highlight",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Down",
-		[[5]],
-		[[-1]]
-	},
-	[2] = {
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Up",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Highlight",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Coin-Down",
-		[[0]],
-		[[-1]]
-	},
-	[3] = {
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Up",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Highlight",
-		"Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-DE-Down",
-		[[0]],
-		[[-1]]
-	}
-local LootRollType = {[1] = "need", [2] = "greed", [3] = "disenchant", [0] = "pass"};
-local LOOT_WIDTH, LOOT_HEIGHT = 328, 28
-local function UpdateLootUpvalues()
-	LOOT_WIDTH = MOD.db.lootRollWidth
-	LOOT_HEIGHT = MOD.db.lootRollHeight
-local Loot_OnHide = function(self)
-	SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Hide("CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION");
-	CloseLoot()
-local SVUI_LootFrameHolder = CreateFrame("Frame","SVUI_LootFrameHolder",SuperVillain.UIParent);
-local SVUI_LootFrame = CreateFrame('Button', 'SVUI_LootFrame', SVUI_LootFrameHolder);
-SVUI_LootFrame.title = SVUI_LootFrame:CreateFontString(nil,'OVERLAY');
-SVUI_LootFrame.slots = {};
-SVUI_LootFrame:SetScript("OnHide", Loot_OnHide);
-local function HideItemTip()
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-local function HideRollTip()
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-	ResetCursor()
-local function LootRoll_SetTooltip(self)
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
-	GameTooltip:SetText(self.tiptext)
-	if self:IsEnabled() == 0 then
-		GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffff3333"..L["Can't Roll"])
-	end
-	for r, s in pairs(self.parent.rolls)do
-		if LootRollType[s] == LootRollType[self.rolltype] then
-			GameTooltip:AddLine(r, 1, 1, 1)
-		end
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-local function LootItem_SetTooltip(self)
-	if not self.link then
-		return
-	end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
-	GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.link)
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem()
-	end
-	if IsModifiedClick("DRESSUP") then
-		ShowInspectCursor()
-	else
-		ResetCursor()
-	end
-local function LootItem_OnUpdate(v)
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem()
-	end
-	CursorOnUpdate(v)
-local function LootRoll_OnClick(self)
-	if IsControlKeyDown() then
-		DressUpItemLink(self.link)
-	elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		ChatEdit_InsertLink(self.link)
-	end
-local function LootRoll_OnEvent(self, event, value)
-	dead_rollz[value] = true;
-	if self.rollID ~= value then
-		return
-	end
-	self.rollID = nil;
-	self.time = nil;
-	self:Hide()
-local function LootRoll_OnUpdate(self)
-	if not self.parent.rollID then return end
-	local remaining = GetLootRollTimeLeft(self.parent.rollID)
-	local mu = remaining / self.parent.time;
-	self.spark:Point("CENTER", self, "LEFT", mu * self:GetWidth(), 0)
-	self:SetValue(remaining)
-	if remaining > 1000000000 then
-		self:GetParent():Hide()
-	end
-local DoDaRoll = function(self)
-	RollOnLoot(self.parent.rollID,self.rolltype)
-local LootSlot_OnEnter = function(self)
-	local slotID = self:GetID()
-	if LootSlotHasItem(slotID) then
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
-		GameTooltip:SetLootItem(slotID)
-		CursorUpdate(self)
-	end
-	self.drop:Show()
-	self.drop:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0)
-local LootSlot_OnLeave = function(self)
-	if self.quality and self.quality > 1 then
-		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[self.quality]
-		self.drop:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
-	else
-		self.drop:Hide()
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-	ResetCursor()
-local LootSlot_OnClick = function(self)
-	LootFrame.selectedQuality = self.quality;
-	LootFrame.selectedItemName = self.name:GetText()
-	LootFrame.selectedSlot = self:GetID()
-	LootFrame.selectedLootButton = self:GetName()
-	LootFrame.selectedTexture = self.icon:GetTexture()
-	if IsModifiedClick() then
-		HandleModifiedItemClick(GetLootSlotLink(self:GetID()))
-	else
-		lastID = self:GetID()
-		lastQuality = self.quality;
-		lastName = self.name:GetText()
-		LootSlot(lastID)
-	end
-local LootSlot_OnShow = function(self)
-	if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
-		GameTooltip:SetLootItem(self:GetID())
-		CursorOnUpdate(self)
-	end
-local function HandleSlots(frame)
-	local scale = 30;
-	local counter = 0;
-	for i = 1, #frame.slots do
-		local slot = frame.slots[i]
-		if slot:IsShown() then
-			counter = counter + 1;
-			slot:Point("TOP", SVUI_LootFrame, 4, (-8 + scale) - (counter * scale))
-		end
-	end
-	frame:Height(max(counter * scale + 16, 20))
-local function MakeSlots(id)
-	local size = LOOT_HEIGHT;
-	local slot = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_LootSlot"..id, SVUI_LootFrame)
-	slot:Point("LEFT", 8, 0)
-	slot:Point("RIGHT", -8, 0)
-	slot:Height(size)
-	slot:SetID(id)
-	slot:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
-	slot:SetScript("OnEnter", LootSlot_OnEnter)
-	slot:SetScript("OnLeave", LootSlot_OnLeave)
-	slot:SetScript("OnClick", LootSlot_OnClick)
-	slot:SetScript("OnShow", LootSlot_OnShow)
-	slot.iconFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, slot)
-	slot.iconFrame:Height(size)
-	slot.iconFrame:Width(size)
-	slot.iconFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot)
-	slot.iconFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate("Default")
-	slot.icon = slot.iconFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-	slot.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
-	slot.icon:FillInner()
-	slot.count = slot.iconFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-	slot.count:SetJustifyH("RIGHT")
-	slot.count:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", slot.iconFrame, -2, 2)
-	slot.count:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"), 12, "OUTLINE")
-	slot.count:SetText(1)
-	slot.name = slot:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-	slot.name:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
-	slot.name:SetPoint("LEFT", slot)
-	slot.name:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot.icon, "LEFT")
-	slot.name:SetNonSpaceWrap(true)
-	slot.name:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"), 12, "OUTLINE")
-	slot.drop = slot:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-	slot.drop:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogTitleHighlight")
-	slot.drop:SetPoint("LEFT", slot.icon, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-	slot.drop:SetPoint("RIGHT", slot)
-	slot.drop:SetAllPoints(slot)
-	slot.drop:SetAlpha(.3)
-	slot.questTexture = slot.iconFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-	slot.questTexture:FillInner()
-	slot.questTexture:SetTexture(TEXTURE_ITEM_QUEST_BANG)
-	slot.questTexture:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
-	SVUI_LootFrame.slots[id] = slot;
-	return slot
-local function CreateRollButton(rollFrame, type, locale, anchor)
-	local preset = RollTypePresets[type];
-	local rollButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, rollFrame)
-	rollButton:Point("LEFT", anchor, "RIGHT", tonumber(preset[4]), tonumber(preset[5]))
-	rollButton:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT - 4)
-	rollButton:SetNormalTexture(preset[1])
-	if preset[2] and preset[2] ~= "" then
-		rollButton:SetPushedTexture(preset[2])
-	end
-	rollButton:SetHighlightTexture(preset[3])
-	rollButton.rolltype = type;
-	rollButton.parent = rollFrame;
-	rollButton.tiptext = locale;
-	rollButton:SetScript("OnEnter", LootRoll_SetTooltip)
-	rollButton:SetScript("OnLeave", HideItemTip)
-	rollButton:SetScript("OnClick", DoDaRoll)
-	rollButton:SetMotionScriptsWhileDisabled(true)
-	local text = rollButton:CreateFontString(nil, nil)
-	text:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "Roboto"),14,"OUTLINE")
-	text:Point("CENTER", 0, ((type == 2 and 1) or (type == 0 and -1.2) or 0))
-	return rollButton, text
-local function CreateRollFrame()
-	UpdateLootUpvalues()
-	local rollFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,SuperVillain.UIParent)
-	rollFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate('Default')
-	rollFrame:SetScript("OnEvent",LootRoll_OnEvent)
-	rollFrame:RegisterEvent("CANCEL_LOOT_ROLL")
-	rollFrame:Hide()
-	rollFrame.button = CreateFrame("Button",nil,rollFrame)
-	rollFrame.button:Point("RIGHT",rollFrame,'LEFT',0,0)
-	rollFrame.button:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT - 2)
-	rollFrame.button:SetPanelTemplate('Default')
-	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnEnter",LootItem_SetTooltip)
-	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnLeave",HideRollTip)
-	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnUpdate",LootItem_OnUpdate)
-	rollFrame.button:SetScript("OnClick",LootRoll_OnClick)
-	rollFrame.button.icon = rollFrame.button:CreateTexture(nil,'OVERLAY')
-	rollFrame.button.icon:SetAllPoints()
-	rollFrame.button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9 )
-	local border = rollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER")
-	border:Point("TOPLEFT",rollFrame,"TOPLEFT",4,0)
-	border:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT",rollFrame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-4,0)
-	border:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground")
-	border:SetBlendMode("ADD")
-	border:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL",.1,.1,.1,0,.1,.1,.1,0)
-	rollFrame.status=CreateFrame("StatusBar",nil,rollFrame)
-	rollFrame.status:FillInner()
-	rollFrame.status:SetScript("OnUpdate",LootRoll_OnUpdate)
-	rollFrame.status:SetFrameLevel(rollFrame.status:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
-	rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
-	rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarColor(.8,.8,.8,.9)
-	rollFrame.status.parent = rollFrame;
-	rollFrame.status.bg = rollFrame.status:CreateTexture(nil,'BACKGROUND')
-	rollFrame.status.bg:SetAlpha(0.1)
-	rollFrame.status.bg:SetAllPoints()
-	rollFrame.status.bg:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND',2)
-	rollFrame.status.spark = rollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY")
-	rollFrame.status.spark:Size(LOOT_HEIGHT * 0.5, LOOT_HEIGHT)
-	rollFrame.status.spark:SetTexture("Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark")
-	rollFrame.status.spark:SetBlendMode("ADD")
-	local needButton,needText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,1,NEED,rollFrame.button)
-	local greedButton,greedText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,2,GREED,needButton,"RIGHT")
-	local deButton,deText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,3,ROLL_DISENCHANT,greedButton)
-	local passButton,passText = CreateRollButton(rollFrame,0,PASS,deButton or greedButton)
-	rollFrame.NeedIt,rollFrame.WantIt,rollFrame.BreakIt = needButton,greedButton,deButton;
-	rollFrame.need,rollFrame.greed,rollFrame.pass,rollFrame.disenchant = needText,greedText,passText,deText;
-	rollFrame.bindText = rollFrame:CreateFontString()
-	rollFrame.bindText:Point("LEFT",passButton,"RIGHT",3,1)
-	rollFrame.bindText:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),14,"OUTLINE")
-	rollFrame.lootText = rollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK")
-	rollFrame.lootText:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),14,"OUTLINE")
-	rollFrame.lootText:Point("LEFT",rollFrame.bindText,"RIGHT",0,0)
-	rollFrame.lootText:Point("RIGHT",rollFrame,"RIGHT",-5,0)
-	rollFrame.lootText:Size(200,10)
-	rollFrame.lootText:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
-	rollFrame.yourRoll = rollFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK")
-	rollFrame.yourRoll:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),18,"OUTLINE")
-	rollFrame.yourRoll:Size(22,22)
-	rollFrame.yourRoll:Point("LEFT",rollFrame,"RIGHT",5,0)
-	rollFrame.yourRoll:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
-	rollFrame.rolls = {}
-	return rollFrame
-local AutoConfirmLoot = function(_, event, ...)
-	if event == 'CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL' or event == 'CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL' then
-		local arg1, arg2 = ...
-		ConfirmLootRoll(arg1, arg2)
-	elseif event == 'LOOT_OPENED' or event == 'LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM' then
-		local count = GetNumLootItems()
-		if count == 0 then CloseLoot() return end
-		for slot = 1, count do
-			ConfirmLootSlot(slot)
-		end
-	end
-local LootSimpleEventsHandler = function(_, event, slot)
-	if(event == 'LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED') then
-		if not SVUI_LootFrame:IsShown() then return; end
-		SVUI_LootFrame.slots[slot]:Hide()
-		HandleSlots(SVUI_LootFrame)
-	elseif(event == 'LOOT_CLOSED') then
-		StaticPopup_Hide("LOOT_BIND")
-		SVUI_LootFrame:Hide()
-		for _,slot in pairs(SVUI_LootFrame.slots)do
-			slot:Hide()
-		end
-	elseif(event == 'OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST') then
-		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, GroupLootDropDown, SVUI_LootFrame.slots[lastID], 0, 0)
-	elseif(event == 'UPDATE_MASTER_LOOT_LIST') then
-		MasterLooterFrame_UpdatePlayers()
-	end
-local OpenedLootHandler = function(_, event, autoLoot)
-	SVUI_LootFrame:Show()
-	if not SVUI_LootFrame:IsShown() then CloseLoot(autoLoot == 0) end
-	local drops = GetNumLootItems()
-	if IsFishingLoot() then
-		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(L["Fishy Loot"])
-	elseif not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and UnitIsDead"target" then
-		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(UnitName("target"))
-	else
-		SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetText(LOOT)
-	end
-	if GetCVar("lootUnderMouse") == "1" then
-		local cursorX,cursorY = GetCursorPosition()
-		cursorX = cursorX / SVUI_LootFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
-		cursorY = (cursorY  /  (SVUI_LootFrame:GetEffectiveScale()));
-		SVUI_LootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		SVUI_LootFrame:Point("TOPLEFT", nil, "BOTTOMLEFT", cursorX - 40, cursorY + 20)
-		SVUI_LootFrame:GetCenter()
-		SVUI_LootFrame:Raise()
-	else
-		SVUI_LootFrame:ClearAllPoints()
-		SVUI_LootFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SVUI_LootFrameHolder, "TOPLEFT")
-	end
-	local iQuality, nameWidth, titleWidth = 0, 0, SVUI_LootFrame.title:GetStringWidth()
-	UpdateLootUpvalues()
-	if drops > 0 then
-		for i = 1, drops do
-			local slot = SVUI_LootFrame.slots[i] or MakeSlots(i)
-			local texture, item, quantity, quality, locked, isQuestItem, questId, isActive = GetLootSlotInfo(i)
-			local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality]
-			if texture and texture:find("INV_Misc_Coin") then
-				item = item:gsub("\n", ", ")
-			end
-			if quantity and quantity > 1 then
-				slot.count:SetText(quantity)
-				slot.count:Show()
-			else
-				slot.count:Hide()
-			end
-			if quality and quality > 1 then
-				slot.drop:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
-				slot.drop:Show()
-			else
-				slot.drop:Hide()
-			end
-			slot.quality = quality;
-			slot.name:SetText(item)
-			if color then
-				slot.name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
-			end
-			slot.icon:SetTexture(texture)
-			if quality then
-				iQuality = max(iQuality, quality)
-			end
-			nameWidth = max(nameWidth, slot.name:GetStringWidth())
-			local qTex = slot.questTexture;
-			if questId and not isActive then
-				qTex:Show()
-				ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
-			elseif questId or isQuestItem then
-				qTex:Hide()
-				ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
-			else
-				qTex:Hide()
-				ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow(slot.iconFrame)
-			end
-			slot:Enable()
-			slot:Show()
-			ConfirmLootSlot(i)
-		end
-	else
-		local slot = SVUI_LootFrame.slots[1] or MakeSlots(1)
-		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[0]
-		slot.name:SetText(L["Empty Slot"])
-		if color then
-			slot.name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
-		end
-		slot.icon:SetTexture[[Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Herb_AncientLichen]]
-		drops = 1;
-		nameWidth = max(nameWidth, slot.name:GetStringWidth())
-		slot.count:Hide()
-		slot.drop:Hide()
-		slot:Disable()
-		slot:Show()
-	end
-	HandleSlots(SVUI_LootFrame)
-	nameWidth = nameWidth + 60;
-	titleWidth = titleWidth + 5;
-	local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[iQuality]
-	SVUI_LootFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, .8)
-	SVUI_LootFrame:Width(max(nameWidth, titleWidth))
-local function rollz()
-	for _,roll in ipairs(MOD.LewtRollz)do
-		if not roll.rollID then
-			return roll
-		end
-	end
-	local roll = CreateRollFrame()
-	roll:Point("TOP", next(MOD.LewtRollz) and MOD.LewtRollz[#MOD.LewtRollz] or SVUI_AlertFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, -4);
-	tinsert(MOD.LewtRollz, roll)
-	return roll
-local LootComplexEventsHandler = function(_, event, arg1, arg2)
-	if(event == "START_LOOT_ROLL") then
-		if dead_rollz[arg1] then return end
-		local texture,name,count,quality,bindOnPickUp,canNeed,canGreed,canBreak = GetLootRollItemInfo(arg1);
-		local color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality];
-		local rollFrame = rollz();
-		rollFrame.rollID = arg1;
-		rollFrame.time = arg2;
-		for i in pairs(rollFrame.rolls)do
-			rollFrame.rolls[i] = nil
-		end
-		rollFrame.need:SetText(0)
-		rollFrame.greed:SetText(0)
-		rollFrame.pass:SetText(0)
-		rollFrame.disenchant:SetText(0)
-		rollFrame.button.icon:SetTexture(texture)
-		rollFrame.button.link = GetLootRollItemLink(arg1)
-		if canNeed then
-			rollFrame.NeedIt:Enable()
-			rollFrame.NeedIt:SetAlpha(1)
-		else
-			rollFrame.NeedIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
-			rollFrame.NeedIt:Disable()
-		end
-		if canGreed then
-			rollFrame.WantIt:Enable()
-			rollFrame.WantIt:SetAlpha(1)
-		else
-			rollFrame.WantIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
-			rollFrame.WantIt:Disable()
-		end
-		if canBreak then
-			rollFrame.BreakIt:Enable()
-			rollFrame.BreakIt:SetAlpha(1)
-		else
-			rollFrame.BreakIt:SetAlpha(0.2)
-			rollFrame.BreakIt:Disable()
-		end
-		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.NeedIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canNeed)
-		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.WantIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canGreed)
-		SetDesaturation(rollFrame.BreakIt:GetNormalTexture(),not canBreak)
-		rollFrame.bindText:SetText(bindOnPickUp and "BoP" or "BoE")
-		rollFrame.bindText:SetVertexColor(bindOnPickUp and 1 or 0.3, bindOnPickUp and 0.3 or 1, bindOnPickUp and 0.1 or 0.3)
-		rollFrame.lootText:SetText(name)
-		rollFrame.yourRoll:SetText("")
-		rollFrame.status:SetStatusBarColor(color.r,color.g,color.b,0.7)
-		rollFrame.status.bg:SetTexture(color.r,color.g,color.b)
-		rollFrame.status:SetMinMaxValues(0,arg2)
-		rollFrame.status:SetValue(arg2)
-		rollFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",WorldFrame,"CENTER")
-		rollFrame:Show()
-		AlertFrame_FixAnchors()
-		if SuperVillain.db.SVHenchmen.autoRoll and UnitLevel('player') == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and quality == 2 and not bindOnPickUp then
-			if canBreak then
-				RollOnLoot(arg1,3)
-			else
-				RollOnLoot(arg1,2)
-			end
-		end
-	elseif(event == "LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_CHANGED") then
-		local rollID,_,_,_,_,_ = C_LootHistory.GetItem(arg1);
-		local name,_,rollType,rollResult,_ = C_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo(arg1,arg2);
-		if name and rollType then
-			for _,roll in ipairs(MOD.LewtRollz)do
-				if roll.rollID == rollID then
-					roll.rolls[name] = rollType;
-					roll[LootRollType[rollType]]:SetText(tonumber(roll[LootRollType[rollType]]:GetText()) + 1);
-					return
-				end
-				if rollResult then
-					roll.yourRoll:SetText(tostring(rollResult))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot = function(self)
-	if lastQuality >= MASTER_LOOT_THREHOLD then
-		local confirmed = SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Show("CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION",ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[lastQuality].hex..lastName..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE,self:GetText());
-		if confirmed then confirmed.data = self.value end
-	else
-		GiveMasterLoot(lastID, self.value)
-	end
-	CloseDropDownMenus()
-	SuperVillain.SystemAlert["CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION"].OnAccept = function(self,index) GiveMasterLoot(lastID,index) end
-function MOD:OverrideLootFrame()
-	LootFrame:UnregisterAllEvents();
-	SVUI_LootFrame:SetFixedPanelTemplate('Transparent');
-	SVUI_LootFrame.title:SetFont(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", "SVUI Number Font"),18,"OUTLINE")
-	SuperVillain:SetSVMovable(SVUI_LootFrameHolder, L["Loot Frame"], nil, nil, nil, nil, "SVUI_LootFrame");
-	tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "SVUI_LootFrame");
-	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM")
-	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL")
-	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL")
-	self:RegisterEvent("CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL", AutoConfirmLoot)
-	self:RegisterEvent("CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL", AutoConfirmLoot)
-	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM", AutoConfirmLoot)
-	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED", OpenedLootHandler);
-	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
-	self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
-	self:RegisterEvent("OPEN_MASTER_LOOT_LIST", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
-	self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MASTER_LOOT_LIST", LootSimpleEventsHandler);
-	if SuperVillain.db.SVOverride.lootRoll then
-		self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_CHANGED", LootComplexEventsHandler);
-		self:RegisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL", LootComplexEventsHandler);
-		UIParent:UnregisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL");
-		UIParent:UnregisterEvent("CANCEL_LOOT_ROLL");
-	end
-	_G.GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot = GroupLootDropDown_GiveLoot
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/mirror.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/mirror.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 76d6a17..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/override/common/mirror.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack 	= _G.unpack;
-local select 	= _G.select;
-local pairs 	= _G.pairs;
-local tonumber	= _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert 	= _G.tinsert;
-local string 	= _G.string;
-local math 		= _G.math;
-local find, format, len, split = string.find, string.format, string.len, string.split;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local abs, ceil, floor, round = math.abs, math.ceil, math.floor, math.round;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVOverride');
-local mirrorYOffset={
-	["BREATH"] = 96,
-	["EXHAUSTION"] = 119,
-	["FEIGNDEATH"] = 142
-local mirrorTypeColor={
-	EXHAUSTION = {1,.9,0},
-	BREATH = {0.31,0.45,0.63},
-	DEATH = {1,.7,0},
-	FEIGNDEATH = {1,.7,0}
-local RegisteredMirrorBars={}
-local SetMirrorPosition = function(bar)
-	local yOffset = mirrorYOffset[bar.type]
-	return bar:Point("TOP", SuperVillain.UIParent, "TOP", 0, -yOffset)
-local MirrorBar_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
-	if self.paused then
-		return
-	end;
-	self.lastupdate = (self.lastupdate or 0) + elapsed;
-	if self.lastupdate < .1 then
-		return
-	end;
-	self.lastupdate = 0;
-	self:SetValue(GetMirrorTimerProgress(self.type) / 1e3)
-local MirrorBar_Start = function(self, min, max, s, t, text)
-	if t > 0 then
-		self.paused = 1
-	elseif self.paused then
-		self.paused = nil
-	end;
-	self.text:SetText(text)
-	self:SetMinMaxValues(0, max / 1e3)
-	self:SetValue(min / 1e3)
-	if not self:IsShown() then
-		self:Show()
-	end
-local function MirrorBarRegistry(barType)
-	if RegisteredMirrorBars[barType] then
-		return RegisteredMirrorBars[barType]
-	end;
-	local bar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, SuperVillain.UIParent)
-	bar:SetPanelTemplate("Bar", false, 3, 3, 3)
-	bar:SetScript("OnUpdate", MirrorBar_OnUpdate)
-	local r, g, b = unpack(mirrorTypeColor[barType])
-	bar.text = bar:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-	bar.text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Media.font.roboto, 12, 'OUTLINE')
-	bar.text:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
-	bar.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
-	bar.text:SetPoint('LEFT', bar)
-	bar.text:SetPoint('RIGHT', bar)
-	bar.text:Point('TOP', bar, 0, 2)
-	bar.text:SetPoint('BOTTOM', bar)
-	bar:Size(222, 18)
-	bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
-	bar:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b)
-	bar.type = barType;
-	bar.Start = MirrorBar_Start;
-	bar.Stop = Stop;
-	SetMirrorPosition(bar)
-	RegisteredMirrorBars[barType] = bar;
-	return bar
-local function SetTimerStyle(bar)
-	for i=1, bar:GetNumRegions()do
-		local child = select(i, bar:GetRegions())
-		if child:GetObjectType() == "Texture"then
-			child:SetTexture(nil)
-		elseif child:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then
-			child:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Media.font.roboto, 12, 'OUTLINE')
-		end
-	end;
-	bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Template\DEFAULT]])
-	bar:SetStatusBarColor(0.37, 0.92, 0.08)
-	bar:SetPanelTemplate("Bar", false, 3, 3, 3)
-local MirrorBarToggleHandler = function(_, event, arg, ...)
-	if(event == "START_TIMER") then
-		for _,timer in pairs(TimerTracker.timerList)do
-			if timer["bar"] and not timer["bar"].styled then
-				SetTimerStyle(timer["bar"])
-				timer["bar"].styled = true
-			end
-		end
-	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_START") then
-		return MirrorBarRegistry(arg):Start(...)
-	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_STOP") then
-		return MirrorBarRegistry(arg):Hide()
-	elseif(event == "MIRROR_TIMER_PAUSE") then
-		local pausedValue = (arg > 0 and arg or nil);
-		for barType,bar in next,RegisteredMirrorBars do
-			bar.paused = pausedValue;
-		end
-	end
-local MirrorBarUpdateHandler = function(_, event)
-	if not GetCVarBool("lockActionBars") and SuperVillain.db.SVBar.enable then
-		SetCVar("lockActionBars", 1)
-	end
-	if(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
-			local v, q, r, s, t, u = GetMirrorTimerInfo(i)
-			if v ~= "UNKNOWN"then
-				MirrorBarRegistry(v):Start(q, r, s, t, u)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function MOD:OverrideMirrorBars()
-	UIParent:UnregisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START")
-	self:RegisterEvent("CVAR_UPDATE", MirrorBarUpdateHandler)
-	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", MirrorBarUpdateHandler)
-	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_START", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
-	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_STOP", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
-	self:RegisterEvent("MIRROR_TIMER_PAUSE", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
-	self:RegisterEvent("START_TIMER", MirrorBarToggleHandler)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.lua
index c906693..1d3a50e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.lua
@@ -140,12 +140,28 @@ local AuraFSize = 10;
 local AuraFOutline = "MONOCHROME";
 local AuraMaxCount = 5;

+local AuraFont = SuperVillain.Media.font.numbers;
+local AuraFSize = 7;
+local AuraFOutline = "OUTLINE";
+local AuraFilterName, AuraFilter;
+local AuraMaxCount = 5;
 local BlockedPlates = {
 	["Army of the Dead Ghoul"] = true,
 	["Venomous Snake"] = true,
 	["Healing Tide Totem"] = true,
 	["Dragonmaw War Banner"] = true
+local RIconData = {["STAR"] = 0x00000001, ["CIRCLE"] = 0x00000002, ["DIAMOND"] = 0x00000004, ["TRIANGLE"] = 0x00000008, ["MOON"] = 0x00000010, ["SQUARE"] = 0x00000020, ["CROSS"] = 0x00000040, ["SKULL"] = 0x00000080};
+local RIconNames = {"STAR", "CIRCLE", "DIAMOND", "TRIANGLE", "MOON", "SQUARE", "CROSS", "SKULL"}
+local UnitPlateAuras = {};
+local AuraByRaidIcon = {};
+local AuraByName = {};
+local CachedAuraDurations = {};
+local AurasCache = {};
+local AuraClocks = {};
+local ClockIsTicking = false;
+local TickTock = 0;
@@ -153,6 +169,7 @@ UTILITY FRAMES
 local NPGrip = _G.SVUI_PlateParentFrame
 local NPGlow = _G.SVUI_PlateGlowFrame
+local AuraClockManager = CreateFrame("Frame")
@@ -335,6 +352,251 @@ local function CheckRaidIcon(plate)
+local ClockUpdateHandler = function(self, elapsed)
+	local curTime = GetTime()
+	if curTime < TickTock then return end
+	local deactivate = true;
+	TickTock = curTime + 0.1
+	for frame, expiration in pairs(AuraClocks) do
+		local calc = 0;
+		local expires = expiration - curTime;
+		if expiration < curTime then
+			frame:Hide();
+			AuraClocks[frame] = nil
+		else
+			if expires < 60 then
+				calc = floor(expires)
+				if expires >= 4 then
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffff00%d|r", calc)
+				elseif expires >= 1 then
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%d|r", calc)
+				else
+					frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%.1f|r", expires)
+				end
+			elseif expires < 3600 then
+				calc = ceil(expires / 60);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffffff%.1f|r", calc)
+			elseif expires < 86400 then
+				calc = ceil(expires / 3600);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff66ffff%.1f|r", calc)
+			else
+				calc = ceil(expires / 86400);
+				frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff6666ff%.1f|r", calc)
+			end
+			deactivate = false
+		end
+	end
+	if deactivate then
+		self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
+		ClockIsTicking = false
+	end
+local function RegisterAuraClock(frame, expiration)
+	if(not frame) then return end
+	if expiration == 0 then
+		frame:Hide()
+		AuraClocks[frame] = nil
+	else
+		AuraClocks[frame] = expiration
+		frame:Show()
+		if(not ClockIsTicking) then
+			AuraClockManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ClockUpdateHandler)
+			ClockIsTicking = true
+		end
+	end
+local function GetUnitPlateAuras(guid)
+	if guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid] then return UnitPlateAuras[guid] end
+local function SetAuraInstance(guid, spellID, expiration, stacks, caster, duration, texture)
+	if(spellID == 65148) then return end
+	local filter = true;
+	if (caster == UnitGUID('player')) then
+		filter = nil;
+	end
+	if AuraFilterName and AuraFilter then
+		local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
+		if AuraFilterName == 'Blocked' then
+			if AuraFilter[name] and AuraFilter[name].enable then
+				filter = true;
+			end
+			elseif AuraFilterName == 'Strict' then
+				if AuraFilter[name].spellID and not AuraFilter[name].spellID == spellID then
+					filter = true;
+				end
+			else
+				if AuraFilter[name] and AuraFilter[name].enable then
+					filter = nil;
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if(not filter and (guid and spellID and caster and texture)) then
+			local auraID = spellID..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid] = UnitPlateAuras[guid] or {}
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = {
+			spellID = spellID,
+			expiration = expiration or 0,
+			stacks = stacks,
+			duration = duration,
+			texture = texture
+		}
+	end
+local function UpdateAuraIcon(aura, texture, expiration, stacks, test)
+	if aura and texture and expiration then
+		aura.Icon:SetTexture(texture)
+		if stacks > 1 then
+			aura.Stacks:SetText(stacks)
+		else
+			aura.Stacks:SetText("")
+		end
+		aura:Show()
+		RegisterAuraClock(aura, expiration)
+	else
+		RegisterAuraClock(aura, 0)
+	end
+local function SortExpires(t)
+	tsort(t, function(a,b) return a.expiration < b.expiration end)
+	return t
+local function UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+	local frame = plate.frame;
+	local guid = plate.guid;
+	local iconCache = frame.auraicons;
+	local AurasOnUnit = GetUnitPlateAuras(guid);
+	local AuraSlotIndex = 1;
+	local auraID;
+	if AurasOnUnit then
+		frame.auras:Show()
+		local auraCount = 1
+		for auraID,aura in pairs(AurasOnUnit) do
+			if tonumber(aura.spellID) then
+				aura.name = GetSpellInfo(tonumber(aura.spellID))
+				aura.unit = plate.unit
+				if(aura.expiration > GetTime()) then
+					AurasCache[auraCount] = aura
+					auraCount = auraCount + 1
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	AurasCache = SortExpires(AurasCache)
+	for index = 1,  #AurasCache do
+		local cachedaura = AurasCache[index]
+		local gridaura = iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]
+		if gridaura and cachedaura.spellID and cachedaura.expiration then
+			UpdateAuraIcon(gridaura, cachedaura.texture, cachedaura.expiration, cachedaura.stacks)
+			AuraSlotIndex = AuraSlotIndex + 1
+		end
+		if(AuraSlotIndex > AuraMaxCount) then
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	if(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]) then
+		RegisterAuraClock(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex], 0)
+	end
+	twipe(AurasCache)
+local function LoadDuration(spellID)
+	if spellID then
+		return CachedAuraDurations[spellID] or 0
+	end
+	return 0
+local function SaveDuration(spellID, duration)
+	duration = duration or 0
+	if spellID then CachedAuraDurations[spellID] = duration end
+local function CleanUnitPlateAurass()
+	local currentTime = GetTime()
+	for guid, instanceList in pairs(UnitPlateAuras) do
+		local auracount = 0
+		for auraID, instanceID in pairs(instanceList) do
+			local expiration = Aura_Expiration[instanceID]
+			if expiration and expiration < currentTime then
+				UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = nil
+			else
+				auracount = auracount + 1
+			end
+		end
+		if auracount == 0 then
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid] = nil
+		end
+	end
+function MOD:UpdateAuras(plate)
+	if plate.setting.tiny then return end;
+	local guid = plate.guid
+	local frame = plate.frame
+	if not guid then
+		if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.unitcategory] then
+			local pn = plate.name:GetText()
+			local name = pn:gsub("%s%(%*%)", "")
+			guid = AuraByName[name]
+		elseif plate.ref.raidicon:IsShown() then
+			guid = AuraByRaidIcon[plate.ref.raidicontype]
+		end
+		if guid then
+			plate.guid = guid
+		else
+			frame.auras:Hide()
+			return
+		end
+	end
+	UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+	if(self.UseCombo) then
+		local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI("player") and "vehicle" or "player", "target")
+		for i = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+			if(i <= numPoints) then
+				frame.combo[i]:Show()
+			else
+				frame.combo[i]:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unitid)
+	local guid = UnitGUID(unitid)
+	if(guid and UnitPlateAuras[guid]) then
+		local auras = UnitPlateAuras[guid]
+		for auraID, _ in pairs(auras) do
+			UnitPlateAuras[guid][auraID] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	for i = 1, 40 do
+		local spellname , _, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellid, _, isBossDebuff = UnitAura(unitid, i, "HARMFUL")
+		if(not spellname) then break end
+		SaveDuration(spellid, duration)
+		SetAuraInstance(guid, spellid, expirationTime, count, UnitGUID(unitCaster or ""), duration, texture)
+	end
+	local name;
+	if UnitPlayerControlled(unitid) then
+		name = UnitName(unitid)
+		AuraByName[name] = guid
+	end
+	local raidIcon = RIconNames[GetRaidTargetIndex(unitid) or ""];
+	if(raidIcon) then
+		AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = guid
+	end
+	self:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, "UpdateAuras")
@@ -379,7 +641,7 @@ do
 				if MOD.UseCombo then
-					MOD:UpdateComboPointsByUnitID('target')
+					MOD:UNIT_COMBO_POINTS("player")
 				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
@@ -389,7 +651,7 @@ do
 				if MOD.UseCombo then
-					MOD:UpdateComboPointsByUnitID('mouseover')
+					MOD:UNIT_COMBO_POINTS("player")
 				PLATE_ARGS.allowed = nil
@@ -611,6 +873,34 @@ SCRIPT HANDLERS
+	local function CreateAuraIcon(auras, plate)
+	  local noscalemult = 2 * UIParent:GetScale()
+	  local button = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, auras)
+	  button:SetScript('OnHide', function()
+	    if plate.guid then
+	      UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
+	    end
+	  end)
+	  button.bord = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	  button.bord:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 2)
+	  button.bord:SetTexture(0,0,0,1)
+	  button.bord:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", -noscalemult, noscalemult)
+	  button.bord:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", noscalemult, -noscalemult)
+	  button.Icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+	  button.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT")
+	  button.Icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	  button.Icon:SetTexCoord(.1, .9, .2, .8)
+	  button.TimeLeft = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+	  button.TimeLeft:SetFont(AuraFont, AuraFSize, AuraFOutline)
+	  button.TimeLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT",-3,-1)
+	  button.TimeLeft:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+	  button.Stacks = button:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
+	  button.Stacks:SetFont(AuraFont, AuraFSize + 2, AuraFOutline)
+	  button.Stacks:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT",3,-3)
+	  button:Hide()
+	  return button
+	end
 	local function HealthBarSizeChanged(self, width, height)
 		if(not ProxyThisPlate(self.sync)) then return; end
 		width = floor(width + 0.5)
@@ -619,7 +909,7 @@ do
 		local auraHeight = (auraWidth * 0.7)
 		for index = 1, numAuras do
 			if not PLATE_AURAICONS[index] then
@@ -632,7 +922,7 @@ do
 		if(numAuras > #PLATE_AURAICONS) then
 			for index = (numAuras + 1), #PLATE_AURAICONS do
-				MOD.RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
+				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
@@ -754,7 +1044,7 @@ do
 		if PLATE_AURAS then
 			for index = 1, #PLATE_AURAICONS do
-				MOD.RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
+				RegisterAuraClock(PLATE_AURAICONS[index], 0)
 		if MOD.UseCombo then
@@ -1008,7 +1298,6 @@ do

 	function MOD:UpdateAllPlates()
-		self:UpdateAuraLocals()
 		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
 			if(plate) then
@@ -1021,15 +1310,15 @@ end
-	local function ParseByGUID(guid)
-		for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
-			if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.guid == guid then
-				return plate
-			end
+local function ParseByGUID(guid)
+	for plate, _ in pairs(VisiblePlates) do
+		if plate and plate:IsShown() and plate.guid == guid then
+			return plate

 	local function ParseByName(sourceName)
 		if not sourceName then return; end
 		local SearchFor = split("-", sourceName)
@@ -1049,13 +1338,13 @@ do

-	function MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, callbackFunc)
+	function MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, callbackFunc, ...)
 		local plate
 		if guid then plate = ParseByGUID(guid) end
 		if (not plate) and name then plate = ParseByName(name) end
 		if (not plate) and raidIcon then plate = ParseByIconName(raidIcon) end
 		if(plate) then
-			MOD[callbackFunc](MOD, plate)
+			MOD[callbackFunc](MOD, plate, ...)
@@ -1065,13 +1354,21 @@ EVENTS
-	MOD:UpdateDataLocals();
+	self:UpdateDataLocals();

 	WorldFrame.elapsed = 0.1

+	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 1)
+	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 0)
 	if(UnitExists("target")) then
 		CURRENT_TARGET_NAME = UnitName("target")
@@ -1083,12 +1380,81 @@ function MOD:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED()

-	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 1)
+function MOD:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)
+  if(unit == "target" or unit == "focus") then
+    self:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unit)
+  end

-	SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies", 0)
+function MOD:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(event, timestamp, combatevent, hideCaster, ...)
+  local _, sourceGUID, sourceName, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, spellID, spellname
+  if(not destGUID or not spellID) then return end
+  if(combatevent == SPELL_AURA_APPLIED or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_REFRESH or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE) then
+    sourceGUID, sourceName, _, _, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, spellID, spellname  = ...
+    local stackCount = 1
+    local duration = LoadDuration(spellID)
+    local texture = GetSpellTexture(spellID)
+    if(combatevent == SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE) then
+      stackCount = select(16, ...)
+    end
+    SetAuraInstance(destGUID, spellID, (GetTime() + duration), stackCount, sourceGUID, duration, texture)
+  elseif(combatevent == SPELL_AURA_BROKEN or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_BROKEN_SPELL or combatevent == SPELL_AURA_REMOVED) then
+    sourceGUID, sourceName, _, _, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, spellID, spellname  = ...
+    local auraID = spellID..(tostring(sourceName or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
+    if UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID] then
+      UnitPlateAuras[destGUID][auraID] = nil
+    end
+  else
+    return
+  end
+  local rawName, raidIcon
+  if(destName and (band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
+    rawName = split("-", destName)
+    AuraByName[rawName] = destGUID
+  end
+  for iconName, bitmask in pairs(RIconData) do
+    if band(destRaidFlag, bitmask) > 0  then
+      raidIcon = iconName
+      AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = destGUID
+      break
+    end
+  end
+  self:RequestScanUpdate(destGUID, raidIcon, rawName, "UpdateAuras")
+	local LastKnownTarget;
+	function MOD:UNIT_COMBO_POINTS(unit)
+		if(unit == "player" or unit == "vehicle") then
+			local guid = UnitGUID("target")
+			if (not guid) then return end
+			local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI('player') and 'vehicle' or 'player', 'target')
+			numPoints = numPoints or 0
+			if(numPoints > 0) then
+				if(LastKnownTarget and LastKnownTarget.guid and LastKnownTarget.guid ~= guid) then
+					LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[1]:Hide()
+					LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[2]:Hide()
+					LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[3]:Hide()
+					LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[4]:Hide()
+					LastKnownTarget.frame.combo[5]:Hide()
+					LastKnownTarget = nil
+				end
+			end
+			local plate = ParseByGUID(guid)
+			if(plate) then
+				for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
+					if(i <= numPoints) then
+						plate.frame.combo[i]:Show()
+					else
+						plate.frame.combo[i]:Hide()
+					end
+				end
+				LastKnownTarget = plate
+			end
+		end
+	end
@@ -1152,10 +1518,19 @@ function MOD:UpdateDataLocals()
 	NPReactNeutral = {rc.neutral[1], rc.neutral[2], rc.neutral[3]}
 	NPReactEnemy = {rc.enemy[1], rc.enemy[2], rc.enemy[3]}

+	AuraFont = SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", db.auras.font);
+	AuraFSize = db.auras.fontSize;
+	AuraFOutline = db.auras.fontOutline;
+	AuraMaxCount = db.auras.numAuras;
+	AuraFilterName = db.auras.additionalFilter
+	AuraFilter = SuperVillain.Filters[AuraFilterName]
 	if (db.comboPoints and (SuperVillain.class == 'ROGUE' or SuperVillain.class == 'DRUID')) then
 		MOD.UseCombo = true
+		self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
 		MOD.UseCombo = false
+		self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")

@@ -1185,15 +1560,13 @@ end;

 function MOD:Load()
 	if SuperVillain.db["SVPlate"].enable ~= true then return end
-	self.UseCombo = false;
-	WorldFrame:HookScript('OnUpdate', WorldFrameUpdateHook)
-	self:EnableTracking()
+	WorldFrame:HookScript('OnUpdate', WorldFrameUpdateHook)
 SuperVillain.Registry:NewPackage(MOD, "SVPlate")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.xml
index 3cfdddb..9547082 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.xml
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/SVPlate.xml
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@

     <Script file='SVPlate.lua'/>
-    <Include file='common\_load.xml'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/_load.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/_load.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 03bf273..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/_load.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='auras.lua'/>
-	<Script file='tracker.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/auras.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/auras.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f576111..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/auras.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-    ______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-     _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-      __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-       _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-        ___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack    = _G.unpack;
-local select    = _G.select;
-local pairs     = _G.pairs;
-local ipairs    = _G.ipairs;
-local type      = _G.type;
-local error     = _G.error;
-local pcall     = _G.pcall;
-local tostring  = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber  = _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert   = _G.tinsert;
-local string    = _G.string;
-local math      = _G.math;
-local bit       = _G.bit;
-local table     = _G.table;
-local lower, upper = string.lower, string.upper;
-local find, format, split = string.find, string.format, string.split;
-local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local floor = math.floor;  -- Basic
-local band, bor = bit.band, bit.bor;
---[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local tremove, tcopy, twipe, tsort, tconcat = table.remove, table.copy, table.wipe, table.sort, table.concat;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVPlate');
-local AuraFont = SuperVillain.Media.font.numbers;
-local AuraFSize = 7;
-local AuraFOutline = "OUTLINE";
-local AuraExtraFilter = "CC";
-local AuraMaxCount = 5;
-local RIconData = {["STAR"] = 0x00000001, ["CIRCLE"] = 0x00000002, ["DIAMOND"] = 0x00000004, ["TRIANGLE"] = 0x00000008, ["MOON"] = 0x00000010, ["SQUARE"] = 0x00000020, ["CROSS"] = 0x00000040, ["SKULL"] = 0x00000080};
-local RIconNames = {"STAR", "CIRCLE", "DIAMOND", "TRIANGLE", "MOON", "SQUARE", "CROSS", "SKULL"}
-local NPAuraType = {
-  ["Buff"] = 1,
-  ["Curse"] = 2,
-  ["Disease"] = 3,
-  ["Magic"] = 4,
-  ["Poison"] = 5,
-  ["Debuff"] = 6,
-local NPAuraEvents = {
-local HealSpecs = {
-  [L['Restoration']] = true,
-  [L['Holy']] = true,
-  [L['Discipline']] = true,
-  [L['Mistweaver']] = true
-local AuraList = {}
-local AuraSpellID = {}
-local AuraExpiration = {}
-local AuraStacks = {}
-local AuraCaster = {}
-local AuraDuration = {}
-local AuraTexture = {}
-local AuraType = {}
-local AuraTarget = {}
-local AuraByRaidIcon = {}
-local AuraByName = {}
-local CachedAuraDurations = {};
-local AurasCache = {};
-local AuraClockManager = CreateFrame("Frame");
-AuraClockManager.Clocks = {};
-AuraClockManager.Events = {};
-AuraClockManager.IsActive = false;
-AuraClockManager.UpdateClock = 0;
-local function ClockUpdateHandler(self)
-  local curTime = GetTime()
-  if curTime < self.UpdateClock then return end
-  local deactivate = true;
-  self.UpdateClock = curTime + 0.1
-  for frame, expiration in pairs(self.Clocks) do
-    local calc = 0;
-    local expires = expiration - curTime;
-    if expiration < curTime then
-      frame:Hide();
-      self.Clocks[frame] = nil
-    else
-      if expires < 60 then
-        calc = floor(expires)
-        if expires >= 4 then
-          frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffff00%d|r", calc)
-        elseif expires >= 1 then
-          frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%d|r", calc)
-        else
-          frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffff0000%.1f|r", expires)
-        end
-      elseif expires < 3600 then
-        calc = ceil(expires / 60);
-        frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cffffffff%.1f|r", calc)
-      elseif expires < 86400 then
-        calc = ceil(expires / 3600);
-        frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff66ffff%.1f|r", calc)
-      else
-        calc = ceil(expires / 86400);
-        frame.TimeLeft:SetFormattedText("|cff6666ff%.1f|r", calc)
-      end
-      deactivate = false
-    end
-  end
-  if deactivate then
-    self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil);
-    self.IsActive = false
-  end
-local function RegisterAuraClock(frame, expiration)
-  if(not frame) then return end
-  if expiration == 0 then
-    frame:Hide()
-    AuraClockManager.Clocks[frame] = nil
-  else
-    AuraClockManager.Clocks[frame] = expiration
-    frame:Show()
-    if not AuraClockManager.IsActive then
-      AuraClockManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ClockUpdateHandler)
-      AuraClockManager.IsActive = true
-    end
-  end
-local function DropAura(guid, spellID)
-  if guid and spellID and AuraList[guid] then
-    local instanceID = tostring(guid)..tostring(spellID)..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
-    local auraID = spellID..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
-    if AuraList[guid][auraID] then
-      AuraSpellID[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraExpiration[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraStacks[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraCaster[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraDuration[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraTexture[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraType[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraTarget[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraList[guid][auraID] = nil
-    end
-  end
-local function DropAllAuras(guid)
-  if guid and AuraList[guid] then
-    local unitAuraList = AuraList[guid]
-    for auraID, instanceID in pairs(unitAuraList) do
-      AuraSpellID[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraExpiration[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraStacks[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraCaster[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraDuration[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraTexture[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraType[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraTarget[instanceID] = nil
-      AuraList[guid][auraID] = nil
-    end
-  end
-local function GetAuraList(guid)
-  if guid and AuraList[guid] then return AuraList[guid] end
-local function GetAuraInstance(guid, auraID)
-  if guid and auraID then
-    local aura = {}
-    local aura_instance_id = guid..auraID
-    aura.spellID = AuraSpellID[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.expiration = AuraExpiration[aura_instance_id] or 0
-    aura.stacks = AuraStacks[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.caster = AuraCaster[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.duration = AuraDuration[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.texture = AuraTexture[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.type  = AuraType[aura_instance_id]
-    aura.target  = AuraTarget[aura_instance_id]
-    return aura
-  end
-local function SetAuraInstance(guid, spellID, expiration, stacks, caster, duration, texture, auratype, auratarget)
-  local filter = true;
-  if (caster == UnitGUID('player')) then
-    filter = nil;
-  end
-  local extraFilter = SuperVillain.Filters[AuraExtraFilter]
-  if AuraExtraFilter and extraFilter then
-    local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
-    if AuraExtraFilter == 'Blocked' then
-      if extraFilter[name] and extraFilter[name].enable then
-        filter = true;
-      end
-    elseif AuraExtraFilter == 'Strict' then
-      if extraFilter[name].spellID and not extraFilter[name].spellID == spellID then
-        filter = true;
-      end
-    else
-      if extraFilter[name] and extraFilter[name].enable then
-        filter = nil;
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if(filter or (spellID == 65148)) then
-    return;
-  end
-  if guid and spellID and caster and texture then
-    local auraID = spellID..(tostring(caster or "UNKNOWN_CASTER"))
-    local instanceID = guid..auraID
-    AuraList[guid] = AuraList[guid] or {}
-    AuraList[guid][auraID] = instanceID
-    AuraSpellID[instanceID] = spellID
-    AuraExpiration[instanceID] = expiration or 0
-    AuraStacks[instanceID] = stacks
-    AuraCaster[instanceID] = caster
-    AuraDuration[instanceID] = duration
-    AuraTexture[instanceID] = texture
-    AuraType[instanceID] = auratype
-    AuraTarget[instanceID] = auratarget
-  end
-local function UpdateAuraIcon(aura, texture, expiration, stacks, test)
-  if aura and texture and expiration then
-    aura.Icon:SetTexture(texture)
-    if stacks > 1 then
-      aura.Stacks:SetText(stacks)
-    else
-      aura.Stacks:SetText("")
-    end
-    aura:Show()
-    RegisterAuraClock(aura, expiration)
-  else
-    RegisterAuraClock(aura, 0)
-  end
-local function SortExpires(t)
-  tsort(t, function(a,b) return a.expiration < b.expiration end)
-  return t
-local function UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-  local frame = plate.frame;
-  local guid = plate.guid;
-  local iconCache = frame.auraicons;
-  local AurasOnUnit = GetAuraList(guid);
-  local AuraSlotIndex = 1;
-  local auraID;
-  if AurasOnUnit then
-    frame.auras:Show()
-    local auraCount = 1
-    for auraID in pairs(AurasOnUnit) do
-      local aura = GetAuraInstance(guid, auraID)
-      if tonumber(aura.spellID) then
-        aura.name = GetSpellInfo(tonumber(aura.spellID))
-        aura.unit = plate.unit
-        if aura.expiration > GetTime() then
-          AurasCache[auraCount] = aura
-          auraCount = auraCount + 1
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  AurasCache = SortExpires(AurasCache)
-  for index = 1,  #AurasCache do
-    local cachedaura = AurasCache[index]
-    local gridaura = iconCache[AuraSlotIndex]
-    if gridaura and cachedaura.spellID and cachedaura.expiration then
-      UpdateAuraIcon(gridaura, cachedaura.texture, cachedaura.expiration, cachedaura.stacks)
-      AuraSlotIndex = AuraSlotIndex + 1
-    end
-    if(AuraSlotIndex > AuraMaxCount) then
-      break
-    end
-  end
-  if iconCache[AuraSlotIndex] then
-    RegisterAuraClock(iconCache[AuraSlotIndex], 0)
-  end
-  AurasCache = twipe(AurasCache)
-local function LoadDuration(spellID)
-  if spellID then
-    return CachedAuraDurations[spellID] or 0
-  end
-  return 0
-local function SaveDuration(spellID, duration)
-  duration = duration or 0
-  if spellID then CachedAuraDurations[spellID] = duration end
-local function CleanAuraLists()
-  local currentTime = GetTime()
-  for guid, instanceList in pairs(AuraList) do
-    local auracount = 0
-    for auraID, instanceID in pairs(instanceList) do
-      local expiration = Aura_Expiration[instanceID]
-      if expiration and expiration < currentTime then
-        AuraList[guid][auraID] = nil
-        AuraSpellID[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraExpiration[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraStacks[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraCaster[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraDuration[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraTexture[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraType[instanceID] = nil
-        AuraTarget[instanceID] = nil
-      else
-        auracount = auracount + 1
-      end
-    end
-    if auracount == 0 then
-      AuraList[guid] = nil
-    end
-  end
-local function ClearClocks()
-  AuraClockManager.Clocks = twipe(AuraClockManager.Clocks)
-local function GetCombatEventResults(...)
-  local timestamp, combatevent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, spellid, spellname  = ...
-  local auraType, stackCount = select(15, ...)
-  return timestamp, combatevent, sourceGUID, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, auraType, spellid, spellname, stackCount
-function MOD:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)
-  if unit == "target" then
-    self:UpdateAurasByUnitID("target")
-  elseif unit == "focus" then
-    self:UpdateAurasByUnitID("focus")
-  end
--- guid, spellID, expiration, stacks, caster, duration, texture, auratype, auratarget
-  local timestamp, combatevent, sourceGUID, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, auraType, spellID, spellName, stackCount = GetCombatEventResults(...)
-  if NPAuraEvents[combatevent] then
-    if NPAuraEvents[combatevent] == 1 then
-      local duration = LoadDuration(spellID)
-      local texture = GetSpellTexture(spellID)
-      SetAuraInstance(destGUID, spellID, (GetTime() + duration), 1, sourceGUID, duration, texture, auraType, AURA_TARGET_HOSTILE)
-    elseif NPAuraEvents[combatevent] == 2 then
-      local duration = LoadDuration(spellID)
-      local texture = GetSpellTexture(spellID)
-      SetAuraInstance(destGUID, spellID, (GetTime() + duration), stackCount, sourceGUID, duration, texture, auraType, AURA_TARGET_HOSTILE)
-    elseif NPAuraEvents[combatevent] == 3 then
-      DropAura(destGUID, spellID)
-    end
-    local rawName, raidIcon
-    if(destName and (band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0)) then
-      rawName = split("-", destName)
-      AuraByName[rawName] = destGUID
-    end
-    for iconName, bitmask in pairs(RIconData) do
-      if band(destRaidFlag, bitmask) > 0  then
-        raidIcon = iconName
-        AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = destGUID
-        break
-      end
-    end
-    MOD:RequestScanUpdate(destGUID, raidIcon, rawName, "UpdateAuras")
-  end
-function MOD:UpdateAuraLocals()
-  AuraFont = SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", self.db.auras.font);
-  AuraFSize = self.db.auras.fontSize;
-  AuraFOutline = self.db.auras.fontOutline;
-  AuraExtraFilter = self.db.auras.additionalFilter;
-  AuraMaxCount = self.db.auras.numAuras;
-function MOD:UpdateAurasByUnitID(unitid)
-  local unitType
-  if UnitIsFriend("player", unitid) then unitType = AURA_TARGET_FRIENDLY else unitType = AURA_TARGET_HOSTILE end
-  local guid = UnitGUID(unitid)
-  DropAllAuras(guid)
-  local index
-  for index = 1, 40 do
-    local spellname , _, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellid, _, isBossDebuff = UnitDebuff(unitid, index)
-    if not spellname then break end
-    SaveDuration(spellid, duration)
-    SetAuraInstance(guid, spellid, expirationTime, count, UnitGUID(unitCaster or ""), duration, texture, NPAuraType[dispelType or "Debuff"], unitType)
-  end
-  if unitType == AURA_TARGET_FRIENDLY then
-    for index = 1, 40 do
-      local spellname , _, texture, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, _, _, spellid, _, isBossDebuff = UnitBuff(unitid, index)
-      if not spellname then break end
-      SaveDuration(spellid, duration)
-      SetAuraInstance(guid, spellid, expirationTime, count, UnitGUID(unitCaster or ""), duration, texture, AURA_TYPE_BUFF, AURA_TARGET_FRIENDLY)
-    end
-  end
-  local raidIcon, name;
-  if UnitPlayerControlled(unitid) then
-    name = UnitName(unitid)
-    AuraByName[name] = guid
-  end
-  raidIcon = RIconNames[GetRaidTargetIndex(unitid) or ""];
-  if raidIcon then
-    AuraByRaidIcon[raidIcon] = guid
-  end
-  MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, raidIcon, name, "UpdateAuras")
-function MOD:UpdateAuras(plate)
-  if plate.setting.tiny then return end;
-  local guid = plate.guid
-  local frame = plate.frame
-  if not guid then
-    if RAID_CLASS_COLORS[plate.setting.unitcategory] then
-      local name = gsub(plate.name:GetText(), '%s%(%*%)','')
-      guid = AuraByName[name]
-    elseif plate.ref.raidicon:IsShown() then
-      guid = AuraByRaidIcon[plate.ref.raidicontype]
-    end
-    if guid then
-      plate.guid = guid
-    else
-      frame.auras:Hide()
-      return
-    end
-  end
-  UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-  if(MOD.UseCombo) then
-    MOD:UpdateComboPoints(plate)
-  end
-function MOD:CreateAuraIcon(auras, plate)
-  local noscalemult = 2 * UIParent:GetScale()
-  local button = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, auras)
-  button:SetScript('OnHide', function()
-    if plate.guid then
-      UpdateAuraIconGrid(plate)
-    end
-  end)
-  button.bord = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-  button.bord:SetDrawLayer('BACKGROUND', 2)
-  button.bord:SetTexture(0,0,0,1)
-  button.bord:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", -noscalemult, noscalemult)
-  button.bord:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", noscalemult, -noscalemult)
-  button.Icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
-  button.Icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT")
-  button.Icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
-  button.Icon:SetTexCoord(.1, .9, .2, .8)
-  button.TimeLeft = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
-  button.TimeLeft:SetFont(AuraFont, AuraFSize, AuraFOutline)
-  button.TimeLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",button,"TOPLEFT",-3,-1)
-  button.TimeLeft:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
-  button.Stacks = button:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
-  button.Stacks:SetFont(AuraFont, AuraFSize + 2, AuraFOutline)
-  button.Stacks:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",button,"BOTTOMRIGHT",3,-3)
-  button:Hide()
-  return button
-MOD.RegisterAuraClock = RegisterAuraClock;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/tracker.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/tracker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d074924..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/plates/common/tracker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
- ___/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/////\\\///__      #
-  __\//\\\______\///__\//\\\______/\\\__\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____     #
-   ___\////\\\__________\//\\\____/\\\___\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____    #
-	______\////\\\________\//\\\__/\\\____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____   #
-	 _________\////\\\______\//\\\/\\\_____\/\\\_______\/\\\_____\/\\\_____  #
-	  __/\\\______\//\\\______\//\\\\\______\//\\\______/\\\______\/\\\_____ #
-	   _\///\\\\\\\\\\\/________\//\\\________\///\\\\\\\\\/____/\\\\\\\\\\\_#
-		___\///////////___________\///___________\/////////_____\///////////_#
-S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
---[[ GLOBALS ]]--
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack    = _G.unpack;
-local select    = _G.select;
-local pairs     = _G.pairs;
-local ipairs    = _G.ipairs;
-local type      = _G.type;
-local error     = _G.error;
-local pcall     = _G.pcall;
-local tostring  = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber  = _G.tonumber;
-local tinsert   = _G.tinsert;
-local string    = _G.string;
-local math      = _G.math;
-local bit       = _G.bit;
-local table     = _G.table;
-local lower, upper = string.lower, string.upper;
-local find, format, split = string.find, string.format, string.split;
-local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub;
---[[ MATH METHODS ]]--
-local floor = math.floor;  -- Basic
-local band, bor = bit.band, bit.bor;
---[[ TABLE METHODS ]]--
-local tremove, tcopy, twipe, tsort, tconcat = table.remove, table.copy, table.wipe, table.sort, table.concat;
-local SuperVillain, L = unpack(select(2, ...));
-local MOD = SuperVillain.Registry:Expose('SVPlate');
-local NextUpdate = 0
-local SpellIDTest = {
-	[47540] = true, [88625] = true, [88684] = true, [88685] = true,
-	[89485] = true, [10060] = true, [33206] = true, [62618] = true,
-	[724] = true, [14751] = true, [34861] = true, [47788] = true,
-	[18562] = true, [17116] = true, [48438] = true, [33891] = true,
-	[974] = true, [17116] = true, [16190] = true, [61295] = true,
-	[20473] = true, [31842] = true, [53563] = true, [31821] = true,
-	[85222] = true, [115175] = true, [115294] = true, [115310] = true,
-	[116670] = true, [116680] = true, [116849] = true, [116995] = true,
-	[119611] = true, [132120] = true
-local HealerDetection = {
-	["SPELL_HEAL"] = true,
-	["SPELL_AURA_APPLIED"] = true,
-	["SPELL_CAST_START"] = true,
-	["SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"] = true,
-	["Restoration"] = true,
-	["Holy"] = true,
-	["Discipline"] = true,
-	["Mistweaver"] = true
-local TrackingManager = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local CPoints = {}
-local TrackedPlatesCP = {}
-local LastKnownTarget = false
-local LastKnownPoints = 0
-local Healers = {}
-local Events = {}
-local function TrackViaScores()
-	local curTime = GetTime()
-	if curTime > NextUpdate then
-		NextUpdate = curTime + 3
-	else
-		return
-	end
-	local scores = GetNumBattlefieldScores()
-	if(scores > 0) then
-		local filter
-		for i = 1, scores do
-			local name, _, _, _, _, faction, _, class, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, talentSpec = GetBattlefieldScore(i)
-			if name and talentSpec then
-				filter = HealerDetection[talentSpec]
-				Healers[name] = filter
-			end
-		end
-		if(filter) then
-			MOD:RequestScanUpdate(false, false, name, "UpdateHealerIcon")
-		end
-	end
-local function PlateIsHealer(name)
-	if name then
-		if Healers[name] then
-			return true
-		else
-			RequestBattlefieldScoreData()
-		end
-	end
-local function PlateIsEnemy(flags)
-	if (band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_FRIENDLY) == 0) and (band(flags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_CONTROL_PLAYER) > 0) then
-		return true
-	end
-local function DetectHealer(event, id)
-	if (HealerDetection[event] and SpellIDTest[id]) then
-		return true
-	else
-		return false
-	end
-local function ClearTracking()
-	twipe(CPoints)
-	twipe(Healers)
-local function ClearExpiredPoints()
-	local saved
-	for plate,_ in pairs(TrackedPlatesCP) do
-		if(plate.guid ~= LastKnownTarget) then
-			for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				plate.frame.combo[i]:Hide()
-			end
-		else
-			saved = plate
-		end
-	end
-	CPoints = {}
-	TrackedPlatesCP = {}
-	if(saved) then
-		TrackedPlatesCP[saved] = true
-	end
-	if(LastKnownTarget) then
-		CPoints[LastKnownTarget] = LastKnownPoints;
-	end
-local function TrackingEventHandler(self, event, ...)
-	local handler = Events[event]
-	if handler then handler(...) end
-function Events.UNIT_COMBO_POINTS(unit)
-	MOD:UpdateComboPointsByUnitID(unit)
-function Events.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
-	ClearTracking()
-	return
-function Events.PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED()
-	ClearExpiredPoints()
-	return
-	TrackViaScores()
-	return
-	local timestamp, combatevent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlag, spellid  = ...
-	if PlateIsEnemy(sourceFlags) and sourceGUID and sourceName then
-		if DetectHealer(combatevent, spellid) then
-			local rawName = split("-", sourceName)
-			if not Healers[rawName] then
-				Healers[rawName] = true
-				MOD:RequestScanUpdate(destGUID, false, false, "UpdateHealerIcon")
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function MOD:EnableTracking()
-	TrackingManager:SetScript("OnEvent", TrackingEventHandler)
-	TrackingManager:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
-	TrackingManager:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
-	TrackingManager:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE")
-	if (MOD.UseCombo) then
-		TrackingManager:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")
-		TrackingManager:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
-	end
-	ClearTracking()
-function MOD:DisableTracking()
-	TrackingManager:UnregisterAllEvents()
-	TrackingManager:SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
-	ClearTracking()
-function MOD:UpdateHealerIcon(plate)
-	local rawName = plate.ref.nametext
-	if rawName then
-		local healerIcon = plate.frame.health.icon
-		if PlateIsHealer(rawName) then
-			healerIcon:Show()
-		else
-			healerIcon:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-function MOD:UpdateComboPoints(plate)
-	local frame = plate.frame
-	local numPoints = CPoints[plate.guid] or 0
-	if(numPoints == 0) then
-		TrackedPlatesCP[plate] = nil
-	else
-		TrackedPlatesCP[plate] = true
-	end
-	for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-		if(i <= numPoints) then
-			frame.combo[i]:Show()
-		else
-			frame.combo[i]:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-function MOD:UpdateComboPointsByUnitID(unit)
-	if(unit == "player" or unit == "vehicle") then
-		local guid = UnitGUID("target")
-		if (not guid) then return end
-		local numPoints = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI('player') and 'vehicle' or 'player', 'target')
-		if(numPoints > 0) then
-			if(LastKnownTarget ~= guid) then
-				CPoints[LastKnownTarget] = nil
-			end
-		end
-		LastKnownTarget = guid
-		LastKnownPoints = numPoints
-		CPoints[guid] = numPoints
-		MOD:RequestScanUpdate(guid, false, false, "UpdateComboPoints")
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
index 3ec2b7a..d82b389 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/SVStats.lua
@@ -194,9 +194,7 @@ function MOD:NewAnchor(parent, maxCount, tipAnchor, isTop)
 			parent.holders[this].text = parent.holders[this].textframe:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", nil, 7)
 			if(MOD.db.showBackground) then
-				parent.holders[this].text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", MOD.db.font), MOD.db.fontSize, "NONE")
-				parent.holders[this].text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
-				parent.holders[this].text:SetJustifyV("middle")
+				parent.holders[this].text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font", MOD.db.font), MOD.db.fontSize, "NONE", "CENTER", "MIDDLE")
 				parent.holders[this].text:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
 				parent.holders[this].text:SetShadowOffset(2, -4)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/common/reputation.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/common/reputation.lua
index 5d797c3..4ea0fd3 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/common/reputation.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/stats/common/reputation.lua
@@ -64,18 +64,20 @@ local function TruncateString(value)
         return value
+-- name, description, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, _, _, hasRep, isWatched, isChild
 function MOD:CacheRepData()
 	for factionIndex = 1, GetNumFactions() do
-		local factionName = GetFactionInfo(factionIndex)
-		local fn = function()
-			local active = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
-			if factionName ~= active then
-				SetWatchedFactionIndex(factionIndex)
-			end
-		end;
-		tinsert(RepMenuList, {text = factionName, func = fn});
+		local factionName, description, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, _, _, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(factionIndex)
+		if(standingID) then
+			local fn = function()
+				local active = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
+				if factionName ~= active then
+					SetWatchedFactionIndex(factionIndex)
+				end
+			end;
+			tinsert(RepMenuList, {text = factionName, func = fn})
+		end

@@ -85,7 +87,6 @@ local function Reputation_OnEvent(self, ...)
-		self.text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font",SuperVillain.db.SVStats.font),SuperVillain.db.SVStats.fontSize,SuperVillain.db.SVStats.fontOutline)
 	local ID = 100
 	local isFriend, friendText
@@ -93,12 +94,12 @@ local function Reputation_OnEvent(self, ...)
 	local numFactions = GetNumFactions();
 	local txt = ""
 	if not name then
-		txt = "No watched factions"
+		name = "No watched factions"
 		for i=1, numFactions do
-			local factionName, _, standingID,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, factionID = GetFactionInfo(i);
-			local friendID, friendRep, friendMaxRep, _, _, _, friendTextLevel = GetFriendshipReputation(factionID);
-			if factionName == name then
+			local factionName, description, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, _, _, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i);
+			local friendID, friendRep, friendMaxRep, _, _, _, friendTextLevel = GetFriendshipReputation(isChild);
+			if(not factionName or (name == "No watched factions") or (name == factionName)) then
 				if friendID ~= nil then
 					isFriend = true
 					friendText = friendTextLevel
@@ -116,18 +117,28 @@ local function ReputationBar_OnEvent(self, ...)
 	if not self.barframe:IsShown()then
-		self.text:SetAlpha(0.5)
-		self.text:SetFontTemplate(SuperVillain.Shared:Fetch("font",SuperVillain.db.SVStats.font),SuperVillain.db.SVStats.fontSize,"NONE")
+		self.text:SetAlpha(1)
 	local bar = self.barframe.bar;
 	local name, reaction, min, max, value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
-	local j = GetNumFactions()
+	local numFactions = GetNumFactions();
 	if not name then
 		self.text:SetText("No Faction")
-	else
+	else
+		for i=1, numFactions do
+			local factionName, description, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, _, _, _, _, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i);
+			if(isChild) then
+				local friendID, friendRep, friendMaxRep, _, _, _, friendTextLevel, friendThreshold, nextFriendThreshold = GetFriendshipReputation(isChild);
+				if friendID ~= nil then
+					min = friendThreshold
+					max = friendMaxRep
+					value = friendRep
+				end
+			end
+		end
 		local txt = standingName[reaction];
 		local color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction]
 		bar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/tip/SVTip.xml b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/tip/SVTip.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b36a98d..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/tip/SVTip.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='SVTip.lua'/>
-	<!-- <Include file='common\_load.xml'/> -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
index d6220dd..2359bcf 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/unit/SVUnit.lua
@@ -1299,12 +1299,12 @@ BUILD FUNCTION / UPDATE
 function MOD:ReLoad()
-	if(not SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.enable or SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.enable == false) then print("ReLoad Disabled") return end
+	if(not self.db.enable or self.db.enable == false) then return end

 function MOD:Load()
-	if(not SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.enable or SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.enable == false) then print("Load Disabled") return end
+	if(not self.db.enable or self.db.enable == false) then return end

 	local SVUI_UnitFrameParent = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUI_UnitFrameParent", SuperVillain.UIParent, "SecureHandlerStateTemplate")
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ function MOD:Load()

-	if SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.disableBlizzard then
+	if(self.db.disableBlizzard) then
 		self:Protect("KillBlizzardRaidFrames", true);
 		NewHook("CompactUnitFrame_RegisterEvents", CompactUnitFrame_UnregisterEvents)
 		NewHook("UnitFrameThreatIndicator_Initialize", UnitFrameThreatIndicator_Hook)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/system.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/system.lua
index bb2d00a..dd0358a 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/system.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/system.lua
@@ -120,6 +120,14 @@ THE CLEANING LADY
 local LemonPledge = 0;
 local Consuela = CreateFrame("Frame")
+Consuela:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
+	LemonPledge = LemonPledge + 1
+	if (InCombatLockdown() and LemonPledge > 25000) or (not InCombatLockdown() and LemonPledge > 10000) then
+		collectgarbage("collect")
+		LemonPledge = 0;
+	end
@@ -176,13 +184,15 @@ function SuperVillain:DefinePlayerRole()
 	local spec = GetSpecialization()
 	local role;
 	if spec then
+		if(self.CurrentSpec == spec) then return end
 		role = RefClassRoles[spec]
 		if role == "T" and UnitLevel("player") == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL then
 			local bonus, pvp = GetCombatRatingBonus(COMBAT_RATING_RESILIENCE_PLAYER_DAMAGE_TAKEN), false;
 			if bonus > GetDodgeChance() and bonus > GetParryChance() then
 				role = "M"
-		end
+		end
+		self.CurrentSpec = spec
 		local intellect = select(2, UnitStat("player", 4))
 		local agility = select(2, UnitStat("player", 2))
@@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ function SuperVillain:DefinePlayerRole()
 			self.Dispellable["Magic"] = nil
+	self.RoleIsSet = true
@@ -410,19 +421,10 @@ local function FullLoad(self)
-	Consuela:RegisterAllEvents()
-	Consuela:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
-		LemonPledge = LemonPledge  +  1
-		if (InCombatLockdown() and LemonPledge > 25000) or (not InCombatLockdown() and LemonPledge > 10000) or event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
-			collectgarbage("collect");
-			LemonPledge = 0;
-		end
-	end)

 	if self.db.system.loginmessage then
 		self:AddonMessage(format(L["LOGIN_MSG"], "|cffffcc1a", "|cffff801a", self.version));
-	end
+	end

@@ -432,7 +434,7 @@ SVUISystemEventHandler:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
-local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
+local SVUISystem_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
 	if(event == "ADDON_LOADED"  and arg ~= "Blizzard_DebugTools") then
@@ -444,10 +446,11 @@ local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
 	elseif(event == "UI_SCALE_CHANGED") then
 	elseif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
-		SuperVillain:DefinePlayerRole()
-		if(not SuperVillain.MediaUpdated) then
-			SuperVillain:RefreshAllSystemMedia()
-			SuperVillain.MediaUpdated = true
+		if(not SuperVillain.RoleIsSet) then
+			SuperVillain:DefinePlayerRole()
+		end
+		if(not SuperVillain.MediaInitialized) then
+			SuperVillain:RefreshAllSystemMedia()
 		local a,b = IsInInstance()
 		if(b == "pvp") then
@@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
 			SuperVillain.BGTimer = nil
+		collectgarbage("collect")
 	elseif(event == "SPELLS_CHANGED") then
 		if (toonClass ~= "DRUID") then
@@ -473,7 +477,7 @@ local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
 	elseif(event == "ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED" or event == "ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN") then
 		SuperVillain:TaintHandler(arg, ...)
 	elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
-		local forceClosed=false;
+		local forceClosed = false;
 		if IsAddOnLoaded("SVUI_ConfigOMatic") then
 			local aceConfig=LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
 			if aceConfig.OpenFrames[SVUINameSpace] then
@@ -495,7 +499,7 @@ local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
 			forceClosed = true;
-		if forceClosed==true then
+		if forceClosed == true then
 	elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
@@ -503,4 +507,4 @@ local Registry_OnEvent = function(self, event, arg, ...)
-SVUISystemEventHandler:SetScript("OnEvent", Registry_OnEvent)
\ No newline at end of file
+SVUISystemEventHandler:SetScript("OnEvent", SVUISystem_OnEvent)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/timers.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/timers.lua
index eb2b3cd..28e1bd5 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/timers.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/timers.lua
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ ExecuteLoop: Create a timer that loops continuously and CAN be removed
 local QueuedForExeTimer = 0;
 local ExeTimerQueue = {};
 local ExeTimerManager = CreateFrame("Frame");
-local ExeTimerManager_OnUpdate = function(self,elapsed)
+local ExeTimerManager_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
 	if(QueuedForExeTimer > 0) then
 		for id,_ in pairs(ExeTimerQueue) do
 			local callback = ExeTimerQueue[id]
@@ -61,19 +62,27 @@ local ExeTimerManager_OnUpdate = function(self,elapsed)
 				if callback.t > elapsed then
 					local newTime = callback.t - elapsed
 					ExeTimerQueue[id].t = newTime
-				else
+				else
 					if(callback.x) then
 						ExeTimerQueue[id].t = callback.x
 						ExeTimerQueue[id] = nil
+						QueuedForExeTimer = QueuedForExeTimer - 1;
-ExeTimerManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ExeTimerManager_OnUpdate)
+local function ValidateTimer()
+	if(QueuedForExeTimer > 0 and (not ExeTimerManager:GetScript("OnUpdate"))) then
+		ExeTimerManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", ExeTimerManager_OnUpdate)
+	elseif(ExeTimerManager:GetScript("OnUpdate")) then
+		ExeTimerManager:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	end

 function SuperVillain:ExecuteTimer(timeOutFunction, duration, idCheck)
 	if(type(duration) == "number" and type(timeOutFunction) == "function") then
@@ -83,12 +92,13 @@ function SuperVillain:ExecuteTimer(timeOutFunction, duration, idCheck)
 			QueuedForExeTimer = QueuedForExeTimer + 1
 			local id = "LOOP" .. QueuedForExeTimer;
-			ExeTimerQueue[id] = {["t"] = duration, ["f"] = timeOutFunction}
+			ExeTimerQueue[id] = {t = duration, f = timeOutFunction}
+			ValidateTimer()
 			return id
-	end;
+	end
 	return false

 function SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(timeOutFunction, duration, idCheck)
 	if(type(duration) == "number" and type(timeOutFunction) == "function") then
@@ -99,19 +109,21 @@ function SuperVillain:ExecuteLoop(timeOutFunction, duration, idCheck)
 			QueuedForExeTimer = QueuedForExeTimer + 1
 			local id = "LOOP" .. QueuedForExeTimer;
-			ExeTimerQueue[id] = {["x"] = duration, ["t"] = duration, ["f"] = timeOutFunction}
+			ExeTimerQueue[id] = {x = duration, t = duration, f = timeOutFunction}
+			ValidateTimer()
 			return id
-	end;
+	end
 	return false

 function SuperVillain:RemoveLoop(id)
 	if(ExeTimerQueue[id]) then
 		ExeTimerQueue[id] = nil
 		QueuedForExeTimer = QueuedForExeTimer - 1;
-	end;
+		ValidateTimer()
+	end
@@ -120,18 +132,18 @@ TIMER FUNCTIONS
 local Cooldown_ForceUpdate = function(self)
 	self.nextUpdate = 0;

 local Cooldown_StopTimer = function(self)
 	self.enable = nil;

 local Cooldown_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
 	if self.nextUpdate > 0 then
 		self.nextUpdate = self.nextUpdate - elapsed;
-	end;
+	end
 	local expires = (self.duration - (GetTime() - self.start));
 	if expires > 0.05 then
 		if (self.fontScale * self:GetEffectiveScale() / UIParent:GetScale()) < 0.5 then
@@ -166,17 +178,17 @@ local Cooldown_OnUpdate = function(self, elapsed)

 local function ModifyCoolSize(self, width, height, override)
 	local newSize = floor(width + .5) / 36;
 	override = override or self:GetParent():GetParent().SizeOverride;
 	if override then
 		newSize = override / 20
-	end;
+	end
 	if newSize == self.fontScale then
-	end;
+	end
 	self.fontScale = newSize;
 	if newSize < 0.5 and not override then
@@ -187,7 +199,7 @@ local function ModifyCoolSize(self, width, height, override)

 local Cool_OnSize = function(self, width, height)
 	ModifyCoolSize(self.timer, width, height, self.SizeOverride)
@@ -210,7 +222,7 @@ local function CreateCoolTimer(self)
 	self:SetScript('OnSizeChanged', Cool_OnSize)

 	return self.timer

 local Cooldown_OnLoad = function(self, start, duration, elapsed)
 	if start > 0 and duration > 2.5 then
@@ -228,7 +240,7 @@ local Cooldown_OnLoad = function(self, start, duration, elapsed)
 		if timer then
-	end;
+	end
 	if self.timer then
 		if elapsed and elapsed > 0 then
@@ -236,9 +248,9 @@ local Cooldown_OnLoad = function(self, start, duration, elapsed)

 function SuperVillain:AddCD(cooldown)
 	if not SuperVillain.db.system.cooldown then return end
 	hooksecurefunc(cooldown, "SetCooldown", Cooldown_OnLoad)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/updates.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/updates.lua
index 3cb9bca..aedd293 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/updates.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/system/updates.lua
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ function SuperVillain:MediaUpdate()
   self.Media.bg.unitsmall   = self.Shared:Fetch("background", self.db.media.textures.unitsmall)

   local cColor1 = self.Media.color.special
-    local cColor2 = self.Media.color.default
-    local r1,g1,b1 = cColor1[1], cColor1[2], cColor1[3]
-    local r2,g2,b2 = cColor2[1], cColor2[2], cColor2[3]
-    self.Media.gradient.special = {"VERTICAL",r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2}
+  local cColor2 = self.Media.color.default
+  local r1,g1,b1 = cColor1[1], cColor1[2], cColor1[3]
+  local r2,g2,b2 = cColor2[1], cColor2[2], cColor2[3]

-    self.Registry:RunCallbacks()
+  self.Media.gradient.special = {"VERTICAL",r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2}
+  self.Registry:RunCallbacks()

 function SuperVillain:RefreshSystemFonts()
@@ -228,4 +228,5 @@ function SuperVillain:RefreshAllSystemMedia()
   SetFont(SystemFont_Tiny, UNICODE_FONT, unicodesize)

+  self.MediaInitialized = true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
index 5a3783c..bbac951 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
 ## Author: Munglunch, Elv
-## Version: 4.0662
+## Version: 4.073
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Config O Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFConfig Options|r]
 ## RequiredDeps: SVUI
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/modules/units/core.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/modules/units/core.lua
index 1c9f044..612a6ea 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/modules/units/core.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/modules/units/core.lua
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ SuperVillain.Options.args.SVUnit = {
 								return SuperVillain.db.SVUnit.disableBlizzard
 							set = function(key, value)
-								SuperVillain.db["SVUnit"].disableBlizzard = value;
+								MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, "disableBlizzard");
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
index 1cea086..c03fdb1 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/SVUI_StyleOMatic.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
 ## Author: Munglunch, Azilroka, Sortokk
-## Version: 4.0662
+## Version: 4.073
 ## Title: |cffFF9900SVUI |r|cffFFEF00Style O Matic|r
 ## Notes: Supervillain UI [|cff9911FFAddon Skins|r].
 ## RequiredDeps: SVUI