
update to credits

Steven Jackson [09-14-14 - 18:35]
update to credits
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.lua
index 7e91036..8a9b8a0 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_ConfigOMatic/SVUI_ConfigOMatic.lua
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ local q, r, dnt = "", "", "";
 local s = "\n";
 local p = "\n"..format("|cff4f4f4f%s|r", "---------------------------------------------");
 local t = {"Munglunch", "Elv", "Tukz", "Azilroka", "Sortokk", "AlleyKat", "Quokka", "Haleth", "P3lim", "Haste", "Totalpackage", "Kryso", "Thepilli"};
-local u = {"Wowinterface Community", "Doonga - (The man who keeps me busy)", "Judicate", "Cazart506", "Movster", "MuffinMonster", "Joelsoul", "Trendkill09", "Luamar", "Zharooz", "Lyn3x5", "Madh4tt3r", "Xarioth", "Sinnisterr", "Melonmaniac", "Hojowameeat", "Xandeca", "Bkan", "Daigan - (My current 2nd in command)", "AtomicKiller", "Meljen", "Moondoggy", "Stormblade", "Schreibstift", "Anj", "Risien", "Penguinsane"};
+local u = {"Wowinterface Community", "Doonga - (The man who keeps me busy)", "Judicate", "Cazart506", "Movster", "MuffinMonster", "Joelsoul", "Trendkill09", "Luamar", "Zharooz", "Lyn3x5", "Madh4tt3r", "Xarioth", "Sinnisterr", "Melonmaniac", "Hojowameeat", "Xandeca", "Bkan", "Daigan - (My current 2nd in command)", "AtomicKiller", "Meljen", "Moondoggy", "Stormblade", "Schreibstift", "Anj", "Risien", "Penguinsane", "Cromax", "Nitro_Turtle", "Shinzou", "Autolykus", "Taotao"};
 local v = {"Movster", "Cazart506", "FaolanKing", "Doonga", "Other Silent Partners.. (Let me know if I have forgotten you)"};
 local credit_header = format("|cffff9900%s|r", "SUPERVILLAIN CREDITS:")..p;
 local credit_sub = format("|cffff9900%s|r", "CREATED BY:").."  Munglunch"..p;