
- TitanLocation: Fixed logic error looking for CT_Library rather than CT_MapMod which was preventing coordinates from appearing.

HonorGoG [08-24-18 - 04:13]
- TitanLocation: Fixed logic error looking for CT_Library rather than CT_MapMod which was preventing coordinates from appearing.
diff --git a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
index eb46ae8..b240db0 100755
--- a/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
+++ b/TitanLocation/TitanLocation.lua
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ end
 local TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime = true;
 function TitanPanelLocation_CreateMapFrames()
 	WorldMapFrame:HookScript("OnShow", function(self)
-		if (TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime and not _G["CT_Library"]) then
+		if (TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime and not _G["CT_MapMod"]) then
 			TPL_CMF_IsFirstTime = false;
 			local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "TitanMapFrame", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame)
 			local font1 = frame:CreateFontString("TitanMapPlayerLocation", "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal");