
- More Profile fixes to ensure copy is correct

urnati [04-08-23 - 01:37]
- More Profile fixes to ensure copy is correct
- Internal code cleanup
diff --git a/Titan/TitanConfig.lua b/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
index 30b62f5..42a72b3 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanConfig.lua
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ changes = changes
 		.."- Configuration > Skins shows available skins.\n"
 		.."- Remove adjustment of XP & status bars and Bag & Menu buttons.\n"
 		.."- Remove unused timers; only LDB timer left.\n"
+		.."- Internal code cleanup.\n"
 		.."- Update TOC\n"
@@ -149,19 +150,6 @@ local function TitanPanel_GetLicense()
 	return GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-License") or L["TITAN_NA"];

---[[ local
-NAME: TitanAdjustPanelScale
-DESC: Set the Titan bars and plugins to the selected scale then adjust other frames as needed.
-VAR: scale - the scale the user has selected for Titan
-OUT: None
-local function TitanAdjustPanelScale(scale)
---	TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Config scale change "..scale)
---	TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("Config scale change "..scale)
-	TitanPanel_SetScale()
---	TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(true, "AdjustPanelScale")
 -- helper functions

@@ -617,7 +605,7 @@ local optionsUIScale = {
 			set = function(_, a)
 				if not InCombatLockdown() then
 					TitanPanelSetVar("Scale", a)
-					TitanAdjustPanelScale(a)
+					TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Config scale change "..scale)
 			disabled = function()
@@ -863,7 +851,6 @@ local function TitanUpdateConfigBars(t, pos)

 				-- Justify button position
-				--TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAlign(v.name.."_Align");
 		position = position + 1 -- Combat hide toggle
diff --git a/Titan/TitanPanel.lua b/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
index b69a18b..3e07e3a 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanPanel.lua
@@ -333,7 +333,6 @@ function TitanPanel_PlayerEnteringWorld()
 		for idx, v in pairs (TitanBarData) do
---		TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton()

 		local realmName = GetRealmName()
@@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ function TitanPanelBarButton:CVAR_UPDATE(cvarname, cvarvalue)
 	or cvarname == "WINDOWED_MODE"
 	or cvarname == "uiScale" then
 		if TitanPlayerSettings and TitanPanelGetVar("Scale") then
-			TitanPanel_SetScale()
+			TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton() -- TitanPanel_SetScale()
@@ -703,7 +702,7 @@ local function handle_reset_cmds(cmd_list)
 	elseif p1 == "panelscale" then
 		if not InCombatLockdown() then
 			TitanPanelSetVar("Scale", 1);
-			TitanPanel_SetScale()
+			TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton() -- TitanPanel_SetScale()
 			TitanPrint(L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESP3"], "info")
 			TitanPrint(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_IN_COMBAT_LOCKDOWN"], "warning")
@@ -1108,23 +1107,6 @@ end
 -- Titan features
---[[ Titan
-NAME: TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAlign
-DESC: Align the buttons per the user's new choice.
-VAR: align - left or center
-OUT: None
-function TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAlign(align)
-	-- toggle between left or center
-	if ( TitanPanelGetVar(align) == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_CENTER ) then
-	else
-	end
-	-- Justify button position
-	TitanPanelButton_Justify();

 --[[ Titan
 NAME: TitanPanelBarButton_ForceLDBLaunchersRight
@@ -1392,21 +1374,6 @@ print("_Hide"

 --[[ Titan
-NAME: TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton
-DESC: Set the scale, texture (graphic), and transparancy of all the Titan bars based on the user selection.
-VAR:  None
-OUT:  None
-function TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton()
-	-- Set initial Panel Scale
-	TitanPanel_SetScale();
-	for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do
-		TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(idx)
-	end
---[[ Titan
 NAME: TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons
 DESC: Show all user selected plugins on the Titan bar(s) then justify per the user selection.
 VAR:  None
@@ -1664,28 +1631,6 @@ function TitanPanelButton_Justify()

---[[ Titan
-NAME: TitanPanel_SetScale
-DESC: Set the scale of each plugin and each Titan bar.
-VAR:  None
-OUT:  None
-function TitanPanel_SetScale()
-	local scale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale");
-	-- Set all the Titan bars
-	for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do
-		local bar_name = TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX..TitanBarData[idx].name
-		_G[bar_name]:SetScale(scale)
-	end
-	-- Set all the registered plugins
-	for index, value in pairs(TitanPlugins) do
-		if index then
-			TitanUtils_GetButton(index):SetScale(scale);
-		end
-	end
 -- Local routines for Titan menu creation
diff --git a/Titan/TitanPanelTemplate.lua b/Titan/TitanPanelTemplate.lua
index 7080f6a..61a2491 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanPanelTemplate.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanPanelTemplate.lua
@@ -59,6 +59,270 @@ local _G = getfenv(0);
 local InCombatLockdown	= _G.InCombatLockdown;
 local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")

+-- Routines to handle moving and sizing of short bars
+local function CheckBarBounds(self, width)
+	local result = {}
+	local err = ""
+	local res = ""
+	local f_name = self:GetName()
+	local bar_name = TitanBarData[f_name].name
+	local locale_name = TitanBarData[f_name].locale_name
+	if TitanBarData[f_name].user_move
+	and TitanBarDataVars[f_name].show
+	then
+		local tscale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale")
+.." '"..tostring(bar_name).."'"
+.." "..(width == 0 and "drag" or "width")..""
+.." T "..tostring(format("%0.1f", tscale))..""
+.." UI "..tostring(format("%0.1f", UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()))..""
+		-- Assumes BOTTOMLEFT of screen per Short bar defaults.
+		-- Top and right adjust an addition pixel,
+		-- if resolution is not 'pixel perfect' rounding could cause algorithm to think bar is off screen
+		local orig_w = self:GetWidth()
+		local l_off = self:GetLeft()
+		local r_off = self:GetRight()
+		local t_off = self:GetTop()
+		local b_off = self:GetBottom()
+		local screen_right, screen_top = TitanUtils_ScreenSize()
+		local w = 0
+		local x_off = 0
+		local y_off = 0
+		local w_off = 0
+local show_errs = true
+		if (width == 0) then -- drag and drop
+			-- Keep the width
+			w_off = orig_w
+.." '"..tostring(bar_name).."'"
+.." l "..tostring(format("%0.1f", l_off))..""
+.." r "..tostring(format("%0.1f", r_off))..""
+.." t "..tostring(format("%0.1f", t_off))..""
+.." b "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b_off))..""
+.." et "..tostring(format("%0.1f", (t_off * tscale)))..""
+			-- Assume all ok :)
+			x_off = l_off
+			y_off = b_off
+			res = "Ok"
+			if l_off < 0 then
+				x_off = 0
+				err = "Off left side of screen, leaving on the edge."
+				res = "Off L"
+			elseif r_off > screen_right then
+				x_off = (screen_right - orig_w) - 1
+				err = "Off right side of screen, leaving on the edge."
+				res = "Off R"
+			end
+			if show_errs and err ~= "" then
+				TitanPrint(locale_name.." "..err.."!!!!"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off)).."]"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off)).."]"
+					, "warning")
+			end
+			if (t_off * tscale) > screen_top then
+				y_off = b_off - ((t_off * tscale) - screen_top) - 1
+				err = "Off top of screen, leaving on the edge."
+				res = "Off T"
+			elseif b_off < 0 then
+				y_off = 0
+				err = "Off bottom of screen, leaving on the edge."
+				res = "Off B"
+			end
+			if show_errs and err ~= "" then
+				TitanPrint(locale_name.." "..err.."!!!!"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off)).."]"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off)).."]"
+					, "warning")
+			end
+		else -- width change
+			local min_w, min_h, max_w, max_h = self:GetResizeBounds()
+			-- Keep the X and Y
+			x_off = l_off
+			y_off = b_off
+			w = orig_w + width
+			if w < min_w then
+				-- do nothing - too small
+				w_off = min_w
+				err = "Width too small. Set to min width."
+				res = "Too small"
+			elseif w > max_w then
+				w_off = max_w
+				err = "Width too big. Set to max width." -- too wide
+				res = "Too big"
+			elseif x_off + w > screen_right then
+				w_off = orig_w
+				err = "Off right side of screen, leaving on the edge."
+				res = "Off R"
+			else
+				w_off = w
+				res = "Ok"
+			end
+			self:SetSize(w_off, TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT)
+			if show_errs and err ~= "" then
+				TitanPrint(locale_name.." "..err.."!!!!"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", orig_w)).."]"
+							.." ["..tostring(format("%0.1f", w_off)).."]"
+					, "warning")
+			end
+		end
+.." '"..tostring(bar_name).."'"
+.." '"..tostring(res).."'"
+.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", l_off))..""
+.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off))..""
+.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b_off))..""
+.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off))..""
+.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", orig_w))..""
+.." + "..tostring(format("%0.1f", width))..""
+.." = "..tostring(format("%0.1f", w_off))..""
+.." s "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_right)).."w"
+.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_top)).."h"
+--		TitanVariables_SetBarPos(self, false, x_off, y_off, w_off)
+	else
+		-- Controlled with anchor points; cannot move so no check is needed
+	end
+	if err == "" then
+		-- all is good
+		result.ok = true
+	else
+		result.ok = false
+	end
+.." '"..tostring(locale_name).."'"
+.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", orig_w))..""
+.." + "..tostring(format("%0.1f", w))..""
+.." = "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetWidth()))..""
+.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off))..""
+.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", result.x))..""
+.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off))..""
+.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", result.y))..""
+.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetWidth()))..""
+.." s "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_edge))..""
+	return result
+local function OnMoveStart(self)
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		if self:IsMovable() then
+			self.isMoving = true
+.." "..tostring(self:GetName())..""
+.." "..tostring(IsShiftKeyDown())..""
+.." "..tostring(IsAltKeyDown())..""
+.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetLeft()))..""
+.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetTop()))..""
+			self:StartMoving()
+			_G.GameTooltip:Hide()
+		end
+	else
+		-- Do not move
+	end
+local function OnMovingStop(self)
+	self:StopMovingOrSizing()
+	self.isMoving = nil
+	local res = CheckBarBounds(self, 0)
+.." "..tostring(self:GetName())..""
+.." x: "..tostring(res.x)..""
+.." y: "..tostring(res.y)..""
+.." ok: "..tostring(res.ok)..""
+	if res.ok then
+	else
+	end
+	-- Seems overkill - this will recalc all bars but recalc of textures could be needed...
+	TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Check bounds")
+local function OnMouseWheel(self, d)
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		local old_w = self:GetWidth()
+		local res = CheckBarBounds(self, d)
+		if res.ok then
+		end
+.." "..tostring(f_name)..""
+.." old: "..tostring(old_w)..""
+.." new: "..tostring(self:GetWidth())..""
+.." ok: "..tostring(res.ok)..""
+	-- Seems overkill - this will recalc all bars but recalc of textures could be needed...
+	TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Check bounds")
+	end
+--[[ local
+NAME: TitanPanel_SetScale
+DESC: Set the scale of each plugin and each Titan bar.
+VAR:  None
+OUT:  None
+function TitanPanel_SetScale()
+	local scale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale");
+	-- Set all the Titan bars
+	for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do
+		local bar_name = TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX..TitanBarData[idx].name
+		_G[bar_name]:SetScale(scale)
+	end
+	-- Set all the registered plugins
+	for index, value in pairs(TitanPlugins) do
+		if index then
+			TitanUtils_GetButton(index):SetScale(scale);
+		end
+	end
 --[[ local
 NAME: TitanTooltip_AddTooltipText
 DESC: Helper to add a line of tooltip text to the tooltip.
@@ -675,7 +939,6 @@ end

 			local position = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)
-			local scale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale");
 			if (isControlFrameShown) then

 				-- Note: This uses anchor points to place the control frame relative to the plugin on the screen.
@@ -1039,6 +1302,7 @@ function TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(id, setButtonWidth)  -- Used by plugins

 --[[ API
 NAME: TitanPanelButton_UpdateTooltip
 DESC: Update the tooltip of the given Titan plugin.
@@ -1124,6 +1388,29 @@ function TitanPanelButton_GetType(id)

 --[[ Titan
+NAME: TitanPanelButton_ApplyBarPos
+DESC: Apply saved Bar position to the Bar frame.
+VAR: frame_str - string name of the Bar frame
+OUT: None
+- Bit of a sledge hammer; used when loading a profile over the current one so the Bars ready to be placed.
+function TitanPanelButton_ApplyBarPos(frame_str)
+	local frame = _G[frame_str]
+	local bdata = TitanBarData[frame]
+	local fdata = TitanBarDataVars[frame_str]
+	if frame and bdata and fdata then
+		frame:ClearAllPoints();
+		if bdata.user_move then
+			frame:SetPoint(bdata.show.pt, bdata.show.rel_fr, bdata.show.rel_pt, fdata.off_x, fdata.off_y)
+		else
+			-- Set bar, ignore
+		end
+	end
+--[[ Titan
 NAME: TitanOptionsSliderTemplate_OnLoad
 DESC: Loads the Backdrop for TitanOptionsSliderTemplate with new 9.0 API
 VAR: self - The frame
@@ -1144,223 +1431,22 @@ function TitanOptionsSliderTemplate_OnLoad(self)

--- Routines to handle moving and sizing of short bars
-local function CheckBounds(self, width)
-	local result = {}
-	local err = ""
-	local res = ""
-	local f_name = self:GetName()
-	local bar_name = TitanBarData[f_name].name
-	local locale_name = TitanBarData[f_name].locale_name
-	if TitanBarData[f_name].user_move then
-		-- Assumes BOTTOMLEFT of screen per Short bar defaults.
-.." '"..tostring(bar_name).."'"
-.." '"..tostring(width).."'"
-.." "..(width == 0 and "drag" or "width")..""
-		local min_w, min_h, max_w, max_h = self:GetResizeBounds()
-		local orig_w = self:GetWidth() --/ UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() -- take out scaling to get 'real' width
-		local l_off = self:GetLeft() -- * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()
-		local r_off = self:GetRight() -- * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()
-		local t_off = self:GetTop() -- * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()
-		local b_off = self:GetBottom() -- * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()
-		local screen_right, screen_top = TitanUtils_ScreenSize()
-		local w = 0
-		local x_off = 0
-		local y_off = 0
-		local w_off = 0
-		if TitanBarData[f_name] then
-			if (width == 0) then -- drag and drop
-				-- Keep the width
-				w_off = orig_w
-				if l_off < 0 then
-					err = "Off left side of screen, leaving on the edge."
-					x_off = 0
-					y_off = b_off
-					res = "Off L"
-				elseif r_off > screen_right then
-					err = "Off right side of screen, leaving on the edge."
-					x_off = screen_right - orig_w
-					y_off = b_off
-					res = "Off R"
-				elseif t_off > screen_top then
-					err = "Off top of screen, leaving on the edge."
-					x_off = l_off
-					y_off = screen_top  - TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT
-					res = "Off T"
-				elseif b_off < 0 then
-					err = "Off bottom of screen, leaving on the edge."
-					x_off = l_off
-					y_off = 0
-					res = "Off B"
-				else
-					-- all seems ok
-					x_off = l_off
-					y_off = b_off
-					res = "Ok"
-				end
-			else -- width change
-				-- Keep the X and Y
-				x_off = l_off
-				y_off = b_off
-				w = orig_w + width
-				if w < min_w then
-					-- do nothing - too small
-					err = "Width too small. Set to min width."
-					w_off = min_w
-					res = "Too small"
-				elseif w > max_w then
-					err = "Width too big. Set to max width." -- too wide
-					w_off = max_w
-					res = "Too big"
-				elseif x_off + w > screen_right then
-					err = "Off right side of screen, leaving on the edge."
-					w_off = orig_w
-					res = "Off R"
-				else
-					w_off = w
-					res = "Ok"
-				end
-				self:SetSize(w_off, TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT)
-			end
-		end
-.." '"..tostring(bar_name).."'"
-.." '"..tostring(res).."'"
-.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", l_off))..""
-.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off))..""
-.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b_off))..""
-.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off))..""
-.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", orig_w))..""
-.." + "..tostring(format("%0.1f", width))..""
-.." = "..tostring(format("%0.1f", w_off))..""
-.." s "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_right)).."w"
-.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_top)).."h"
-		TitanVariables_SetBarPos(self, false,
-			x_off, y_off, w_off)
---			x_off / UIParent:GetEffectiveScale(), y_off / UIParent:GetEffectiveScale(), w_off)
-	else
-		-- Controlled with anchor points so no check is needed
-	end
-	if err == "" then
-		-- all is good
-		result.ok = true
-	else
-		result.ok = false
-		TitanPrint(locale_name.." "..err.."!!!!", "error")
-	end
-.." '"..tostring(locale_name).."'"
-.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", orig_w))..""
-.." + "..tostring(format("%0.1f", w))..""
-.." = "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetWidth()))..""
-.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", x_off))..""
-.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", result.x))..""
-.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", y_off))..""
-.." => "..tostring(format("%0.1f", result.y))..""
-.." w "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetWidth()))..""
-.." s "..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_edge))..""
-	return result
-local function OnMoveStart(self)
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		if self:IsMovable() then
-			self.isMoving = true
-.." "..tostring(self:GetName())..""
-.." "..tostring(IsShiftKeyDown())..""
-.." "..tostring(IsAltKeyDown())..""
-.." x "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetLeft()))..""
-.." y "..tostring(format("%0.1f", self:GetTop()))..""
-			self:StartMoving()
-			_G.GameTooltip:Hide()
-		end
-	else
-		-- Do not move
-	end
-local function OnMovingStop(self)
-	self:StopMovingOrSizing()
-	self.isMoving = nil
-	local res = CheckBounds(self, 0)
-.." "..tostring(self:GetName())..""
-.." x: "..tostring(res.x)..""
-.." y: "..tostring(res.y)..""
-.." ok: "..tostring(res.ok)..""
+--[[ Titan
+NAME: TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton
+DESC: Set the scale, texture (graphic), and transparancy of all the Titan bars based on the user selection.
+VAR:  None
+OUT:  None
-	if res.ok then
-	else
-	end
-	-- Seems overkill - this will recalc all bars but recalc of textures could be needed...
-	TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Check bounds")
-	-- The drag or width change occrred on screen but may need adjusting from user drop if bounds condition.
-	TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("Short Bar change - "..(width == o and "width" or "drag").." - "..tostring(f_name))
+function TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton()
+	-- Set initial Panel Scale
+	TitanPanel_SetScale();

-local function OnMouseWheel(self, d)
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		local old_w = self:GetWidth()
-		local res = CheckBounds(self, d)
-		if res.ok then
-		end
-.." "..tostring(f_name)..""
-.." old: "..tostring(old_w)..""
-.." new: "..tostring(self:GetWidth())..""
-.." ok: "..tostring(res.ok)..""
-	-- Seems overkill - this will recalc all bars but recalc of textures could be needed...
-	TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Check bounds")
-	-- The drag or width change occrred on screen but may need adjusting from user drop if bounds condition.
-	TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("Short Bar change - "..(width == o and "width" or "drag").." - "..tostring(f_name))
+	for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do
+		CheckBarBounds(_G[idx], 0)
+		TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(idx)
+	TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("InitPanelBarButton")

diff --git a/Titan/TitanUtils.lua b/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
index bc3243b..76aa62d 100644
--- a/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanUtils.lua
@@ -1980,12 +1980,14 @@ function TitanUtils_ScreenSize(output)
 		.." UI - x:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", x))..""
 		.." X y:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", y))..""
-		.." scale:"..tostring(format("%0.6f", s))..""
 		.." UI scaled - x:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_x * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()))..""
 		.." X y:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", screen_y * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()))..""
-		.." screen - x:"..tostring(format("%0.1f",px))..""
+		.." Scale: UI"..tostring(format("%0.6f", s))..""
+		.." Titan "..tostring(format("%0.1f", TitanPanelGetVar("Scale")))..""
+		.."\n"
+		.." screen - x:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", px))..""
 		.." X y:"..tostring(format("%0.1f", py))..""