
#1219 : Change to move extra action button above Blizzard menu bar

urnati [03-18-19 - 20:07]
#1219 : Change to move extra action button above Blizzard menu bar
diff --git a/Titan/TitanMovable.lua b/Titan/TitanMovable.lua
index ae92ad2..dc74828 100755
--- a/Titan/TitanMovable.lua
+++ b/Titan/TitanMovable.lua
@@ -281,8 +281,9 @@ local function MoveFrame(frame_ptr, start_y, top_bottom, force)
 			-- check for nil which will cause an error
 			if point and relativeTo and relativePoint and xOfs then -- do not care about yOfs
 				-- should be safe...
-				frame:ClearAllPoints();
-				frame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
+--				frame:ClearAllPoints();
+--				frame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
+				SetPosition(frame, point, relativeTo:GetName(), relativePoint, xOfs, y)
 				-- do not proceed
@@ -305,7 +306,8 @@ end
 xx_xOfs = 0
 --[[ local
 NAME: MoveMenuFrame
-DESC: Adjust the MainMenuBar frame. Needed because :GetPoint does NOT work. This is modeled after MoveFrame to keep it similar.
+DESC: Adjust the MainMenuBar frame. Needed because :GetPoint does NOT always work for MainMenuBar.
+This is modeled after MoveFrame to keep it similar.
 Titan sets the IsUserPlaced for the MainMenuBar frame so Titan needs to adjust.
 VAR: frame_ptr - Text string of the frame name
 VAR: start_y - Any offset due to the specific frame
@@ -328,20 +330,6 @@ local function MoveMenuFrame(frame_ptr, start_y, top_bottom, force)
 		xOfs = TitanPanelGetVar("MainMenuBarXAdj")

-		-- This is a hack because GetPoint on MainMenuBar often returns all nil
-		-- If the scale is is around .85 or higher the bag menu overlaps the main menu
-		local fscale = tonumber(GetCVar("uiScale"))
-		local xadj = (fscale * 100) - 85
-		if xadj <= 0 then
-			xOfs = 0
-		else
-			-- Slide the menu bar left depending on scaling to allow bag menu room
-			xOfs = xadj * 6 * -1
-		end
---		frame:ClearAllPoints();
---		frame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", xOfs, yOffset);
 		SetPosition(frame, "BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", xOfs, yOffset)
 		adj = true
@@ -518,6 +506,15 @@ local MData = {
 		move = function (force)
 			MoveMenuFrame("MainMenuBar", 0, TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM, force) end,
 		addonAdj = false, },
+	[11] = {frameName = "ExtraActionBarFrame",
+		move = function (force)
+			MoveFrame("ExtraActionBarFrame", 120, TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM, force) end,
+		addonAdj = false, },
+	[12] = {frameName = "OrderHallCommandBar",
+		move = function (force)
+			MoveFrame("OrderHallCommandBar", 0, TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_TOP, force) end,
+		addonAdj = false, },