
- Updated subzone file.

HonorGoG [12-07-19 - 05:29]
- Updated subzone file.
diff --git a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
index 52069ba..8572618 100755
--- a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
+++ b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense.toc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## Interface: 11302
-## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fDefense|r] |cff00aa005.0.0.11302|r
+## Title: Titan Panel Classic [|cffeda55fDefense|r] |cff00aa005.0.1.11302|r
 ## Notes: Tracks WorldDef chatter and prevents zone is under attack spam.
 ## Author: HonorGoG of the Titan Panel Development Team; original version by Tekkub
 ## SavedVariables: TitanClassicDefense_options, TitanClassicDefense_newSubzones, TitanClassicDefense_unknowns
 ## Dependencies: TitanClassic
-## Version:
+## Version:
 ## X-Website: http://www.titanpanel.org
 ## X-Email: contact@titanpanel.org
 ## X-WoWI-ID: 8281
diff --git a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
index 4aa9ffe..99b3a4a 100644
--- a/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
+++ b/TitanClassicDefense/TitanClassicDefense_subzones.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
 ["Addle's Stead"] = "Duskwood",
 ["Aerie Peak"] = "The Hinterlands",
+["Agama'gor"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Agamand Family Crypt"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
 ["Agamand Mills"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
 ["Agmond's End"] = "Badlands",
@@ -65,8 +66,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Bashal'Aran Collapse"] = "Bashal'Aran Collapse",
 ["Bashal'Aran"] = "Darkshore",
 ["Bathran's Haunt"] = "Ashenvale",
-["Battle Ring"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
 ["Battle on the High Seas"] = "Battle on the High Seas",
+["Battle Ring"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
 ["Battlescar Valley"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
 ["Bay of Storms"] = "Azshara",
 ["Bear's Head"] = "Azshara",
@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Brackenwall Village"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
 ["Brackwell Pumpkin Patch"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Brambleblade Ravine"] = "Mulgore",
+["Bramblescar"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Brashtide Attack Fleet"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
 ["Brave Wind Mesa"] = "Mulgore",
 ["Brawl'gar Arena"] = "Brawl'gar Arena",
@@ -174,8 +176,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Canals"] = "The Undercity",
 ["Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "The Cape of Stranglethorn",
 ["Cathedral District"] = "Stormwind City",
-["Cathedral Square"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Cathedral of Light"] = "Stormwind City",
+["Cathedral Square"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Cave of Betrayal"] = "Cave of Betrayal",
 ["Cavern of Mists"] = "The Wailing Caverns",
 ["Caverns of Time"] = "Tanaris",
@@ -246,6 +248,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Cyclone Summit"] = "The Vortex Pinnacle",
 ["Dabyrie's Farmstead"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Dagger Pass"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
+["Dalaran"] = "Alterac Mountains",
 ["Dalson's Farm"] = "Western Plaguelands",
 ["Dalson's Tears"] = "Western Plaguelands",
 ["Damplight Chamber"] = "Damplight Chamber",
@@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Den of the Caller"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
 ["Desolace"] = "Desolace",
 ["Detention Block"] = "Blackrock Depths",
+["Direforge Hill"] = "Wetlands",
 ["Dolanaar"] = "Teldrassil",
 ["Draco'dar"] = "Burning Steppes",
 ["Dragon's Mouth"] = "Badlands",
@@ -352,6 +356,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Eastwall Gate"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Eastwall Tower"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
+["Echo Isles"] = "Durotar",
 ["Echo Ridge Mine"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Elder Rise"] = "Thunder Bluff",
 ["Elders' Square"] = "Stratholme",
@@ -440,8 +445,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Furien's Post"] = "Desolace",
 ["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "Westfall",
 ["Furnace of Hate"] = "Utgarde Keep",
-["Fuselight"] = "Badlands",
 ["Fuselight-by-the-Sea"] = "Badlands",
+["Fuselight"] = "Badlands",
 ["Gadgetzan"] = "Tanaris",
 ["Gahrron's Withering"] = "Western Plaguelands",
 ["Galak Hold"] = "Thousand Needles",
@@ -470,6 +475,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Golakka Hot Springs"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
 ["Gold Coast Quarry"] = "Westfall",
 ["Gold Mine"] = "Arathi Basin",
+["Gold Road"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Goldshire"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Goldtooth's Den"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Gordunni Outpost"] = "Feralas",
@@ -499,6 +505,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Gryphon Roost"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Gunstan's Post"] = "Tanaris",
 ["Gunther's Retreat"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
+["Gurubashi Arena"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
 ["Hadronox's Lair"] = "Azjol-Nerub",
 ["Haldarr Encampment"] = "Azshara",
 ["Hall of Arms"] = "City of Ironforge",
@@ -536,9 +543,9 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Halls of Reflection"] = "Halls of Reflection",
 ["Halls of Silence"] = "Sethekk Halls",
 ["Halls of Strife"] = "Blackwing Lair",
-["Halls of Theory"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
 ["Halls of the Eclipse"] = "Halls of the Eclipse",
 ["Halls of the Law"] = "Blackrock Depths",
+["Halls of Theory"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
 ["Halycon's Lair"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
 ["Hammerfall"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Hammertoe's Digsite"] = "Badlands",
@@ -574,6 +581,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Hiri'watha"] = "The Hinterlands",
 ["Hogger Hill"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Honor Hold Mine"] = "Honor Hold Mine",
+["Honor's Stand"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Honor's Tomb"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
 ["Hordemar City"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
 ["Hour of Twilight"] = "Hour of Twilight",
@@ -690,6 +698,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Lower Quarter"] = "Skyreach",
 ["Lower Wilds"] = "Feralas",
 ["Lumber Mill"] = "Arathi Basin",
+["Lushwater Oasis"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Maestra's Post"] = "Ashenvale",
 ["Maexxna's Nest"] = "Naxxramas",
 ["Mage Quarter"] = "Stormwind City",
@@ -829,6 +838,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Northshire Vineyards"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
 ["Northwatch Foothold"] = "Durotar",
+["Northwatch Hold"] = "The Barrens",
 ["O'Breen's Camp"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["Oasis of the Fallen Prophet"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
 ["Observance Hall"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
@@ -967,12 +977,11 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Ruins of Solarsal"] = "Feralas",
 ["Ruins of Southshore"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
 ["Ruins of Thaurissan"] = "Burning Steppes",
+["Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Ruins of Zul'Kunda"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
 ["Ruins of Zul'Mamwe"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
-["Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Rut'theran Village"] = "Teldrassil",
 ["Ruuzel's Isle"] = "Ashenvale",
-["SI:7"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Sabermaw Den"] = "Sabermaw Den",
 ["Sable Ridge"] = "Azshara",
 ["Saldean's Farm"] = "Westfall",
@@ -1058,6 +1067,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Shimmering Flats"] = "Thousand Needles",
 ["Shindigger's Camp"] = "The Hinterlands",
 ["Shok'Thokar"] = "Desolace",
+["SI:7"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Siege Vise"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Silver Stream Mine"] = "Loch Modan",
 ["Silvermoon City Inn"] = "Silvermoon City",
@@ -1104,6 +1114,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["South Seas"] = "Tanaris",
 ["South Tide's Run"] = "Silverpine Forest",
 ["Southbreak Shore"] = "Tanaris",
+["Southern Barrens"] = "The Barrens",
+["Southern Gold Road"] = "The Barrens",
 ["Southern Rocketway Terminus"] = "Azshara",
 ["Southern Savage Coast"] = "Cape of Stranglethorn",
 ["Southfury River"] = "Durotar",
@@ -1119,8 +1131,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Sparring Hall"] = "The Shattered Halls",
 ["Speedbarge Bar"] = "Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge",
 ["Spiral of Thorns"] = "Razorfen Downs",
-["Spire Throne"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
 ["Spire of the Guardian"] = "Deadwind Pass",
+["Spire Throne"] = "Hall of Blackhand",
 ["Spirit Den"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
 ["Spirit Grotto"] = "Spirit Grotto",
 ["Spirit Rise"] = "Mulgore",
@@ -1220,8 +1232,8 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Temple of Asaad"] = "The Vortex Pinnacle",
 ["Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
 ["Temple of Elune"] = "Teldrassil",
-["Temple of Zin-Malor"] = "Azshara",
 ["Temple of the Moon"] = "Darnassus",
+["Temple of Zin-Malor"] = "Azshara",
 ["Terrace of Endless Spring"] = "Terrace of Endless Spring",
 ["Terrace of Repose"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
 ["Terrace of the Augurs"] = "Lost City of the Tol'vir",
@@ -1247,6 +1259,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Assembly Chamber"] = "Magisters' Terrace",
 ["The Assembly of Iron"] = "Ulduar",
 ["The Banshee's Wail"] = "The Cove of Nashal",
+["The Barrens"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Battleboar Pen"] = "Mulgore",
 ["The Battlefront"] = "Silverpine Forest",
 ["The Bazaar"] = "Silvermoon City",
@@ -1426,6 +1439,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Master's Glaive"] = "Darkshore",
 ["The Mechanar"] = "The Mechanar",
 ["The Menders' Stead"] = "Western Plaguelands",
+["The Merchant Coast"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Military Quarter"] = "Naxxramas",
 ["The Military Ward"] = "City of Ironforge",
 ["The Mind's Eye"] = "Ulduar",
@@ -1508,6 +1522,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Shimmering Deep"] = "Thousand Needles",
 ["The Shimmering Flats"] = "Thousand Needles",
 ["The Shining Strand"] = "Silverpine Forest",
+["The Shrine of Aessina"] = "Ashenvale",
 ["The Silver Blade"] = "The Silver Blade",
 ["The Skittering Dark"] = "Silverpine Forest",
 ["The Skull Warren"] = "Burning Steppes",
@@ -1525,6 +1540,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Solarium"] = "Tempest Keep",
 ["The Spark of Imagination"] = "Ulduar",
 ["The Sparkling Crawl"] = "The Stonecore",
+["The Stagnant Oasis"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Steam Pools"] = "The Steam Pools",
 ["The Steamvault"] = "The Steamvault",
 ["The Stockade"] = "Stormwind City",
@@ -1542,6 +1558,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
 ["The Terrestrial Watchtower"] = "Halls of Lightning",
 ["The Thornsnarl"] = "Mulgore",
+["The Tidus Stair"] = "The Barrens",
 ["The Tomb of Tyr"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
 ["The Tower of Arathor"] = "Arathi Highlands",
 ["The Toxic Airfield"] = "Dun Morogh",
@@ -1628,9 +1645,6 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Tomb of the Penitent"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
 ["Tomb of the Watchers"] = "Badlands",
 ["Tor'kren Farm"] = "Durotar",
-["Tower Of War"] = "Tower Of War",
-["Tower Point"] = "Alterac Valley",
-["Tower Watch"] = "Redridge Mountains",
 ["Tower of Althalaxx"] = "Darkshore",
 ["Tower of Azora"] = "Elwynn Forest",
 ["Tower of Eldara"] = "Azshara",
@@ -1638,6 +1652,9 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Tower of Estulan"] = "Feralas",
 ["Tower of Ilgalar"] = "Redridge Mountains",
 ["Tower of War"] = "Tower of War",
+["Tower Of War"] = "Tower Of War",
+["Tower Point"] = "Alterac Valley",
+["Tower Watch"] = "Redridge Mountains",
 ["Town Hall"] = "Town Hall",
 ["Trade District"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Trade Quarter"] = "The Undercity",
@@ -1672,6 +1689,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Tyr's Hand Abbey"] = "Tyr's Hand Abbey",
 ["Tyr's Hand"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
 ["Tyr's Terrace"] = "Utgarde Keep",
+["Uldaman"] = "Badlands",
 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
 ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
 ["Underwater Passage"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
@@ -1684,20 +1702,20 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Uther's Tomb"] = "Western Plaguelands",
 ["Valgan's Field"] = "Silverpine Forest",
 ["Valiant Rest"] = "Valiant Rest",
-["Valley Of Heroes"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Valley of Ashes"] = "Burning Steppes",
 ["Valley of Bones"] = "Desolace",
 ["Valley of Fangs"] = "Badlands",
 ["Valley of Heroes"] = "Stormwind City",
+["Valley Of Heroes"] = "Stormwind City",
 ["Valley of Honor"] = "Orgrimmar",
 ["Valley of Kings"] = "Loch Modan",
 ["Valley of Spears"] = "Desolace",
 ["Valley of Spirits"] = "Orgrimmar",
 ["Valley of Strength"] = "Orgrimmar",
-["Valley of Trials"] = "Durotar",
-["Valley of Wisdom"] = "Orgrimmar",
 ["Valley of the Bloodfuries"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
 ["Valley of the Watchers"] = "Tanaris",
+["Valley of Trials"] = "Durotar",
+["Valley of Wisdom"] = "Orgrimmar",
 ["Valor's Edge"] = "Valor's Edge",
 ["Valormok"] = "Azshara",
 ["Valorwind Lake"] = "The Hinterlands",
@@ -1709,10 +1727,10 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Vault of Law"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
 ["Vault of Mirrors"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
 ["Vault of Silence"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
-["Vault of Y'Shaarj"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
 ["Vault of the Betrayer"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
 ["Vault of the Ravenian"] = "Scholomance",
 ["Vault of the Wardens"] = "Vault of the Wardens",
+["Vault of Y'Shaarj"] = "Siege of Orgrimmar",
 ["Veil Sethekk"] = "Sethekk Halls",
 ["Venomweb Vale"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
 ["Venture Co. Base Camp"] = "Northern Stranglethorn",
@@ -1723,6 +1741,7 @@ TitanDefense_subzones = {
 ["Violet Hold"] = "Violet Hold",
 ["Vul'Gol Ogre Mound"] = "Duskwood",
 ["Vyletongue Seat"] = "Maraudon",
+["Wailing Caverns"] = "Wailing Caverns",
 ["Walk of Elders"] = "Silvermoon City",
 ["War Mill"] = "War Mill",
 ["War Quarter"] = "The Undercity",