
Add a method to get a table of default callbacks

James Whitehead II [10-08-12 - 06:20]
Add a method to get a table of default callbacks

This makes it possible for an add-on to create a waypoint with custom callbacks without losing the tooltip/onclick functionality that currently exists in TomTom. Usage is something like this:

local opts = {} -- any options for your waypoint, such as title, etc.
opts.callbacks = TomTom:DefaultCallbacks()
opts.callbacks.distance[15] = function(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance)
  -- this function will be called when the player moves from
  -- outside 15 yards to within, or vide-versa and passed
  -- several parameters
  -- event: "distance"
  -- uid: the UID of the waypoint
  -- range: the callback range being triggered (15 in this case)
  -- distance: the current distance to the waypoint
  --           this MAY be less than 15, if you move really fast
  -- lastdistance: the previous distance to the waypoint. This
  --               can be used to determine whether or not you are
  --               leaving the circle or entering it.

  if not lastdistance or lastdistance and lastdistance > dist then
    -- entering circle
    -- exiting circle
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index 3f7f842..2b51c87 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -786,34 +786,39 @@ function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, callb

--- TAG: AddCode
-function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
+-- Return a set of default callbacks that can be used by addons to provide
+-- more detailed functionality without losing the tooltip and onclick
+-- functionality.
+-- Options that are used in this 'opts' table in this function:
+--  * cleardistance - When the player is this far from the waypoint, the
+--    waypoint will be removed.
+--  * arrivaldistance - When the player is within this radius of the waypoint,
+--    the crazy arrow will change to the 'downwards' arrow, indicating that
+--    the player has arrived.
+function TomTom:DefaultCallbacks(opts)
     opts = opts or {}

-    local callbacks
-    if opts.callbacks then
-        callbacks = opts.callbacks
-    else
-        callbacks = {
-            minimap = {
-                onclick = _minimap_onclick,
-                tooltip_show = _minimap_tooltip_show,
-                tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_update,
-            },
-            world = {
-                onclick = _world_onclick,
-                tooltip_show = _world_tooltip_show,
-                tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_show,
-            },
-            distance = {
-            },
-        }
-    end
+	local callbacks = {
+		minimap = {
+			onclick = _minimap_onclick,
+			tooltip_show = _minimap_tooltip_show,
+			tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_update,
+		},
+		world = {
+			onclick = _world_onclick,
+			tooltip_show = _world_tooltip_show,
+			tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_show,
+		},
+		distance = {
+		},
+	}

     local cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance
     local arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival

-    -- Allow both of these to be overridde by options
+    -- Allow both of these to be overriden by options
     if opts.cleardistance then
         cleardistance = opts.cleardistance
@@ -835,11 +840,23 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)

-    -- Default values
+	return callbacks
+function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
+	opts = opts or {}
+	-- Default values
     if opts.persistent == nil then opts.persistent = self.profile.persistence.savewaypoints end
     if opts.minimap == nil then opts.minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable end
     if opts.world == nil then opts.world = self.profile.worldmap.enable end
     if opts.crazy == nil then opts.crazy = self.profile.arrow.autoqueue end
+	if opts.cleardistance == nil then opts.cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance end
+	if opts.arrivaldistance == nil then opts.arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival end
+    if not opts.callbacks then
+		opts.callbacks = TomTom:DefaultCallbacks(opts)
+	end

     local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m)

@@ -873,7 +890,7 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
     -- No need to convert x and y because they're already 0-1 instead of 0-100
     self:SetWaypoint(uid, callbacks, opts.minimap, opts.world)
     if opts.crazy then
-        self:SetCrazyArrow(uid, arrivaldistance, opts.title)
+        self:SetCrazyArrow(uid, opts.arrivaldistance, opts.title)

     waypoints[m] = waypoints[m] or {}