
KaiBo: Wayward reference to TomTom:AddZWaypoint() that had the extra Z.

Ludovicus [12-03-19 - 02:57]
KaiBo: Wayward reference to TomTom:AddZWaypoint() that had the extra Z.
diff --git a/TomTom_Waypoints.lua b/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
index d9fb262..1377d64 100755
--- a/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
+++ b/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 --  None of these functions should be called directly by addons if they want
 --  the waypoints to obey normal TomTom options and behavior.  In otherwords
 --  don't call TomTom:SetWaypoint() or TomTom:ClearWaypoint(), use the public
---  TomTom:AddZWaypoint() and TomTom:RemoveWaypoint() instead.
+--  TomTom:AddWaypoint() and TomTom:RemoveWaypoint() instead.

 local addon_name, addon = ...