
Fix indentation on recently edited files

James Whitehead II [04-25-11 - 20:03]
Fix indentation on recently edited files
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index 351a7fd..3c49ba2 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -12,27 +12,27 @@ local lmd = LibStub("LibMapData-1.0")

 -- Create the addon object
 TomTom = {
-	events = {},
-	eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame"),
-	RegisterEvent = function(self, event, method)
-		self.eventFrame:RegisterEvent(event)
-		self.events[event] = method or event
-	end,
-	UnregisterEvent = function(self, event)
-		self.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event)
-		self.events[event] = nil
-	end,
-	version = GetAddOnMetadata("TomTom", "Version")
+    events = {},
+    eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame"),
+    RegisterEvent = function(self, event, method)
+        self.eventFrame:RegisterEvent(event)
+        self.events[event] = method or event
+    end,
+    UnregisterEvent = function(self, event)
+        self.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent(event)
+        self.events[event] = nil
+    end,
+    version = GetAddOnMetadata("TomTom", "Version")

 if TomTom.version == "wowi:revision" then TomTom.version = "SVN" end
 if TomTom.version == "@project-version@" then TomTom.version = "SCM" end

 TomTom.eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
-	local method = TomTom.events[event]
-	if method and TomTom[method] then
-		TomTom[method](TomTom, event, ...)
-	end
+    local method = TomTom.events[event]
+    if method and TomTom[method] then
+        TomTom[method](TomTom, event, ...)
+    end

@@ -48,158 +48,158 @@ local RoundCoords
 local waypoints = {}

 function TomTom:ADDON_LOADED(event, addon)
-	if addon == "TomTom" then
-		self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
-		self.defaults = {
-			profile = {
-				general = {
-					confirmremoveall = true,
-					announce = false,
-					corpse_arrow = true,
-				},
-				block = {
-					enable = true,
-					accuracy = 2,
-					bordercolor = {1, 0.8, 0, 0.8},
-					bgcolor = {0, 0, 0, 0.4},
-					lock = false,
-					height = 30,
-					width = 100,
-					fontsize = 12,
+    if addon == "TomTom" then
+        self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
+        self.defaults = {
+            profile = {
+                general = {
+                    confirmremoveall = true,
+                    announce = false,
+                    corpse_arrow = true,
+                },
+                block = {
+                    enable = true,
+                    accuracy = 2,
+                    bordercolor = {1, 0.8, 0, 0.8},
+                    bgcolor = {0, 0, 0, 0.4},
+                    lock = false,
+                    height = 30,
+                    width = 100,
+                    fontsize = 12,
                     throttle = 0.2,
-				},
-				mapcoords = {
-					playerenable = true,
-					playeraccuracy = 2,
-					cursorenable = true,
-					cursoraccuracy = 2,
-				},
-				arrow = {
-					enable = true,
-					goodcolor = {0, 1, 0},
-					badcolor = {1, 0, 0},
-					middlecolor = {1, 1, 0},
-					arrival = 15,
-					lock = false,
-					noclick = false,
-					showtta = true,
-					autoqueue = true,
-					menu = true,
-					scale = 1.0,
-					alpha = 1.0,
-					title_width = 0,
-					title_height = 0,
-					title_scale = 1,
-					title_alpha = 1,
-					setclosest = true,
+                },
+                mapcoords = {
+                    playerenable = true,
+                    playeraccuracy = 2,
+                    cursorenable = true,
+                    cursoraccuracy = 2,
+                },
+                arrow = {
+                    enable = true,
+                    goodcolor = {0, 1, 0},
+                    badcolor = {1, 0, 0},
+                    middlecolor = {1, 1, 0},
+                    arrival = 15,
+                    lock = false,
+                    noclick = false,
+                    showtta = true,
+                    autoqueue = true,
+                    menu = true,
+                    scale = 1.0,
+                    alpha = 1.0,
+                    title_width = 0,
+                    title_height = 0,
+                    title_scale = 1,
+                    title_alpha = 1,
+                    setclosest = true,
                     enablePing = false,
-				},
-				minimap = {
-					enable = true,
-					otherzone = true,
-					tooltip = true,
-					menu = true,
-				},
-				worldmap = {
-					enable = true,
-					tooltip = true,
-					otherzone = true,
-					clickcreate = true,
-					menu = true,
-					create_modifier = "C",
-				},
-				comm = {
-					enable = true,
-					prompt = false,
-				},
-				persistence = {
-					cleardistance = 10,
-					savewaypoints = true,
-				},
-				feeds = {
-					coords = false,
-					coords_throttle = 0.3,
-					coords_accuracy = 2,
-					arrow = false,
-					arrow_throttle = 0.1,
-				},
+                },
+                minimap = {
+                    enable = true,
+                    otherzone = true,
+                    tooltip = true,
+                    menu = true,
+                },
+                worldmap = {
+                    enable = true,
+                    tooltip = true,
+                    otherzone = true,
+                    clickcreate = true,
+                    menu = true,
+                    create_modifier = "C",
+                },
+                comm = {
+                    enable = true,
+                    prompt = false,
+                },
+                persistence = {
+                    cleardistance = 10,
+                    savewaypoints = true,
+                },
+                feeds = {
+                    coords = false,
+                    coords_throttle = 0.3,
+                    coords_accuracy = 2,
+                    arrow = false,
+                    arrow_throttle = 0.1,
+                },
                 poi = {
                     enable = true,
                     modifier = "C",
                     setClosest = false,
                     arrival = 0,
-			},
-		}
+            },
+        }

-		self.waydefaults = {
+        self.waydefaults = {
             global = {
                 converted = {
                     ["*"] = {},
-			profile = {
-				["*"] = {},
-			},
-		}
-		self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomDB", self.defaults, "Default")
-		self.waydb = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomWaypointsMF", self.waydefaults)
-		self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadOptions")
-		self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadOptions")
-		self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadOptions")
-		self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadWaypoints")
-		self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadWaypoints")
-		self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadWaypoints")
-		self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+            profile = {
+                ["*"] = {},
+            },
+        }
+        self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomDB", self.defaults, "Default")
+        self.waydb = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomWaypointsMF", self.waydefaults)
+        self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadOptions")
+        self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadOptions")
+        self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadOptions")
+        self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadWaypoints")
+        self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadWaypoints")
+        self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadWaypoints")
+        self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")

-		self.dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomDropdown", nil, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+        self.dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomDropdown", nil, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")

         -- Both the waypoints and waypointprofile tables are going to contain subtables for each
         -- of the mapids that might exist. Under these will be a hash of key/waypoint pairs consisting
         -- of the waypoints for the given map file.
-		self.waypoints = waypoints
-		self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile
+        self.waypoints = waypoints
+        self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile

-		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD")
-		self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")
+        self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD")
+        self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")

-		self:ReloadOptions()
-		self:ReloadWaypoints()
+        self:ReloadOptions()
+        self:ReloadWaypoints()

-		if self.db.profile.feeds.coords then
-			-- Create a data feed for coordinates
-			local feed_coords = ldb:NewDataObject("TomTom_Coords", {
-				type = "data source",
-				icon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Map_01",
-				text = "",
-			})
+        if self.db.profile.feeds.coords then
+            -- Create a data feed for coordinates
+            local feed_coords = ldb:NewDataObject("TomTom_Coords", {
+                type = "data source",
+                icon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Map_01",
+                text = "",
+            })

-			local coordFeedFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-			local throttle, counter = self.db.profile.feeds.coords_throttle, 0
+            local coordFeedFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+            local throttle, counter = self.db.profile.feeds.coords_throttle, 0
             function TomTom:_privateupdatecoordthrottle(x)
                 throttle = x

-			coordFeedFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
-				counter = counter + elapsed
-				if counter < throttle then
-					return
-				end
+            coordFeedFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+                counter = counter + elapsed
+                if counter < throttle then
+                    return
+                end

-				counter = 0
+                counter = 0
                 local m, f, x, y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()

-				if x and y then
+                if x and y then
                     local opt = TomTom.db.profile.feeds
-					feed_coords.text = string.format("%s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.coords_accuracy))
-				end
-			end)
-		end
-	end
+                    feed_coords.text = string.format("%s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.coords_accuracy))
+                end
+            end)
+        end
+    end

 -- Some utility functions that can pack/unpack data from a waypoint
@@ -251,12 +251,12 @@ function TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()

 function TomTom:ReloadOptions()
-	-- This handles the reloading of all options
-	self.profile = self.db.profile
+    -- This handles the reloading of all options
+    self.profile = self.db.profile

-	self:ShowHideWorldCoords()
-	self:ShowHideCoordBlock()
-	self:ShowHideCrazyArrow()
+    self:ShowHideWorldCoords()
+    self:ShowHideCoordBlock()
+    self:ShowHideCrazyArrow()

@@ -272,17 +272,17 @@ end
 function TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()

-	waypoints = {}
-	self.waypoints = waypoints
-	self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile
+    waypoints = {}
+    self.waypoints = waypoints
+    self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile

     local cm, cf, cx, cy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()

-	for mapId,data in pairs(self.waypointprofile) do
-		local same = mapId == cm
-		local minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable and (self.profile.minimap.otherzone or same)
-		local world = self.profile.worldmap.enable and (self.profile.worldmap.otherzone or same)
-		for key,waypoint in pairs(data) do
+    for mapId,data in pairs(self.waypointprofile) do
+        local same = mapId == cm
+        local minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable and (self.profile.minimap.otherzone or same)
+        local world = self.profile.worldmap.enable and (self.profile.worldmap.otherzone or same)
+        for key,waypoint in pairs(data) do
             local m,f,x,y = unpack(waypoint)
             local title = waypoint.title

@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ function TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()
                 callbacks = nil,
                 silent = true,
-		end
-	end
+        end
+    end

 function TomTom:UpdateCoordFeedThrottle()
@@ -315,15 +315,15 @@ hooksecurefunc("WorldMap_ToggleSizeDown", function()

 function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()
-	-- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
-	if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable or self.db.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then
-		-- Create the frame if it doesn't exist
-		if not TomTomWorldFrame then
-			TomTomWorldFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame)
-			TomTomWorldFrame.Player = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
-			TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
-			TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate)
-		end
+    -- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
+    if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable or self.db.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then
+        -- Create the frame if it doesn't exist
+        if not TomTomWorldFrame then
+            TomTomWorldFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame)
+            TomTomWorldFrame.Player = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+            TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+            TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate)
+        end

@@ -337,113 +337,113 @@ function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()

-		TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Hide()
+        TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Hide()

-		if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable then
-			TomTomWorldFrame.Player:Show()
-		end
+        if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable then
+            TomTomWorldFrame.Player:Show()
+        end

-		if self.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then
-			TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Show()
-		end
+        if self.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then
+            TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Show()
+        end

-		-- Show the frame
-		TomTomWorldFrame:Show()
-	elseif TomTomWorldFrame then
-		TomTomWorldFrame:Hide()
-	end
+        -- Show the frame
+        TomTomWorldFrame:Show()
+    elseif TomTomWorldFrame then
+        TomTomWorldFrame:Hide()
+    end

 function TomTom:ShowHideCoordBlock()
-	-- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
-	if self.profile.block.enable then
-		-- Create the frame if it doesn't exist
-		if not TomTomBlock then
-			-- Create the coordinate display
-			TomTomBlock = CreateFrame("Button", "TomTomBlock", UIParent)
-			TomTomBlock:SetWidth(120)
-			TomTomBlock:SetHeight(32)
-			TomTomBlock:SetToplevel(1)
-			TomTomBlock:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
-			TomTomBlock:SetMovable(true)
-			TomTomBlock:EnableMouse(true)
-			TomTomBlock:SetClampedToScreen()
-			TomTomBlock:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
-			TomTomBlock:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
-			TomTomBlock:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "BOTTOM", -20, -10)
-			TomTomBlock.Text = TomTomBlock:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
-			TomTomBlock.Text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
-			TomTomBlock.Text:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
-			TomTomBlock:SetBackdrop({
-				bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
-				edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
-				edgeSize = 16,
-				insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4},
-			})
-			TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4)
-			TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0.8,0,0.8)
-			-- Set behavior scripts
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnUpdate", Block_OnUpdate)
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnClick", Block_OnClick)
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnEnter", Block_OnEnter)
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnLeave", Block_OnLeave)
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStop", Block_OnDragStop)
-			TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStart", Block_OnDragStart)
-		end
-		-- Show the frame
-		TomTomBlock:Show()
-		local opt = self.profile.block
-		-- Update the backdrop color, and border color
-		TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(unpack(opt.bgcolor))
-		TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(opt.bordercolor))
-		-- Update the height and width
-		TomTomBlock:SetHeight(opt.height)
-		TomTomBlock:SetWidth(opt.width)
-		-- Update the font size
-		local font,height = TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont()
-		TomTomBlock.Text:SetFont(font, opt.fontsize, select(3, TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont()))
-	elseif TomTomBlock then
-		TomTomBlock:Hide()
-	end
+    -- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
+    if self.profile.block.enable then
+        -- Create the frame if it doesn't exist
+        if not TomTomBlock then
+            -- Create the coordinate display
+            TomTomBlock = CreateFrame("Button", "TomTomBlock", UIParent)
+            TomTomBlock:SetWidth(120)
+            TomTomBlock:SetHeight(32)
+            TomTomBlock:SetToplevel(1)
+            TomTomBlock:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+            TomTomBlock:SetMovable(true)
+            TomTomBlock:EnableMouse(true)
+            TomTomBlock:SetClampedToScreen()
+            TomTomBlock:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+            TomTomBlock:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+            TomTomBlock:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "BOTTOM", -20, -10)
+            TomTomBlock.Text = TomTomBlock:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+            TomTomBlock.Text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+            TomTomBlock.Text:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
+            TomTomBlock:SetBackdrop({
+                bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+                edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+                edgeSize = 16,
+                insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4},
+            })
+            TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4)
+            TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0.8,0,0.8)
+            -- Set behavior scripts
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnUpdate", Block_OnUpdate)
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnClick", Block_OnClick)
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnEnter", Block_OnEnter)
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnLeave", Block_OnLeave)
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStop", Block_OnDragStop)
+            TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStart", Block_OnDragStart)
+        end
+        -- Show the frame
+        TomTomBlock:Show()
+        local opt = self.profile.block
+        -- Update the backdrop color, and border color
+        TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(unpack(opt.bgcolor))
+        TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(opt.bordercolor))
+        -- Update the height and width
+        TomTomBlock:SetHeight(opt.height)
+        TomTomBlock:SetWidth(opt.width)
+        -- Update the font size
+        local font,height = TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont()
+        TomTomBlock.Text:SetFont(font, opt.fontsize, select(3, TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont()))
+    elseif TomTomBlock then
+        TomTomBlock:Hide()
+    end

 -- Hook the WorldMap OnClick
 local world_click_verify = {
-	["A"] = function() return IsAltKeyDown() end,
-	["C"] = function() return IsControlKeyDown() end,
-	["S"] = function() return IsShiftKeyDown() end,
+    ["A"] = function() return IsAltKeyDown() end,
+    ["C"] = function() return IsControlKeyDown() end,
+    ["S"] = function() return IsShiftKeyDown() end,

 local origScript = WorldMapButton_OnClick
 WorldMapButton_OnClick = function(self, ...)
-	local mouseButton, button = ...
-	if mouseButton == "RightButton" then
-		-- Check for all the modifiers that are currently set
-		for mod in TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.create_modifier:gmatch("[ACS]") do
-			if not world_click_verify[mod] or not world_click_verify[mod]() then
+    local mouseButton, button = ...
+    if mouseButton == "RightButton" then
+        -- Check for all the modifiers that are currently set
+        for mod in TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.create_modifier:gmatch("[ACS]") do
+            if not world_click_verify[mod] or not world_click_verify[mod]() then
                 return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
-			end
-		end
+            end
+        end

         local m,f = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
-		local x,y = GetCurrentCursorPosition()
+        local x,y = GetCurrentCursorPosition()

-		if not m then
-			return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
-		end
+        if not m then
+            return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
+        end

-		local uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m,f,x,y)
-	else
-		return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
-	end
+        local uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m,f,x,y)
+    else
+        return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
+    end

 if WorldMapButton:GetScript("OnMouseUp") == origScript then
@@ -451,18 +451,18 @@ if WorldMapButton:GetScript("OnMouseUp") == origScript then

 local function WaypointCallback(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
-	if event == "OnDistanceArrive" then
-		TomTom:ClearWaypoint(arg1)
-	elseif event == "OnTooltipShown" then
-		local tooltip = arg1
-		if arg3 then
-			tooltip:SetText(L["TomTom waypoint"])
-			tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2)), 1, 1 ,1)
-			tooltip:Show()
-		else
-			tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2), 1, 1, 1)
-		end
-	end
+    if event == "OnDistanceArrive" then
+        TomTom:ClearWaypoint(arg1)
+    elseif event == "OnTooltipShown" then
+        local tooltip = arg1
+        if arg3 then
+            tooltip:SetText(L["TomTom waypoint"])
+            tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2)), 1, 1 ,1)
+            tooltip:Show()
+        else
+            tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2), 1, 1, 1)
+        end
+    end

@@ -470,265 +470,265 @@ end

 StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"] = {
-	text = L["Are you sure you would like to remove ALL TomTom waypoints?"],
-	button1 = L["Yes"],
-	button2 = L["No"],
-	OnAccept = function()
-		TomTom.waydb:ResetProfile()
-		TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()
-	end,
-	timeout = 30,
-	whileDead = 1,
-	hideOnEscape = 1,
+    text = L["Are you sure you would like to remove ALL TomTom waypoints?"],
+    button1 = L["Yes"],
+    button2 = L["No"],
+    OnAccept = function()
+        TomTom.waydb:ResetProfile()
+        TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()
+    end,
+    timeout = 30,
+    whileDead = 1,
+    hideOnEscape = 1,

 local dropdown_info = {
-	-- Define level one elements here
-	[1] = {
-		{ -- Title
-			text = L["Waypoint Options"],
-			isTitle = 1,
-		},
-		{
-			-- set as crazy arrow
-			text = L["Set as waypoint arrow"],
-			func = function()
-				local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
-                local data = uid
-				TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"])
-			end,
-		},
-		{
-			-- Send waypoint
-			text = L["Send waypoint to"],
-			hasArrow = true,
-			value = "send",
-		},
-		{ -- Remove waypoint
-			text = L["Remove waypoint"],
-			func = function()
-				local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
-				local data = uid
-                TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
-				--TomTom:PrintF("Removing waypoint %0.2f, %0.2f in %s", data.x, data.y, data.zone)
-			end,
-		},
-		{ -- Remove all waypoints from this zone
-			text = L["Remove all waypoints from this zone"],
-			func = function()
-				local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
-				local data = uid
-                local mapId = data[1]
-				for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[mapId]) do
-					TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(waypoint)
-				end
-			end,
-		},
-		{ -- Remove ALL waypoints
-			text = L["Remove all waypoints"],
-			func = function()
-				if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then
-					StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM")
-				else
-					StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept()
-					return
-				end
-			end,
-		},
-		{ -- Save this waypoint
-			text = L["Save this waypoint between sessions"],
-			checked = function()
-				return TomTom:UIDIsSaved(TomTom.dropdown.uid)
-			end,
-			func = function()
-                -- Add/remove it from the SV file
-                local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
-                local data = waypoints[uid]
-                if data then
-                    local key = TomTom:GetKey(data)
-                    local mapId = data[1]
-                    if mapId then
-                        if UIDIsSavedTomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] then
-                            TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = nil
-                        else
-                            TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = data
-                        end
-                    end
+    -- Define level one elements here
+    [1] = {
+        { -- Title
+        text = L["Waypoint Options"],
+        isTitle = 1,
+    },
+    {
+        -- set as crazy arrow
+        text = L["Set as waypoint arrow"],
+        func = function()
+            local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
+            local data = uid
+            TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"])
+        end,
+    },
+    {
+        -- Send waypoint
+        text = L["Send waypoint to"],
+        hasArrow = true,
+        value = "send",
+    },
+    { -- Remove waypoint
+    text = L["Remove waypoint"],
+    func = function()
+        local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
+        local data = uid
+        TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
+        --TomTom:PrintF("Removing waypoint %0.2f, %0.2f in %s", data.x, data.y, data.zone)
+    end,
+{ -- Remove all waypoints from this zone
+text = L["Remove all waypoints from this zone"],
+func = function()
+    local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
+    local data = uid
+    local mapId = data[1]
+    for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[mapId]) do
+        TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(waypoint)
+    end
+        },
+        { -- Remove ALL waypoints
+        text = L["Remove all waypoints"],
+        func = function()
+            if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then
+                StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM")
+            else
+                StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept()
+                return
+            end
+        end,
+    },
+    { -- Save this waypoint
+    text = L["Save this waypoint between sessions"],
+    checked = function()
+        return TomTom:UIDIsSaved(TomTom.dropdown.uid)
+    end,
+    func = function()
+        -- Add/remove it from the SV file
+        local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid
+        local data = waypoints[uid]
+        if data then
+            local key = TomTom:GetKey(data)
+            local mapId = data[1]
+            if mapId then
+                if UIDIsSavedTomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] then
+                    TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = nil
+                else
+                    TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = data
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end,
+    },
+    [2] = {
+        send = {
+            {
+                -- Title
+                text = L["Waypoint communication"],
+                isTitle = true,
+            },
+            {
+                -- Party
+                text = L["Send to party"],
+                func = function()
+                    TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "PARTY")
-			end,
-		},
-	},
-	[2] = {
-		send = {
-			{
-				-- Title
-				text = L["Waypoint communication"],
-				isTitle = true,
-			},
-			{
-				-- Party
-				text = L["Send to party"],
-				func = function()
-					TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "PARTY")
-				end
-			},
-			{
-				-- Raid
-				text = L["Send to raid"],
-				func = function()
-					TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "RAID")
-				end
-			},
-			{
-				-- Battleground
-				text = L["Send to battleground"],
-				func = function()
-					TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "BATTLEGROUND")
-				end
-			},
-			{
-				-- Guild
-				text = L["Send to guild"],
-				func = function()
-					TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "GUILD")
-				end
-			},
-		},
-	},
+            },
+            {
+                -- Raid
+                text = L["Send to raid"],
+                func = function()
+                    TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "RAID")
+                end
+            },
+            {
+                -- Battleground
+                text = L["Send to battleground"],
+                func = function()
+                    TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "BATTLEGROUND")
+                end
+            },
+            {
+                -- Guild
+                text = L["Send to guild"],
+                func = function()
+                    TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "GUILD")
+                end
+            },
+        },
+    },

 local function init_dropdown(self, level)
-	-- Make sure level is set to 1, if not supplied
-	level = level or 1
-	-- Get the current level from the info table
-	local info = dropdown_info[level]
-	-- If a value has been set, try to find it at the current level
-	if level > 1 and UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE then
-		end
-	end
-	-- Add the buttons to the menu
-	for idx,entry in ipairs(info) do
-		if type(entry.checked) == "function" then
-			-- Make this button dynamic
-			local new = {}
-			for k,v in pairs(entry) do new[k] = v end
-			new.checked = new.checked()
-			entry = new
-		else
-			entry.checked = nil
-		end
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(entry, level)
-	end
+    -- Make sure level is set to 1, if not supplied
+    level = level or 1
+    -- Get the current level from the info table
+    local info = dropdown_info[level]
+    -- If a value has been set, try to find it at the current level
+    if level > 1 and UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE then
+        if info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] then
+            info = info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE]
+        end
+    end
+    -- Add the buttons to the menu
+    for idx,entry in ipairs(info) do
+        if type(entry.checked) == "function" then
+            -- Make this button dynamic
+            local new = {}
+            for k,v in pairs(entry) do new[k] = v end
+            new.checked = new.checked()
+            entry = new
+        else
+            entry.checked = nil
+        end
+        UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(entry, level)
+    end

 function TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid)
-	self.dropdown.uid = uid
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self.dropdown, init_dropdown)
+    self.dropdown.uid = uid
+    UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self.dropdown, init_dropdown)

 function TomTom:UIDIsSaved(uid)
-	local data = uid
-	if data then
+    local data = uid
+    if data then
         local key = TomTom:GetKey(data)
         local mapId = data[1]

         if data then
             return not not TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key]
-	end
-	return false
+    end
+    return false

 function TomTom:SendWaypoint(uid, channel)
-	local data = uid
+    local data = uid
     local m, f, x, y = unpack(data)
-	local msg = string.format("%d:%d:%f:%f:%s", m, f, x, y, data.title or "")
-	SendAddonMessage("TOMTOM3", msg, channel)
+    local msg = string.format("%d:%d:%f:%f:%s", m, f, x, y, data.title or "")
+    SendAddonMessage("TOMTOM3", msg, channel)

 function TomTom:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(event, prefix, data, channel, sender)
-	if prefix ~= "TOMTOM3" then return end
-	if sender == UnitName("player") then return end
+    if prefix ~= "TOMTOM3" then return end
+    if sender == UnitName("player") then return end

-	local m,f,x,y,title = string.split(":", data)
-	if not title:match("%S") then
-		title = string.format(L["Waypoint from %s"], sender)
-	end
+    local m,f,x,y,title = string.split(":", data)
+    if not title:match("%S") then
+        title = string.format(L["Waypoint from %s"], sender)
+    end

     local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m)
-	self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {title = title})
-	local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"], title, sender, zoneName)
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+    self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {title = title})
+    local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"], title, sender, zoneName)
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)

 --  Define callback functions
 local function _minimap_onclick(event, uid, self, button)
-	if TomTom.db.profile.minimap.menu then
-		TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid)
-		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0)
-	end
+    if TomTom.db.profile.minimap.menu then
+        TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid)
+        ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0)
+    end

 local function _world_onclick(event, uid, self, button)
-	if TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.menu then
-		TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid)
-		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0)
-	end
+    if TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.menu then
+        TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid)
+        ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0)
+    end

 local function _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
-	local data = uid
-	tooltip:SetText(data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"])
-	if dist and tonumber(dist) then
-		tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist)), 1, 1, 1)
-	else
-		tooltip:AddLine(L["Unknown distance"])
-	end
+    local data = uid
+    tooltip:SetText(data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"])
+    if dist and tonumber(dist) then
+        tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist)), 1, 1, 1)
+    else
+        tooltip:AddLine(L["Unknown distance"])
+    end
     local m,f,x,y = unpack(data)
     local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m)

-	tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"], zoneName, x*100, y*100), 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
-	tooltip:Show()
+    tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"], zoneName, x*100, y*100), 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+    tooltip:Show()

 local function _minimap_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
-	if not TomTom.db.profile.minimap.tooltip then
-		tooltip:Hide()
-		return
-	end
-	return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
+    if not TomTom.db.profile.minimap.tooltip then
+        tooltip:Hide()
+        return
+    end
+    return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)

 local function _world_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
-	if not TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.tooltip then
-		tooltip:Hide()
-		return
-	end
-	return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
+    if not TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.tooltip then
+        tooltip:Hide()
+        return
+    end
+    return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)

 local function _both_tooltip_update(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
-	if dist and tonumber(dist) then
-		tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist), 1, 1, 1)
-	else
-		tooltip.lines[2]:SetText(L["Unknown distance"])
-	end
+    if dist and tonumber(dist) then
+        tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist), 1, 1, 1)
+    else
+        tooltip.lines[2]:SetText(L["Unknown distance"])
+    end

 local function _both_clear_distance(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance)
-	if not UnitOnTaxi("player") then
-		TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
-	end
+    if not UnitOnTaxi("player") then
+        TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
+    end

 local function _both_ping_arrival(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance)
@@ -738,51 +738,51 @@ local function _both_ping_arrival(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance)

 local function _remove(event, uid)
-	local data = uid
+    local data = uid
     local key = TomTom:GetKey(data)
     local mapId = data[1]
-	local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId]
+    local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId]

     if sv and sv[key] then
         sv[key] = nil

-	-- Remove this entry from the waypoints table
-	if waypoints[mapId] then
-		waypoints[mapId][key] = nil
-	end
+    -- Remove this entry from the waypoints table
+    if waypoints[mapId] then
+        waypoints[mapId][key] = nil
+    end

 local function noop() end

 function TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
-	local data = uid
-	self:ClearWaypoint(uid)
+    local data = uid
+    self:ClearWaypoint(uid)

     local key = TomTom:GetKey(data)
     local mapId = data[1]
-	local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId]
+    local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId]

     if sv and sv[key] then
         sv[key] = nil

-	-- Remove this entry from the waypoints table
-	if waypoints[mapId] then
-		waypoints[mapId][key] = nil
-	end
+    -- Remove this entry from the waypoints table
+    if waypoints[mapId] then
+        waypoints[mapId][key] = nil
+    end

 -- TODO: Make this not suck
 function TomTom:AddWaypoint(x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, silent)
-	local c,z = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()
+    local c,z = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()

-	if not c or not z or c < 1 then
-		--self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates")
-		return
-	end
+    if not c or not z or c < 1 then
+        --self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates")
+        return
+    end

-	return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, nil, silent)
+    return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, nil, silent)

 function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, callbacks, silent, crazy)
@@ -807,27 +807,27 @@ end
 function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
     opts = opts or {}

-	local callbacks
-	if opts.callbacks then
-		callbacks = opts.callbacks
-	else
-		callbacks = {
-			minimap = {
-				onclick = _minimap_onclick,
-				tooltip_show = _minimap_tooltip_show,
-				tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_update,
-			},
-			world = {
-				onclick = _world_onclick,
-				tooltip_show = _world_tooltip_show,
-				tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_show,
-			},
-			distance = {
-			},
-		}
-	end
-	local cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance
+    local callbacks
+    if opts.callbacks then
+        callbacks = opts.callbacks
+    else
+        callbacks = {
+            minimap = {
+                onclick = _minimap_onclick,
+                tooltip_show = _minimap_tooltip_show,
+                tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_update,
+            },
+            world = {
+                onclick = _world_onclick,
+                tooltip_show = _world_tooltip_show,
+                tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_show,
+            },
+            distance = {
+            },
+        }
+    end
+    local cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance
     local arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival

     -- Allow both of these to be overridde by options
@@ -850,19 +850,19 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
         if arrivaldistance > 0 then
             callbacks.distance[arrivaldistance] = _both_ping_arrival
-	end
+    end

-	-- Default values
-	if opts.persistent == nil then opts.persistent = self.profile.persistence.savewaypoints end
-	if opts.minimap == nil then opts.minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable end
-	if opts.world == nil then opts.world = self.profile.worldmap.enable end
-	if opts.crazy == nil then opts.crazy = self.profile.arrow.autoqueue end
+    -- Default values
+    if opts.persistent == nil then opts.persistent = self.profile.persistence.savewaypoints end
+    if opts.minimap == nil then opts.minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable end
+    if opts.world == nil then opts.world = self.profile.worldmap.enable end
+    if opts.crazy == nil then opts.crazy = self.profile.arrow.autoqueue end

     local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m)

     if not astrolabe:GetMapInfo(m) then
-		return
-	end
+        return
+    end

     -- Get the default map floor, if necessary
     if not f then
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
         f = floors == 0 and 0 or 1

-	-- Ensure there isn't already a waypoint at this location
+    -- Ensure there isn't already a waypoint at this location
     local key = self:GetKey({m, f, x, y, title = opts.title})
     if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then
         return waypoints[m][key]
@@ -887,28 +887,28 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)

     -- No need to convert x and y because they're already 0-1 instead of 0-100
-	self:SetWaypoint(uid, callbacks, opts.minimap, opts.world)
-	if opts.crazy then
-		self:SetCrazyArrow(uid, arrivaldistance, opts.title)
-	end
+    self:SetWaypoint(uid, callbacks, opts.minimap, opts.world)
+    if opts.crazy then
+        self:SetCrazyArrow(uid, arrivaldistance, opts.title)
+    end

     waypoints[m] = waypoints[m] or {}
     waypoints[m][key] = uid

-	-- If this is a persistent waypoint, then add it to the waypoints table
-	if opts.persistent then
+    -- If this is a persistent waypoint, then add it to the waypoints table
+    if opts.persistent then
         self.waypointprofile[m][key] = uid
-	end
+    end

-	if not opts.silent and self.profile.general.announce then
-		local ctxt = RoundCoords(x, y, 2)
+    if not opts.silent and self.profile.general.announce then
+        local ctxt = RoundCoords(x, y, 2)
         local desc = opts.desc and opts.desc or ""
         local sep = opts.desc and " - " or ""
         local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom:|r Added a waypoint (%s%s%s) in %s"], desc, sep, ctxt, zoneName)
-		ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
-	end
+        ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+    end

-	return uid
+    return uid

 -- Check to see if a given uid/waypoint is actually set somewhere
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ function TomTom:WaypointExists(c, z, x, y, desc)

 function TomTom:SetCustomWaypoint(c,z,x,y,callback,minimap,world,silent)
-	return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, nil, false, minimap, world, callback, silent)
+    return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, nil, false, minimap, world, callback, silent)

 function TomTom:SetCustomMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
@@ -947,52 +947,52 @@ function TomTom:SetCustomMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)

-	-- Code courtesy ckknight
-	function GetCurrentCursorPosition()
-		local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
-		local left, top = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetLeft(), WorldMapDetailFrame:GetTop()
-		local width = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()
-		local height = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()
-		local scale = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
-		local cx = (x/scale - left) / width
-		local cy = (top - y/scale) / height
-		if cx < 0 or cx > 1 or cy < 0 or cy > 1 then
-			return nil, nil
-		end
-		return cx, cy
-	end
-	local coord_fmt = "%%.%df, %%.%df"
-	function RoundCoords(x,y,prec)
-		local fmt = coord_fmt:format(prec, prec)
-		return fmt:format(x*100, y*100)
-	end
-	function WorldMap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-		local m,f,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-		local opt = TomTom.db.profile
-		if not x or not y then
-			self.Player:SetText("Player: ---")
-		else
-			self.Player:SetFormattedText("Player: %s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.mapcoords.playeraccuracy))
-		end
-		local cX, cY = GetCurrentCursorPosition()
-		if not cX or not cY then
-			self.Cursor:SetText("Cursor: ---")
-		else
-			self.Cursor:SetFormattedText("Cursor: %s", RoundCoords(cX, cY, opt.mapcoords.cursoraccuracy))
-		end
-	end
+    -- Code courtesy ckknight
+    function GetCurrentCursorPosition()
+        local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
+        local left, top = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetLeft(), WorldMapDetailFrame:GetTop()
+        local width = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()
+        local height = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()
+        local scale = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
+        local cx = (x/scale - left) / width
+        local cy = (top - y/scale) / height
+        if cx < 0 or cx > 1 or cy < 0 or cy > 1 then
+            return nil, nil
+        end
+        return cx, cy
+    end
+    local coord_fmt = "%%.%df, %%.%df"
+    function RoundCoords(x,y,prec)
+        local fmt = coord_fmt:format(prec, prec)
+        return fmt:format(x*100, y*100)
+    end
+    function WorldMap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+        local m,f,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+        local opt = TomTom.db.profile
+        if not x or not y then
+            self.Player:SetText("Player: ---")
+        else
+            self.Player:SetFormattedText("Player: %s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.mapcoords.playeraccuracy))
+        end
+        local cX, cY = GetCurrentCursorPosition()
+        if not cX or not cY then
+            self.Cursor:SetText("Cursor: ---")
+        else
+            self.Cursor:SetFormattedText("Cursor: %s", RoundCoords(cX, cY, opt.mapcoords.cursoraccuracy))
+        end
+    end

     local bcounter = 0
-	function Block_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+    function Block_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
         bcounter = bcounter + elapsed
         if bcounter > TomTom.profile.block.throttle then
             bcounter = bcounter - TomTom.profile.block.throttle
@@ -1009,15 +1009,15 @@ do

-	function Block_OnDragStart(self, button, down)
-		if not TomTom.db.profile.block.lock then
-			self:StartMoving()
-		end
-	end
+    function Block_OnDragStart(self, button, down)
+        if not TomTom.db.profile.block.lock then
+            self:StartMoving()
+        end
+    end

-	function Block_OnDragStop(self, button, down)
-		self:StopMovingOrSizing()
-	end
+    function Block_OnDragStop(self, button, down)
+        self:StopMovingOrSizing()
+    end

     function Block_OnClick(self, button, down)
         local m,f,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
@@ -1030,50 +1030,50 @@ do

 local function usage()
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r"])
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"])
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"])
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset all|r - Resets all waypoints"])
-	ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"])
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r"])
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"])
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"])
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset all|r - Resets all waypoints"])
+    ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"])

 function TomTom:GetClosestWaypoint()
     local m,f,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	local closest_waypoint = nil
-	local closest_dist = nil
-	if waypoints[m] then
-		for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[m]) do
+    local closest_waypoint = nil
+    local closest_dist = nil
+    if waypoints[m] then
+        for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[m]) do
             local dist, x, y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(waypoint)
-			if (dist and closest_dist == nil) or (dist and dist < closest_dist) then
-				closest_dist = dist
-				closest_waypoint = waypoint
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if closest_dist then
-		return closest_waypoint
-	end
+            if (dist and closest_dist == nil) or (dist and dist < closest_dist) then
+                closest_dist = dist
+                closest_waypoint = waypoint
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if closest_dist then
+        return closest_waypoint
+    end

 function TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint()
-	local uid = self:GetClosestWaypoint()
-	if uid then
-		local data = uid
-		TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title)
-	end
+    local uid = self:GetClosestWaypoint()
+    if uid then
+        local data = uid
+        TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title)
+    end

 SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_CLOSEST_WAYPOINT"] = function(msg)
-	TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint()
+    TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint()

 SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAYBACK"] = function(msg)
-	local backm,backf,backx,backy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(backm, backf, backx, backy, {
+    local backm,backf,backx,backy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+    TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(backm, backf, backx, backy, {
         title = L["Wayback"],
@@ -1097,47 +1097,47 @@ local rightseparator =   "%1" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "." or ",") .. "%2"
 local function lowergsub(s) return s:lower():gsub("^[%a%d]", "") end

 SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)
-	msg = msg:gsub("(%d)[%.,] (%d)", "%1 %2"):gsub(wrongseparator, rightseparator)
-	local tokens = {}
-	for token in msg:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(tokens, token) end
+    msg = msg:gsub("(%d)[%.,] (%d)", "%1 %2"):gsub(wrongseparator, rightseparator)
+    local tokens = {}
+    for token in msg:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(tokens, token) end

-	-- Lower the first token
+    -- Lower the first token
     local ltoken = tokens[1] and tokens[1]:lower()

-	if ltoken == "reset" then
+    if ltoken == "reset" then
         local ltoken2 = tokens[2] and tokens[2]:lower()
-		if ltoken2 == "all" then
-			if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then
-				StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM")
-			else
-				StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept()
-				return
-			end
-		elseif tokens[2] then
-			-- Reset the named zone
-			local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 2)
+        if ltoken2 == "all" then
+            if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then
+                StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM")
+            else
+                StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept()
+                return
+            end
+        elseif tokens[2] then
+            -- Reset the named zone
+            local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 2)
             -- Find a fuzzy match for the zone

-			local matches = {}
-			lzone = lowergsub(zone)
+            local matches = {}
+            lzone = lowergsub(zone)

-			for name, mapId in pairs(nameToMapId) do
+            for name, mapId in pairs(nameToMapId) do
                 local lname = lowergsub(name)
-				if lname:match(lzone) then
-					table.insert(matches, name)
-				end
-			end
-			if #matches > 5 then
-				local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"], #matches, zone)
-				ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
-				return
-			elseif #matches > 1 then
-				table.sort(matches)
-				ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", ")))
-				return
+                if lname:match(lzone) then
+                    table.insert(matches, name)
+                end
+            end
+            if #matches > 5 then
+                local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"], #matches, zone)
+                ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+                return
+            elseif #matches > 1 then
+                table.sort(matches)
+                ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", ")))
+                return
             elseif #matches == 0 then
                 local msg = string.format(L["Could not find any matches for zone %s."], zone)
@@ -1171,24 +1171,24 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)
         local zoneEnd
         for idx = 1, #tokens do
             local token = tokens[idx]
-			if tonumber(token) then
-				-- We've encountered a number, so the zone name must have
-				-- ended at the prior token
-				zoneEnd = idx - 1
+            if tonumber(token) then
+                -- We've encountered a number, so the zone name must have
+                -- ended at the prior token
+                zoneEnd = idx - 1
-			end
-		end
+            end
+        end

         if not zoneEnd then

-		-- This is a waypoint set, with a zone before the coords
-		local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 1, zoneEnd)
-		local x,y,desc = select(zoneEnd + 1, unpack(tokens))
+        -- This is a waypoint set, with a zone before the coords
+        local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 1, zoneEnd)
+        local x,y,desc = select(zoneEnd + 1, unpack(tokens))

-		if desc then desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", zoneEnd + 3) end
+        if desc then desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", zoneEnd + 3) end

         -- Find a fuzzy match for the zone
         local matches = {}
@@ -1201,22 +1201,22 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)

-		if #matches > 5 then
-			local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"], #matches, zone)
-			ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
-			return
-		elseif #matches > 1 then
-			local msg = string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", "))
-			ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
-			return
+        if #matches > 5 then
+            local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"], #matches, zone)
+            ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+            return
+        elseif #matches > 1 then
+            local msg = string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", "))
+            ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+            return
         elseif #matches == 0 then
             local msg = string.format(L["Could not find any matches for zone %s."], zone)

-		-- There was only one match, so proceed
-		local zoneName = matches[1]
+        -- There was only one match, so proceed
+        local zoneName = matches[1]
         local mapId = nameToMapId[zoneName]

         x = x and tonumber(x)
@@ -1226,32 +1226,32 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)
             return usage()

-		x = tonumber(x)
-		y = tonumber(y)
-		TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, nil, x/100, y/100, {
+        x = tonumber(x)
+        y = tonumber(y)
+        TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, nil, x/100, y/100, {
             title = desc,
-	elseif tonumber(tokens[1]) then
-		-- A vanilla set command
-		local x,y,desc = unpack(tokens)
-		if not x or not tonumber(x) then
-			return usage()
-		elseif not y or not tonumber(y) then
-			return usage()
-		end
-		if desc then
-			desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", 3)
-		end
+    elseif tonumber(tokens[1]) then
+        -- A vanilla set command
+        local x,y,desc = unpack(tokens)
+        if not x or not tonumber(x) then
+            return usage()
+        elseif not y or not tonumber(y) then
+            return usage()
+        end
+        if desc then
+            desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", 3)
+        end
         x = tonumber(x)
         y = tonumber(y)

         local m, f = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
         if m and x and y then
-           TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, {
+            TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, {
                 title = desc
-	else
-		return usage()
-	end
+    else
+        return usage()
+    end
diff --git a/TomTom_Corpse.lua b/TomTom_Corpse.lua
index 0ceec7d..9a30acb 100644
--- a/TomTom_Corpse.lua
+++ b/TomTom_Corpse.lua
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ local astrolabe = DongleStub("TTAstrolabe-1.0")
 local m,f,x,y,uid

 local function StartCorpseSearch()
-	if not IsInInstance() then
-		eventFrame:Show()
-	end
+    if not IsInInstance() then
+        eventFrame:Show()
+    end

 local function ClearCorpseArrow()
-	if uid then
-		TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
-		m,f,x,y,uid = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
-	end
+    if uid then
+        TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)
+        m,f,x,y,uid = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
+    end

 local function GetCorpseLocation()
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ local function GetCorpseLocation()

-	-- Cache the result so we don't scan the maps multiple times
-	if m and f and x and y then
-		return m, f, x, y
-	end
+    -- Cache the result so we don't scan the maps multiple times
+    if m and f and x and y then
+        return m, f, x, y
+    end

     --  See if the player corpse is on the current map
     local om = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
@@ -57,97 +57,97 @@ local function GetCorpseLocation()

     -- Scan the continent maps to see if we can find the player's corpse
     local c
-	local oc,oz = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()
-	for i=1,select("#", GetMapContinents()) do
-		SetMapZoom(i)
-		local cx, cy = GetCorpseMapPosition()
-		if cx ~= 0 and cy ~= 0 then
-			c = i
-			break
-		end
-	end
-	-- If we found the corpse on a continent, find out which zone it is in
-	if c and c ~= -1 then
-		for i=1,select("#", GetMapZones(c)) do
-			SetMapZoom(c, i)
-			local cx,cy = GetCorpseMapPosition()
-			if cx > 0 and cy > 0 then
+    local oc,oz = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()
+    for i=1,select("#", GetMapContinents()) do
+        SetMapZoom(i)
+        local cx, cy = GetCorpseMapPosition()
+        if cx ~= 0 and cy ~= 0 then
+            c = i
+            break
+        end
+    end
+    -- If we found the corpse on a continent, find out which zone it is in
+    if c and c ~= -1 then
+        for i=1,select("#", GetMapZones(c)) do
+            SetMapZoom(c, i)
+            local cx,cy = GetCorpseMapPosition()
+            if cx > 0 and cy > 0 then
                 m = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
                 f = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()
                 x = cx
                 y = cy
-				break
-			end
-		end
-	end
+                break
+            end
+        end
+    end

-	-- Restore the map to its previous zoom level
-	SetMapZoom(oc, oz)
+    -- Restore the map to its previous zoom level
+    SetMapZoom(oc, oz)

-	if m and f and x and y then
-		return m,f,x,y
-	end
+    if m and f and x and y then
+        return m,f,x,y
+    end

 local function SetCorpseArrow()
-	if m and f and x and y then
-		uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {
+    if m and f and x and y then
+        uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {
             title = L["My Corpse"],
             persistent = false,
-		return uid
-	end
+        return uid
+    end

 local counter, throttle = 0, 0.5
 eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
-	counter = counter + elapsed
-	if counter < throttle then
-		return
-	else
-		counter = 0
-		if TomTom.profile.general.corpse_arrow then
-			if GetCorpseLocation() then
-				if SetCorpseArrow() then
-					self:Hide()
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			self:Hide()
-		end
-	end
+    counter = counter + elapsed
+    if counter < throttle then
+        return
+    else
+        counter = 0
+        if TomTom.profile.general.corpse_arrow then
+            if GetCorpseLocation() then
+                if SetCorpseArrow() then
+                    self:Hide()
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            self:Hide()
+        end
+    end

 eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, arg1, ...)
-	if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "TomTom" then
-		self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
-		if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then
-			StartCorpseSearch()
-		end
-	end
-	if event == "PLAYER_ALIVE" then
-		if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then
-			StartCorpseSearch()
-		else
-			ClearCorpseArrow()
-		end
-	elseif event == "PLAYER_DEAD" then
-		-- Cheat a bit and avoid the map flipping
-		SetMapToCurrentZone()
+    if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "TomTom" then
+        self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
+        if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then
+            StartCorpseSearch()
+        end
+    end
+    if event == "PLAYER_ALIVE" then
+        if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then
+            StartCorpseSearch()
+        else
+            ClearCorpseArrow()
+        end
+    elseif event == "PLAYER_DEAD" then
+        -- Cheat a bit and avoid the map flipping
+        SetMapToCurrentZone()
         m = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
         f = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel()
         if not IsInInstance() then
             x,y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
-		StartCorpseSearch()
-	elseif event == "PLAYER_UNGHOST" then
-		ClearCorpseArrow()
-	end
+        StartCorpseSearch()
+    elseif event == "PLAYER_UNGHOST" then
+        ClearCorpseArrow()
+    end

 if IsLoggedIn() then
-	eventFrame:GetScript("OnEvent")(eventFrame, "ADDON_LOADED", "TomTom")
+    eventFrame:GetScript("OnEvent")(eventFrame, "ADDON_LOADED", "TomTom")
diff --git a/TomTom_POIIntegration.lua b/TomTom_POIIntegration.lua
index 24a33d7..61ba948 100644
--- a/TomTom_POIIntegration.lua
+++ b/TomTom_POIIntegration.lua
@@ -197,24 +197,24 @@ end

 local hooked = {}
 hooksecurefunc("QuestPOI_DisplayButton", function(parentName, buttonType, buttonIndex, questId)
-      local buttonName = "poi"..tostring(parentName)..tostring(buttonType).."_"..tostring(buttonIndex);
-      local poiButton = _G[buttonName];
-      if not hooked[buttonName] then
-         poiButton:HookScript("OnClick", poi_OnClick)
-         poiButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
-         hooked[buttonName] = true
-      end
-      -- Check to see if there is a swap button
-      local swapName = "poi" .. parentName .. "_Swap"
-      local swapButton = _G[swapName]
-      if not hooked[swapName] and swapButton then
-          swapButton:HookScript("OnClick", poi_OnClick)
-          swapButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
-          hooked[swapName] = true
-      end
+    local buttonName = "poi"..tostring(parentName)..tostring(buttonType).."_"..tostring(buttonIndex);
+    local poiButton = _G[buttonName];
+    if not hooked[buttonName] then
+        poiButton:HookScript("OnClick", poi_OnClick)
+        poiButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+        hooked[buttonName] = true
+    end
+    -- Check to see if there is a swap button
+    local swapName = "poi" .. parentName .. "_Swap"
+    local swapButton = _G[swapName]
+    if not hooked[swapName] and swapButton then
+        swapButton:HookScript("OnClick", poi_OnClick)
+        swapButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+        hooked[swapName] = true
+    end

 function TomTom:EnableDisablePOIIntegration()
diff --git a/TomTom_Waypoints.lua b/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
index 1481bd8..47b0a74 100644
--- a/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
+++ b/TomTom_Waypoints.lua
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ local astrolabe = DongleStub("TTAstrolabe-1.0")
 -- Create a tooltip to be used when mousing over waypoints
 local tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
-	-- Set the the tooltip's lines
-	local i = 1
-	tooltip.lines = {}
-	repeat
-		local line = getglobal("TomTomTooltipTextLeft"..i)
-		if line then
-			tooltip.lines[i] = line
-		end
-		i = i + 1
-	until not line
+    -- Set the the tooltip's lines
+    local i = 1
+    tooltip.lines = {}
+    repeat
+        local line = getglobal("TomTomTooltipTextLeft"..i)
+        if line then
+            tooltip.lines[i] = line
+        end
+        i = i + 1
+    until not line

 -- Store a reference to the minimap parent
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ local square_half = math.sqrt(0.5)
 local rad_135 = math.rad(135)

 local function rotateArrow(self)
-	if self.disabled then return end
+    if self.disabled then return end

-	local angle = astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(self)
-	if not angle then return self:Hide() end
-	angle = angle + rad_135
+    local angle = astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(self)
+    if not angle then return self:Hide() end
+    angle = angle + rad_135

-	if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
-		--local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
+    if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
+        --local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
         local cring = GetPlayerFacing()
-		angle = angle - cring
-	end
+        angle = angle - cring
+    end

-	local sin,cos = math.sin(angle) * square_half, math.cos(angle) * square_half
-	self.arrow:SetTexCoord(0.5-sin, 0.5+cos, 0.5+cos, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos, 0.5-sin, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos)
+    local sin,cos = math.sin(angle) * square_half, math.cos(angle) * square_half
+    self.arrow:SetTexCoord(0.5-sin, 0.5+cos, 0.5+cos, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos, 0.5-sin, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos)

 function TomTom:ReparentMinimap(minimap)
@@ -69,359 +69,359 @@ local waypointMap = {}
 function TomTom:SetWaypoint(waypoint, callbacks, show_minimap, show_world)
     local m, f, x, y = unpack(waypoint)

-	-- Try to acquire a waypoint from the frame pool
-	local point = table.remove(pool)
+    -- Try to acquire a waypoint from the frame pool
+    local point = table.remove(pool)

     if not point then
-		point = {}
+        point = {}

-		local minimap = CreateFrame("Button", nil, minimapParent)
-		minimap:SetHeight(20)
-		minimap:SetWidth(20)
-		minimap:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+        local minimap = CreateFrame("Button", nil, minimapParent)
+        minimap:SetHeight(20)
+        minimap:SetWidth(20)
+        minimap:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")

         -- Add to the "All points" table so we can reparent easily
         table.insert(all_points, minimap)

-		minimap.icon = minimap:CreateTexture("BACKGROUND")
-		minimap.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\GoldGreenDot")
-		minimap.icon:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
-		minimap.icon:SetHeight(12)
-		minimap.icon:SetWidth(12)
-		minimap.arrow = minimap:CreateTexture("BACKGROUND")
-		minimap.arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\MinimapArrow-Green")
-		minimap.arrow:SetPoint("CENTER", 0 ,0)
-		minimap.arrow:SetHeight(40)
-		minimap.arrow:SetWidth(40)
-		minimap.arrow:Hide()
-		-- Add the behavior scripts
-		minimap:SetScript("OnEnter", Minimap_OnEnter)
-		minimap:SetScript("OnLeave", Minimap_OnLeave)
-		minimap:SetScript("OnUpdate", Minimap_OnUpdate)
-		minimap:SetScript("OnClick", Minimap_OnClick)
-		minimap:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
-		minimap:SetScript("OnEvent", Minimap_OnEvent)
+        minimap.icon = minimap:CreateTexture("BACKGROUND")
+        minimap.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\GoldGreenDot")
+        minimap.icon:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0)
+        minimap.icon:SetHeight(12)
+        minimap.icon:SetWidth(12)
+        minimap.arrow = minimap:CreateTexture("BACKGROUND")
+        minimap.arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\MinimapArrow-Green")
+        minimap.arrow:SetPoint("CENTER", 0 ,0)
+        minimap.arrow:SetHeight(40)
+        minimap.arrow:SetWidth(40)
+        minimap.arrow:Hide()
+        -- Add the behavior scripts
+        minimap:SetScript("OnEnter", Minimap_OnEnter)
+        minimap:SetScript("OnLeave", Minimap_OnLeave)
+        minimap:SetScript("OnUpdate", Minimap_OnUpdate)
+        minimap:SetScript("OnClick", Minimap_OnClick)
+        minimap:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+        minimap:SetScript("OnEvent", Minimap_OnEvent)

         if not TomTomMapOverlay then
             local overlay = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomMapOverlay", WorldMapButton)

-		local worldmap = CreateFrame("Button", nil, TomTomMapOverlay)
-		worldmap:SetHeight(12)
-		worldmap:SetWidth(12)
-		worldmap:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
-		worldmap.icon = worldmap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
-		worldmap.icon:SetAllPoints()
-		worldmap.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\GoldGreenDot")
+        local worldmap = CreateFrame("Button", nil, TomTomMapOverlay)
+        worldmap:SetHeight(12)
+        worldmap:SetWidth(12)
+        worldmap:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+        worldmap.icon = worldmap:CreateTexture("ARTWORK")
+        worldmap.icon:SetAllPoints()
+        worldmap.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\GoldGreenDot")
+        worldmap:RegisterEvent("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE")
+        worldmap:SetScript("OnEnter", World_OnEnter)
+        worldmap:SetScript("OnLeave", World_OnLeave)
+        worldmap:SetScript("OnClick", World_OnClick)
+        worldmap:SetScript("OnEvent", World_OnEvent)
+        point.worldmap = worldmap
+        point.minimap = minimap
+    end
+    waypointMap[waypoint] = point
+    point.m = m
+    point.f = f
+    point.x = x
+    point.y = y
+    point.show_world = show_world
+    point.show_minimap = show_minimap
+    point.callbacks = callbacks
+    point.worldmap.callbacks = callbacks and callbacks.world
+    point.minimap.callbacks = callbacks and callbacks.minimap
+    -- Process the callbacks table to put distances in a consumable format
+    if callbacks and callbacks.distance then
+        point.dlist = {}
+        for k,v in pairs(callbacks.distance) do
+            table.insert(point.dlist, k)
+        end
+        table.sort(point.dlist)
+    end

-		worldmap:RegisterEvent("WORLD_MAP_UPDATE")
-		worldmap:SetScript("OnEnter", World_OnEnter)
-		worldmap:SetScript("OnLeave", World_OnLeave)
-		worldmap:SetScript("OnClick", World_OnClick)
-		worldmap:SetScript("OnEvent", World_OnEvent)
+    -- Link the actual frames back to the waypoint object
+    point.minimap.point = point
+    point.worldmap.point = point
+    point.uid = waypoint

-		point.worldmap = worldmap
-		point.minimap = minimap
-	end
+    -- Place the waypoint
+    astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(point.minimap, m, f, x, y)

-    waypointMap[waypoint] = point
+    if show_world then
+        astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(TomTomMapOverlay, point.worldmap, m, f, x, y)
+    else
+        point.worldmap.disabled = true
+    end

-	point.m = m
-	point.f = f
-	point.x = x
-	point.y = y
-	point.show_world = show_world
-	point.show_minimap = show_minimap
-	point.callbacks = callbacks
-	point.worldmap.callbacks = callbacks and callbacks.world
-	point.minimap.callbacks = callbacks and callbacks.minimap
-	-- Process the callbacks table to put distances in a consumable format
-	if callbacks and callbacks.distance then
-		point.dlist = {}
-		for k,v in pairs(callbacks.distance) do
-			table.insert(point.dlist, k)
-		end
-		table.sort(point.dlist)
-	end
-	-- Link the actual frames back to the waypoint object
-	point.minimap.point = point
-	point.worldmap.point = point
-	point.uid = waypoint
-	-- Place the waypoint
-	astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(point.minimap, m, f, x, y)
-	if show_world then
-		astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(TomTomMapOverlay, point.worldmap, m, f, x, y)
-	else
-		point.worldmap.disabled = true
-	end
-	if not show_minimap then
-		-- Hide the minimap icon/arrow if minimap is off
-		point.minimap:EnableMouse(false)
-		point.minimap.icon:Hide()
-		point.minimap.arrow:Hide()
-		point.minimap.disabled = true
-		rotateArrow(point.minimap)
-	else
-		point.minimap:EnableMouse(true)
-		point.minimap.disabled = false
-		rotateArrow(point.minimap)
-	end
+    if not show_minimap then
+        -- Hide the minimap icon/arrow if minimap is off
+        point.minimap:EnableMouse(false)
+        point.minimap.icon:Hide()
+        point.minimap.arrow:Hide()
+        point.minimap.disabled = true
+        rotateArrow(point.minimap)
+    else
+        point.minimap:EnableMouse(true)
+        point.minimap.disabled = false
+        rotateArrow(point.minimap)
+    end

 function TomTom:HideWaypoint(uid, minimap, worldmap)
     local point = waypointMap[uid]
-	if point then
-		if minimap then
-			point.minimap.disabled = true
-			point.minimap:Hide()
-		end
-		if worldmap then
-			point.worldmap.disabled = true
-			point.worldmap:Hide()
-		end
-	end
+    if point then
+        if minimap then
+            point.minimap.disabled = true
+            point.minimap:Hide()
+        end
+        if worldmap then
+            point.worldmap.disabled = true
+            point.worldmap:Hide()
+        end
+    end

 function TomTom:ShowWaypoint(uid)
-	local point = waypointMap[uid]
-	if point then
-		point.minimap.disabled = not point.data.show_minimap
-		point.minimap:Show()
-		point.worldmap.disabled = not point.data.show_worldmap
-		point.worldmap:Show()
-	end
+    local point = waypointMap[uid]
+    if point then
+        point.minimap.disabled = not point.data.show_minimap
+        point.minimap:Show()
+        point.worldmap.disabled = not point.data.show_worldmap
+        point.worldmap:Show()
+    end

 -- This function removes the waypoint from the active set
 function TomTom:ClearWaypoint(uid)
     local point = waypointMap[uid]
-	if point then
-		astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(point.minimap)
-		point.minimap:Hide()
-		point.worldmap:Hide()
-		-- Clear our handles to the callback tables
-		point.callbacks = nil
-		point.minimap.callbacks = nil
-		point.worldmap.callbacks = nil
-		-- Clear disabled flags
-		point.minimap.disabled = nil
-		point.worldmap.disabled = nil
-		point.dlist = nil
-		point.uid = nil
-		table.insert(pool, point)
-	end
+    if point then
+        astrolabe:RemoveIconFromMinimap(point.minimap)
+        point.minimap:Hide()
+        point.worldmap:Hide()
+        -- Clear our handles to the callback tables
+        point.callbacks = nil
+        point.minimap.callbacks = nil
+        point.worldmap.callbacks = nil
+        -- Clear disabled flags
+        point.minimap.disabled = nil
+        point.worldmap.disabled = nil
+        point.dlist = nil
+        point.uid = nil
+        table.insert(pool, point)
+    end

 function TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(uid)
     local point = waypointMap[uid]
-	return point and astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(point.minimap)
+    return point and astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(point.minimap)

 function TomTom:GetDirectionToWaypoint(uid)
-	local point = waypointMap[uid]
-	return point and astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(point.minimap)
+    local point = waypointMap[uid]
+    return point and astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(point.minimap)

-	local tooltip_uid,tooltip_callbacks
+    local tooltip_uid,tooltip_callbacks

-	local function tooltip_onupdate(self, elapsed)
-		if tooltip_callbacks and tooltip_callbacks.tooltip_update then
-			local dist,x,y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(tooltip_uid)
-			tooltip_callbacks.tooltip_update("tooltip_update", tooltip, tooltip_uid, dist)
-		end
-	end
+    local function tooltip_onupdate(self, elapsed)
+        if tooltip_callbacks and tooltip_callbacks.tooltip_update then
+            local dist,x,y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(tooltip_uid)
+            tooltip_callbacks.tooltip_update("tooltip_update", tooltip, tooltip_uid, dist)
+        end
+    end

-	function Minimap_OnClick(self, button)
-		local data = self.callbacks
+    function Minimap_OnClick(self, button)
+        local data = self.callbacks

-		if data and data.onclick then
-			data.onclick("onclick", self.point.uid, self, button)
-		end
-	end
+        if data and data.onclick then
+            data.onclick("onclick", self.point.uid, self, button)
+        end
+    end

-	function Minimap_OnEnter(self, motion)
-		local data = self.callbacks
+    function Minimap_OnEnter(self, motion)
+        local data = self.callbacks

-		if data and data.tooltip_show then
-			local uid = self.point.uid
-			local dist,x,y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(uid)
+        if data and data.tooltip_show then
+            local uid = self.point.uid
+            local dist,x,y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(uid)

-			tooltip_uid = uid
-			tooltip_callbacks = data
+            tooltip_uid = uid
+            tooltip_callbacks = data

-			-- Parent to UIParent, unless it's hidden
-			if UIParent:IsVisible() then
-				tooltip:SetParent(UIParent)
-			else
-				tooltip:SetParent(self)
-			end
+            -- Parent to UIParent, unless it's hidden
+            if UIParent:IsVisible() then
+                tooltip:SetParent(UIParent)
+            else
+                tooltip:SetParent(self)
+            end

-			tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT")
+            tooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT")

-			data.tooltip_show("tooltip_show", tooltip, uid, dist)
-			tooltip:Show()
+            data.tooltip_show("tooltip_show", tooltip, uid, dist)
+            tooltip:Show()

-			-- Set the update script if there is one
-			if data.tooltip_update then
-				tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", tooltip_onupdate)
-			else
-				tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-			end
-		end
-	end
+            -- Set the update script if there is one
+            if data.tooltip_update then
+                tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", tooltip_onupdate)
+            else
+                tooltip:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+            end
+        end
+    end

-	function Minimap_OnLeave(self, motion)
-		tooltip_uid,tooltip_callbacks = nil,nil
-		tooltip:Hide()
-	end
+    function Minimap_OnLeave(self, motion)
+        tooltip_uid,tooltip_callbacks = nil,nil
+        tooltip:Hide()
+    end

-	World_OnEnter = Minimap_OnEnter
-	World_OnLeave = Minimap_OnLeave
-	World_OnClick = Minimap_OnClick
+    World_OnEnter = Minimap_OnEnter
+    World_OnLeave = Minimap_OnLeave
+    World_OnClick = Minimap_OnClick

-	local minimap_count = 0
+    local minimap_count = 0

-	function Minimap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
-		local dist,x,y = astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
-		local disabled = self.disabled
+    function Minimap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+        local dist,x,y = astrolabe:GetDistanceToIcon(self)
+        local disabled = self.disabled

-		if not dist then
-			self:Hide()
-			return
-		end
+        if not dist then
+            self:Hide()
+            return
+        end

-		minimap_count = minimap_count + elapsed
+        minimap_count = minimap_count + elapsed

-		if minimap_count < 0.1 then return end
+        if minimap_count < 0.1 then return end

-		-- Reset the counter
-		minimap_count = 0
+        -- Reset the counter
+        minimap_count = 0

-		local edge = astrolabe:IsIconOnEdge(self)
-		local data = self.point
-		local callbacks = data.callbacks
+        local edge = astrolabe:IsIconOnEdge(self)
+        local data = self.point
+        local callbacks = data.callbacks

-		if edge then
-			-- Check to see if this is a transition
-			if not disabled then
-				self.icon:Hide()
-				self.arrow:Show()
+        if edge then
+            -- Check to see if this is a transition
+            if not disabled then
+                self.icon:Hide()
+                self.arrow:Show()

-				-- Rotate the icon, as required
-				local angle = astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(self)
-				angle = angle + rad_135
+                -- Rotate the icon, as required
+                local angle = astrolabe:GetDirectionToIcon(self)
+                angle = angle + rad_135

-				if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
-					--local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
+                if GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" then
+                    --local cring = MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing()
                     local cring = GetPlayerFacing()
-					angle = angle - cring
-				end
-				local sin,cos = math.sin(angle) * square_half, math.cos(angle) * square_half
-				self.arrow:SetTexCoord(0.5-sin, 0.5+cos, 0.5+cos, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos, 0.5-sin, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos)
-			end
-		else
-			if not disabled then
-				self.icon:Show()
-				self.arrow:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-		if callbacks and callbacks.distance then
-			local list = data.dlist
-			local state = data.state
-			local newstate
-			-- Calculate the initial state
-			if not state then
-				for i=1,#list do
-					if dist <= list[i] then
-						state = i
-						break
-					end
-				end
-				-- Handle the case where we're outside the largest circle
-				if not state then state = -1 end
-				data.state = state
-			else
-				-- Calculate the new state
-				for i=1,#list do
-					if dist <= list[i] then
-						newstate = i
-						break
-					end
-				end
-				-- Handle the case where we're outside the largest circle
-				if not newstate then newstate = -1 end
-			end
-			-- If newstate is set, then this is a transition
-			-- If only state is set, this is the initial state
-			if state ~= newstate then
-				-- Handle the initial state
-				newstate = newstate or state
-				local distance = list[newstate]
-				local callback = callbacks.distance[distance]
-				if callback then
-					callback("distance", data.uid, distance, dist, data.lastdist)
-				end
-				data.state = newstate
-			end
-			-- Update the last distance with the current distance
-			data.lastdist = dist
-		end
-	end
-	function World_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
-		if event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" then
-			if not self.point.uid then
-				return
-			end
-			local data = self.point
-			if data.worldmap and data.show_world and not self.disabled then
-				local x,y = astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(TomTomMapOverlay, self, data.m, data.f, data.x, data.y)
+                    angle = angle - cring
+                end
+                local sin,cos = math.sin(angle) * square_half, math.cos(angle) * square_half
+                self.arrow:SetTexCoord(0.5-sin, 0.5+cos, 0.5+cos, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos, 0.5-sin, 0.5+sin, 0.5-cos)
+            end
+        else
+            if not disabled then
+                self.icon:Show()
+                self.arrow:Hide()
+            end
+        end
+        if callbacks and callbacks.distance then
+            local list = data.dlist
+            local state = data.state
+            local newstate
+            -- Calculate the initial state
+            if not state then
+                for i=1,#list do
+                    if dist <= list[i] then
+                        state = i
+                        break
+                    end
+                end
+                -- Handle the case where we're outside the largest circle
+                if not state then state = -1 end
+                data.state = state
+            else
+                -- Calculate the new state
+                for i=1,#list do
+                    if dist <= list[i] then
+                        newstate = i
+                        break
+                    end
+                end
+                -- Handle the case where we're outside the largest circle
+                if not newstate then newstate = -1 end
+            end
+            -- If newstate is set, then this is a transition
+            -- If only state is set, this is the initial state
+            if state ~= newstate then
+                -- Handle the initial state
+                newstate = newstate or state
+                local distance = list[newstate]
+                local callback = callbacks.distance[distance]
+                if callback then
+                    callback("distance", data.uid, distance, dist, data.lastdist)
+                end
+                data.state = newstate
+            end
+            -- Update the last distance with the current distance
+            data.lastdist = dist
+        end
+    end
+    function World_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
+        if event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" then
+            if not self.point.uid then
+                return
+            end
+            local data = self.point
+            if data.worldmap and data.show_world and not self.disabled then
+                local x,y = astrolabe:PlaceIconOnWorldMap(TomTomMapOverlay, self, data.m, data.f, data.x, data.y)
                 local pdata = data.uid

-				if (x and y and (0 < x and x <= 1) and (0 < y and y <= 1)) then
-					self:Show()
-				else
-					self:Hide()
-				end
-			else
-				self:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	function Minimap_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
-		if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
-			local data = self.point
-			if data and data.uid and waypointMap[data.uid] then
-				astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(self, data.m, data.f, data.x, data.y)
-			end
-		end
-	end
+                if (x and y and (0 < x and x <= 1) and (0 < y and y <= 1)) then
+                    self:Show()
+                else
+                    self:Hide()
+                end
+            else
+                self:Hide()
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    function Minimap_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
+        if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
+            local data = self.point
+            if data and data.uid and waypointMap[data.uid] then
+                astrolabe:PlaceIconOnMinimap(self, data.m, data.f, data.x, data.y)
+            end
+        end
+    end