
Update enUS locaization

Ludovicus [08-25-20 - 17:44]
Update enUS locaization
diff --git a/Localization.enUS.lua b/Localization.enUS.lua
index b861cb0..6245263 100755
--- a/Localization.enUS.lua
+++ b/Localization.enUS.lua
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 TomTomLocals = {
 	["%d yards"] = "%d yards",
 	["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"] = "%s (%.2f, %.2f)",
-	["%s: (map: %d, zone: %s, continent: %s, world: %s)"] = "%s: (map: %d, zone: %s, continent: %s, world: %s)",
 	["%s yards away"] = "%s yards away",
 	["%s%s - %s %s %s %s"] = "%s%s - %s %s %s %s",
 	["%s%s - %s (map: %d)"] = "%s%s - %s (map: %d)",
+	["%s: (map: %d, zone: %s, continent: %s, world: %s)"] = "%s: (map: %d, zone: %s, continent: %s, world: %s)",
 	["%s: No coordinate information found for '%s' at this map level"] = "%s: No coordinate information found for '%s' at this map level",
 	["%sNo waypoints in this zone"] = "%sNo waypoints in this zone",
 	["Accept waypoints from guild and party members"] = "Accept waypoints from guild and party members",
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ TomTomLocals = {
 	["Cursor Coordinates"] = "Cursor Coordinates",
 	["Cursor coordinate accuracy"] = "Cursor coordinate accuracy",
 	["Cursor coordinate offset"] = "Cursor coordinate offset",
+	["Cursor: %s"] = "Cursor: %s",
+	["Cursor: ---"] = "Cursor: ---",
 	["Data Feed Options"] = "Data Feed Options",
 	["Disable all mouse input"] = "Disable all mouse input",
 	["Disables the crazy taxi arrow for mouse input, allowing all clicks to pass through"] = "Disables the crazy taxi arrow for mouse input, allowing all clicks to pass through",
@@ -86,8 +88,14 @@ TomTomLocals = {
 	["Minimap Icon"] = "Minimap Icon",
 	["Minimap Icon Size"] = "Minimap Icon Size",
 	["My Corpse"] = "My Corpse",
+	["New Gold Blue Dot"] = "New Gold Blue Dot",
+	["New Gold Green Dot"] = "New Gold Green Dot",
+	["New Gold Purple Dot"] = "New Gold Purple Dot",
+	["New Gold Red Dot"] = "New Gold Red Dot",
+	["New Purple Ring"] = "New Purple Ring",
 	["No"] = "No",
 	["Normally when TomTom sets the closest waypoint it chooses the waypoint in your current zone. This option will cause TomTom to search for any waypoints on your current continent. This may lead you outside your current zone, so it is disabled by default."] = "Normally when TomTom sets the closest waypoint it chooses the waypoint in your current zone. This option will cause TomTom to search for any waypoints on your current continent. This may lead you outside your current zone, so it is disabled by default.",
+	["Old Gold Green Dot"] = "Old Gold Green Dot",
 	["Options profile"] = "Options profile",
 	["Options that alter quest objective integration"] = "Options that alter quest objective integration",
 	["Options that alter the coordinate block"] = "Options that alter the coordinate block",
@@ -96,6 +104,8 @@ TomTomLocals = {
 	["Player Coordinates"] = "Player Coordinates",
 	["Player coordinate accuracy"] = "Player coordinate accuracy",
 	["Player coordinate offset"] = "Player coordinate offset",
+	["Player: %s"] = "Player: %s",
+	["Player: ---"] = "Player: ---",
 	["Profile Options"] = "Profile Options",
 	["Prompt before accepting sent waypoints"] = "Prompt before accepting sent waypoints",
 	["Provide a LDB data source for coordinates"] = "Provide a LDB data source for coordinates",
@@ -165,6 +175,7 @@ TomTomLocals = {
 	["TomTom's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of waypoints for each.  These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share waypoints between characters"] = "TomTom's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of waypoints for each.  These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share waypoints between characters",
 	["Unknown distance"] = "Unknown distance",
 	["Unknown waypoint"] = "Unknown waypoint",
+	["Unnamed Map"] = "Unnamed Map",
 	["Update throttle"] = "Update throttle",
 	["Wayback"] = "Wayback",
 	["Waypoint Arrow"] = "Waypoint Arrow",
@@ -211,16 +222,6 @@ TomTomLocals = {
 	["|cffffff78TomTom:|r Selected waypoint (%s%s%s) in %s"] = "|cffffff78TomTom:|r Selected waypoint (%s%s%s) in %s",
 	["|cffffff78TomTom:|r Waypoint %s valid"] = "|cffffff78TomTom:|r Waypoint %s valid",
 	["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"] = "|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s",
-	["Old Gold Green Dot"] = "Old Gold Green Dot",
-	["New Gold Blue Dot"] = "New Gold Blue Dot",
-	["New Gold Green Dot"] = "New Gold Green Dot",
-	["New Gold Purple Dot"] = "New Gold Purple Dot",
-	["New Gold Red Dot"] = "New Gold Red Dot",
-	["New Purple Ring"] = "New Purple Ring",
-	["Player: ---"] = "Player: ---",
-	["Player: %s"] = "Player: %s",
-	["Cursor: ---"] = "Cursor: ---",
-	["Cursor: %s"] = "Cursor: %s",

 setmetatable(TomTomLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})