
Add updated zhCN localisation from ananhaid

James Whitehead II [07-20-13 - 12:21]
Add updated zhCN localisation from ananhaid
diff --git a/Localization.zhCN.lua b/Localization.zhCN.lua
index d7463b5..5bd4178 100644
--- a/Localization.zhCN.lua
+++ b/Localization.zhCN.lua
@@ -1,124 +1,183 @@
---Localization.zhCN.lua , by Onlyfly
-if ( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
-TomTomLocals = {
-	["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"] = "%s (%.2f, %.2f)",
-	["%s yards away"] = "%s 码距离",
-	["Accept waypoints from guild and party members"] = "接受来自工会或团队的路径点",
-	["Allow control-right clicking on map to create new waypoint"] = "允许使用右键点击地图来创建新的路径点",
-    ["Alpha"] = "透明度",
-	["Are you sure you would like to remove ALL TomTom waypoints?"] = "你确认要删除所有 TomTom 路径点吗?",
-	["Arrow colors"] = "箭头颜色",
-	["Arrow display"] = "箭头显示",
-	["Ask for confirmation on \"Remove All\""] = "\"全部删除\" 时进行确认",
-	["Automatically set waypoint arrow"] = "自动设置路径点箭头",
-	["Background color"] = "背景色",
-	["Bad color"] = "错误颜色",
-	["Block height"] = "模块高度",
-	["Block width"] = "模块宽度",
-	["Border color"] = "边框颜色",
-	["Clear waypoint distance"] = "清空路径点距离",
-	["Clear waypoint from crazy arrow"] = "清除路径点箭头",
-	["Coordinate Block"] = "坐标模块",
-	["Coordinate Accuracy"] ="坐标精确度",  --new+++in tomtom_config.lua  line 80
-	["Coordinates can be displayed as simple XX, YY coordinate, or as more precise XX.XX, YY.YY.  This setting allows you to control that precision"] = "坐标模块可以显示简单的如 XX,YY 坐标,同样的他也可以显示如 XX.XX, YY.YY 的精确坐标。",
-	["Ctrl+Right Click To Add a Waypoint"] = "单击 Ctrl+右键 添加一个路径点",
-	["Cursor Coordinates"] = "鼠标坐标",
-	["Cursor coordinate accuracy"] = "鼠标精确坐标",
-	["Create note modifier"] = "创建快捷组合键",  -- new
-	["Display Settings"] = "显示设置",
-	["Display waypoints from other zones"] = "从其他地区显示路径点",
-	["Enable coordinate block"] = "启用坐标模块",
-	["Enable floating waypoint arrow"] = "启用浮动路径箭头",
-	["Enable minimap waypoints"] = "启用小地图路径点",
-	["Enable mouseover tooltips"] = "启用鼠标提示",
-	["Enable showing cursor coordinates"] = "启用显示鼠标坐标",
-	["Enable showing player coordinates"] = "启用显示玩家坐标",
-	["Enable the right-click contextual menu"] = "启用右键菜单", --?
-	["Enable world map waypoints"] = "启用世界地图路径点",
-	["Enables a floating block that displays your current position in the current zone"] = "启用浮动的模块以显示你在当前区域的当前位置",
-	["Enables a menu when right-clicking on a waypoint allowing you to clear or remove waypoints"] = "当右键点击一个路径点时显示菜单以清除或移动路径点",
-	["Enables a menu when right-clicking on the waypoint arrow allowing you to clear or remove waypoints"] = "当右键点击路径点箭头时显示菜单以清除或移动路径点",
-	["Font size"] = "字体大小",
-	["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"] = "Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific",
-	["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"] = "Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s",
-	["General Options"] = "综合选项",
-	["Good color"] = "正确颜色",
-	["Lock coordinate block"] = "锁定坐标模块",
-	["Lock waypoint arrow"] = "锁定路径箭头",
-	["Locks the coordinate block so it can't be accidentally dragged to another location"] = "锁定坐标模块以防止意外拖动",
-	["Locks the waypoint arrow, so it can't be moved accidentally"] = "锁定路径箭头,防止意外拖动",
-	["Middle color"] = "中间颜色",
-	["Minimap"] = "小地图",
-	["No"] = "否",
-	["Options profile"] = "选项配置",
-	["Options that alter the coordinate block"] = "坐标模块选项",
-	["Player Coordinates"] = "玩家坐标",
-	["Player coordinate accuracy"] = "玩家精确坐标",
-	["Profile Options"] = "配置选项",
-	["Prompt before accepting sent waypoints"] = "发送,接受路径点前进行提示",
-	["Remove all waypoints"] = "删除全部路径点",
-	["Remove all waypoints from this zone"] = "删除本区域的全部路径点",
-	["Remove waypoint"] = "删除路径点",
-	["Save new waypoints until I remove them"] = "保存新的路径点直到删除他们",
-	["Save profile for TomTom waypoints"] = "保存TomTom路径点配置",
-	["Save this waypoint between sessions"] = "保存这个路径点之间的会话",
-	["Saved profile for TomTom options"] = "保存TomTom选项的配置",
-	["Scale"] = "比例",
-	["Send to battleground"] = "发送到战场",
-	["Send to guild"] = "发送到工会",
-	["Send to party"] = "发送到队伍",
-	["Send to raid"] = "发送到团队",
-	["Send waypoint to"] = "发送路径点到",
-	["Set as waypoint arrow"] = "设定为路径箭头",
-	["Show estimated time to arrival"] = "显示估计的到达时间 ",
-	["Shows an estimate of how long it will take you to reach the waypoint at your current speed"] = "显示以你当前的速度需要多长时间到达路径点",
-	["The color to be displayed when you are halfway between the direction of the active waypoint and the completely wrong direction"] = "当你界于正确与错误的路径点方向之间时显示的颜色",
-	["The color to be displayed when you are moving in the direction of the active waypoint"] = "当你朝向路径点方向时显示的颜色",
-	["The color to be displayed when you are moving in the opposite direction of the active waypoint"] = "当你反方向路径点是显示的颜色",
-	["The display of the coordinate block can be customized by changing the options below."] = "通过改变以下选项可以自定义坐标模块显示.",
-	["The floating waypoint arrow can change color depending on whether or nor you are facing your destination.  By default it will display green when you are facing it directly, and red when you are facing away from it.  These colors can be changed in this section.  Setting these options to the same color will cause the arrow to not change color at all"] = "浮动的路径点箭头是否改变颜色取决于你所面对的你的目的地. 默认情况下,你面对它,箭头会显示绿色;当你反方向的话箭头会显示红色。这些颜色可以在这里进行设定。如果设置为相同的颜色, 会导致箭头在所有状态下不改变颜色",
-	["There were no waypoints to remove in %s"] = " %s 没有路径点被删除",
-	["These options let you customize the size and opacity of the waypoint arrow, making it larger or partially transparent, as well as limiting the size of the title display."] = "这些选项可以使你自定义路径箭头的比例尺寸和透明度,同时可以设置标题显示的极限尺寸.",
-	["This option will not remove any waypoints that are currently set to persist, but only effects new waypoints that get set"] = "This option will not remove any waypoints that are currently set to persist, but only effects new waypoints that get set",
-	["This option will toggle whether or not you are asked to confirm removing all waypoints.  If enabled, a dialog box will appear, requiring you to confirm removing the waypoints"] = "这个选项将切换设置当删除所有路径点时是否进行询问.  如果起用, 将显示一个对话框, 以使你确认删除路径点",
-	["This setting allows you to change the opacity of the waypoint arrow, making it transparent or opaque"] = "这个设置可以改变路径箭头的透明度, 使之透明或不透明",
-	["This setting allows you to change the scale of the waypoint arrow, making it larger or smaller"] = "这个设置可以改变路径箭头的比例尺寸, 使之变大或变小",
-	["This setting allows you to specify the maximum height of the title text.  Any titles that are longer than this height (in game pixels) will be truncated."] = "这个设置可以详细设定标题文本的最大高度.  任何标题如果大于此高度(游戏内像素)将被删减.",
-	["This setting allows you to specify the maximum width of the title text.  Any titles that are longer than this width (in game pixels) will be wrapped to the next line."] = "这个设置可以详细设定标题文本的最大宽度. 任何标题如果大于此高度(游戏内像素)将进行换行处理.",
-	["This setting will control the distance at which the waypoint arrow switches to a downwards arrow, indicating you have arrived at your destination"] = "这个设置可以设定多少距离时路径箭头变换为向下,以指示你已经到达目的地",
-	["This setting changes the modifier used by TomTom when right-clicking on the world map to create a waypoint"] = "这个设置用来更改+右键的组合键以用来创建一个Tomtom路径点", -- new
-	["Title Height"] = "标题高度",
-	["Title Width"] = "标题宽度",
-	["TomTom"] = "TomTom",
-	["TomTom Waypoint Arrow"] = "TomTom 路径箭头",
-	["TomTom can display a tooltip containing information abouto waypoints, when they are moused over.  This setting toggles that functionality"] = "当鼠标指向路径点时,TomTom 可以显示包含本路径点信息的鼠标提示. 这个设置可以切换本功能",
-	["TomTom can display multiple waypoint arrows on the minimap.  These options control the display of these waypoints"] = "TomTom 可以在小地图上显示多重路径箭头.  这些选项可以控制这些路径点的显示",
-	["TomTom can display multiple waypoints on the world map.  These options control the display of these waypoints"] = "TomTom 可以在世界地图上显示多重路径点.  这些选项可以控制这些路径点的显示",
-	["TomTom can hide waypoints in other zones, this setting toggles that functionality"] = "TomTom 可以隐藏其他地区的路径点, 这个设置可以切换本功能",
-	["TomTom provides an arrow that can be placed anywhere on the screen.  Similar to the arrow in \"Crazy Taxi\" it will point you towards your next waypoint"] = "TomTom 提供了一个可以放在屏幕任何地方的箭头.  类似 \"疯狂巴士\" 箭头,他将指引你到达下个路径点",
-	["TomTom provides you with a floating coordinate display that can be used to determine your current position.  These options can be used to enable or disable this display, or customize the block's display."] = "TomTom 提供了一个浮动的坐标模块,可以显示你当前的位置坐标. 这些选项可以设置该模块的开关, 或自定义模块的显示.",
-	["TomTom waypoint"] = "TomTom 路径点",
-	["TomTom's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of waypoints for each.  These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share waypoints between characters"] = "TomTom 的保存函数是有条理的,所以你可以在你的角色间共享选项, 同时可对每个路径点进行不同的设置.  这些选项部分可以改变保存函数结构所以你可以设置每个角色的选项,乃至在角色之间分配路径点.",
-	["Waypoint Arrow"] = "路径箭头",
-	["Waypoint Options"] = "路径点选项",
-	["Waypoint communication"] = "路径点消息",
-	["Waypoint from %s"] = "路径点于 %s",
-	["Waypoints can be automatically cleared when you reach them.  This slider allows you to customize the distance in yards that signals your \"arrival\" at the waypoint.  A setting of 0 turns off the auto-clearing feature\n\nChanging this setting only takes effect after reloading your interface."] = "当你到达路径点时插件会自动清除这些路径点.本项设置可以自定义还有多少码距离到达你的路径点. 当设置为0时关闭自动清除功能\n\n重载界面就可使设置生效.",
-	["Waypoints profile"] = "路径点配置",
-	["When a new waypoint is added, TomTom can automatically set the new waypoint as the \"Crazy Arrow\" waypoint."] = "当一个新的路径点被添加后, TomTom 可以自动的设定这个新的路径点为 \"疯狂箭头\" 模式.",
-	["World Map"] = "世界地图",
-	["Yes"] = "是",
-	["\"Arrival Distance\""] = "\"到达距离\"",
-	["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"] = "|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [注释]|r - 于X,Y坐标处添加一路径点并添加注释描述",
-	["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"] = "|cffffff78/way <地区> <x> <y> [注释]|r - 于本地区的X,Y坐标处添加一路径点并添加注释描述",
-	["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"] = "|cffffff78/way reset <地区>|r - 重置本地区所有路径点",
-	["|cffffff78/way reset all|r - Resets all waypoints"] = "|cffffff78/way reset all|r - 重置所有路径点",
-	["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r"] = "|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r",
-	["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"] = "|cffffff78TomTom|r: 添加 '%s' (自 %s) 到 %s",
-setmetatable(TomTomLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})
+if ( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
+TomTomLocals = {
+	["%d yards"] = "%d 码",
+	["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"] = "%s (%.2f, %.2f)",
+	["%s yards away"] = "%s 码距离",
+	["%s%s - %s (map: %d, floor: %d)"] = "%s%s - %s (地图: %d, 层: %d)",
+	["%s: No coordinate information found for '%s' at this map level"] = "%s: 没有'%s'的坐标信息发现在这张地图等级",
+	["%sNo waypoints in this zone"] = "%s此区域没有路径点",
+	["Accept waypoints from guild and party members"] = "接受来自公会或团队的路径点",
+	["Allow closest waypoint to be outside current zone"] = "允许当前区域以外的最近路径点",
+	["Allow control-right clicking on map to create new waypoint"] = "允许使用右键点击地图来创建新的路径点",
+	["Allow the corpse arrow to override other waypoints"] = "允许的尸体箭头覆盖其他路径点",
+	["Alpha"] = "透明度",
+	["Announce new waypoints when they are added"] = "通报新添加的路径点",
+	["Are you sure you would like to remove ALL TomTom waypoints?"] = "确认要删除所有 TomTom 路径点吗?",
+	["Arrow colors"] = "箭头颜色",
+	["Arrow display"] = "箭头显示",
+	["Ask for confirmation on \"Remove All\""] = "\"全部删除\" 时进行确认",
+	["Automatically set a waypoint when I die"] = "发呆时自动设置路径点",
+	["Automatically set to next closest waypoint"] = "自动设置到最近路径点",
+	["Automatically set waypoint arrow"] = "自动设置路径点箭头",
+	["Background color"] = "背景颜色",
+	["Bad color"] = "错误颜色",
+	["Block height"] = "模块高度",
+	["Block width"] = "模块宽度",
+	["Border color"] = "边框颜色",
+	["Clear waypoint distance"] = "清空路径点距离",
+	["Clear waypoint from crazy arrow"] = "清除路径点箭头",
+	["Controls the frequency of updates for the coordinate LDB feed."] = "控制 LDB 资讯的坐标更新频率。",
+	["Controls the frequency of updates for the coordinate block."] = "控制坐标模块更新频率。",
+	["Controls the frequency of updates for the crazy arrow LDB feed."] = "控制 LDB 资讯的箭头更新频率。",
+	["Coordinate Accuracy"] ="坐标精确度",
+	["Coordinate Block"] = "坐标模块",
+	["Coordinate feed accuracy"] = "坐标资讯精确度",
+	["Coordinate feed throttle"] = "坐标资讯阈值",
+	["Coordinates can be displayed as simple XX, YY coordinate, or as more precise XX.XX, YY.YY.  This setting allows you to control that precision"] = "坐标模块可以显示简单的如 XX,YY 坐标,同样的他也可以显示如 XX.XX, YY.YY 的精确坐标。此设置允许控制精度",
+	["Could not find any matches for zone %s."] = "无法找到任何匹配区域%s。",
+	["Crazy Arrow feed throttle"] = "箭头资讯阈值",
+	["Create note modifier"] = "创建快捷组合键",
+	["Cursor Coordinates"] = "鼠标坐标",
+	["Cursor coordinate accuracy"] = "鼠标精确坐标",
+	["Data Feed Options"] = "数据资讯选项",
+	["Disable all mouse input"] = "禁用全部鼠标输入",
+	["Disables the crazy taxi arrow for mouse input, allowing all clicks to pass through"] = "禁用疯狂出租车箭头,允许所有通过点击鼠标输入",
+	["Display Settings"] = "显示设置",
+	["Display waypoints from other zones"] = "从其他区域显示路径点",
+	["Enable automatic quest objective waypoints"] = "启用自动任务目标路径点",
+	["Enable coordinate block"] = "启用坐标模块",
+	["Enable floating waypoint arrow"] = "启用浮动路径箭头",
+	["Enable minimap waypoints"] = "启用小地图路径点",
+	["Enable mouseover tooltips"] = "启用鼠标提示",
+	["Enable quest objective click integration"] = "启用任务目标点击整合",
+	["Enable showing cursor coordinates"] = "启用显示鼠标坐标",
+	["Enable showing player coordinates"] = "启用显示玩家坐标",
+	["Enable the right-click contextual menu"] = "启用右键菜单",
+	["Enable world map waypoints"] = "启用世界地图路径点",
+	["Enables a floating block that displays your current position in the current zone"] = "启用浮动的模块以显示你在当前区域的当前位置",
+	["Enables a menu when right-clicking on a waypoint allowing you to clear or remove waypoints"] = "当右键点击一个路径点时显示菜单以清除或移动路径点",
+	["Enables a menu when right-clicking on the waypoint arrow allowing you to clear or remove waypoints"] = "当右键点击路径点箭头时显示菜单以清除或移动路径点",
+	["Enables the automatic setting of quest objective waypoints based on which objective is closest to your current location.  This setting WILL override the setting of manual waypoints."] = "启用基于任务目标目标路径点的自动设置最接近您的当前位置。此设置将覆盖手动路径点的设置。",
+	["Enables the setting of waypoints when modified-clicking on quest objectives"] = "点击任务目标启用路径点的设置修改",
+	["Exact color"] = "额外颜色",
+	["Font size"] = "字体大小",
+	["Found %d possible matches for zone %s.  Please be more specific"] = "找到%d区域%s的可能的匹配。更具体些",
+	["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'.  Did you mean: %s"] = "找到多个匹配区域'%s'。你的意思是:%s",
+	["General Options"] = "综合选项",
+	["Good color"] = "正确颜色",
+	["Hide the crazy arrow display during pet battles"] = "宠物战斗时隐藏箭头",
+	["If you have changed the waypoint display settings (minimap, world), this will re-set all waypoints to the current options."] = "如果您已更改路径点显示设置(小地图,世界),这将重新设置所有路径点到当前的选项。",
+	["Lock coordinate block"] = "锁定坐标模块",
+	["Lock waypoint arrow"] = "锁定路径箭头",
+	["Locks the coordinate block so it can't be accidentally dragged to another location"] = "锁定坐标模块以防止意外拖动",
+	["Locks the waypoint arrow, so it can't be moved accidentally"] = "锁定路径箭头,防止意外拖动",
+	["Middle color"] = "中间颜色",
+	["Minimap"] = "小地图",
+	["My Corpse"] = "我的尸体",
+	["No"] = "否",
+	["Normally when TomTom sets the closest waypoint it chooses the waypoint in your current zone. This option will cause TomTom to search for any waypoints on your current continent. This may lead you outside your current zone, so it is disabled by default."] = "通常情况下,当 TomTom 最近的路径点设置选择在当前区域路径点。此选项将导致 TomTom 以搜索任何您目前的大陆路径点。这可能会导致您离开当前区域,所以它在默认情况下是禁用的。",
+	["Options profile"] = "选项配置文件",
+	["Options that alter quest objective integration"] = "任务目标选项",
+	["Options that alter the coordinate block"] = "坐标模块选项",
+	["Play a sound when arriving at a waypoint"] = "当到达路径点时播放音效",
+	["Player Coordinates"] = "玩家坐标",
+	["Player coordinate accuracy"] = "玩家精确坐标",
+	["Profile Options"] = "配置文件选项",
+	["Prompt before accepting sent waypoints"] = "接受发送路径点之前提示",
+	["Provide a LDB data source for coordinates"] = "提供 LDB 坐标数据源",
+	["Provide a LDB data source for the crazy-arrow"] = "提供 LDB 箭头数据源",
+	["Quest Objectives"] = "任务目标",
+	["Remove all waypoints"] = "删除全部路径点",
+	["Remove all waypoints from this zone"] = "删除本区域的全部路径点",
+	["Remove waypoint"] = "删除路径点",
+	["Removed %d waypoints from %s"] = "移除%d路径点从%s",
+	["Reset Position"] = "重置位置",
+	["Reset waypoint display options to current"] = "重置当前路径点显示选项",
+	["Resets the position of the waypoint arrow if its been dragged off screen"] = "重置路径点箭头的位置,如果它被拖出屏幕",
+	["Save new waypoints until I remove them"] = "保存新的路径点直到删除他们",
+	["Save profile for TomTom waypoints"] = "保存TomTom 路径点配置文件",
+	["Save this waypoint between sessions"] = "保存这个路径点之间的会话",
+	["Saved profile for TomTom options"] = "保存 TomTom 选项的配置文件",
+	["Scale"] = "缩放",
+	["Send to battleground"] = "发送到战场",
+	["Send to guild"] = "发送到公会",
+	["Send to party"] = "发送到队伍",
+	["Send to raid"] = "发送到团队",
+	["Send waypoint to"] = "发送路径点到",
+	["Set as waypoint arrow"] = "设定为路径点箭头",
+	["Show estimated time to arrival"] = "显示预计的到达时间",
+	["Show the distance to the waypoint"] = "显示到路径点的距离",
+	["Shows an estimate of how long it will take you to reach the waypoint at your current speed"] = "显示以你当前的速度需要多长时间到达路径点",
+	["Shows the distance (in yards) to the waypoint"] = "显示到路径点的距离(码)",
+	["The color to be displayed when you are halfway between the direction of the active waypoint and the completely wrong direction"] = "当你界于正确与错误的路径点方向之间时显示的颜色",
+	["The color to be displayed when you are moving in the direction of the active waypoint"] = "当你朝向路径点方向时显示的颜色",
+	["The color to be displayed when you are moving in the exact direction of the active waypoint"] = "当你朝向确切路径点方向时显示的颜色",
+	["The color to be displayed when you are moving in the opposite direction of the active waypoint"] = "当你反方向路径点是显示的颜色",
+	["The display of the coordinate block can be customized by changing the options below."] = "通过改变以下选项可以自定义坐标模块显示。",
+	["The floating waypoint arrow can change color depending on whether or nor you are facing your destination.  By default it will display green when you are facing it directly, and red when you are facing away from it.  These colors can be changed in this section.  Setting these options to the same color will cause the arrow to not change color at all"] = "浮动的路径点箭头是否改变颜色取决于你所面对的你的目的地。默认情况下,你面对它,箭头会显示绿色;当你反方向的话箭头会显示红色。这些颜色可以在这里进行设定。如果设置为相同的颜色,会导致箭头在所有状态下不改变颜色",
+	["There were no waypoints to remove in %s"] = " %s 没有路径点可以删除",
+	["These options let you customize the size and opacity of the waypoint arrow, making it larger or partially transparent, as well as limiting the size of the title display."] = "这些选项可以使你自定义路径箭头的比例尺寸和透明度,同时可以设置标题显示的极限尺寸。",
+	["This option will not remove any waypoints that are currently set to persist, but only effects new waypoints that get set"] = "这个选项将不会删除任何当前路径点,但只影响新的路径点被置",
+	["This option will toggle whether or not you are asked to confirm removing all waypoints.  If enabled, a dialog box will appear, requiring you to confirm removing the waypoints"] = "这个选项将切换设置当删除所有路径点时是否进行询问.  如果起用, 将显示一个对话框, 以使你确认删除路径点",
+	["This setting allows you to change the opacity of the title text, making it transparent or opaque"] = "此设置允许更改标题文字的不透明度,使它透明或不透明",
+	["This setting allows you to change the opacity of the waypoint arrow, making it transparent or opaque"] = "这个设置可以改变路径箭头的透明度,使之透明或不透明",
+	["This setting allows you to change the scale of the waypoint arrow, making it larger or smaller"] = "这个设置可以改变路径箭头的比例尺寸,使之变大或变小",
+	["This setting allows you to specify the maximum height of the title text.  Any titles that are longer than this height (in game pixels) will be truncated."] = "这个设置可以详细设定标题文本的最大高度。任何标题如果大于此高度(游戏内像素)将被删减。",
+	["This setting allows you to specify the maximum width of the title text.  Any titles that are longer than this width (in game pixels) will be wrapped to the next line."] = "这个设置可以详细设定标题文本的最大宽度。任何标题如果大于此高度(游戏内像素)将进行换行处理。",
+	["This setting allows you to specify the scale of the title text."] = "此设置允许指定缩放的标题文字。",
+	["This setting changes the modifier used by TomTom when right-clicking on a quest objective POI to create a waypoint"] = "此设置改变 TomTom 所使用的修改时右键单击一个任务目标的 POI 创建一个路径点",
+	["This setting changes the modifier used by TomTom when right-clicking on the world map to create a waypoint"] = "这个设置用来更改+右键的组合键以用来创建一个 TomTom 路径点",
+	["This setting will control the distance at which the waypoint arrow switches to a downwards arrow, indicating you have arrived at your destination"] = "这个设置可以设定多少距离时路径箭头变换为向下,以指示你已经到达目的地",
+	["Title Alpha"] = "标题透明度",
+	["Title Height"] = "标题高度",
+	["Title Scale"] = "标题缩放",
+	["Title Width"] = "标题宽度",
+	["TomTom Waypoint Arrow"] = "TomTom 路径箭头",
+	["TomTom can announce new waypoints to the default chat frame when they are added"] = "当新的路径点被添加时 TomTom 通报到默认的聊天框",
+	["TomTom can automatically set a waypoint when you die, guiding you back to your corpse"] = "当你死了时 TomTom 可以自动设置一个路径点,引导你找到尸体",
+	["TomTom can be configured to set waypoints for the quest objectives that are shown in the watch frame and on the world map.  These options can be used to configure these options."] = "TomTom 可配置设置的路径点显示在监视框架和在世界地图上的任务目标。这些选项可以用来配置这些选项。",
+	["TomTom can display a tooltip containing information abouto waypoints, when they are moused over.  This setting toggles that functionality"] = "当鼠标指向路径点时,TomTom 可以显示包含本路径点信息的鼠标提示。这个设置可以切换本功能",
+	["TomTom can display multiple waypoint arrows on the minimap.  These options control the display of these waypoints"] = "TomTom 可以在小地图上显示多重路径箭头。这些选项可以控制这些路径点的显示",
+	["TomTom can display multiple waypoints on the world map.  These options control the display of these waypoints"] = "TomTom 可以在世界地图上显示多重路径点。这些选项可以控制这些路径点的显示",
+	["TomTom can hide waypoints in other zones, this setting toggles that functionality"] = "TomTom 可以隐藏其他区域的路径点,这个设置可以切换本功能",
+	["TomTom is capable of providing data sources via LibDataBroker, which allows them to be displayed in any LDB compatible display.  These options enable or disable the individual feeds, but will only take effect after a reboot."] = "TomTom 能够提供数据源通过 LibDataBroker,这使得它们可以显示在任何 LDB 兼容显示。这些选项启用或禁用单独的资讯,但重新启动后才会生效。",
+	["TomTom provides an arrow that can be placed anywhere on the screen.  Similar to the arrow in \"Crazy Taxi\" it will point you towards your next waypoint"] = "TomTom 提供了一个可以放在屏幕任何地方的箭头。类似\"疯狂出租车\"箭头,他将指引你到达下个路径点",
+	["TomTom provides you with a floating coordinate display that can be used to determine your current position.  These options can be used to enable or disable this display, or customize the block's display."] = "TomTom 提供了一个浮动的坐标模块,可以显示你当前的位置坐标。这些选项可以设置该模块的开关,或自定义模块的显示。",
+	["TomTom waypoint"] = "TomTom 路径点",
+	["TomTom's saved variables are organized so you can have shared options across all your characters, while having different sets of waypoints for each.  These options sections allow you to change the saved variable configurations so you can set up per-character options, or even share waypoints between characters"] = "TomTom 的保存函数是有条理的,所以你可以在你的角色间共享选项,同时可对每个路径点进行不同的设置。这些选项部分可以改变保存函数结构所以你可以设置每个角色的选项,乃至在角色之间分配路径点。",
+	["Unknown distance"] = "未知距离",
+	["Unknown waypoint"] = "未知路径点",
+	["Update throttle"] = "更新阈值",
+	["Wayback"] = "返回",
+	["Waypoint Arrow"] = "路径点箭头",
+	["Waypoint Options"] = "路径点选项",
+	["Waypoint communication"] = "路径点消息",
+	["Waypoint from %s"] = "路径点从 %s",
+	["Waypoints can be automatically cleared when you reach them.  This slider allows you to customize the distance in yards that signals your \"arrival\" at the waypoint.  A setting of 0 turns off the auto-clearing feature\n\nChanging this setting only takes effect after reloading your interface."] = "当你到达路径点时插件会自动清除这些路径点。本项设置可以自定义还有多少码距离到达你的路径点。当设置为0时关闭自动清除功能\n\n重载界面就可使设置生效。",
+	["Waypoints profile"] = "路径点配置文件",
+	["When a new waypoint is added, TomTom can automatically set the new waypoint as the \"Crazy Arrow\" waypoint."] = "当一个新的路径点被添加后,TomTom 可以自动的设定这个新的路径点为\"箭头\"模式。",
+	["When a pet battle begins, the crazy arrow will be hidden from view. When you exit the pet battle, it will be re-shown."] = "当宠物战斗开始,箭头会隐藏。当你退出战斗宠物,将重新显示。",
+	["When the current waypoint is cleared (either by the user or automatically) and this option is set, TomTom will automatically set the closest waypoint in the current zone as active waypoint."] = "当前路径点被清除(无论是由用户或自动)并设置了此选项,TomTom 将自动设置在当前区域作为激活路径点最近路径点。",
+	["When the player is dead and has a waypoint towards their corpse, it will prevent other waypoints from changing the crazy arrow"] = "当玩家已经死了有一个路径点对着尸体,它会阻止其他路径点改变箭头",
+	["When you 'arrive' at a waypoint (this distance is controlled by the 'Arrival Distance' setting in this group) a sound can be played to indicate this.  You can enable or disable this sound using this setting."] = "当你'激活'一个路径点(这个距离控制在这组'到达距离'设置)可以播放音效。您可以使用此设置启用或禁用此声音。",
+	["World Map"] = "世界地图",
+	["Yes"] = "是",
+	["You are at (%s) in '%s' (map: %d, floor: %d)"] = "你在 (%s) 的 '%s' (地图: %d, 层: %d)",
+	["\"Arrival Distance\""] = "\"到达距离\"",
+	["set waypoint modifier"] = "设置路径点修改",
+	["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"] = "|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [注释]|r -  于X,Y 坐标处添加一路径点并添加注释描述",
+	["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"] = "|cffffff78/way <区域> <x> <y> [注释]|r - 于本区域的 X,Y 坐标处添加一路径点并添加注释描述",
+	["|cffffff78/way list|r - Lists active waypoints in current zone"] = "|cffffff78/way list|r - 当前区域激活路径点列表",
+	["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"] = "|cffffff78/way reset <区域>|r - 重置本区域所有路径点",
+	["|cffffff78/way reset all|r - Resets all waypoints"] = "|cffffff78/way reset all|r - 重置所有路径点",
+	["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r"] = "|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78用法:|r",
+	["|cffffff78TomTom:|r Added a waypoint (%s%s%s) in %s"] = "|cffffff78TomTom:|r 添加路径点 (%s%s%s) 于 %s",
+	["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"] = "|cffffff78TomTom|r:添加 '%s' (自 %s) 到 %s",
+setmetatable(TomTomLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})