
First BFA port of TomTom.lua: missing nameToMapId translation.

Ludovicus [06-18-18 - 23:17]
First BFA port of TomTom.lua: missing nameToMapId translation.
diff --git a/TomTom.lua b/TomTom.lua
index d57bfeb..d610219 100755
--- a/TomTom.lua
+++ b/TomTom.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 -- Simple localization table for messages
 local L = TomTomLocals
 local ldb = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1")
-local hbd = LibStub("HereBeDragons-1.0")
+local hbd = LibStub("HereBeDragons-2.0")

 local addonName, addon = ...
 local TomTom = addon
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function TomTom:Initialize(event, addon)

     self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomDB", self.defaults, "Default")
-    self.waydb = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomWaypointsMF", self.waydefaults)
+    self.waydb = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomWaypointsM", self.waydefaults)

     self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadOptions")
     self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadOptions")
@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ function TomTom:Initialize(event, addon)

-	RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("TOMTOM3")
+    -- Since we are now using just (map, x, y), register a new protocol number
+    C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("TOMTOM4")

 	-- Watch for pet battle start/end so we can hide/show the arrow
 	self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START", "ShowHideCrazyArrow")
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ function TomTom:Initialize(event, addon)

             counter = 0
-            local m, f, x, y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+            local m, x, y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()

             if x and y then
                 local opt = TomTom.db.profile.feeds
@@ -190,24 +191,19 @@ end
 -- Some utility functions that can pack/unpack data from a waypoint

 -- Returns a hashable 'key' for a given waypoint consisting of the
--- map, floor, x, y and the waypoints title. This isn't truly
+-- map, x, y and the waypoints title. This isn't truly
 -- unique, but should be close enough to determine duplicates, etc.
 function TomTom:GetKey(waypoint)
-    local m,f,x,y = unpack(waypoint)
-    return self:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, waypoint.title)
+    local m,x,y = unpack(waypoint)
+    return self:GetKeyArgs(m, x, y, waypoint.title)

-function TomTom:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, title)
-    if not f then
-        local floors = hbd:GetNumFloors(m)
-        f = floors == 0 and 0 or 1
-    end
+function TomTom:GetKeyArgs(m, x, y, title)
 	-- Fudge the x/y values so they avoid precision/printf issues
 	local x = x * 10000
 	local y = y * 10000

-    local key = string.format("%d:%d:%s:%s:%s", m, f, x*10e4, y*10e4, tostring(title))
+    local key = string.format("%d:%s:%s:%s", m, x*10e4, y*10e4, tostring(title))
 	return key

@@ -216,15 +212,15 @@ end
 -- weird if you zoom the map out to your parent, but there is no way to
 -- recover this without changing/setting the map zoom. Deal with it =)
 function TomTom:GetCurrentCoords()
-	local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
+	local x, y = hbd:GetPlayerZonePosition()
 	if x and y and x > 0 and y > 0 then
 		return x, y

 function TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-    local x, y, mapID, mapFloor = hbd:GetPlayerZonePosition()
-    return mapID, mapFloor, x, y
+    local x, y, mapID = hbd:GetPlayerZonePosition()
+    return mapID, x, y

 function TomTom:ReloadOptions()
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ function TomTom:ReloadOptions()
-    self:EnableDisablePOIIntegration()
+    --LFO: self:EnableDisablePOIIntegration()

 function TomTom:ClearAllWaypoints()
@@ -269,14 +265,14 @@ function TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()
     self.waypoints = waypoints
     self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile

-    local cm, cf, cx, cy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+    local cm, cx, cy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()

     for mapId,data in pairs(self.waypointprofile) do
         local same = mapId == cm
         local minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable and (self.profile.minimap.otherzone or same)
         local world = self.profile.worldmap.enable and (self.profile.worldmap.otherzone or same)
         for key,waypoint in pairs(data) do
-            local m,f,x,y = unpack(waypoint)
+            local m,x,y = unpack(waypoint)
             local title = waypoint.title

 			-- Set up default options
@@ -300,7 +296,7 @@ function TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()

-            self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, options)
+            self:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, options)
@@ -309,23 +305,13 @@ function TomTom:UpdateCoordFeedThrottle()

--- Hook some global functions so we know when the world map size changes
-hooksecurefunc("WorldMap_ToggleSizeUp", function()
-    mapSizedUp = true
-    TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()
-hooksecurefunc("WorldMap_ToggleSizeDown", function()
-    mapSizedUp = false
-    TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()

 function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()
     -- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame
     if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable or self.db.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then
         -- Create the frame if it doesn't exist
         if not TomTomWorldFrame then
-            TomTomWorldFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame)
+            TomTomWorldFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomWorldFrame", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame)
             TomTomWorldFrame.Player = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
             TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
             TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate)
@@ -334,7 +320,7 @@ function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords()

-        if mapSizedUp then
+        if WorldMapMixin.isMaximized then
             TomTomWorldFrame.Player:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame, "TOPLEFT",   30, -6)
             TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",  WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame, "TOPRIGHT",  -170, -6)
@@ -428,40 +414,35 @@ local world_click_verify = {
     ["S"] = function() return IsShiftKeyDown() end,

-local origScript = WorldMapButton_OnClick
-WorldMapButton_OnClick = function(self, ...)
-    if WorldMapButton.ignoreClick then
-        WorldMapButton.ignoreClick = false;
-        return;
-    end
+-- This is now a registered click handler.
+-- If we return false, it gets passed on to the next handler.
+-- We need to return true when we handle the click.
+local function WorldMap_OnClick (self, ...)
     local mouseButton, button = ...
     if mouseButton == "RightButton" then
         -- Check for all the modifiers that are currently set
         for mod in TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.create_modifier:gmatch("[ACS]") do
             if not world_click_verify[mod] or not world_click_verify[mod]() then
-                return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
+                return false

-        local m,f = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
-        local x,y = GetCurrentCursorPosition()
+        local m = WorldMapFrame.mapID
+        local x,y = WorldMapFrame:GetNormalizedCursorPosition()

-        if not m or m == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID then
-            return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
+        if not m or m == 0 then
+            return false

-        local uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {
-            title = L["TomTom waypoint"],
-        })
+        local uid = TomTom:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, { title = L["TomTom waypoint"],})
+        return true
-        return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true
+        return false

-if WorldMapButton:GetScript("OnClick") == origScript then
-    WorldMapButton:SetScript("OnClick", WorldMapButton_OnClick)
+-- Add WorldMap_OnClick as a Click Handler on the WorldMapFrame Canvas

 local function WaypointCallback(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
     if event == "OnDistanceArrive" then
@@ -663,26 +644,25 @@ end
 function TomTom:SendWaypoint(uid, channel)
     local data = uid
     local m, f, x, y = unpack(data)
-    local msg = string.format("%d:%d:%f:%f:%s", m, f, x, y, data.title or "")
-    SendAddonMessage("TOMTOM3", msg, channel)
+    local msg = string.format("%d:%f:%f:%s", m, x, y, data.title or "")
+    C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("TOMTOM4", msg, channel)

 function TomTom:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(event, prefix, data, channel, sender)
-    if prefix ~= "TOMTOM3" then return end
+    if prefix ~= "TOMTOM4" then return end
     if sender == UnitName("player") then return end

-    local m,f,x,y,title = string.split(":", data)
+    local m,x,y,title = string.split(":", data)
     if not title:match("%S") then
         title = string.format(L["Waypoint from %s"], sender)

     m = tonumber(m)
-    f = tonumber(f)
     x = tonumber(x)
     y = tonumber(y)

     local zoneName = hbd:GetLocalizedMap(m)
-    self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {title = title})
+    self:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, {title = title})
     local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"], title, sender, zoneName)
@@ -713,7 +693,7 @@ local function _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist)
         tooltip:AddLine(L["Unknown distance"])
-    local m,f,x,y = unpack(data)
+    local m,x,y = unpack(data)
     local zoneName = hbd:GetLocalizedMap(m)

     tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"], zoneName, x*100, y*100), 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
@@ -793,45 +773,14 @@ function TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid)

--- TODO: Make this not suck
-function TomTom:AddWaypoint(x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, silent)
-    local c,z = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()
-    if not c or not z or c < 1 then
-        --self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates")
-        return
-    end
-    return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, nil, silent)
-function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, callbacks, silent, crazy)
-    -- Convert the c,z,x,y tuple to m,f,x,y and pass the work off to AddMFWaypoint()
-    local mapId, floor = hbd:GetMapIDFromCZ(c, z)
-    if not mapId then
-        return
-    end
-    return self:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, floor, x/100, y/100, {
-        title = desc,
-        persistent = persistent,
-        minimap = minimap,
-        world = world,
-        callbacks = callbacks,
-        silent = silent,
-        crazy = crazy,
-    })

 function TomTom:AddWaypointToCurrentZone(x, y, desc)
-    local m, f = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+    local m = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
     if not m then

-    return self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, {
-        title = desc,
-    })
+    return self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, {title = desc})

 -- Return a set of default callbacks that can be used by addons to provide
@@ -891,7 +840,7 @@ function TomTom:DefaultCallbacks(opts)
 	return callbacks

-function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
+function TomTom:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, opts)
 	opts = opts or {}

 	-- Default values
@@ -908,22 +857,16 @@ function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)

     local zoneName = hbd:GetLocalizedMap(m)

-    -- Get the default map floor, if necessary
-    if not f then
-        local floors = hbd:GetNumFloors(m)
-        f = floors == 0 and 0 or 1
-    end
     -- Ensure there isn't already a waypoint at this location
-    local key = self:GetKey({m, f, x, y, title = opts.title})
+    local key = self:GetKey({m, x, y, title = opts.title})
     if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then
         return waypoints[m][key]

     -- uid is the 'new waypoint' called this for historical reasons
-    local uid = {m, f, x, y, title = opts.title}
+    local uid = {m, x, y, title = opts.title}

-    -- Copy over any options, so we have em
+    -- Copy over any options, so we have them
     for k,v in pairs(opts) do
         if not uid[k] then
             uid[k] = v
@@ -966,8 +909,8 @@ function TomTom:IsValidWaypoint(waypoint)

-function TomTom:WaypointMFExists(m, f, x, y, desc)
-    local key = self:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, desc)
+function TomTom:WaypointExists(m, x, y, desc)
+    local key = self:GetKeyArgs(m, x, y, desc)
     if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then
         return true
@@ -975,31 +918,15 @@ function TomTom:WaypointMFExists(m, f, x, y, desc)

-function TomTom:WaypointExists(c, z, x, y, desc)
-    local m, f = hbd:GetMapIDFromCZ(c, z)
-    return self:WaypointMFExists(m, f, x, y, desc)
-function TomTom:SetCustomWaypoint(c,z,x,y,callback,minimap,world,silent)
-    return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, nil, false, minimap, world, callback, silent)
-function TomTom:SetCustomMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
+function TomTom:SetCustomWaypoint(m, x, y, opts)
     opts.persistent = false
-    return self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts)
+    return self:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, opts)

-    -- Code courtesy ckknight
+    -- Original Code courtesy ckknight, modified for BFA by Ludovicus
     function GetCurrentCursorPosition()
-        local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
-        local left, top = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetLeft(), WorldMapDetailFrame:GetTop()
-        local width = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()
-        local height = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()
-        local scale = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale()
-        local cx = (x/scale - left) / width
-        local cy = (top - y/scale) / height
+        local cx, cy = WorldMapFrame:GetNormalizedCursorPosition()

         if cx < 0 or cx > 1 or cy < 0 or cy > 1 then
             return nil, nil
@@ -1046,6 +973,7 @@ do
     local bcounter = 0
     function Block_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
         bcounter = bcounter + elapsed
+        if (not TomTom) or not (TomTom.profile) then return; end
         if bcounter > TomTom.profile.block.throttle then
             bcounter = bcounter - TomTom.profile.block.throttle

@@ -1072,26 +1000,26 @@ do

     function Block_OnClick(self, button, down)
-        local m,f,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+        local m,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
         local zoneName = hbd:GetLocalizedMap(m)
         local desc = string.format("%s: %.2f, %.2f", zoneName, x*100, y*100)
-        TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {
+        TomTom:AddWaypoint(m, x, y, {
             title = desc,

 function TomTom:DebugListWaypoints()
-    local m,f,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+    local m,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
     local ctxt = RoundCoords(x, y, 2)
     local czone = hbd:GetLocalizedMap(m)
-    self:Printf(L["You are at (%s) in '%s' (map: %d, floor: %d)"], ctxt, czone or "UNKNOWN", m, f)
+    self:Printf(L["You are at (%s) in '%s' (map: %d)"], ctxt, czone or "UNKNOWN", m)
     if waypoints[m] then
         for key, wp in pairs(waypoints[m]) do
-            local ctxt = RoundCoords(wp[3], wp[4], 2)
+            local ctxt = RoundCoords(wp[2], wp[3], 2)
             local desc = wp.title and wp.title or L["Unknown waypoint"]
             local indent = "   "
-            self:Printf(L["%s%s - %s (map: %d, floor: %d)"], indent, desc, ctxt, wp[1], wp[2])
+            self:Printf(L["%s%s - %s (map: %d)"], indent, desc, ctxt, wp[1])
         local indent = "   "
@@ -1108,9 +1036,29 @@ local function usage()
     ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way list|r - Lists active waypoints in current zone"])

+function TomTom:GetCZWFromMapID(m)
+    local zone, continent, world
+    local mapInfo = C_Map.GetMapInfo(m)
+    repeat
+        mapInfo = C_Map.GetMapInfo(m)
+        if mapInfo.mapInfo == 3 then
+            -- Its a zone map
+            zone = m
+        elseif mapInfo.mapInfo == 2 then
+            continent = m
+        elseif mapInfo.mapInfo == 1 then
+            world = m
+        end
+        m = mapInfo.parentMapID
+    until (m == 946)
+    return continent, world, zone
 function TomTom:GetClosestWaypoint()
-    local m,f,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-	local c = hbd:GetCZFromMapID(m)
+    local m,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+	local c = TomTom:GetCZWFromMapID(m)

     local closest_waypoint = nil
     local closest_dist = nil
@@ -1129,7 +1077,7 @@ function TomTom:GetClosestWaypoint()
 		-- Search all waypoints on this continent
 		for map, waypoints in pairs(waypoints) do
-			if c == hbd:GetCZFromMapID(m) then
+			if c == TomTom:GetCZWFromMapID(m) then
 				for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints) do
 					local dist, x, y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(waypoint)
 					if (dist and closest_dist == nil) or (dist and dist < closest_dist) then
@@ -1168,8 +1116,8 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAYBACK"] = function(msg)
         title = msg

-    local backm,backf,backx,backy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
-    TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(backm, backf, backx, backy, {
+    local backm,backx,backy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+    TomTom:AddWaypoint(backm,backx, backy, {
         title = title,
@@ -1180,56 +1128,9 @@ SLASH_TOMTOM_WAY3 = "/tomtomway"

 local nameToMapId = {}
-    -- Fetch the names of the continents
-    local continentNames = {}
-    local continentData = {GetMapContinents()}
-    for c = 1, (#continentData / 2) do
-        local index = (c*2) - 1
-        local areaId, name = continentData[index], continentData[index+1]
-        local instanceId = GetAreaMapInfo(areaId)
-        continentNames[instanceId] = name
-    end
-    for idx, areaMapId in pairs(GetAreaMaps()) do
-        local name = GetMapNameByID(areaMapId)
-        local a,b,c = GetAreaMapInfo(areaMapId)
-        local parent = (c == -1 and a or c)
-        local parentName = continentNames[parent] or GetMapNameByID(parent)
-        if name and nameToMapId[name] then
-            if type(nameToMapId[name]) ~= "table" then
-                -- convert to a table
-                nameToMapId[name] = {nameToMapId[name]}
-            end
-            table.insert(nameToMapId[name], areaMapId)
-        else
-            nameToMapId[name] = areaMapId
-        end
-    end
-    -- Handle any duplicates
-    local newEntries = {}
-    for name, areaId in pairs(nameToMapId) do
-        if type(areaId) == "table" then
-            nameToMapId[name] = nil
-            for idx, areaId in pairs(areaId) do
-                local a,b,c = GetAreaMapInfo(areaId)
-                local parent = (c == -1 and a or c)
-                local parentName = continentNames[parent] or GetMapNameByID(parent)
-                if parentName then
-                    local newName = name .. ':' .. parentName
-                    newEntries[newName] = areaId
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    -- Add the de-duplicated entries
-    for name, areaId in pairs(newEntries) do
-        nameToMapId[name] = areaId
-    end
+    -- Fetch the names of the zones
+    nameToMapId = {}
+    -- LFO: Insert code here to walk the map table and then disambiguate names based on groups and parent map names.

 local wrongseparator = "(%d)" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "," or ".") .. "(%d)"
@@ -1381,7 +1282,7 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)

         x = tonumber(x)
         y = tonumber(y)
-        TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, nil, x/100, y/100, {
+        TomTom:AddWaypoint(mapId, x/100, y/100, {
             title = desc or L["TomTom waypoint"],
     elseif tonumber(tokens[1]) then
@@ -1398,9 +1299,9 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg)
         x = tonumber(x)
         y = tonumber(y)

-        local m, f = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
+        local m = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition()
         if m and x and y then
-            TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, {
+            TomTom:AddWaypoint(m, x/100, y/100, {
                 title = desc or L["TomTom waypoint"],