
Added files to make this an addon

Kevin Lyles [02-02-10 - 23:44]
Added files to make this an addon
diff --git a/ItemScanner.lua b/ItemScanner.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465803a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ItemScanner.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+local minItem, maxItem = 1, 99999
+local VALID_DELAY = 0.025
+local function scanItemLink(link)
+	local textL, textR
+	-- Populate hidden tooltip
+	ItemScannerHiddenTooltip:ClearLines()
+	ItemScannerHiddenTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
+	if ItemScannerHiddenTooltipTextLeft1:GetText():find(RETRIEVING_ITEM_INFO) then
+		return false
+	end
+	IS_item_info[link] = {
+		itemInfo = {GetItemInfo(link)},
+		itemSpell = {GetItemSpell(link)},
+		statTable = GetItemStats(link),
+		itemUniqueness = {GetItemUniqueness(link)},
+		consumableItem = IsConsumableItem(link),
+		equippable = IsEquippableItem(link),
+		helpful = IsHelpfulItem(link),
+		harmful = IsHarmfulItem(link),
+	}
+	for i = 1, ItemScannerHiddenTooltip:NumLines() do
+		IS_item_info[link][i] = {
+			left = _G["ItemScannerHiddenTooltipTextLeft" .. i]:GetText(),
+			right = _G["ItemScannerHiddenTooltipTextRight" .. i]:GetText(),
+		}
+	end
+	return true
+local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local function OnUpdate(self)
+	local status, err
+	if self.itemco then
+		status, err = pcall(self.itemco)
+		if status == false then
+			print("ItemScanner: item scan error, aborting.")
+			self.itemco = nil
+			IS_status.items.scan_active = false
+			error(err)
+			return
+		elseif err == true then
+			self.itemco = nil
+		end
+	else
+		frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	end
+local function itemParseCoroutine(start)
+	IS_status.items.scan_active = true
+	coroutine.yield()
+	local startTime = GetTime()
+	local roundStartTime = startTime
+	local numProcessed, roundNumProcessed, valid, roundValid = 0, 0, 0, 0
+	print(string.format("ItemScanner: starting scan at item %d", start))
+	for i = start, maxItem do
+		if not IS_status.items.invalid[i] or (type(IS_status.items.invalid[i]) == "number" and IS_status.items.invalid[i] < CONSECUTIVE_INVALID_TO_IGNORE) then
+			IS_status.items.last_scanned = i
+			local itemStartTime = GetTime()
+			if scanItemLink("item:" .. i .. ":0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85") then
+				IS_status.items.last_valid = i
+				-- Reset invalid count
+				IS_status.items.invalid[i] = false
+				valid, roundValid = valid + 1, roundValid + 1
+			else
+			-- start with 3 if no previous value
+				IS_status.items.invalid[i] = (IS_status.items.invalid[i] or 2) + 1
+			end
+			if not IS_status.items.scan_active then
+				break
+			end
+			numProcessed = numProcessed + 1
+			roundNumProcessed = roundNumProcessed + 1
+			while GetTime() - itemStartTime < VALID_DELAY do
+				coroutine.yield()
+			end
+			local currentTime = GetTime()
+			if currentTime - roundStartTime >= 120 then
+				local elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime
+				print(string.format("ItemScanner: at item %d, %d in %.1f sec. (%.2f/min.) (%d valid), %d this round (%d valid)", i, numProcessed, elapsedTime, numProcessed / elapsedTime * 60, valid, roundNumProcessed, roundValid))
+				roundStartTime = roundStartTime + 120
+				roundNumProcessed, roundValid = 0, 0
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local elapsedTime = GetTime() - startTime
+	if elapsedTime == 0 then
+		elapsedTime = 0.001
+	end
+	print(string.format("ItemScanner: scan stopped at item %d, %d in %.1f sec. (%.2f/min.) (%d valid)", IS_status.items.last_scanned, numProcessed, elapsedTime, numProcessed / elapsedTime * 60, valid))
+	IS_status.items.scan_active = false
+	return true
+local function commandHandler(msg)
+	if string.match(msg, "^items") then
+		local start
+		if msg == "items" or msg == "items start" then
+			start = IS_status.items.last_valid or IS_status.items.last_scanned or minItem
+		elseif msg == "items clear" then
+			IS_item_info = {}
+			IS_status.items.last_scanned = nil
+			IS_status.items.last_valid = nil
+			return
+		elseif msg == "items reset" then
+			commandHandler("items clear")
+			commandHandler("items restart")
+			return
+		elseif msg == "items restart" then
+			start = minItem
+			IS_status.items.last_scanned = nil
+			IS_status.items.last_valid = nil
+		elseif msg == "items stop" then
+			IS_status.items.scan_active = false
+			return
+		else
+			print("Usage: /is items <arg> (or /itemscanner items <arg>")
+			print("  clear       clears item data but does not stop a running scan")
+			print("  reset       clears item data and starts over")
+			print("  restart     restarts the current scan but leaves existing data intact")
+			print("  start        (default) starts where you last left off")
+			print("  stop        stops scanning but leaves existing data intact")
+			return
+		end
+		frame.itemco = coroutine.wrap(itemParseCoroutine)
+		frame.itemco(start)
+		frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
+	else
+		print("Usage: /is <arg> (or /itemscanner <arg>")
+		print("  items       scans all items")
+	end
+if not IS_item_info then
+	IS_item_info = {}
+if not IS_status then
+	IS_status = {}
+if not IS_status.items then
+	IS_status.items = {}
+if not IS_status.items.invalid then
+	IS_status.items.invalid = {}
+SlashCmdList["ITEMSCANNER"] = commandHandler
diff --git a/ItemScanner.toc b/ItemScanner.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d4f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ItemScanner.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## Interface: 50001
+## Title: Item Scanner
+## Notes: Collects and stores data about items
+## Author: The Flying Squirrels
+## SavedVariables: IS_item_info, IS_status
diff --git a/ItemScanner.xml b/ItemScanner.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b96ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ItemScanner.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+		xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
+	<Script file="ItemScanner.lua"/>
+	<GameTooltip name="ItemScannerHiddenTooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate">
+		<Scripts>
+			<Onload>
+				self:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+			</Onload>
+		</Scripts>
+	</GameTooltip>