
Merging Mille rework

Mikeprod [09-02-16 - 15:41]
Merging Mille rework
diff --git a/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f7279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+--- **AceAddon-3.0** provides a template for creating addon objects.
+-- It'll provide you with a set of callback functions that allow you to simplify the loading
+-- process of your addon.\\
+-- Callbacks provided are:\\
+-- * **OnInitialize**, which is called directly after the addon is fully loaded.
+-- * **OnEnable** which gets called during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, when most of the data provided by the game is already present.
+-- * **OnDisable**, which is only called when your addon is manually being disabled.
+-- @usage
+-- -- A small (but complete) addon, that doesn't do anything,
+-- -- but shows usage of the callbacks.
+-- local MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
+-- function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
+--   -- do init tasks here, like loading the Saved Variables,
+--   -- or setting up slash commands.
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Do more initialization here, that really enables the use of your addon.
+--   -- Register Events, Hook functions, Create Frames, Get information from
+--   -- the game that wasn't available in OnInitialize
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:OnDisable()
+--   -- Unhook, Unregister Events, Hide frames that you created.
+--   -- You would probably only use an OnDisable if you want to
+--   -- build a "standby" mode, or be able to toggle modules on/off.
+-- end
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceAddon-3.0.lua
+-- @release $Id: AceAddon-3.0.lua 1084 2013-04-27 20:14:11Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceAddon-3.0", 12
+local AceAddon, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceAddon then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
+AceAddon.frame = AceAddon.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceAddon30Frame") -- Our very own frame
+AceAddon.addons = AceAddon.addons or {} -- addons in general
+AceAddon.statuses = AceAddon.statuses or {} -- statuses of addon.
+AceAddon.initializequeue = AceAddon.initializequeue or {} -- addons that are new and not initialized
+AceAddon.enablequeue = AceAddon.enablequeue or {} -- addons that are initialized and waiting to be enabled
+AceAddon.embeds = AceAddon.embeds or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end }) -- contains a list of libraries embedded in an addon
+-- Lua APIs
+local tinsert, tconcat, tremove = table.insert, table.concat, table.remove
+local fmt, tostring = string.format, tostring
+local select, pairs, next, type, unpack = select, pairs, next, type, unpack
+local loadstring, assert, error = loadstring, assert, error
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: LibStub, IsLoggedIn, geterrorhandler
+	 xpcall safecall implementation
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+	return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	local code = [[
+		local xpcall, eh = ...
+		local method, ARGS
+		local function call() return method(ARGS) end
+		local function dispatch(func, ...)
+			 method = func
+			 if not method then return end
+			 ARGS = ...
+			 return xpcall(call, eh)
+		end
+		return dispatch
+	]]
+	local ARGS = {}
+	for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
+	code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
+	return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
+local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
+	local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
+	return dispatcher
+Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
+	return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
+local function safecall(func, ...)
+	-- we check to see if the func is passed is actually a function here and don't error when it isn't
+	-- this safecall is used for optional functions like OnInitialize OnEnable etc. When they are not
+	-- present execution should continue without hinderance
+	if type(func) == "function" then
+		return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
+	end
+-- local functions that will be implemented further down
+local Enable, Disable, EnableModule, DisableModule, Embed, NewModule, GetModule, GetName, SetDefaultModuleState, SetDefaultModuleLibraries, SetEnabledState, SetDefaultModulePrototype
+-- used in the addon metatable
+local function addontostring( self ) return self.name end
+-- Check if the addon is queued for initialization
+local function queuedForInitialization(addon)
+	for i = 1, #AceAddon.initializequeue do
+		if AceAddon.initializequeue[i] == addon then
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+	return false
+--- Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.
+-- Any libraries you specified will be embeded, and the addon will be scheduled for
+-- its OnInitialize and OnEnable callbacks.
+-- The final addon object, with all libraries embeded, will be returned.
+-- @paramsig [object ,]name[, lib, ...]
+-- @param object Table to use as a base for the addon (optional)
+-- @param name Name of the addon object to create
+-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create a simple addon object
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
+-- -- Create a Addon object based on the table of a frame
+-- local MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(MyFrame, "MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
+function AceAddon:NewAddon(objectorname, ...)
+	local object,name
+	local i=1
+	if type(objectorname)=="table" then
+		object=objectorname
+		name=...
+		i=2
+	else
+		name=objectorname
+	end
+	if type(name)~="string" then
+		error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2)
+	end
+	if self.addons[name] then
+		error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Addon '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2)
+	end
+	object = object or {}
+	object.name = name
+	local addonmeta = {}
+	local oldmeta = getmetatable(object)
+	if oldmeta then
+		for k, v in pairs(oldmeta) do addonmeta[k] = v end
+	end
+	addonmeta.__tostring = addontostring
+	setmetatable( object, addonmeta )
+	self.addons[name] = object
+	object.modules = {}
+	object.orderedModules = {}
+	object.defaultModuleLibraries = {}
+	Embed( object ) -- embed NewModule, GetModule methods
+	self:EmbedLibraries(object, select(i,...))
+	-- add to queue of addons to be initialized upon ADDON_LOADED
+	tinsert(self.initializequeue, object)
+	return object
+--- Get the addon object by its name from the internal AceAddon registry.
+-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set).
+-- @param name unique name of the addon object
+-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
+-- @usage
+-- -- Get the Addon
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+function AceAddon:GetAddon(name, silent)
+	if not silent and not self.addons[name] then
+		error(("Usage: GetAddon(name): 'name' - Cannot find an AceAddon '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
+	end
+	return self.addons[name]
+-- - Embed a list of libraries into the specified addon.
+-- This function will try to embed all of the listed libraries into the addon
+-- and error if a single one fails.
+-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :NewAddon/:NewModule
+-- @paramsig addon, [lib, ...]
+-- @param addon addon object to embed the libs in
+-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
+function AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(addon, ...)
+	for i=1,select("#", ... ) do
+		local libname = select(i, ...)
+		self:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, false, 4)
+	end
+-- - Embed a library into the addon object.
+-- This function will check if the specified library is registered with LibStub
+-- and if it has a :Embed function to call. It'll error if any of those conditions
+-- fails.
+-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :EmbedLibraries
+-- @paramsig addon, libname[, silent[, offset]]
+-- @param addon addon object to embed the library in
+-- @param libname name of the library to embed
+-- @param silent marks an embed to fail silently if the library doesn't exist (optional)
+-- @param offset will push the error messages back to said offset, defaults to 2 (optional)
+function AceAddon:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset)
+	local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(libname, true)
+	if not lib and not silent then
+		error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(libname)), offset or 2)
+	elseif lib and type(lib.Embed) == "function" then
+		lib:Embed(addon)
+		tinsert(self.embeds[addon], libname)
+		return true
+	elseif lib then
+		error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Library '%s' is not Embed capable"):format(libname), offset or 2)
+	end
+--- Return the specified module from an addon object.
+-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set)
+-- @name //addon//:GetModule
+-- @paramsig name[, silent]
+-- @param name unique name of the module
+-- @param silent if true, the module is optional, silently return nil if its not found (optional)
+-- @usage
+-- -- Get the Addon
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- -- Get the Module
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
+function GetModule(self, name, silent)
+	if not self.modules[name] and not silent then
+		error(("Usage: GetModule(name, silent): 'name' - Cannot find module '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
+	end
+	return self.modules[name]
+local function IsModuleTrue(self) return true end
+--- Create a new module for the addon.
+-- The new module can have its own embeded libraries and/or use a module prototype to be mixed into the module.\\
+-- A module has the same functionality as a real addon, it can have modules of its own, and has the same API as
+-- an addon object.
+-- @name //addon//:NewModule
+-- @paramsig name[, prototype|lib[, lib, ...]]
+-- @param name unique name of the module
+-- @param prototype object to derive this module from, methods and values from this table will be mixed into the module (optional)
+-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create a module with some embeded libraries
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
+-- -- Create a module with a prototype
+-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", prototype, "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
+function NewModule(self, name, prototype, ...)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2) end
+	if type(prototype) ~= "string" and type(prototype) ~= "table" and type(prototype) ~= "nil" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'prototype' - table (prototype), string (lib) or nil expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2) end
+	if self.modules[name] then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Module '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2) end
+	-- modules are basically addons. We treat them as such. They will be added to the initializequeue properly as well.
+	-- NewModule can only be called after the parent addon is present thus the modules will be initialized after their parent is.
+	local module = AceAddon:NewAddon(fmt("%s_%s", self.name or tostring(self), name))
+	module.IsModule = IsModuleTrue
+	module:SetEnabledState(self.defaultModuleState)
+	module.moduleName = name
+	if type(prototype) == "string" then
+		AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, prototype, ...)
+	else
+		AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, ...)
+	end
+	AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, unpack(self.defaultModuleLibraries))
+	if not prototype or type(prototype) == "string" then
+		prototype = self.defaultModulePrototype or nil
+	end
+	if type(prototype) == "table" then
+		local mt = getmetatable(module)
+		mt.__index = prototype
+		setmetatable(module, mt)  -- More of a Base class type feel.
+	end
+	safecall(self.OnModuleCreated, self, module) -- Was in Ace2 and I think it could be a cool thing to have handy.
+	self.modules[name] = module
+	tinsert(self.orderedModules, module)
+	return module
+--- Returns the real name of the addon or module, without any prefix.
+-- @name //addon//:GetName
+-- @paramsig
+-- @usage
+-- print(MyAddon:GetName())
+-- -- prints "MyAddon"
+function GetName(self)
+	return self.moduleName or self.name
+--- Enables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
+-- This internally calls AceAddon:EnableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnEnable callback
+-- and enabling all modules of the addon (unless explicitly disabled).\\
+-- :Enable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to true
+-- @name //addon//:Enable
+-- @paramsig
+-- @usage
+-- -- Enable MyModule
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
+-- MyModule:Enable()
+function Enable(self)
+	self:SetEnabledState(true)
+	-- nevcairiel 2013-04-27: don't enable an addon/module if its queued for init still
+	-- it'll be enabled after the init process
+	if not queuedForInitialization(self) then
+		return AceAddon:EnableAddon(self)
+	end
+--- Disables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
+-- This internally calls AceAddon:DisableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnDisable callback
+-- and disabling all modules of the addon.\\
+-- :Disable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to false
+-- @name //addon//:Disable
+-- @paramsig
+-- @usage
+-- -- Disable MyAddon
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyAddon:Disable()
+function Disable(self)
+	self:SetEnabledState(false)
+	return AceAddon:DisableAddon(self)
+--- Enables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
+-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Enable` on the module object.
+-- @name //addon//:EnableModule
+-- @paramsig name
+-- @usage
+-- -- Enable MyModule using :GetModule
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
+-- MyModule:Enable()
+-- -- Enable MyModule using the short-hand
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyAddon:EnableModule("MyModule")
+function EnableModule(self, name)
+	local module = self:GetModule( name )
+	return module:Enable()
+--- Disables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
+-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Disable` on the module object.
+-- @name //addon//:DisableModule
+-- @paramsig name
+-- @usage
+-- -- Disable MyModule using :GetModule
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
+-- MyModule:Disable()
+-- -- Disable MyModule using the short-hand
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
+-- MyAddon:DisableModule("MyModule")
+function DisableModule(self, name)
+	local module = self:GetModule( name )
+	return module:Disable()
+--- Set the default libraries to be mixed into all modules created by this object.
+-- Note that you can only change the default module libraries before any module is created.
+-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleLibraries
+-- @paramsig lib[, lib, ...]
+-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create the addon object
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
+-- -- Configure default libraries for modules (all modules need AceEvent-3.0)
+-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleLibraries("AceEvent-3.0")
+-- -- Create a module
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
+function SetDefaultModuleLibraries(self, ...)
+	if next(self.modules) then
+		error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleLibraries(...): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
+	end
+	self.defaultModuleLibraries = {...}
+--- Set the default state in which new modules are being created.
+-- Note that you can only change the default state before any module is created.
+-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleState
+-- @paramsig state
+-- @param state Default state for new modules, true for enabled, false for disabled
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create the addon object
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
+-- -- Set the default state to "disabled"
+-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleState(false)
+-- -- Create a module and explicilty enable it
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
+-- MyModule:Enable()
+function SetDefaultModuleState(self, state)
+	if next(self.modules) then
+		error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleState(state): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
+	end
+	self.defaultModuleState = state
+--- Set the default prototype to use for new modules on creation.
+-- Note that you can only change the default prototype before any module is created.
+-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModulePrototype
+-- @paramsig prototype
+-- @param prototype Default prototype for the new modules (table)
+-- @usage
+-- -- Define a prototype
+-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
+-- -- Set the default prototype
+-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype)
+-- -- Create a module and explicitly Enable it
+-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
+-- MyModule:Enable()
+-- -- should print "OnEnable called!" now
+-- @see NewModule
+function SetDefaultModulePrototype(self, prototype)
+	if next(self.modules) then
+		error("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
+	end
+	if type(prototype) ~= "table" then
+		error(("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): 'prototype' - table expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2)
+	end
+	self.defaultModulePrototype = prototype
+--- Set the state of an addon or module
+-- This should only be called before any enabling actually happend, e.g. in/before OnInitialize.
+-- @name //addon//:SetEnabledState
+-- @paramsig state
+-- @param state the state of an addon or module  (enabled=true, disabled=false)
+function SetEnabledState(self, state)
+	self.enabledState = state
+--- Return an iterator of all modules associated to the addon.
+-- @name //addon//:IterateModules
+-- @paramsig
+-- @usage
+-- -- Enable all modules
+-- for name, module in MyAddon:IterateModules() do
+--    module:Enable()
+-- end
+local function IterateModules(self) return pairs(self.modules) end
+-- Returns an iterator of all embeds in the addon
+-- @name //addon//:IterateEmbeds
+-- @paramsig
+local function IterateEmbeds(self) return pairs(AceAddon.embeds[self]) end
+--- Query the enabledState of an addon.
+-- @name //addon//:IsEnabled
+-- @paramsig
+-- @usage
+-- if MyAddon:IsEnabled() then
+--     MyAddon:Disable()
+-- end
+local function IsEnabled(self) return self.enabledState end
+local mixins = {
+	NewModule = NewModule,
+	GetModule = GetModule,
+	Enable = Enable,
+	Disable = Disable,
+	EnableModule = EnableModule,
+	DisableModule = DisableModule,
+	IsEnabled = IsEnabled,
+	SetDefaultModuleLibraries = SetDefaultModuleLibraries,
+	SetDefaultModuleState = SetDefaultModuleState,
+	SetDefaultModulePrototype = SetDefaultModulePrototype,
+	SetEnabledState = SetEnabledState,
+	IterateModules = IterateModules,
+	IterateEmbeds = IterateEmbeds,
+	GetName = GetName,
+local function IsModule(self) return false end
+local pmixins = {
+	defaultModuleState = true,
+	enabledState = true,
+	IsModule = IsModule,
+-- Embed( target )
+-- target (object) - target object to embed aceaddon in
+-- this is a local function specifically since it's meant to be only called internally
+function Embed(target, skipPMixins)
+	for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
+		target[k] = v
+	end
+	if not skipPMixins then
+		for k, v in pairs(pmixins) do
+			target[k] = target[k] or v
+		end
+	end
+-- - Initialize the addon after creation.
+-- This function is only used internally during the ADDON_LOADED event
+-- It will call the **OnInitialize** function on the addon object (if present),
+-- and the **OnEmbedInitialize** function on all embeded libraries.
+-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
+-- @param addon addon object to intialize
+function AceAddon:InitializeAddon(addon)
+	safecall(addon.OnInitialize, addon)
+	local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
+	for i = 1, #embeds do
+		local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
+		if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedInitialize, lib, addon) end
+	end
+	-- we don't call InitializeAddon on modules specifically, this is handled
+	-- from the event handler and only done _once_
+-- - Enable the addon after creation.
+-- Note: This function is only used internally during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, or during ADDON_LOADED,
+-- if IsLoggedIn() already returns true at that point, e.g. for LoD Addons.
+-- It will call the **OnEnable** function on the addon object (if present),
+-- and the **OnEmbedEnable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
+-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is disabled.
+-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
+-- Use :Enable on the addon itself instead.
+-- @param addon addon object to enable
+function AceAddon:EnableAddon(addon)
+	if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
+	if self.statuses[addon.name] or not addon.enabledState then return false end
+	-- set the statuses first, before calling the OnEnable. this allows for Disabling of the addon in OnEnable.
+	self.statuses[addon.name] = true
+	safecall(addon.OnEnable, addon)
+	-- make sure we're still enabled before continueing
+	if self.statuses[addon.name] then
+		local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
+		for i = 1, #embeds do
+			local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
+			if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedEnable, lib, addon) end
+		end
+		-- enable possible modules.
+		local modules = addon.orderedModules
+		for i = 1, #modules do
+			self:EnableAddon(modules[i])
+		end
+	end
+	return self.statuses[addon.name] -- return true if we're disabled
+-- - Disable the addon
+-- Note: This function is only used internally.
+-- It will call the **OnDisable** function on the addon object (if present),
+-- and the **OnEmbedDisable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
+-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is still enabled.
+-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
+-- Use :Disable on the addon itself instead.
+-- @param addon addon object to enable
+function AceAddon:DisableAddon(addon)
+	if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
+	if not self.statuses[addon.name] then return false end
+	-- set statuses first before calling OnDisable, this allows for aborting the disable in OnDisable.
+	self.statuses[addon.name] = false
+	safecall( addon.OnDisable, addon )
+	-- make sure we're still disabling...
+	if not self.statuses[addon.name] then
+		local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
+		for i = 1, #embeds do
+			local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
+			if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedDisable, lib, addon) end
+		end
+		-- disable possible modules.
+		local modules = addon.orderedModules
+		for i = 1, #modules do
+			self:DisableAddon(modules[i])
+		end
+	end
+	return not self.statuses[addon.name] -- return true if we're disabled
+--- Get an iterator over all registered addons.
+-- @usage
+-- -- Print a list of all installed AceAddon's
+-- for name, addon in AceAddon:IterateAddons() do
+--   print("Addon: " .. name)
+-- end
+function AceAddon:IterateAddons() return pairs(self.addons) end
+--- Get an iterator over the internal status registry.
+-- @usage
+-- -- Print a list of all enabled addons
+-- for name, status in AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() do
+--   if status then
+--     print("EnabledAddon: " .. name)
+--   end
+-- end
+function AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() return pairs(self.statuses) end
+-- Following Iterators are deprecated, and their addon specific versions should be used
+-- e.g. addon:IterateEmbeds() instead of :IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon)
+function AceAddon:IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon) return pairs(self.embeds[addon]) end
+function AceAddon:IterateModulesOfAddon(addon) return pairs(addon.modules) end
+-- Event Handling
+local function onEvent(this, event, arg1)
+	-- 2011-08-17 nevcairiel - ignore the load event of Blizzard_DebugTools, so a potential startup error isn't swallowed up
+	if (event == "ADDON_LOADED"  and arg1 ~= "Blizzard_DebugTools") or event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
+		-- if a addon loads another addon, recursion could happen here, so we need to validate the table on every iteration
+		while(#AceAddon.initializequeue > 0) do
+			local addon = tremove(AceAddon.initializequeue, 1)
+			-- this might be an issue with recursion - TODO: validate
+			if event == "ADDON_LOADED" then addon.baseName = arg1 end
+			AceAddon:InitializeAddon(addon)
+			tinsert(AceAddon.enablequeue, addon)
+		end
+		if IsLoggedIn() then
+			while(#AceAddon.enablequeue > 0) do
+				local addon = tremove(AceAddon.enablequeue, 1)
+				AceAddon:EnableAddon(addon)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+AceAddon.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", onEvent)
+-- upgrade embeded
+for name, addon in pairs(AceAddon.addons) do
+	Embed(addon, true)
+-- 2010-10-27 nevcairiel - add new "orderedModules" table
+if oldminor and oldminor < 10 then
+	for name, addon in pairs(AceAddon.addons) do
+		addon.orderedModules = {}
+		for module_name, module in pairs(addon.modules) do
+			tinsert(addon.orderedModules, module)
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ad639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceAddon-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e1065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+--- A bucket to catch events in. **AceBucket-3.0** provides throttling of events that fire in bursts and
+-- your addon only needs to know about the full burst.
+-- This Bucket implementation works as follows:\\
+--   Initially, no schedule is running, and its waiting for the first event to happen.\\
+--   The first event will start the bucket, and get the scheduler running, which will collect all
+--   events in the given interval. When that interval is reached, the bucket is pushed to the
+--   callback and a new schedule is started. When a bucket is empty after its interval, the scheduler is
+--   stopped, and the bucket is only listening for the next event to happen, basically back in its initial state.
+-- In addition, the buckets collect information about the "arg1" argument of the events that fire, and pass those as a
+-- table to your callback. This functionality was mostly designed for the UNIT_* events.\\
+-- The table will have the different values of "arg1" as keys, and the number of occurances as their value, e.g.\\
+--   { ["player"] = 2, ["target"] = 1, ["party1"] = 1 }
+-- **AceBucket-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceBucket:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceBucket itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceBucket, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceBucket.
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("BucketExample", "AceBucket-3.0")
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Register a bucket that listens to all the HP related events,
+--   -- and fires once per second
+--   self:RegisterBucketEvent({"UNIT_HEALTH", "UNIT_MAXHEALTH"}, 1, "UpdateHealth")
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:UpdateHealth(units)
+--   if units.player then
+--     print("Your HP changed!")
+--   end
+-- end
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceBucket-3.0.lua
+-- @release $Id: AceBucket-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceBucket-3.0", 3
+local AceBucket, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceBucket then return end -- No Upgrade needed
+AceBucket.buckets = AceBucket.buckets or {}
+AceBucket.embeds = AceBucket.embeds or {}
+-- the libraries will be lazyly bound later, to avoid errors due to loading order issues
+local AceEvent, AceTimer
+-- Lua APIs
+local tconcat = table.concat
+local type, next, pairs, select = type, next, pairs, select
+local tonumber, tostring, rawset = tonumber, tostring, rawset
+local assert, loadstring, error = assert, loadstring, error
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: LibStub, geterrorhandler
+local bucketCache = setmetatable({}, {__mode='k'})
+	 xpcall safecall implementation
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+	return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	local code = [[
+		local xpcall, eh = ...
+		local method, ARGS
+		local function call() return method(ARGS) end
+		local function dispatch(func, ...)
+			 method = func
+			 if not method then return end
+			 ARGS = ...
+			 return xpcall(call, eh)
+		end
+		return dispatch
+	]]
+	local ARGS = {}
+	for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
+	code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
+	return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
+local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
+	local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
+	return dispatcher
+Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
+	return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
+local function safecall(func, ...)
+	return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
+-- FireBucket ( bucket )
+-- send the bucket to the callback function and schedule the next FireBucket in interval seconds
+local function FireBucket(bucket)
+	local received = bucket.received
+	-- we dont want to fire empty buckets
+	if next(received) then
+		local callback = bucket.callback
+		if type(callback) == "string" then
+			safecall(bucket.object[callback], bucket.object, received)
+		else
+			safecall(callback, received)
+		end
+		for k in pairs(received) do
+			received[k] = nil
+		end
+		-- if the bucket was not empty, schedule another FireBucket in interval seconds
+		bucket.timer = AceTimer.ScheduleTimer(bucket, FireBucket, bucket.interval, bucket)
+	else -- if it was empty, clear the timer and wait for the next event
+		bucket.timer = nil
+	end
+-- BucketHandler ( event, arg1 )
+-- callback func for AceEvent
+-- stores arg1 in the received table, and schedules the bucket if necessary
+local function BucketHandler(self, event, arg1)
+	if arg1 == nil then
+		arg1 = "nil"
+	end
+	self.received[arg1] = (self.received[arg1] or 0) + 1
+	-- if we are not scheduled yet, start a timer on the interval for our bucket to be cleared
+	if not self.timer then
+		self.timer = AceTimer.ScheduleTimer(self, FireBucket, self.interval, self)
+	end
+-- RegisterBucket( event, interval, callback, isMessage )
+-- event(string or table) - the event, or a table with the events, that this bucket listens to
+-- interval(int) - time between bucket fireings
+-- callback(func or string) - function pointer, or method name of the object, that gets called when the bucket is cleared
+-- isMessage(boolean) - register AceEvent Messages instead of game events
+local function RegisterBucket(self, event, interval, callback, isMessage)
+	-- try to fetch the librarys
+	if not AceEvent or not AceTimer then
+		AceEvent = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceEvent-3.0", true)
+		AceTimer = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceTimer-3.0", true)
+		if not AceEvent or not AceTimer then
+			error(MAJOR .. " requires AceEvent-3.0 and AceTimer-3.0", 3)
+		end
+	end
+	if type(event) ~= "string" and type(event) ~= "table" then error("Usage: RegisterBucket(event, interval, callback): 'event' - string or table expected.", 3) end
+	if not callback then
+		if type(event) == "string" then
+			callback = event
+		else
+			error("Usage: RegisterBucket(event, interval, callback): cannot omit callback when event is not a string.", 3)
+		end
+	end
+	if not tonumber(interval) then error("Usage: RegisterBucket(event, interval, callback): 'interval' - number expected.", 3) end
+	if type(callback) ~= "string" and type(callback) ~= "function" then error("Usage: RegisterBucket(event, interval, callback): 'callback' - string or function or nil expected.", 3) end
+	if type(callback) == "string" and type(self[callback]) ~= "function" then error("Usage: RegisterBucket(event, interval, callback): 'callback' - method not found on target object.", 3) end
+	local bucket = next(bucketCache)
+	if bucket then
+		bucketCache[bucket] = nil
+	else
+		bucket = { handler = BucketHandler, received = {} }
+	end
+	bucket.object, bucket.callback, bucket.interval = self, callback, tonumber(interval)
+	local regFunc = isMessage and AceEvent.RegisterMessage or AceEvent.RegisterEvent
+	if type(event) == "table" then
+		for _,e in pairs(event) do
+			regFunc(bucket, e, "handler")
+		end
+	else
+		regFunc(bucket, event, "handler")
+	end
+	local handle = tostring(bucket)
+	AceBucket.buckets[handle] = bucket
+	return handle
+--- Register a Bucket for an event (or a set of events)
+-- @param event The event to listen for, or a table of events.
+-- @param interval The Bucket interval (burst interval)
+-- @param callback The callback function, either as a function reference, or a string pointing to a method of the addon object.
+-- @return The handle of the bucket (for unregistering)
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceBucket-3.0")
+-- MyAddon:RegisterBucketEvent("BAG_UPDATE", 0.2, "UpdateBags")
+-- function MyAddon:UpdateBags()
+--   -- do stuff
+-- end
+function AceBucket:RegisterBucketEvent(event, interval, callback)
+	return RegisterBucket(self, event, interval, callback, false)
+--- Register a Bucket for an AceEvent-3.0 addon message (or a set of messages)
+-- @param message The message to listen for, or a table of messages.
+-- @param interval The Bucket interval (burst interval)
+-- @param callback The callback function, either as a function reference, or a string pointing to a method of the addon object.
+-- @return The handle of the bucket (for unregistering)
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceBucket-3.0")
+-- MyAddon:RegisterBucketEvent("SomeAddon_InformationMessage", 0.2, "ProcessData")
+-- function MyAddon:ProcessData()
+--   -- do stuff
+-- end
+function AceBucket:RegisterBucketMessage(message, interval, callback)
+	return RegisterBucket(self, message, interval, callback, true)
+--- Unregister any events and messages from the bucket and clear any remaining data.
+-- @param handle The handle of the bucket as returned by RegisterBucket*
+function AceBucket:UnregisterBucket(handle)
+	local bucket = AceBucket.buckets[handle]
+	if bucket then
+		AceEvent.UnregisterAllEvents(bucket)
+		AceEvent.UnregisterAllMessages(bucket)
+		-- clear any remaining data in the bucket
+		for k in pairs(bucket.received) do
+			bucket.received[k] = nil
+		end
+		if bucket.timer then
+			AceTimer.CancelTimer(bucket, bucket.timer)
+			bucket.timer = nil
+		end
+		AceBucket.buckets[handle] = nil
+		-- store our bucket in the cache
+		bucketCache[bucket] = true
+	end
+--- Unregister all buckets of the current addon object (or custom "self").
+function AceBucket:UnregisterAllBuckets()
+	-- hmm can we do this more efficient? (it is not done often so shouldn't matter much)
+	for handle, bucket in pairs(AceBucket.buckets) do
+		if bucket.object == self then
+			AceBucket.UnregisterBucket(self, handle)
+		end
+	end
+-- embedding and embed handling
+local mixins = {
+	"RegisterBucketEvent",
+	"RegisterBucketMessage",
+	"UnregisterBucket",
+	"UnregisterAllBuckets",
+-- Embeds AceBucket into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
+-- @param target target object to embed AceBucket in
+function AceBucket:Embed( target )
+	for _, v in pairs( mixins ) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeds[target] = true
+	return target
+function AceBucket:OnEmbedDisable( target )
+	target:UnregisterAllBuckets()
+for addon in pairs(AceBucket.embeds) do
+	AceBucket:Embed(addon)
diff --git a/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c6bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceBucket-3.0/AceBucket-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceBucket-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d944a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+--- **AceComm-3.0** allows you to send messages of unlimited length over the addon comm channels.
+-- It'll automatically split the messages into multiple parts and rebuild them on the receiving end.\\
+-- **ChatThrottleLib** is of course being used to avoid being disconnected by the server.
+-- **AceComm-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceComm:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceComm itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceComm, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceComm.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceComm-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceComm-3.0.lua 1107 2014-02-19 16:40:32Z nevcairiel $
+--[[ AceComm-3.0
+TODO: Time out old data rotting around from dead senders? Not a HUGE deal since the number of possible sender names is somewhat limited.
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceComm-3.0", 9
+local AceComm,oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceComm then return end
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
+local CTL = assert(ChatThrottleLib, "AceComm-3.0 requires ChatThrottleLib")
+-- Lua APIs
+local type, next, pairs, tostring = type, next, pairs, tostring
+local strsub, strfind = string.sub, string.find
+local match = string.match
+local tinsert, tconcat = table.insert, table.concat
+local error, assert = error, assert
+-- WoW APIs
+local Ambiguate = Ambiguate
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: LibStub, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, geterrorhandler, RegisterAddonMessagePrefix
+AceComm.embeds = AceComm.embeds or {}
+-- for my sanity and yours, let's give the message type bytes some names
+local MSG_MULTI_FIRST = "\001"
+local MSG_MULTI_NEXT  = "\002"
+local MSG_MULTI_LAST  = "\003"
+local MSG_ESCAPE = "\004"
+-- remove old structures (pre WoW 4.0)
+AceComm.multipart_origprefixes = nil
+AceComm.multipart_reassemblers = nil
+-- the multipart message spool: indexed by a combination of sender+distribution+
+AceComm.multipart_spool = AceComm.multipart_spool or {}
+--- Register for Addon Traffic on a specified prefix
+-- @param prefix A printable character (\032-\255) classification of the message (typically AddonName or AddonNameEvent), max 16 characters
+-- @param method Callback to call on message reception: Function reference, or method name (string) to call on self. Defaults to "OnCommReceived"
+function AceComm:RegisterComm(prefix, method)
+	if method == nil then
+		method = "OnCommReceived"
+	end
+	if #prefix > 16 then -- TODO: 15?
+		error("AceComm:RegisterComm(prefix,method): prefix length is limited to 16 characters")
+	end
+	RegisterAddonMessagePrefix(prefix)
+	return AceComm._RegisterComm(self, prefix, method)	-- created by CallbackHandler
+local warnedPrefix=false
+--- Send a message over the Addon Channel
+-- @param prefix A printable character (\032-\255) classification of the message (typically AddonName or AddonNameEvent)
+-- @param text Data to send, nils (\000) not allowed. Any length.
+-- @param distribution Addon channel, e.g. "RAID", "GUILD", etc; see SendAddonMessage API
+-- @param target Destination for some distributions; see SendAddonMessage API
+-- @param prio OPTIONAL: ChatThrottleLib priority, "BULK", "NORMAL" or "ALERT". Defaults to "NORMAL".
+-- @param callbackFn OPTIONAL: callback function to be called as each chunk is sent. receives 3 args: the user supplied arg (see next), the number of bytes sent so far, and the number of bytes total to send.
+-- @param callbackArg: OPTIONAL: first arg to the callback function. nil will be passed if not specified.
+function AceComm:SendCommMessage(prefix, text, distribution, target, prio, callbackFn, callbackArg)
+	prio = prio or "NORMAL"	-- pasta's reference implementation had different prio for singlepart and multipart, but that's a very bad idea since that can easily lead to out-of-sequence delivery!
+	if not( type(prefix)=="string" and
+			type(text)=="string" and
+			type(distribution)=="string" and
+			(target==nil or type(target)=="string") and
+			(prio=="BULK" or prio=="NORMAL" or prio=="ALERT")
+		) then
+		error('Usage: SendCommMessage(addon, "prefix", "text", "distribution"[, "target"[, "prio"[, callbackFn, callbackarg]]])', 2)
+	end
+	local textlen = #text
+	local maxtextlen = 255  -- Yes, the max is 255 even if the dev post said 256. I tested. Char 256+ get silently truncated. /Mikk, 20110327
+	local queueName = prefix..distribution..(target or "")
+	local ctlCallback = nil
+	if callbackFn then
+		ctlCallback = function(sent)
+			return callbackFn(callbackArg, sent, textlen)
+		end
+	end
+	local forceMultipart
+	if match(text, "^[\001-\009]") then -- 4.1+: see if the first character is a control character
+		-- we need to escape the first character with a \004
+		if textlen+1 > maxtextlen then	-- would we go over the size limit?
+			forceMultipart = true	-- just make it multipart, no escape problems then
+		else
+			text = "\004" .. text
+		end
+	end
+	if not forceMultipart and textlen <= maxtextlen then
+		-- fits all in one message
+		CTL:SendAddonMessage(prio, prefix, text, distribution, target, queueName, ctlCallback, textlen)
+	else
+		maxtextlen = maxtextlen - 1	-- 1 extra byte for part indicator in prefix(4.0)/start of message(4.1)
+		-- first part
+		local chunk = strsub(text, 1, maxtextlen)
+		CTL:SendAddonMessage(prio, prefix, MSG_MULTI_FIRST..chunk, distribution, target, queueName, ctlCallback, maxtextlen)
+		-- continuation
+		local pos = 1+maxtextlen
+		while pos+maxtextlen <= textlen do
+			chunk = strsub(text, pos, pos+maxtextlen-1)
+			CTL:SendAddonMessage(prio, prefix, MSG_MULTI_NEXT..chunk, distribution, target, queueName, ctlCallback, pos+maxtextlen-1)
+			pos = pos + maxtextlen
+		end
+		-- final part
+		chunk = strsub(text, pos)
+		CTL:SendAddonMessage(prio, prefix, MSG_MULTI_LAST..chunk, distribution, target, queueName, ctlCallback, textlen)
+	end
+-- Message receiving
+	local compost = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
+	local function new()
+		local t = next(compost)
+		if t then
+			compost[t]=nil
+			for i=#t,3,-1 do	-- faster than pairs loop. don't even nil out 1/2 since they'll be overwritten
+				t[i]=nil
+			end
+			return t
+		end
+		return {}
+	end
+	local function lostdatawarning(prefix,sender,where)
+		DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(MAJOR..": Warning: lost network data regarding '"..tostring(prefix).."' from '"..tostring(sender).."' (in "..where..")")
+	end
+	function AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartFirst(prefix, message, distribution, sender)
+		local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender	-- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
+		local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
+		--[[
+		if spool[key] then
+			lostdatawarning(prefix,sender,"First")
+			-- continue and overwrite
+		end
+		--]]
+		spool[key] = message  -- plain string for now
+	end
+	function AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartNext(prefix, message, distribution, sender)
+		local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender	-- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
+		local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
+		local olddata = spool[key]
+		if not olddata then
+			--lostdatawarning(prefix,sender,"Next")
+			return
+		end
+		if type(olddata)~="table" then
+			-- ... but what we have is not a table. So make it one. (Pull a composted one if available)
+			local t = new()
+			t[1] = olddata    -- add old data as first string
+			t[2] = message    -- and new message as second string
+			spool[key] = t    -- and put the table in the spool instead of the old string
+		else
+			tinsert(olddata, message)
+		end
+	end
+	function AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartLast(prefix, message, distribution, sender)
+		local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender	-- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
+		local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
+		local olddata = spool[key]
+		if not olddata then
+			--lostdatawarning(prefix,sender,"End")
+			return
+		end
+		spool[key] = nil
+		if type(olddata) == "table" then
+			-- if we've received a "next", the spooled data will be a table for rapid & garbage-free tconcat
+			tinsert(olddata, message)
+			AceComm.callbacks:Fire(prefix, tconcat(olddata, ""), distribution, sender)
+			compost[olddata] = true
+		else
+			-- if we've only received a "first", the spooled data will still only be a string
+			AceComm.callbacks:Fire(prefix, olddata..message, distribution, sender)
+		end
+	end
+-- Embed CallbackHandler
+if not AceComm.callbacks then
+	AceComm.callbacks = CallbackHandler:New(AceComm,
+						"_RegisterComm",
+						"UnregisterComm",
+						"UnregisterAllComm")
+AceComm.callbacks.OnUsed = nil
+AceComm.callbacks.OnUnused = nil
+local function OnEvent(self, event, prefix, message, distribution, sender)
+	if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
+		sender = Ambiguate(sender, "none")
+		local control, rest = match(message, "^([\001-\009])(.*)")
+		if control then
+			if control==MSG_MULTI_FIRST then
+				AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartFirst(prefix, rest, distribution, sender)
+			elseif control==MSG_MULTI_NEXT then
+				AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartNext(prefix, rest, distribution, sender)
+			elseif control==MSG_MULTI_LAST then
+				AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartLast(prefix, rest, distribution, sender)
+			elseif control==MSG_ESCAPE then
+				AceComm.callbacks:Fire(prefix, rest, distribution, sender)
+			else
+				-- unknown control character, ignore SILENTLY (dont warn unnecessarily about future extensions!)
+			end
+		else
+			-- single part: fire it off immediately and let CallbackHandler decide if it's registered or not
+			AceComm.callbacks:Fire(prefix, message, distribution, sender)
+		end
+	else
+		assert(false, "Received "..tostring(event).." event?!")
+	end
+AceComm.frame = AceComm.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceComm30Frame")
+AceComm.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
+-- Base library stuff
+local mixins = {
+	"RegisterComm",
+	"UnregisterComm",
+	"UnregisterAllComm",
+	"SendCommMessage",
+-- Embeds AceComm-3.0 into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
+-- @param target target object to embed AceComm-3.0 in
+function AceComm:Embed(target)
+	for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeds[target] = true
+	return target
+function AceComm:OnEmbedDisable(target)
+	target:UnregisterAllComm()
+-- Update embeds
+for target, v in pairs(AceComm.embeds) do
+	AceComm:Embed(target)
diff --git a/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e8d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="ChatThrottleLib.lua"/>
+	<Script file="AceComm-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a0363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+-- ChatThrottleLib by Mikk
+-- Manages AddOn chat output to keep player from getting kicked off.
+-- ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage/:SendAddonMessage functions that accept
+-- a Priority ("BULK", "NORMAL", "ALERT") as well as prefix for SendChatMessage.
+-- Priorities get an equal share of available bandwidth when fully loaded.
+-- Communication channels are separated on extension+chattype+destination and
+-- get round-robinned. (Destination only matters for whispers and channels,
+-- obviously)
+-- Will install hooks for SendChatMessage and SendAddonMessage to measure
+-- bandwidth bypassing the library and use less bandwidth itself.
+-- Fully embeddable library. Just copy this file into your addon directory,
+-- add it to the .toc, and it's done.
+-- Can run as a standalone addon also, but, really, just embed it! :-)
+-- LICENSE: ChatThrottleLib is released into the Public Domain
+local CTL_VERSION = 23
+local _G = _G
+if _G.ChatThrottleLib then
+	if _G.ChatThrottleLib.version >= CTL_VERSION then
+		-- There's already a newer (or same) version loaded. Buh-bye.
+		return
+	elseif not _G.ChatThrottleLib.securelyHooked then
+		print("ChatThrottleLib: Warning: There's an ANCIENT ChatThrottleLib.lua (pre-wow 2.0, <v16) in an addon somewhere. Get the addon updated or copy in a newer ChatThrottleLib.lua (>=v16) in it!")
+		-- ATTEMPT to unhook; this'll behave badly if someone else has hooked...
+		-- ... and if someone has securehooked, they can kiss that goodbye too... >.<
+		_G.SendChatMessage = _G.ChatThrottleLib.ORIG_SendChatMessage
+		if _G.ChatThrottleLib.ORIG_SendAddonMessage then
+			_G.SendAddonMessage = _G.ChatThrottleLib.ORIG_SendAddonMessage
+		end
+	end
+	_G.ChatThrottleLib.ORIG_SendChatMessage = nil
+	_G.ChatThrottleLib.ORIG_SendAddonMessage = nil
+if not _G.ChatThrottleLib then
+	_G.ChatThrottleLib = {}
+ChatThrottleLib = _G.ChatThrottleLib  -- in case some addon does "local ChatThrottleLib" above us and we're copypasted (AceComm-2, sigh)
+local ChatThrottleLib = _G.ChatThrottleLib
+ChatThrottleLib.version = CTL_VERSION
+------------------ TWEAKABLES -----------------
+ChatThrottleLib.MAX_CPS = 800			  -- 2000 seems to be safe if NOTHING ELSE is happening. let's call it 800.
+ChatThrottleLib.MSG_OVERHEAD = 40		-- Guesstimate overhead for sending a message; source+dest+chattype+protocolstuff
+ChatThrottleLib.BURST = 4000				-- WoW's server buffer seems to be about 32KB. 8KB should be safe, but seen disconnects on _some_ servers. Using 4KB now.
+ChatThrottleLib.MIN_FPS = 20				-- Reduce output CPS to half (and don't burst) if FPS drops below this value
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local table_remove = table.remove
+local tostring = tostring
+local GetTime = GetTime
+local math_min = math.min
+local math_max = math.max
+local next = next
+local strlen = string.len
+local GetFramerate = GetFramerate
+local strlower = string.lower
+local unpack,type,pairs,wipe = unpack,type,pairs,wipe
+local UnitInRaid,UnitInParty = UnitInRaid,UnitInParty
+-- Double-linked ring implementation
+local Ring = {}
+local RingMeta = { __index = Ring }
+function Ring:New()
+	local ret = {}
+	setmetatable(ret, RingMeta)
+	return ret
+function Ring:Add(obj)	-- Append at the "far end" of the ring (aka just before the current position)
+	if self.pos then
+		obj.prev = self.pos.prev
+		obj.prev.next = obj
+		obj.next = self.pos
+		obj.next.prev = obj
+	else
+		obj.next = obj
+		obj.prev = obj
+		self.pos = obj
+	end
+function Ring:Remove(obj)
+	obj.next.prev = obj.prev
+	obj.prev.next = obj.next
+	if self.pos == obj then
+		self.pos = obj.next
+		if self.pos == obj then
+			self.pos = nil
+		end
+	end
+-- Recycling bin for pipes
+-- A pipe is a plain integer-indexed queue of messages
+-- Pipes normally live in Rings of pipes  (3 rings total, one per priority)
+ChatThrottleLib.PipeBin = nil -- pre-v19, drastically different
+local PipeBin = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
+local function DelPipe(pipe)
+	PipeBin[pipe] = true
+local function NewPipe()
+	local pipe = next(PipeBin)
+	if pipe then
+		wipe(pipe)
+		PipeBin[pipe] = nil
+		return pipe
+	end
+	return {}
+-- Recycling bin for messages
+ChatThrottleLib.MsgBin = nil -- pre-v19, drastically different
+local MsgBin = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
+local function DelMsg(msg)
+	msg[1] = nil
+	-- there's more parameters, but they're very repetetive so the string pool doesn't suffer really, and it's faster to just not delete them.
+	MsgBin[msg] = true
+local function NewMsg()
+	local msg = next(MsgBin)
+	if msg then
+		MsgBin[msg] = nil
+		return msg
+	end
+	return {}
+-- ChatThrottleLib:Init
+-- Initialize queues, set up frame for OnUpdate, etc
+function ChatThrottleLib:Init()
+	-- Set up queues
+	if not self.Prio then
+		self.Prio = {}
+		self.Prio["ALERT"] = { ByName = {}, Ring = Ring:New(), avail = 0 }
+		self.Prio["NORMAL"] = { ByName = {}, Ring = Ring:New(), avail = 0 }
+		self.Prio["BULK"] = { ByName = {}, Ring = Ring:New(), avail = 0 }
+	end
+	-- v4: total send counters per priority
+	for _, Prio in pairs(self.Prio) do
+		Prio.nTotalSent = Prio.nTotalSent or 0
+	end
+	if not self.avail then
+		self.avail = 0 -- v5
+	end
+	if not self.nTotalSent then
+		self.nTotalSent = 0 -- v5
+	end
+	-- Set up a frame to get OnUpdate events
+	if not self.Frame then
+		self.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+		self.Frame:Hide()
+	end
+	self.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", self.OnUpdate)
+	self.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", self.OnEvent)	-- v11: Monitor P_E_W so we can throttle hard for a few seconds
+	self.Frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+	self.OnUpdateDelay = 0
+	self.LastAvailUpdate = GetTime()
+	self.HardThrottlingBeginTime = GetTime()	-- v11: Throttle hard for a few seconds after startup
+	-- Hook SendChatMessage and SendAddonMessage so we can measure unpiped traffic and avoid overloads (v7)
+	if not self.securelyHooked then
+		-- Use secure hooks as of v16. Old regular hook support yanked out in v21.
+		self.securelyHooked = true
+		--SendChatMessage
+		hooksecurefunc("SendChatMessage", function(...)
+			return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendChatMessage(...)
+		end)
+		--SendAddonMessage
+		hooksecurefunc("SendAddonMessage", function(...)
+			return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendAddonMessage(...)
+		end)
+	end
+	self.nBypass = 0
+-- ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendChatMessage / .Hook_SendAddonMessage
+local bMyTraffic = false
+function ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendChatMessage(text, chattype, language, destination, ...)
+	if bMyTraffic then
+		return
+	end
+	local self = ChatThrottleLib
+	local size = strlen(tostring(text or "")) + strlen(tostring(destination or "")) + self.MSG_OVERHEAD
+	self.avail = self.avail - size
+	self.nBypass = self.nBypass + size	-- just a statistic
+function ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendAddonMessage(prefix, text, chattype, destination, ...)
+	if bMyTraffic then
+		return
+	end
+	local self = ChatThrottleLib
+	local size = tostring(text or ""):len() + tostring(prefix or ""):len();
+	size = size + tostring(destination or ""):len() + self.MSG_OVERHEAD
+	self.avail = self.avail - size
+	self.nBypass = self.nBypass + size	-- just a statistic
+-- ChatThrottleLib:UpdateAvail
+-- Update self.avail with how much bandwidth is currently available
+function ChatThrottleLib:UpdateAvail()
+	local now = GetTime()
+	local MAX_CPS = self.MAX_CPS;
+	local newavail = MAX_CPS * (now - self.LastAvailUpdate)
+	local avail = self.avail
+	if now - self.HardThrottlingBeginTime < 5 then
+		-- First 5 seconds after startup/zoning: VERY hard clamping to avoid irritating the server rate limiter, it seems very cranky then
+		avail = math_min(avail + (newavail*0.1), MAX_CPS*0.5)
+		self.bChoking = true
+	elseif GetFramerate() < self.MIN_FPS then		-- GetFrameRate call takes ~0.002 secs
+		avail = math_min(MAX_CPS, avail + newavail*0.5)
+		self.bChoking = true		-- just a statistic
+	else
+		avail = math_min(self.BURST, avail + newavail)
+		self.bChoking = false
+	end
+	avail = math_max(avail, 0-(MAX_CPS*2))	-- Can go negative when someone is eating bandwidth past the lib. but we refuse to stay silent for more than 2 seconds; if they can do it, we can.
+	self.avail = avail
+	self.LastAvailUpdate = now
+	return avail
+-- Despooling logic
+-- Reminder:
+-- - We have 3 Priorities, each containing a "Ring" construct ...
+-- - ... made up of N "Pipe"s (1 for each destination/pipename)
+-- - and each pipe contains messages
+function ChatThrottleLib:Despool(Prio)
+	local ring = Prio.Ring
+	while ring.pos and Prio.avail > ring.pos[1].nSize do
+		local msg = table_remove(ring.pos, 1)
+		if not ring.pos[1] then  -- did we remove last msg in this pipe?
+			local pipe = Prio.Ring.pos
+			Prio.Ring:Remove(pipe)
+			Prio.ByName[pipe.name] = nil
+			DelPipe(pipe)
+		else
+			Prio.Ring.pos = Prio.Ring.pos.next
+		end
+		local didSend=false
+		local lowerDest = strlower(msg[3] or "")
+		if lowerDest == "raid" and not UnitInRaid("player") then
+			-- do nothing
+		elseif lowerDest == "party" and not UnitInParty("player") then
+			-- do nothing
+		else
+			Prio.avail = Prio.avail - msg.nSize
+			bMyTraffic = true
+			msg.f(unpack(msg, 1, msg.n))
+			bMyTraffic = false
+			Prio.nTotalSent = Prio.nTotalSent + msg.nSize
+			DelMsg(msg)
+			didSend = true
+		end
+		-- notify caller of delivery (even if we didn't send it)
+		if msg.callbackFn then
+			msg.callbackFn (msg.callbackArg, didSend)
+		end
+	end
+function ChatThrottleLib.OnEvent(this,event)
+	-- v11: We know that the rate limiter is touchy after login. Assume that it's touchy after zoning, too.
+	local self = ChatThrottleLib
+	if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
+		self.HardThrottlingBeginTime = GetTime()	-- Throttle hard for a few seconds after zoning
+		self.avail = 0
+	end
+function ChatThrottleLib.OnUpdate(this,delay)
+	local self = ChatThrottleLib
+	self.OnUpdateDelay = self.OnUpdateDelay + delay
+	if self.OnUpdateDelay < 0.08 then
+		return
+	end
+	self.OnUpdateDelay = 0
+	self:UpdateAvail()
+	if self.avail < 0  then
+		return -- argh. some bastard is spewing stuff past the lib. just bail early to save cpu.
+	end
+	-- See how many of our priorities have queued messages (we only have 3, don't worry about the loop)
+	local n = 0
+	for prioname,Prio in pairs(self.Prio) do
+		if Prio.Ring.pos or Prio.avail < 0 then
+			n = n + 1
+		end
+	end
+	-- Anything queued still?
+	if n<1 then
+		-- Nope. Move spillover bandwidth to global availability gauge and clear self.bQueueing
+		for prioname, Prio in pairs(self.Prio) do
+			self.avail = self.avail + Prio.avail
+			Prio.avail = 0
+		end
+		self.bQueueing = false
+		self.Frame:Hide()
+		return
+	end
+	-- There's stuff queued. Hand out available bandwidth to priorities as needed and despool their queues
+	local avail = self.avail/n
+	self.avail = 0
+	for prioname, Prio in pairs(self.Prio) do
+		if Prio.Ring.pos or Prio.avail < 0 then
+			Prio.avail = Prio.avail + avail
+			if Prio.Ring.pos and Prio.avail > Prio.Ring.pos[1].nSize then
+				self:Despool(Prio)
+				-- Note: We might not get here if the user-supplied callback function errors out! Take care!
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- Spooling logic
+function ChatThrottleLib:Enqueue(prioname, pipename, msg)
+	local Prio = self.Prio[prioname]
+	local pipe = Prio.ByName[pipename]
+	if not pipe then
+		self.Frame:Show()
+		pipe = NewPipe()
+		pipe.name = pipename
+		Prio.ByName[pipename] = pipe
+		Prio.Ring:Add(pipe)
+	end
+	pipe[#pipe + 1] = msg
+	self.bQueueing = true
+function ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage(prio, prefix,   text, chattype, language, destination, queueName, callbackFn, callbackArg)
+	if not self or not prio or not prefix or not text or not self.Prio[prio] then
+		error('Usage: ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage("{BULK||NORMAL||ALERT}", "prefix", "text"[, "chattype"[, "language"[, "destination"]]]', 2)
+	end
+	if callbackFn and type(callbackFn)~="function" then
+		error('ChatThrottleLib:ChatMessage(): callbackFn: expected function, got '..type(callbackFn), 2)
+	end
+	local nSize = text:len()
+	if nSize>255 then
+		error("ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage(): message length cannot exceed 255 bytes", 2)
+	end
+	nSize = nSize + self.MSG_OVERHEAD
+	-- Check if there's room in the global available bandwidth gauge to send directly
+	if not self.bQueueing and nSize < self:UpdateAvail() then
+		self.avail = self.avail - nSize
+		bMyTraffic = true
+		_G.SendChatMessage(text, chattype, language, destination)
+		bMyTraffic = false
+		self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent = self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent + nSize
+		if callbackFn then
+			callbackFn (callbackArg, true)
+		end
+		return
+	end
+	-- Message needs to be queued
+	local msg = NewMsg()
+	msg.f = _G.SendChatMessage
+	msg[1] = text
+	msg[2] = chattype or "SAY"
+	msg[3] = language
+	msg[4] = destination
+	msg.n = 4
+	msg.nSize = nSize
+	msg.callbackFn = callbackFn
+	msg.callbackArg = callbackArg
+	self:Enqueue(prio, queueName or (prefix..(chattype or "SAY")..(destination or "")), msg)
+function ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage(prio, prefix, text, chattype, target, queueName, callbackFn, callbackArg)
+	if not self or not prio or not prefix or not text or not chattype or not self.Prio[prio] then
+		error('Usage: ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage("{BULK||NORMAL||ALERT}", "prefix", "text", "chattype"[, "target"])', 2)
+	end
+	if callbackFn and type(callbackFn)~="function" then
+		error('ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage(): callbackFn: expected function, got '..type(callbackFn), 2)
+	end
+	local nSize = text:len();
+	if RegisterAddonMessagePrefix then
+		if nSize>255 then
+			error("ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage(): message length cannot exceed 255 bytes", 2)
+		end
+	else
+		nSize = nSize + prefix:len() + 1
+		if nSize>255 then
+			error("ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage(): prefix + message length cannot exceed 254 bytes", 2)
+		end
+	end
+	nSize = nSize + self.MSG_OVERHEAD;
+	-- Check if there's room in the global available bandwidth gauge to send directly
+	if not self.bQueueing and nSize < self:UpdateAvail() then
+		self.avail = self.avail - nSize
+		bMyTraffic = true
+		_G.SendAddonMessage(prefix, text, chattype, target)
+		bMyTraffic = false
+		self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent = self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent + nSize
+		if callbackFn then
+			callbackFn (callbackArg, true)
+		end
+		return
+	end
+	-- Message needs to be queued
+	local msg = NewMsg()
+	msg.f = _G.SendAddonMessage
+	msg[1] = prefix
+	msg[2] = text
+	msg[3] = chattype
+	msg[4] = target
+	msg.n = (target~=nil) and 4 or 3;
+	msg.nSize = nSize
+	msg.callbackFn = callbackFn
+	msg.callbackArg = callbackArg
+	self:Enqueue(prio, queueName or (prefix..chattype..(target or "")), msg)
+-- Get the ball rolling!
+--[[ WoWBench debugging snippet
+if(WOWB_VER) then
+	local function SayTimer()
+		print("SAY: "..GetTime().." "..arg1)
+	end
+	ChatThrottleLib.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", SayTimer)
+	ChatThrottleLib.Frame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY")
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bedf8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--- AceConfig-3.0 wrapper library.
+-- Provides an API to register an options table with the config registry,
+-- as well as associate it with a slash command.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceConfig-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceConfig-3.0.lua 969 2010-10-07 02:11:48Z shefki $
+Very light wrapper library that combines all the AceConfig subcomponents into one more easily used whole.
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfig-3.0", 2
+local AceConfig = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceConfig then return end
+local cfgreg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0")
+local cfgcmd = LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0")
+--TODO: local cfgdlg = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0", true)
+--TODO: local cfgdrp = LibStub("AceConfigDropdown-3.0", true)
+-- Lua APIs
+local pcall, error, type, pairs = pcall, error, type, pairs
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- :RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, slashcmd, persist)
+-- - appName - (string) application name
+-- - options - table or function ref, see AceConfigRegistry
+-- - slashcmd - slash command (string) or table with commands, or nil to NOT create a slash command
+--- Register a option table with the AceConfig registry.
+-- You can supply a slash command (or a table of slash commands) to register with AceConfigCmd directly.
+-- @paramsig appName, options [, slashcmd]
+-- @param appName The application name for the config table.
+-- @param options The option table (or a function to generate one on demand).  http://www.wowace.com/addons/ace3/pages/ace-config-3-0-options-tables/
+-- @param slashcmd A slash command to register for the option table, or a table of slash commands.
+-- @usage
+-- local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0")
+-- AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("MyAddon", myOptions, {"/myslash", "/my"})
+function AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, slashcmd)
+	local ok,msg = pcall(cfgreg.RegisterOptionsTable, self, appName, options)
+	if not ok then error(msg, 2) end
+	if slashcmd then
+		if type(slashcmd) == "table" then
+			for _,cmd in pairs(slashcmd) do
+				cfgcmd:CreateChatCommand(cmd, appName)
+			end
+		else
+			cfgcmd:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87972ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Include file="AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.xml"/>
+	<Include file="AceConfigCmd-3.0\AceConfigCmd-3.0.xml"/>
+	<Include file="AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.xml"/>
+	<!--<Include file="AceConfigDropdown-3.0\AceConfigDropdown-3.0.xml"/>-->
+	<Script file="AceConfig-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2023981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+--- AceConfigCmd-3.0 handles access to an options table through the "command line" interface via the ChatFrames.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceConfigCmd-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua 1045 2011-12-09 17:58:40Z nevcairiel $
+Handles commandline optionstable access
+REQUIRES: AceConsole-3.0 for command registration (loaded on demand)
+-- TODO: plugin args
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0", 13
+local AceConfigCmd = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceConfigCmd then return end
+AceConfigCmd.commands = AceConfigCmd.commands or {}
+local commands = AceConfigCmd.commands
+local cfgreg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0")
+local AceConsole -- LoD
+local AceConsoleName = "AceConsole-3.0"
+-- Lua APIs
+local strsub, strsplit, strlower, strmatch, strtrim = string.sub, string.split, string.lower, string.match, string.trim
+local format, tonumber, tostring = string.format, tonumber, tostring
+local tsort, tinsert = table.sort, table.insert
+local select, pairs, next, type = select, pairs, next, type
+local error, assert = error, assert
+-- WoW APIs
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local L = setmetatable({}, {	-- TODO: replace with proper locale
+	__index = function(self,k) return k end
+local function print(msg)
+-- constants used by getparam() calls below
+local handlertypes = {["table"]=true}
+local handlermsg = "expected a table"
+local functypes = {["function"]=true, ["string"]=true}
+local funcmsg = "expected function or member name"
+-- pickfirstset() - picks the first non-nil value and returns it
+local function pickfirstset(...)
+	for i=1,select("#",...) do
+		if select(i,...)~=nil then
+			return select(i,...)
+		end
+	end
+-- err() - produce real error() regarding malformed options tables etc
+local function err(info,inputpos,msg )
+	local cmdstr=" "..strsub(info.input, 1, inputpos-1)
+	error(MAJOR..": /" ..info[0] ..cmdstr ..": "..(msg or "malformed options table"), 2)
+-- usererr() - produce chatframe message regarding bad slash syntax etc
+local function usererr(info,inputpos,msg )
+	local cmdstr=strsub(info.input, 1, inputpos-1);
+	print("/" ..info[0] .. " "..cmdstr ..": "..(msg or "malformed options table"))
+-- callmethod() - call a given named method (e.g. "get", "set") with given arguments
+local function callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, methodtype, ...)
+	local method = info[methodtype]
+	if not method then
+		err(info, inputpos, "'"..methodtype.."': not set")
+	end
+	info.arg = tab.arg
+	info.option = tab
+	info.type = tab.type
+	if type(method)=="function" then
+		return method(info, ...)
+	elseif type(method)=="string" then
+		if type(info.handler[method])~="function" then
+			err(info, inputpos, "'"..methodtype.."': '"..method.."' is not a member function of "..tostring(info.handler))
+		end
+		return info.handler[method](info.handler, info, ...)
+	else
+		assert(false)	-- type should have already been checked on read
+	end
+-- callfunction() - call a given named function (e.g. "name", "desc") with given arguments
+local function callfunction(info, tab, methodtype, ...)
+	local method = tab[methodtype]
+	info.arg = tab.arg
+	info.option = tab
+	info.type = tab.type
+	if type(method)=="function" then
+		return method(info, ...)
+	else
+		assert(false) -- type should have already been checked on read
+	end
+-- do_final() - do the final step (set/execute) along with validation and confirmation
+local function do_final(info, inputpos, tab, methodtype, ...)
+	if info.validate then
+		local res = callmethod(info,inputpos,tab,"validate",...)
+		if type(res)=="string" then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..strsub(info.input, inputpos).."' - "..res)
+			return
+		end
+	end
+	-- console ignores .confirm
+	callmethod(info,inputpos,tab,methodtype, ...)
+-- getparam() - used by handle() to retreive and store "handler", "get", "set", etc
+local function getparam(info, inputpos, tab, depth, paramname, types, errormsg)
+	local old,oldat = info[paramname], info[paramname.."_at"]
+	local val=tab[paramname]
+	if val~=nil then
+		if val==false then
+			val=nil
+		elseif not types[type(val)] then
+			err(info, inputpos, "'" .. paramname.. "' - "..errormsg)
+		end
+		info[paramname] = val
+		info[paramname.."_at"] = depth
+	end
+	return old,oldat
+-- iterateargs(tab) - custom iterator that iterates both t.args and t.plugins.*
+local dummytable={}
+local function iterateargs(tab)
+	if not tab.plugins then
+		return pairs(tab.args)
+	end
+	local argtabkey,argtab=next(tab.plugins)
+	local v
+	return function(_, k)
+		while argtab do
+			k,v = next(argtab, k)
+			if k then return k,v end
+			if argtab==tab.args then
+				argtab=nil
+			else
+				argtabkey,argtab = next(tab.plugins, argtabkey)
+				if not argtabkey then
+					argtab=tab.args
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function checkhidden(info, inputpos, tab)
+	if tab.cmdHidden~=nil then
+		return tab.cmdHidden
+	end
+	local hidden = tab.hidden
+	if type(hidden) == "function" or type(hidden) == "string" then
+		info.hidden = hidden
+		hidden = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, 'hidden')
+		info.hidden = nil
+	end
+	return hidden
+local function showhelp(info, inputpos, tab, depth, noHead)
+	if not noHead then
+		print("|cff33ff99"..info.appName.."|r: Arguments to |cffffff78/"..info[0].."|r "..strsub(info.input,1,inputpos-1)..":")
+	end
+	local sortTbl = {}	-- [1..n]=name
+	local refTbl = {}   -- [name]=tableref
+	for k,v in iterateargs(tab) do
+		if not refTbl[k] then	-- a plugin overriding something in .args
+			tinsert(sortTbl, k)
+			refTbl[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	tsort(sortTbl, function(one, two)
+		local o1 = refTbl[one].order or 100
+		local o2 = refTbl[two].order or 100
+		if type(o1) == "function" or type(o1) == "string" then
+			info.order = o1
+			info[#info+1] = one
+			o1 = callmethod(info, inputpos, refTbl[one], "order")
+			info[#info] = nil
+			info.order = nil
+		end
+		if type(o2) == "function" or type(o1) == "string" then
+			info.order = o2
+			info[#info+1] = two
+			o2 = callmethod(info, inputpos, refTbl[two], "order")
+			info[#info] = nil
+			info.order = nil
+		end
+		if o1<0 and o2<0 then return o1<o2 end
+		if o2<0 then return true end
+		if o1<0 then return false end
+		if o1==o2 then return tostring(one)<tostring(two) end   -- compare names
+		return o1<o2
+	end)
+	for i = 1, #sortTbl do
+		local k = sortTbl[i]
+		local v = refTbl[k]
+		if not checkhidden(info, inputpos, v) then
+			if v.type ~= "description" and v.type ~= "header" then
+				-- recursively show all inline groups
+				local name, desc = v.name, v.desc
+				if type(name) == "function" then
+					name = callfunction(info, v, 'name')
+				end
+				if type(desc) == "function" then
+					desc = callfunction(info, v, 'desc')
+				end
+				if v.type == "group" and pickfirstset(v.cmdInline, v.inline, false) then
+					print("  "..(desc or name)..":")
+					local oldhandler,oldhandler_at = getparam(info, inputpos, v, depth, "handler", handlertypes, handlermsg)
+					showhelp(info, inputpos, v, depth, true)
+					info.handler,info.handler_at = oldhandler,oldhandler_at
+				else
+					local key = k:gsub(" ", "_")
+					print("  |cffffff78"..key.."|r - "..(desc or name or ""))
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function keybindingValidateFunc(text)
+	if text == nil or text == "NONE" then
+		return nil
+	end
+	text = text:upper()
+	local shift, ctrl, alt
+	local modifier
+	while true do
+		if text == "-" then
+			break
+		end
+		modifier, text = strsplit('-', text, 2)
+		if text then
+			if modifier ~= "SHIFT" and modifier ~= "CTRL" and modifier ~= "ALT" then
+				return false
+			end
+			if modifier == "SHIFT" then
+				if shift then
+					return false
+				end
+				shift = true
+			end
+			if modifier == "CTRL" then
+				if ctrl then
+					return false
+				end
+				ctrl = true
+			end
+			if modifier == "ALT" then
+				if alt then
+					return false
+				end
+				alt = true
+			end
+		else
+			text = modifier
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	if text == "" then
+		return false
+	end
+	if not text:find("^F%d+$") and text ~= "CAPSLOCK" and text:len() ~= 1 and (text:byte() < 128 or text:len() > 4) and not _G["KEY_" .. text] then
+		return false
+	end
+	local s = text
+	if shift then
+		s = "SHIFT-" .. s
+	end
+	if ctrl then
+		s = "CTRL-" .. s
+	end
+	if alt then
+		s = "ALT-" .. s
+	end
+	return s
+-- handle() - selfrecursing function that processes input->optiontable
+-- - depth - starts at 0
+-- - retfalse - return false rather than produce error if a match is not found (used by inlined groups)
+local function handle(info, inputpos, tab, depth, retfalse)
+	if not(type(tab)=="table" and type(tab.type)=="string") then err(info,inputpos) end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Grab hold of handler,set,get,func,etc if set (and remember old ones)
+	-- Note that we do NOT validate if method names are correct at this stage,
+	-- the handler may change before they're actually used!
+	local oldhandler,oldhandler_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"handler",handlertypes,handlermsg)
+	local oldset,oldset_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"set",functypes,funcmsg)
+	local oldget,oldget_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"get",functypes,funcmsg)
+	local oldfunc,oldfunc_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"func",functypes,funcmsg)
+	local oldvalidate,oldvalidate_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"validate",functypes,funcmsg)
+	--local oldconfirm,oldconfirm_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"confirm",functypes,funcmsg)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Act according to .type of this table
+	if tab.type=="group" then
+		------------ group --------------------------------------------
+		if type(tab.args)~="table" then err(info, inputpos) end
+		if tab.plugins and type(tab.plugins)~="table" then err(info,inputpos) end
+		-- grab next arg from input
+		local _,nextpos,arg = (info.input):find(" *([^ ]+) *", inputpos)
+		if not arg then
+			showhelp(info, inputpos, tab, depth)
+			return
+		end
+		nextpos=nextpos+1
+		-- loop .args and try to find a key with a matching name
+		for k,v in iterateargs(tab) do
+			if not(type(k)=="string" and type(v)=="table" and type(v.type)=="string") then err(info,inputpos, "options table child '"..tostring(k).."' is malformed") end
+			-- is this child an inline group? if so, traverse into it
+			if v.type=="group" and pickfirstset(v.cmdInline, v.inline, false) then
+				info[depth+1] = k
+				if handle(info, inputpos, v, depth+1, true)==false then
+					info[depth+1] = nil
+					-- wasn't found in there, but that's ok, we just keep looking down here
+				else
+					return	-- done, name was found in inline group
+				end
+			-- matching name and not a inline group
+			elseif strlower(arg)==strlower(k:gsub(" ", "_")) then
+				info[depth+1] = k
+				return handle(info,nextpos,v,depth+1)
+			end
+		end
+		-- no match
+		if retfalse then
+			-- restore old infotable members and return false to indicate failure
+			info.handler,info.handler_at = oldhandler,oldhandler_at
+			info.set,info.set_at = oldset,oldset_at
+			info.get,info.get_at = oldget,oldget_at
+			info.func,info.func_at = oldfunc,oldfunc_at
+			info.validate,info.validate_at = oldvalidate,oldvalidate_at
+			--info.confirm,info.confirm_at = oldconfirm,oldconfirm_at
+			return false
+		end
+		-- couldn't find the command, display error
+		usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..arg.."' - " .. L["unknown argument"])
+		return
+	end
+	local str = strsub(info.input,inputpos);
+	if tab.type=="execute" then
+		------------ execute --------------------------------------------
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "func")
+	elseif tab.type=="input" then
+		------------ input --------------------------------------------
+		local res = true
+		if tab.pattern then
+			if not(type(tab.pattern)=="string") then err(info, inputpos, "'pattern' - expected a string") end
+			if not strmatch(str, tab.pattern) then
+				usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - " .. L["invalid input"])
+				return
+			end
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", str)
+	elseif tab.type=="toggle" then
+		------------ toggle --------------------------------------------
+		local b
+		local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
+		if str=="" then
+			b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get")
+			if tab.tristate then
+				--cycle in true, nil, false order
+				if b then
+					b = nil
+				elseif b == nil then
+					b = false
+				else
+					b = true
+				end
+			else
+				b = not b
+			end
+		elseif str==L["on"] then
+			b = true
+		elseif str==L["off"] then
+			b = false
+		elseif tab.tristate and str==L["default"] then
+			b = nil
+		else
+			if tab.tristate then
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'on', 'off' or 'default', or no argument to toggle."], str))
+			else
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'on' or 'off', or no argument to toggle."], str))
+			end
+			return
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", b)
+	elseif tab.type=="range" then
+		------------ range --------------------------------------------
+		local val = tonumber(str)
+		if not val then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - "..L["expected number"])
+			return
+		end
+		if type(info.step)=="number" then
+			val = val- (val % info.step)
+		end
+		if type(info.min)=="number" and val<info.min then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, val.." - "..format(L["must be equal to or higher than %s"], tostring(info.min)) )
+			return
+		end
+		if type(info.max)=="number" and val>info.max then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, val.." - "..format(L["must be equal to or lower than %s"], tostring(info.max)) )
+			return
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", val)
+	elseif tab.type=="select" then
+		------------ select ------------------------------------
+		local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
+		local values = tab.values
+		if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then
+			info.values = values
+			values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values")
+			info.values = nil
+		end
+		if str == "" then
+			local b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get")
+			local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s"
+			local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r"
+			print(L["Options for |cffffff78"..info[#info].."|r:"])
+			for k, v in pairs(values) do
+				if b == k then
+					print(fmt_sel:format(k, v))
+				else
+					print(fmt:format(k, v))
+				end
+			end
+			return
+		end
+		local ok
+		for k,v in pairs(values) do
+			if strlower(k)==str then
+				str = k	-- overwrite with key (in case of case mismatches)
+				ok = true
+				break
+			end
+		end
+		if not ok then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - "..L["unknown selection"])
+			return
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", str)
+	elseif tab.type=="multiselect" then
+		------------ multiselect -------------------------------------------
+		local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
+		local values = tab.values
+		if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then
+			info.values = values
+			values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values")
+			info.values = nil
+		end
+		if str == "" then
+			local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s"
+			local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r"
+			print(L["Options for |cffffff78"..info[#info].."|r (multiple possible):"])
+			for k, v in pairs(values) do
+				if callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get", k) then
+					print(fmt_sel:format(k, v))
+				else
+					print(fmt:format(k, v))
+				end
+			end
+			return
+		end
+		--build a table of the selections, checking that they exist
+		--parse for =on =off =default in the process
+		--table will be key = true for options that should toggle, key = [on|off|default] for options to be set
+		local sels = {}
+		for v in str:gmatch("[^ ]+") do
+			--parse option=on etc
+			local opt, val = v:match('(.+)=(.+)')
+			--get option if toggling
+			if not opt then
+				opt = v
+			end
+			--check that the opt is valid
+			local ok
+			for k,v in pairs(values) do
+				if strlower(k)==opt then
+					opt = k	-- overwrite with key (in case of case mismatches)
+					ok = true
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			if not ok then
+				usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..opt.."' - "..L["unknown selection"])
+				return
+			end
+			--check that if val was supplied it is valid
+			if val then
+				if val == L["on"] or val == L["off"] or (tab.tristate and val == L["default"]) then
+					--val is valid insert it
+					sels[opt] = val
+				else
+					if tab.tristate then
+						usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' '%s' - expected 'on', 'off' or 'default', or no argument to toggle."], v, val))
+					else
+						usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' '%s' - expected 'on' or 'off', or no argument to toggle."], v, val))
+					end
+					return
+				end
+			else
+				-- no val supplied, toggle
+				sels[opt] = true
+			end
+		end
+		for opt, val in pairs(sels) do
+			local newval
+			if (val == true) then
+				--toggle the option
+				local b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get", opt)
+				if tab.tristate then
+					--cycle in true, nil, false order
+					if b then
+						b = nil
+					elseif b == nil then
+						b = false
+					else
+						b = true
+					end
+				else
+					b = not b
+				end
+				newval = b
+			else
+				--set the option as specified
+				if val==L["on"] then
+					newval = true
+				elseif val==L["off"] then
+					newval = false
+				elseif val==L["default"] then
+					newval = nil
+				end
+			end
+			do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", opt, newval)
+		end
+	elseif tab.type=="color" then
+		------------ color --------------------------------------------
+		local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
+		if str == "" then
+			--TODO: Show current value
+			return
+		end
+		local r, g, b, a
+		local hasAlpha = tab.hasAlpha
+		if type(hasAlpha) == "function" or type(hasAlpha) == "string" then
+			info.hasAlpha = hasAlpha
+			hasAlpha = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, 'hasAlpha')
+			info.hasAlpha = nil
+		end
+		if hasAlpha then
+			if str:len() == 8 and str:find("^%x*$")  then
+				--parse a hex string
+				r,g,b,a = tonumber(str:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(7, 8), 16) / 255
+			else
+				--parse seperate values
+				r,g,b,a = str:match("^([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+)$")
+				r,g,b,a = tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), tonumber(a)
+			end
+			if not (r and g and b and a) then
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'RRGGBBAA' or 'r g b a'."], str))
+				return
+			end
+			if r >= 0.0 and r <= 1.0 and g >= 0.0 and g <= 1.0 and b >= 0.0 and b <= 1.0 and a >= 0.0 and a <= 1.0 then
+				--values are valid
+			elseif r >= 0 and r <= 255 and g >= 0 and g <= 255 and b >= 0 and b <= 255 and a >= 0 and a <= 255 then
+				--values are valid 0..255, convert to 0..1
+				r = r / 255
+				g = g / 255
+				b = b / 255
+				a = a / 255
+			else
+				--values are invalid
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - values must all be either in the range 0..1 or 0..255."], str))
+			end
+		else
+			a = 1.0
+			if str:len() == 6 and str:find("^%x*$") then
+				--parse a hex string
+				r,g,b = tonumber(str:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255
+			else
+				--parse seperate values
+				r,g,b = str:match("^([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+)$")
+				r,g,b = tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b)
+			end
+			if not (r and g and b) then
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'RRGGBB' or 'r g b'."], str))
+				return
+			end
+			if r >= 0.0 and r <= 1.0 and g >= 0.0 and g <= 1.0 and b >= 0.0 and b <= 1.0 then
+				--values are valid
+			elseif r >= 0 and r <= 255 and g >= 0 and g <= 255 and b >= 0 and b <= 255 then
+				--values are valid 0..255, convert to 0..1
+				r = r / 255
+				g = g / 255
+				b = b / 255
+			else
+				--values are invalid
+				usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - values must all be either in the range 0-1 or 0-255."], str))
+			end
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", r,g,b,a)
+	elseif tab.type=="keybinding" then
+		------------ keybinding --------------------------------------------
+		local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
+		if str == "" then
+			--TODO: Show current value
+			return
+		end
+		local value = keybindingValidateFunc(str:upper())
+		if value == false then
+			usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - Invalid Keybinding."], str))
+			return
+		end
+		do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", value)
+	elseif tab.type=="description" then
+		------------ description --------------------
+		-- ignore description, GUI config only
+	else
+		err(info, inputpos, "unknown options table item type '"..tostring(tab.type).."'")
+	end
+--- Handle the chat command.
+-- This is usually called from a chat command handler to parse the command input as operations on an aceoptions table.\\
+-- AceConfigCmd uses this function internally when a slash command is registered with `:CreateChatCommand`
+-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param input The commandline input (as given by the WoW handler, i.e. without the command itself)
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceConsole-3.0")
+-- -- Use AceConsole-3.0 to register a Chat Command
+-- MyAddon:RegisterChatCommand("mychat", "ChatCommand")
+-- -- Show the GUI if no input is supplied, otherwise handle the chat input.
+-- function MyAddon:ChatCommand(input)
+--   -- Assuming "MyOptions" is the appName of a valid options table
+--   if not input or input:trim() == "" then
+--     LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("MyOptions")
+--   else
+--     LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0").HandleCommand(MyAddon, "mychat", "MyOptions", input)
+--   end
+-- end
+function AceConfigCmd:HandleCommand(slashcmd, appName, input)
+	local optgetter = cfgreg:GetOptionsTable(appName)
+	if not optgetter then
+		error([[Usage: HandleCommand("slashcmd", "appName", "input"): 'appName' - no options table "]]..tostring(appName)..[[" has been registered]], 2)
+	end
+	local options = assert( optgetter("cmd", MAJOR) )
+	local info = {   -- Don't try to recycle this, it gets handed off to callbacks and whatnot
+		[0] = slashcmd,
+		appName = appName,
+		options = options,
+		input = input,
+		self = self,
+		handler = self,
+		uiType = "cmd",
+		uiName = MAJOR,
+	}
+	handle(info, 1, options, 0)  -- (info, inputpos, table, depth)
+--- Utility function to create a slash command handler.
+-- Also registers tab completion with AceTab
+-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+function AceConfigCmd:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)
+	if not AceConsole then
+		AceConsole = LibStub(AceConsoleName)
+	end
+	if AceConsole.RegisterChatCommand(self, slashcmd, function(input)
+				AceConfigCmd.HandleCommand(self, slashcmd, appName, input)	-- upgradable
+		end,
+	true) then -- succesfully registered so lets get the command -> app table in
+		commands[slashcmd] = appName
+	end
+--- Utility function that returns the options table that belongs to a slashcommand.
+-- Designed to be used for the AceTab interface.
+-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
+-- @return The options table associated with the slash command (or nil if the slash command was not registered)
+function AceConfigCmd:GetChatCommandOptions(slashcmd)
+	return commands[slashcmd]
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188d354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3612fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1955 @@
+--- AceConfigDialog-3.0 generates AceGUI-3.0 based windows based on option tables.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceConfigDialog-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua 1139 2016-07-03 07:43:51Z nevcairiel $
+local LibStub = LibStub
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigDialog-3.0", 61
+local AceConfigDialog, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceConfigDialog then return end
+AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames = AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames or {}
+AceConfigDialog.Status = AceConfigDialog.Status or {}
+AceConfigDialog.frame = AceConfigDialog.frame or CreateFrame("Frame")
+AceConfigDialog.frame.apps = AceConfigDialog.frame.apps or {}
+AceConfigDialog.frame.closing = AceConfigDialog.frame.closing or {}
+AceConfigDialog.frame.closeAllOverride = AceConfigDialog.frame.closeAllOverride or {}
+local gui = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+local reg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local tconcat, tinsert, tsort, tremove, tsort = table.concat, table.insert, table.sort, table.remove, table.sort
+local strmatch, format = string.match, string.format
+local assert, loadstring, error = assert, loadstring, error
+local pairs, next, select, type, unpack, wipe, ipairs = pairs, next, select, type, unpack, wipe, ipairs
+local rawset, tostring, tonumber = rawset, tostring, tonumber
+local math_min, math_max, math_floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: NORMAL_FONT_COLOR, GameTooltip, StaticPopupDialogs, ACCEPT, CANCEL, StaticPopup_Show
+-- GLOBALS: PlaySound, GameFontHighlight, GameFontHighlightSmall, GameFontHighlightLarge
+-- GLOBALS: CloseSpecialWindows, InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, geterrorhandler
+local emptyTbl = {}
+	 xpcall safecall implementation
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+	return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	local code = [[
+		local xpcall, eh = ...
+		local method, ARGS
+		local function call() return method(ARGS) end
+		local function dispatch(func, ...)
+			 method = func
+			 if not method then return end
+			 ARGS = ...
+			 return xpcall(call, eh)
+		end
+		return dispatch
+	]]
+	local ARGS = {}
+	for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
+	code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
+	return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
+local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
+	local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
+	return dispatcher
+Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
+	return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
+local function safecall(func, ...)
+	return Dispatchers[select("#", ...)](func, ...)
+local width_multiplier = 170
+Group Types
+  Tree 	- All Descendant Groups will all become nodes on the tree, direct child options will appear above the tree
+  		- Descendant Groups with inline=true and thier children will not become nodes
+  Tab	- Direct Child Groups will become tabs, direct child options will appear above the tab control
+  		- Grandchild groups will default to inline unless specified otherwise
+  Select- Same as Tab but with entries in a dropdown rather than tabs
+  Inline Groups
+  	- Will not become nodes of a select group, they will be effectivly part of thier parent group seperated by a border
+  	- If declared on a direct child of a root node of a select group, they will appear above the group container control
+  	- When a group is displayed inline, all descendants will also be inline members of the group
+-- Recycling functions
+local new, del, copy
+--newcount, delcount,createdcount,cached = 0,0,0
+	local pool = setmetatable({},{__mode="k"})
+	function new()
+		--newcount = newcount + 1
+		local t = next(pool)
+		if t then
+			pool[t] = nil
+			return t
+		else
+			--createdcount = createdcount + 1
+			return {}
+		end
+	end
+	function copy(t)
+		local c = new()
+		for k, v in pairs(t) do
+			c[k] = v
+		end
+		return c
+	end
+	function del(t)
+		--delcount = delcount + 1
+		wipe(t)
+		pool[t] = true
+	end
+--	function cached()
+--		local n = 0
+--		for k in pairs(pool) do
+--			n = n + 1
+--		end
+--		return n
+--	end
+-- picks the first non-nil value and returns it
+local function pickfirstset(...)
+  for i=1,select("#",...) do
+    if select(i,...)~=nil then
+      return select(i,...)
+    end
+  end
+--gets an option from a given group, checking plugins
+local function GetSubOption(group, key)
+	if group.plugins then
+		for plugin, t in pairs(group.plugins) do
+			if t[key] then
+				return t[key]
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return group.args[key]
+--Option member type definitions, used to decide how to access it
+--Is the member Inherited from parent options
+local isInherited = {
+	set = true,
+	get = true,
+	func = true,
+	confirm = true,
+	validate = true,
+	disabled = true,
+	hidden = true
+--Does a string type mean a literal value, instead of the default of a method of the handler
+local stringIsLiteral = {
+	name = true,
+	desc = true,
+	icon = true,
+	usage = true,
+	width = true,
+	image = true,
+	fontSize = true,
+--Is Never a function or method
+local allIsLiteral = {
+	type = true,
+	descStyle = true,
+	imageWidth = true,
+	imageHeight = true,
+--gets the value for a member that could be a function
+--function refs are called with an info arg
+--every other type is returned
+local function GetOptionsMemberValue(membername, option, options, path, appName, ...)
+	--get definition for the member
+	local inherits = isInherited[membername]
+	--get the member of the option, traversing the tree if it can be inherited
+	local member
+	if inherits then
+		local group = options
+		if group[membername] ~= nil then
+			member = group[membername]
+		end
+		for i = 1, #path do
+			group = GetSubOption(group, path[i])
+			if group[membername] ~= nil then
+				member = group[membername]
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		member = option[membername]
+	end
+	--check if we need to call a functon, or if we have a literal value
+	if ( not allIsLiteral[membername] ) and ( type(member) == "function" or ((not stringIsLiteral[membername]) and type(member) == "string") ) then
+		--We have a function to call
+		local info = new()
+		--traverse the options table, picking up the handler and filling the info with the path
+		local handler
+		local group = options
+		handler = group.handler or handler
+		for i = 1, #path do
+			group = GetSubOption(group, path[i])
+			info[i] = path[i]
+			handler = group.handler or handler
+		end
+		info.options = options
+		info.appName = appName
+		info[0] = appName
+		info.arg = option.arg
+		info.handler = handler
+		info.option = option
+		info.type = option.type
+		info.uiType = "dialog"
+		info.uiName = MAJOR
+		local a, b, c ,d
+		--using 4 returns for the get of a color type, increase if a type needs more
+		if type(member) == "function" then
+			--Call the function
+			a,b,c,d = member(info, ...)
+		else
+			--Call the method
+			if handler and handler[member] then
+				a,b,c,d = handler[member](handler, info, ...)
+			else
+				error(format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type %s", member, membername))
+			end
+		end
+		del(info)
+		return a,b,c,d
+	else
+		--The value isnt a function to call, return it
+		return member
+	end
+--[[calls an options function that could be inherited, method name or function ref
+local function CallOptionsFunction(funcname ,option, options, path, appName, ...)
+	local info = new()
+	local func
+	local group = options
+	local handler
+	--build the info table containing the path
+	-- pick up functions while traversing the tree
+	if group[funcname] ~= nil then
+		func = group[funcname]
+	end
+	handler = group.handler or handler
+	for i, v in ipairs(path) do
+		group = GetSubOption(group, v)
+		info[i] = v
+		if group[funcname] ~= nil then
+			func =  group[funcname]
+		end
+		handler = group.handler or handler
+	end
+	info.options = options
+	info[0] = appName
+	info.arg = option.arg
+	local a, b, c ,d
+	if type(func) == "string" then
+		if handler and handler[func] then
+			a,b,c,d = handler[func](handler, info, ...)
+		else
+			error(string.format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type func", func))
+		end
+	elseif type(func) == "function" then
+		a,b,c,d = func(info, ...)
+	end
+	del(info)
+	return a,b,c,d
+--tables to hold orders and names for options being sorted, will be created with new()
+--prevents needing to call functions repeatedly while sorting
+local tempOrders
+local tempNames
+local function compareOptions(a,b)
+	if not a then
+		return true
+	end
+	if not b then
+		return false
+	end
+	local OrderA, OrderB = tempOrders[a] or 100, tempOrders[b] or 100
+	if OrderA == OrderB then
+		local NameA = (type(tempNames[a]) == "string") and tempNames[a] or ""
+		local NameB = (type(tempNames[b]) == "string") and tempNames[b] or ""
+		return NameA:upper() < NameB:upper()
+	end
+	if OrderA < 0 then
+		if OrderB > 0 then
+			return false
+		end
+	else
+		if OrderB < 0 then
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+	return OrderA < OrderB
+--builds 2 tables out of an options group
+-- keySort, sorted keys
+-- opts, combined options from .plugins and args
+local function BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	tempOrders = new()
+	tempNames = new()
+	if group.plugins then
+		for plugin, t in pairs(group.plugins) do
+			for k, v in pairs(t) do
+				if not opts[k] then
+					tinsert(keySort, k)
+					opts[k] = v
+					path[#path+1] = k
+					tempOrders[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("order", v, options, path, appName)
+					tempNames[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+					path[#path] = nil
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	for k, v in pairs(group.args) do
+		if not opts[k] then
+			tinsert(keySort, k)
+			opts[k] = v
+			path[#path+1] = k
+			tempOrders[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("order", v, options, path, appName)
+			tempNames[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+			path[#path] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	tsort(keySort, compareOptions)
+	del(tempOrders)
+	del(tempNames)
+local function DelTree(tree)
+	if tree.children then
+		local childs = tree.children
+		for i = 1, #childs do
+			DelTree(childs[i])
+			del(childs[i])
+		end
+		del(childs)
+	end
+local function CleanUserData(widget, event)
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	if user.path then
+		del(user.path)
+	end
+	if widget.type == "TreeGroup" then
+		local tree = user.tree
+		widget:SetTree(nil)
+		if tree then
+			for i = 1, #tree do
+				DelTree(tree[i])
+				del(tree[i])
+			end
+			del(tree)
+		end
+	end
+	if widget.type == "TabGroup" then
+		widget:SetTabs(nil)
+		if user.tablist then
+			del(user.tablist)
+		end
+	end
+	if widget.type == "DropdownGroup" then
+		widget:SetGroupList(nil)
+		if user.grouplist then
+			del(user.grouplist)
+		end
+		if user.orderlist then
+			del(user.orderlist)
+		end
+	end
+-- - Gets a status table for the given appname and options path.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param path The path to the options (a table with all group keys)
+-- @return
+function AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+	local status = self.Status
+	if not status[appName] then
+		status[appName] = {}
+		status[appName].status = {}
+		status[appName].children = {}
+	end
+	status = status[appName]
+	if path then
+		for i = 1, #path do
+			local v = path[i]
+			if not status.children[v] then
+				status.children[v] = {}
+				status.children[v].status = {}
+				status.children[v].children = {}
+			end
+			status = status.children[v]
+		end
+	end
+	return status.status
+--- Selects the specified path in the options window.
+-- The path specified has to match the keys of the groups in the table.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param ... The path to the key that should be selected
+function AceConfigDialog:SelectGroup(appName, ...)
+	local path = new()
+	local app = reg:GetOptionsTable(appName)
+	if not app then
+		error(("%s isn't registed with AceConfigRegistry, unable to open config"):format(appName), 2)
+	end
+	local options = app("dialog", MAJOR)
+	local group = options
+	local status = self:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+	if not status.groups then
+		status.groups = {}
+	end
+	status = status.groups
+	local treevalue
+	local treestatus
+	for n = 1, select("#",...) do
+		local key = select(n, ...)
+		if group.childGroups == "tab" or group.childGroups == "select" then
+			--if this is a tab or select group, select the group
+			status.selected = key
+			--children of this group are no longer extra levels of a tree
+			treevalue = nil
+		else
+			--tree group by default
+			if treevalue then
+				--this is an extra level of a tree group, build a uniquevalue for it
+				treevalue = treevalue.."\001"..key
+			else
+				--this is the top level of a tree group, the uniquevalue is the same as the key
+				treevalue = key
+				if not status.groups then
+					status.groups = {}
+				end
+				--save this trees status table for any extra levels or groups
+				treestatus = status
+			end
+			--make sure that the tree entry is open, and select it.
+			--the selected group will be overwritten if a child is the final target but still needs to be open
+			treestatus.selected = treevalue
+			treestatus.groups[treevalue] = true
+		end
+		--move to the next group in the path
+		group = GetSubOption(group, key)
+		if not group then
+			break
+		end
+		tinsert(path, key)
+		status = self:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+		if not status.groups then
+			status.groups = {}
+		end
+		status = status.groups
+	end
+	del(path)
+	reg:NotifyChange(appName)
+local function OptionOnMouseOver(widget, event)
+	--show a tooltip/set the status bar to the desc text
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	local opt = user.option
+	local options = user.options
+	local path = user.path
+	local appName = user.appName
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(widget.frame, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT")
+	local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", opt, options, path, appName)
+	local desc = GetOptionsMemberValue("desc", opt, options, path, appName)
+	local usage = GetOptionsMemberValue("usage", opt, options, path, appName)
+	local descStyle = opt.descStyle
+	if descStyle and descStyle ~= "tooltip" then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetText(name, 1, .82, 0, true)
+	if opt.type == "multiselect" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(user.text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, true)
+	end
+	if type(desc) == "string" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(desc, 1, 1, 1, true)
+	end
+	if type(usage) == "string" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine("Usage: "..usage, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b, true)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+local function OptionOnMouseLeave(widget, event)
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+local function GetFuncName(option)
+	local type = option.type
+	if type == "execute" then
+		return "func"
+	else
+		return "set"
+	end
+local function confirmPopup(appName, rootframe, basepath, info, message, func, ...)
+	if not StaticPopupDialogs["ACECONFIGDIALOG30_CONFIRM_DIALOG"] then
+		StaticPopupDialogs["ACECONFIGDIALOG30_CONFIRM_DIALOG"] = {}
+	end
+	local t = StaticPopupDialogs["ACECONFIGDIALOG30_CONFIRM_DIALOG"]
+	for k in pairs(t) do
+		t[k] = nil
+	end
+	t.text = message
+	t.button1 = ACCEPT
+	t.button2 = CANCEL
+	local dialog, oldstrata
+	t.OnAccept = function()
+		safecall(func, unpack(t))
+		if dialog and oldstrata then
+			dialog:SetFrameStrata(oldstrata)
+		end
+		AceConfigDialog:Open(appName, rootframe, unpack(basepath or emptyTbl))
+		del(info)
+	end
+	t.OnCancel = function()
+		if dialog and oldstrata then
+			dialog:SetFrameStrata(oldstrata)
+		end
+		AceConfigDialog:Open(appName, rootframe, unpack(basepath or emptyTbl))
+		del(info)
+	end
+	for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
+		t[i] = select(i, ...) or false
+	end
+	t.timeout = 0
+	t.whileDead = 1
+	t.hideOnEscape = 1
+	dialog = StaticPopup_Show("ACECONFIGDIALOG30_CONFIRM_DIALOG")
+	if dialog then
+		oldstrata = dialog:GetFrameStrata()
+		dialog:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
+	end
+local function ActivateControl(widget, event, ...)
+	--This function will call the set / execute handler for the widget
+	--widget:GetUserDataTable() contains the needed info
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	local option = user.option
+	local options = user.options
+	local path = user.path
+	local info = new()
+	local func
+	local group = options
+	local funcname = GetFuncName(option)
+	local handler
+	local confirm
+	local validate
+	--build the info table containing the path
+	-- pick up functions while traversing the tree
+	if group[funcname] ~= nil then
+		func =  group[funcname]
+	end
+	handler = group.handler or handler
+	confirm = group.confirm
+	validate = group.validate
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		local v = path[i]
+		group = GetSubOption(group, v)
+		info[i] = v
+		if group[funcname] ~= nil then
+			func =  group[funcname]
+		end
+		handler = group.handler or handler
+		if group.confirm ~= nil then
+			confirm = group.confirm
+		end
+		if group.validate ~= nil then
+			validate = group.validate
+		end
+	end
+	info.options = options
+	info.appName = user.appName
+	info.arg = option.arg
+	info.handler = handler
+	info.option = option
+	info.type = option.type
+	info.uiType = "dialog"
+	info.uiName = MAJOR
+	local name
+	if type(option.name) == "function" then
+		name = option.name(info)
+	elseif type(option.name) == "string" then
+		name = option.name
+	else
+		name = ""
+	end
+	local usage = option.usage
+	local pattern = option.pattern
+	local validated = true
+	if option.type == "input" then
+		if type(pattern)=="string" then
+			if not strmatch(..., pattern) then
+				validated = false
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local success
+	if validated and option.type ~= "execute" then
+		if type(validate) == "string" then
+			if handler and handler[validate] then
+				success, validated = safecall(handler[validate], handler, info, ...)
+				if not success then validated = false end
+			else
+				error(format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type execute", validate))
+			end
+		elseif type(validate) == "function" then
+			success, validated = safecall(validate, info, ...)
+			if not success then validated = false end
+		end
+	end
+	local rootframe = user.rootframe
+	if type(validated) == "string" then
+		--validate function returned a message to display
+		if rootframe.SetStatusText then
+			rootframe:SetStatusText(validated)
+		else
+			-- TODO: do something else.
+		end
+		PlaySound("igPlayerInviteDecline")
+		del(info)
+		return true
+	elseif not validated then
+		--validate returned false
+		if rootframe.SetStatusText then
+			if usage then
+				rootframe:SetStatusText(name..": "..usage)
+			else
+				if pattern then
+					rootframe:SetStatusText(name..": Expected "..pattern)
+				else
+					rootframe:SetStatusText(name..": Invalid Value")
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			-- TODO: do something else
+		end
+		PlaySound("igPlayerInviteDecline")
+		del(info)
+		return true
+	else
+		local confirmText = option.confirmText
+		--call confirm func/method
+		if type(confirm) == "string" then
+			if handler and handler[confirm] then
+				success, confirm = safecall(handler[confirm], handler, info, ...)
+				if success and type(confirm) == "string" then
+					confirmText = confirm
+					confirm = true
+				elseif not success then
+					confirm = false
+				end
+			else
+				error(format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type confirm", confirm))
+			end
+		elseif type(confirm) == "function" then
+			success, confirm = safecall(confirm, info, ...)
+			if success and type(confirm) == "string" then
+				confirmText = confirm
+				confirm = true
+			elseif not success then
+				confirm = false
+			end
+		end
+		--confirm if needed
+		if type(confirm) == "boolean" then
+			if confirm then
+				if not confirmText then
+					local name, desc = option.name, option.desc
+					if type(name) == "function" then
+						name = name(info)
+					end
+					if type(desc) == "function" then
+						desc = desc(info)
+					end
+					confirmText = name
+					if desc then
+						confirmText = confirmText.." - "..desc
+					end
+				end
+				local iscustom = user.rootframe:GetUserData("iscustom")
+				local rootframe
+				if iscustom then
+					rootframe = user.rootframe
+				end
+				local basepath = user.rootframe:GetUserData("basepath")
+				if type(func) == "string" then
+					if handler and handler[func] then
+						confirmPopup(user.appName, rootframe, basepath, info, confirmText, handler[func], handler, info, ...)
+					else
+						error(format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type func", func))
+					end
+				elseif type(func) == "function" then
+					confirmPopup(user.appName, rootframe, basepath, info, confirmText, func, info, ...)
+				end
+				--func will be called and info deleted when the confirm dialog is responded to
+				return
+			end
+		end
+		--call the function
+		if type(func) == "string" then
+			if handler and handler[func] then
+				safecall(handler[func],handler, info, ...)
+			else
+				error(format("Method %s doesn't exist in handler for type func", func))
+			end
+		elseif type(func) == "function" then
+			safecall(func,info, ...)
+		end
+		local iscustom = user.rootframe:GetUserData("iscustom")
+		local basepath = user.rootframe:GetUserData("basepath") or emptyTbl
+		--full refresh of the frame, some controls dont cause this on all events
+		if option.type == "color" then
+			if event == "OnValueConfirmed" then
+				if iscustom then
+					AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, user.rootframe, unpack(basepath))
+				else
+					AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, unpack(basepath))
+				end
+			end
+		elseif option.type == "range" then
+			if event == "OnMouseUp" then
+				if iscustom then
+					AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, user.rootframe, unpack(basepath))
+				else
+					AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, unpack(basepath))
+				end
+			end
+		--multiselects don't cause a refresh on 'OnValueChanged' only 'OnClosed'
+		elseif option.type == "multiselect" then
+			user.valuechanged = true
+		else
+			if iscustom then
+				AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, user.rootframe, unpack(basepath))
+			else
+				AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, unpack(basepath))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	del(info)
+local function ActivateSlider(widget, event, value)
+	local option = widget:GetUserData("option")
+	local min, max, step = option.min or (not option.softMin and 0 or nil), option.max or (not option.softMax and 100 or nil), option.step
+	if min then
+		if step then
+			value = math_floor((value - min) / step + 0.5) * step + min
+		end
+		value = math_max(value, min)
+	end
+	if max then
+		value = math_min(value, max)
+	end
+	ActivateControl(widget,event,value)
+--called from a checkbox that is part of an internally created multiselect group
+--this type is safe to refresh on activation of one control
+local function ActivateMultiControl(widget, event, ...)
+	ActivateControl(widget, event, widget:GetUserData("value"), ...)
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	local iscustom = user.rootframe:GetUserData("iscustom")
+	local basepath = user.rootframe:GetUserData("basepath") or emptyTbl
+	if iscustom then
+		AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, user.rootframe, unpack(basepath))
+	else
+		AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, unpack(basepath))
+	end
+local function MultiControlOnClosed(widget, event, ...)
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	if user.valuechanged then
+		local iscustom = user.rootframe:GetUserData("iscustom")
+		local basepath = user.rootframe:GetUserData("basepath") or emptyTbl
+		if iscustom then
+			AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, user.rootframe, unpack(basepath))
+		else
+			AceConfigDialog:Open(user.appName, unpack(basepath))
+		end
+	end
+local function FrameOnClose(widget, event)
+	local appName = widget:GetUserData("appName")
+	AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames[appName] = nil
+	gui:Release(widget)
+local function CheckOptionHidden(option, options, path, appName)
+	--check for a specific boolean option
+	local hidden = pickfirstset(option.dialogHidden,option.guiHidden)
+	if hidden ~= nil then
+		return hidden
+	end
+	return GetOptionsMemberValue("hidden", option, options, path, appName)
+local function CheckOptionDisabled(option, options, path, appName)
+	--check for a specific boolean option
+	local disabled = pickfirstset(option.dialogDisabled,option.guiDisabled)
+	if disabled ~= nil then
+		return disabled
+	end
+	return GetOptionsMemberValue("disabled", option, options, path, appName)
+local function BuildTabs(group, options, path, appName)
+	local tabs = new()
+	local text = new()
+	local keySort = new()
+	local opts = new()
+	BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	for i = 1, #keySort do
+		local k = keySort[i]
+		local v = opts[k]
+		if v.type == "group" then
+			path[#path+1] = k
+			local inline = pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false)
+			local hidden = CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName)
+			if not inline and not hidden then
+				tinsert(tabs, k)
+				text[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+			end
+			path[#path] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	del(keySort)
+	del(opts)
+	return tabs, text
+local function BuildSelect(group, options, path, appName)
+	local groups = new()
+	local order = new()
+	local keySort = new()
+	local opts = new()
+	BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	for i = 1, #keySort do
+		local k = keySort[i]
+		local v = opts[k]
+		if v.type == "group" then
+			path[#path+1] = k
+			local inline = pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false)
+			local hidden = CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName)
+			if not inline and not hidden then
+				groups[k] = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+				tinsert(order, k)
+			end
+			path[#path] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	del(opts)
+	del(keySort)
+	return groups, order
+local function BuildSubGroups(group, tree, options, path, appName)
+	local keySort = new()
+	local opts = new()
+	BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	for i = 1, #keySort do
+		local k = keySort[i]
+		local v = opts[k]
+		if v.type == "group" then
+			path[#path+1] = k
+			local inline = pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false)
+			local hidden = CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName)
+			if not inline and not hidden then
+				local entry = new()
+				entry.value = k
+				entry.text = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+				entry.icon = GetOptionsMemberValue("icon", v, options, path, appName)
+				entry.iconCoords = GetOptionsMemberValue("iconCoords", v, options, path, appName)
+				entry.disabled = CheckOptionDisabled(v, options, path, appName)
+				if not tree.children then tree.children = new() end
+				tinsert(tree.children,entry)
+				if (v.childGroups or "tree") == "tree" then
+					BuildSubGroups(v,entry, options, path, appName)
+				end
+			end
+			path[#path] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	del(keySort)
+	del(opts)
+local function BuildGroups(group, options, path, appName, recurse)
+	local tree = new()
+	local keySort = new()
+	local opts = new()
+	BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	for i = 1, #keySort do
+		local k = keySort[i]
+		local v = opts[k]
+		if v.type == "group" then
+			path[#path+1] = k
+			local inline = pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false)
+			local hidden = CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName)
+			if not inline and not hidden then
+				local entry = new()
+				entry.value = k
+				entry.text = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+				entry.icon = GetOptionsMemberValue("icon", v, options, path, appName)
+				entry.disabled = CheckOptionDisabled(v, options, path, appName)
+				tinsert(tree,entry)
+				if recurse and (v.childGroups or "tree") == "tree" then
+					BuildSubGroups(v,entry, options, path, appName)
+				end
+			end
+			path[#path] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	del(keySort)
+	del(opts)
+	return tree
+local function InjectInfo(control, options, option, path, rootframe, appName)
+	local user = control:GetUserDataTable()
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		user[i] = path[i]
+	end
+	user.rootframe = rootframe
+	user.option = option
+	user.options = options
+	user.path = copy(path)
+	user.appName = appName
+	control:SetCallback("OnRelease", CleanUserData)
+	control:SetCallback("OnLeave", OptionOnMouseLeave)
+	control:SetCallback("OnEnter", OptionOnMouseOver)
+	options - root of the options table being fed
+	container - widget that controls will be placed in
+	rootframe - Frame object the options are in
+	path - table with the keys to get to the group being fed
+local function FeedOptions(appName, options,container,rootframe,path,group,inline)
+	local keySort = new()
+	local opts = new()
+	BuildSortedOptionsTable(group, keySort, opts, options, path, appName)
+	for i = 1, #keySort do
+		local k = keySort[i]
+		local v = opts[k]
+		tinsert(path, k)
+		local hidden = CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName)
+		local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+		if not hidden then
+			if v.type == "group" then
+				if inline or pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false) then
+					--Inline group
+					local GroupContainer
+					if name and name ~= "" then
+						GroupContainer = gui:Create("InlineGroup")
+						GroupContainer:SetTitle(name or "")
+					else
+						GroupContainer = gui:Create("SimpleGroup")
+					end
+					GroupContainer.width = "fill"
+					GroupContainer:SetLayout("flow")
+					container:AddChild(GroupContainer)
+					FeedOptions(appName,options,GroupContainer,rootframe,path,v,true)
+				end
+			else
+				--Control to feed
+				local control
+				local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", v, options, path, appName)
+				if v.type == "execute" then
+					local imageCoords = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageCoords",v, options, path, appName)
+					local image, width, height = GetOptionsMemberValue("image",v, options, path, appName)
+					if type(image) == "string" or type(image) == "number" then
+						control = gui:Create("Icon")
+						if not width then
+							width = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageWidth",v, options, path, appName)
+						end
+						if not height then
+							height = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageHeight",v, options, path, appName)
+						end
+						if type(imageCoords) == "table" then
+							control:SetImage(image, unpack(imageCoords))
+						else
+							control:SetImage(image)
+						end
+						if type(width) ~= "number" then
+							width = 32
+						end
+						if type(height) ~= "number" then
+							height = 32
+						end
+						control:SetImageSize(width, height)
+						control:SetLabel(name)
+					else
+						control = gui:Create("Button")
+						control:SetText(name)
+					end
+					control:SetCallback("OnClick",ActivateControl)
+				elseif v.type == "input" then
+					local controlType = v.dialogControl or v.control or (v.multiline and "MultiLineEditBox") or "EditBox"
+					control = gui:Create(controlType)
+					if not control then
+						geterrorhandler()(("Invalid Custom Control Type - %s"):format(tostring(controlType)))
+						control = gui:Create(v.multiline and "MultiLineEditBox" or "EditBox")
+					end
+					if v.multiline and control.SetNumLines then
+						control:SetNumLines(tonumber(v.multiline) or 4)
+					end
+					control:SetLabel(name)
+					control:SetCallback("OnEnterPressed",ActivateControl)
+					local text = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName)
+					if type(text) ~= "string" then
+						text = ""
+					end
+					control:SetText(text)
+				elseif v.type == "toggle" then
+					control = gui:Create("CheckBox")
+					control:SetLabel(name)
+					control:SetTriState(v.tristate)
+					local value = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName)
+					control:SetValue(value)
+					control:SetCallback("OnValueChanged",ActivateControl)
+					if v.descStyle == "inline" then
+						local desc = GetOptionsMemberValue("desc", v, options, path, appName)
+						control:SetDescription(desc)
+					end
+					local image = GetOptionsMemberValue("image", v, options, path, appName)
+					local imageCoords = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageCoords", v, options, path, appName)
+					if type(image) == "string" or type(image) == "number" then
+						if type(imageCoords) == "table" then
+							control:SetImage(image, unpack(imageCoords))
+						else
+							control:SetImage(image)
+						end
+					end
+				elseif v.type == "range" then
+					control = gui:Create("Slider")
+					control:SetLabel(name)
+					control:SetSliderValues(v.softMin or v.min or 0, v.softMax or v.max or 100, v.bigStep or v.step or 0)
+					control:SetIsPercent(v.isPercent)
+					local value = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName)
+					if type(value) ~= "number" then
+						value = 0
+					end
+					control:SetValue(value)
+					control:SetCallback("OnValueChanged",ActivateSlider)
+					control:SetCallback("OnMouseUp",ActivateSlider)
+				elseif v.type == "select" then
+					local values = GetOptionsMemberValue("values", v, options, path, appName)
+					if v.style == "radio" then
+						local disabled = CheckOptionDisabled(v, options, path, appName)
+						local width = GetOptionsMemberValue("width",v,options,path,appName)
+						control = gui:Create("InlineGroup")
+						control:SetLayout("Flow")
+						control:SetTitle(name)
+						control.width = "fill"
+						control:PauseLayout()
+						local optionValue = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName)
+						local t = {}
+						for value, text in pairs(values) do
+							t[#t+1]=value
+						end
+						tsort(t)
+						for k, value in ipairs(t) do
+							local text = values[value]
+							local radio = gui:Create("CheckBox")
+							radio:SetLabel(text)
+							radio:SetUserData("value", value)
+							radio:SetUserData("text", text)
+							radio:SetDisabled(disabled)
+							radio:SetType("radio")
+							radio:SetValue(optionValue == value)
+							radio:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", ActivateMultiControl)
+							InjectInfo(radio, options, v, path, rootframe, appName)
+							control:AddChild(radio)
+							if width == "double" then
+								radio:SetWidth(width_multiplier * 2)
+							elseif width == "half" then
+								radio:SetWidth(width_multiplier / 2)
+							elseif width == "full" then
+								radio.width = "fill"
+							else
+								radio:SetWidth(width_multiplier)
+							end
+						end
+						control:ResumeLayout()
+						control:DoLayout()
+					else
+						local controlType = v.dialogControl or v.control or "Dropdown"
+						control = gui:Create(controlType)
+						if not control then
+							geterrorhandler()(("Invalid Custom Control Type - %s"):format(tostring(controlType)))
+							control = gui:Create("Dropdown")
+						end
+						local itemType = v.itemControl
+						if itemType and not gui:GetWidgetVersion(itemType) then
+							geterrorhandler()(("Invalid Custom Item Type - %s"):format(tostring(itemType)))
+							itemType = nil
+						end
+						control:SetLabel(name)
+						control:SetList(values, nil, itemType)
+						local value = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName)
+						if not values[value] then
+							value = nil
+						end
+						control:SetValue(value)
+						control:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", ActivateControl)
+					end
+				elseif v.type == "multiselect" then
+					local values = GetOptionsMemberValue("values", v, options, path, appName)
+					local disabled = CheckOptionDisabled(v, options, path, appName)
+					local controlType = v.dialogControl or v.control
+					local valuesort = new()
+					if values then
+						for value, text in pairs(values) do
+							tinsert(valuesort, value)
+						end
+					end
+					tsort(valuesort)
+					if controlType then
+						control = gui:Create(controlType)
+						if not control then
+							geterrorhandler()(("Invalid Custom Control Type - %s"):format(tostring(controlType)))
+						end
+					end
+					if control then
+						control:SetMultiselect(true)
+						control:SetLabel(name)
+						control:SetList(values)
+						control:SetDisabled(disabled)
+						control:SetCallback("OnValueChanged",ActivateControl)
+						control:SetCallback("OnClosed", MultiControlOnClosed)
+						local width = GetOptionsMemberValue("width",v,options,path,appName)
+						if width == "double" then
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier * 2)
+						elseif width == "half" then
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier / 2)
+						elseif width == "full" then
+							control.width = "fill"
+						else
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier)
+						end
+						--check:SetTriState(v.tristate)
+						for i = 1, #valuesort do
+							local key = valuesort[i]
+							local value = GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName, key)
+							control:SetItemValue(key,value)
+						end
+					else
+						control = gui:Create("InlineGroup")
+						control:SetLayout("Flow")
+						control:SetTitle(name)
+						control.width = "fill"
+						control:PauseLayout()
+						local width = GetOptionsMemberValue("width",v,options,path,appName)
+						for i = 1, #valuesort do
+							local value = valuesort[i]
+							local text = values[value]
+							local check = gui:Create("CheckBox")
+							check:SetLabel(text)
+							check:SetUserData("value", value)
+							check:SetUserData("text", text)
+							check:SetDisabled(disabled)
+							check:SetTriState(v.tristate)
+							check:SetValue(GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName, value))
+							check:SetCallback("OnValueChanged",ActivateMultiControl)
+							InjectInfo(check, options, v, path, rootframe, appName)
+							control:AddChild(check)
+							if width == "double" then
+								check:SetWidth(width_multiplier * 2)
+							elseif width == "half" then
+								check:SetWidth(width_multiplier / 2)
+							elseif width == "full" then
+								check.width = "fill"
+							else
+								check:SetWidth(width_multiplier)
+							end
+						end
+						control:ResumeLayout()
+						control:DoLayout()
+					end
+					del(valuesort)
+				elseif v.type == "color" then
+					control = gui:Create("ColorPicker")
+					control:SetLabel(name)
+					control:SetHasAlpha(GetOptionsMemberValue("hasAlpha",v, options, path, appName))
+					control:SetColor(GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName))
+					control:SetCallback("OnValueChanged",ActivateControl)
+					control:SetCallback("OnValueConfirmed",ActivateControl)
+				elseif v.type == "keybinding" then
+					control = gui:Create("Keybinding")
+					control:SetLabel(name)
+					control:SetKey(GetOptionsMemberValue("get",v, options, path, appName))
+					control:SetCallback("OnKeyChanged",ActivateControl)
+				elseif v.type == "header" then
+					control = gui:Create("Heading")
+					control:SetText(name)
+					control.width = "fill"
+				elseif v.type == "description" then
+					control = gui:Create("Label")
+					control:SetText(name)
+					local fontSize = GetOptionsMemberValue("fontSize",v, options, path, appName)
+					if fontSize == "medium" then
+						control:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight)
+					elseif fontSize == "large" then
+						control:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightLarge)
+					else -- small or invalid
+						control:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+					end
+					local imageCoords = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageCoords",v, options, path, appName)
+					local image, width, height = GetOptionsMemberValue("image",v, options, path, appName)
+					if type(image) == "string" or type(image) == "number" then
+						if not width then
+							width = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageWidth",v, options, path, appName)
+						end
+						if not height then
+							height = GetOptionsMemberValue("imageHeight",v, options, path, appName)
+						end
+						if type(imageCoords) == "table" then
+							control:SetImage(image, unpack(imageCoords))
+						else
+							control:SetImage(image)
+						end
+						if type(width) ~= "number" then
+							width = 32
+						end
+						if type(height) ~= "number" then
+							height = 32
+						end
+						control:SetImageSize(width, height)
+					end
+					local width = GetOptionsMemberValue("width",v,options,path,appName)
+					control.width = not width and "fill"
+				end
+				--Common Init
+				if control then
+					if control.width ~= "fill" then
+						local width = GetOptionsMemberValue("width",v,options,path,appName)
+						if width == "double" then
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier * 2)
+						elseif width == "half" then
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier / 2)
+						elseif width == "full" then
+							control.width = "fill"
+						else
+							control:SetWidth(width_multiplier)
+						end
+					end
+					if control.SetDisabled then
+						local disabled = CheckOptionDisabled(v, options, path, appName)
+						control:SetDisabled(disabled)
+					end
+					InjectInfo(control, options, v, path, rootframe, appName)
+					container:AddChild(control)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		tremove(path)
+	end
+	container:ResumeLayout()
+	container:DoLayout()
+	del(keySort)
+	del(opts)
+local function BuildPath(path, ...)
+	for i = 1, select("#",...)  do
+		tinsert(path, (select(i,...)))
+	end
+local function TreeOnButtonEnter(widget, event, uniquevalue, button)
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	if not user then return end
+	local options = user.options
+	local option = user.option
+	local path = user.path
+	local appName = user.appName
+	local feedpath = new()
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		feedpath[i] = path[i]
+	end
+	BuildPath(feedpath, ("\001"):split(uniquevalue))
+	local group = options
+	for i = 1, #feedpath do
+		if not group then return end
+		group = GetSubOption(group, feedpath[i])
+	end
+	local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", group, options, feedpath, appName)
+	local desc = GetOptionsMemberValue("desc", group, options, feedpath, appName)
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+	if widget.type == "TabGroup" then
+		GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM",button,"TOP")
+	else
+		GameTooltip:SetPoint("LEFT",button,"RIGHT")
+	end
+	GameTooltip:SetText(name, 1, .82, 0, true)
+	if type(desc) == "string" then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(desc, 1, 1, 1, true)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+local function TreeOnButtonLeave(widget, event, value, button)
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+local function GroupExists(appName, options, path, uniquevalue)
+	if not uniquevalue then return false end
+	local feedpath = new()
+	local temppath = new()
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		feedpath[i] = path[i]
+	end
+	BuildPath(feedpath, ("\001"):split(uniquevalue))
+	local group = options
+	for i = 1, #feedpath do
+		local v = feedpath[i]
+		temppath[i] = v
+		group = GetSubOption(group, v)
+		if not group or group.type ~= "group" or CheckOptionHidden(group, options, temppath, appName) then
+			del(feedpath)
+			del(temppath)
+			return false
+		end
+	end
+	del(feedpath)
+	del(temppath)
+	return true
+local function GroupSelected(widget, event, uniquevalue)
+	local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+	local options = user.options
+	local option = user.option
+	local path = user.path
+	local rootframe = user.rootframe
+	local feedpath = new()
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		feedpath[i] = path[i]
+	end
+	BuildPath(feedpath, ("\001"):split(uniquevalue))
+	local group = options
+	for i = 1, #feedpath do
+		group = GetSubOption(group, feedpath[i])
+	end
+	widget:ReleaseChildren()
+	AceConfigDialog:FeedGroup(user.appName,options,widget,rootframe,feedpath)
+	del(feedpath)
+This function will feed one group, and any inline child groups into the given container
+Select Groups will only have the selection control (tree, tabs, dropdown) fed in
+and have a group selected, this event will trigger the feeding of child groups
+	If the group is Inline, FeedOptions
+	If the group has no child groups, FeedOptions
+	If the group is a tab or select group, FeedOptions then add the Group Control
+	If the group is a tree group FeedOptions then
+		its parent isnt a tree group:  then add the tree control containing this and all child tree groups
+		if its parent is a tree group, its already a node on a tree
+function AceConfigDialog:FeedGroup(appName,options,container,rootframe,path, isRoot)
+	local group = options
+	--follow the path to get to the curent group
+	local inline
+	local grouptype, parenttype = options.childGroups, "none"
+	for i = 1, #path do
+		local v = path[i]
+		group = GetSubOption(group, v)
+		inline = inline or pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false)
+		parenttype = grouptype
+		grouptype = group.childGroups
+	end
+	if not parenttype then
+		parenttype = "tree"
+	end
+	--check if the group has child groups
+	local hasChildGroups
+	for k, v in pairs(group.args) do
+		if v.type == "group" and not pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false) and not CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName) then
+			hasChildGroups = true
+		end
+	end
+	if group.plugins then
+		for plugin, t in pairs(group.plugins) do
+			for k, v in pairs(t) do
+				if v.type == "group" and not pickfirstset(v.dialogInline,v.guiInline,v.inline, false) and not CheckOptionHidden(v, options, path, appName) then
+					hasChildGroups = true
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	container:SetLayout("flow")
+	local scroll
+	--Add a scrollframe if we are not going to add a group control, this is the inverse of the conditions for that later on
+	if (not (hasChildGroups and not inline)) or (grouptype ~= "tab" and grouptype ~= "select" and (parenttype == "tree" and not isRoot)) then
+		if container.type ~= "InlineGroup" and container.type ~= "SimpleGroup" then
+			scroll = gui:Create("ScrollFrame")
+			scroll:SetLayout("flow")
+			scroll.width = "fill"
+			scroll.height = "fill"
+			container:SetLayout("fill")
+			container:AddChild(scroll)
+			container = scroll
+		end
+	end
+	FeedOptions(appName,options,container,rootframe,path,group,nil)
+	if scroll then
+		container:PerformLayout()
+		local status = self:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+		if not status.scroll then
+			status.scroll = {}
+		end
+		scroll:SetStatusTable(status.scroll)
+	end
+	if hasChildGroups and not inline then
+		local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", group, options, path, appName)
+		if grouptype == "tab" then
+			local tab = gui:Create("TabGroup")
+			InjectInfo(tab, options, group, path, rootframe, appName)
+			tab:SetCallback("OnGroupSelected", GroupSelected)
+			tab:SetCallback("OnTabEnter", TreeOnButtonEnter)
+			tab:SetCallback("OnTabLeave", TreeOnButtonLeave)
+			local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+			if not status.groups then
+				status.groups = {}
+			end
+			tab:SetStatusTable(status.groups)
+			tab.width = "fill"
+			tab.height = "fill"
+			local tabs = BuildGroups(group, options, path, appName)
+			tab:SetTabs(tabs)
+			tab:SetUserData("tablist", tabs)
+			for i = 1, #tabs do
+				local entry = tabs[i]
+				if not entry.disabled then
+					tab:SelectTab((GroupExists(appName, options, path,status.groups.selected) and status.groups.selected) or entry.value)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			container:AddChild(tab)
+		elseif grouptype == "select" then
+			local select = gui:Create("DropdownGroup")
+			select:SetTitle(name)
+			InjectInfo(select, options, group, path, rootframe, appName)
+			select:SetCallback("OnGroupSelected", GroupSelected)
+			local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+			if not status.groups then
+				status.groups = {}
+			end
+			select:SetStatusTable(status.groups)
+			local grouplist, orderlist = BuildSelect(group, options, path, appName)
+			select:SetGroupList(grouplist, orderlist)
+			select:SetUserData("grouplist", grouplist)
+			select:SetUserData("orderlist", orderlist)
+			local firstgroup = orderlist[1]
+			if firstgroup then
+				select:SetGroup((GroupExists(appName, options, path,status.groups.selected) and status.groups.selected) or firstgroup)
+			end
+			select.width = "fill"
+			select.height = "fill"
+			container:AddChild(select)
+		--assume tree group by default
+		--if parenttype is tree then this group is already a node on that tree
+		elseif (parenttype ~= "tree") or isRoot then
+			local tree = gui:Create("TreeGroup")
+			InjectInfo(tree, options, group, path, rootframe, appName)
+			tree:EnableButtonTooltips(false)
+			tree.width = "fill"
+			tree.height = "fill"
+			tree:SetCallback("OnGroupSelected", GroupSelected)
+			tree:SetCallback("OnButtonEnter", TreeOnButtonEnter)
+			tree:SetCallback("OnButtonLeave", TreeOnButtonLeave)
+			local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName, path)
+			if not status.groups then
+				status.groups = {}
+			end
+			local treedefinition = BuildGroups(group, options, path, appName, true)
+			tree:SetStatusTable(status.groups)
+			tree:SetTree(treedefinition)
+			tree:SetUserData("tree",treedefinition)
+			for i = 1, #treedefinition do
+				local entry = treedefinition[i]
+				if not entry.disabled then
+					tree:SelectByValue((GroupExists(appName, options, path,status.groups.selected) and status.groups.selected) or entry.value)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			container:AddChild(tree)
+		end
+	end
+local old_CloseSpecialWindows
+local function RefreshOnUpdate(this)
+	for appName in pairs(this.closing) do
+		if AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames[appName] then
+			AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames[appName]:Hide()
+		end
+		if AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions and AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions[appName] then
+			for key, widget in pairs(AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions[appName]) do
+				if not widget:IsVisible() then
+					widget:ReleaseChildren()
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		this.closing[appName] = nil
+	end
+	if this.closeAll then
+		for k, v in pairs(AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames) do
+			if not this.closeAllOverride[k] then
+				v:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+		this.closeAll = nil
+		wipe(this.closeAllOverride)
+	end
+	for appName in pairs(this.apps) do
+		if AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames[appName] then
+			local user = AceConfigDialog.OpenFrames[appName]:GetUserDataTable()
+			AceConfigDialog:Open(appName, unpack(user.basepath or emptyTbl))
+		end
+		if AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions and AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions[appName] then
+			for key, widget in pairs(AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions[appName]) do
+				local user = widget:GetUserDataTable()
+				if widget:IsVisible() then
+					AceConfigDialog:Open(widget:GetUserData("appName"), widget, unpack(user.basepath or emptyTbl))
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		this.apps[appName] = nil
+	end
+	this:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+-- Upgrade the OnUpdate script as well, if needed.
+if AceConfigDialog.frame:GetScript("OnUpdate") then
+	AceConfigDialog.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", RefreshOnUpdate)
+--- Close all open options windows
+function AceConfigDialog:CloseAll()
+	AceConfigDialog.frame.closeAll = true
+	AceConfigDialog.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", RefreshOnUpdate)
+	if next(self.OpenFrames) then
+		return true
+	end
+--- Close a specific options window.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+function AceConfigDialog:Close(appName)
+	if self.OpenFrames[appName] then
+		AceConfigDialog.frame.closing[appName] = true
+		AceConfigDialog.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", RefreshOnUpdate)
+		return true
+	end
+-- Internal -- Called by AceConfigRegistry
+function AceConfigDialog:ConfigTableChanged(event, appName)
+	AceConfigDialog.frame.apps[appName] = true
+	AceConfigDialog.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", RefreshOnUpdate)
+reg.RegisterCallback(AceConfigDialog, "ConfigTableChange", "ConfigTableChanged")
+--- Sets the default size of the options window for a specific application.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param width The default width
+-- @param height The default height
+function AceConfigDialog:SetDefaultSize(appName, width, height)
+	local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName)
+	if type(width) == "number" and type(height) == "number" then
+		status.width = width
+		status.height = height
+	end
+--- Open an option window at the specified path (if any).
+-- This function can optionally feed the group into a pre-created container
+-- instead of creating a new container frame.
+-- @paramsig appName [, container][, ...]
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param container An optional container frame to feed the options into
+-- @param ... The path to open after creating the options window (see `:SelectGroup` for details)
+function AceConfigDialog:Open(appName, container, ...)
+	if not old_CloseSpecialWindows then
+		old_CloseSpecialWindows = CloseSpecialWindows
+		CloseSpecialWindows = function()
+			local found = old_CloseSpecialWindows()
+			return self:CloseAll() or found
+		end
+	end
+	local app = reg:GetOptionsTable(appName)
+	if not app then
+		error(("%s isn't registed with AceConfigRegistry, unable to open config"):format(appName), 2)
+	end
+	local options = app("dialog", MAJOR)
+	local f
+	local path = new()
+	local name = GetOptionsMemberValue("name", options, options, path, appName)
+	--If an optional path is specified add it to the path table before feeding the options
+	--as container is optional as well it may contain the first element of the path
+	if type(container) == "string" then
+		tinsert(path, container)
+		container = nil
+	end
+	for n = 1, select("#",...) do
+		tinsert(path, (select(n, ...)))
+	end
+	local option = options
+	if type(container) == "table" and container.type == "BlizOptionsGroup" and #path > 0 then
+		for i = 1, #path do
+			option = options.args[path[i]]
+		end
+		name = format("%s - %s", name, GetOptionsMemberValue("name", option, options, path, appName))
+	end
+	--if a container is given feed into that
+	if container then
+		f = container
+		f:ReleaseChildren()
+		f:SetUserData("appName", appName)
+		f:SetUserData("iscustom", true)
+		if #path > 0 then
+			f:SetUserData("basepath", copy(path))
+		end
+		local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName)
+		if not status.width then
+			status.width =  700
+		end
+		if not status.height then
+			status.height = 500
+		end
+		if f.SetStatusTable then
+			f:SetStatusTable(status)
+		end
+		if f.SetTitle then
+			f:SetTitle(name or "")
+		end
+	else
+		if not self.OpenFrames[appName] then
+			f = gui:Create("Frame")
+			self.OpenFrames[appName] = f
+		else
+			f = self.OpenFrames[appName]
+		end
+		f:ReleaseChildren()
+		f:SetCallback("OnClose", FrameOnClose)
+		f:SetUserData("appName", appName)
+		if #path > 0 then
+			f:SetUserData("basepath", copy(path))
+		end
+		f:SetTitle(name or "")
+		local status = AceConfigDialog:GetStatusTable(appName)
+		f:SetStatusTable(status)
+	end
+	self:FeedGroup(appName,options,f,f,path,true)
+	if f.Show then
+		f:Show()
+	end
+	del(path)
+	if AceConfigDialog.frame.closeAll then
+		-- close all is set, but thats not good, since we're just opening here, so force it
+		AceConfigDialog.frame.closeAllOverride[appName] = true
+	end
+-- convert pre-39 BlizOptions structure to the new format
+if oldminor and oldminor < 39 and AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions then
+	local old = AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions
+	local new = {}
+	for key, widget in pairs(old) do
+		local appName = widget:GetUserData("appName")
+		if not new[appName] then new[appName] = {} end
+		new[appName][key] = widget
+	end
+	AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions = new
+	AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions = AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions or {}
+local function FeedToBlizPanel(widget, event)
+	local path = widget:GetUserData("path")
+	AceConfigDialog:Open(widget:GetUserData("appName"), widget, unpack(path or emptyTbl))
+local function ClearBlizPanel(widget, event)
+	local appName = widget:GetUserData("appName")
+	AceConfigDialog.frame.closing[appName] = true
+	AceConfigDialog.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", RefreshOnUpdate)
+--- Add an option table into the Blizzard Interface Options panel.
+-- You can optionally supply a descriptive name to use and a parent frame to use,
+-- as well as a path in the options table.\\
+-- If no name is specified, the appName will be used instead.
+-- If you specify a proper `parent` (by name), the interface options will generate a
+-- tree layout. Note that only one level of children is supported, so the parent always
+-- has to be a head-level note.
+-- This function returns a reference to the container frame registered with the Interface
+-- Options. You can use this reference to open the options with the API function
+-- `InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory`.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param name A descriptive name to display in the options tree (defaults to appName)
+-- @param parent The parent to use in the interface options tree.
+-- @param ... The path in the options table to feed into the interface options panel.
+-- @return The reference to the frame registered into the Interface Options.
+function AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions(appName, name, parent, ...)
+	local BlizOptions = AceConfigDialog.BlizOptions
+	local key = appName
+	for n = 1, select("#", ...) do
+		key = key.."\001"..select(n, ...)
+	end
+	if not BlizOptions[appName] then
+		BlizOptions[appName] = {}
+	end
+	if not BlizOptions[appName][key] then
+		local group = gui:Create("BlizOptionsGroup")
+		BlizOptions[appName][key] = group
+		group:SetName(name or appName, parent)
+		group:SetTitle(name or appName)
+		group:SetUserData("appName", appName)
+		if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+			local path = {}
+			for n = 1, select("#",...) do
+				tinsert(path, (select(n, ...)))
+			end
+			group:SetUserData("path", path)
+		end
+		group:SetCallback("OnShow", FeedToBlizPanel)
+		group:SetCallback("OnHide", ClearBlizPanel)
+		InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(group.frame)
+		return group.frame
+	else
+		error(("%s has already been added to the Blizzard Options Window with the given path"):format(appName), 2)
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ce057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf81973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+--- AceConfigRegistry-3.0 handles central registration of options tables in use by addons and modules.\\
+-- Options tables can be registered as raw tables, OR as function refs that return a table.\\
+-- Such functions receive three arguments: "uiType", "uiName", "appName". \\
+-- * Valid **uiTypes**: "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog". This is verified by the library at call time. \\
+-- * The **uiName** field is expected to contain the full name of the calling addon, including version, e.g. "FooBar-1.0". This is verified by the library at call time.\\
+-- * The **appName** field is the options table name as given at registration time \\
+-- :IterateOptionsTables() (and :GetOptionsTable() if only given one argument) return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with valid "uiType", "uiName".
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceConfigRegistry-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua 1139 2016-07-03 07:43:51Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 16
+local AceConfigRegistry = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceConfigRegistry then return end
+AceConfigRegistry.tables = AceConfigRegistry.tables or {}
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
+if not AceConfigRegistry.callbacks then
+	AceConfigRegistry.callbacks = CallbackHandler:New(AceConfigRegistry)
+-- Lua APIs
+local tinsert, tconcat = table.insert, table.concat
+local strfind, strmatch = string.find, string.match
+local type, tostring, select, pairs = type, tostring, select, pairs
+local error, assert = error, assert
+-- Validating options table consistency:
+AceConfigRegistry.validated = {
+	-- list of options table names ran through :ValidateOptionsTable automatically.
+	-- CLEARED ON PURPOSE, since newer versions may have newer validators
+	cmd = {},
+	dropdown = {},
+	dialog = {},
+local function err(msg, errlvl, ...)
+	local t = {}
+	for i=select("#",...),1,-1 do
+		tinsert(t, (select(i, ...)))
+	end
+	error(MAJOR..":ValidateOptionsTable(): "..tconcat(t,".")..msg, errlvl+2)
+local isstring={["string"]=true, _="string"}
+local isstringfunc={["string"]=true,["function"]=true, _="string or funcref"}
+local istable={["table"]=true,   _="table"}
+local ismethodtable={["table"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true,   _="methodname, funcref or table"}
+local optstring={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true, _="string"}
+local optstringfunc={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true, _="string or funcref"}
+local optstringnumberfunc={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["number"]=true,["function"]=true, _="string, number or funcref"}
+local optnumber={["nil"]=true,["number"]=true, _="number"}
+local optmethod={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true, _="methodname or funcref"}
+local optmethodfalse={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true,["boolean"]={[false]=true},  _="methodname, funcref or false"}
+local optmethodnumber={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true,["number"]=true,  _="methodname, funcref or number"}
+local optmethodtable={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true,["table"]=true,  _="methodname, funcref or table"}
+local optmethodbool={["nil"]=true,["string"]=true,["function"]=true,["boolean"]=true,  _="methodname, funcref or boolean"}
+local opttable={["nil"]=true,["table"]=true,  _="table"}
+local optbool={["nil"]=true,["boolean"]=true,  _="boolean"}
+local optboolnumber={["nil"]=true,["boolean"]=true,["number"]=true,  _="boolean or number"}
+local basekeys={
+	type=isstring,
+	name=isstringfunc,
+	desc=optstringfunc,
+	descStyle=optstring,
+	order=optmethodnumber,
+	validate=optmethodfalse,
+	confirm=optmethodbool,
+	confirmText=optstring,
+	disabled=optmethodbool,
+	hidden=optmethodbool,
+		guiHidden=optmethodbool,
+		dialogHidden=optmethodbool,
+		dropdownHidden=optmethodbool,
+	cmdHidden=optmethodbool,
+	icon=optstringnumberfunc,
+	iconCoords=optmethodtable,
+	handler=opttable,
+	get=optmethodfalse,
+	set=optmethodfalse,
+	func=optmethodfalse,
+	arg={["*"]=true},
+	width=optstring,
+local typedkeys={
+	header={},
+	description={
+		image=optstringnumberfunc,
+		imageCoords=optmethodtable,
+		imageHeight=optnumber,
+		imageWidth=optnumber,
+		fontSize=optstringfunc,
+	},
+	group={
+		args=istable,
+		plugins=opttable,
+		inline=optbool,
+			cmdInline=optbool,
+			guiInline=optbool,
+			dropdownInline=optbool,
+			dialogInline=optbool,
+		childGroups=optstring,
+	},
+	execute={
+		image=optstringnumberfunc,
+		imageCoords=optmethodtable,
+		imageHeight=optnumber,
+		imageWidth=optnumber,
+	},
+	input={
+		pattern=optstring,
+		usage=optstring,
+		control=optstring,
+		dialogControl=optstring,
+		dropdownControl=optstring,
+		multiline=optboolnumber,
+	},
+	toggle={
+		tristate=optbool,
+		image=optstringnumberfunc,
+		imageCoords=optmethodtable,
+	},
+	tristate={
+	},
+	range={
+		min=optnumber,
+		softMin=optnumber,
+		max=optnumber,
+		softMax=optnumber,
+		step=optnumber,
+		bigStep=optnumber,
+		isPercent=optbool,
+	},
+	select={
+		values=ismethodtable,
+		style={
+			["nil"]=true,
+			["string"]={dropdown=true,radio=true},
+			_="string: 'dropdown' or 'radio'"
+		},
+		control=optstring,
+		dialogControl=optstring,
+		dropdownControl=optstring,
+		itemControl=optstring,
+	},
+	multiselect={
+		values=ismethodtable,
+		style=optstring,
+		tristate=optbool,
+		control=optstring,
+		dialogControl=optstring,
+		dropdownControl=optstring,
+	},
+	color={
+		hasAlpha=optmethodbool,
+	},
+	keybinding={
+		-- TODO
+	},
+local function validateKey(k,errlvl,...)
+	errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+	if type(k)~="string" then
+		err("["..tostring(k).."] - key is not a string", errlvl,...)
+	end
+	if strfind(k, "[%c\127]") then
+		err("["..tostring(k).."] - key name contained control characters", errlvl,...)
+	end
+local function validateVal(v, oktypes, errlvl,...)
+	errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+	local isok=oktypes[type(v)] or oktypes["*"]
+	if not isok then
+		err(": expected a "..oktypes._..", got '"..tostring(v).."'", errlvl,...)
+	end
+	if type(isok)=="table" then		-- isok was a table containing specific values to be tested for!
+		if not isok[v] then
+			err(": did not expect "..type(v).." value '"..tostring(v).."'", errlvl,...)
+		end
+	end
+local function validate(options,errlvl,...)
+	errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+	-- basic consistency
+	if type(options)~="table" then
+		err(": expected a table, got a "..type(options), errlvl,...)
+	end
+	if type(options.type)~="string" then
+		err(".type: expected a string, got a "..type(options.type), errlvl,...)
+	end
+	-- get type and 'typedkeys' member
+	local tk = typedkeys[options.type]
+	if not tk then
+		err(".type: unknown type '"..options.type.."'", errlvl,...)
+	end
+	-- make sure that all options[] are known parameters
+	for k,v in pairs(options) do
+		if not (tk[k] or basekeys[k]) then
+			err(": unknown parameter", errlvl,tostring(k),...)
+		end
+	end
+	-- verify that required params are there, and that everything is the right type
+	for k,oktypes in pairs(basekeys) do
+		validateVal(options[k], oktypes, errlvl,k,...)
+	end
+	for k,oktypes in pairs(tk) do
+		validateVal(options[k], oktypes, errlvl,k,...)
+	end
+	-- extra logic for groups
+	if options.type=="group" then
+		for k,v in pairs(options.args) do
+			validateKey(k,errlvl,"args",...)
+			validate(v, errlvl,k,"args",...)
+		end
+		if options.plugins then
+			for plugname,plugin in pairs(options.plugins) do
+				if type(plugin)~="table" then
+					err(": expected a table, got '"..tostring(plugin).."'", errlvl,tostring(plugname),"plugins",...)
+				end
+				for k,v in pairs(plugin) do
+					validateKey(k,errlvl,tostring(plugname),"plugins",...)
+					validate(v, errlvl,k,tostring(plugname),"plugins",...)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- Validates basic structure and integrity of an options table \\
+-- Does NOT verify that get/set etc actually exist, since they can be defined at any depth
+-- @param options The table to be validated
+-- @param name The name of the table to be validated (shown in any error message)
+-- @param errlvl (optional number) error level offset, default 0 (=errors point to the function calling :ValidateOptionsTable)
+function AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(options,name,errlvl)
+	errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+	name = name or "Optionstable"
+	if not options.name then
+		options.name=name	-- bit of a hack, the root level doesn't really need a .name :-/
+	end
+	validate(options,errlvl,name)
+--- Fires a "ConfigTableChange" callback for those listening in on it, allowing config GUIs to refresh.
+-- You should call this function if your options table changed from any outside event, like a game event
+-- or a timer.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+function AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange(appName)
+	if not AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] then return end
+	AceConfigRegistry.callbacks:Fire("ConfigTableChange", appName)
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Registering and retreiving options tables:
+-- validateGetterArgs: helper function for :GetOptionsTable (or, rather, the getter functions returned by it)
+local function validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
+	errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+2
+	if uiType~="cmd" and uiType~="dropdown" and uiType~="dialog" then
+		error(MAJOR..": Requesting options table: 'uiType' - invalid configuration UI type, expected 'cmd', 'dropdown' or 'dialog'", errlvl)
+	end
+	if not strmatch(uiName, "[A-Za-z]%-[0-9]") then	-- Expecting e.g. "MyLib-1.2"
+		error(MAJOR..": Requesting options table: 'uiName' - badly formatted or missing version number. Expected e.g. 'MyLib-1.2'", errlvl)
+	end
+--- Register an options table with the config registry.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param options The options table, OR a function reference that generates it on demand. \\
+-- See the top of the page for info on arguments passed to such functions.
+-- @param skipValidation Skip options table validation (primarily useful for extremely huge options, with a noticeable slowdown)
+function AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, skipValidation)
+	if type(options)=="table" then
+		if options.type~="group" then	-- quick sanity checker
+			error(MAJOR..": RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options): 'options' - missing type='group' member in root group", 2)
+		end
+		AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
+			errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+			validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
+			if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] and not skipValidation then
+				AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(options, appName, errlvl)	-- upgradable
+				AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
+			end
+			return options
+		end
+	elseif type(options)=="function" then
+		AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
+			errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
+			validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
+			local tab = assert(options(uiType, uiName, appName))
+			if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] and not skipValidation then
+				AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(tab, appName, errlvl)	-- upgradable
+				AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
+			end
+			return tab
+		end
+	else
+		error(MAJOR..": RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options): 'options' - expected table or function reference", 2)
+	end
+--- Returns an iterator of ["appName"]=funcref pairs
+function AceConfigRegistry:IterateOptionsTables()
+	return pairs(AceConfigRegistry.tables)
+--- Query the registry for a specific options table.
+-- If only appName is given, a function is returned which you
+-- can call with (uiType,uiName) to get the table.\\
+-- If uiType&uiName are given, the table is returned.
+-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
+-- @param uiType The type of UI to get the table for, one of "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog"
+-- @param uiName The name of the library/addon querying for the table, e.g. "MyLib-1.0"
+function AceConfigRegistry:GetOptionsTable(appName, uiType, uiName)
+	local f = AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName]
+	if not f then
+		return nil
+	end
+	if uiType then
+		return f(uiType,uiName,1)	-- get the table for us
+	else
+		return f	-- return the function
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101bfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0567a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+--- **AceConsole-3.0** provides registration facilities for slash commands.
+-- You can register slash commands to your custom functions and use the `GetArgs` function to parse them
+-- to your addons individual needs.
+-- **AceConsole-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceConsole:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceConsole itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceConsole, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceConsole.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceConsole-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceConsole-3.0.lua 1143 2016-07-11 08:52:03Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceConsole-3.0", 7
+local AceConsole, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceConsole then return end -- No upgrade needed
+AceConsole.embeds = AceConsole.embeds or {} -- table containing objects AceConsole is embedded in.
+AceConsole.commands = AceConsole.commands or {} -- table containing commands registered
+AceConsole.weakcommands = AceConsole.weakcommands or {} -- table containing self, command => func references for weak commands that don't persist through enable/disable
+-- Lua APIs
+local tconcat, tostring, select = table.concat, tostring, select
+local type, pairs, error = type, pairs, error
+local format, strfind, strsub = string.format, string.find, string.sub
+local max = math.max
+-- WoW APIs
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, SlashCmdList, hash_SlashCmdList
+local tmp={}
+local function Print(self,frame,...)
+	local n=0
+	if self ~= AceConsole then
+		n=n+1
+		tmp[n] = "|cff33ff99"..tostring( self ).."|r:"
+	end
+	for i=1, select("#", ...) do
+		n=n+1
+		tmp[n] = tostring(select(i, ...))
+	end
+	frame:AddMessage( tconcat(tmp," ",1,n) )
+--- Print to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or given ChatFrame (anything with an .AddMessage function)
+-- @paramsig [chatframe ,] ...
+-- @param chatframe Custom ChatFrame to print to (or any frame with an .AddMessage function)
+-- @param ... List of any values to be printed
+function AceConsole:Print(...)
+	local frame = ...
+	if type(frame) == "table" and frame.AddMessage then	-- Is first argument something with an .AddMessage member?
+		return Print(self, frame, select(2,...))
+	else
+		return Print(self, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, ...)
+	end
+--- Formatted (using format()) print to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or given ChatFrame (anything with an .AddMessage function)
+-- @paramsig [chatframe ,] "format"[, ...]
+-- @param chatframe Custom ChatFrame to print to (or any frame with an .AddMessage function)
+-- @param format Format string - same syntax as standard Lua format()
+-- @param ... Arguments to the format string
+function AceConsole:Printf(...)
+	local frame = ...
+	if type(frame) == "table" and frame.AddMessage then	-- Is first argument something with an .AddMessage member?
+		return Print(self, frame, format(select(2,...)))
+	else
+		return Print(self, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, format(...))
+	end
+--- Register a simple chat command
+-- @param command Chat command to be registered WITHOUT leading "/"
+-- @param func Function to call when the slash command is being used (funcref or methodname)
+-- @param persist if false, the command will be soft disabled/enabled when aceconsole is used as a mixin (default: true)
+function AceConsole:RegisterChatCommand( command, func, persist )
+	if type(command)~="string" then error([[Usage: AceConsole:RegisterChatCommand( "command", func[, persist ]): 'command' - expected a string]], 2) end
+	if persist==nil then persist=true end	-- I'd rather have my addon's "/addon enable" around if the author screws up. Having some extra slash regged when it shouldnt be isn't as destructive. True is a better default. /Mikk
+	local name = "ACECONSOLE_"..command:upper()
+	if type( func ) == "string" then
+		SlashCmdList[name] = function(input, editBox)
+			self[func](self, input, editBox)
+		end
+	else
+		SlashCmdList[name] = func
+	end
+	_G["SLASH_"..name.."1"] = "/"..command:lower()
+	AceConsole.commands[command] = name
+	-- non-persisting commands are registered for enabling disabling
+	if not persist then
+		if not AceConsole.weakcommands[self] then AceConsole.weakcommands[self] = {} end
+		AceConsole.weakcommands[self][command] = func
+	end
+	return true
+--- Unregister a chatcommand
+-- @param command Chat command to be unregistered WITHOUT leading "/"
+function AceConsole:UnregisterChatCommand( command )
+	local name = AceConsole.commands[command]
+	if name then
+		SlashCmdList[name] = nil
+		_G["SLASH_" .. name .. "1"] = nil
+		hash_SlashCmdList["/" .. command:upper()] = nil
+		AceConsole.commands[command] = nil
+	end
+--- Get an iterator over all Chat Commands registered with AceConsole
+-- @return Iterator (pairs) over all commands
+function AceConsole:IterateChatCommands() return pairs(AceConsole.commands) end
+local function nils(n, ...)
+	if n>1 then
+		return nil, nils(n-1, ...)
+	elseif n==1 then
+		return nil, ...
+	else
+		return ...
+	end
+--- Retreive one or more space-separated arguments from a string.
+-- Treats quoted strings and itemlinks as non-spaced.
+-- @param str The raw argument string
+-- @param numargs How many arguments to get (default 1)
+-- @param startpos Where in the string to start scanning (default  1)
+-- @return Returns arg1, arg2, ..., nextposition\\
+-- Missing arguments will be returned as nils. 'nextposition' is returned as 1e9 at the end of the string.
+function AceConsole:GetArgs(str, numargs, startpos)
+	numargs = numargs or 1
+	startpos = max(startpos or 1, 1)
+	local pos=startpos
+	-- find start of new arg
+	pos = strfind(str, "[^ ]", pos)
+	if not pos then	-- whoops, end of string
+		return nils(numargs, 1e9)
+	end
+	if numargs<1 then
+		return pos
+	end
+	-- quoted or space separated? find out which pattern to use
+	local delim_or_pipe
+	local ch = strsub(str, pos, pos)
+	if ch=='"' then
+		pos = pos + 1
+		delim_or_pipe='([|"])'
+	elseif ch=="'" then
+		pos = pos + 1
+		delim_or_pipe="([|'])"
+	else
+		delim_or_pipe="([| ])"
+	end
+	startpos = pos
+	while true do
+		-- find delimiter or hyperlink
+		local ch,_
+		pos,_,ch = strfind(str, delim_or_pipe, pos)
+		if not pos then break end
+		if ch=="|" then
+			-- some kind of escape
+			if strsub(str,pos,pos+1)=="|H" then
+				-- It's a |H....|hhyper link!|h
+				pos=strfind(str, "|h", pos+2)	-- first |h
+				if not pos then break end
+				pos=strfind(str, "|h", pos+2)	-- second |h
+				if not pos then break end
+			elseif strsub(str,pos, pos+1) == "|T" then
+				-- It's a |T....|t  texture
+				pos=strfind(str, "|t", pos+2)
+				if not pos then break end
+			end
+			pos=pos+2 -- skip past this escape (last |h if it was a hyperlink)
+		else
+			-- found delimiter, done with this arg
+			return strsub(str, startpos, pos-1), AceConsole:GetArgs(str, numargs-1, pos+1)
+		end
+	end
+	-- search aborted, we hit end of string. return it all as one argument. (yes, even if it's an unterminated quote or hyperlink)
+	return strsub(str, startpos), nils(numargs-1, 1e9)
+--- embedding and embed handling
+local mixins = {
+	"Print",
+	"Printf",
+	"RegisterChatCommand",
+	"UnregisterChatCommand",
+	"GetArgs",
+-- Embeds AceConsole into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
+-- @param target target object to embed AceBucket in
+function AceConsole:Embed( target )
+	for k, v in pairs( mixins ) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeds[target] = true
+	return target
+function AceConsole:OnEmbedEnable( target )
+	if AceConsole.weakcommands[target] then
+		for command, func in pairs( AceConsole.weakcommands[target] ) do
+			target:RegisterChatCommand( command, func, false, true ) -- nonpersisting and silent registry
+		end
+	end
+function AceConsole:OnEmbedDisable( target )
+	if AceConsole.weakcommands[target] then
+		for command, func in pairs( AceConsole.weakcommands[target] ) do
+			target:UnregisterChatCommand( command ) -- TODO: this could potentially unregister a command from another application in case of command conflicts. Do we care?
+		end
+	end
+for addon in pairs(AceConsole.embeds) do
+	AceConsole:Embed(addon)
diff --git a/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9f47c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceConsole-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42b442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+--- **AceDB-3.0** manages the SavedVariables of your addon.
+-- It offers profile management, smart defaults and namespaces for modules.\\
+-- Data can be saved in different data-types, depending on its intended usage.
+-- The most common data-type is the `profile` type, which allows the user to choose
+-- the active profile, and manage the profiles of all of his characters.\\
+-- The following data types are available:
+-- * **char** Character-specific data. Every character has its own database.
+-- * **realm** Realm-specific data. All of the players characters on the same realm share this database.
+-- * **class** Class-specific data. All of the players characters of the same class share this database.
+-- * **race** Race-specific data. All of the players characters of the same race share this database.
+-- * **faction** Faction-specific data. All of the players characters of the same faction share this database.
+-- * **factionrealm** Faction and realm specific data. All of the players characters on the same realm and of the same faction share this database.
+-- * **locale** Locale specific data, based on the locale of the players game client.
+-- * **global** Global Data. All characters on the same account share this database.
+-- * **profile** Profile-specific data. All characters using the same profile share this database. The user can control which profile should be used.
+-- Creating a new Database using the `:New` function will return a new DBObject. A database will inherit all functions
+-- of the DBObjectLib listed here. \\
+-- If you create a new namespaced child-database (`:RegisterNamespace`), you'll get a DBObject as well, but note
+-- that the child-databases cannot individually change their profile, and are linked to their parents profile - and because of that,
+-- the profile related APIs are not available. Only `:RegisterDefaults` and `:ResetProfile` are available on child-databases.
+-- For more details on how to use AceDB-3.0, see the [[AceDB-3.0 Tutorial]].
+-- You may also be interested in [[libdualspec-1-0|LibDualSpec-1.0]] to do profile switching automatically when switching specs.
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("DBExample")
+-- -- declare defaults to be used in the DB
+-- local defaults = {
+--   profile = {
+--     setting = true,
+--   }
+-- }
+-- function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
+--   -- Assuming the .toc says ## SavedVariables: MyAddonDB
+--   self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB", defaults, true)
+-- end
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceDB-3.0.lua
+-- @release $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 1142 2016-07-11 08:36:19Z nevcairiel $
+local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 26
+local AceDB, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR)
+if not AceDB then return end -- No upgrade needed
+-- Lua APIs
+local type, pairs, next, error = type, pairs, next, error
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget
+-- WoW APIs
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: LibStub
+AceDB.db_registry = AceDB.db_registry or {}
+AceDB.frame = AceDB.frame or CreateFrame("Frame")
+local CallbackHandler
+local CallbackDummy = { Fire = function() end }
+local DBObjectLib = {}
+	AceDB Utility Functions
+-- Simple shallow copy for copying defaults
+local function copyTable(src, dest)
+	if type(dest) ~= "table" then dest = {} end
+	if type(src) == "table" then
+		for k,v in pairs(src) do
+			if type(v) == "table" then
+				-- try to index the key first so that the metatable creates the defaults, if set, and use that table
+				v = copyTable(v, dest[k])
+			end
+			dest[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	return dest
+-- Called to add defaults to a section of the database
+-- When a ["*"] default section is indexed with a new key, a table is returned
+-- and set in the host table.  These tables must be cleaned up by removeDefaults
+-- in order to ensure we don't write empty default tables.
+local function copyDefaults(dest, src)
+	-- this happens if some value in the SV overwrites our default value with a non-table
+	--if type(dest) ~= "table" then return end
+	for k, v in pairs(src) do
+		if k == "*" or k == "**" then
+			if type(v) == "table" then
+				-- This is a metatable used for table defaults
+				local mt = {
+					-- This handles the lookup and creation of new subtables
+					__index = function(t,k)
+							if k == nil then return nil end
+							local tbl = {}
+							copyDefaults(tbl, v)
+							rawset(t, k, tbl)
+							return tbl
+						end,
+				}
+				setmetatable(dest, mt)
+				-- handle already existing tables in the SV
+				for dk, dv in pairs(dest) do
+					if not rawget(src, dk) and type(dv) == "table" then
+						copyDefaults(dv, v)
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				-- Values are not tables, so this is just a simple return
+				local mt = {__index = function(t,k) return k~=nil and v or nil end}
+				setmetatable(dest, mt)
+			end
+		elseif type(v) == "table" then
+			if not rawget(dest, k) then rawset(dest, k, {}) end
+			if type(dest[k]) == "table" then
+				copyDefaults(dest[k], v)
+				if src['**'] then
+					copyDefaults(dest[k], src['**'])
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			if rawget(dest, k) == nil then
+				rawset(dest, k, v)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- Called to remove all defaults in the default table from the database
+local function removeDefaults(db, defaults, blocker)
+	-- remove all metatables from the db, so we don't accidentally create new sub-tables through them
+	setmetatable(db, nil)
+	-- loop through the defaults and remove their content
+	for k,v in pairs(defaults) do
+		if k == "*" or k == "**" then
+			if type(v) == "table" then
+				-- Loop through all the actual k,v pairs and remove
+				for key, value in pairs(db) do
+					if type(value) == "table" then
+						-- if the key was not explicitly specified in the defaults table, just strip everything from * and ** tables
+						if defaults[key] == nil and (not blocker or blocker[key] == nil) then
+							removeDefaults(value, v)
+							-- if the table is empty afterwards, remove it
+							if next(value) == nil then
+								db[key] = nil
+							end
+						-- if it was specified, only strip ** content, but block values which were set in the key table
+						elseif k == "**" then
+							removeDefaults(value, v, defaults[key])
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			elseif k == "*" then
+				-- check for non-table default
+				for key, value in pairs(db) do
+					if defaults[key] == nil and v == value then
+						db[key] = nil
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		elseif type(v) == "table" and type(db[k]) == "table" then
+			-- if a blocker was set, dive into it, to allow multi-level defaults
+			removeDefaults(db[k], v, blocker and blocker[k])
+			if next(db[k]) == nil then
+				db[k] = nil
+			end
+		else
+			-- check if the current value matches the default, and that its not blocked by another defaults table
+			if db[k] == defaults[k] and (not blocker or blocker[k] == nil) then
+				db[k] = nil
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- This is called when a table section is first accessed, to set up the defaults
+local function initSection(db, section, svstore, key, defaults)
+	local sv = rawget(db, "sv")
+	local tableCreated
+	if not sv[svstore] then sv[svstore] = {} end
+	if not sv[svstore][key] then
+		sv[svstore][key] = {}
+		tableCreated = true
+	end
+	local tbl = sv[svstore][key]
+	if defaults then
+		copyDefaults(tbl, defaults)
+	end
+	rawset(db, section, tbl)
+	return tableCreated, tbl
+-- Metatable to handle the dynamic creation of sections and copying of sections.
+local dbmt = {
+	__index = function(t, section)
+			local keys = rawget(t, "keys")
+			local key = keys[section]
+			if key then
+				local defaultTbl = rawget(t, "defaults")
+				local defaults = defaultTbl and defaultTbl[section]
+				if section == "profile" then
+					local new = initSection(t, section, "profiles", key, defaults)
+					if new then
+						-- Callback: OnNewProfile, database, newProfileKey
+						t.callbacks:Fire("OnNewProfile", t, key)
+					end
+				elseif section == "profiles" then
+					local sv = rawget(t, "sv")
+					if not sv.profiles then sv.profiles = {} end
+					rawset(t, "profiles", sv.profiles)
+				elseif section == "global" then
+					local sv = rawget(t, "sv")
+					if not sv.global then sv.global = {} end
+					if defaults then
+						copyDefaults(sv.global, defaults)
+					end
+					rawset(t, section, sv.global)
+				else
+					initSection(t, section, section, key, defaults)
+				end
+			end
+			return rawget(t, section)
+		end
+local function validateDefaults(defaults, keyTbl, offset)
+	if not defaults then return end
+	offset = offset or 0
+	for k in pairs(defaults) do
+		if not keyTbl[k] or k == "profiles" then
+			error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): '%s' is not a valid datatype."):format(k), 3 + offset)
+		end
+	end
+local preserve_keys = {
+	["callbacks"] = true,
+	["RegisterCallback"] = true,
+	["UnregisterCallback"] = true,
+	["UnregisterAllCallbacks"] = true,
+	["children"] = true,
+local realmKey = GetRealmName()
+local charKey = UnitName("player") .. " - " .. realmKey
+local _, classKey = UnitClass("player")
+local _, raceKey = UnitRace("player")
+local factionKey = UnitFactionGroup("player")
+local factionrealmKey = factionKey .. " - " .. realmKey
+local localeKey = GetLocale():lower()
+local regionTable = { "US", "KR", "EU", "TW", "CN" }
+local regionKey = regionTable[GetCurrentRegion()]
+local factionrealmregionKey = factionrealmKey .. " - " .. regionKey
+-- Actual database initialization function
+local function initdb(sv, defaults, defaultProfile, olddb, parent)
+	-- Generate the database keys for each section
+	-- map "true" to our "Default" profile
+	if defaultProfile == true then defaultProfile = "Default" end
+	local profileKey
+	if not parent then
+		-- Make a container for profile keys
+		if not sv.profileKeys then sv.profileKeys = {} end
+		-- Try to get the profile selected from the char db
+		profileKey = sv.profileKeys[charKey] or defaultProfile or charKey
+		-- save the selected profile for later
+		sv.profileKeys[charKey] = profileKey
+	else
+		-- Use the profile of the parents DB
+		profileKey = parent.keys.profile or defaultProfile or charKey
+		-- clear the profileKeys in the DB, namespaces don't need to store them
+		sv.profileKeys = nil
+	end
+	-- This table contains keys that enable the dynamic creation
+	-- of each section of the table.  The 'global' and 'profiles'
+	-- have a key of true, since they are handled in a special case
+	local keyTbl= {
+		["char"] = charKey,
+		["realm"] = realmKey,
+		["class"] = classKey,
+		["race"] = raceKey,
+		["faction"] = factionKey,
+		["factionrealm"] = factionrealmKey,
+		["factionrealmregion"] = factionrealmregionKey,
+		["profile"] = profileKey,
+		["locale"] = localeKey,
+		["global"] = true,
+		["profiles"] = true,
+	}
+	validateDefaults(defaults, keyTbl, 1)
+	-- This allows us to use this function to reset an entire database
+	-- Clear out the old database
+	if olddb then
+		for k,v in pairs(olddb) do if not preserve_keys[k] then olddb[k] = nil end end
+	end
+	-- Give this database the metatable so it initializes dynamically
+	local db = setmetatable(olddb or {}, dbmt)
+	if not rawget(db, "callbacks") then
+		-- try to load CallbackHandler-1.0 if it loaded after our library
+		if not CallbackHandler then CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0", true) end
+		db.callbacks = CallbackHandler and CallbackHandler:New(db) or CallbackDummy
+	end
+	-- Copy methods locally into the database object, to avoid hitting
+	-- the metatable when calling methods
+	if not parent then
+		for name, func in pairs(DBObjectLib) do
+			db[name] = func
+		end
+	else
+		-- hack this one in
+		db.RegisterDefaults = DBObjectLib.RegisterDefaults
+		db.ResetProfile = DBObjectLib.ResetProfile
+	end
+	-- Set some properties in the database object
+	db.profiles = sv.profiles
+	db.keys = keyTbl
+	db.sv = sv
+	--db.sv_name = name
+	db.defaults = defaults
+	db.parent = parent
+	-- store the DB in the registry
+	AceDB.db_registry[db] = true
+	return db
+-- handle PLAYER_LOGOUT
+-- strip all defaults from all databases
+-- and cleans up empty sections
+local function logoutHandler(frame, event)
+	if event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" then
+		for db in pairs(AceDB.db_registry) do
+			db.callbacks:Fire("OnDatabaseShutdown", db)
+			db:RegisterDefaults(nil)
+			-- cleanup sections that are empty without defaults
+			local sv = rawget(db, "sv")
+			for section in pairs(db.keys) do
+				if rawget(sv, section) then
+					-- global is special, all other sections have sub-entrys
+					-- also don't delete empty profiles on main dbs, only on namespaces
+					if section ~= "global" and (section ~= "profiles" or rawget(db, "parent")) then
+						for key in pairs(sv[section]) do
+							if not next(sv[section][key]) then
+								sv[section][key] = nil
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					if not next(sv[section]) then
+						sv[section] = nil
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+AceDB.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", logoutHandler)
+	AceDB Object Method Definitions
+--- Sets the defaults table for the given database object by clearing any
+-- that are currently set, and then setting the new defaults.
+-- @param defaults A table of defaults for this database
+function DBObjectLib:RegisterDefaults(defaults)
+	if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
+	end
+	validateDefaults(defaults, self.keys)
+	-- Remove any currently set defaults
+	if self.defaults then
+		for section,key in pairs(self.keys) do
+			if self.defaults[section] and rawget(self, section) then
+				removeDefaults(self[section], self.defaults[section])
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Set the DBObject.defaults table
+	self.defaults = defaults
+	-- Copy in any defaults, only touching those sections already created
+	if defaults then
+		for section,key in pairs(self.keys) do
+			if defaults[section] and rawget(self, section) then
+				copyDefaults(self[section], defaults[section])
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- Changes the profile of the database and all of it's namespaces to the
+-- supplied named profile
+-- @param name The name of the profile to set as the current profile
+function DBObjectLib:SetProfile(name)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:SetProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
+	end
+	-- changing to the same profile, dont do anything
+	if name == self.keys.profile then return end
+	local oldProfile = self.profile
+	local defaults = self.defaults and self.defaults.profile
+	-- Callback: OnProfileShutdown, database
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileShutdown", self)
+	if oldProfile and defaults then
+		-- Remove the defaults from the old profile
+		removeDefaults(oldProfile, defaults)
+	end
+	self.profile = nil
+	self.keys["profile"] = name
+	-- if the storage exists, save the new profile
+	-- this won't exist on namespaces.
+	if self.sv.profileKeys then
+		self.sv.profileKeys[charKey] = name
+	end
+	-- populate to child namespaces
+	if self.children then
+		for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
+			DBObjectLib.SetProfile(db, name)
+		end
+	end
+	-- Callback: OnProfileChanged, database, newProfileKey
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileChanged", self, name)
+--- Returns a table with the names of the existing profiles in the database.
+-- You can optionally supply a table to re-use for this purpose.
+-- @param tbl A table to store the profile names in (optional)
+function DBObjectLib:GetProfiles(tbl)
+	if tbl and type(tbl) ~= "table" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetProfiles(tbl): 'tbl' - table or nil expected.", 2)
+	end
+	-- Clear the container table
+	if tbl then
+		for k,v in pairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = nil end
+	else
+		tbl = {}
+	end
+	local curProfile = self.keys.profile
+	local i = 0
+	for profileKey in pairs(self.profiles) do
+		i = i + 1
+		tbl[i] = profileKey
+		if curProfile and profileKey == curProfile then curProfile = nil end
+	end
+	-- Add the current profile, if it hasn't been created yet
+	if curProfile then
+		i = i + 1
+		tbl[i] = curProfile
+	end
+	return tbl, i
+--- Returns the current profile name used by the database
+function DBObjectLib:GetCurrentProfile()
+	return self.keys.profile
+--- Deletes a named profile.  This profile must not be the active profile.
+-- @param name The name of the profile to be deleted
+-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
+function DBObjectLib:DeleteProfile(name, silent)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:DeleteProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if self.keys.profile == name then
+		error("Cannot delete the active profile in an AceDBObject.", 2)
+	end
+	if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
+		error("Cannot delete profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
+	end
+	self.profiles[name] = nil
+	-- populate to child namespaces
+	if self.children then
+		for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
+			DBObjectLib.DeleteProfile(db, name, true)
+		end
+	end
+	-- switch all characters that use this profile back to the default
+	if self.sv.profileKeys then
+		for key, profile in pairs(self.sv.profileKeys) do
+			if profile == name then
+				self.sv.profileKeys[key] = nil
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Callback: OnProfileDeleted, database, profileKey
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileDeleted", self, name)
+--- Copies a named profile into the current profile, overwriting any conflicting
+-- settings.
+-- @param name The name of the profile to be copied into the current profile
+-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
+function DBObjectLib:CopyProfile(name, silent)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:CopyProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if name == self.keys.profile then
+		error("Cannot have the same source and destination profiles.", 2)
+	end
+	if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
+		error("Cannot copy profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
+	end
+	-- Reset the profile before copying
+	DBObjectLib.ResetProfile(self, nil, true)
+	local profile = self.profile
+	local source = self.profiles[name]
+	copyTable(source, profile)
+	-- populate to child namespaces
+	if self.children then
+		for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
+			DBObjectLib.CopyProfile(db, name, true)
+		end
+	end
+	-- Callback: OnProfileCopied, database, sourceProfileKey
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileCopied", self, name)
+--- Resets the current profile to the default values (if specified).
+-- @param noChildren if set to true, the reset will not be populated to the child namespaces of this DB object
+-- @param noCallbacks if set to true, won't fire the OnProfileReset callback
+function DBObjectLib:ResetProfile(noChildren, noCallbacks)
+	local profile = self.profile
+	for k,v in pairs(profile) do
+		profile[k] = nil
+	end
+	local defaults = self.defaults and self.defaults.profile
+	if defaults then
+		copyDefaults(profile, defaults)
+	end
+	-- populate to child namespaces
+	if self.children and not noChildren then
+		for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
+			DBObjectLib.ResetProfile(db, nil, noCallbacks)
+		end
+	end
+	-- Callback: OnProfileReset, database
+	if not noCallbacks then
+		self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileReset", self)
+	end
+--- Resets the entire database, using the string defaultProfile as the new default
+-- profile.
+-- @param defaultProfile The profile name to use as the default
+function DBObjectLib:ResetDB(defaultProfile)
+	if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or nil expected.", 2)
+	end
+	local sv = self.sv
+	for k,v in pairs(sv) do
+		sv[k] = nil
+	end
+	local parent = self.parent
+	initdb(sv, self.defaults, defaultProfile, self)
+	-- fix the child namespaces
+	if self.children then
+		if not sv.namespaces then sv.namespaces = {} end
+		for name, db in pairs(self.children) do
+			if not sv.namespaces[name] then sv.namespaces[name] = {} end
+			initdb(sv.namespaces[name], db.defaults, self.keys.profile, db, self)
+		end
+	end
+	-- Callback: OnDatabaseReset, database
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnDatabaseReset", self)
+	-- Callback: OnProfileChanged, database, profileKey
+	self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileChanged", self, self.keys["profile"])
+	return self
+--- Creates a new database namespace, directly tied to the database.  This
+-- is a full scale database in it's own rights other than the fact that
+-- it cannot control its profile individually
+-- @param name The name of the new namespace
+-- @param defaults A table of values to use as defaults
+function DBObjectLib:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if self.children and self.children[name] then
+		error ("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - a namespace with that name already exists.", 2)
+	end
+	local sv = self.sv
+	if not sv.namespaces then sv.namespaces = {} end
+	if not sv.namespaces[name] then
+		sv.namespaces[name] = {}
+	end
+	local newDB = initdb(sv.namespaces[name], defaults, self.keys.profile, nil, self)
+	if not self.children then self.children = {} end
+	self.children[name] = newDB
+	return newDB
+--- Returns an already existing namespace from the database object.
+-- @param name The name of the new namespace
+-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
+-- @usage
+-- local namespace = self.db:GetNamespace('namespace')
+-- @return the namespace object if found
+function DBObjectLib:GetNamespace(name, silent)
+	if type(name) ~= "string" then
+		error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if not silent and not (self.children and self.children[name]) then
+		error ("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - namespace does not exist.", 2)
+	end
+	if not self.children then self.children = {} end
+	return self.children[name]
+	AceDB Exposed Methods
+--- Creates a new database object that can be used to handle database settings and profiles.
+-- By default, an empty DB is created, using a character specific profile.
+-- You can override the default profile used by passing any profile name as the third argument,
+-- or by passing //true// as the third argument to use a globally shared profile called "Default".
+-- Note that there is no token replacement in the default profile name, passing a defaultProfile as "char"
+-- will use a profile named "char", and not a character-specific profile.
+-- @param tbl The name of variable, or table to use for the database
+-- @param defaults A table of database defaults
+-- @param defaultProfile The name of the default profile. If not set, a character specific profile will be used as the default.
+-- You can also pass //true// to use a shared global profile called "Default".
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create an empty DB using a character-specific default profile.
+-- self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB")
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create a DB using defaults and using a shared default profile
+-- self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB", defaults, true)
+function AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)
+	if type(tbl) == "string" then
+		local name = tbl
+		tbl = _G[name]
+		if not tbl then
+			tbl = {}
+			_G[name] = tbl
+		end
+	end
+	if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
+		error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'tbl' - table expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
+		error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaults' - table expected.", 2)
+	end
+	if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" and defaultProfile ~= true then
+		error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or true expected.", 2)
+	end
+	return initdb(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)
+-- upgrade existing databases
+for db in pairs(AceDB.db_registry) do
+	if not db.parent then
+		for name,func in pairs(DBObjectLib) do
+			db[name] = func
+		end
+	else
+		db.RegisterDefaults = DBObjectLib.RegisterDefaults
+		db.ResetProfile = DBObjectLib.ResetProfile
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b20ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceDB-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5028fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+--- AceDBOptions-3.0 provides a universal AceConfig options screen for managing AceDB-3.0 profiles.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceDBOptions-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceDBOptions-3.0.lua 1140 2016-07-03 07:53:29Z nevcairiel $
+local ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR = "AceDBOptions-3.0", 15
+local AceDBOptions, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDBO_MAJOR, ACEDBO_MINOR)
+if not AceDBOptions then return end -- No upgrade needed
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, next = pairs, next
+-- WoW APIs
+local UnitClass = UnitClass
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+AceDBOptions.optionTables = AceDBOptions.optionTables or {}
+AceDBOptions.handlers = AceDBOptions.handlers or {}
+	Localization of AceDBOptions-3.0
+local L = {
+	choose = "Existing Profiles",
+	choose_desc = "You can either create a new profile by entering a name in the editbox, or choose one of the already existing profiles.",
+	choose_sub = "Select one of your currently available profiles.",
+	copy = "Copy From",
+	copy_desc = "Copy the settings from one existing profile into the currently active profile.",
+	current = "Current Profile:",
+	default = "Default",
+	delete = "Delete a Profile",
+	delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected profile?",
+	delete_desc = "Delete existing and unused profiles from the database to save space, and cleanup the SavedVariables file.",
+	delete_sub = "Deletes a profile from the database.",
+	intro = "You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character.",
+	new = "New",
+	new_sub = "Create a new empty profile.",
+	profiles = "Profiles",
+	profiles_sub = "Manage Profiles",
+	reset = "Reset Profile",
+	reset_desc = "Reset the current profile back to its default values, in case your configuration is broken, or you simply want to start over.",
+	reset_sub = "Reset the current profile to the default",
+local LOCALE = GetLocale()
+if LOCALE == "deDE" then
+	L["choose"] = "Vorhandene Profile"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Du kannst ein neues Profil erstellen, indem du einen neuen Namen in der Eingabebox 'Neu' eingibst, oder wähle eines der vorhandenen Profile aus."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Wählt ein bereits vorhandenes Profil aus."
+	L["copy"] = "Kopieren von..."
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Kopiere die Einstellungen von einem vorhandenen Profil in das aktive Profil."
+	L["current"] = "Aktuelles Profil:"
+	L["default"] = "Standard"
+	L["delete"] = "Profil löschen"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "Willst du das ausgewählte Profil wirklich löschen?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Lösche vorhandene oder unbenutzte Profile aus der Datenbank, um Platz zu sparen und die SavedVariables-Datei 'sauber' zu halten."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Löscht ein Profil aus der Datenbank."
+	L["intro"] = "Hier kannst du das aktive Datenbankprofil ändern, damit du verschiedene Einstellungen für jeden Charakter erstellen kannst, wodurch eine sehr flexible Konfiguration möglich wird."
+	L["new"] = "Neu"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Ein neues Profil erstellen."
+	L["profiles"] = "Profile"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Profile verwalten"
+	L["reset"] = "Profil zurücksetzen"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Setzt das momentane Profil auf Standardwerte zurück, für den Fall, dass mit der Konfiguration etwas schief lief oder weil du einfach neu starten willst."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Das aktuelle Profil auf Standard zurücksetzen."
+elseif LOCALE == "frFR" then
+	L["choose"] = "Profils existants"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Vous pouvez créer un nouveau profil en entrant un nouveau nom dans la boîte de saisie, ou en choississant un des profils déjà existants."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Permet de choisir un des profils déjà disponibles."
+	L["copy"] = "Copier à partir de"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Copie les paramètres d'un profil déjà existant dans le profil actuellement actif."
+	L["current"] = "Profil actuel :"
+	L["default"] = "Défaut"
+	L["delete"] = "Supprimer un profil"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le profil sélectionné ?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Supprime les profils existants inutilisés de la base de données afin de gagner de la place et de nettoyer le fichier SavedVariables."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Supprime un profil de la base de données."
+	L["intro"] = "Vous pouvez changer le profil actuel afin d'avoir des paramètres différents pour chaque personnage, permettant ainsi d'avoir une configuration très flexible."
+	L["new"] = "Nouveau"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Créée un nouveau profil vierge."
+	L["profiles"] = "Profils"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Gestion des profils"
+	L["reset"] = "Réinitialiser le profil"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Réinitialise le profil actuel au cas où votre configuration est corrompue ou si vous voulez tout simplement faire table rase."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Réinitialise le profil actuel avec les paramètres par défaut."
+elseif LOCALE == "koKR" then
+	L["choose"] = "저장 중인 프로필"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "입력창에 새로운 이름을 입력하거나 저장 중인 프로필 중 하나를 선택하여 새로운 프로필을 만들 수 있습니다."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "현재 이용할 수 있는 프로필 중 하나를 선택합니다."
+	L["copy"] = "복사해오기"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "현재 사용 중인 프로필에 선택한 프로필의 설정을 복사합니다."
+	L["current"] = "현재 프로필:"
+	L["default"] = "기본값"
+	L["delete"] = "프로필 삭제"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "정말로 선택한 프로필을 삭제할까요?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "저장 공간 절약과 SavedVariables 파일의 정리를 위해 데이터베이스에서 사용하지 않는 프로필을 삭제하세요."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "데이터베이스의 프로필을 삭제합니다."
+	L["intro"] = "활성 데이터베이스 프로필을 변경할 수 있고, 각 캐릭터 별로 다른 설정을 할 수 있습니다."
+	L["new"] = "새로운 프로필"
+	L["new_sub"] = "새로운 프로필을 만듭니다."
+	L["profiles"] = "프로필"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "프로필 관리"
+	L["reset"] = "프로필 초기화"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "설정이 깨졌거나 처음부터 다시 설정을 원하는 경우, 현재 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화하세요."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "현재 프로필을 기본값으로 초기화합니다"
+elseif LOCALE == "esES" or LOCALE == "esMX" then
+	L["choose"] = "Perfiles existentes"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Puedes crear un nuevo perfil introduciendo un nombre en el recuadro o puedes seleccionar un perfil de los ya existentes."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Selecciona uno de los perfiles disponibles."
+	L["copy"] = "Copiar de"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Copia los ajustes de un perfil existente al perfil actual."
+	L["current"] = "Perfil actual:"
+	L["default"] = "Por defecto"
+	L["delete"] = "Borrar un Perfil"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "¿Estas seguro que quieres borrar el perfil seleccionado?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Borra los perfiles existentes y sin uso de la base de datos para ganar espacio y limpiar el archivo SavedVariables."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Borra un perfil de la base de datos."
+	L["intro"] = "Puedes cambiar el perfil activo de tal manera que cada personaje tenga diferentes configuraciones."
+	L["new"] = "Nuevo"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Crear un nuevo perfil vacio."
+	L["profiles"] = "Perfiles"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Manejar Perfiles"
+	L["reset"] = "Reiniciar Perfil"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Reinicia el perfil actual a los valores por defectos, en caso de que se haya estropeado la configuración o quieras volver a empezar de nuevo."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Reinicar el perfil actual al de por defecto"
+elseif LOCALE == "zhTW" then
+	L["choose"] = "現有的設定檔"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "您可以在文字方塊內輸入名字以建立新的設定檔,或是選擇一個現有的設定檔使用。"
+	L["choose_sub"] = "從當前可用的設定檔裡面選擇一個。"
+	L["copy"] = "複製自"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "從一個現有的設定檔,將設定複製到現在使用中的設定檔。"
+	L["current"] = "目前設定檔:"
+	L["default"] = "預設"
+	L["delete"] = "刪除一個設定檔"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "確定要刪除所選擇的設定檔嗎?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "從資料庫裡刪除不再使用的設定檔,以節省空間,並且清理 SavedVariables 檔案。"
+	L["delete_sub"] = "從資料庫裡刪除一個設定檔。"
+	L["intro"] = "您可以從資料庫中選擇一個設定檔來使用,如此就可以讓每個角色使用不同的設定。"
+	L["new"] = "新建"
+	L["new_sub"] = "新建一個空的設定檔。"
+	L["profiles"] = "設定檔"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "管理設定檔"
+	L["reset"] = "重置設定檔"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "將現用的設定檔重置為預設值;用於設定檔損壞,或者單純想要重來的情況。"
+	L["reset_sub"] = "將目前的設定檔重置為預設值"
+elseif LOCALE == "zhCN" then
+	L["choose"] = "现有的配置文件"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "你可以通过在文本框内输入一个名字创立一个新的配置文件,也可以选择一个已经存在的配置文件。"
+	L["choose_sub"] = "从当前可用的配置文件里面选择一个。"
+	L["copy"] = "复制自"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "从当前某个已保存的配置文件复制到当前正使用的配置文件。"
+	L["current"] = "当前配置文件:"
+	L["default"] = "默认"
+	L["delete"] = "删除一个配置文件"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "你确定要删除所选择的配置文件么?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "从数据库里删除不再使用的配置文件,以节省空间,并且清理SavedVariables文件。"
+	L["delete_sub"] = "从数据库里删除一个配置文件。"
+	L["intro"] = "你可以选择一个活动的数据配置文件,这样你的每个角色就可以拥有不同的设置值,可以给你的插件配置带来极大的灵活性。"
+	L["new"] = "新建"
+	L["new_sub"] = "新建一个空的配置文件。"
+	L["profiles"] = "配置文件"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "管理配置文件"
+	L["reset"] = "重置配置文件"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复到它的默认值,用于你的配置文件损坏,或者你只是想重来的情况。"
+	L["reset_sub"] = "将当前的配置文件恢复为默认值"
+elseif LOCALE == "ruRU" then
+	L["choose"] = "Существующие профили"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Вы можете создать новый профиль, введя название в поле ввода, или выбрать один из уже существующих профилей."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Выбор одиного из уже доступных профилей"
+	L["copy"] = "Скопировать из"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Скопировать настройки из выбранного профиля в активный."
+	L["current"] = "Текущий профиль:"
+	L["default"] = "По умолчанию"
+	L["delete"] = "Удалить профиль"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "Вы уверены, что вы хотите удалить выбранный профиль?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Удалить существующий и неиспользуемый профиль из БД для сохранения места, и очистить SavedVariables файл."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Удаление профиля из БД"
+	L["intro"] = "Изменяя активный профиль, вы можете задать различные настройки модификаций для каждого персонажа."
+	L["new"] = "Новый"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Создать новый чистый профиль"
+	L["profiles"] = "Профили"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Управление профилями"
+	L["reset"] = "Сброс профиля"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Сбросить текущий профиль к стандартным настройкам, если ваша конфигурация испорчена или вы хотите настроить всё заново."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Сброс текущего профиля на стандартный"
+elseif LOCALE == "itIT" then
+	L["choose"] = "Profili Esistenti"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Puoi creare un nuovo profilo digitando il nome della casella di testo, oppure scegliendone uno tra i profili già esistenti."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Seleziona uno dei profili attualmente disponibili."
+	L["copy"] = "Copia Da"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Copia le impostazioni da un profilo esistente, nel profilo attivo in questo momento."
+	L["current"] = "Profilo Attivo:"
+	L["default"] = "Standard"
+	L["delete"] = "Cancella un Profilo"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il profilo selezionato?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Cancella i profili non utilizzati dal database per risparmiare spazio e mantenere puliti i file di configurazione SavedVariables."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Cancella un profilo dal Database."
+	L["intro"] = "Puoi cambiare il profilo attivo, in modo da usare impostazioni diverse per ogni personaggio."
+	L["new"] = "Nuovo"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Crea un nuovo profilo vuoto."
+	L["profiles"] = "Profili"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Gestisci Profili"
+	L["reset"] = "Reimposta Profilo"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Riporta il tuo profilo attivo alle sue impostazioni predefinite, nel caso in cui la tua configurazione si sia corrotta, o semplicemente tu voglia re-inizializzarla."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Reimposta il profilo ai suoi valori predefiniti."
+elseif LOCALE == "ptBR" then
+	L["choose"] = "Perfis Existentes"
+	L["choose_desc"] = "Você pode tanto criar um perfil novo tanto digitando um nome na caixa de texto, quanto escolher um dos perfis já existentes."
+	L["choose_sub"] = "Selecione um de seus perfis atualmente disponíveis."
+	L["copy"] = "Copiar De"
+	L["copy_desc"] = "Copia as definições de um perfil existente no perfil atualmente ativo."
+	L["current"] = "Perfil Autal:"
+	L["default"] = "Padrão"
+	L["delete"] = "Remover um Perfil"
+	L["delete_confirm"] = "Tem certeza que deseja remover o perfil selecionado?"
+	L["delete_desc"] = "Remove perfis existentes e inutilizados do banco de dados para economizar espaço, e limpar o arquivo SavedVariables."
+	L["delete_sub"] = "Remove um perfil do banco de dados."
+	L["intro"] = "Você pode alterar o perfil do banco de dados ativo, para que possa ter definições diferentes para cada personagem."
+	L["new"] = "Novo"
+	L["new_sub"] = "Cria um novo perfil vazio."
+	L["profiles"] = "Perfis"
+	L["profiles_sub"] = "Gerenciar Perfis"
+	L["reset"] = "Resetar Perfil"
+	L["reset_desc"] = "Reseta o perfil atual para os valores padrões, no caso de sua configuração estar quebrada, ou simplesmente se deseja começar novamente."
+	L["reset_sub"] = "Resetar o perfil atual ao padrão"
+local defaultProfiles
+local tmpprofiles = {}
+-- Get a list of available profiles for the specified database.
+-- You can specify which profiles to include/exclude in the list using the two boolean parameters listed below.
+-- @param db The db object to retrieve the profiles from
+-- @param common If true, getProfileList will add the default profiles to the return list, even if they have not been created yet
+-- @param nocurrent If true, then getProfileList will not display the current profile in the list
+-- @return Hashtable of all profiles with the internal name as keys and the display name as value.
+local function getProfileList(db, common, nocurrent)
+	local profiles = {}
+	-- copy existing profiles into the table
+	local currentProfile = db:GetCurrentProfile()
+	for i,v in pairs(db:GetProfiles(tmpprofiles)) do
+		if not (nocurrent and v == currentProfile) then
+			profiles[v] = v
+		end
+	end
+	-- add our default profiles to choose from ( or rename existing profiles)
+	for k,v in pairs(defaultProfiles) do
+		if (common or profiles[k]) and not (nocurrent and k == currentProfile) then
+			profiles[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	return profiles
+	OptionsHandlerPrototype
+	prototype class for handling the options in a sane way
+local OptionsHandlerPrototype = {}
+--[[ Reset the profile ]]
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:Reset()
+	self.db:ResetProfile()
+--[[ Set the profile to value ]]
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:SetProfile(info, value)
+	self.db:SetProfile(value)
+--[[ returns the currently active profile ]]
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:GetCurrentProfile()
+	return self.db:GetCurrentProfile()
+	List all active profiles
+	you can control the output with the .arg variable
+	currently four modes are supported
+	(empty) - return all available profiles
+	"nocurrent" - returns all available profiles except the currently active profile
+	"common" - returns all avaialble profiles + some commonly used profiles ("char - realm", "realm", "class", "Default")
+	"both" - common except the active profile
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:ListProfiles(info)
+	local arg = info.arg
+	local profiles
+	if arg == "common" and not self.noDefaultProfiles then
+		profiles = getProfileList(self.db, true, nil)
+	elseif arg == "nocurrent" then
+		profiles = getProfileList(self.db, nil, true)
+	elseif arg == "both" then -- currently not used
+		profiles = getProfileList(self.db, (not self.noDefaultProfiles) and true, true)
+	else
+		profiles = getProfileList(self.db)
+	end
+	return profiles
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:HasNoProfiles(info)
+	local profiles = self:ListProfiles(info)
+	return ((not next(profiles)) and true or false)
+--[[ Copy a profile ]]
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:CopyProfile(info, value)
+	self.db:CopyProfile(value)
+--[[ Delete a profile from the db ]]
+function OptionsHandlerPrototype:DeleteProfile(info, value)
+	self.db:DeleteProfile(value)
+--[[ fill defaultProfiles with some generic values ]]
+local function generateDefaultProfiles(db)
+	defaultProfiles = {
+		["Default"] = L["default"],
+		[db.keys.char] = db.keys.char,
+		[db.keys.realm] = db.keys.realm,
+		[db.keys.class] = UnitClass("player")
+	}
+--[[ create and return a handler object for the db, or upgrade it if it already existed ]]
+local function getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles)
+	if not defaultProfiles then
+		generateDefaultProfiles(db)
+	end
+	local handler = AceDBOptions.handlers[db] or { db = db, noDefaultProfiles = noDefaultProfiles }
+	for k,v in pairs(OptionsHandlerPrototype) do
+		handler[k] = v
+	end
+	AceDBOptions.handlers[db] = handler
+	return handler
+	the real options table
+local optionsTable = {
+	desc = {
+		order = 1,
+		type = "description",
+		name = L["intro"] .. "\n",
+	},
+	descreset = {
+		order = 9,
+		type = "description",
+		name = L["reset_desc"],
+	},
+	reset = {
+		order = 10,
+		type = "execute",
+		name = L["reset"],
+		desc = L["reset_sub"],
+		func = "Reset",
+	},
+	current = {
+		order = 11,
+		type = "description",
+		name = function(info) return L["current"] .. " " .. NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE .. info.handler:GetCurrentProfile() .. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE end,
+		width = "default",
+	},
+	choosedesc = {
+		order = 20,
+		type = "description",
+		name = "\n" .. L["choose_desc"],
+	},
+	new = {
+		name = L["new"],
+		desc = L["new_sub"],
+		type = "input",
+		order = 30,
+		get = false,
+		set = "SetProfile",
+	},
+	choose = {
+		name = L["choose"],
+		desc = L["choose_sub"],
+		type = "select",
+		order = 40,
+		get = "GetCurrentProfile",
+		set = "SetProfile",
+		values = "ListProfiles",
+		arg = "common",
+	},
+	copydesc = {
+		order = 50,
+		type = "description",
+		name = "\n" .. L["copy_desc"],
+	},
+	copyfrom = {
+		order = 60,
+		type = "select",
+		name = L["copy"],
+		desc = L["copy_desc"],
+		get = false,
+		set = "CopyProfile",
+		values = "ListProfiles",
+		disabled = "HasNoProfiles",
+		arg = "nocurrent",
+	},
+	deldesc = {
+		order = 70,
+		type = "description",
+		name = "\n" .. L["delete_desc"],
+	},
+	delete = {
+		order = 80,
+		type = "select",
+		name = L["delete"],
+		desc = L["delete_sub"],
+		get = false,
+		set = "DeleteProfile",
+		values = "ListProfiles",
+		disabled = "HasNoProfiles",
+		arg = "nocurrent",
+		confirm = true,
+		confirmText = L["delete_confirm"],
+	},
+--- Get/Create a option table that you can use in your addon to control the profiles of AceDB-3.0.
+-- @param db The database object to create the options table for.
+-- @return The options table to be used in AceConfig-3.0
+-- @usage
+-- -- Assuming `options` is your top-level options table and `self.db` is your database:
+-- options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
+function AceDBOptions:GetOptionsTable(db, noDefaultProfiles)
+	local tbl = AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] or {
+			type = "group",
+			name = L["profiles"],
+			desc = L["profiles_sub"],
+		}
+	tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db, noDefaultProfiles)
+	tbl.args = optionsTable
+	AceDBOptions.optionTables[db] = tbl
+	return tbl
+-- upgrade existing tables
+for db,tbl in pairs(AceDBOptions.optionTables) do
+	tbl.handler = getOptionsHandler(db)
+	tbl.args = optionsTable
diff --git a/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2668fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceDBOptions-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578ae25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+--- AceEvent-3.0 provides event registration and secure dispatching.
+-- All dispatching is done using **CallbackHandler-1.0**. AceEvent is a simple wrapper around
+-- CallbackHandler, and dispatches all game events or addon message to the registrees.
+-- **AceEvent-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceEvent:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceEvent itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceEvent, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceEvent.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceEvent-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceEvent-3.0.lua 975 2010-10-23 11:26:18Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceEvent-3.0", 3
+local AceEvent = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceEvent then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
+AceEvent.frame = AceEvent.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceEvent30Frame") -- our event frame
+AceEvent.embeds = AceEvent.embeds or {} -- what objects embed this lib
+-- APIs and registry for blizzard events, using CallbackHandler lib
+if not AceEvent.events then
+	AceEvent.events = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
+		"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent", "UnregisterAllEvents")
+function AceEvent.events:OnUsed(target, eventname)
+	AceEvent.frame:RegisterEvent(eventname)
+function AceEvent.events:OnUnused(target, eventname)
+	AceEvent.frame:UnregisterEvent(eventname)
+-- APIs and registry for IPC messages, using CallbackHandler lib
+if not AceEvent.messages then
+	AceEvent.messages = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
+		"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage", "UnregisterAllMessages"
+	)
+	AceEvent.SendMessage = AceEvent.messages.Fire
+--- embedding and embed handling
+local mixins = {
+	"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent",
+	"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage",
+	"SendMessage",
+	"UnregisterAllEvents", "UnregisterAllMessages",
+--- Register for a Blizzard Event.
+-- The callback will be called with the optional `arg` as the first argument (if supplied), and the event name as the second (or first, if no arg was supplied)
+-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
+-- @name AceEvent:RegisterEvent
+-- @class function
+-- @paramsig event[, callback [, arg]]
+-- @param event The event to register for
+-- @param callback The callback function to call when the event is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
+-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
+--- Unregister an event.
+-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterEvent
+-- @class function
+-- @paramsig event
+-- @param event The event to unregister
+--- Register for a custom AceEvent-internal message.
+-- The callback will be called with the optional `arg` as the first argument (if supplied), and the event name as the second (or first, if no arg was supplied)
+-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
+-- @name AceEvent:RegisterMessage
+-- @class function
+-- @paramsig message[, callback [, arg]]
+-- @param message The message to register for
+-- @param callback The callback function to call when the message is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
+-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
+--- Unregister a message
+-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterMessage
+-- @class function
+-- @paramsig message
+-- @param message The message to unregister
+--- Send a message over the AceEvent-3.0 internal message system to other addons registered for this message.
+-- @name AceEvent:SendMessage
+-- @class function
+-- @paramsig message, ...
+-- @param message The message to send
+-- @param ... Any arguments to the message
+-- Embeds AceEvent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
+-- @param target target object to embed AceEvent in
+function AceEvent:Embed(target)
+	for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeds[target] = true
+	return target
+-- AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable( target )
+-- target (object) - target object that is being disabled
+-- Unregister all events messages etc when the target disables.
+-- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework
+function AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable(target)
+	target:UnregisterAllEvents()
+	target:UnregisterAllMessages()
+-- Script to fire blizzard events into the event listeners
+local events = AceEvent.events
+AceEvent.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
+	events:Fire(event, ...)
+--- Finally: upgrade our old embeds
+for target, v in pairs(AceEvent.embeds) do
+	AceEvent:Embed(target)
diff --git a/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313ef4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceEvent-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9853644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+--- **AceGUI-3.0** provides access to numerous widgets which can be used to create GUIs.
+-- AceGUI is used by AceConfigDialog to create the option GUIs, but you can use it by itself
+-- to create any custom GUI. There are more extensive examples in the test suite in the Ace3
+-- stand-alone distribution.
+-- **Note**: When using AceGUI-3.0 directly, please do not modify the frames of the widgets directly,
+-- as any "unknown" change to the widgets will cause addons that get your widget out of the widget pool
+-- to misbehave. If you think some part of a widget should be modifiable, please open a ticket, and we"ll
+-- implement a proper API to modify it.
+-- @usage
+-- local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- -- Create a container frame
+-- local f = AceGUI:Create("Frame")
+-- f:SetCallback("OnClose",function(widget) AceGUI:Release(widget) end)
+-- f:SetTitle("AceGUI-3.0 Example")
+-- f:SetStatusText("Status Bar")
+-- f:SetLayout("Flow")
+-- -- Create a button
+-- local btn = AceGUI:Create("Button")
+-- btn:SetWidth(170)
+-- btn:SetText("Button !")
+-- btn:SetCallback("OnClick", function() print("Click!") end)
+-- -- Add the button to the container
+-- f:AddChild(btn)
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceGUI-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceGUI-3.0.lua 1102 2013-10-25 14:15:23Z nevcairiel $
+local ACEGUI_MAJOR, ACEGUI_MINOR = "AceGUI-3.0", 34
+local AceGUI, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEGUI_MAJOR, ACEGUI_MINOR)
+if not AceGUI then return end -- No upgrade needed
+-- Lua APIs
+local tconcat, tremove, tinsert = table.concat, table.remove, table.insert
+local select, pairs, next, type = select, pairs, next, type
+local error, assert, loadstring = error, assert, loadstring
+local setmetatable, rawget, rawset = setmetatable, rawget, rawset
+local math_max = math.max
+-- WoW APIs
+local UIParent = UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler, LibStub
+--local con = LibStub("AceConsole-3.0",true)
+AceGUI.WidgetRegistry = AceGUI.WidgetRegistry or {}
+AceGUI.LayoutRegistry = AceGUI.LayoutRegistry or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetBase = AceGUI.WidgetBase or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase = AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetVersions = AceGUI.WidgetVersions or {}
+-- local upvalues
+local WidgetRegistry = AceGUI.WidgetRegistry
+local LayoutRegistry = AceGUI.LayoutRegistry
+local WidgetVersions = AceGUI.WidgetVersions
+	 xpcall safecall implementation
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+	return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	local code = [[
+		local xpcall, eh = ...
+		local method, ARGS
+		local function call() return method(ARGS) end
+		local function dispatch(func, ...)
+			method = func
+			if not method then return end
+			ARGS = ...
+			return xpcall(call, eh)
+		end
+		return dispatch
+	]]
+	local ARGS = {}
+	for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
+	code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
+	return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
+local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
+	local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
+	return dispatcher
+Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
+	return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
+local function safecall(func, ...)
+	return Dispatchers[select("#", ...)](func, ...)
+-- Recycling functions
+local newWidget, delWidget
+	-- Version Upgrade in Minor 29
+	-- Internal Storage of the objects changed, from an array table
+	-- to a hash table, and additionally we introduced versioning on
+	-- the widgets which would discard all widgets from a pre-29 version
+	-- anyway, so we just clear the storage now, and don't try to
+	-- convert the storage tables to the new format.
+	-- This should generally not cause *many* widgets to end up in trash,
+	-- since once dialogs are opened, all addons should be loaded already
+	-- and AceGUI should be on the latest version available on the users
+	-- setup.
+	-- -- nevcairiel - Nov 2nd, 2009
+	if oldminor and oldminor < 29 and AceGUI.objPools then
+		AceGUI.objPools = nil
+	end
+	AceGUI.objPools = AceGUI.objPools or {}
+	local objPools = AceGUI.objPools
+	--Returns a new instance, if none are available either returns a new table or calls the given contructor
+	function newWidget(type)
+		if not WidgetRegistry[type] then
+			error("Attempt to instantiate unknown widget type", 2)
+		end
+		if not objPools[type] then
+			objPools[type] = {}
+		end
+		local newObj = next(objPools[type])
+		if not newObj then
+			newObj = WidgetRegistry[type]()
+			newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion = WidgetVersions[type]
+		else
+			objPools[type][newObj] = nil
+			-- if the widget is older then the latest, don't even try to reuse it
+			-- just forget about it, and grab a new one.
+			if not newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion or newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion < WidgetVersions[type] then
+				return newWidget(type)
+			end
+		end
+		return newObj
+	end
+	-- Releases an instance to the Pool
+	function delWidget(obj,type)
+		if not objPools[type] then
+			objPools[type] = {}
+		end
+		if objPools[type][obj] then
+			error("Attempt to Release Widget that is already released", 2)
+		end
+		objPools[type][obj] = true
+	end
+-- API Functions --
+-- Gets a widget Object
+--- Create a new Widget of the given type.
+-- This function will instantiate a new widget (or use one from the widget pool), and call the
+-- OnAcquire function on it, before returning.
+-- @param type The type of the widget.
+-- @return The newly created widget.
+function AceGUI:Create(type)
+	if WidgetRegistry[type] then
+		local widget = newWidget(type)
+		if rawget(widget, "Acquire") then
+			widget.OnAcquire = widget.Acquire
+			widget.Acquire = nil
+		elseif rawget(widget, "Aquire") then
+			widget.OnAcquire = widget.Aquire
+			widget.Aquire = nil
+		end
+		if rawget(widget, "Release") then
+			widget.OnRelease = rawget(widget, "Release")
+			widget.Release = nil
+		end
+		if widget.OnAcquire then
+			widget:OnAcquire()
+		else
+			error(("Widget type %s doesn't supply an OnAcquire Function"):format(type))
+		end
+		-- Set the default Layout ("List")
+		safecall(widget.SetLayout, widget, "List")
+		safecall(widget.ResumeLayout, widget)
+		return widget
+	end
+--- Releases a widget Object.
+-- This function calls OnRelease on the widget and places it back in the widget pool.
+-- Any data on the widget is being erased, and the widget will be hidden.\\
+-- If this widget is a Container-Widget, all of its Child-Widgets will be releases as well.
+-- @param widget The widget to release
+function AceGUI:Release(widget)
+	safecall(widget.PauseLayout, widget)
+	widget:Fire("OnRelease")
+	safecall(widget.ReleaseChildren, widget)
+	if widget.OnRelease then
+		widget:OnRelease()
+--	else
+--		error(("Widget type %s doesn't supply an OnRelease Function"):format(widget.type))
+	end
+	for k in pairs(widget.userdata) do
+		widget.userdata[k] = nil
+	end
+	for k in pairs(widget.events) do
+		widget.events[k] = nil
+	end
+	widget.width = nil
+	widget.relWidth = nil
+	widget.height = nil
+	widget.relHeight = nil
+	widget.noAutoHeight = nil
+	widget.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+	widget.frame:Hide()
+	widget.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+	widget.frame.width = nil
+	widget.frame.height = nil
+	if widget.content then
+		widget.content.width = nil
+		widget.content.height = nil
+	end
+	delWidget(widget, widget.type)
+-- Focus --
+--- Called when a widget has taken focus.
+-- e.g. Dropdowns opening, Editboxes gaining kb focus
+-- @param widget The widget that should be focused
+function AceGUI:SetFocus(widget)
+	if self.FocusedWidget and self.FocusedWidget ~= widget then
+		safecall(self.FocusedWidget.ClearFocus, self.FocusedWidget)
+	end
+	self.FocusedWidget = widget
+--- Called when something has happened that could cause widgets with focus to drop it
+-- e.g. titlebar of a frame being clicked
+function AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	if self.FocusedWidget then
+		safecall(self.FocusedWidget.ClearFocus, self.FocusedWidget)
+		self.FocusedWidget = nil
+	end
+-- Widgets --
+	Widgets must provide the following functions
+		OnAcquire() - Called when the object is acquired, should set everything to a default hidden state
+	And the following members
+		frame - the frame or derivitive object that will be treated as the widget for size and anchoring purposes
+		type - the type of the object, same as the name given to :RegisterWidget()
+	Widgets contain a table called userdata, this is a safe place to store data associated with the wigdet
+	It will be cleared automatically when a widget is released
+	Placing values directly into a widget object should be avoided
+	If the Widget can act as a container for other Widgets the following
+		content - frame or derivitive that children will be anchored to
+	The Widget can supply the following Optional Members
+		:OnRelease() - Called when the object is Released, should remove any additional anchors and clear any data
+		:OnWidthSet(width) - Called when the width of the widget is changed
+		:OnHeightSet(height) - Called when the height of the widget is changed
+			Widgets should not use the OnSizeChanged events of thier frame or content members, use these methods instead
+			AceGUI already sets a handler to the event
+		:LayoutFinished(width, height) - called after a layout has finished, the width and height will be the width and height of the
+			area used for controls. These can be nil if the layout used the existing size to layout the controls.
+-- Widget Base Template --
+	local WidgetBase = AceGUI.WidgetBase
+	WidgetBase.SetParent = function(self, parent)
+		local frame = self.frame
+		frame:SetParent(nil)
+		frame:SetParent(parent.content)
+		self.parent = parent
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetCallback = function(self, name, func)
+		if type(func) == "function" then
+			self.events[name] = func
+		end
+	end
+	WidgetBase.Fire = function(self, name, ...)
+		if self.events[name] then
+			local success, ret = safecall(self.events[name], self, name, ...)
+			if success then
+				return ret
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetWidth = function(self, width)
+		self.frame:SetWidth(width)
+		self.frame.width = width
+		if self.OnWidthSet then
+			self:OnWidthSet(width)
+		end
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetRelativeWidth = function(self, width)
+		if width <= 0 or width > 1 then
+			error(":SetRelativeWidth(width): Invalid relative width.", 2)
+		end
+		self.relWidth = width
+		self.width = "relative"
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetHeight = function(self, height)
+		self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+		self.frame.height = height
+		if self.OnHeightSet then
+			self:OnHeightSet(height)
+		end
+	end
+	--[[ WidgetBase.SetRelativeHeight = function(self, height)
+		if height <= 0 or height > 1 then
+			error(":SetRelativeHeight(height): Invalid relative height.", 2)
+		end
+		self.relHeight = height
+		self.height = "relative"
+	end ]]
+	WidgetBase.IsVisible = function(self)
+		return self.frame:IsVisible()
+	end
+	WidgetBase.IsShown= function(self)
+		return self.frame:IsShown()
+	end
+	WidgetBase.Release = function(self)
+		AceGUI:Release(self)
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetPoint = function(self, ...)
+		return self.frame:SetPoint(...)
+	end
+	WidgetBase.ClearAllPoints = function(self)
+		return self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+	end
+	WidgetBase.GetNumPoints = function(self)
+		return self.frame:GetNumPoints()
+	end
+	WidgetBase.GetPoint = function(self, ...)
+		return self.frame:GetPoint(...)
+	end
+	WidgetBase.GetUserDataTable = function(self)
+		return self.userdata
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetUserData = function(self, key, value)
+		self.userdata[key] = value
+	end
+	WidgetBase.GetUserData = function(self, key)
+		return self.userdata[key]
+	end
+	WidgetBase.IsFullHeight = function(self)
+		return self.height == "fill"
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetFullHeight = function(self, isFull)
+		if isFull then
+			self.height = "fill"
+		else
+			self.height = nil
+		end
+	end
+	WidgetBase.IsFullWidth = function(self)
+		return self.width == "fill"
+	end
+	WidgetBase.SetFullWidth = function(self, isFull)
+		if isFull then
+			self.width = "fill"
+		else
+			self.width = nil
+		end
+	end
+--	local function LayoutOnUpdate(this)
+--		this:SetScript("OnUpdate",nil)
+--		this.obj:PerformLayout()
+--	end
+	local WidgetContainerBase = AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase
+	WidgetContainerBase.PauseLayout = function(self)
+		self.LayoutPaused = true
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.ResumeLayout = function(self)
+		self.LayoutPaused = nil
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.PerformLayout = function(self)
+		if self.LayoutPaused then
+			return
+		end
+		safecall(self.LayoutFunc, self.content, self.children)
+	end
+	--call this function to layout, makes sure layed out objects get a frame to get sizes etc
+	WidgetContainerBase.DoLayout = function(self)
+		self:PerformLayout()
+--		if not self.parent then
+--			self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", LayoutOnUpdate)
+--		end
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.AddChild = function(self, child, beforeWidget)
+		if beforeWidget then
+			local siblingIndex = 1
+			for _, widget in pairs(self.children) do
+				if widget == beforeWidget then
+					break
+				end
+				siblingIndex = siblingIndex + 1
+			end
+			tinsert(self.children, siblingIndex, child)
+		else
+			tinsert(self.children, child)
+		end
+		child:SetParent(self)
+		child.frame:Show()
+		self:DoLayout()
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.AddChildren = function(self, ...)
+		for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
+			local child = select(i, ...)
+			tinsert(self.children, child)
+			child:SetParent(self)
+			child.frame:Show()
+		end
+		self:DoLayout()
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.ReleaseChildren = function(self)
+		local children = self.children
+		for i = 1,#children do
+			AceGUI:Release(children[i])
+			children[i] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.SetLayout = function(self, Layout)
+		self.LayoutFunc = AceGUI:GetLayout(Layout)
+	end
+	WidgetContainerBase.SetAutoAdjustHeight = function(self, adjust)
+		if adjust then
+			self.noAutoHeight = nil
+		else
+			self.noAutoHeight = true
+		end
+	end
+	local function FrameResize(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		if this:GetWidth() and this:GetHeight() then
+			if self.OnWidthSet then
+				self:OnWidthSet(this:GetWidth())
+			end
+			if self.OnHeightSet then
+				self:OnHeightSet(this:GetHeight())
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function ContentResize(this)
+		if this:GetWidth() and this:GetHeight() then
+			this.width = this:GetWidth()
+			this.height = this:GetHeight()
+			this.obj:DoLayout()
+		end
+	end
+	setmetatable(WidgetContainerBase, {__index=WidgetBase})
+	--One of these function should be called on each Widget Instance as part of its creation process
+	--- Register a widget-class as a container for newly created widgets.
+	-- @param widget The widget class
+	function AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+		widget.children = {}
+		widget.userdata = {}
+		widget.events = {}
+		widget.base = WidgetContainerBase
+		widget.content.obj = widget
+		widget.frame.obj = widget
+		widget.content:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", ContentResize)
+		widget.frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", FrameResize)
+		setmetatable(widget, {__index = WidgetContainerBase})
+		widget:SetLayout("List")
+		return widget
+	end
+	--- Register a widget-class as a widget.
+	-- @param widget The widget class
+	function AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+		widget.userdata = {}
+		widget.events = {}
+		widget.base = WidgetBase
+		widget.frame.obj = widget
+		widget.frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", FrameResize)
+		setmetatable(widget, {__index = WidgetBase})
+		return widget
+	end
+-- Widget API   --
+--- Registers a widget Constructor, this function returns a new instance of the Widget
+-- @param Name The name of the widget
+-- @param Constructor The widget constructor function
+-- @param Version The version of the widget
+function AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Name, Constructor, Version)
+	assert(type(Constructor) == "function")
+	assert(type(Version) == "number")
+	local oldVersion = WidgetVersions[Name]
+	if oldVersion and oldVersion >= Version then return end
+	WidgetVersions[Name] = Version
+	WidgetRegistry[Name] = Constructor
+--- Registers a Layout Function
+-- @param Name The name of the layout
+-- @param LayoutFunc Reference to the layout function
+function AceGUI:RegisterLayout(Name, LayoutFunc)
+	assert(type(LayoutFunc) == "function")
+	if type(Name) == "string" then
+		Name = Name:upper()
+	end
+	LayoutRegistry[Name] = LayoutFunc
+--- Get a Layout Function from the registry
+-- @param Name The name of the layout
+function AceGUI:GetLayout(Name)
+	if type(Name) == "string" then
+		Name = Name:upper()
+	end
+	return LayoutRegistry[Name]
+AceGUI.counts = AceGUI.counts or {}
+--- A type-based counter to count the number of widgets created.
+-- This is used by widgets that require a named frame, e.g. when a Blizzard
+-- Template requires it.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(type)
+	if not self.counts[type] then
+		self.counts[type] = 0
+	end
+	self.counts[type] = self.counts[type] + 1
+	return self.counts[type]
+--- Return the number of created widgets for this type.
+-- In contrast to GetNextWidgetNum, the number is not incremented.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(type)
+	return self.counts[type] or 0
+--- Return the version of the currently registered widget type.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(type)
+	return WidgetVersions[type]
+-- Layouts --
+	A Layout is a func that takes 2 parameters
+		content - the frame that widgets will be placed inside
+		children - a table containing the widgets to layout
+-- Very simple Layout, Children are stacked on top of each other down the left side
+	function(content, children)
+		local height = 0
+		local width = content.width or content:GetWidth() or 0
+		for i = 1, #children do
+			local child = children[i]
+			local frame = child.frame
+			frame:ClearAllPoints()
+			frame:Show()
+			if i == 1 then
+				frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content)
+			else
+				frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", children[i-1].frame, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+			end
+			if child.width == "fill" then
+				child:SetWidth(width)
+				frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+				if child.DoLayout then
+					child:DoLayout()
+				end
+			elseif child.width == "relative" then
+				child:SetWidth(width * child.relWidth)
+				if child.DoLayout then
+					child:DoLayout()
+				end
+			end
+			height = height + (frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0)
+		end
+		safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, height)
+	end)
+-- A single control fills the whole content area
+	function(content, children)
+		if children[1] then
+			children[1]:SetWidth(content:GetWidth() or 0)
+			children[1]:SetHeight(content:GetHeight() or 0)
+			children[1].frame:SetAllPoints(content)
+			children[1].frame:Show()
+			safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, children[1].frame:GetHeight())
+		end
+	end)
+local layoutrecursionblock = nil
+local function safelayoutcall(object, func, ...)
+	layoutrecursionblock = true
+	object[func](object, ...)
+	layoutrecursionblock = nil
+	function(content, children)
+		if layoutrecursionblock then return end
+		--used height so far
+		local height = 0
+		--width used in the current row
+		local usedwidth = 0
+		--height of the current row
+		local rowheight = 0
+		local rowoffset = 0
+		local lastrowoffset
+		local width = content.width or content:GetWidth() or 0
+		--control at the start of the row
+		local rowstart
+		local rowstartoffset
+		local lastrowstart
+		local isfullheight
+		local frameoffset
+		local lastframeoffset
+		local oversize
+		for i = 1, #children do
+			local child = children[i]
+			oversize = nil
+			local frame = child.frame
+			local frameheight = frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0
+			local framewidth = frame.width or frame:GetWidth() or 0
+			lastframeoffset = frameoffset
+			-- HACK: Why did we set a frameoffset of (frameheight / 2) ?
+			-- That was moving all widgets half the widgets size down, is that intended?
+			-- Actually, it seems to be neccessary for many cases, we'll leave it in for now.
+			-- If widgets seem to anchor weirdly with this, provide a valid alignoffset for them.
+			-- TODO: Investigate moar!
+			frameoffset = child.alignoffset or (frameheight / 2)
+			if child.width == "relative" then
+				framewidth = width * child.relWidth
+			end
+			frame:Show()
+			frame:ClearAllPoints()
+			if i == 1 then
+				-- anchor the first control to the top left
+				frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content)
+				rowheight = frameheight
+				rowoffset = frameoffset
+				rowstart = frame
+				rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+				usedwidth = framewidth
+				if usedwidth > width then
+					oversize = true
+				end
+			else
+				-- if there isn't available width for the control start a new row
+				-- if a control is "fill" it will be on a row of its own full width
+				if usedwidth == 0 or ((framewidth) + usedwidth > width) or child.width == "fill" then
+					if isfullheight then
+						-- a previous row has already filled the entire height, there's nothing we can usefully do anymore
+						-- (maybe error/warn about this?)
+						break
+					end
+					--anchor the previous row, we will now know its height and offset
+					rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(height + (rowoffset - rowstartoffset) + 3))
+					height = height + rowheight + 3
+					--save this as the rowstart so we can anchor it after the row is complete and we have the max height and offset of controls in it
+					rowstart = frame
+					rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+					rowheight = frameheight
+					rowoffset = frameoffset
+					usedwidth = framewidth
+					if usedwidth > width then
+						oversize = true
+					end
+				-- put the control on the current row, adding it to the width and checking if the height needs to be increased
+				else
+					--handles cases where the new height is higher than either control because of the offsets
+					--math.max(rowheight-rowoffset+frameoffset, frameheight-frameoffset+rowoffset)
+					--offset is always the larger of the two offsets
+					rowoffset = math_max(rowoffset, frameoffset)
+					rowheight = math_max(rowheight, rowoffset + (frameheight / 2))
+					frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", children[i-1].frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, frameoffset - lastframeoffset)
+					usedwidth = framewidth + usedwidth
+				end
+			end
+			if child.width == "fill" then
+				safelayoutcall(child, "SetWidth", width)
+				frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+				usedwidth = 0
+				rowstart = frame
+				rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+				if child.DoLayout then
+					child:DoLayout()
+				end
+				rowheight = frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0
+				rowoffset = child.alignoffset or (rowheight / 2)
+				rowstartoffset = rowoffset
+			elseif child.width == "relative" then
+				safelayoutcall(child, "SetWidth", width * child.relWidth)
+				if child.DoLayout then
+					child:DoLayout()
+				end
+			elseif oversize then
+				if width > 1 then
+					frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+				end
+			end
+			if child.height == "fill" then
+				frame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", content)
+				isfullheight = true
+			end
+		end
+		--anchor the last row, if its full height needs a special case since  its height has just been changed by the anchor
+		if isfullheight then
+			rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -height)
+		elseif rowstart then
+			rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(height + (rowoffset - rowstartoffset) + 3))
+		end
+		height = height + rowheight + 3
+		safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, height)
+	end)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b515077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceGUI-3.0.lua"/>
+	<!-- Container -->
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIContainer-Window.lua"/>
+	<!-- Widgets -->
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Button.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Label.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua"/>
+	<Script file="widgets\AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua"/>
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a48f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+BlizOptionsGroup Container
+Simple container widget for the integration of AceGUI into the Blizzard Interface Options
+local Type, Version = "BlizOptionsGroup", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function OnShow(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnShow")
+local function OnHide(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnHide")
+Support functions
+local function okay(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("okay")
+local function cancel(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("cancel")
+local function default(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("default")
+local function refresh(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("refresh")
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetName()
+		self:SetTitle()
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 63
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 26
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end,
+	["SetName"] = function(self, name, parent)
+		self.frame.name = name
+		self.frame.parent = parent
+	end,
+	["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+		local content = self.content
+		content:ClearAllPoints()
+		if not title or title == "" then
+			content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+			self.label:SetText("")
+		else
+			content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -40)
+			self.label:SetText(title)
+		end
+		content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+	frame:Hide()
+	-- support functions for the Blizzard Interface Options
+	frame.okay = okay
+	frame.cancel = cancel
+	frame.default = default
+	frame.refresh = refresh
+	frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
+	frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShow)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalLarge")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -15)
+	label:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, -45)
+	label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	label:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+	local widget = {
+		label   = label,
+		frame   = frame,
+		content = content,
+		type    = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f81b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+DropdownGroup Container
+Container controlled by a dropdown on the top.
+local Type, Version = "DropdownGroup", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local assert, pairs, type = assert, pairs, type
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function SelectedGroup(self, event, value)
+	local group = self.parentgroup
+	local status = group.status or group.localstatus
+	status.selected = value
+	self.parentgroup:Fire("OnGroupSelected", value)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self.dropdown:SetText("")
+		self:SetDropdownWidth(200)
+		self:SetTitle("")
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self.dropdown.list = nil
+		self.status = nil
+		for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+			self.localstatus[k] = nil
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+		self.titletext:SetText(title)
+		self.dropdown.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		if title and title ~= "" then
+			self.dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -2, 0)
+		else
+			self.dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -1, 0)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetGroupList"] = function(self,list,order)
+		self.dropdown:SetList(list,order)
+	end,
+	["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+	end,
+	["SetGroup"] = function(self,group)
+		self.dropdown:SetValue(group)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		status.selected = group
+		self:Fire("OnGroupSelected", group)
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 26
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 63
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 63)
+	end,
+	["SetDropdownWidth"] = function(self, width)
+		self.dropdown:SetWidth(width)
+	end
+local PaneBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+	frame:SetHeight(100)
+	frame:SetWidth(100)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -5)
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -4, -5)
+	titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	titletext:SetHeight(18)
+	local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown")
+	dropdown.frame:SetParent(frame)
+	dropdown.frame:SetFrameLevel(dropdown.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+	dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", SelectedGroup)
+	dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -1, 0)
+	dropdown.frame:Show()
+	dropdown:SetLabel("")
+	local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -26)
+	border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 3)
+	border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	border:SetBackdropColor(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.5)
+	border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4,0.4,0.4)
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+	local widget = {
+		frame       = frame,
+		localstatus = {},
+		titletext   = titletext,
+		dropdown    = dropdown,
+		border      = border,
+		content     = content,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	dropdown.parentgroup = widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dae68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+Frame Container
+local Type, Version = "Frame", 24
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+local wipe = table.wipe
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+	PlaySound("gsTitleOptionExit")
+	frame.obj:Hide()
+local function Frame_OnClose(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnClose")
+local function Frame_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Title_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	frame:GetParent():StartMoving()
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function MoverSizer_OnMouseUp(mover)
+	local frame = mover:GetParent()
+	frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+	status.width = frame:GetWidth()
+	status.height = frame:GetHeight()
+	status.top = frame:GetTop()
+	status.left = frame:GetLeft()
+local function SizerSE_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	frame:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function SizerS_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	frame:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOM")
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function SizerE_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	frame:GetParent():StartSizing("RIGHT")
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function StatusBar_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnterStatusBar")
+local function StatusBar_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeaveStatusBar")
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+		self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		self:SetTitle()
+		self:SetStatusText()
+		self:ApplyStatus()
+		self:Show()
+        self:EnableResize(true)
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self.status = nil
+		wipe(self.localstatus)
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 34
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 57
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end,
+	["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+		self.titletext:SetText(title)
+		self.titlebg:SetWidth((self.titletext:GetWidth() or 0) + 10)
+	end,
+	["SetStatusText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.statustext:SetText(text)
+	end,
+	["Hide"] = function(self)
+		self.frame:Hide()
+	end,
+	["Show"] = function(self)
+		self.frame:Show()
+	end,
+	["EnableResize"] = function(self, state)
+		local func = state and "Show" or "Hide"
+		self.sizer_se[func](self.sizer_se)
+		self.sizer_s[func](self.sizer_s)
+		self.sizer_e[func](self.sizer_e)
+	end,
+	-- called to set an external table to store status in
+	["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+		self:ApplyStatus()
+	end,
+	["ApplyStatus"] = function(self)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local frame = self.frame
+		self:SetWidth(status.width or 700)
+		self:SetHeight(status.height or 500)
+		frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		if status.top and status.left then
+			frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, status.top)
+			frame:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent, "LEFT", status.left, 0)
+		else
+			frame:SetPoint("CENTER")
+		end
+	end
+local FrameBackdrop = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 32,
+	insets = { left = 8, right = 8, top = 8, bottom = 8 }
+local PaneBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetMovable(true)
+	frame:SetResizable(true)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	frame:SetBackdrop(FrameBackdrop)
+	frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+	frame:SetMinResize(400, 200)
+	frame:SetToplevel(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnHide", Frame_OnClose)
+	frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Frame_OnMouseDown)
+	local closebutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	closebutton:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+	closebutton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -27, 17)
+	closebutton:SetHeight(20)
+	closebutton:SetWidth(100)
+	closebutton:SetText(CLOSE)
+	local statusbg = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
+	statusbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 15, 15)
+	statusbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -132, 15)
+	statusbg:SetHeight(24)
+	statusbg:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	statusbg:SetBackdropColor(0.1,0.1,0.1)
+	statusbg:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4,0.4,0.4)
+	statusbg:SetScript("OnEnter", StatusBar_OnEnter)
+	statusbg:SetScript("OnLeave", StatusBar_OnLeave)
+	local statustext = statusbg:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	statustext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 7, -2)
+	statustext:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -7, 2)
+	statustext:SetHeight(20)
+	statustext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	statustext:SetText("")
+	local titlebg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	titlebg:SetTexture("Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header")
+	titlebg:SetTexCoord(0.31, 0.67, 0, 0.63)
+	titlebg:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 12)
+	titlebg:SetWidth(100)
+	titlebg:SetHeight(40)
+	local title = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	title:EnableMouse(true)
+	title:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Title_OnMouseDown)
+	title:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+	title:SetAllPoints(titlebg)
+	local titletext = title:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOP", titlebg, "TOP", 0, -14)
+	local titlebg_l = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	titlebg_l:SetTexture("Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header")
+	titlebg_l:SetTexCoord(0.21, 0.31, 0, 0.63)
+	titlebg_l:SetPoint("RIGHT", titlebg, "LEFT")
+	titlebg_l:SetWidth(30)
+	titlebg_l:SetHeight(40)
+	local titlebg_r = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	titlebg_r:SetTexture("Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header")
+	titlebg_r:SetTexCoord(0.67, 0.77, 0, 0.63)
+	titlebg_r:SetPoint("LEFT", titlebg, "RIGHT")
+	titlebg_r:SetWidth(30)
+	titlebg_r:SetHeight(40)
+	local sizer_se = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	sizer_se:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	sizer_se:SetWidth(25)
+	sizer_se:SetHeight(25)
+	sizer_se:EnableMouse()
+	sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseDown",SizerSE_OnMouseDown)
+	sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+	local line1 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	line1:SetWidth(14)
+	line1:SetHeight(14)
+	line1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+	line1:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+	local x = 0.1 * 14/17
+	line1:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+	local line2 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	line2:SetWidth(8)
+	line2:SetHeight(8)
+	line2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+	line2:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+	local x = 0.1 * 8/17
+	line2:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+	local sizer_s = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -25, 0)
+	sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+	sizer_s:SetHeight(25)
+	sizer_s:EnableMouse(true)
+	sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseDown", SizerS_OnMouseDown)
+	sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+	local sizer_e = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	sizer_e:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 25)
+	sizer_e:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+	sizer_e:SetWidth(25)
+	sizer_e:EnableMouse(true)
+	sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseDown", SizerE_OnMouseDown)
+	sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 17, -27)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -17, 40)
+	local widget = {
+		localstatus = {},
+		titletext   = titletext,
+		statustext  = statustext,
+		titlebg     = titlebg,
+		sizer_se    = sizer_se,
+		sizer_s     = sizer_s,
+		sizer_e     = sizer_e,
+		content     = content,
+		frame       = frame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	closebutton.obj, statusbg.obj = widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3db7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+InlineGroup Container
+Simple container widget that creates a visible "box" with an optional title.
+local Type, Version = "InlineGroup", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetWidth(300)
+		self:SetHeight(100)
+		self:SetTitle("")
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetTitle"] = function(self,title)
+		self.titletext:SetText(title)
+	end,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+		self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 40)
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 20
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 20
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end
+local PaneBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, 0)
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -14, 0)
+	titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	titletext:SetHeight(18)
+	local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -17)
+	border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 3)
+	border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+	border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+	local widget = {
+		frame     = frame,
+		content   = content,
+		titletext = titletext,
+		type      = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd0c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ScrollFrame Container
+Plain container that scrolls its content and doesn't grow in height.
+local Type, Version = "ScrollFrame", 24
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+local IsLegion = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 70000
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+local min, max, floor, abs = math.min, math.max, math.floor, math.abs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+Support functions
+local function FixScrollOnUpdate(frame)
+	frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	frame.obj:FixScroll()
+local function ScrollFrame_OnMouseWheel(frame, value)
+	frame.obj:MoveScroll(value)
+local function ScrollFrame_OnSizeChanged(frame)
+	frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+local function ScrollBar_OnScrollValueChanged(frame, value)
+	frame.obj:SetScroll(value)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetScroll(0)
+		self.scrollframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self.status = nil
+		for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+			self.localstatus[k] = nil
+		end
+		self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		self.scrollbar:Hide()
+		self.scrollBarShown = nil
+		self.content.height, self.content.width = nil, nil
+	end,
+	["SetScroll"] = function(self, value)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight()
+		local height = self.content:GetHeight()
+		local offset
+		if viewheight > height then
+			offset = 0
+		else
+			offset = floor((height - viewheight) / 1000.0 * value)
+		end
+		self.content:ClearAllPoints()
+		self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+		self.content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+		status.offset = offset
+		status.scrollvalue = value
+	end,
+	["MoveScroll"] = function(self, value)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local height, viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight(), self.content:GetHeight()
+		if self.scrollBarShown then
+			local diff = height - viewheight
+			local delta = 1
+			if value < 0 then
+				delta = -1
+			end
+			self.scrollbar:SetValue(min(max(status.scrollvalue + delta*(1000/(diff/45)),0), 1000))
+		end
+	end,
+	["FixScroll"] = function(self)
+		if self.updateLock then return end
+		self.updateLock = true
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local height, viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight(), self.content:GetHeight()
+		local offset = status.offset or 0
+		local curvalue = self.scrollbar:GetValue()
+		-- Give us a margin of error of 2 pixels to stop some conditions that i would blame on floating point inaccuracys
+		-- No-one is going to miss 2 pixels at the bottom of the frame, anyhow!
+		if viewheight < height + 2 then
+			if self.scrollBarShown then
+				self.scrollBarShown = nil
+				self.scrollbar:Hide()
+				self.scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+				self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+				self:DoLayout()
+			end
+		else
+			if not self.scrollBarShown then
+				self.scrollBarShown = true
+				self.scrollbar:Show()
+				self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -20, 0)
+				self:DoLayout()
+			end
+			local value = (offset / (viewheight - height) * 1000)
+			if value > 1000 then value = 1000 end
+			self.scrollbar:SetValue(value)
+			self:SetScroll(value)
+			if value < 1000 then
+				self.content:ClearAllPoints()
+				self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+				self.content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+				status.offset = offset
+			end
+		end
+		self.updateLock = nil
+	end,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		self.content:SetHeight(height or 0 + 20)
+		self.scrollframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+	end,
+	["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+		if not status.scrollvalue then
+			status.scrollvalue = 0
+		end
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		content.width = width
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		content.height = height
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local scrollframe = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", nil, frame)
+	scrollframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	scrollframe:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+	scrollframe:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", ScrollFrame_OnMouseWheel)
+	scrollframe:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", ScrollFrame_OnSizeChanged)
+	local scrollbar = CreateFrame("Slider", ("AceConfigDialogScrollFrame%dScrollBar"):format(num), scrollframe, "UIPanelScrollBarTemplate")
+	scrollbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollframe, "TOPRIGHT", 4, -16)
+	scrollbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", scrollframe, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 4, 16)
+	scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1000)
+	scrollbar:SetValueStep(1)
+	scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+	scrollbar:SetWidth(16)
+	scrollbar:Hide()
+	-- set the script as the last step, so it doesn't fire yet
+	scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", ScrollBar_OnScrollValueChanged)
+	local scrollbg = scrollbar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	scrollbg:SetAllPoints(scrollbar)
+	if IsLegion then
+		scrollbg:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
+	else
+		scrollbg:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
+	end
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, scrollframe)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+	content:SetHeight(400)
+	scrollframe:SetScrollChild(content)
+	local widget = {
+		localstatus = { scrollvalue = 0 },
+		scrollframe = scrollframe,
+		scrollbar   = scrollbar,
+		content     = content,
+		frame       = frame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	scrollframe.obj, scrollbar.obj = widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57512c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+SimpleGroup Container
+Simple container widget that just groups widgets.
+local Type, Version = "SimpleGroup", 20
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetWidth(300)
+		self:SetHeight(100)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+		self:SetHeight(height or 0)
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		content:SetWidth(width)
+		content.width = width
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		content:SetHeight(height)
+		content.height = height
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	local widget = {
+		frame     = frame,
+		content   = content,
+		type      = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00be129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+TabGroup Container
+Container that uses tabs on top to switch between groups.
+local Type, Version = "TabGroup", 35
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe = pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: PanelTemplates_TabResize, PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState, PanelTemplates_SelectTab, PanelTemplates_DeselectTab
+-- local upvalue storage used by BuildTabs
+local widths = {}
+local rowwidths = {}
+local rowends = {}
+Support functions
+local function UpdateTabLook(frame)
+	if frame.disabled then
+		PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState(frame)
+	elseif frame.selected then
+		PanelTemplates_SelectTab(frame)
+	else
+		PanelTemplates_DeselectTab(frame)
+	end
+local function Tab_SetText(frame, text)
+	frame:_SetText(text)
+	local width = frame.obj.frame.width or frame.obj.frame:GetWidth() or 0
+	PanelTemplates_TabResize(frame, 0, nil, nil, width, frame:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+local function Tab_SetSelected(frame, selected)
+	frame.selected = selected
+	UpdateTabLook(frame)
+local function Tab_SetDisabled(frame, disabled)
+	frame.disabled = disabled
+	UpdateTabLook(frame)
+local function BuildTabsOnUpdate(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:BuildTabs()
+	frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+local function Tab_OnClick(frame)
+	if not (frame.selected or frame.disabled) then
+		PlaySound("igCharacterInfoTab")
+		frame.obj:SelectTab(frame.value)
+	end
+local function Tab_OnEnter(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnTabEnter", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame)
+local function Tab_OnLeave(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnTabLeave", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame)
+local function Tab_OnShow(frame)
+	_G[frame:GetName().."HighlightTexture"]:SetWidth(frame:GetTextWidth() + 30)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetTitle()
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self.status = nil
+		for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+			self.localstatus[k] = nil
+		end
+		self.tablist = nil
+		for _, tab in pairs(self.tabs) do
+			tab:Hide()
+		end
+	end,
+	["CreateTab"] = function(self, id)
+		local tabname = ("AceGUITabGroup%dTab%d"):format(self.num, id)
+		local tab = CreateFrame("Button", tabname, self.border, "OptionsFrameTabButtonTemplate")
+		tab.obj = self
+		tab.id = id
+		tab.text = _G[tabname .. "Text"]
+		tab.text:ClearAllPoints()
+		tab.text:SetPoint("LEFT", 14, -3)
+		tab.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -12, -3)
+		tab:SetScript("OnClick", Tab_OnClick)
+		tab:SetScript("OnEnter", Tab_OnEnter)
+		tab:SetScript("OnLeave", Tab_OnLeave)
+		tab:SetScript("OnShow", Tab_OnShow)
+		tab._SetText = tab.SetText
+		tab.SetText = Tab_SetText
+		tab.SetSelected = Tab_SetSelected
+		tab.SetDisabled = Tab_SetDisabled
+		return tab
+	end,
+	["SetTitle"] = function(self, text)
+		self.titletext:SetText(text or "")
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.alignoffset = 25
+		else
+			self.alignoffset = 18
+		end
+		self:BuildTabs()
+	end,
+	["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+	end,
+	["SelectTab"] = function(self, value)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local found
+		for i, v in ipairs(self.tabs) do
+			if v.value == value then
+				v:SetSelected(true)
+				found = true
+			else
+				v:SetSelected(false)
+			end
+		end
+		status.selected = value
+		if found then
+			self:Fire("OnGroupSelected",value)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetTabs"] = function(self, tabs)
+		self.tablist = tabs
+		self:BuildTabs()
+	end,
+	["BuildTabs"] = function(self)
+		local hastitle = (self.titletext:GetText() and self.titletext:GetText() ~= "")
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local tablist = self.tablist
+		local tabs = self.tabs
+		if not tablist then return end
+		local width = self.frame.width or self.frame:GetWidth() or 0
+		wipe(widths)
+		wipe(rowwidths)
+		wipe(rowends)
+		--Place Text into tabs and get thier initial width
+		for i, v in ipairs(tablist) do
+			local tab = tabs[i]
+			if not tab then
+				tab = self:CreateTab(i)
+				tabs[i] = tab
+			end
+			tab:Show()
+			tab:SetText(v.text)
+			tab:SetDisabled(v.disabled)
+			tab.value = v.value
+			widths[i] = tab:GetWidth() - 6 --tabs are anchored 10 pixels from the right side of the previous one to reduce spacing, but add a fixed 4px padding for the text
+		end
+		for i = (#tablist)+1, #tabs, 1 do
+			tabs[i]:Hide()
+		end
+		--First pass, find the minimum number of rows needed to hold all tabs and the initial tab layout
+		local numtabs = #tablist
+		local numrows = 1
+		local usedwidth = 0
+		for i = 1, #tablist do
+			--If this is not the first tab of a row and there isn't room for it
+			if usedwidth ~= 0 and (width - usedwidth - widths[i]) < 0 then
+				rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px
+				rowends[numrows] = i - 1
+				numrows = numrows + 1
+				usedwidth = 0
+			end
+			usedwidth = usedwidth + widths[i]
+		end
+		rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px
+		rowends[numrows] = #tablist
+		--Fix for single tabs being left on the last row, move a tab from the row above if applicable
+		if numrows > 1 then
+			--if the last row has only one tab
+			if rowends[numrows-1] == numtabs-1 then
+				--if there are more than 2 tabs in the 2nd last row
+				if (numrows == 2 and rowends[numrows-1] > 2) or (rowends[numrows] - rowends[numrows-1] > 2) then
+					--move 1 tab from the second last row to the last, if there is enough space
+					if (rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1]) <= width then
+						rowends[numrows-1] = rowends[numrows-1] - 1
+						rowwidths[numrows] = rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1]
+						rowwidths[numrows-1] = rowwidths[numrows-1] - widths[numtabs-1]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		--anchor the rows as defined and resize tabs to fill thier row
+		local starttab = 1
+		for row, endtab in ipairs(rowends) do
+			local first = true
+			for tabno = starttab, endtab do
+				local tab = tabs[tabno]
+				tab:ClearAllPoints()
+				if first then
+					tab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(hastitle and 14 or 7)-(row-1)*20 )
+					first = false
+				else
+					tab:SetPoint("LEFT", tabs[tabno-1], "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+				end
+			end
+			-- equal padding for each tab to fill the available width,
+			-- if the used space is above 75% already
+			-- the 18 pixel is the typical width of a scrollbar, so we can have a tab group inside a scrolling frame,
+			-- and not have the tabs jump around funny when switching between tabs that need scrolling and those that don't
+			local padding = 0
+			if not (numrows == 1 and rowwidths[1] < width*0.75 - 18) then
+				padding = (width - rowwidths[row]) / (endtab - starttab+1)
+			end
+			for i = starttab, endtab do
+				PanelTemplates_TabResize(tabs[i], padding + 4, nil, nil, width, tabs[i]:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+			end
+			starttab = endtab + 1
+		end
+		self.borderoffset = (hastitle and 17 or 10)+((numrows)*20)
+		self.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -self.borderoffset)
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 60
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+		self:BuildTabs(self)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", BuildTabsOnUpdate)
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - (self.borderoffset + 23)
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+		self:SetHeight((height or 0) + (self.borderoffset + 23))
+	end
+local PaneBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent)
+	frame:SetHeight(100)
+	frame:SetWidth(100)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormal")
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, 0)
+	titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -14, 0)
+	titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	titletext:SetHeight(18)
+	titletext:SetText("")
+	local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -27)
+	border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 3)
+	border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+	border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -7)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 7)
+	local widget = {
+		num          = num,
+		frame        = frame,
+		localstatus  = {},
+		alignoffset  = 18,
+		titletext    = titletext,
+		border       = border,
+		borderoffset = 27,
+		tabs         = {},
+		content      = content,
+		type         = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf17d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+TreeGroup Container
+Container that uses a tree control to switch between groups.
+local Type, Version = "TreeGroup", 40
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+local IsLegion = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 70000
+-- Lua APIs
+local next, pairs, ipairs, assert, type = next, pairs, ipairs, assert, type
+local math_min, math_max, floor = math.min, math.max, floor
+local select, tremove, unpack, tconcat = select, table.remove, unpack, table.concat
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- Recycling functions
+local new, del
+	local pool = setmetatable({},{__mode='k'})
+	function new()
+		local t = next(pool)
+		if t then
+			pool[t] = nil
+			return t
+		else
+			return {}
+		end
+	end
+	function del(t)
+		for k in pairs(t) do
+			t[k] = nil
+		end
+		pool[t] = true
+	end
+Support functions
+local function GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
+	local parent = line.parent
+	if parent and parent.value then
+		return GetButtonUniqueValue(parent).."\001"..line.value
+	else
+		return line.value
+	end
+local function UpdateButton(button, treeline, selected, canExpand, isExpanded)
+	local self = button.obj
+	local toggle = button.toggle
+	local frame = self.frame
+	local text = treeline.text or ""
+	local icon = treeline.icon
+	local iconCoords = treeline.iconCoords
+	local level = treeline.level
+	local value = treeline.value
+	local uniquevalue = treeline.uniquevalue
+	local disabled = treeline.disabled
+	button.treeline = treeline
+	button.value = value
+	button.uniquevalue = uniquevalue
+	if selected then
+		button:LockHighlight()
+		button.selected = true
+	else
+		button:UnlockHighlight()
+		button.selected = false
+	end
+	local normalTexture = button:GetNormalTexture()
+	local line = button.line
+	button.level = level
+	if ( level == 1 ) then
+		button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormal")
+		button:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+		button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", (icon and 16 or 0) + 8, 2)
+	else
+		button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+		button:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+		button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", (icon and 16 or 0) + 8 * level, 2)
+	end
+	if disabled then
+		button:EnableMouse(false)
+		button.text:SetText("|cff808080"..text..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE)
+	else
+		button.text:SetText(text)
+		button:EnableMouse(true)
+	end
+	if icon then
+		button.icon:SetTexture(icon)
+		button.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", 8 * level, (level == 1) and 0 or 1)
+	else
+		button.icon:SetTexture(nil)
+	end
+	if iconCoords then
+		button.icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(iconCoords))
+	else
+		button.icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+	end
+	if canExpand then
+		if not isExpanded then
+			toggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-UP")
+			toggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-DOWN")
+		else
+			toggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-UP")
+			toggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-DOWN")
+		end
+		toggle:Show()
+	else
+		toggle:Hide()
+	end
+local function ShouldDisplayLevel(tree)
+	local result = false
+	for k, v in ipairs(tree) do
+		if v.children == nil and v.visible ~= false then
+			result = true
+		elseif v.children then
+			result = result or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children)
+		end
+		if result then return result end
+	end
+	return false
+local function addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+	local line = new()
+	line.value = v.value
+	line.text = v.text
+	line.icon = v.icon
+	line.iconCoords = v.iconCoords
+	line.disabled = v.disabled
+	line.tree = tree
+	line.level = level
+	line.parent = parent
+	line.visible = v.visible
+	line.uniquevalue = GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
+	if v.children then
+		line.hasChildren = true
+	else
+		line.hasChildren = nil
+	end
+	self.lines[#self.lines+1] = line
+	return line
+--fire an update after one frame to catch the treeframes height
+local function FirstFrameUpdate(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	self:RefreshTree()
+local function BuildUniqueValue(...)
+	local n = select('#', ...)
+	if n == 1 then
+		return ...
+	else
+		return (...).."\001"..BuildUniqueValue(select(2,...))
+	end
+local function Expand_OnClick(frame)
+	local button = frame.button
+	local self = button.obj
+	local status = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+	status[button.uniquevalue] = not status[button.uniquevalue]
+	self:RefreshTree()
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnClick", frame.uniquevalue, frame.selected)
+	if not frame.selected then
+		self:SetSelected(frame.uniquevalue)
+		frame.selected = true
+		frame:LockHighlight()
+		self:RefreshTree()
+	end
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Button_OnDoubleClick(button)
+	local self = button.obj
+	local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+	local status = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+	status[button.uniquevalue] = not status[button.uniquevalue]
+	self:RefreshTree()
+local function Button_OnEnter(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnButtonEnter", frame.uniquevalue, frame)
+	if self.enabletooltips then
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+		GameTooltip:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"RIGHT")
+		GameTooltip:SetText(frame.text:GetText() or "", 1, .82, 0, true)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+local function Button_OnLeave(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnButtonLeave", frame.uniquevalue, frame)
+	if self.enabletooltips then
+		GameTooltip:Hide()
+	end
+local function OnScrollValueChanged(frame, value)
+	if frame.obj.noupdate then return end
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+	status.scrollvalue = floor(value + 0.5)
+	self:RefreshTree()
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Tree_OnSizeChanged(frame)
+	frame.obj:RefreshTree()
+local function Tree_OnMouseWheel(frame, delta)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if self.showscroll then
+		local scrollbar = self.scrollbar
+		local min, max = scrollbar:GetMinMaxValues()
+		local value = scrollbar:GetValue()
+		local newvalue = math_min(max,math_max(min,value - delta))
+		if value ~= newvalue then
+			scrollbar:SetValue(newvalue)
+		end
+	end
+local function Dragger_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0)
+local function Dragger_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0.8)
+local function Dragger_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	local treeframe = frame:GetParent()
+	treeframe:StartSizing("RIGHT")
+local function Dragger_OnMouseUp(frame)
+	local treeframe = frame:GetParent()
+	local self = treeframe.obj
+	local frame = treeframe:GetParent()
+	treeframe:StopMovingOrSizing()
+	--treeframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	treeframe:SetUserPlaced(false)
+	--Without this :GetHeight will get stuck on the current height, causing the tree contents to not resize
+	treeframe:SetHeight(0)
+	treeframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT",0,0)
+	treeframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
+	local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+	status.treewidth = treeframe:GetWidth()
+	treeframe.obj:Fire("OnTreeResize",treeframe:GetWidth())
+	-- recalculate the content width
+	treeframe.obj:OnWidthSet(status.fullwidth)
+	-- update the layout of the content
+	treeframe.obj:DoLayout()
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:EnableButtonTooltips(true)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FirstFrameUpdate)
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self.status = nil
+		for k, v in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+			if k == "groups" then
+				for k2 in pairs(v) do
+					v[k2] = nil
+				end
+			else
+				self.localstatus[k] = nil
+			end
+		end
+		self.localstatus.scrollvalue = 0
+		self.localstatus.treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+		self.localstatus.treesizable = DEFAULT_TREE_SIZABLE
+	end,
+	["EnableButtonTooltips"] = function(self, enable)
+		self.enabletooltips = enable
+	end,
+	["CreateButton"] = function(self)
+		local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum("TreeGroupButton")
+		local button = CreateFrame("Button", ("AceGUI30TreeButton%d"):format(num), self.treeframe, "OptionsListButtonTemplate")
+		button.obj = self
+		local icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		icon:SetWidth(14)
+		icon:SetHeight(14)
+		button.icon = icon
+		button:SetScript("OnClick",Button_OnClick)
+		button:SetScript("OnDoubleClick", Button_OnDoubleClick)
+		button:SetScript("OnEnter",Button_OnEnter)
+		button:SetScript("OnLeave",Button_OnLeave)
+		button.toggle.button = button
+		button.toggle:SetScript("OnClick",Expand_OnClick)
+		button.text:SetHeight(14) -- Prevents text wrapping
+		return button
+	end,
+	["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+		if not status.groups then
+			status.groups = {}
+		end
+		if not status.scrollvalue then
+			status.scrollvalue = 0
+		end
+		if not status.treewidth then
+			status.treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+		end
+		if status.treesizable == nil then
+			status.treesizable = DEFAULT_TREE_SIZABLE
+		end
+		self:SetTreeWidth(status.treewidth,status.treesizable)
+		self:RefreshTree()
+	end,
+	--sets the tree to be displayed
+	["SetTree"] = function(self, tree, filter)
+		self.filter = filter
+		if tree then
+			assert(type(tree) == "table")
+		end
+		self.tree = tree
+		self:RefreshTree()
+	end,
+	["BuildLevel"] = function(self, tree, level, parent)
+		local groups = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+		local hasChildren = self.hasChildren
+		for i, v in ipairs(tree) do
+			if v.children then
+				if not self.filter or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children) then
+					local line = addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+					if groups[line.uniquevalue] then
+						self:BuildLevel(v.children, level+1, line)
+					end
+				end
+			elseif v.visible ~= false or not self.filter then
+				addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+			end
+		end
+	end,
+	["RefreshTree"] = function(self,scrollToSelection)
+		local buttons = self.buttons
+		local lines = self.lines
+		for i, v in ipairs(buttons) do
+			v:Hide()
+		end
+		while lines[1] do
+			local t = tremove(lines)
+			for k in pairs(t) do
+				t[k] = nil
+			end
+			del(t)
+		end
+		if not self.tree then return end
+		--Build the list of visible entries from the tree and status tables
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local groupstatus = status.groups
+		local tree = self.tree
+		local treeframe = self.treeframe
+		status.scrollToSelection = status.scrollToSelection or scrollToSelection	-- needs to be cached in case the control hasn't been drawn yet (code bails out below)
+		self:BuildLevel(tree, 1)
+		local numlines = #lines
+		local maxlines = (floor(((self.treeframe:GetHeight()or 0) - 20 ) / 18))
+		if maxlines <= 0 then return end
+		local first, last
+		scrollToSelection = status.scrollToSelection
+		status.scrollToSelection = nil
+		if numlines <= maxlines then
+			--the whole tree fits in the frame
+			status.scrollvalue = 0
+			self:ShowScroll(false)
+			first, last = 1, numlines
+		else
+			self:ShowScroll(true)
+			--scrolling will be needed
+			self.noupdate = true
+			self.scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, numlines - maxlines)
+			--check if we are scrolled down too far
+			if numlines - status.scrollvalue < maxlines then
+				status.scrollvalue = numlines - maxlines
+			end
+			self.noupdate = nil
+			first, last = status.scrollvalue+1, status.scrollvalue + maxlines
+			--show selection?
+			if scrollToSelection and status.selected then
+				local show
+				for i,line in ipairs(lines) do	-- find the line number
+					if line.uniquevalue==status.selected then
+						show=i
+					end
+				end
+				if not show then
+					-- selection was deleted or something?
+				elseif show>=first and show<=last then
+					-- all good
+				else
+					-- scrolling needed!
+					if show<first then
+						status.scrollvalue = show-1
+					else
+						status.scrollvalue = show-maxlines
+					end
+					first, last = status.scrollvalue+1, status.scrollvalue + maxlines
+				end
+			end
+			if self.scrollbar:GetValue() ~= status.scrollvalue then
+				self.scrollbar:SetValue(status.scrollvalue)
+			end
+		end
+		local buttonnum = 1
+		for i = first, last do
+			local line = lines[i]
+			local button = buttons[buttonnum]
+			if not button then
+				button = self:CreateButton()
+				buttons[buttonnum] = button
+				button:SetParent(treeframe)
+				button:SetFrameLevel(treeframe:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+				button:ClearAllPoints()
+				if buttonnum == 1 then
+					if self.showscroll then
+						button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -22, -10)
+						button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -10)
+					else
+						button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -10)
+						button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -10)
+					end
+				else
+					button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", buttons[buttonnum-1], "BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
+					button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", buttons[buttonnum-1], "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
+				end
+			end
+			UpdateButton(button, line, status.selected == line.uniquevalue, line.hasChildren, groupstatus[line.uniquevalue] )
+			button:Show()
+			buttonnum = buttonnum + 1
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetSelected"] = function(self, value)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		if status.selected ~= value then
+			status.selected = value
+			self:Fire("OnGroupSelected", value)
+		end
+	end,
+	["Select"] = function(self, uniquevalue, ...)
+		self.filter = false
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local groups = status.groups
+		local path = {...}
+		for i = 1, #path do
+			groups[tconcat(path, "\001", 1, i)] = true
+		end
+		status.selected = uniquevalue
+		self:RefreshTree(true)
+		self:Fire("OnGroupSelected", uniquevalue)
+	end,
+	["SelectByPath"] = function(self, ...)
+		self:Select(BuildUniqueValue(...), ...)
+	end,
+	["SelectByValue"] = function(self, uniquevalue)
+		self:Select(uniquevalue, ("\001"):split(uniquevalue))
+	end,
+	["ShowScroll"] = function(self, show)
+		self.showscroll = show
+		if show then
+			self.scrollbar:Show()
+			if self.buttons[1] then
+				self.buttons[1]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.treeframe,"TOPRIGHT",-22,-10)
+			end
+		else
+			self.scrollbar:Hide()
+			if self.buttons[1] then
+				self.buttons[1]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.treeframe,"TOPRIGHT",0,-10)
+			end
+		end
+	end,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local treeframe = self.treeframe
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		status.fullwidth = width
+		local contentwidth = width - status.treewidth - 20
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+		local maxtreewidth = math_min(400, width - 50)
+		if maxtreewidth > 100 and status.treewidth > maxtreewidth then
+			self:SetTreeWidth(maxtreewidth, status.treesizable)
+		end
+		treeframe:SetMaxResize(maxtreewidth, 1600)
+	end,
+	["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 20
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end,
+	["SetTreeWidth"] = function(self, treewidth, resizable)
+		if not resizable then
+			if type(treewidth) == 'number' then
+				resizable = false
+			elseif type(treewidth) == 'boolean' then
+				resizable = treewidth
+				treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+			else
+				resizable = false
+				treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+			end
+		end
+		self.treeframe:SetWidth(treewidth)
+		self.dragger:EnableMouse(resizable)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		status.treewidth = treewidth
+		status.treesizable = resizable
+		-- recalculate the content width
+		if status.fullwidth then
+			self:OnWidthSet(status.fullwidth)
+		end
+	end,
+	["GetTreeWidth"] = function(self)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		return status.treewidth or DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+	end,
+	["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+		if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+		self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 20)
+	end
+local PaneBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local DraggerBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background",
+	edgeFile = nil,
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 0,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 7, bottom = 7 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	local treeframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	treeframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	treeframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+	treeframe:SetWidth(DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH)
+	treeframe:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+	treeframe:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	treeframe:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+	treeframe:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+	treeframe:SetResizable(true)
+	treeframe:SetMinResize(100, 1)
+	treeframe:SetMaxResize(400, 1600)
+	treeframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FirstFrameUpdate)
+	treeframe:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", Tree_OnSizeChanged)
+	treeframe:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Tree_OnMouseWheel)
+	local dragger = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, treeframe)
+	dragger:SetWidth(8)
+	dragger:SetPoint("TOP", treeframe, "TOPRIGHT")
+	dragger:SetPoint("BOTTOM", treeframe, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	dragger:SetBackdrop(DraggerBackdrop)
+	dragger:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0)
+	dragger:SetScript("OnEnter", Dragger_OnEnter)
+	dragger:SetScript("OnLeave", Dragger_OnLeave)
+	dragger:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Dragger_OnMouseDown)
+	dragger:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Dragger_OnMouseUp)
+	local scrollbar = CreateFrame("Slider", ("AceConfigDialogTreeGroup%dScrollBar"):format(num), treeframe, "UIPanelScrollBarTemplate")
+	scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", nil)
+	scrollbar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -26)
+	scrollbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 26)
+	scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0,0)
+	scrollbar:SetValueStep(1)
+	scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+	scrollbar:SetWidth(16)
+	scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", OnScrollValueChanged)
+	local scrollbg = scrollbar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	scrollbg:SetAllPoints(scrollbar)
+	if IsLegion then
+		scrollbg:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0.4)
+	else
+		scrollbg:SetTexture(0,0,0,0.4)
+	end
+	local border = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+	border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", treeframe, "TOPRIGHT")
+	border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+	border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+	border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+	--Container Support
+	local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+	content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+	content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+	local widget = {
+		frame        = frame,
+		lines        = {},
+		levels       = {},
+		buttons      = {},
+		hasChildren  = {},
+		localstatus  = { groups = {}, scrollvalue = 0 },
+		filter       = false,
+		treeframe    = treeframe,
+		dragger      = dragger,
+		scrollbar    = scrollbar,
+		border       = border,
+		content      = content,
+		type         = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	treeframe.obj, dragger.obj, scrollbar.obj = widget, widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb0a2a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontNormal
+-- Main Frame --
+	Events :
+		OnClose
+	local Type = "Window"
+	local Version = 4
+	local function frameOnClose(this)
+		this.obj:Fire("OnClose")
+	end
+	local function closeOnClick(this)
+		PlaySound("gsTitleOptionExit")
+		this.obj:Hide()
+	end
+	local function frameOnMouseDown(this)
+		AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	end
+	local function titleOnMouseDown(this)
+		this:GetParent():StartMoving()
+		AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	end
+	local function frameOnMouseUp(this)
+		local frame = this:GetParent()
+		frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+		local self = frame.obj
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		status.width = frame:GetWidth()
+		status.height = frame:GetHeight()
+		status.top = frame:GetTop()
+		status.left = frame:GetLeft()
+	end
+	local function sizerseOnMouseDown(this)
+		this:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	end
+	local function sizersOnMouseDown(this)
+		this:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOM")
+		AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	end
+	local function sizereOnMouseDown(this)
+		this:GetParent():StartSizing("RIGHT")
+		AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	end
+	local function sizerOnMouseUp(this)
+		this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing()
+	end
+	local function SetTitle(self,title)
+		self.titletext:SetText(title)
+	end
+	local function SetStatusText(self,text)
+		-- self.statustext:SetText(text)
+	end
+	local function Hide(self)
+		self.frame:Hide()
+	end
+	local function Show(self)
+		self.frame:Show()
+	end
+	local function OnAcquire(self)
+		self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+		self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		self:ApplyStatus()
+		self:EnableResize(true)
+		self:Show()
+	end
+	local function OnRelease(self)
+		self.status = nil
+		for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+			self.localstatus[k] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	-- called to set an external table to store status in
+	local function SetStatusTable(self, status)
+		assert(type(status) == "table")
+		self.status = status
+		self:ApplyStatus()
+	end
+	local function ApplyStatus(self)
+		local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+		local frame = self.frame
+		self:SetWidth(status.width or 700)
+		self:SetHeight(status.height or 500)
+		if status.top and status.left then
+			frame:SetPoint("TOP",UIParent,"BOTTOM",0,status.top)
+			frame:SetPoint("LEFT",UIParent,"LEFT",status.left,0)
+		else
+			frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER")
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnWidthSet(self, width)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentwidth = width - 34
+		if contentwidth < 0 then
+			contentwidth = 0
+		end
+		content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+		content.width = contentwidth
+	end
+	local function OnHeightSet(self, height)
+		local content = self.content
+		local contentheight = height - 57
+		if contentheight < 0 then
+			contentheight = 0
+		end
+		content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+		content.height = contentheight
+	end
+	local function EnableResize(self, state)
+		local func = state and "Show" or "Hide"
+		self.sizer_se[func](self.sizer_se)
+		self.sizer_s[func](self.sizer_s)
+		self.sizer_e[func](self.sizer_e)
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent)
+		local self = {}
+		self.type = "Window"
+		self.Hide = Hide
+		self.Show = Show
+		self.SetTitle =  SetTitle
+		self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+		self.OnAcquire = OnAcquire
+		self.SetStatusText = SetStatusText
+		self.SetStatusTable = SetStatusTable
+		self.ApplyStatus = ApplyStatus
+		self.OnWidthSet = OnWidthSet
+		self.OnHeightSet = OnHeightSet
+		self.EnableResize = EnableResize
+		self.localstatus = {}
+		self.frame = frame
+		frame.obj = self
+		frame:SetWidth(700)
+		frame:SetHeight(500)
+		frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",0,0)
+		frame:EnableMouse()
+		frame:SetMovable(true)
+		frame:SetResizable(true)
+		frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", frameOnMouseDown)
+		frame:SetScript("OnHide",frameOnClose)
+		frame:SetMinResize(240,240)
+		frame:SetToplevel(true)
+		local titlebg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		titlebg:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Title-Background]])
+		titlebg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 9, -6)
+		titlebg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -28, -24)
+		local dialogbg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		dialogbg:SetTexture([[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]])
+		dialogbg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 8, -24)
+		dialogbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -6, 8)
+		dialogbg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, .75)
+		local topleft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		topleft:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		topleft:SetWidth(64)
+		topleft:SetHeight(64)
+		topleft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+		topleft:SetTexCoord(0.501953125, 0.625, 0, 1)
+		local topright = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		topright:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		topright:SetWidth(64)
+		topright:SetHeight(64)
+		topright:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+		topright:SetTexCoord(0.625, 0.75, 0, 1)
+		local top = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		top:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		top:SetHeight(64)
+		top:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", topleft, "TOPRIGHT")
+		top:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", topright, "TOPLEFT")
+		top:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0.369140625, 0, 1)
+		local bottomleft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		bottomleft:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		bottomleft:SetWidth(64)
+		bottomleft:SetHeight(64)
+		bottomleft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+		bottomleft:SetTexCoord(0.751953125, 0.875, 0, 1)
+		local bottomright = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		bottomright:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		bottomright:SetWidth(64)
+		bottomright:SetHeight(64)
+		bottomright:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		bottomright:SetTexCoord(0.875, 1, 0, 1)
+		local bottom = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		bottom:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		bottom:SetHeight(64)
+		bottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", bottomleft, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		bottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bottomright, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+		bottom:SetTexCoord(0.376953125, 0.498046875, 0, 1)
+		local left = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		left:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		left:SetWidth(64)
+		left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", topleft, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+		left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", bottomleft, "TOPLEFT")
+		left:SetTexCoord(0.001953125, 0.125, 0, 1)
+		local right = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+		right:SetTexture([[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-GearManager-Border]])
+		right:SetWidth(64)
+		right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", topright, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		right:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bottomright, "TOPRIGHT")
+		right:SetTexCoord(0.1171875, 0.2421875, 0, 1)
+		local close = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+		close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 2, 1)
+		close:SetScript("OnClick", closeOnClick)
+		self.closebutton = close
+		close.obj = self
+		local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		titletext:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+		titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 12, -8)
+		titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -32, -8)
+		self.titletext = titletext
+		local title = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
+		title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", titlebg)
+		title:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", titlebg)
+		title:EnableMouse()
+		title:SetScript("OnMouseDown",titleOnMouseDown)
+		title:SetScript("OnMouseUp", frameOnMouseUp)
+		self.title = title
+		local sizer_se = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+		sizer_se:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
+		sizer_se:SetWidth(25)
+		sizer_se:SetHeight(25)
+		sizer_se:EnableMouse()
+		sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizerseOnMouseDown)
+		sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+		self.sizer_se = sizer_se
+		local line1 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		self.line1 = line1
+		line1:SetWidth(14)
+		line1:SetHeight(14)
+		line1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+		line1:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+		local x = 0.1 * 14/17
+		line1:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+		local line2 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+		self.line2 = line2
+		line2:SetWidth(8)
+		line2:SetHeight(8)
+		line2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+		line2:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+		local x = 0.1 * 8/17
+		line2:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+		local sizer_s = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+		sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-25,0)
+		sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",frame,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
+		sizer_s:SetHeight(25)
+		sizer_s:EnableMouse()
+		sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizersOnMouseDown)
+		sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+		self.sizer_s = sizer_s
+		local sizer_e = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+		sizer_e:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,25)
+		sizer_e:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",0,0)
+		sizer_e:SetWidth(25)
+		sizer_e:EnableMouse()
+		sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizereOnMouseDown)
+		sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+		self.sizer_e = sizer_e
+		--Container Support
+		local content = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+		self.content = content
+		content.obj = self
+		content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",12,-32)
+		content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-12,13)
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type,Constructor,Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c72c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Button Widget
+Graphical Button.
+local Type, Version = "Button", 23
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local _G = _G
+local PlaySound, CreateFrame, UIParent = PlaySound, CreateFrame, UIParent
+local function Button_OnClick(frame, ...)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+	PlaySound("igMainMenuOption")
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", ...)
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		-- restore default values
+		self:SetHeight(24)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self:SetAutoWidth(false)
+		self:SetText()
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.text:SetText(text)
+		if self.autoWidth then
+			self:SetWidth(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 30)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetAutoWidth"] = function(self, autoWidth)
+		self.autoWidth = autoWidth
+		if self.autoWidth then
+			self:SetWidth(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 30)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.frame:Disable()
+		else
+			self.frame:Enable()
+		end
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local name = "AceGUI30Button" .. AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Button", name, UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	local text = frame:GetFontString()
+	text:ClearAllPoints()
+	text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 15, -1)
+	text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -15, 1)
+	text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+	local widget = {
+		text  = text,
+		frame = frame,
+		type  = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8847ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+Checkbox Widget
+local Type, Version = "CheckBox", 22
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs = select, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: SetDesaturation, GameFontHighlight
+Support functions
+local function AlignImage(self)
+	local img = self.image:GetTexture()
+	self.text:ClearAllPoints()
+	if not img then
+		self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.checkbg, "RIGHT")
+		self.text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+	else
+		self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.image,"RIGHT", 1, 0)
+		self.text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+	end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function CheckBox_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if not self.disabled then
+		if self.image:GetTexture() then
+			self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.image,"RIGHT", 2, -1)
+		else
+			self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.checkbg, "RIGHT", 1, -1)
+		end
+	end
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function CheckBox_OnMouseUp(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if not self.disabled then
+		self:ToggleChecked()
+		if self.checked then
+			PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
+		else -- for both nil and false (tristate)
+			PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff")
+		end
+		self:Fire("OnValueChanged", self.checked)
+		AlignImage(self)
+	end
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetType()
+		self:SetValue(false)
+		self:SetTriState(nil)
+		-- height is calculated from the width and required space for the description
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetImage()
+		self:SetDisabled(nil)
+		self:SetDescription(nil)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		if self.desc then
+			self.desc:SetWidth(width - 30)
+			if self.desc:GetText() and self.desc:GetText() ~= "" then
+				self:SetHeight(28 + self.desc:GetHeight())
+			end
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.frame:Disable()
+			self.text:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+			SetDesaturation(self.check, true)
+			if self.desc then
+				self.desc:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+			end
+		else
+			self.frame:Enable()
+			self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			if self.tristate and self.checked == nil then
+				SetDesaturation(self.check, true)
+			else
+				SetDesaturation(self.check, false)
+			end
+			if self.desc then
+				self.desc:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			end
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetValue"] = function(self,value)
+		local check = self.check
+		self.checked = value
+		if value then
+			SetDesaturation(self.check, false)
+			self.check:Show()
+		else
+			--Nil is the unknown tristate value
+			if self.tristate and value == nil then
+				SetDesaturation(self.check, true)
+				self.check:Show()
+			else
+				SetDesaturation(self.check, false)
+				self.check:Hide()
+			end
+		end
+		self:SetDisabled(self.disabled)
+	end,
+	["GetValue"] = function(self)
+		return self.checked
+	end,
+	["SetTriState"] = function(self, enabled)
+		self.tristate = enabled
+		self:SetValue(self:GetValue())
+	end,
+	["SetType"] = function(self, type)
+		local checkbg = self.checkbg
+		local check = self.check
+		local highlight = self.highlight
+		local size
+		if type == "radio" then
+			size = 16
+			checkbg:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton")
+			checkbg:SetTexCoord(0, 0.25, 0, 1)
+			check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton")
+			check:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0.5, 0, 1)
+			check:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+			highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton")
+			highlight:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 1)
+		else
+			size = 24
+			checkbg:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
+			checkbg:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+			check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
+			check:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+			check:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+			highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
+			highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+		end
+		checkbg:SetHeight(size)
+		checkbg:SetWidth(size)
+	end,
+	["ToggleChecked"] = function(self)
+		local value = self:GetValue()
+		if self.tristate then
+			--cycle in true, nil, false order
+			if value then
+				self:SetValue(nil)
+			elseif value == nil then
+				self:SetValue(false)
+			else
+				self:SetValue(true)
+			end
+		else
+			self:SetValue(not self:GetValue())
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, label)
+		self.text:SetText(label)
+	end,
+	["SetDescription"] = function(self, desc)
+		if desc then
+			if not self.desc then
+				local desc = self.frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+				desc:ClearAllPoints()
+				desc:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.checkbg, "TOPRIGHT", 5, -21)
+				desc:SetWidth(self.frame.width - 30)
+				desc:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+				desc:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+				self.desc = desc
+			end
+			self.desc:Show()
+			--self.text:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+			self.desc:SetText(desc)
+			self:SetHeight(28 + self.desc:GetHeight())
+		else
+			if self.desc then
+				self.desc:SetText("")
+				self.desc:Hide()
+			end
+			--self.text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight)
+			self:SetHeight(24)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+		local image = self.image
+		image:SetTexture(path)
+		if image:GetTexture() then
+			local n = select("#", ...)
+			if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+				image:SetTexCoord(...)
+			else
+				image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+			end
+		end
+		AlignImage(self)
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", CheckBox_OnMouseDown)
+	frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", CheckBox_OnMouseUp)
+	local checkbg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+	checkbg:SetWidth(24)
+	checkbg:SetHeight(24)
+	checkbg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	checkbg:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
+	local check = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	check:SetAllPoints(checkbg)
+	check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
+	local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+	text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	text:SetHeight(18)
+	text:SetPoint("LEFT", checkbg, "RIGHT")
+	text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+	local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+	highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
+	highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	highlight:SetAllPoints(checkbg)
+	local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	image:SetHeight(16)
+	image:SetWidth(16)
+	image:SetPoint("LEFT", checkbg, "RIGHT", 1, 0)
+	local widget = {
+		checkbg   = checkbg,
+		check     = check,
+		text      = text,
+		highlight = highlight,
+		image     = image,
+		frame     = frame,
+		type      = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..740a467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ColorPicker Widget
+local Type, Version = "ColorPicker", 23
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+local IsLegion = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 70000
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: ShowUIPanel, HideUIPanel, ColorPickerFrame, OpacitySliderFrame
+Support functions
+local function ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, isAlpha)
+	if not self.HasAlpha then
+		a = 1
+	end
+	self:SetColor(r, g, b, a)
+	if ColorPickerFrame:IsVisible() then
+		--colorpicker is still open
+		self:Fire("OnValueChanged", r, g, b, a)
+	else
+		--colorpicker is closed, color callback is first, ignore it,
+		--alpha callback is the final call after it closes so confirm now
+		if isAlpha then
+			self:Fire("OnValueConfirmed", r, g, b, a)
+		end
+	end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function ColorSwatch_OnClick(frame)
+	HideUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if not self.disabled then
+		ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameLevel(frame:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+		ColorPickerFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+		ColorPickerFrame.func = function()
+			local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+			local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+			ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a)
+		end
+		ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = self.HasAlpha
+		ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = function()
+			local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+			local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+			ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, true)
+		end
+		local r, g, b, a = self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a
+		if self.HasAlpha then
+			ColorPickerFrame.opacity = 1 - (a or 0)
+		end
+		ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(r, g, b)
+		ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function()
+			ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, true)
+		end
+		ShowUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame)
+	end
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetHeight(24)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetHasAlpha(false)
+		self:SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+		self:SetDisabled(nil)
+		self:SetLabel(nil)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+		self.text:SetText(text)
+	end,
+	["SetColor"] = function(self, r, g, b, a)
+		self.r = r
+		self.g = g
+		self.b = b
+		self.a = a or 1
+		self.colorSwatch:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
+	end,
+	["SetHasAlpha"] = function(self, HasAlpha)
+		self.HasAlpha = HasAlpha
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if self.disabled then
+			self.frame:Disable()
+			self.text:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+		else
+			self.frame:Enable()
+			self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+		end
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	frame:SetScript("OnClick", ColorSwatch_OnClick)
+	local colorSwatch = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	colorSwatch:SetWidth(19)
+	colorSwatch:SetHeight(19)
+	colorSwatch:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameColorSwatch")
+	colorSwatch:SetPoint("LEFT")
+	local texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	texture:SetWidth(16)
+	texture:SetHeight(16)
+	if IsLegion then
+		texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1)
+	else
+		texture:SetTexture(1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	texture:SetPoint("CENTER", colorSwatch)
+	texture:Show()
+	local checkers = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	checkers:SetWidth(14)
+	checkers:SetHeight(14)
+	checkers:SetTexture("Tileset\\Generic\\Checkers")
+	checkers:SetTexCoord(.25, 0, 0.5, .25)
+	checkers:SetDesaturated(true)
+	checkers:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75)
+	checkers:SetPoint("CENTER", colorSwatch)
+	checkers:Show()
+	local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontHighlight")
+	text:SetHeight(24)
+	text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+	text:SetPoint("LEFT", colorSwatch, "RIGHT", 2, 0)
+	text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+	--local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+	--highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight")
+	--highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	--highlight:SetAllPoints(frame)
+	local widget = {
+		colorSwatch = colorSwatch,
+		text        = text,
+		frame       = frame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea840f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+--[[ $Id: AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua 1137 2016-05-15 10:57:36Z nevcairiel $ ]]--
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+local IsLegion = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 70000
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, assert = select, assert
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function fixlevels(parent,...)
+	local i = 1
+	local child = select(i, ...)
+	while child do
+		child:SetFrameLevel(parent:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+		fixlevels(child, child:GetChildren())
+		i = i + 1
+		child = select(i, ...)
+	end
+local function fixstrata(strata, parent, ...)
+	local i = 1
+	local child = select(i, ...)
+	parent:SetFrameStrata(strata)
+	while child do
+		fixstrata(strata, child, child:GetChildren())
+		i = i + 1
+		child = select(i, ...)
+	end
+-- ItemBase is the base "class" for all dropdown items.
+-- Each item has to use ItemBase.Create(widgetType) to
+-- create an initial 'self' value.
+-- ItemBase will add common functions and ui event handlers.
+-- Be sure to keep basic usage when you override functions.
+local ItemBase = {
+	-- NOTE: The ItemBase version is added to each item's version number
+	--       to ensure proper updates on ItemBase changes.
+	--       Use at least 1000er steps.
+	version = 1000,
+	counter = 0,
+function ItemBase.Frame_OnEnter(this)
+	local self = this.obj
+	if self.useHighlight then
+		self.highlight:Show()
+	end
+	self:Fire("OnEnter")
+	if self.specialOnEnter then
+		self.specialOnEnter(self)
+	end
+function ItemBase.Frame_OnLeave(this)
+	local self = this.obj
+	self.highlight:Hide()
+	self:Fire("OnLeave")
+	if self.specialOnLeave then
+		self.specialOnLeave(self)
+	end
+-- exported, AceGUI callback
+function ItemBase.OnAcquire(self)
+	self.frame:SetToplevel(true)
+	self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+-- exported, AceGUI callback
+function ItemBase.OnRelease(self)
+	self:SetDisabled(false)
+	self.pullout = nil
+	self.frame:SetParent(nil)
+	self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+	self.frame:Hide()
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+--       Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetPullout(self, pullout)
+	self.pullout = pullout
+	self.frame:SetParent(nil)
+	self.frame:SetParent(pullout.itemFrame)
+	self.parent = pullout.itemFrame
+	fixlevels(pullout.itemFrame, pullout.itemFrame:GetChildren())
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetText(self, text)
+	self.text:SetText(text or "")
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.GetText(self)
+	return self.text:GetText()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetPoint(self, ...)
+	self.frame:SetPoint(...)
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.Show(self)
+	self.frame:Show()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.Hide(self)
+	self.frame:Hide()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+	self.disabled = disabled
+	if disabled then
+		self.useHighlight = false
+		self.text:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+	else
+		self.useHighlight = true
+		self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+	end
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+--       Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetOnLeave(self, func)
+	self.specialOnLeave = func
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+--       Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetOnEnter(self, func)
+	self.specialOnEnter = func
+function ItemBase.Create(type)
+	-- NOTE: Most of the following code is copied from AceGUI-3.0/Dropdown widget
+	local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "AceGUI30DropDownItem"..count)
+	local self = {}
+	self.frame = frame
+	frame.obj = self
+	self.type = type
+	self.useHighlight = true
+	frame:SetHeight(17)
+	frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalSmall")
+	text:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+	text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",18,0)
+	text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-8,0)
+	self.text = text
+	local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight")
+	highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	highlight:SetHeight(14)
+	highlight:ClearAllPoints()
+	highlight:SetPoint("RIGHT",frame,"RIGHT",-3,0)
+	highlight:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"LEFT",5,0)
+	highlight:Hide()
+	self.highlight = highlight
+	local check = frame:CreateTexture("OVERLAY")
+	check:SetWidth(16)
+	check:SetHeight(16)
+	check:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"LEFT",3,-1)
+	check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
+	check:Hide()
+	self.check = check
+	local sub = frame:CreateTexture("OVERLAY")
+	sub:SetWidth(16)
+	sub:SetHeight(16)
+	sub:SetPoint("RIGHT",frame,"RIGHT",-3,-1)
+	sub:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameExpandArrow")
+	sub:Hide()
+	self.sub = sub
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", ItemBase.Frame_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", ItemBase.Frame_OnLeave)
+	self.OnAcquire = ItemBase.OnAcquire
+	self.OnRelease = ItemBase.OnRelease
+	self.SetPullout = ItemBase.SetPullout
+	self.GetText    = ItemBase.GetText
+	self.SetText    = ItemBase.SetText
+	self.SetDisabled = ItemBase.SetDisabled
+	self.SetPoint   = ItemBase.SetPoint
+	self.Show       = ItemBase.Show
+	self.Hide       = ItemBase.Hide
+	self.SetOnLeave = ItemBase.SetOnLeave
+	self.SetOnEnter = ItemBase.SetOnEnter
+	return self
+-- Register a dummy LibStub library to retrieve the ItemBase, so other addons can use it.
+local IBLib = LibStub:NewLibrary("AceGUI-3.0-DropDown-ItemBase", ItemBase.version)
+if IBLib then
+	IBLib.GetItemBase = function() return ItemBase end
+	Template for items:
+-- Item:
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-"
+	local widgetVersion = 1
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Header
+-- A single text entry.
+-- Special: Different text color and no highlight
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Header"
+	local widgetVersion = 1
+	local function OnEnter(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		self:Fire("OnEnter")
+		if self.specialOnEnter then
+			self.specialOnEnter(self)
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnLeave(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		self:Fire("OnLeave")
+		if self.specialOnLeave then
+			self.specialOnLeave(self)
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported, override
+	local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+		ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+		if not disabled then
+			self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0)
+		end
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+		self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0)
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Execute
+-- A simple button
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Execute"
+	local widgetVersion = 1
+	local function Frame_OnClick(this, button)
+		local self = this.obj
+		if self.disabled then return end
+		self:Fire("OnClick")
+		if self.pullout then
+			self.pullout:Close()
+		end
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnClick", Frame_OnClick)
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Toggle
+-- Some sort of checkbox for dropdown menus.
+-- Does not close the pullout on click.
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Toggle"
+	local widgetVersion = 3
+	local function UpdateToggle(self)
+		if self.value then
+			self.check:Show()
+		else
+			self.check:Hide()
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnRelease(self)
+		ItemBase.OnRelease(self)
+		self:SetValue(nil)
+	end
+	local function Frame_OnClick(this, button)
+		local self = this.obj
+		if self.disabled then return end
+		self.value = not self.value
+		if self.value then
+			PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
+		else
+			PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff")
+		end
+		UpdateToggle(self)
+		self:Fire("OnValueChanged", self.value)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetValue(self, value)
+		self.value = value
+		UpdateToggle(self)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function GetValue(self)
+		return self.value
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnClick", Frame_OnClick)
+		self.SetValue = SetValue
+		self.GetValue = GetValue
+		self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Menu
+-- Shows a submenu on mouse over
+-- Does not close the pullout on click
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Menu"
+	local widgetVersion = 2
+	local function OnEnter(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		self:Fire("OnEnter")
+		if self.specialOnEnter then
+			self.specialOnEnter(self)
+		end
+		self.highlight:Show()
+		if not self.disabled and self.submenu then
+			self.submenu:Open("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPRIGHT", self.pullout:GetRightBorderWidth(), 0, self.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 100)
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnHide(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		if self.submenu then
+			self.submenu:Close()
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetMenu(self, menu)
+		assert(menu.type == "Dropdown-Pullout")
+		self.submenu = menu
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function CloseMenu(self)
+		self.submenu:Close()
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		self.sub:Show()
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
+		self.SetMenu   = SetMenu
+		self.CloseMenu = CloseMenu
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Separator
+-- A single line to separate items
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Separator"
+	local widgetVersion = 2
+	-- exported, override
+	local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+		ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+		self.useHighlight = false
+	end
+	local function Constructor()
+		local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+		self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+		local line = self.frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		line:SetHeight(1)
+		if IsLegion then
+			line:SetColorTexture(.5, .5, .5)
+		else
+			line:SetTexture(.5, .5, .5)
+		end
+		line:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 10, 0)
+		line:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.frame, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+		self.text:Hide()
+		self.useHighlight = false
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd3bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+--[[ $Id: AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua 1116 2014-10-12 08:15:46Z nevcairiel $ ]]--
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+local select, pairs, ipairs, type = select, pairs, ipairs, type
+local tsort = table.sort
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local UIParent, CreateFrame = UIParent, CreateFrame
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function fixlevels(parent,...)
+	local i = 1
+	local child = select(i, ...)
+	while child do
+		child:SetFrameLevel(parent:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+		fixlevels(child, child:GetChildren())
+		i = i + 1
+		child = select(i, ...)
+	end
+local function fixstrata(strata, parent, ...)
+	local i = 1
+	local child = select(i, ...)
+	parent:SetFrameStrata(strata)
+	while child do
+		fixstrata(strata, child, child:GetChildren())
+		i = i + 1
+		child = select(i, ...)
+	end
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown-Pullout"
+	local widgetVersion = 3
+	--[[ Static data ]]--
+	local backdrop = {
+		bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+		edgeFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",
+		edgeSize = 32,
+		tileSize = 32,
+		tile = true,
+		insets = { left = 11, right = 12, top = 12, bottom = 11 },
+	}
+	local sliderBackdrop  = {
+		bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background",
+		edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border",
+		tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 8,
+		insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
+	}
+	local defaultWidth = 200
+	local defaultMaxHeight = 600
+	--[[ UI Event Handlers ]]--
+	-- HACK: This should be no part of the pullout, but there
+	--       is no other 'clean' way to response to any item-OnEnter
+	--       Used to close Submenus when an other item is entered
+	local function OnEnter(item)
+		local self = item.pullout
+		for k, v in ipairs(self.items) do
+			if v.CloseMenu and v ~= item then
+				v:CloseMenu()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- See the note in Constructor() for each scroll related function
+	local function OnMouseWheel(this, value)
+		this.obj:MoveScroll(value)
+	end
+	local function OnScrollValueChanged(this, value)
+		this.obj:SetScroll(value)
+	end
+	local function OnSizeChanged(this)
+		this.obj:FixScroll()
+	end
+	--[[ Exported methods ]]--
+	-- exported
+	local function SetScroll(self, value)
+		local status = self.scrollStatus
+		local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+		local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+		local offset
+		if height > viewheight then
+			offset = 0
+		else
+			offset = floor((viewheight - height) / 1000 * value)
+		end
+		child:ClearAllPoints()
+		child:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+		child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", self.slider:IsShown() and -12 or 0, offset)
+		status.offset = offset
+		status.scrollvalue = value
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function MoveScroll(self, value)
+		local status = self.scrollStatus
+		local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+		local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+		if height > viewheight then
+			self.slider:Hide()
+		else
+			self.slider:Show()
+			local diff = height - viewheight
+			local delta = 1
+			if value < 0 then
+				delta = -1
+			end
+			self.slider:SetValue(min(max(status.scrollvalue + delta*(1000/(diff/45)),0), 1000))
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function FixScroll(self)
+		local status = self.scrollStatus
+		local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+		local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+		local offset = status.offset or 0
+		if viewheight < height then
+			self.slider:Hide()
+			child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+			self.slider:SetValue(0)
+		else
+			self.slider:Show()
+			local value = (offset / (viewheight - height) * 1000)
+			if value > 1000 then value = 1000 end
+			self.slider:SetValue(value)
+			self:SetScroll(value)
+			if value < 1000 then
+				child:ClearAllPoints()
+				child:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+				child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -12, offset)
+				status.offset = offset
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported, AceGUI callback
+	local function OnAcquire(self)
+		self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+		--self.itemFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+	end
+	-- exported, AceGUI callback
+	local function OnRelease(self)
+		self:Clear()
+		self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		self.frame:Hide()
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function AddItem(self, item)
+		self.items[#self.items + 1] = item
+		local h = #self.items * 16
+		self.itemFrame:SetHeight(h)
+		self.frame:SetHeight(min(h + 34, self.maxHeight)) -- +34: 20 for scrollFrame placement (10 offset) and +14 for item placement
+		item.frame:SetPoint("LEFT", self.itemFrame, "LEFT")
+		item.frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.itemFrame, "RIGHT")
+		item:SetPullout(self)
+		item:SetOnEnter(OnEnter)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function Open(self, point, relFrame, relPoint, x, y)
+		local items = self.items
+		local frame = self.frame
+		local itemFrame = self.itemFrame
+		frame:SetPoint(point, relFrame, relPoint, x, y)
+		local height = 8
+		for i, item in pairs(items) do
+			if i == 1 then
+				item:SetPoint("TOP", itemFrame, "TOP", 0, -2)
+			else
+				item:SetPoint("TOP", items[i-1].frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 1)
+			end
+			item:Show()
+			height = height + 16
+		end
+		itemFrame:SetHeight(height)
+		fixstrata("TOOLTIP", frame, frame:GetChildren())
+		frame:Show()
+		self:Fire("OnOpen")
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function Close(self)
+		self.frame:Hide()
+		self:Fire("OnClose")
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function Clear(self)
+		local items = self.items
+		for i, item in pairs(items) do
+			AceGUI:Release(item)
+			items[i] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function IterateItems(self)
+		return ipairs(self.items)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetHideOnLeave(self, val)
+		self.hideOnLeave = val
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetMaxHeight(self, height)
+		self.maxHeight = height or defaultMaxHeight
+		if self.frame:GetHeight() > height then
+			self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+		elseif (self.itemFrame:GetHeight() + 34) < height then
+			self.frame:SetHeight(self.itemFrame:GetHeight() + 34) -- see :AddItem
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function GetRightBorderWidth(self)
+		return 6 + (self.slider:IsShown() and 12 or 0)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function GetLeftBorderWidth(self)
+		return 6
+	end
+	--[[ Constructor ]]--
+	local function Constructor()
+		local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(widgetType)
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "AceGUI30Pullout"..count, UIParent)
+		local self = {}
+		self.count = count
+		self.type = widgetType
+		self.frame = frame
+		frame.obj = self
+		self.OnAcquire = OnAcquire
+		self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+		self.AddItem = AddItem
+		self.Open    = Open
+		self.Close   = Close
+		self.Clear   = Clear
+		self.IterateItems = IterateItems
+		self.SetHideOnLeave = SetHideOnLeave
+		self.SetScroll  = SetScroll
+		self.MoveScroll = MoveScroll
+		self.FixScroll  = FixScroll
+		self.SetMaxHeight = SetMaxHeight
+		self.GetRightBorderWidth = GetRightBorderWidth
+		self.GetLeftBorderWidth = GetLeftBorderWidth
+		self.items = {}
+		self.scrollStatus = {
+			scrollvalue = 0,
+		}
+		self.maxHeight = defaultMaxHeight
+		frame:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+		frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
+		frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+		frame:SetWidth(defaultWidth)
+		frame:SetHeight(self.maxHeight)
+		--frame:SetToplevel(true)
+		-- NOTE: The whole scroll frame code is copied from the AceGUI-3.0 widget ScrollFrame
+		local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", nil, frame)
+		local itemFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, scrollFrame)
+		self.scrollFrame = scrollFrame
+		self.itemFrame = itemFrame
+		scrollFrame.obj = self
+		itemFrame.obj = self
+		local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", "AceGUI30PulloutScrollbar"..count, scrollFrame)
+		slider:SetOrientation("VERTICAL")
+		slider:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, -10, 0)
+		slider:SetBackdrop(sliderBackdrop)
+		slider:SetWidth(8)
+		slider:SetThumbTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Button-Vertical")
+		slider:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		self.slider = slider
+		slider.obj = self
+		scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(itemFrame)
+		scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 6, -12)
+		scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -6, 12)
+		scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+		scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", OnMouseWheel)
+		scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", OnSizeChanged)
+		scrollFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+		scrollFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		itemFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+		itemFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", scrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -12, 0)
+		itemFrame:SetHeight(400)
+		itemFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+		itemFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+		slider:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -16, 0)
+		slider:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", scrollFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -16, 0)
+		slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", OnScrollValueChanged)
+		slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1000)
+		slider:SetValueStep(1)
+		slider:SetValue(0)
+		scrollFrame:Show()
+		itemFrame:Show()
+		slider:Hide()
+		self:FixScroll()
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion)
+	local widgetType = "Dropdown"
+	local widgetVersion = 30
+	--[[ Static data ]]--
+	--[[ UI event handler ]]--
+	local function Control_OnEnter(this)
+		this.obj.button:LockHighlight()
+		this.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+	end
+	local function Control_OnLeave(this)
+		this.obj.button:UnlockHighlight()
+		this.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+	end
+	local function Dropdown_OnHide(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		if self.open then
+			self.pullout:Close()
+		end
+	end
+	local function Dropdown_TogglePullout(this)
+		local self = this.obj
+		PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn") -- missleading name, but the Blizzard code uses this sound
+		if self.open then
+			self.open = nil
+			self.pullout:Close()
+			AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+		else
+			self.open = true
+			self.pullout:SetWidth(self.pulloutWidth or self.frame:GetWidth())
+			self.pullout:Open("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, self.label:IsShown() and -2 or 0)
+			AceGUI:SetFocus(self)
+		end
+	end
+	local function OnPulloutOpen(this)
+		local self = this.userdata.obj
+		local value = self.value
+		if not self.multiselect then
+			for i, item in this:IterateItems() do
+				item:SetValue(item.userdata.value == value)
+			end
+		end
+		self.open = true
+		self:Fire("OnOpened")
+	end
+	local function OnPulloutClose(this)
+		local self = this.userdata.obj
+		self.open = nil
+		self:Fire("OnClosed")
+	end
+	local function ShowMultiText(self)
+		local text
+		for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+			if widget.type == "Dropdown-Item-Toggle" then
+				if widget:GetValue() then
+					if text then
+						text = text..", "..widget:GetText()
+					else
+						text = widget:GetText()
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		self:SetText(text)
+	end
+	local function OnItemValueChanged(this, event, checked)
+		local self = this.userdata.obj
+		if self.multiselect then
+			self:Fire("OnValueChanged", this.userdata.value, checked)
+			ShowMultiText(self)
+		else
+			if checked then
+				self:SetValue(this.userdata.value)
+				self:Fire("OnValueChanged", this.userdata.value)
+			else
+				this:SetValue(true)
+			end
+			if self.open then
+				self.pullout:Close()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	--[[ Exported methods ]]--
+	-- exported, AceGUI callback
+	local function OnAcquire(self)
+		local pullout = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown-Pullout")
+		self.pullout = pullout
+		pullout.userdata.obj = self
+		pullout:SetCallback("OnClose", OnPulloutClose)
+		pullout:SetCallback("OnOpen", OnPulloutOpen)
+		self.pullout.frame:SetFrameLevel(self.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
+		fixlevels(self.pullout.frame, self.pullout.frame:GetChildren())
+		self:SetHeight(44)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetLabel()
+		self:SetPulloutWidth(nil)
+	end
+	-- exported, AceGUI callback
+	local function OnRelease(self)
+		if self.open then
+			self.pullout:Close()
+		end
+		AceGUI:Release(self.pullout)
+		self.pullout = nil
+		self:SetText("")
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self:SetMultiselect(false)
+		self.value = nil
+		self.list = nil
+		self.open = nil
+		self.hasClose = nil
+		self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+		self.frame:Hide()
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.text:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+			self.button:Disable()
+			self.button_cover:Disable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+		else
+			self.button:Enable()
+			self.button_cover:Enable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1,.82,0)
+			self.text:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function ClearFocus(self)
+		if self.open then
+			self.pullout:Close()
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetText(self, text)
+		self.text:SetText(text or "")
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetLabel(self, text)
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.label:SetText(text)
+			self.label:Show()
+			self.dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,-14)
+			self:SetHeight(40)
+			self.alignoffset = 26
+		else
+			self.label:SetText("")
+			self.label:Hide()
+			self.dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,0)
+			self:SetHeight(26)
+			self.alignoffset = 12
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetValue(self, value)
+		if self.list then
+			self:SetText(self.list[value] or "")
+		end
+		self.value = value
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function GetValue(self)
+		return self.value
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetItemValue(self, item, value)
+		if not self.multiselect then return end
+		for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+			if widget.userdata.value == item then
+				if widget.SetValue then
+					widget:SetValue(value)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		ShowMultiText(self)
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetItemDisabled(self, item, disabled)
+		for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+			if widget.userdata.value == item then
+				widget:SetDisabled(disabled)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local function AddListItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+		if not itemType then itemType = "Dropdown-Item-Toggle" end
+		local exists = AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(itemType)
+		if not exists then error(("The given item type, %q, does not exist within AceGUI-3.0"):format(tostring(itemType)), 2) end
+		local item = AceGUI:Create(itemType)
+		item:SetText(text)
+		item.userdata.obj = self
+		item.userdata.value = value
+		item:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", OnItemValueChanged)
+		self.pullout:AddItem(item)
+	end
+	local function AddCloseButton(self)
+		if not self.hasClose then
+			local close = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown-Item-Execute")
+			close:SetText(CLOSE)
+			self.pullout:AddItem(close)
+			self.hasClose = true
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local sortlist = {}
+	local function SetList(self, list, order, itemType)
+		self.list = list
+		self.pullout:Clear()
+		self.hasClose = nil
+		if not list then return end
+		if type(order) ~= "table" then
+			for v in pairs(list) do
+				sortlist[#sortlist + 1] = v
+			end
+			tsort(sortlist)
+			for i, key in ipairs(sortlist) do
+				AddListItem(self, key, list[key], itemType)
+				sortlist[i] = nil
+			end
+		else
+			for i, key in ipairs(order) do
+				AddListItem(self, key, list[key], itemType)
+			end
+		end
+		if self.multiselect then
+			ShowMultiText(self)
+			AddCloseButton(self)
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function AddItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+		if self.list then
+			self.list[value] = text
+			AddListItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function SetMultiselect(self, multi)
+		self.multiselect = multi
+		if multi then
+			ShowMultiText(self)
+			AddCloseButton(self)
+		end
+	end
+	-- exported
+	local function GetMultiselect(self)
+		return self.multiselect
+	end
+	local function SetPulloutWidth(self, width)
+		self.pulloutWidth = width
+	end
+	--[[ Constructor ]]--
+	local function Constructor()
+		local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(widgetType)
+		local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+		local dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "AceGUI30DropDown"..count, frame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+		local self = {}
+		self.type = widgetType
+		self.frame = frame
+		self.dropdown = dropdown
+		self.count = count
+		frame.obj = self
+		dropdown.obj = self
+		self.OnRelease   = OnRelease
+		self.OnAcquire   = OnAcquire
+		self.ClearFocus  = ClearFocus
+		self.SetText     = SetText
+		self.SetValue    = SetValue
+		self.GetValue    = GetValue
+		self.SetList     = SetList
+		self.SetLabel    = SetLabel
+		self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+		self.AddItem     = AddItem
+		self.SetMultiselect = SetMultiselect
+		self.GetMultiselect = GetMultiselect
+		self.SetItemValue = SetItemValue
+		self.SetItemDisabled = SetItemDisabled
+		self.SetPulloutWidth = SetPulloutWidth
+		self.alignoffset = 26
+		frame:SetScript("OnHide",Dropdown_OnHide)
+		dropdown:ClearAllPoints()
+		dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,0)
+		dropdown:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",17,0)
+		dropdown:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
+		local left = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Left"]
+		local middle = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Middle"]
+		local right = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Right"]
+		middle:ClearAllPoints()
+		right:ClearAllPoints()
+		middle:SetPoint("LEFT", left, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+		middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", right, "LEFT", 0, 0)
+		right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", dropdown, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 17)
+		local button = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Button"]
+		self.button = button
+		button.obj = self
+		button:SetScript("OnEnter",Control_OnEnter)
+		button:SetScript("OnLeave",Control_OnLeave)
+		button:SetScript("OnClick",Dropdown_TogglePullout)
+		local button_cover = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil,self.frame)
+		self.button_cover = button_cover
+		button_cover.obj = self
+		button_cover:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,25)
+		button_cover:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",self.frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
+		button_cover:SetScript("OnEnter",Control_OnEnter)
+		button_cover:SetScript("OnLeave",Control_OnLeave)
+		button_cover:SetScript("OnClick",Dropdown_TogglePullout)
+		local text = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Text"]
+		self.text = text
+		text.obj = self
+		text:ClearAllPoints()
+		text:SetPoint("RIGHT", right, "RIGHT" ,-43, 2)
+		text:SetPoint("LEFT", left, "LEFT", 25, 2)
+		local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalSmall")
+		label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",0,0)
+		label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",0,0)
+		label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+		label:SetHeight(18)
+		label:Hide()
+		self.label = label
+		AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+		return self
+	end
+	AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d039026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+EditBox Widget
+local Type, Version = "EditBox", 26
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local tostring, pairs = tostring, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local GetCursorInfo, ClearCursor, GetSpellInfo = GetCursorInfo, ClearCursor, GetSpellInfo
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink, ChatFontNormal, OKAY
+Support functions
+if not AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink then
+	-- upgradeable hook
+	hooksecurefunc("ChatEdit_InsertLink", function(...) return _G.AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink(...) end)
+function _G.AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink(text)
+	for i = 1, AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(Type) do
+		local editbox = _G["AceGUI-3.0EditBox"..i]
+		if editbox and editbox:IsVisible() and editbox:HasFocus() then
+			editbox:Insert(text)
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+local function ShowButton(self)
+	if not self.disablebutton then
+		self.button:Show()
+		self.editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 20, 3, 3)
+	end
+local function HideButton(self)
+	self.button:Hide()
+	self.editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 0, 3, 3)
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Frame_OnShowFocus(frame)
+	frame.obj.editbox:SetFocus()
+	frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+local function EditBox_OnEscapePressed(frame)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function EditBox_OnEnterPressed(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local value = frame:GetText()
+	local cancel = self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", value)
+	if not cancel then
+		PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
+		HideButton(self)
+	end
+local function EditBox_OnReceiveDrag(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local type, id, info = GetCursorInfo()
+	if type == "item" then
+		self:SetText(info)
+		self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", info)
+		ClearCursor()
+	elseif type == "spell" then
+		local name = GetSpellInfo(id, info)
+		self:SetText(name)
+		self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", name)
+		ClearCursor()
+	elseif type == "macro" then
+		local name = GetMacroInfo(id)
+		self:SetText(name)
+		self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", name)
+		ClearCursor()
+	end
+	HideButton(self)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function EditBox_OnTextChanged(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local value = frame:GetText()
+	if tostring(value) ~= tostring(self.lasttext) then
+		self:Fire("OnTextChanged", value)
+		self.lasttext = value
+		ShowButton(self)
+	end
+local function EditBox_OnFocusGained(frame)
+	AceGUI:SetFocus(frame.obj)
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+	local editbox = frame.obj.editbox
+	editbox:ClearFocus()
+	EditBox_OnEnterPressed(editbox)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		-- height is controlled by SetLabel
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self:SetLabel()
+		self:SetText()
+		self:DisableButton(false)
+		self:SetMaxLetters(0)
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self:ClearFocus()
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.editbox:EnableMouse(false)
+			self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+			self.editbox:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+		else
+			self.editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+			self.editbox:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1,.82,0)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.lasttext = text or ""
+		self.editbox:SetText(text or "")
+		self.editbox:SetCursorPosition(0)
+		HideButton(self)
+	end,
+	["GetText"] = function(self, text)
+		return self.editbox:GetText()
+	end,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.label:SetText(text)
+			self.label:Show()
+			self.editbox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",7,-18)
+			self:SetHeight(44)
+			self.alignoffset = 30
+		else
+			self.label:SetText("")
+			self.label:Hide()
+			self.editbox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",7,0)
+			self:SetHeight(26)
+			self.alignoffset = 12
+		end
+	end,
+	["DisableButton"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disablebutton = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			HideButton(self)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetMaxLetters"] = function (self, num)
+		self.editbox:SetMaxLetters(num or 0)
+	end,
+	["ClearFocus"] = function(self)
+		self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+	end,
+	["SetFocus"] = function(self)
+		self.editbox:SetFocus()
+		if not self.frame:IsShown() then
+			self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", Frame_OnShowFocus)
+		end
+	end,
+	["HighlightText"] = function(self, from, to)
+		self.editbox:HighlightText(from, to)
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local num  = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	local editbox = CreateFrame("EditBox", "AceGUI-3.0EditBox"..num, frame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+	editbox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", EditBox_OnEscapePressed)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", EditBox_OnEnterPressed)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", EditBox_OnTextChanged)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", EditBox_OnReceiveDrag)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnMouseDown", EditBox_OnReceiveDrag)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", EditBox_OnFocusGained)
+	editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 0, 3, 3)
+	editbox:SetMaxLetters(256)
+	editbox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 6, 0)
+	editbox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	editbox:SetHeight(19)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -2)
+	label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -2)
+	label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	label:SetHeight(18)
+	local button = CreateFrame("Button", nil, editbox, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	button:SetWidth(40)
+	button:SetHeight(20)
+	button:SetPoint("RIGHT", -2, 0)
+	button:SetText(OKAY)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+	button:Hide()
+	local widget = {
+		alignoffset = 30,
+		editbox     = editbox,
+		label       = label,
+		button      = button,
+		frame       = frame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	editbox.obj, button.obj = widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aaf3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Heading Widget
+local Type, Version = "Heading", 20
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetText()
+		self:SetFullWidth()
+		self:SetHeight(18)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.label:SetText(text or "")
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.left:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.label, "LEFT", -5, 0)
+			self.right:Show()
+		else
+			self.left:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+			self.right:Hide()
+		end
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
+	label:SetPoint("TOP")
+	label:SetPoint("BOTTOM")
+	label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	local left = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	left:SetHeight(8)
+	left:SetPoint("LEFT", 3, 0)
+	left:SetPoint("RIGHT", label, "LEFT", -5, 0)
+	left:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+	left:SetTexCoord(0.81, 0.94, 0.5, 1)
+	local right = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	right:SetHeight(8)
+	right:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+	right:SetPoint("LEFT", label, "RIGHT", 5, 0)
+	right:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border")
+	right:SetTexCoord(0.81, 0.94, 0.5, 1)
+	local widget = {
+		label = label,
+		left  = left,
+		right = right,
+		frame = frame,
+		type  = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561da73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Icon Widget
+local Type, Version = "Icon", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs, print = select, pairs, print
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Button_OnClick(frame, button)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", button)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetHeight(110)
+		self:SetWidth(110)
+		self:SetLabel()
+		self:SetImage(nil)
+		self:SetImageSize(64, 64)
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.label:Show()
+			self.label:SetText(text)
+			self:SetHeight(self.image:GetHeight() + 25)
+		else
+			self.label:Hide()
+			self:SetHeight(self.image:GetHeight() + 10)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+		local image = self.image
+		image:SetTexture(path)
+		if image:GetTexture() then
+			local n = select("#", ...)
+			if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+				image:SetTexCoord(...)
+			else
+				image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+			end
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetImageSize"] = function(self, width, height)
+		self.image:SetWidth(width)
+		self.image:SetHeight(height)
+		--self.frame:SetWidth(width + 30)
+		if self.label:IsShown() then
+			self:SetHeight(height + 25)
+		else
+			self:SetHeight(height + 10)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.frame:Disable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+			self.image:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+		else
+			self.frame:Enable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			self.image:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+		end
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	frame:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlight")
+	label:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+	label:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	label:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+	label:SetHeight(18)
+	local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	image:SetWidth(64)
+	image:SetHeight(64)
+	image:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5)
+	local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+	highlight:SetAllPoints(image)
+	highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-Character-Tab-Highlight")
+	highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.23, 0.77)
+	highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	local widget = {
+		label = label,
+		image = image,
+		frame = frame,
+		type  = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	widget.SetText = function(self, ...) print("AceGUI-3.0-Icon: SetText is deprecated! Use SetLabel instead!"); self:SetLabel(...) end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e06049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+InteractiveLabel Widget
+local Type, Version = "InteractiveLabel", 20
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs = select, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontHighlightSmall
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Label_OnClick(frame, button)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", button)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:LabelOnAcquire()
+		self:SetHighlight()
+		self:SetHighlightTexCoord()
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetHighlight"] = function(self, ...)
+		self.highlight:SetTexture(...)
+	end,
+	["SetHighlightTexCoord"] = function(self, ...)
+		local c = select("#", ...)
+		if c == 4 or c == 8 then
+			self.highlight:SetTexCoord(...)
+		else
+			self.highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self,disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.frame:EnableMouse(false)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+		else
+			self.frame:EnableMouse(true)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+		end
+	end
+local function Constructor()
+	-- create a Label type that we will hijack
+	local label = AceGUI:Create("Label")
+	local frame = label.frame
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Label_OnClick)
+	local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+	highlight:SetTexture(nil)
+	highlight:SetAllPoints()
+	highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+	label.highlight = highlight
+	label.type = Type
+	label.LabelOnAcquire = label.OnAcquire
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		label[method] = func
+	end
+	return label
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4cead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Keybinding Widget
+Set Keybindings in the Config UI.
+local Type, Version = "Keybinding", 25
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local IsShiftKeyDown, IsControlKeyDown, IsAltKeyDown = IsShiftKeyDown, IsControlKeyDown, IsAltKeyDown
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Keybinding_OnClick(frame, button)
+	if button == "LeftButton" or button == "RightButton" then
+		local self = frame.obj
+		if self.waitingForKey then
+			frame:EnableKeyboard(false)
+			frame:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+			self.msgframe:Hide()
+			frame:UnlockHighlight()
+			self.waitingForKey = nil
+		else
+			frame:EnableKeyboard(true)
+			frame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+			self.msgframe:Show()
+			frame:LockHighlight()
+			self.waitingForKey = true
+		end
+	end
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local ignoreKeys = {
+	["BUTTON1"] = true, ["BUTTON2"] = true,
+	["UNKNOWN"] = true,
+	["LSHIFT"] = true, ["LCTRL"] = true, ["LALT"] = true,
+	["RSHIFT"] = true, ["RCTRL"] = true, ["RALT"] = true,
+local function Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, key)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if self.waitingForKey then
+		local keyPressed = key
+		if keyPressed == "ESCAPE" then
+			keyPressed = ""
+		else
+			if ignoreKeys[keyPressed] then return end
+			if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+				keyPressed = "SHIFT-"..keyPressed
+			end
+			if IsControlKeyDown() then
+				keyPressed = "CTRL-"..keyPressed
+			end
+			if IsAltKeyDown() then
+				keyPressed = "ALT-"..keyPressed
+			end
+		end
+		frame:EnableKeyboard(false)
+		frame:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+		self.msgframe:Hide()
+		frame:UnlockHighlight()
+		self.waitingForKey = nil
+		if not self.disabled then
+			self:SetKey(keyPressed)
+			self:Fire("OnKeyChanged", keyPressed)
+		end
+	end
+local function Keybinding_OnMouseDown(frame, button)
+	if button == "LeftButton" or button == "RightButton" then
+		return
+	elseif button == "MiddleButton" then
+		button = "BUTTON3"
+	elseif button == "Button4" then
+		button = "BUTTON4"
+	elseif button == "Button5" then
+		button = "BUTTON5"
+	end
+	Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, button)
+local function Keybinding_OnMouseWheel(frame, direction)
+	local button
+	if direction >= 0 then
+		button = "MOUSEWHEELUP"
+	else
+		button = "MOUSEWHEELDOWN"
+	end
+	Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, button)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetLabel("")
+		self:SetKey("")
+		self.waitingForKey = nil
+		self.msgframe:Hide()
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self.button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+		self.button:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.button:Disable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+		else
+			self.button:Enable()
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetKey"] = function(self, key)
+		if (key or "") == "" then
+			self.button:SetText(NOT_BOUND)
+			self.button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormal")
+		else
+			self.button:SetText(key)
+			self.button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+		end
+	end,
+	["GetKey"] = function(self)
+		local key = self.button:GetText()
+		if key == NOT_BOUND then
+			key = nil
+		end
+		return key
+	end,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, label)
+		self.label:SetText(label or "")
+		if (label or "") == "" then
+			self.alignoffset = nil
+			self:SetHeight(24)
+		else
+			self.alignoffset = 30
+			self:SetHeight(44)
+		end
+	end,
+local ControlBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
+local function keybindingMsgFixWidth(frame)
+	frame:SetWidth(frame.msg:GetWidth() + 10)
+	frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+local function Constructor()
+	local name = "AceGUI30KeybindingButton" .. AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	local button = CreateFrame("Button", name, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	button:EnableMouse(true)
+	button:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+	button:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown")
+	button:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	button:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", Keybinding_OnClick)
+	button:SetScript("OnKeyDown", Keybinding_OnKeyDown)
+	button:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Keybinding_OnMouseDown)
+	button:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Keybinding_OnMouseWheel)
+	button:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+	button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+	button:SetHeight(24)
+	button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+	local text = button:GetFontString()
+	text:SetPoint("LEFT", 7, 0)
+	text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -7, 0)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+	label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	label:SetHeight(18)
+	local msgframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	msgframe:SetHeight(30)
+	msgframe:SetBackdrop(ControlBackdrop)
+	msgframe:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0)
+	msgframe:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+	msgframe:SetFrameLevel(1000)
+	msgframe:SetToplevel(true)
+	local msg = msgframe:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	msg:SetText("Press a key to bind, ESC to clear the binding or click the button again to cancel.")
+	msgframe.msg = msg
+	msg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 5, -5)
+	msgframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", keybindingMsgFixWidth)
+	msgframe:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "TOP")
+	msgframe:Hide()
+	local widget = {
+		button      = button,
+		label       = label,
+		msgframe    = msgframe,
+		frame       = frame,
+		alignoffset = 30,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	button.obj = widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23897d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+Label Widget
+Displays text and optionally an icon.
+local Type, Version = "Label", 23
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local max, select, pairs = math.max, select, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontHighlightSmall
+Support functions
+local function UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	if self.resizing then return end
+	local frame = self.frame
+	local width = frame.width or frame:GetWidth() or 0
+	local image = self.image
+	local label = self.label
+	local height
+	label:ClearAllPoints()
+	image:ClearAllPoints()
+	if self.imageshown then
+		local imagewidth = image:GetWidth()
+		if (width - imagewidth) < 200 or (label:GetText() or "") == "" then
+			-- image goes on top centered when less than 200 width for the text, or if there is no text
+			image:SetPoint("TOP")
+			label:SetPoint("TOP", image, "BOTTOM")
+			label:SetPoint("LEFT")
+			label:SetWidth(width)
+			height = image:GetHeight() + label:GetHeight()
+		else
+			-- image on the left
+			image:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+			if image:GetHeight() > label:GetHeight() then
+				label:SetPoint("LEFT", image, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+			else
+				label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", image, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0)
+			end
+			label:SetWidth(width - imagewidth - 4)
+			height = max(image:GetHeight(), label:GetHeight())
+		end
+	else
+		-- no image shown
+		label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+		label:SetWidth(width)
+		height = label:GetHeight()
+	end
+	self.resizing = true
+	frame:SetHeight(height)
+	frame.height = height
+	self.resizing = nil
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		-- set the flag to stop constant size updates
+		self.resizing = true
+		-- height is set dynamically by the text and image size
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetText()
+		self:SetImage(nil)
+		self:SetImageSize(16, 16)
+		self:SetColor()
+		self:SetFontObject()
+		-- reset the flag
+		self.resizing = nil
+		-- run the update explicitly
+		UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+		UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	end,
+	["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.label:SetText(text)
+		UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	end,
+	["SetColor"] = function(self, r, g, b)
+		if not (r and g and b) then
+			r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
+		end
+		self.label:SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+	end,
+	["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+		local image = self.image
+		image:SetTexture(path)
+		if image:GetTexture() then
+			self.imageshown = true
+			local n = select("#", ...)
+			if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+				image:SetTexCoord(...)
+			else
+				image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+			end
+		else
+			self.imageshown = nil
+		end
+		UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	end,
+	["SetFont"] = function(self, font, height, flags)
+		self.label:SetFont(font, height, flags)
+	end,
+	["SetFontObject"] = function(self, font)
+		self:SetFont((font or GameFontHighlightSmall):GetFont())
+	end,
+	["SetImageSize"] = function(self, width, height)
+		self.image:SetWidth(width)
+		self.image:SetHeight(height)
+		UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+	end,
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+	label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	label:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+	local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	-- create widget
+	local widget = {
+		label = label,
+		image = image,
+		frame = frame,
+		type  = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9af4b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+local Type, Version = "MultiLineEditBox", 28
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local GetCursorInfo, GetSpellInfo, ClearCursor = GetCursorInfo, GetSpellInfo, ClearCursor
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: ACCEPT, ChatFontNormal
+Support functions
+if not AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink then
+	-- upgradeable hook
+	hooksecurefunc("ChatEdit_InsertLink", function(...) return _G.AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink(...) end)
+function _G.AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink(text)
+	for i = 1, AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(Type) do
+		local editbox = _G[("MultiLineEditBox%uEdit"):format(i)]
+		if editbox and editbox:IsVisible() and editbox:HasFocus() then
+			editbox:Insert(text)
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+local function Layout(self)
+	self:SetHeight(self.numlines * 14 + (self.disablebutton and 19 or 41) + self.labelHeight)
+	if self.labelHeight == 0 then
+		self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", self.frame, "TOP", 0, -23)
+	else
+		self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", self.label, "BOTTOM", 0, -19)
+	end
+	if self.disablebutton then
+		self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 21)
+		self.scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	else
+		self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.button, "TOP", 0, 18)
+		self.scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.button, "TOPLEFT")
+	end
+local function OnClick(self)                                                     -- Button
+	self = self.obj
+	self.editBox:ClearFocus()
+	if not self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", self.editBox:GetText()) then
+		self.button:Disable()
+	end
+local function OnCursorChanged(self, _, y, _, cursorHeight)                      -- EditBox
+	self, y = self.obj.scrollFrame, -y
+	local offset = self:GetVerticalScroll()
+	if y < offset then
+		self:SetVerticalScroll(y)
+	else
+		y = y + cursorHeight - self:GetHeight()
+		if y > offset then
+			self:SetVerticalScroll(y)
+		end
+	end
+local function OnEditFocusLost(self)                                             -- EditBox
+	self:HighlightText(0, 0)
+	self.obj:Fire("OnEditFocusLost")
+local function OnEnter(self)                                                     -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+	self = self.obj
+	if not self.entered then
+		self.entered = true
+		self:Fire("OnEnter")
+	end
+local function OnLeave(self)                                                     -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+	self = self.obj
+	if self.entered then
+		self.entered = nil
+		self:Fire("OnLeave")
+	end
+local function OnMouseUp(self)                                                   -- ScrollFrame
+	self = self.obj.editBox
+	self:SetFocus()
+	self:SetCursorPosition(self:GetNumLetters())
+local function OnReceiveDrag(self)                                               -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+	local type, id, info = GetCursorInfo()
+	if type == "spell" then
+		info = GetSpellInfo(id, info)
+	elseif type ~= "item" then
+		return
+	end
+	ClearCursor()
+	self = self.obj
+	local editBox = self.editBox
+	if not editBox:HasFocus() then
+		editBox:SetFocus()
+		editBox:SetCursorPosition(editBox:GetNumLetters())
+	end
+	editBox:Insert(info)
+	self.button:Enable()
+local function OnSizeChanged(self, width, height)                                -- ScrollFrame
+	self.obj.editBox:SetWidth(width)
+local function OnTextChanged(self, userInput)                                    -- EditBox
+	if userInput then
+		self = self.obj
+		self:Fire("OnTextChanged", self.editBox:GetText())
+		self.button:Enable()
+	end
+local function OnTextSet(self)                                                   -- EditBox
+	self:HighlightText(0, 0)
+	self:SetCursorPosition(self:GetNumLetters())
+	self:SetCursorPosition(0)
+	self.obj.button:Disable()
+local function OnVerticalScroll(self, offset)                                    -- ScrollFrame
+	local editBox = self.obj.editBox
+	editBox:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, offset, editBox:GetHeight() - offset - self:GetHeight())
+local function OnShowFocus(frame)
+	frame.obj.editBox:SetFocus()
+	frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+local function OnEditFocusGained(frame)
+	AceGUI:SetFocus(frame.obj)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEditFocusGained")
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self.editBox:SetText("")
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:DisableButton(false)
+		self:SetNumLines()
+		self.entered = nil
+		self:SetMaxLetters(0)
+	end,
+	["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+		self:ClearFocus()
+	end,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		local editBox = self.editBox
+		if disabled then
+			editBox:ClearFocus()
+			editBox:EnableMouse(false)
+			editBox:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+			self.scrollFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+			self.button:Disable()
+		else
+			editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+			editBox:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0)
+			self.scrollFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+		if text and text ~= "" then
+			self.label:SetText(text)
+			if self.labelHeight ~= 10 then
+				self.labelHeight = 10
+				self.label:Show()
+			end
+		elseif self.labelHeight ~= 0 then
+			self.labelHeight = 0
+			self.label:Hide()
+		end
+		Layout(self)
+	end,
+	["SetNumLines"] = function(self, value)
+		if not value or value < 4 then
+			value = 4
+		end
+		self.numlines = value
+		Layout(self)
+	end,
+	["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+		self.editBox:SetText(text)
+	end,
+	["GetText"] = function(self)
+		return self.editBox:GetText()
+	end,
+	["SetMaxLetters"] = function (self, num)
+		self.editBox:SetMaxLetters(num or 0)
+	end,
+	["DisableButton"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disablebutton = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.button:Hide()
+		else
+			self.button:Show()
+		end
+		Layout(self)
+	end,
+	["ClearFocus"] = function(self)
+		self.editBox:ClearFocus()
+		self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+	end,
+	["SetFocus"] = function(self)
+		self.editBox:SetFocus()
+		if not self.frame:IsShown() then
+			self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShowFocus)
+		end
+	end,
+	["HighlightText"] = function(self, from, to)
+		self.editBox:HighlightText(from, to)
+	end,
+	["GetCursorPosition"] = function(self)
+		return self.editBox:GetCursorPosition()
+	end,
+	["SetCursorPosition"] = function(self, ...)
+		return self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(...)
+	end,
+local backdrop = {
+	bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]],
+	edgeFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]], edgeSize = 16,
+	insets = { left = 4, right = 3, top = 4, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:Hide()
+	local widgetNum = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -4)
+	label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -4)
+	label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+	label:SetText(ACCEPT)
+	label:SetHeight(10)
+	local button = CreateFrame("Button", ("%s%dButton"):format(Type, widgetNum), frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	button:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	button:SetHeight(22)
+	button:SetWidth(label:GetStringWidth() + 24)
+	button:SetText(ACCEPT)
+	button:SetScript("OnClick", OnClick)
+	button:Disable()
+	local text = button:GetFontString()
+	text:ClearAllPoints()
+	text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", 5, -5)
+	text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -5, 1)
+	text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+	local scrollBG = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+	scrollBG:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+	scrollBG:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
+	scrollBG:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+	local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", ("%s%dScrollFrame"):format(Type, widgetNum), frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
+	local scrollBar = _G[scrollFrame:GetName() .. "ScrollBar"]
+	scrollBar:ClearAllPoints()
+	scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", label, "BOTTOM", 0, -19)
+	scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "TOP", 0, 18)
+	scrollBar:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "RIGHT")
+	scrollBG:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", scrollBar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 19)
+	scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT")
+	scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollBG, "TOPLEFT", 5, -6)
+	scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", scrollBG, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -4, 4)
+	scrollFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+	scrollFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+	scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
+	scrollFrame:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", OnReceiveDrag)
+	scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", OnSizeChanged)
+	scrollFrame:HookScript("OnVerticalScroll", OnVerticalScroll)
+	local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", ("%s%dEdit"):format(Type, widgetNum), scrollFrame)
+	editBox:SetAllPoints()
+	editBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
+	editBox:SetMultiLine(true)
+	editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+	editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+	editBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters(false)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnCursorChanged", OnCursorChanged)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusLost", OnEditFocusLost)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", editBox.ClearFocus)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnMouseDown", OnReceiveDrag)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", OnReceiveDrag)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", OnTextChanged)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnTextSet", OnTextSet)
+	editBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", OnEditFocusGained)
+	scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(editBox)
+	local widget = {
+		button      = button,
+		editBox     = editBox,
+		frame       = frame,
+		label       = label,
+		labelHeight = 10,
+		numlines    = 4,
+		scrollBar   = scrollBar,
+		scrollBG    = scrollBG,
+		scrollFrame = scrollFrame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	button.obj, editBox.obj, scrollFrame.obj = widget, widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583f29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+Slider Widget
+Graphical Slider, like, for Range values.
+local Type, Version = "Slider", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+local tonumber, pairs = tonumber, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontHighlightSmall
+Support functions
+local function UpdateText(self)
+	local value = self.value or 0
+	if self.ispercent then
+		self.editbox:SetText(("%s%%"):format(floor(value * 1000 + 0.5) / 10))
+	else
+		self.editbox:SetText(floor(value * 100 + 0.5) / 100)
+	end
+local function UpdateLabels(self)
+	local min, max = (self.min or 0), (self.max or 100)
+	if self.ispercent then
+		self.lowtext:SetFormattedText("%s%%", (min * 100))
+		self.hightext:SetFormattedText("%s%%", (max * 100))
+	else
+		self.lowtext:SetText(min)
+		self.hightext:SetText(max)
+	end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Frame_OnMouseDown(frame)
+	frame.obj.slider:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+	AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Slider_OnValueChanged(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if not frame.setup then
+		local newvalue = frame:GetValue()
+		if self.step and self.step > 0 then
+			local min_value = self.min or 0
+			newvalue = floor((newvalue - min_value) / self.step + 0.5) * self.step + min_value
+		end
+		if newvalue ~= self.value and not self.disabled then
+			self.value = newvalue
+			self:Fire("OnValueChanged", newvalue)
+		end
+		if self.value then
+			UpdateText(self)
+		end
+	end
+local function Slider_OnMouseUp(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	self:Fire("OnMouseUp", self.value)
+local function Slider_OnMouseWheel(frame, v)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	if not self.disabled then
+		local value = self.value
+		if v > 0 then
+			value = min(value + (self.step or 1), self.max)
+		else
+			value = max(value - (self.step or 1), self.min)
+		end
+		self.slider:SetValue(value)
+	end
+local function EditBox_OnEscapePressed(frame)
+	frame:ClearFocus()
+local function EditBox_OnEnterPressed(frame)
+	local self = frame.obj
+	local value = frame:GetText()
+	if self.ispercent then
+		value = value:gsub('%%', '')
+		value = tonumber(value) / 100
+	else
+		value = tonumber(value)
+	end
+	if value then
+		PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
+		self.slider:SetValue(value)
+		self:Fire("OnMouseUp", value)
+	end
+local function EditBox_OnEnter(frame)
+	frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+local function EditBox_OnLeave(frame)
+	frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
+local methods = {
+	["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+		self:SetWidth(200)
+		self:SetHeight(44)
+		self:SetDisabled(false)
+		self:SetIsPercent(nil)
+		self:SetSliderValues(0,100,1)
+		self:SetValue(0)
+		self.slider:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+	end,
+	-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+	["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+		self.disabled = disabled
+		if disabled then
+			self.slider:EnableMouse(false)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+			self.hightext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+			self.lowtext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+			--self.valuetext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+			self.editbox:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+			self.editbox:EnableMouse(false)
+			self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+		else
+			self.slider:EnableMouse(true)
+			self.label:SetTextColor(1, .82, 0)
+			self.hightext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			self.lowtext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			--self.valuetext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			self.editbox:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+			self.editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+		end
+	end,
+	["SetValue"] = function(self, value)
+		self.slider.setup = true
+		self.slider:SetValue(value)
+		self.value = value
+		UpdateText(self)
+		self.slider.setup = nil
+	end,
+	["GetValue"] = function(self)
+		return self.value
+	end,
+	["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+		self.label:SetText(text)
+	end,
+	["SetSliderValues"] = function(self, min, max, step)
+		local frame = self.slider
+		frame.setup = true
+		self.min = min
+		self.max = max
+		self.step = step
+		frame:SetMinMaxValues(min or 0,max or 100)
+		UpdateLabels(self)
+		frame:SetValueStep(step or 1)
+		if self.value then
+			frame:SetValue(self.value)
+		end
+		frame.setup = nil
+	end,
+	["SetIsPercent"] = function(self, value)
+		self.ispercent = value
+		UpdateLabels(self)
+		UpdateText(self)
+	end
+local SliderBackdrop  = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border",
+	tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 8,
+	insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 6, bottom = 6 }
+local ManualBackdrop = {
+	bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	edgeFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+	tile = true, edgeSize = 1, tileSize = 5,
+local function Constructor()
+	local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+	frame:EnableMouse(true)
+	frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Frame_OnMouseDown)
+	local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+	label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+	label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	label:SetHeight(15)
+	local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, frame)
+	slider:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
+	slider:SetHeight(15)
+	slider:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, -10, 0)
+	slider:SetBackdrop(SliderBackdrop)
+	slider:SetThumbTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Button-Horizontal")
+	slider:SetPoint("TOP", label, "BOTTOM")
+	slider:SetPoint("LEFT", 3, 0)
+	slider:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+	slider:SetValue(0)
+	slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged",Slider_OnValueChanged)
+	slider:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+	slider:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+	slider:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Slider_OnMouseUp)
+	slider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Slider_OnMouseWheel)
+	local lowtext = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+	lowtext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", slider, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, 3)
+	local hightext = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+	hightext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", slider, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 3)
+	local editbox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, frame)
+	editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+	editbox:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+	editbox:SetPoint("TOP", slider, "BOTTOM")
+	editbox:SetHeight(14)
+	editbox:SetWidth(70)
+	editbox:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+	editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+	editbox:SetBackdrop(ManualBackdrop)
+	editbox:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+	editbox:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.30, 0.80)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEnter", EditBox_OnEnter)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnLeave", EditBox_OnLeave)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", EditBox_OnEnterPressed)
+	editbox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", EditBox_OnEscapePressed)
+	local widget = {
+		label       = label,
+		slider      = slider,
+		lowtext     = lowtext,
+		hightext    = hightext,
+		editbox     = editbox,
+		alignoffset = 25,
+		frame       = frame,
+		type        = Type
+	}
+	for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+		widget[method] = func
+	end
+	slider.obj, editbox.obj = widget, widget
+	return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
diff --git a/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8302334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+--- **AceHook-3.0** offers safe Hooking/Unhooking of functions, methods and frame scripts.
+-- Using AceHook-3.0 is recommended when you need to unhook your hooks again, so the hook chain isn't broken
+-- when you manually restore the original function.
+-- **AceHook-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceHook:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceHook itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceHook, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceHook.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceHook-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceHook-3.0.lua 1118 2014-10-12 08:21:54Z nevcairiel $
+local ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR = "AceHook-3.0", 8
+local AceHook, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR)
+if not AceHook then return end -- No upgrade needed
+AceHook.embeded = AceHook.embeded or {}
+AceHook.registry = AceHook.registry or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end })
+AceHook.handlers = AceHook.handlers or {}
+AceHook.actives = AceHook.actives or {}
+AceHook.scripts = AceHook.scripts or {}
+AceHook.onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure or {}
+AceHook.hooks = AceHook.hooks or {}
+-- local upvalues
+local registry = AceHook.registry
+local handlers = AceHook.handlers
+local actives = AceHook.actives
+local scripts = AceHook.scripts
+local onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
+local format = string.format
+local assert, error = assert, error
+-- WoW APIs
+local issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc = issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc
+local _G = _G
+-- functions for later definition
+local donothing, createHook, hook
+local protectedScripts = {
+	OnClick = true,
+-- upgrading of embeded is done at the bottom of the file
+local mixins = {
+	"Hook", "SecureHook",
+	"HookScript", "SecureHookScript",
+	"Unhook", "UnhookAll",
+	"IsHooked",
+	"RawHook", "RawHookScript"
+-- AceHook:Embed( target )
+-- target (object) - target object to embed AceHook in
+-- Embeds AceEevent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
+function AceHook:Embed( target )
+	for k, v in pairs( mixins ) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeded[target] = true
+	-- inject the hooks table safely
+	target.hooks = target.hooks or {}
+	return target
+-- AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target )
+-- target (object) - target object that is being disabled
+-- Unhooks all hooks when the target disables.
+-- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework
+function AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target )
+	target:UnhookAll()
+function createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, failsafe)
+	local uid
+	local method = type(handler) == "string"
+	if failsafe and not secure then
+		-- failsafe hook creation
+		uid = function(...)
+			if actives[uid] then
+				if method then
+					self[handler](self, ...)
+				else
+					handler(...)
+				end
+			end
+			return orig(...)
+		end
+		-- /failsafe hook
+	else
+		-- all other hooks
+		uid = function(...)
+			if actives[uid] then
+				if method then
+					return self[handler](self, ...)
+				else
+					return handler(...)
+				end
+			elseif not secure then -- backup on non secure
+				return orig(...)
+			end
+		end
+		-- /hook
+	end
+	return uid
+function donothing() end
+function hook(self, obj, method, handler, script, secure, raw, forceSecure, usage)
+	if not handler then handler = method end
+	-- These asserts make sure AceHooks's devs play by the rules.
+	assert(not script or type(script) == "boolean")
+	assert(not secure or type(secure) == "boolean")
+	assert(not raw or type(raw) == "boolean")
+	assert(not forceSecure or type(forceSecure) == "boolean")
+	assert(usage)
+	-- Error checking Battery!
+	if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then
+		error(format("%s: 'object' - nil or table expected got %s", usage, type(obj)), 3)
+	end
+	if type(method) ~= "string" then
+		error(format("%s: 'method' - string expected got %s", usage, type(method)), 3)
+	end
+	if type(handler) ~= "string" and type(handler) ~= "function" then
+		error(format("%s: 'handler' - nil, string, or function expected got %s", usage, type(handler)), 3)
+	end
+	if type(handler) == "string" and type(self[handler]) ~= "function" then
+		error(format("%s: 'handler' - Handler specified does not exist at self[handler]", usage), 3)
+	end
+	if script then
+		if not obj or not obj.GetScript or not obj:HasScript(method) then
+			error(format("%s: You can only hook a script on a frame object", usage), 3)
+		end
+		if not secure and obj.IsProtected and obj:IsProtected() and protectedScripts[method] then
+			error(format("Cannot hook secure script %q; Use SecureHookScript(obj, method, [handler]) instead.", method), 3)
+		end
+	else
+		local issecure
+		if obj then
+			issecure = onceSecure[obj] and onceSecure[obj][method] or issecurevariable(obj, method)
+		else
+			issecure = onceSecure[method] or issecurevariable(method)
+		end
+		if issecure then
+			if forceSecure then
+				if obj then
+					onceSecure[obj] = onceSecure[obj] or {}
+					onceSecure[obj][method] = true
+				else
+					onceSecure[method] = true
+				end
+			elseif not secure then
+				error(format("%s: Attempt to hook secure function %s. Use `SecureHook' or add `true' to the argument list to override.", usage, method), 3)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local uid
+	if obj then
+		uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method]
+	else
+		uid = registry[self][method]
+	end
+	if uid then
+		if actives[uid] then
+			-- Only two sane choices exist here.  We either a) error 100% of the time or b) always unhook and then hook
+			-- choice b would likely lead to odd debuging conditions or other mysteries so we're going with a.
+			error(format("Attempting to rehook already active hook %s.", method))
+		end
+		if handlers[uid] == handler then -- turn on a decative hook, note enclosures break this ability, small memory leak
+			actives[uid] = true
+			return
+		elseif obj then -- is there any reason not to call unhook instead of doing the following several lines?
+			if self.hooks and self.hooks[obj] then
+				self.hooks[obj][method] = nil
+			end
+			registry[self][obj][method] = nil
+		else
+			if self.hooks then
+				self.hooks[method] = nil
+			end
+			registry[self][method] = nil
+		end
+		handlers[uid], actives[uid], scripts[uid] = nil, nil, nil
+		uid = nil
+	end
+	local orig
+	if script then
+		orig = obj:GetScript(method) or donothing
+	elseif obj then
+		orig = obj[method]
+	else
+		orig = _G[method]
+	end
+	if not orig then
+		error(format("%s: Attempting to hook a non existing target", usage), 3)
+	end
+	uid = createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, not (raw or secure))
+	if obj then
+		self.hooks[obj] = self.hooks[obj] or {}
+		registry[self][obj] = registry[self][obj] or {}
+		registry[self][obj][method] = uid
+		if not secure then
+			self.hooks[obj][method] = orig
+		end
+		if script then
+			if not secure then
+				obj:SetScript(method, uid)
+			else
+				obj:HookScript(method, uid)
+			end
+		else
+			if not secure then
+				obj[method] = uid
+			else
+				hooksecurefunc(obj, method, uid)
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		registry[self][method] = uid
+		if not secure then
+			_G[method] = uid
+			self.hooks[method] = orig
+		else
+			hooksecurefunc(method, uid)
+		end
+	end
+	actives[uid], handlers[uid], scripts[uid] = true, handler, script and true or nil
+--- Hook a function or a method on an object.
+-- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called
+-- before the hooked function ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself,
+-- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\
+-- This type of hook is typically used if you need to know if some function got called, and don't want to modify it.
+-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure]
+-- @param object The object to hook a method from
+-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
+-- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions.
+-- @usage
+-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status
+--   self:Hook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true)
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
+--   print(button:GetName() .. " is updating its HotKey")
+-- end
+function AceHook:Hook(object, method, handler, hookSecure)
+	if type(object) == "string" then
+		method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil
+	end
+	if handler == true then
+		handler, hookSecure = nil, true
+	end
+	hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, false, hookSecure or false, "Usage: Hook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])")
+--- RawHook a function or a method on an object.
+-- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace
+-- the original function, and your handler has to call the original function (or not, depending on your intentions).\\
+-- The original function will be stored in `self.hooks[object][method]` or `self.hooks[functionName]` respectively.\\
+-- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments
+-- or want to control execution of the original function.
+-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure]
+-- @param object The object to hook a method from
+-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
+-- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions.
+-- @usage
+-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status
+--   self:RawHook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true)
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
+--   if button:GetName() == "MyButton" then
+--     -- do stuff here
+--   else
+--     self.hooks.ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
+--   end
+-- end
+function AceHook:RawHook(object, method, handler, hookSecure)
+	if type(object) == "string" then
+		method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil
+	end
+	if handler == true then
+		handler, hookSecure = nil, true
+	end
+	hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, true, hookSecure or false,  "Usage: RawHook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])")
+--- SecureHook a function or a method on an object.
+-- This function is a wrapper around the `hooksecurefunc` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook
+-- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't
+-- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\
+-- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function,
+-- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called
+-- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution.
+-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler]
+-- @param object The object to hook a method from
+-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
+function AceHook:SecureHook(object, method, handler)
+	if type(object) == "string" then
+		method, handler, object = object, method, nil
+	end
+	hook(self, object, method, handler, false, true, false, false,  "Usage: SecureHook([object], method, [handler])")
+--- Hook a script handler on a frame.
+-- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called
+-- before the hooked script ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself,
+-- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\
+-- This is the frame script equivalent of the :Hook safe-hook. It would typically be used to be notified
+-- when a certain event happens to a frame.
+-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
+-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
+-- @param script The script to hook
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
+-- @usage
+-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame
+--   self:HookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow")
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame)
+--   print("The FriendsFrame was shown!")
+-- end
+function AceHook:HookScript(frame, script, handler)
+	hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, false, false,  "Usage: HookScript(object, method, [handler])")
+--- RawHook a script handler on a frame.
+-- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace
+-- the original script, and your handler has to call the original script (or not, depending on your intentions).\\
+-- The original script will be stored in `self.hooks[frame][script]`.\\
+-- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments
+-- or want to control execution of the original script.
+-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
+-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
+-- @param script The script to hook
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
+-- @usage
+-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
+-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
+-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
+--   -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame
+--   self:RawHookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow")
+-- end
+-- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame)
+--   -- Call the original function
+--   self.hooks[frame].OnShow(frame)
+--   -- Do our processing
+--   -- .. stuff
+-- end
+function AceHook:RawHookScript(frame, script, handler)
+	hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, true, false, "Usage: RawHookScript(object, method, [handler])")
+--- SecureHook a script handler on a frame.
+-- This function is a wrapper around the `frame:HookScript` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook
+-- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't
+-- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\
+-- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function,
+-- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called
+-- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution.
+-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
+-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
+-- @param script The script to hook
+-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
+function AceHook:SecureHookScript(frame, script, handler)
+	hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, true, false, false, "Usage: SecureHookScript(object, method, [handler])")
+--- Unhook from the specified function, method or script.
+-- @paramsig [obj], method
+-- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from
+-- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from.
+function AceHook:Unhook(obj, method)
+	local usage = "Usage: Unhook([obj], method)"
+	if type(obj) == "string" then
+		method, obj = obj, nil
+	end
+	if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then
+		error(format("%s: 'obj' - expecting nil or table got %s", usage, type(obj)), 2)
+	end
+	if type(method) ~= "string" then
+		error(format("%s: 'method' - expeting string got %s", usage, type(method)), 2)
+	end
+	local uid
+	if obj then
+		uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method]
+	else
+		uid = registry[self][method]
+	end
+	if not uid or not actives[uid] then
+		-- Declining to error on an unneeded unhook since the end effect is the same and this would just be annoying.
+		return false
+	end
+	actives[uid], handlers[uid] = nil, nil
+	if obj then
+		registry[self][obj][method] = nil
+		registry[self][obj] = next(registry[self][obj]) and registry[self][obj] or nil
+		-- if the hook reference doesnt exist, then its a secure hook, just bail out and dont do any unhooking
+		if not self.hooks[obj] or not self.hooks[obj][method] then return true end
+		if scripts[uid] and obj:GetScript(method) == uid then  -- unhooks scripts
+			obj:SetScript(method, self.hooks[obj][method] ~= donothing and self.hooks[obj][method] or nil)
+			scripts[uid] = nil
+		elseif obj and self.hooks[obj] and self.hooks[obj][method] and obj[method] == uid then -- unhooks methods
+			obj[method] = self.hooks[obj][method]
+		end
+		self.hooks[obj][method] = nil
+		self.hooks[obj] = next(self.hooks[obj]) and self.hooks[obj] or nil
+	else
+		registry[self][method] = nil
+		-- if self.hooks[method] doesn't exist, then this is a SecureHook, just bail out
+		if not self.hooks[method] then return true end
+		if self.hooks[method] and _G[method] == uid then -- unhooks functions
+			_G[method] = self.hooks[method]
+		end
+		self.hooks[method] = nil
+	end
+	return true
+--- Unhook all existing hooks for this addon.
+function AceHook:UnhookAll()
+	for key, value in pairs(registry[self]) do
+		if type(key) == "table" then
+			for method in pairs(value) do
+				self:Unhook(key, method)
+			end
+		else
+			self:Unhook(key)
+		end
+	end
+--- Check if the specific function, method or script is already hooked.
+-- @paramsig [obj], method
+-- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from
+-- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from.
+function AceHook:IsHooked(obj, method)
+	-- we don't check if registry[self] exists, this is done by evil magicks in the metatable
+	if type(obj) == "string" then
+		if registry[self][obj] and actives[registry[self][obj]] then
+			return true, handlers[registry[self][obj]]
+		end
+	else
+		if registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method] and actives[registry[self][obj][method]] then
+			return true, handlers[registry[self][obj][method]]
+		end
+	end
+	return false, nil
+--- Upgrade our old embeded
+for target, v in pairs( AceHook.embeded ) do
+	AceHook:Embed( target )
diff --git a/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add0f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceHook-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e133781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+--- **AceLocale-3.0** manages localization in addons, allowing for multiple locale to be registered with fallback to the base locale for untranslated strings.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceLocale-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 1035 2011-07-09 03:20:13Z kaelten $
+local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 6
+local AceLocale, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceLocale then return end -- no upgrade needed
+-- Lua APIs
+local assert, tostring, error = assert, tostring, error
+local getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset, rawget = getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset, rawget
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GAME_LOCALE, geterrorhandler
+local gameLocale = GetLocale()
+if gameLocale == "enGB" then
+	gameLocale = "enUS"
+AceLocale.apps = AceLocale.apps or {}          -- array of ["AppName"]=localetableref
+AceLocale.appnames = AceLocale.appnames or {}  -- array of [localetableref]="AppName"
+-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale
+local readmeta = {
+	__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: fire off a nonbreaking error and return key
+		rawset(self, key, key)      -- only need to see the warning once, really
+		geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": "..tostring(AceLocale.appnames[self])..": Missing entry for '"..tostring(key).."'")
+		return key
+	end
+-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale if the silent flag is true, it does not issue a warning on unknown keys
+local readmetasilent = {
+	__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: return key
+		rawset(self, key, key)      -- only need to invoke this function once
+		return key
+	end
+-- Remember the locale table being registered right now (it gets set by :NewLocale())
+-- NOTE: Do never try to register 2 locale tables at once and mix their definition.
+local registering
+-- local assert false function
+local assertfalse = function() assert(false) end
+-- This metatable proxy is used when registering nondefault locales
+local writeproxy = setmetatable({}, {
+	__newindex = function(self, key, value)
+		rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value) -- assigning values: replace 'true' with key string
+	end,
+	__index = assertfalse
+-- This metatable proxy is used when registering the default locale.
+-- It refuses to overwrite existing values
+-- Reason 1: Allows loading locales in any order
+-- Reason 2: If 2 modules have the same string, but only the first one to be
+--           loaded has a translation for the current locale, the translation
+--           doesn't get overwritten.
+local writedefaultproxy = setmetatable({}, {
+	__newindex = function(self, key, value)
+		if not rawget(registering, key) then
+			rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value)
+		end
+	end,
+	__index = assertfalse
+--- Register a new locale (or extend an existing one) for the specified application.
+-- :NewLocale will return a table you can fill your locale into, or nil if the locale isn't needed for the players
+-- game locale.
+-- @paramsig application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]
+-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
+-- @param locale Name of the locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc.
+-- @param isDefault If this is the default locale being registered (your addon is written in this language, generally enUS)
+-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Must be set on the first locale registered. If set to "raw", nils will be returned for unknown keys (no metatable used).
+-- @usage
+-- -- enUS.lua
+-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "enUS", true)
+-- L["string1"] = true
+-- -- deDE.lua
+-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "deDE")
+-- if not L then return end
+-- L["string1"] = "Zeichenkette1"
+-- @return Locale Table to add localizations to, or nil if the current locale is not required.
+function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault, silent)
+	-- GAME_LOCALE allows translators to test translations of addons without having that wow client installed
+	local gameLocale = GAME_LOCALE or gameLocale
+	local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
+	if silent and app and getmetatable(app) ~= readmetasilent then
+		geterrorhandler()("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' must be specified for the first locale registered")
+	end
+	if not app then
+		if silent=="raw" then
+			app = {}
+		else
+			app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
+		end
+		AceLocale.apps[application] = app
+		AceLocale.appnames[app] = application
+	end
+	if locale ~= gameLocale and not isDefault then
+		return -- nop, we don't need these translations
+	end
+	registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
+	if isDefault then
+		return writedefaultproxy
+	end
+	return writeproxy
+--- Returns localizations for the current locale (or default locale if translations are missing).
+-- Errors if nothing is registered (spank developer, not just a missing translation)
+-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
+-- @param silent If true, the locale is optional, silently return nil if it's not found (defaults to false, optional)
+-- @return The locale table for the current language.
+function AceLocale:GetLocale(application, silent)
+	if not silent and not AceLocale.apps[application] then
+		error("Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for '"..tostring(application).."'", 2)
+	end
+	return AceLocale.apps[application]
diff --git a/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e017af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceLocale-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b163d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+--- **AceSerializer-3.0** can serialize any variable (except functions or userdata) into a string format,
+-- that can be send over the addon comm channel. AceSerializer was designed to keep all data intact, especially
+-- very large numbers or floating point numbers, and table structures. The only caveat currently is, that multiple
+-- references to the same table will be send individually.
+-- **AceSerializer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceSerializer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceSerializer itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceSerializer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceSerializer.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceSerializer-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceSerializer-3.0.lua 1135 2015-09-19 20:39:16Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceSerializer-3.0", 5
+local AceSerializer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceSerializer then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local strbyte, strchar, gsub, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.char, string.gsub, string.gmatch, string.format
+local assert, error, pcall = assert, error, pcall
+local type, tostring, tonumber = type, tostring, tonumber
+local pairs, select, frexp = pairs, select, math.frexp
+local tconcat = table.concat
+-- quick copies of string representations of wonky numbers
+local inf = math.huge
+local serNaN  -- can't do this in 4.3, see ace3 ticket 268
+local serInf, serInfMac = "1.#INF", "inf"
+local serNegInf, serNegInfMac = "-1.#INF", "-inf"
+-- Serialization functions
+local function SerializeStringHelper(ch)	-- Used by SerializeValue for strings
+	-- We use \126 ("~") as an escape character for all nonprints plus a few more
+	local n = strbyte(ch)
+	if n==30 then           -- v3 / ticket 115: catch a nonprint that ends up being "~^" when encoded... DOH
+		return "\126\122"
+	elseif n<=32 then 			-- nonprint + space
+		return "\126"..strchar(n+64)
+	elseif n==94 then		-- value separator
+		return "\126\125"
+	elseif n==126 then		-- our own escape character
+		return "\126\124"
+	elseif n==127 then		-- nonprint (DEL)
+		return "\126\123"
+	else
+		assert(false)	-- can't be reached if caller uses a sane regex
+	end
+local function SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
+	-- We use "^" as a value separator, followed by one byte for type indicator
+	local t=type(v)
+	if t=="string" then		-- ^S = string (escaped to remove nonprints, "^"s, etc)
+		res[nres+1] = "^S"
+		res[nres+2] = gsub(v,"[%c \94\126\127]", SerializeStringHelper)
+		nres=nres+2
+	elseif t=="number" then	-- ^N = number (just tostring()ed) or ^F (float components)
+		local str = tostring(v)
+		if tonumber(str)==v  --[[not in 4.3 or str==serNaN]] then
+			-- translates just fine, transmit as-is
+			res[nres+1] = "^N"
+			res[nres+2] = str
+			nres=nres+2
+		elseif v == inf or v == -inf then
+			res[nres+1] = "^N"
+			res[nres+2] = v == inf and serInf or serNegInf
+			nres=nres+2
+		else
+			local m,e = frexp(v)
+			res[nres+1] = "^F"
+			res[nres+2] = format("%.0f",m*2^53)	-- force mantissa to become integer (it's originally 0.5--0.9999)
+			res[nres+3] = "^f"
+			res[nres+4] = tostring(e-53)	-- adjust exponent to counteract mantissa manipulation
+			nres=nres+4
+		end
+	elseif t=="table" then	-- ^T...^t = table (list of key,value pairs)
+		nres=nres+1
+		res[nres] = "^T"
+		for k,v in pairs(v) do
+			nres = SerializeValue(k, res, nres)
+			nres = SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
+		end
+		nres=nres+1
+		res[nres] = "^t"
+	elseif t=="boolean" then	-- ^B = true, ^b = false
+		nres=nres+1
+		if v then
+			res[nres] = "^B"	-- true
+		else
+			res[nres] = "^b"	-- false
+		end
+	elseif t=="nil" then		-- ^Z = nil (zero, "N" was taken :P)
+		nres=nres+1
+		res[nres] = "^Z"
+	else
+		error(MAJOR..": Cannot serialize a value of type '"..t.."'")	-- can't produce error on right level, this is wildly recursive
+	end
+	return nres
+local serializeTbl = { "^1" }	-- "^1" = Hi, I'm data serialized by AceSerializer protocol rev 1
+--- Serialize the data passed into the function.
+-- Takes a list of values (strings, numbers, booleans, nils, tables)
+-- and returns it in serialized form (a string).\\
+-- May throw errors on invalid data types.
+-- @param ... List of values to serialize
+-- @return The data in its serialized form (string)
+function AceSerializer:Serialize(...)
+	local nres = 1
+	for i=1,select("#", ...) do
+		local v = select(i, ...)
+		nres = SerializeValue(v, serializeTbl, nres)
+	end
+	serializeTbl[nres+1] = "^^"	-- "^^" = End of serialized data
+	return tconcat(serializeTbl, "", 1, nres+1)
+-- Deserialization functions
+local function DeserializeStringHelper(escape)
+	if escape<"~\122" then
+		return strchar(strbyte(escape,2,2)-64)
+	elseif escape=="~\122" then	-- v3 / ticket 115: special case encode since 30+64=94 ("^") - OOPS.
+		return "\030"
+	elseif escape=="~\123" then
+		return "\127"
+	elseif escape=="~\124" then
+		return "\126"
+	elseif escape=="~\125" then
+		return "\94"
+	end
+	error("DeserializeStringHelper got called for '"..escape.."'?!?")  -- can't be reached unless regex is screwed up
+local function DeserializeNumberHelper(number)
+	--[[ not in 4.3 if number == serNaN then
+		return 0/0
+	else]]if number == serNegInf or number == serNegInfMac then
+		return -inf
+	elseif number == serInf or number == serInfMac then
+		return inf
+	else
+		return tonumber(number)
+	end
+-- DeserializeValue: worker function for :Deserialize()
+-- It works in two modes:
+--   Main (top-level) mode: Deserialize a list of values and return them all
+--   Recursive (table) mode: Deserialize only a single value (_may_ of course be another table with lots of subvalues in it)
+-- The function _always_ works recursively due to having to build a list of values to return
+-- Callers are expected to pcall(DeserializeValue) to trap errors
+local function DeserializeValue(iter,single,ctl,data)
+	if not single then
+		ctl,data = iter()
+	end
+	if not ctl then
+		error("Supplied data misses AceSerializer terminator ('^^')")
+	end
+	if ctl=="^^" then
+		-- ignore extraneous data
+		return
+	end
+	local res
+	if ctl=="^S" then
+		res = gsub(data, "~.", DeserializeStringHelper)
+	elseif ctl=="^N" then
+		res = DeserializeNumberHelper(data)
+		if not res then
+			error("Invalid serialized number: '"..tostring(data).."'")
+		end
+	elseif ctl=="^F" then     -- ^F<mantissa>^f<exponent>
+		local ctl2,e = iter()
+		if ctl2~="^f" then
+			error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected '^f', not '"..tostring(ctl2).."'")
+		end
+		local m=tonumber(data)
+		e=tonumber(e)
+		if not (m and e) then
+			error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected mantissa and exponent, got '"..tostring(m).."' and '"..tostring(e).."'")
+		end
+		res = m*(2^e)
+	elseif ctl=="^B" then	-- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+		res = true
+	elseif ctl=="^b" then   -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+		res = false
+	elseif ctl=="^Z" then	-- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+		res = nil
+	elseif ctl=="^T" then
+		-- ignore ^T's data, future extensibility?
+		res = {}
+		local k,v
+		while true do
+			ctl,data = iter()
+			if ctl=="^t" then break end	-- ignore ^t's data
+			k = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
+			if k==nil then
+				error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
+			end
+			ctl,data = iter()
+			v = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
+			if v==nil then
+				error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
+			end
+			res[k]=v
+		end
+	else
+		error("Invalid AceSerializer control code '"..ctl.."'")
+	end
+	if not single then
+		return res,DeserializeValue(iter)
+	else
+		return res
+	end
+--- Deserializes the data into its original values.
+-- Accepts serialized data, ignoring all control characters and whitespace.
+-- @param str The serialized data (from :Serialize)
+-- @return true followed by a list of values, OR false followed by an error message
+function AceSerializer:Deserialize(str)
+	str = gsub(str, "[%c ]", "")	-- ignore all control characters; nice for embedding in email and stuff
+	local iter = gmatch(str, "(^.)([^^]*)")	-- Any ^x followed by string of non-^
+	local ctl,data = iter()
+	if not ctl or ctl~="^1" then
+		-- we purposefully ignore the data portion of the start code, it can be used as an extension mechanism
+		return false, "Supplied data is not AceSerializer data (rev 1)"
+	end
+	return pcall(DeserializeValue, iter)
+-- Base library stuff
+AceSerializer.internals = {	-- for test scripts
+	SerializeValue = SerializeValue,
+	SerializeStringHelper = SerializeStringHelper,
+local mixins = {
+	"Serialize",
+	"Deserialize",
+AceSerializer.embeds = AceSerializer.embeds or {}
+function AceSerializer:Embed(target)
+	for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
+		target[v] = self[v]
+	end
+	self.embeds[target] = true
+	return target
+-- Update embeds
+for target, v in pairs(AceSerializer.embeds) do
+	AceSerializer:Embed(target)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94924af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceSerializer-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c64db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+--- AceTab-3.0 provides support for tab-completion.
+-- Note: This library is not yet finalized.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceTab-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceTab-3.0.lua 1148 2016-07-18 09:13:02Z nevcairiel $
+local ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR = 'AceTab-3.0', 9
+local AceTab, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR)
+if not AceTab then return end -- No upgrade needed
+AceTab.registry = AceTab.registry or {}
+-- local upvalues
+local _G = _G
+local pairs = pairs
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local type = type
+local registry = AceTab.registry
+local strfind = string.find
+local strsub = string.sub
+local strlower = string.lower
+local strformat = string.format
+local strmatch = string.match
+local function printf(...)
+	DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(strformat(...))
+local function getTextBeforeCursor(this, start)
+	return strsub(this:GetText(), start or 1, this:GetCursorPosition())
+-- Hook OnTabPressed and OnTextChanged for the frame, give it an empty matches table, and set its curMatch to 0, if we haven't done so already.
+local function hookFrame(f)
+	if f.hookedByAceTab3 then return end
+	f.hookedByAceTab3 = true
+	if f == ChatEdit_GetActiveWindow() then
+		local origCTP = ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed
+		function ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed(...)
+			if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
+				return origCTP(...)
+			else
+				return true
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		local origOTP = f:GetScript('OnTabPressed')
+		if type(origOTP) ~= 'function' then
+			origOTP = function() end
+		end
+		f:SetScript('OnTabPressed', function(...)
+			if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
+				return origOTP(...)
+			end
+		end)
+	end
+	f.at3curMatch = 0
+	f.at3matches = {}
+local firstPMLength
+local fallbacks, notfallbacks = {}, {}  -- classifies completions into those which have preconditions and those which do not.  Those without preconditions are only considered if no other completions have matches.
+local pmolengths = {}  -- holds the number of characters to overwrite according to pmoverwrite and the current prematch
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- RegisterTabCompletion( descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite )
+-- See http://www.wowace.com/wiki/AceTab-2.0 for detailed API documentation
+-- descriptor	string					Unique identifier for this tab completion set
+-- prematches	string|table|nil		String match(es) AFTER which this tab completion will apply.
+--										AceTab will ignore tabs NOT preceded by the string(s).
+--										If no value is passed, will check all tabs pressed in the specified editframe(s) UNLESS a more-specific tab complete applies.
+-- wordlist		function|table			Function that will be passed a table into which it will insert strings corresponding to all possible completions, or an equivalent table.
+--										The text in the editbox, the position of the start of the word to be completed, and the uncompleted partial word
+--										are passed as second, third, and fourth arguments, to facilitate pre-filtering or conditional formatting, if desired.
+-- usagefunc	function|boolean|nil	Usage statement function.  Defaults to the wordlist, one per line.  A boolean true squelches usage output.
+-- listenframes	string|table|nil		EditFrames to monitor.  Defaults to ChatFrameEditBox.
+-- postfunc		function|nil			Post-processing function.  If supplied, matches will be passed through this function after they've been identified as a match.
+-- pmoverwrite	boolean|number|nil		Offset the beginning of the completion string in the editbox when making a completion.  Passing a boolean true indicates that we want to overwrite
+--										the entire prematch string, and passing a number will overwrite that many characters prior to the cursor.
+--										This is useful when you want to use the prematch as an indicator character, but ultimately do not want it as part of the text, itself.
+-- no return
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function AceTab:RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite)
+	-- Arg checks
+	if type(descriptor) ~= 'string' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'descriptor' - string expected.", 3) end
+	if prematches and type(prematches) ~= 'string' and type(prematches) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'prematches' - string, table, or nil expected.", 3) end
+	if type(wordlist) ~= 'function' and type(wordlist) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'wordlist' - function or table expected.", 3) end
+	if usagefunc and type(usagefunc) ~= 'function' and type(usagefunc) ~= 'boolean' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'usagefunc' - function or boolean expected.", 3) end
+	if listenframes and type(listenframes) ~= 'string' and type(listenframes) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'listenframes' - string or table expected.", 3) end
+	if postfunc and type(postfunc) ~= 'function' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'postfunc' - function expected.", 3) end
+	if pmoverwrite and type(pmoverwrite) ~= 'boolean' and type(pmoverwrite) ~= 'number' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'pmoverwrite' - boolean or number expected.", 3) end
+	local pmtable
+	if type(prematches) == 'table' then
+		pmtable = prematches
+		notfallbacks[descriptor] = true
+	else
+		pmtable = {}
+		-- Mark this group as a fallback group if no value was passed.
+		if not prematches then
+			pmtable[1] = ""
+			fallbacks[descriptor] = true
+		-- Make prematches into a one-element table if it was passed as a string.
+		elseif type(prematches) == 'string' then
+			pmtable[1] = prematches
+			if prematches == "" then
+				fallbacks[descriptor] = true
+			else
+				notfallbacks[descriptor] = true
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Make listenframes into a one-element table if it was not passed a table of frames.
+	if not listenframes then  -- default
+		listenframes = {}
+		for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
+			listenframes[i] = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."EditBox"]
+		end
+	elseif type(listenframes) ~= 'table' or type(listenframes[0]) == 'userdata' and type(listenframes.IsObjectType) == 'function' then  -- single frame or framename
+		listenframes = { listenframes }
+	end
+	-- Hook each registered listenframe and give it a matches table.
+	for _, f in pairs(listenframes) do
+		if type(f) == 'string' then
+			f = _G[f]
+		end
+		if type(f) ~= 'table' or type(f[0]) ~= 'userdata' or type(f.IsObjectType) ~= 'function' then
+			error(format(ACETAB_MAJOR..": Cannot register frame %q; it does not exist", f:GetName()))
+		end
+		if f then
+			if f:GetObjectType() ~= 'EditBox' then
+				error(format(ACETAB_MAJOR..": Cannot register frame %q; it is not an EditBox", f:GetName()))
+			else
+				hookFrame(f)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Everything checks out; register this completion.
+	if not registry[descriptor] then
+		registry[descriptor] = { prematches = pmtable, wordlist = wordlist, usagefunc = usagefunc, listenframes = listenframes, postfunc = postfunc, pmoverwrite = pmoverwrite }
+	end
+function AceTab:IsTabCompletionRegistered(descriptor)
+	return registry and registry[descriptor]
+function AceTab:UnregisterTabCompletion(descriptor)
+	registry[descriptor] = nil
+	pmolengths[descriptor] = nil
+	fallbacks[descriptor] = nil
+	notfallbacks[descriptor] = nil
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- gcbs( s1, s2 )
+-- s1		string		First string to be compared
+-- s2		string		Second string to be compared
+-- returns the greatest common substring beginning s1 and s2
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+local function gcbs(s1, s2)
+	if not s1 and not s2 then return end
+	if not s1 then s1 = s2 end
+	if not s2 then s2 = s1 end
+	if #s2 < #s1 then
+		s1, s2 = s2, s1
+	end
+	if strfind(strlower(s2), "^"..strlower(s1)) then
+		return s1
+	else
+		return gcbs(strsub(s1, 1, -2), s2)
+	end
+local cursor  -- Holds cursor position.  Set in :OnTabPressed().
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- cycleTab()
+-- For when a tab press has multiple possible completions, we need to allow the user to press tab repeatedly to cycle through them.
+-- If we have multiple possible completions, all tab presses after the first will call this function to cycle through and insert the different possible matches.
+-- This function will stop being called after OnTextChanged() is triggered by something other than AceTab (i.e. the user inputs a character).
+-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+local previousLength, cMatch, matched, postmatch
+local function cycleTab(this)
+	cMatch = 0  -- Counter across all sets.  The pseudo-index relevant to this value and corresponding to the current match is held in this.at3curMatch
+	matched = false
+	-- Check each completion group registered to this frame.
+	for desc, compgrp in pairs(this.at3matches) do
+		-- Loop through the valid completions for this set.
+		for m, pm in pairs(compgrp) do
+			cMatch = cMatch + 1
+			if cMatch == this.at3curMatch then  -- we're back to where we left off last time through the combined list
+				this.at3lastMatch = m
+				this.at3lastWord = pm
+				this.at3curMatch = cMatch + 1 -- save the new cMatch index
+				matched = true
+				break
+			end
+		end
+		if matched then break end
+	end
+	-- If our index is beyond the end of the list, reset the original uncompleted substring and let the cycle start over next time tab is pressed.
+	if not matched then
+		this.at3lastMatch = this.at3origMatch
+		this.at3lastWord = this.at3origWord
+		this.at3curMatch = 1
+	end
+	-- Insert the completion.
+	this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
+	this:Insert(this.at3lastWord or '')
+	this.at3_last_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
+local IsSecureCmd = IsSecureCmd
+local cands, candUsage = {}, {}
+local numMatches = 0
+local firstMatch, hasNonFallback, allGCBS, setGCBS, usage
+local text_precursor, text_all, text_pmendToCursor
+local matches, usagefunc  -- convenience locals
+-- Fill the this.at3matches[descriptor] tables with matching completion pairs for each entry, based on
+-- the partial string preceding the cursor position and using the corresponding registered wordlist.
+-- The entries of the matches tables are of the format raw_match = formatted_match, where raw_match is the plaintext completion and
+-- formatted_match is the match after being formatted/altered/processed by the registered postfunc.
+-- If no postfunc exists, then the formatted and raw matches are the same.
+local pms, pme, pmt, prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch, entry
+local function fillMatches(this, desc, fallback)
+	entry = registry[desc]
+	-- See what frames are registered for this completion group.  If the frame in which we pressed tab is one of them, then we start building matches.
+	for _, f in ipairs(entry.listenframes) do
+		if f == this then
+			-- Try each precondition string registered for this completion group.
+			for _, prematch in ipairs(entry.prematches) do
+				-- Test if our prematch string is satisfied.
+				-- If it is, then we find its last occurence prior to the cursor, calculate and store its pmoverwrite value (if applicable), and start considering completions.
+				if fallback then prematch = "%s" end
+				-- Find the last occurence of the prematch before the cursor.
+				pms, pme, pmt = nil, 1, ''
+				text_prematch, prematchEnd, prematchStart = nil, nil, nil
+				while true do
+					pms, pme, pmt = strfind(text_precursor, "("..prematch..")", pme)
+					if pms then
+						prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch = pms, pme, pmt
+						pme = pme + 1
+					else
+						break
+					end
+				end
+				if not prematchStart and fallback then
+					prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch = 0, 0, ''
+				end
+				if prematchStart then
+					-- text_pmendToCursor should be the sub-word/phrase to be completed.
+					text_pmendToCursor = strsub(text_precursor, prematchEnd + 1)
+					-- How many characters should we eliminate before the completion before writing it in.
+					pmolengths[desc] = entry.pmoverwrite == true and #text_prematch or entry.pmoverwrite or 0
+					-- This is where we will insert completions, taking the prematch overwrite into account.
+					this.at3matchStart = prematchEnd + 1 - (pmolengths[desc] or 0)
+					-- We're either a non-fallback set or all completions thus far have been fallback sets, and the precondition matches.
+					-- Create cands from the registered wordlist, filling it with all potential (unfiltered) completion strings.
+					local wordlist = entry.wordlist
+					local cands = type(wordlist) == 'table' and wordlist or {}
+					if type(wordlist) == 'function' then
+						wordlist(cands, text_all, prematchEnd + 1, text_pmendToCursor)
+					end
+					if cands ~= false then
+						matches = this.at3matches[desc] or {}
+						for i in pairs(matches) do matches[i] = nil end
+						-- Check each of the entries in cands to see if it completes the word before the cursor.
+						-- Finally, increment our match count and set firstMatch, if appropriate.
+						for _, m in ipairs(cands) do
+							if strfind(strlower(m), strlower(text_pmendToCursor), 1, 1) == 1 then  -- we have a matching completion!
+								hasNonFallback = hasNonFallback or (not fallback)
+								matches[m] = entry.postfunc and entry.postfunc(m, prematchEnd + 1, text_all) or m
+								numMatches = numMatches + 1
+								if numMatches == 1 then
+									firstMatch = matches[m]
+									firstPMLength = pmolengths[desc] or 0
+								end
+							end
+						end
+						this.at3matches[desc] = numMatches > 0 and matches or nil
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function AceTab:OnTabPressed(this)
+	if this:GetText() == '' then return true end
+	-- allow Blizzard to handle slash commands, themselves
+	if this == ChatEdit_GetActiveWindow() then
+		local command = this:GetText()
+		if strfind(command, "^/[%a%d_]+$") then
+			return true
+		end
+		local cmd = strmatch(command, "^/[%a%d_]+")
+		if cmd and IsSecureCmd(cmd) then
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+	cursor = this:GetCursorPosition()
+	text_all = this:GetText()
+	text_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
+	-- If we've already found some matches and haven't done anything since the last tab press, then (continue) cycling matches.
+	-- Otherwise, reset this frame's matches and proceed to creating our list of possible completions.
+	this.at3lastMatch = this.at3curMatch > 0 and (this.at3lastMatch or this.at3origWord)
+	-- Detects if we've made any edits since the last tab press.  If not, continue cycling completions.
+	if text_precursor == this.at3_last_precursor then
+		return cycleTab(this)
+	else
+		for i in pairs(this.at3matches) do this.at3matches[i] = nil end
+		this.at3curMatch = 0
+		this.at3origWord = nil
+		this.at3origMatch = nil
+		this.at3lastWord = nil
+		this.at3lastMatch = nil
+		this.at3_last_precursor = text_precursor
+	end
+	numMatches = 0
+	firstMatch = nil
+	firstPMLength = 0
+	hasNonFallback = false
+	for i in pairs(pmolengths) do pmolengths[i] = nil end
+	for desc in pairs(notfallbacks) do
+		fillMatches(this, desc)
+	end
+	if not hasNonFallback then
+		for desc in pairs(fallbacks) do
+			fillMatches(this, desc, true)
+		end
+	end
+	if not firstMatch then
+		this.at3_last_precursor = "\0"
+		return true
+	end
+	-- We want to replace the entire word with our completion, so highlight it up to the cursor.
+	-- If only one match exists, then stick it in there and append a space.
+	if numMatches == 1 then
+		-- HighlightText takes the value AFTER which the highlighting starts, so we have to subtract 1 to have it start before the first character.
+		this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
+		this:Insert(firstMatch)
+		this:Insert(" ")
+	else
+		-- Otherwise, we want to begin cycling through the valid completions.
+		-- Beginning a cycle also causes the usage statement to be printed, if one exists.
+		-- Print usage statements for each possible completion (and gather up the GCBS of all matches while we're walking the tables).
+		allGCBS = nil
+		for desc, matches in pairs(this.at3matches) do
+			-- Don't print usage statements for fallback completion groups if we have 'real' completion groups with matches.
+			if hasNonFallback and fallbacks[desc] then break end
+			-- Use the group's description as a heading for its usage statements.
+			DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(desc..":")
+			usagefunc = registry[desc].usagefunc
+			if not usagefunc then
+				-- No special usage processing; just print a list of the (formatted) matches.
+				for m, fm in pairs(matches) do
+					DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(fm)
+					allGCBS = gcbs(allGCBS, m)
+				end
+			else
+				-- Print a usage statement based on the corresponding registered usagefunc.
+				-- candUsage is the table passed to usagefunc to be filled with candidate = usage_statement pairs.
+				if type(usagefunc) == 'function' then
+					for i in pairs(candUsage) do candUsage[i] = nil end
+					-- usagefunc takes the greatest common substring of valid matches as one of its args, so let's find that now.
+					-- TODO: Make the GCBS function accept a vararg or table, after which we can just pass in the list of matches.
+					setGCBS = nil
+					for m in pairs(matches) do
+						setGCBS = gcbs(setGCBS, m)
+					end
+					allGCBS = gcbs(allGCBS, setGCBS)
+					usage = usagefunc(candUsage, matches, setGCBS, strsub(text_precursor, 1, prematchEnd))
+					-- If the usagefunc returns a string, then the entire usage statement has been taken care of by usagefunc, and we need only to print it...
+					if type(usage) == 'string' then
+						DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(usage)
+					-- ...otherwise, it should have filled candUsage with candidate-usage statement pairs, and we need to print the matching ones.
+					elseif next(candUsage) and numMatches > 0 then
+						for m, fm in pairs(matches) do
+							if candUsage[m] then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(strformat("%s - %s", fm, candUsage[m])) end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if next(matches) then
+				-- Replace the original string with the greatest common substring of all valid completions.
+				this.at3curMatch = 1
+				this.at3origWord = strsub(text_precursor, this.at3matchStart, this.at3matchStart + pmolengths[desc] - 1) .. allGCBS or ""
+				this.at3origMatch = allGCBS or ""
+				this.at3lastWord = this.at3origWord
+				this.at3lastMatch = this.at3origMatch
+				this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
+				this:Insert(this.at3origWord)
+				this.at3_last_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
+			end
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e50904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceTab-3.0.lua"/>
diff --git a/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba6b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+--- **AceTimer-3.0** provides a central facility for registering timers.
+-- AceTimer supports one-shot timers and repeating timers. All timers are stored in an efficient
+-- data structure that allows easy dispatching and fast rescheduling. Timers can be registered
+-- or canceled at any time, even from within a running timer, without conflict or large overhead.\\
+-- AceTimer is currently limited to firing timers at a frequency of 0.01s as this is what the WoW timer API
+-- restricts us to.
+-- All `:Schedule` functions will return a handle to the current timer, which you will need to store if you
+-- need to cancel the timer you just registered.
+-- **AceTimer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceTimer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceTimer itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceTimer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceTimer.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceTimer-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceTimer-3.0.lua 1119 2014-10-14 17:23:29Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceTimer-3.0", 17 -- Bump minor on changes
+local AceTimer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceTimer then return end -- No upgrade needed
+AceTimer.activeTimers = AceTimer.activeTimers or {} -- Active timer list
+local activeTimers = AceTimer.activeTimers -- Upvalue our private data
+-- Lua APIs
+local type, unpack, next, error, select = type, unpack, next, error, select
+-- WoW APIs
+local GetTime, C_TimerAfter = GetTime, C_Timer.After
+local function new(self, loop, func, delay, ...)
+	if delay < 0.01 then
+		delay = 0.01 -- Restrict to the lowest time that the C_Timer API allows us
+	end
+	local timer = {...}
+	timer.object = self
+	timer.func = func
+	timer.looping = loop
+	timer.argsCount = select("#", ...)
+	timer.delay = delay
+	timer.ends = GetTime() + delay
+	activeTimers[timer] = timer
+	-- Create new timer closure to wrap the "timer" object
+	timer.callback = function()
+		if not timer.cancelled then
+			if type(timer.func) == "string" then
+				-- We manually set the unpack count to prevent issues with an arg set that contains nil and ends with nil
+				-- e.g. local t = {1, 2, nil, 3, nil} print(#t) will result in 2, instead of 5. This fixes said issue.
+				timer.object[timer.func](timer.object, unpack(timer, 1, timer.argsCount))
+			else
+				timer.func(unpack(timer, 1, timer.argsCount))
+			end
+			if timer.looping and not timer.cancelled then
+				-- Compensate delay to get a perfect average delay, even if individual times don't match up perfectly
+				-- due to fps differences
+				local time = GetTime()
+				local delay = timer.delay - (time - timer.ends)
+				-- Ensure the delay doesn't go below the threshold
+				if delay < 0.01 then delay = 0.01 end
+				C_TimerAfter(delay, timer.callback)
+				timer.ends = time + delay
+			else
+				activeTimers[timer.handle or timer] = nil
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	C_TimerAfter(delay, timer.callback)
+	return timer
+--- Schedule a new one-shot timer.
+-- The timer will fire once in `delay` seconds, unless canceled before.
+-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
+-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
+-- @param ... An optional, unlimited amount of arguments to pass to the callback function.
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddOn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddOn", "AceTimer-3.0")
+-- function MyAddOn:OnEnable()
+--   self:ScheduleTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
+-- end
+-- function MyAddOn:TimerFeedback()
+--   print("5 seconds passed")
+-- end
+function AceTimer:ScheduleTimer(func, delay, ...)
+	if not func or not delay then
+		error(MAJOR..": ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'callback' and 'delay' must have set values.", 2)
+	end
+	if type(func) == "string" then
+		if type(self) ~= "table" then
+			error(MAJOR..": ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'self' - must be a table.", 2)
+		elseif not self[func] then
+			error(MAJOR..": ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, args...): Tried to register '"..func.."' as the callback, but it doesn't exist in the module.", 2)
+		end
+	end
+	return new(self, nil, func, delay, ...)
+--- Schedule a repeating timer.
+-- The timer will fire every `delay` seconds, until canceled.
+-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
+-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
+-- @param ... An optional, unlimited amount of arguments to pass to the callback function.
+-- @usage
+-- MyAddOn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddOn", "AceTimer-3.0")
+-- function MyAddOn:OnEnable()
+--   self.timerCount = 0
+--   self.testTimer = self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
+-- end
+-- function MyAddOn:TimerFeedback()
+--   self.timerCount = self.timerCount + 1
+--   print(("%d seconds passed"):format(5 * self.timerCount))
+--   -- run 30 seconds in total
+--   if self.timerCount == 6 then
+--     self:CancelTimer(self.testTimer)
+--   end
+-- end
+function AceTimer:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(func, delay, ...)
+	if not func or not delay then
+		error(MAJOR..": ScheduleRepeatingTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'callback' and 'delay' must have set values.", 2)
+	end
+	if type(func) == "string" then
+		if type(self) ~= "table" then
+			error(MAJOR..": ScheduleRepeatingTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'self' - must be a table.", 2)
+		elseif not self[func] then
+			error(MAJOR..": ScheduleRepeatingTimer(callback, delay, args...): Tried to register '"..func.."' as the callback, but it doesn't exist in the module.", 2)
+		end
+	end
+	return new(self, true, func, delay, ...)
+--- Cancels a timer with the given id, registered by the same addon object as used for `:ScheduleTimer`
+-- Both one-shot and repeating timers can be canceled with this function, as long as the `id` is valid
+-- and the timer has not fired yet or was canceled before.
+-- @param id The id of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
+function AceTimer:CancelTimer(id)
+	local timer = activeTimers[id]
+	if not timer then
+		return false
+	else
+		timer.cancelled = true
+		activeTimers[id] = nil
+		return true
+	end
+--- Cancels all timers registered to the current addon object ('self')
+function AceTimer:CancelAllTimers()
+	for k,v in pairs(activeTimers) do
+		if v.object == self then
+			AceTimer.CancelTimer(self, k)
+		end
+	end
+--- Returns the time left for a timer with the given id, registered by the current addon object ('self').
+-- This function will return 0 when the id is invalid.
+-- @param id The id of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
+-- @return The time left on the timer.
+function AceTimer:TimeLeft(id)
+	local timer = activeTimers[id]
+	if not timer then
+		return 0
+	else
+		return timer.ends - GetTime()
+	end
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Upgrading
+-- Upgrade from old hash-bucket based timers to C_Timer.After timers.
+if oldminor and oldminor < 10 then
+	-- disable old timer logic
+	AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+	AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
+	AceTimer.frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
+	-- convert timers
+	for object,timers in pairs(AceTimer.selfs) do
+		for handle,timer in pairs(timers) do
+			if type(timer) == "table" and timer.callback then
+				local newTimer
+				if timer.delay then
+					newTimer = AceTimer.ScheduleRepeatingTimer(timer.object, timer.callback, timer.delay, timer.arg)
+				else
+					newTimer = AceTimer.ScheduleTimer(timer.object, timer.callback, timer.when - GetTime(), timer.arg)
+				end
+				-- Use the old handle for old timers
+				activeTimers[newTimer] = nil
+				activeTimers[handle] = newTimer
+				newTimer.handle = handle
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	AceTimer.selfs = nil
+	AceTimer.hash = nil
+	AceTimer.debug = nil
+elseif oldminor and oldminor < 17 then
+	-- Upgrade from old animation based timers to C_Timer.After timers.
+	AceTimer.inactiveTimers = nil
+	AceTimer.frame = nil
+	local oldTimers = AceTimer.activeTimers
+	-- Clear old timer table and update upvalue
+	AceTimer.activeTimers = {}
+	activeTimers = AceTimer.activeTimers
+	for handle, timer in pairs(oldTimers) do
+		local newTimer
+		-- Stop the old timer animation
+		local duration, elapsed = timer:GetDuration(), timer:GetElapsed()
+		timer:GetParent():Stop()
+		if timer.looping then
+			newTimer = AceTimer.ScheduleRepeatingTimer(timer.object, timer.func, duration, unpack(timer.args, 1, timer.argsCount))
+		else
+			newTimer = AceTimer.ScheduleTimer(timer.object, timer.func, duration - elapsed, unpack(timer.args, 1, timer.argsCount))
+		end
+		-- Use the old handle for old timers
+		activeTimers[newTimer] = nil
+		activeTimers[handle] = newTimer
+		newTimer.handle = handle
+	end
+	-- Migrate transitional handles
+	if oldminor < 13 and AceTimer.hashCompatTable then
+		for handle, id in pairs(AceTimer.hashCompatTable) do
+			local t = activeTimers[id]
+			if t then
+				activeTimers[id] = nil
+				activeTimers[handle] = t
+				t.handle = handle
+			end
+		end
+		AceTimer.hashCompatTable = nil
+	end
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Embed handling
+AceTimer.embeds = AceTimer.embeds or {}
+local mixins = {
+	"ScheduleTimer", "ScheduleRepeatingTimer",
+	"CancelTimer", "CancelAllTimers",
+	"TimeLeft"
+function AceTimer:Embed(target)
+	AceTimer.embeds[target] = true
+	for _,v in pairs(mixins) do
+		target[v] = AceTimer[v]
+	end
+	return target
+-- AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable(target)
+-- target (object) - target object that AceTimer is embedded in.
+-- cancel all timers registered for the object
+function AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable(target)
+	target:CancelAllTimers()
+for addon in pairs(AceTimer.embeds) do
+	AceTimer:Embed(addon)
diff --git a/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e9021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="AceTimer-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua b/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..675d7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+--[[ $Id: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua 1131 2015-06-04 07:29:24Z nevcairiel $ ]]
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "CallbackHandler-1.0", 6
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not CallbackHandler then return end -- No upgrade needed
+local meta = {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end}
+-- Lua APIs
+local tconcat = table.concat
+local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
+local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
+local next, select, pairs, type, tostring = next, select, pairs, type, tostring
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+	return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	local code = [[
+	local next, xpcall, eh = ...
+	local method, ARGS
+	local function call() method(ARGS) end
+	local function dispatch(handlers, ...)
+		local index
+		index, method = next(handlers)
+		if not method then return end
+		local OLD_ARGS = ARGS
+		ARGS = ...
+		repeat
+			xpcall(call, eh)
+			index, method = next(handlers, index)
+		until not method
+	end
+	return dispatch
+	]]
+	local ARGS, OLD_ARGS = {}, {}
+	for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i], OLD_ARGS[i] = "arg"..i, "old_arg"..i end
+	code = code:gsub("OLD_ARGS", tconcat(OLD_ARGS, ", ")):gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
+	return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(next, xpcall, errorhandler)
+local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
+	local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
+	rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
+	return dispatcher
+-- CallbackHandler:New
+--   target            - target object to embed public APIs in
+--   RegisterName      - name of the callback registration API, default "RegisterCallback"
+--   UnregisterName    - name of the callback unregistration API, default "UnregisterCallback"
+--   UnregisterAllName - name of the API to unregister all callbacks, default "UnregisterAllCallbacks". false == don't publish this API.
+function CallbackHandler:New(target, RegisterName, UnregisterName, UnregisterAllName)
+	RegisterName = RegisterName or "RegisterCallback"
+	UnregisterName = UnregisterName or "UnregisterCallback"
+	if UnregisterAllName==nil then	-- false is used to indicate "don't want this method"
+		UnregisterAllName = "UnregisterAllCallbacks"
+	end
+	-- we declare all objects and exported APIs inside this closure to quickly gain access
+	-- to e.g. function names, the "target" parameter, etc
+	-- Create the registry object
+	local events = setmetatable({}, meta)
+	local registry = { recurse=0, events=events }
+	-- registry:Fire() - fires the given event/message into the registry
+	function registry:Fire(eventname, ...)
+		if not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) then return end
+		local oldrecurse = registry.recurse
+		registry.recurse = oldrecurse + 1
+		Dispatchers[select('#', ...) + 1](events[eventname], eventname, ...)
+		registry.recurse = oldrecurse
+		if registry.insertQueue and oldrecurse==0 then
+			-- Something in one of our callbacks wanted to register more callbacks; they got queued
+			for eventname,callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
+				local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname])	-- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
+				for self,func in pairs(callbacks) do
+					events[eventname][self] = func
+					-- fire OnUsed callback?
+					if first and registry.OnUsed then
+						registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
+						first = nil
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			registry.insertQueue = nil
+		end
+	end
+	-- Registration of a callback, handles:
+	--   self["method"], leads to self["method"](self, ...)
+	--   self with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
+	--   "addonId" (instead of self) with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
+	-- all with an optional arg, which, if present, gets passed as first argument (after self if present)
+	target[RegisterName] = function(self, eventname, method, ... --[[actually just a single arg]])
+		if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
+			error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(eventname, method[, arg]): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
+		end
+		method = method or eventname
+		local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname])	-- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
+		if type(method) ~= "string" and type(method) ~= "function" then
+			error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - string or function expected.", 2)
+		end
+		local regfunc
+		if type(method) == "string" then
+			-- self["method"] calling style
+			if type(self) ~= "table" then
+				error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): self was not a table?", 2)
+			elseif self==target then
+				error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): do not use Library:"..RegisterName.."(), use your own 'self'", 2)
+			elseif type(self[method]) ~= "function" then
+				error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - method '"..tostring(method).."' not found on self.", 2)
+			end
+			if select("#",...)>=1 then	-- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
+				local arg=select(1,...)
+				regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,arg,...) end
+			else
+				regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,...) end
+			end
+		else
+			-- function ref with self=object or self="addonId" or self=thread
+			if type(self)~="table" and type(self)~="string" and type(self)~="thread" then
+				error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(self or \"addonId\", eventname, method): 'self or addonId': table or string or thread expected.", 2)
+			end
+			if select("#",...)>=1 then	-- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
+				local arg=select(1,...)
+				regfunc = function(...) method(arg,...) end
+			else
+				regfunc = method
+			end
+		end
+		if events[eventname][self] or registry.recurse<1 then
+		-- if registry.recurse<1 then
+			-- we're overwriting an existing entry, or not currently recursing. just set it.
+			events[eventname][self] = regfunc
+			-- fire OnUsed callback?
+			if registry.OnUsed and first then
+				registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
+			end
+		else
+			-- we're currently processing a callback in this registry, so delay the registration of this new entry!
+			-- yes, we're a bit wasteful on garbage, but this is a fringe case, so we're picking low implementation overhead over garbage efficiency
+			registry.insertQueue = registry.insertQueue or setmetatable({},meta)
+			registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = regfunc
+		end
+	end
+	-- Unregister a callback
+	target[UnregisterName] = function(self, eventname)
+		if not self or self==target then
+			error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): bad 'self'", 2)
+		end
+		if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
+			error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
+		end
+		if rawget(events, eventname) and events[eventname][self] then
+			events[eventname][self] = nil
+			-- Fire OnUnused callback?
+			if registry.OnUnused and not next(events[eventname]) then
+				registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
+			end
+		end
+		if registry.insertQueue and rawget(registry.insertQueue, eventname) and registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] then
+			registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = nil
+		end
+	end
+	-- OPTIONAL: Unregister all callbacks for given selfs/addonIds
+	if UnregisterAllName then
+		target[UnregisterAllName] = function(...)
+			if select("#",...)<1 then
+				error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): missing 'self' or \"addonId\" to unregister events for.", 2)
+			end
+			if select("#",...)==1 and ...==target then
+				error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): supply a meaningful 'self' or \"addonId\"", 2)
+			end
+			for i=1,select("#",...) do
+				local self = select(i,...)
+				if registry.insertQueue then
+					for eventname, callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
+						if callbacks[self] then
+							callbacks[self] = nil
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				for eventname, callbacks in pairs(events) do
+					if callbacks[self] then
+						callbacks[self] = nil
+						-- Fire OnUnused callback?
+						if registry.OnUnused and not next(callbacks) then
+							registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return registry
+-- CallbackHandler purposefully does NOT do explicit embedding. Nor does it
+-- try to upgrade old implicit embeds since the system is selfcontained and
+-- relies on closures to work.
diff --git a/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml b/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876df83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.docmeta b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.docmeta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b21e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.docmeta
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  type: markdown
+  input-file: README.md
+  output-page: Main
diff --git a/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.pkgmeta b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.pkgmeta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad3071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/.pkgmeta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package-as: LibArtifactData-1.0
+  LibStub:
+    url: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/libstub/mainline/trunk
+    tag: latest
+  CallbackHandler-1.0:
+    url: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/callbackhandler/mainline/trunk/CallbackHandler-1.0
+    tag: latest
+enable-nolib-creation: no
diff --git a/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.lua b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae7f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibArtifactData-1.0", 6
+assert(_G.LibStub, MAJOR .. " requires LibStub")
+local lib = _G.LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not lib then return end
+lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or _G.LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0"):New(lib)
+local Debug = function() end
+if _G.AdiDebug then
+	Debug = _G.AdiDebug:Embed({}, MAJOR)
+-- local store
+local artifacts = {}
+local equippedID, viewedID, activeID
+artifacts.knowledgeLevel = 0
+artifacts.knowledgeMultiplier = 1
+-- constants
+local _G                       = _G
+local NUM_BAG_SLOTS            = _G.NUM_BAG_SLOTS
+-- blizzard api
+local aUI                              = _G.C_ArtifactUI
+local Clear                            = aUI.Clear
+local GetArtifactInfo                  = aUI.GetArtifactInfo
+local GetArtifactKnowledgeLevel        = aUI.GetArtifactKnowledgeLevel
+local GetArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier   = aUI.GetArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier
+local GetContainerItemInfo             = _G.GetContainerItemInfo
+local GetContainerNumSlots             = _G.GetContainerNumSlots
+local GetCostForPointAtRank            = aUI.GetCostForPointAtRank
+local GetCurrencyInfo                  = _G.GetCurrencyInfo
+local GetEquippedArtifactInfo          = aUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo
+local GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable = _G.GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable
+local GetItemInfo                      = _G.GetItemInfo
+local GetNumObtainedArtifacts          = aUI.GetNumObtainedArtifacts
+local GetNumPurchasableTraits          = _G.MainMenuBar_GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP
+local GetNumRelicSlots                 = aUI.GetNumRelicSlots
+local GetPowerInfo                     = aUI.GetPowerInfo
+local GetPowers                        = aUI.GetPowers
+local GetRelicInfo                     = aUI.GetRelicInfo
+local GetRelicSlotType                 = aUI.GetRelicSlotType
+local GetSpellInfo                     = _G.GetSpellInfo
+local HasArtifactEquipped              = _G.HasArtifactEquipped
+local IsAtForge                        = aUI.IsAtForge
+local IsViewedArtifactEquipped         = aUI.IsViewedArtifactEquipped
+local SocketContainerItem              = _G.SocketContainerItem
+local SocketInventoryItem              = _G.SocketInventoryItem
+-- lua api
+local select   = _G.select
+local strmatch = _G.string.match
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber
+local private = {} -- private space for the event handlers
+lib.frame = lib.frame or _G.CreateFrame("Frame")
+local frame = lib.frame
+frame:UnregisterAllEvents() -- deactivate old versions
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, event, ...) private[event](event, ...) end)
+frame:RegisterUnitEvent("PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED", "player")
+local function CopyTable(tbl)
+	if not tbl then return {} end
+	local copy = {};
+	for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+		if ( type(v) == "table" ) then
+			copy[k] = CopyTable(v);
+		else
+			copy[k] = v;
+		end
+	end
+	return copy;
+local function PrepareForScan()
+	frame:UnregisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	_G.UIParent:UnregisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	local ArtifactFrame = _G.ArtifactFrame
+	if ArtifactFrame and not ArtifactFrame:IsShown() then
+		ArtifactFrame:UnregisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	end
+local function RestoreStateAfterScan()
+	frame:RegisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	_G.UIParent:RegisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	local ArtifactFrame = _G.ArtifactFrame
+	if ArtifactFrame and not ArtifactFrame:IsShown() then
+		Clear()
+		ArtifactFrame:RegisterEvent("ARTIFACT_UPDATE")
+	end
+local function InformEquippedArtifactChanged(artifactID)
+	if artifactID ~= equippedID then
+		Debug("ARTIFACT_EQUIPPED_CHANGED", artifactID, equippedID)
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_EQUIPPED_CHANGED", artifactID, equippedID)
+		equippedID = artifactID
+	end
+local function InformActiveArtifactChanged(artifactID)
+	local oldActiveID = activeID
+	if artifactID and not GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable("player", INVSLOT_MAINHAND) then
+		activeID = artifactID
+	else
+		activeID = nil
+	end
+	if oldActiveID ~= activeID then
+		Debug("ARTIFACT_ACTIVE_CHANGED", activeID, oldActiveID)
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_ACTIVE_CHANGED", activeID, oldActiveID)
+	end
+local function InformTraitsChanged(artifactID)
+	Debug("ARTIFACT_TRAITS_CHANGED", artifactID, artifacts[artifactID].traits)
+	lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_TRAITS_CHANGED", artifactID, CopyTable(artifacts[artifactID].traits))
+local function StoreArtifact(artifactID, name, icon, unspentPower, numRanksPurchased, numRanksPurchasable, power, maxPower, traits, relics)
+	if not artifacts[artifactID] then
+		artifacts[artifactID] = {
+			name = name,
+			icon = icon,
+			unspentPower = unspentPower,
+			numRanksPurchased = numRanksPurchased,
+			numRanksPurchasable = numRanksPurchasable,
+			power = power,
+			maxPower = maxPower,
+			powerForNextRank = maxPower - power,
+			traits = traits,
+			relics = relics,
+		}
+		Debug("ARTIFACT_ADDED", artifactID, name)
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_ADDED", artifactID)
+	else
+		local current = artifacts[artifactID]
+		current.unspentPower = unspentPower
+		current.numRanksPurchased = numRanksPurchased -- numRanksPurchased does not include bonus traits from relics
+		current.numRanksPurchasable = numRanksPurchasable
+		current.power = power
+		current.maxPower = maxPower
+		current.powerForNextRank = maxPower - power
+		current.traits = traits
+		current.relics = relics
+	end
+local function ScanTraits(artifactID)
+	local traits = {}
+	local powers = GetPowers()
+	for i = 1, #powers do
+		local traitID = powers[i]
+		local spellID, _, currentRank, maxRank, bonusRanks, _, _, _, isStart, isGold, isFinal = GetPowerInfo(traitID)
+		if currentRank > 0 then
+			local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
+			traits[#traits + 1] = {
+				traitID = traitID,
+				spellID = spellID,
+				name = name,
+				icon = icon,
+				currentRank = currentRank,
+				maxRank = maxRank,
+				bonusRanks = bonusRanks,
+				isGold = isGold,
+				isStart = isStart,
+				isFinal = isFinal,
+			}
+		end
+	end
+	if artifactID then
+		artifacts[artifactID].traits = traits
+	end
+	return traits
+local function ScanRelics(artifactID)
+	local relics = {}
+	for i = 1, GetNumRelicSlots() do
+		local slotType = GetRelicSlotType(i)
+		local lockedReason, name, icon, link = GetRelicInfo(i)
+		local isLocked = lockedReason and true or false
+		local itemID
+		if name then
+			itemID = strmatch(link, "item:(%d+):")
+		end
+		relics[i] = { type = slotType, isLocked = isLocked, name = name, icon = icon, itemID = itemID, link = link }
+	end
+	if artifactID then
+		artifacts[artifactID].relics = relics
+	end
+	return relics
+local function GetArtifactKnowledge()
+	local lvl = GetArtifactKnowledgeLevel()
+	local mult = GetArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier()
+	if artifacts.knowledgeMultiplier ~= mult or artifacts.knowledgeLevel ~= lvl then
+		artifacts.knowledgeLevel = lvl
+		artifacts.knowledgeMultiplier = mult
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_KNOWLEDGE_CHANGED", lvl, mult)
+	end
+local function GetViewedArtifactData()
+	GetArtifactKnowledge()
+	local itemID, _, name, icon, unspentPower, numRanksPurchased = GetArtifactInfo() -- TODO: appearance stuff needed? altItemID ?
+	viewedID = itemID
+	Debug("GetViewedArtifactData", name, itemID)
+	local numRanksPurchasable, power, maxPower = GetNumPurchasableTraits(numRanksPurchased, unspentPower)
+	local traits = ScanTraits()
+	local relics = ScanRelics()
+	StoreArtifact(itemID, name, icon, unspentPower, numRanksPurchased, numRanksPurchasable, power, maxPower, traits, relics)
+	if IsViewedArtifactEquipped() then
+		InformEquippedArtifactChanged(itemID)
+		InformActiveArtifactChanged(itemID)
+	end
+local function ScanContainer(container, numObtained)
+	for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
+		local _, _, _, quality, _, _, _, _, _, itemID = GetContainerItemInfo(container, slot)
+		if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_ARTIFACT then
+			local classID = select(12, GetItemInfo(itemID))
+			if classID == LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON then
+				Debug("ARTIFACT_FOUND", "in", container, slot)
+				SocketContainerItem(container, slot)
+				GetViewedArtifactData()
+				Clear()
+				numObtained = numObtained - 1
+				if numObtained <= 0 then break end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return numObtained
+local function IterateContainers(from, to, numObtained)
+	for container = from, to do
+		numObtained = ScanContainer(container, numObtained)
+		if numObtained <= 0 then break end
+	end
+	return numObtained
+local function ScanBank(numObtained)
+	PrepareForScan()
+	numObtained = ScanContainer(BANK_CONTAINER, numObtained)
+	if numObtained > 0 then
+		IterateContainers(NUM_BAG_SLOTS + 1, NUM_BAG_SLOTS + NUM_BANKBAGSLOTS, numObtained)
+	end
+	RestoreStateAfterScan()
+local function InitializeScan(event)
+	if _G.ArtifactFrame and _G.ArtifactFrame:IsShown() then
+		Debug("InitializeScan", "aborted because ArtifactFrame is open.")
+		return
+	end
+	local numObtained = GetNumObtainedArtifacts() -- not available at cold login
+	Debug("InitializeScan", event, "numObtained", numObtained)
+	if numObtained > 0 then
+		PrepareForScan()
+		if HasArtifactEquipped() then -- scan equipped
+			SocketInventoryItem(INVSLOT_MAINHAND)
+			GetViewedArtifactData()
+			Clear()
+			numObtained = numObtained - 1
+		end
+		if numObtained > 0 then -- scan bags
+			numObtained = IterateContainers(BACKPACK_CONTAINER, NUM_BAG_SLOTS, numObtained)
+		end
+		if numObtained > 0 then -- scan bank
+			frame:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED")
+			Debug("ARTIFACT_DATA_MISSING", "artifact", numObtained)
+			lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_DATA_MISSING", numObtained)
+		end
+		RestoreStateAfterScan()
+	end
+function private.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(event)
+	_G.C_Timer.After(5, function()
+		InitializeScan(event)
+		frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED")
+		frame:RegisterEvent("CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE")
+		frame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
+	end)
+function private.ARTIFACT_CLOSE()
+	viewedID = nil
+function private.ARTIFACT_UPDATE(event, newItem)
+	Debug(event, newItem)
+	if newItem then
+		GetViewedArtifactData()
+	else
+		local newRelics = ScanRelics()
+		local oldRelics = artifacts[viewedID].relics
+		for i = 1, #newRelics do
+			local newRelic = newRelics[i]
+			-- TODO: test third slot unlock
+			if newRelic.isLocked ~= oldRelics[i].isLocked or newRelic.itemID ~= oldRelics[i].itemID then
+				oldRelics[i] = newRelic
+				Debug("ARTIFACT_RELIC_CHANGED", viewedID, i, newRelic)
+				lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_RELIC_CHANGED", viewedID, i, CopyTable(newRelic))
+				-- if a relic changed, so did the traits
+				ScanTraits(viewedID)
+				InformTraitsChanged(viewedID)
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function private.ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATE(event)
+	-- at the forge the player can purchase traits even for unequipped artifacts
+	local GetInfo = IsAtForge() and GetArtifactInfo or GetEquippedArtifactInfo
+	local itemID, _, _, _, unspentPower, numRanksPurchased = GetInfo()
+	local numRanksPurchasable, power, maxPower = GetNumPurchasableTraits(numRanksPurchased, unspentPower)
+	local artifact = artifacts[itemID]
+	local diff = unspentPower - artifact.unspentPower
+	if numRanksPurchased ~= artifact.numRanksPurchased then
+		-- both learning traits and artifact respec trigger ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATE
+		-- however respec has a positive diff and learning traits has a negative one
+		ScanTraits(itemID)
+		InformTraitsChanged(itemID)
+	end
+	if diff ~= 0 then
+		artifact.unspentPower = unspentPower
+		artifact.power = power
+		artifact.maxPower = maxPower
+		artifact.numRanksPurchased = numRanksPurchased
+		artifact.numRanksPurchasable = numRanksPurchasable
+		artifact.powerForNextRank = maxPower - power
+		Debug(event, itemID, diff, unspentPower, power, maxPower, maxPower - power, numRanksPurchasable)
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_POWER_CHANGED", itemID, diff, unspentPower, power, maxPower, maxPower - power, numRanksPurchasable)
+	end
+function private.BANKFRAME_OPENED()
+	local numObtained = lib:GetNumObtainedArtifacts()
+	if numObtained ~= GetNumObtainedArtifacts() then
+		ScanBank(numObtained)
+	end
+function private.CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE(event)
+	local _, lvl = GetCurrencyInfo(1171)
+	if lvl ~= artifacts.knowledgeLevel then
+		artifacts.knowledgeLevel = lvl
+		Debug("ARTIFACT_DATA_MISSING", event, lvl)
+		lib.callbacks:Fire("ARTIFACT_DATA_MISSING", "knowledge", lvl)
+	end
+function private.PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED(event, slot)
+	if slot == INVSLOT_MAINHAND then
+		local itemID = GetEquippedArtifactInfo()
+		if itemID and not artifacts[itemID] then
+			InitializeScan(event)
+		end
+		InformEquippedArtifactChanged(itemID)
+		InformActiveArtifactChanged(itemID)
+	end
+-- needed in case the game fails to switch artifacts
+function private.PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED(event)
+	local itemID = GetEquippedArtifactInfo()
+	Debug(event, itemID)
+	InformActiveArtifactChanged(itemID)
+function lib.GetActiveArtifactID()
+	return activeID
+function lib.GetArtifactInfo(_, artifactID)
+	artifactID = artifactID or equippedID
+	return artifactID, CopyTable(artifacts[artifactID])
+function lib.GetAllArtifactsInfo()
+	return CopyTable(artifacts)
+function lib.GetNumObtainedArtifacts()
+	local numArtifacts = 0
+	for artifact in pairs(artifacts) do
+		if tonumber(artifact) then
+			numArtifacts = numArtifacts + 1
+		end
+	end
+	return numArtifacts
+function lib.GetArtifactTraits(_, artifactID)
+	artifactID = artifactID or equippedID
+	for itemID, data in pairs(artifacts) do
+		if itemID == artifactID then
+			return artifactID, CopyTable(data.traits)
+		end
+	end
+function lib.GetArtifactRelics(_, artifactID)
+	artifactID = artifactID or equippedID
+	for itemID, data in pairs(artifacts) do
+		if itemID == artifactID then
+			return artifactID, CopyTable(data.relics)
+		end
+	end
+function lib.GetArtifactPower(_, artifactID)
+	artifactID = artifactID or equippedID
+	for itemID, data in pairs(artifacts) do
+		if itemID == artifactID then
+			return artifactID, data.unspentPower, data.power, data.maxPower, data.powerForNextRank, data.numRanksPurchased, data.numRanksPurchasable
+		end
+	end
+function lib.GetArtifactKnowledge()
+	return artifacts.knowledgeLevel, artifacts.knowledgeMultiplier
+function lib.GetAcquiredArtifactPower(_, artifactID)
+	local total = 0
+	if artifactID then
+		local data = artifacts[artifactID]
+		total = total + data.unspentPower
+		local rank = 1
+		while rank <= data.numRanksPurchased do
+			total = total + GetCostForPointAtRank(rank)
+			rank = rank + 1
+		end
+		return total
+	end
+	for itemID, data in pairs(artifacts) do
+		if tonumber(itemID) then
+			total = total + data.unspentPower
+			local rank = 1
+			while rank <= data.numRanksPurchased do
+				total = total + GetCostForPointAtRank(rank)
+				rank = rank + 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return total
+function lib.ForceUpdate()
+	InitializeScan("FORCE_UPDATE")
diff --git a/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.toc b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57abd20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/LibArtifactData-1.0.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## Interface: 70000
+## Title: Lib: ArtifactData-1.0
+## Notes: Provides data about all artifacts in the player's possession.
+## Author: Rainrider
+## X-Category: Library
+## Version: @project-version@
+## LoadOnDemand: 1
+## OptionalDeps: AdiDebug
diff --git a/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/README.md b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eaf1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibArtifactData-1.0/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+## Description
+LibArtifactData-1.0 is a data store for addons that need the player's artifacts data. It has a simple API for data access and uses CallbackHandler-1.0 to propagate data changes.
+## Why to use
+The stock UI provides much of the artifact data only when an artifact is viewed and only for that one artifact. If an addon requires that data prior to the player opening the Artifact UI, or for all artifacts at once, it has to unregister the events the UI uses (so that it doesn't tamper with other UI elements), simulate a shift-right click on the artifact, collect the data and then restore the default state. However this would make the ARTIFACT_UPDATE event fire, upon which all addons listening to it will scan for data anew. This leads to duplicated efforts and possibly some pointless scans, since ARTIFACT_UPDATE does not automatically mean that the data actually changed.
+LibArtifactData-1.0 tries to leverage this behavior by keeping the data for all artifacts accessible all the time and informs interested addons about changes when they actually occur.
+## Limitations
+Data about artifacts placed in the bank is not available until the player opens the bank. LibArtifactData-1.0 can detect such a case and inform addons that some of the data is missing.
+Currently LibArtifactData-1.0 does not collect appearance data.
+## Feedback
+If you have problems using the library, run into any issues or have a feature request, please use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/Rainrider/LibArtifactData-1.0/issues).
+## Further reading
+  1. [How to use](https://github.com/Rainrider/LibArtifactData-1.0/wiki/How-to-use)
+  2. [API](https://github.com/Rainrider/LibArtifactData-1.0/wiki/API)
+  3. [Events](https://github.com/Rainrider/LibArtifactData-1.0/wiki/Events)
+  4. [Data structure](https://github.com/Rainrider/LibArtifactData-1.0/wiki/Data-structure)
diff --git a/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua b/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5ff14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
+Revision: $Revision: 91 $
+Author: Elkano (elkano@gmx.de)
+Inspired By: SurfaceLib by Haste/Otravi (troeks@gmail.com)
+Website: http://www.wowace.com/projects/libsharedmedia-3-0/
+Description: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
+Dependencies: LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0
+License: LGPL v2.1
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibSharedMedia-3.0", 6010002 -- 6.1.0 v2 / increase manually on changes
+local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not lib then return end
+local _G = getfenv(0)
+local pairs		= _G.pairs
+local type		= _G.type
+local band			= _G.bit.band
+local table_insert	= _G.table.insert
+local table_sort	= _G.table.sort
+local locale = GetLocale()
+local locale_is_western
+local LOCALE_MASK = 0
+lib.LOCALE_BIT_koKR		= 1
+lib.LOCALE_BIT_ruRU		= 2
+lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhCN		= 4
+lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhTW		= 8
+lib.LOCALE_BIT_western	= 128
+local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
+lib.callbacks		= lib.callbacks			or CallbackHandler:New(lib)
+lib.DefaultMedia	= lib.DefaultMedia		or {}
+lib.MediaList		= lib.MediaList			or {}
+lib.MediaTable		= lib.MediaTable		or {}
+lib.MediaType		= lib.MediaType			or {}
+lib.OverrideMedia	= lib.OverrideMedia		or {}
+local defaultMedia = lib.DefaultMedia
+local mediaList = lib.MediaList
+local mediaTable = lib.MediaTable
+local overrideMedia = lib.OverrideMedia
+-- create mediatype constants
+lib.MediaType.BACKGROUND	= "background"			-- background textures
+lib.MediaType.BORDER		= "border"				-- border textures
+lib.MediaType.FONT			= "font"				-- fonts
+lib.MediaType.STATUSBAR		= "statusbar"			-- statusbar textures
+lib.MediaType.SOUND			= "sound"				-- sound files
+-- populate lib with default Blizzard data
+if not lib.MediaTable.background then lib.MediaTable.background = {} end
+lib.MediaTable.background["None"]									= [[]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Collections Background"]		= [[Interface\Collections\CollectionsBackgroundTile]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background"]				= [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Dark"]		= [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Gold"]		= [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Background]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background"]			= [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 2"]			= [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground2]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 3"]			= [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonMissionUIInfoBoxBackgroundTile]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Low Health"]					= [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\LowHealth]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Marble"]						= [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Marble]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Out of Control"]				= [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\OutOfControl]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment"]						= [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment 2"]					= [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-GuildAchievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Rock"]							= [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Rock]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tabard Background"]				= [[Interface\TabardFrame\TabardFrameBackground]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tooltip"]						= [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]]
+lib.MediaTable.background["Solid"]									= [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]]
+lib.DefaultMedia.background = "None"
+if not lib.MediaTable.border then lib.MediaTable.border = {} end
+lib.MediaTable.border["None"]								= [[]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Achievement Wood"]			= [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-WoodBorder]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Chat Bubble"]				= [[Interface\Tooltips\ChatBubble-Backdrop]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog"]					= [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog Gold"]				= [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Border]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Party"]						= [[Interface\CHARACTERFRAME\UI-Party-Border]]
+lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Tooltip"]					= [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]]
+lib.DefaultMedia.border = "None"
+-- FONT
+if not lib.MediaTable.font then lib.MediaTable.font = {} end
+local SML_MT_font = lib.MediaTable.font
+All font files are currently in all clients, the following table depicts which font supports which charset as of 5.0.4
+Fonts were checked using langcover.pl from DejaVu fonts (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dejavu/) and FontForge (http://fontforge.org/)
+latin means check for: de, en, es, fr, it, pt
+file				name							latin	koKR	ruRU	zhCN	zhTW
+2002.ttf			2002							X		X		X		-		-
+2002B.ttf			2002 Bold						X		X		X		-		-
+ARHei.ttf			AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold	X		-		X		X		X
+ARIALN.TTF			Arial Narrow					X		-		X		-		-
+ARKai_C.ttf			AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)	X		-		X		X		X
+ARKai_T.ttf			AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium			X		-		X		X		X
+bHEI00M.ttf			AR Heiti2 Medium B5				-		-		-		-		X
+bHEI01B.ttf			AR Heiti2 Bold B5				-		-		-		-		X
+bKAI00M.ttf			AR Kaiti Medium B5				-		-		-		-		X
+bLEI00D.ttf			AR Leisu Demi B5				-		-		-		-		X
+FRIZQT__.TTF		Friz Quadrata TT				X		-		-		-		-
+FRIZQT___CYR.TTF	FrizQuadrataCTT					x		-		X		-		-
+K_Damage.TTF		YDIWingsM						-		X		X		-		-
+K_Pagetext.TTF		MoK								X		X		X		-		-
+MORPHEUS.TTF		Morpheus						X		-		-		-		-
+MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF	Morpheus						X		-		X		-		-
+NIM_____.ttf		Nimrod MT						X		-		X		-		-
+SKURRI.TTF			Skurri							X		-		-		-		-
+SKURRI_CYR.TTF		Skurri							X		-		X		-		-
+WARNING: Although FRIZQT___CYR is available on western clients, it doesn't support special European characters e.g. é, ï, ö
+Due to this, we cannot use it as a replacement for FRIZQT__.TTF
+if locale == "koKR" then
+	SML_MT_font["굵은 글꼴"]		= [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["기본 글꼴"]		= [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["데미지 글꼴"]		= [[Fonts\K_Damage.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["퀘스트 글꼴"]		= [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
+	lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "기본 글꼴" -- someone from koKR please adjust if needed
+elseif locale == "zhCN" then
+	SML_MT_font["伤害数字"]		= [[Fonts\ARKai_C.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["默认"]			= [[Fonts\ARKai_T.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["聊天"]			= [[Fonts\ARHei.ttf]]
+	lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "默认" -- someone from zhCN please adjust if needed
+elseif locale == "zhTW" then
+	SML_MT_font["提示訊息"]		= [[Fonts\bHEI00M.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["聊天"]			= [[Fonts\bHEI01B.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["傷害數字"]		= [[Fonts\bKAI00M.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["預設"]			= [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]]
+	lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "預設" -- someone from zhTW please adjust if needed
+elseif locale == "ruRU" then
+	SML_MT_font["2002"]								= [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"]						= [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"]		= [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"]	= [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"]			= [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"]						= [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"]					= [[Fonts\FRIZQT___CYR.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["MoK"]								= [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Morpheus"]							= [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"]						= [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["Skurri"]							= [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
+	lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
+	LOCALE_MASK = lib.LOCALE_BIT_western
+	locale_is_western = true
+	SML_MT_font["2002"]								= [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"]						= [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"]		= [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"]	= [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"]			= [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"]						= [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"]					= [[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["MoK"]								= [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Morpheus"]							= [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
+	SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"]						= [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
+	SML_MT_font["Skurri"]							= [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
+	lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
+if not lib.MediaTable.statusbar then lib.MediaTable.statusbar = {} end
+lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard"]						= [[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]]
+lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Character Skills Bar"]	= [[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-Skills-Bar]]
+lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Raid Bar"]				= [[Interface\RaidFrame\Raid-Bar-Hp-Fill]]
+lib.DefaultMedia.statusbar = "Blizzard"
+if not lib.MediaTable.sound then lib.MediaTable.sound = {} end
+lib.MediaTable.sound["None"]								= [[Interface\Quiet.ogg]]	-- Relies on the fact that PlaySound[File] doesn't error on non-existing input.
+lib.DefaultMedia.sound = "None"
+local function rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	if not mtable then return end
+	if not mediaList[mediatype] then mediaList[mediatype] = {} end
+	local mlist = mediaList[mediatype]
+	-- list can only get larger, so simply overwrite it
+	local i = 0
+	for k in pairs(mtable) do
+		i = i + 1
+		mlist[i] = k
+	end
+	table_sort(mlist)
+function lib:Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask)
+	if type(mediatype) ~= "string" then
+		error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - mediatype must be string, got "..type(mediatype))
+	end
+	if type(key) ~= "string" then
+		error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - key must be string, got "..type(key))
+	end
+	mediatype = mediatype:lower()
+	if mediatype == lib.MediaType.FONT and ((langmask and band(langmask, LOCALE_MASK) == 0) or not (langmask or locale_is_western)) then return false end
+	if mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND and type(data) == "string" then
+		local path = data:lower()
+		-- Only ogg and mp3 are valid sounds.
+		if not path:find(".ogg", nil, true) and not path:find(".mp3", nil, true) then
+			return false
+		end
+	end
+	if not mediaTable[mediatype] then mediaTable[mediatype] = {} end
+	local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	if mtable[key] then return false end
+	mtable[key] = data
+	rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_Registered", mediatype, key)
+	return true
+function lib:Fetch(mediatype, key, noDefault)
+	local mtt = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	local overridekey = overrideMedia[mediatype]
+	local result = mtt and ((overridekey and mtt[overridekey] or mtt[key]) or (not noDefault and defaultMedia[mediatype] and mtt[defaultMedia[mediatype]])) or nil
+	return result ~= "" and result or nil
+function lib:IsValid(mediatype, key)
+	return mediaTable[mediatype] and (not key or mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and true or false
+function lib:HashTable(mediatype)
+	return mediaTable[mediatype]
+function lib:List(mediatype)
+	if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
+		return nil
+	end
+	if not mediaList[mediatype] then
+		rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	end
+	return mediaList[mediatype]
+function lib:GetGlobal(mediatype)
+	return overrideMedia[mediatype]
+function lib:SetGlobal(mediatype, key)
+	if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
+		return false
+	end
+	overrideMedia[mediatype] = (key and mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and key or nil
+	self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_SetGlobal", mediatype, overrideMedia[mediatype])
+	return true
+function lib:GetDefault(mediatype)
+	return defaultMedia[mediatype]
+function lib:SetDefault(mediatype, key)
+	if mediaTable[mediatype] and mediaTable[mediatype][key] and not defaultMedia[mediatype] then
+		defaultMedia[mediatype] = key
+		return true
+	else
+		return false
+	end
diff --git a/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml b/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34aa874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
+	<Script file="LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua b/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a41ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries.  http://www.wowace.com/wiki/LibStub for more info
+-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
+local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
+if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
+	LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
+	LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
+	function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+		assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
+		minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
+		local oldminor = self.minors[major]
+		if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
+		self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
+		return self.libs[major], oldminor
+	end
+	function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
+		if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
+			error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
+		end
+		return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
+	end
+	function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
+	setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
diff --git a/XIV_Databar.toc b/XIV_Databar.toc
index eb78511..2f97b6a 100644
--- a/XIV_Databar.toc
+++ b/XIV_Databar.toc
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
 ## Interface: 70300
 ## Title: XIV_Databar
 ## Author: |cffbbbbbbMille|cff990000XIV|r
-## Version: 1.0
+## Version: 2.0.3
 ## Notes: Adds a bottombar by the request of |cffffffffu/sammojo|r on Reddit, Icons made by |cffffffffu/sammojo|r. Previously maintained by |cff00FF99Saxitoxin|r.
-## SavedVariables: TEST_CONFIG
+## SavedVariables: TEST_CONFIG, XIVBarDB
 ## X-Issues: https://github.com/MilleXIV/XIV_Databar/issues


diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb95c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local pairs, unpack, select = pairs, unpack, select
+LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(XIVBar, AddOnName, "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0");
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(AddOnName, true);
+XIVBar.L = L
+XIVBar.defaults = {
+  profile = {
+    general = {
+      barPosition = "BOTTOM",
+      barPadding = 3,
+      moduleSpacing = 30,
+      barFullscreen = true,
+      barWidth = GetScreenWidth(),
+      barHoriz = 'CENTER'
+    },
+    color = {
+      barColor = {
+        r = 0.094,
+        g = 0.094,
+        b = 0.094,
+        a = 0.75
+      },
+      normal = {
+        r = 0.8,
+        g = 0.8,
+        b = 0.8,
+        a = 0.75
+      },
+      inactive = {
+        r = 1,
+        g = 1,
+        b = 1,
+        a = 0.25
+      },
+      useCC = false,
+      useHoverCC = true,
+      hover = {
+        r = 1,
+        g = 1,
+        b = 1,
+        a = 1
+      }
+    },
+    text = {
+      fontSize = 12,
+      smallFontSize = 11,
+      font =  'Homizio Bold'
+    },
+    modules = {
+    }
+  }
+XIVBar.constants = {
+  mediaPath = "Interface\\AddOns\\"..AddOnName.."\\media\\",
+  playerName = UnitName("player"),
+  playerClass = select(2, UnitClass("player")),
+  playerLevel = UnitLevel("player"),
+  playerFactionLocal = select(2, UnitFactionGroup("player")),
+  playerRealm = GetRealmName(),
+  popupPadding = 3
+XIVBar.LSM = LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0');
+function XIVBar:OnInitialize()
+  self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("XIVBarDB", self.defaults)
+  self.LSM:Register(self.LSM.MediaType.FONT, 'Homizio Bold', self.constants.mediaPath.."homizio_bold.ttf")
+  self.frames = {}
+  self.fontFlags = {'', 'OUTLINE', 'THICKOUTLINE', 'MONOCHROME'}
+  --[[local options = {
+    name = "XIV Bar",
+    handler = XIVBar,
+    type = 'group',
+    args = {
+      general = {
+        name = L['General'],
+        type = "group",
+        order = 3,
+        inline = true,
+        args = {
+          barPosition = {
+            name = L['Bar Position'],
+            type = "select",
+            order = 1,
+            values = {TOP = L['Top'], BOTTOM = L['Bottom']},
+            style = "dropdown",
+            get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barPosition; end,
+            set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.general.barPosition = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+          },
+          barColor = {
+            name = L['Bar Color'],
+            type = "color",
+            order = 2,
+            hasAlpha = true,
+            set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
+              XIVBar:SetColor('barColor', r, g, b, a)
+            end,
+            get = function() return XIVBar:GetColor('barColor') end
+          },
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }]]--
+  local options = {
+    name = "XIV Bar",
+    handler = XIVBar,
+    type = 'group',
+    args = {
+      general = {
+        name = L['General'],
+        type = "group",
+        args = {
+          general = self:GetGeneralOptions(),
+          text = self:GetTextOptions(),
+          textColors = self:GetTextColorOptions(), -- colors
+          positionOptions = self:GetPositionOptions(),
+        }
+      }, -- general
+      modules = {
+        name = L['Modules'],
+        type = "group",
+        args = {
+        }
+      } -- modules
+    }
+  }
+  for name, module in self:IterateModules() do
+    if module['GetConfig'] ~= nil then
+      options.args.modules.args[name] = module:GetConfig()
+    end
+    if module['GetDefaultOptions'] ~= nil then
+      local oName, oTable = module:GetDefaultOptions()
+      self.defaults.profile.modules[oName] = oTable
+    end
+  end
+  self.db:RegisterDefaults(self.defaults)
+  LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable(AddOnName, options)
+  self.optionsFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(AddOnName, "XIV Bar", nil, "general")
+  --options.args.modules = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
+  self.modulesOptionFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(AddOnName, L['Modules'], "XIV Bar", "modules")
+  options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
+  self.profilesOptionFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(AddOnName, 'Profiles', "XIV Bar", "profiles")
+  self.timerRefresh = false
+  self:RegisterChatCommand('xivbar', 'ToggleConfig')
+function XIVBar:OnEnable()
+  self:CreateMainBar()
+  self:Refresh()
+  self.db.RegisterCallback(self, 'OnProfileCopied', 'Refresh')
+  self.db.RegisterCallback(self, 'OnProfileChanged', 'Refresh')
+  self.db.RegisterCallback(self, 'OnProfileReset', 'Refresh')
+  if not self.timerRefresh then
+    C_Timer.After(5, function()
+      self:Refresh()
+      self.timerRefresh = true
+    end)
+  end
+function XIVBar:ToggleConfig()
+  InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(self.optionsFrame)
+function XIVBar:SetColor(name, r, g, b, a)
+  self.db.profile.color[name].r = r
+  self.db.profile.color[name].g = g
+  self.db.profile.color[name].b = b
+  self.db.profile.color[name].a = a
+  self:Refresh()
+function XIVBar:GetColor(name)
+  d = self.db.profile.color[name]
+  return d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a
+function XIVBar:HoverColors()
+  local colors = {
+    self.db.profile.color.hover.r,
+    self.db.profile.color.hover.g,
+    self.db.profile.color.hover.b,
+    self.db.profile.color.hover.a
+  }
+  if self.db.profile.color.useHoverCC then
+    colors = {
+      RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].r,
+      RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].g,
+      RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].b,
+      self.db.profile.color.hover.a
+    }
+  end
+  return colors
+function XIVBar:RegisterFrame(name, frame)
+  frame:SetScript('OnHide', function()
+    self:SendMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', name)
+  end)
+  frame:SetScript('OnShow', function()
+    self:SendMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', name)
+  end)
+  self.frames[name] = frame
+function XIVBar:GetFrame(name)
+  return self.frames[name]
+function XIVBar:CreateMainBar()
+  if self.frames.bar == nil then
+    self:RegisterFrame('bar', CreateFrame("FRAME", "XIV_Databar", UIParent))
+    self.frames.bgTexture = self.frames.bgTexture or self.frames.bar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+  end
+function XIVBar:GetHeight()
+  return (self.db.profile.text.fontSize * 2) + self.db.profile.general.barPadding
+function XIVBar:Refresh()
+  if self.frames.bar == nil then return; end
+  self.miniTextPosition = "TOP"
+  if self.db.profile.general.barPosition == 'TOP' then
+    self.miniTextPosition = 'BOTTOM'
+  end
+  local barColor = self.db.profile.color.barColor
+  self.frames.bar:ClearAllPoints()
+  self.frames.bar:SetPoint(self.db.profile.general.barPosition)
+  if self.db.profile.general.barFullscreen then
+    self.frames.bar:SetPoint("LEFT")
+    self.frames.bar:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+  else
+    local relativePoint = self.db.profile.general.barHoriz
+    if relativePoint == 'CENTER' then
+      relativePoint = 'BOTTOM'
+    end
+    self.frames.bar:SetPoint(self.db.profile.general.barHoriz, self.frames.bar:GetParent(), relativePoint)
+    self.frames.bar:SetWidth(self.db.profile.general.barWidth)
+  end
+  self.frames.bar:SetHeight(self:GetHeight())
+  self.frames.bgTexture:SetAllPoints()
+  if self.db.profile.color.useCC then
+    self.frames.bgTexture:SetColorTexture(self:GetClassColors())
+  else
+    self.frames.bgTexture:SetColorTexture(barColor.r, barColor.g, barColor.b, barColor.a)
+  end
+  for name, module in self:IterateModules() do
+    if module['Refresh'] == nil then return; end
+    module:Refresh()
+  end
+function XIVBar:GetFont(size)
+  return self.LSM:Fetch(self.LSM.MediaType.FONT, self.db.profile.text.font), size, self.fontFlags[self.db.profile.text.flags]
+function XIVBar:GetClassColors()
+  return RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[self.constants.playerClass].b, self.db.profile.color.barColor.a
+function XIVBar:RGBAToHex(r, g, b, a)
+  a = a or 1
+  r = r <= 1 and r >= 0 and r or 0
+  g = g <= 1 and g >= 0 and g or 0
+  b = b <= 1 and b >= 0 and b or 0
+  a = a <= 1 and a >= 0 and a or 1
+  return string.format("%02x%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255, a*255)
+function XIVBar:HexToRGBA(hex)
+  local rhex, ghex, bhex, ahex = string.sub(hex, 1, 2), string.sub(hex, 3, 4), string.sub(hex, 5, 6), string.sub(hex, 7, 8)
+  if not (rhex and ghex and bhex and ahex) then
+    return 0, 0, 0, 0
+  end
+  return (tonumber(rhex, 16) / 255), (tonumber(ghex, 16) / 255), (tonumber(bhex, 16) / 255), (tonumber(ahex, 16) / 255)
+function XIVBar:GetGeneralOptions()
+  return {
+    name = L['General'],
+    type = "group",
+    order = 3,
+    inline = true,
+    args = {
+      barPosition = {
+        name = L['Bar Position'],
+        type = "select",
+        order = 1,
+        values = {TOP = L['Top'], BOTTOM = L['Bottom']},
+        style = "dropdown",
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barPosition; end,
+        set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.general.barPosition = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+      },
+      barCC = {
+        name = L['Use Class Colors for Bar'],
+        type = "toggle",
+        order = 2,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.color.useCC = val; self:Refresh(); end,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.color.useCC end
+      }, -- normal
+      barColor = {
+        name = L['Bar Color'],
+        type = "color",
+        order = 3,
+        hasAlpha = true,
+        set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
+          XIVBar:SetColor('barColor', r, g, b, a)
+        end,
+        get = function() return XIVBar:GetColor('barColor') end,
+        disabled = function() return self.db.profile.color.useCC end
+      },
+      barPadding = {
+        name = L['Bar Padding'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 4,
+        min = 0,
+        max = 10,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barPadding; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.general.barPadding = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      moduleSpacing = {
+        name = L['Module Spacing'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 5,
+        min = 10,
+        max = 50,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.moduleSpacing; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.general.moduleSpacing = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function XIVBar:GetPositionOptions()
+  return {
+    name = L['Positioning Options'],
+    type = "group",
+    order = 4,
+    inline = true,
+    args = {
+      fullScreen = {
+        name = L['Full Screen'],
+        type = 'toggle',
+        order = 0,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barFullscreen; end,
+        set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.general.barFullscreen = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+      },
+      barPosition = {
+        name = L['Horizontal Position'],
+        type = "select",
+        order = 1,
+        values = {LEFT = L['Left'], CENTER = L['Center'], RIGHT = L['Right']},
+        style = "dropdown",
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barHoriz; end,
+        set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.general.barHoriz = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+        disabled = function() return self.db.profile.general.barFullscreen; end
+      },
+      barWidth = {
+        name = L['Bar Width'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 2,
+        min = 200,
+        max = GetScreenWidth(),
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.general.barWidth; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.general.barWidth = val; self:Refresh(); end,
+        disabled = function() return self.db.profile.general.barFullscreen; end
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function XIVBar:GetTextOptions()
+  local t = self.LSM:List(self.LSM.MediaType.FONT);
+  local fontList = {};
+  for k,v in pairs(t) do
+    fontList[v] = v;
+  end
+  return {
+    name = L['Text'],
+    type = "group",
+    order = 3,
+    inline = true,
+    args = {
+      font = {
+        name = L['Font'],
+        type = "select",
+        order = 1,
+        values = fontList,
+        style = "dropdown",
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.text.font; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.text.font = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      fontSize = {
+        name = L['Font Size'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 2,
+        min = 10,
+        max = 20,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.text.fontSize; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.text.fontSize = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      smallFontSize = {
+        name = L['Small Font Size'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 2,
+        min = 10,
+        max = 20,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.text.smallFontSize; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.text.smallFontSize = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      textFlags = {
+        name = L['Text Style'],
+        type = 'select',
+        style = 'dropdown',
+        order = 3,
+        values = self.fontFlags,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.text.flags; end,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.text.flags = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+    }
+  }
+function XIVBar:GetTextColorOptions()
+  return {
+    name = L['Text Colors'],
+    type = "group",
+    order = 3,
+    inline = true,
+    args = {
+      normal = {
+        name = L['Normal'],
+        type = "color",
+        order = 1,
+        width = "double",
+        hasAlpha = true,
+        set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
+          XIVBar:SetColor('normal', r, g, b, a)
+        end,
+        get = function() return XIVBar:GetColor('normal') end
+      }, -- normal
+      hoverCC = {
+        name = L['Use Class Colors for Hover'],
+        type = "toggle",
+        order = 2,
+        set = function(info, val) self.db.profile.color.useHoverCC = val; self:Refresh(); end,
+        get = function() return self.db.profile.color.useHoverCC end
+      }, -- normal
+      inactive = {
+        name = L['Inactive'],
+        type = "color",
+        order = 3,
+        hasAlpha = true,
+        width = "double",
+        set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
+          XIVBar:SetColor('inactive', r, g, b, a)
+        end,
+        get = function() return XIVBar:GetColor('inactive') end
+      }, -- normal
+      hover = {
+        name = L['Hover'],
+        type = "color",
+        order = 4,
+        hasAlpha = true,
+        set = function(info, r, g, b, a)
+          XIVBar:SetColor('hover', r, g, b, a)
+        end,
+        get = function() return XIVBar:GetColor('hover') end,
+        disabled = function() return self.db.profile.color.useHoverCC end
+      }, -- normal
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/embeds.xml b/embeds.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c10ad7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embeds.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+  <Script file="Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua" />
+  <Include file="Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceDB-3.0\AceDB-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceDBOptions-3.0\AceDBOptions-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfig-3.0.xml"/>
+	<Include file="Libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\lib.xml"/>
+  <Include file="Libs\LibArtifactData-1.0\LibArtifactData-1.0.lua"/>
diff --git a/locales/enUS.lua b/locales/enUS.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..850b8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/enUS.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+local AddOnName, Engine = ...;
+local AceLocale = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceLocale-3.0");
+local L = AceLocale:NewLocale(AddOnName, "enUS", true, false);
+L['General'] = true;
+L['Text'] = true;
+L['Modules'] = true;
+L['Left-Click'] = true;
+L['Right-Click'] = true;
+-- General
+L['Bar Position'] = true;
+L['Top'] = true;
+L['Bottom'] = true;
+L['Bar Color'] = true;
+L['Use Class Colors for Bar'] = true;
+L['Bar Padding'] = true;
+L['Module Spacing'] = true;
+-- Positioning Options
+L['Positioning Options'] = true;
+L['Full Screen'] = true;
+L['Horizontal Position'] = true;
+L['Bar Width'] = true;
+L['Left'] = true;
+L['Center'] = true;
+L['Right'] = true;
+-- Media
+L['Font'] = true;
+L['Font Size'] = true;
+L['Small Font Size'] = true;
+L['Text Style'] = true;
+-- Text Colors
+L['Text Colors'] = true;
+L['Normal'] = true;
+L['Inactive'] = true;
+L['Use Class Colors for Hover'] = true;
+L['Hover'] = true;
+-------------------- MODULES ---------------------------
+L['Micromenu'] = true;
+L['Show Social Tooltips'] = true;
+L['Main Menu Icon Right Spacing'] = true;
+L['Icon Spacing'] = true;
+L['Guild'] = true;
+L['Online'] = true;
+L['AFK'] = true;
+L['DND'] = true;
+L['Open Guild Page'] = true;
+L['Social'] = true;
+L['No Tag'] = true;
+L['Level'] = true;
+L['Hide Social Text'] = true;
+L['Armor'] = true;
+L['Always Show Item Level'] = true;
+L['Minimum Durability to Become Active'] = true;
+L['Maximum Durability to Show Item Level'] = true;
+L['Clock'] = true;
+L['Time Format'] = true;
+L['Use Server Time'] = true;
+L['New Event!'] = true;
+L['Local Time'] = true;
+L['Realm Time'] = true;
+L['Open Calendar'] = true;
+L['Open Clock'] = true;
+L['Hide Event Text'] = true;
+L['Travel'] = true;
+L['Port Options'] = true;
+L['Ready'] = true;
+L['Travel Cooldowns'] = true;
+L['Change Port Option'] = true;
+L['Gold'] = true;
+L['Always Show Silver and Copper'] = true;
+L['Show Free Bag Space'] = true;
+L['Shorten Gold'] = true;
+L['Toggle Bags'] = true;
+L['Total'] = true;
+L['Session Total'] = true;
+L['Currency'] = true;
+L['Show XP Bar Below Max Level'] = true;
+L['Use Class Colors for XP Bar'] = true;
+L['Show Tooltips'] = true;
+L['Text on Right'] = true;
+L['Toggle Currency Frame'] = true;
+L['Currency Select'] = true;
+L['First Currency'] = true;
+L['Second Currency'] = true;
+L['Third Currency'] = true;
+L['XP'] = true;
+L['Rested'] = true;
+L['System'] = true;
+L['Show World Ping'] = true;
+L['Number of Addons To Show'] = true;
+L['Addons to Show in Tooltip'] = true;
+L['Show All Addons in Tooltip with Shift'] = true;
+L['Memory Usage'] = true;
+L['Garbage Collect'] = true;
+L['Cleaned'] = true;
+L['Use Class Colors'] = true;
+L['Cooldowns'] = true;
+L['Set Specialization'] = true;
+L['Set Loot Specialization'] = true;
+L['Current Specialization'] = true;
+L['Current Loot Specialization'] = true;
+L['Talent Minimum Width'] = true;
+L['Remaining'] = true;
+L['Available Ranks'] = true;
+L['Artifact Knowledge'] = true;
diff --git a/locales/locales.xml b/locales/locales.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a79a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/locales.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+  <Script file="enUS.lua"/>
diff --git a/meta/curse-description.txt b/meta/curse-description.txt
index 5a1414c..0357248 100644
--- a/meta/curse-description.txt
+++ b/meta/curse-description.txt
@@ -1,45 +1,26 @@
-A continuation of [[http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23745-SX_DataBar.html|SX_Databar by saxitoxin.]]
+A reworking of [[http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23745-SX_DataBar.html|SX_Databar by saxitoxin.]]

-== Microbar (left to right)* ==
-* Game menu
-* Guild - *shows number of guild members online
-* Social - *shows number of friends online
-* Character info
-* Spells & Abilities
-* Spec & Talents
-* Achievements
-* Quest Log
-* Group Finder
-* Adventure Guide
-* PvP (Group Finder tab)
-* Collections
-* Shop
-* Customer Support
+=== Modules ===
+* Micromenu
+* Durability - With iLvl display
+* Talent - With spec and loot spec swapping on left/right click
+* Clock
+* Tradeskills
+* Currency - With a mode for XP Bar when below level cap
+* System
+* Gold
+* Travel - Right click the left hearth to choose an alternate transport method

-== Other elements (left to right) ==
-* Durability - faded out when you are above 20%, higlighted when below 20% durability, show the Ilvl when over 75%
-* Specialization - Active spec is displayed. Left click to change spec, mouseover shows loot spec if not same as spec and you can right click to change loot spec
-* Time - show the same time as you have selected ingame, left click to open in-game calendar, right click to edit time settings, hover shows the other time
-* Professions - Click to open profession tab for that profession, when not max level a small bar appears underneath which shows progress to next level
-* Currencies/ xpBar - Click to open currency tab
-** Rerolls
-** Honor
-** Garrison resources
-** Show a xpBar for characters below max level
-* System info - shows fps and ms, leftclick to collect garbage, right click to open graphical settings
-* Gold - hover shows gold earned this session, today and weekly, also shows gold across all characters on server with total at the bottom, left click to open bags, right click to close bags
-* Hearth - garrison hearth, normal hearth (displays location), click to use respective hearthstone, faded out if hearthstone is on cooldown, shift changes the garrison heart to shipyard compass
-== Settings ==
-it is possible to edit some element in the settings.lua file
-You can do this by using Notepad or download Notepad ++
+== Features ==
+* In-Game Config
+* Full profile support
+* LibSharedMedia support

 === CREDITS: ===
-saitoxin for the SX_Databar AddOn
-MikeprodTM for some changes to ilvl and free bag space code
+* [[http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=178966|saxitoxin]] for the SX_Databar AddOn
+* u/sammojo for the idea, textures and the description of the bar
+* u/keyboardturn for updated spec icons
+* Mikeprod for various code contributions

-u/sammojo for the ida, textures and the description of the bar
-lightspark for the saved variable for the goldsaving code
-taffu for the SLDT addon that I have used to learn how to display different things
-and all the other great coders here at wowinterface that have contributed any kind of code to the forums
\ No newline at end of file
+=== Issues: ===
diff --git a/meta/wow-interface-description.txt b/meta/wow-interface-description.txt
index 3c77663..bb1bccd 100644
--- a/meta/wow-interface-description.txt
+++ b/meta/wow-interface-description.txt
@@ -1,58 +1,32 @@
-A continuation of [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23745-SX_DataBar.html"]SX_Databar by saxitoxin[/URL].
+A reworking of [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23745-SX_DataBar.html"]SX_Databar by saxitoxin[/URL].

-[SIZE="5"]Microbar (left to right)[/SIZE]
-[*] Game menu
-[*] Guild - *shows number of guild members online
-[*] Social - *shows number of friends online
-[*] Character info
-[*] Spells & Abilities
-[*] Spec & Talents
-[*] Achievements
-[*] Quest Log
-[*] Group Finder
-[*] Adventure Guide
-[*] PvP (Group Finder tab)
-[*] Collections
-[*] Shop
-[*] Customer Support
+[*] Micromenu
+[*] Durability - With iLvl display
+[*] Talent - With spec and loot spec swapping on left/right click
+[*] Clock
+[*] Tradeskills
+[*] Currency - With a mode for XP Bar when below level cap
+[*] System
+[*] Gold
+[*] Travel - Right click the left hearth to choose an alternate transport method

-[SIZE="5"]Other elements (left to right)[/SIZE]
-[*] Durability - faded out when you are above 20%, higlighted when below 20% durability, show the Ilvl when over 75%
-[*] Specialization - Active spec is displayed. Left click to change spec, mouseover shows loot spec if not same as spec and you can right click to change loot spec
-[*] Time - show the same time as you have selected ingame, left click to open in-game calendar, right click to edit time settings, hover shows the other time
-[*] Professions - Click to open profession tab for that profession, when not max level a small bar appears underneath which shows progress to next level
-[*] Currencies/ xpBar - Click to open currency tab
-[*] Rerolls
-[*] Honor
-[*] Garrison resources
-[*] Show a xpBar for characters below max level
-[*] System info - shows fps and ms, leftclick to collect garbage, right click to open graphical settings
-[*] Gold - hover shows gold earned this session, today and weekly, also shows gold across all characters on server with total at the bottom, left click to open bags, right click to close bags
-[*] Hearth - garrison hearth, normal hearth (displays location), click to use respective hearthstone, faded out if hearthstone is on cooldown, shift changes the garrison heart to shipyard compass
+[*] In-Game Config
+[*] Full profile support
+[*] LibSharedMedia support

-it is possible to edit some element in the settings.lua file
-You can do this by using Notepad or download Notepad ++
-* [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=178966"]saxitoxin[/URL] for the SX_Databar AddOn
-* MikeprodTM for some changes to ilvl and free bag space code
-[*] u/sammojo for the ida, textures and the description of the bar
-[*] lightspark for the saved variable for the goldsaving code
-[*] taffu for the SLDT addon that I have used to learn how to display different things
-[*] and all the other great coders here at wowinterface that have contributed any kind of code to the forums
+[*] [URL="http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=178966"]saxitoxin[/URL] for the SX_Databar AddOn
+[*] u/sammojo for the idea, textures and the description of the bar
+[*] u/keyboardturn for updated spec icons
+[*] Mikeprod for various code contributions

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/armor.lua b/modules/armor.lua
index e211304..4b7b39c 100644
--- a/modules/armor.lua
+++ b/modules/armor.lua
@@ -1,72 +1,236 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.armor.show then return end
-local armorFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-local armorIcon = armorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-local armorText = armorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-armorText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-armorText:SetPoint("RIGHT", armorFrame,2,0)
-armorFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-armorFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	local durMin = 100
-		for i = 1, 18 do
-			local durCur, durMax = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
-			if ( durCur ~= durMax ) then durMin = min(durMin, durCur*(100/durMax)) end
-		end
-	if durMin >= cfg.armor.minArmor then
-		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	else
-		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	end
-armorFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
-	local durMin, durCol
-		durMin, durCol = 100, "ffffff"
-		for i = 1, 18 do
-			local durCur, durMax = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
-			if ( durCur ~= durMax ) then durMin = min(durMin, durCur*(100/durMax)) end
-		end
-	if durMin >= cfg.armor.maxArmor then
-		local overallilvl, equippedilvl = GetAverageItemLevel()
-		armorText:SetText(floor(equippedilvl).." ilvl")
-	else
-		armorText:SetText(floor(durMin).."% - "..floor(select(2,GetAverageItemLevel())).." ilvl")
-	end
-	if durMin >= cfg.armor.minArmor then
-		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	else
-		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	end
-	armorFrame:SetSize(armorText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
\ No newline at end of file
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local ArmorModule = xb:NewModule("ArmorModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function ArmorModule:GetName()
+  return L['Armor'];
+function ArmorModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.iconPath = xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\repair'
+  self.durabilityAverage = 0
+  self.durabilityList = {
+    [INVSLOT_HEAD] = { cur = 0, max = 0, text = HEADSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_SHOULDER] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = SHOULDERSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_CHEST] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = CHESTSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_WAIST] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = WAISTSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_LEGS] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = LEGSSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_FEET] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = FEETSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_WRIST] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = WRISTSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_HAND] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = HANDSSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_MAINHAND] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = MAINHANDSLOT},
+    [INVSLOT_OFFHAND] =  { cur = 0, max = 0, text = SECONDARYHANDSLOT}
+  }
+function ArmorModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.armorFrame == nil then
+    self.armorFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('armorFrame', self.armorFrame)
+  end
+  self.armorFrame:Show()
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function ArmorModule:OnDisable()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY')
+  self.armorFrame:Hide()
+function ArmorModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.armorButton = self.armorButton or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.armorFrame)
+  self.armorIcon = self.armorIcon or self.armorButton:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.armorText = self.armorText or self.armorButton:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+function ArmorModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self.armorButton:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.armorButton:RegisterUnitEvent('UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED', 'player')
+  self.armorButton:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    ArmorModule:SetArmorColor()
+    GameTooltip:SetOwner(ArmorModule.armorFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Armor'].."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    for i,v in pairs(ArmorModule.durabilityList) do
+      if v.max ~= nil and v.max > 0 then
+        local perc = floor((v.cur / v.max)  * 100)
+        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(v.text, string.format('%d/%d (%d%%)', v.cur, v.max, perc), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+      end
+    end
+    GameTooltip:Show()
+  end)
+  self.armorButton:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    self:SetArmorColor()
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end)
+  self.armorButton:SetScript('OnEvent', function(_, event)
+    if event == 'UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'microMenuFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'microMenuFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+function ArmorModule:SetArmorColor()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.armorButton:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.armorText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  else
+    self.armorText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    if self.durabilityAverage >= db.modules.armor.durabilityMin then
+      self.armorIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    else
+      self.armorIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    end
+  end
+function ArmorModule:Refresh()
+  if self.armorFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not xb.db.profile.modules.armor.enabled then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self:UpdateDurabilityText()
+    return
+  end
+  local iconSize = xb:GetHeight()
+  self.armorIcon:SetTexture(self.iconPath)
+  --self.armorIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.armorIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.armorText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(xb.db.profile.text.fontSize))
+  self:UpdateDurabilityText()
+  self.armorText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.armorIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  self.armorFrame:SetSize(5 + iconSize + self.armorText:GetStringWidth(), xb:GetHeight())
+  self.armorButton:SetAllPoints()
+  local relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+  local xOffset = xb.db.profile.general.moduleSpacing
+  if not xb:GetFrame('microMenuFrame'):IsVisible() then
+    relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+    xOffset = 0
+  end
+  self.armorFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+  self.armorFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', xb:GetFrame('microMenuFrame'), relativeAnchorPoint, xOffset, 0)
+  self:SetArmorColor()
+  self:Refresh()
+function ArmorModule:UpdateDurabilityText()
+  local total = 0
+  local maxTotal = 0
+  local db =  xb.db.profile.modules.armor
+  local text = ''
+  for i,v in pairs(self.durabilityList) do
+    local curDur, maxDur = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
+    if curDur ~= nil and maxDur ~= nil then
+      total = total + curDur
+      maxTotal = maxTotal + maxDur
+      v.cur = curDur
+      v.max = maxDur
+    end
+  end
+  self.durabilityAverage = floor((total / maxTotal) * 100)
+  if (self.durabilityAverage >= db.durabilityMax) or db.alwaysShowIlvl then
+    local _, equippedIlvl = GetAverageItemLevel()
+    text = floor(equippedIlvl)..' ilvl'
+  end
+  if self.durabilityAverage <= db.durabilityMax then
+    text = text..' '..self.durabilityAverage..'%'
+  end
+  self.armorText:SetText(text)
+function ArmorModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'armor', {
+      enabled = true,
+      durabilityMin = 20,
+      durabilityMax = 75,
+      alwaysShowIlvl = true
+    }
+function ArmorModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.armor.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.armor.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end
+      },
+      ilvlAlways = {
+        name = L['Always Show Item Level'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.armor.alwaysShowIlvl; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.armor.alwaysShowIlvl = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      duraMin = {
+        name = L['Minimum Durability to Become Active'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 2,
+        min = 0,
+        max = 100,
+        step = 5,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.armor.durabilityMin; end,
+        set = function(info, val) xb.db.profile.modules.armor.durabilityMin = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      duraMax = {
+        name = L['Maximum Durability to Show Item Level'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 3,
+        min = 0,
+        max = 100,
+        step = 5,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.armor.durabilityMax; end,
+        set = function(info, val) xb.db.profile.modules.armor.durabilityMax = val; self:Refresh(); end,
+        disabled = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.armor.alwaysShowIlvl; end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/clock.lua b/modules/clock.lua
index d24690b..9ac2349 100644
--- a/modules/clock.lua
+++ b/modules/clock.lua
@@ -1,112 +1,254 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.clock.show then return end
-local hour, minu = 0,0
-local AmPmTimeText = ""
-local clockFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-clockFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local clockText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-clockText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.SXframe:GetHeight()-4)
-local amText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-amText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-local calendarText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-calendarText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
-calendarText:SetPoint("CENTER", clockFrame, "TOP")
-if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-	calendarText:SetPoint("CENTER", clockFrame, "BOTTOM")
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local ClockModule = xb:NewModule("ClockModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function ClockModule:GetName()
+  return L['Clock'];
+function ClockModule:OnInitialize()
+  if IsWindowsClient() then
+    self.timeFormats = {
+      twelveAmPm = '%I:%M %p',
+      twelveNoAm = '%I:%M',
+      twelveAmNoZero = '%#I:%M %p',
+      twelveNoAmNoZero = '%#I:%M',
+      twoFour = '%#H:%M',
+      twoFourNoZero = '%H:%M',
+    }
+  else
+    self.timeFormats = {
+      twelveAmPm = '%I:%M %p',
+      twelveNoAm = '%I:%M',
+      twelveAmNoZero = '%l:%M %p',
+      twelveNoAmNoZero = '%l:%M',
+      twoFour = '%R',
+      twoFourNoZero = '%k:%M',
+    }
+  end
+  self.exampleTimeFormats = {
+    twelveAmPm = '08:00 AM (12 Hour)',
+    twelveNoAm = '08:00 (12 Hour)',
+    twelveAmNoZero = '8:00 AM (12 Hour)',
+    twelveNoAmNoZero = '8:00 (12 Hour)',
+    twoFour = '08:00 (24 Hour)',
+    twoFourNoZero = '8:00 (24 Hour)'
+  }
+  self.elapsed = 0
+  self.functions = {}
+function ClockModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.clockFrame == nil then
+    self.clockFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('clockFrame', self.clockFrame)
+  end
+  self.clockFrame:Show()
+  self.elapsed = 0
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:CreateClickFunctions()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function ClockModule:OnDisable()
+  self.clockFrame:Hide()
+function ClockModule:Refresh()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.clockFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.clock.enabled then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self:SetClockColor()
+    return
+  end
+  self.clockText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.modules.clock.fontSize))
+  self:SetClockColor()
+  self.clockFrame:SetSize(self.clockText:GetStringWidth(), self.clockText:GetStringHeight())
+  self.clockFrame:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  self.clockTextFrame:SetSize(self.clockText:GetStringWidth(), self.clockText:GetStringHeight())
+  self.clockTextFrame:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  self.clockText:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  self.eventText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.smallFontSize))
+  self.eventText:SetPoint('CENTER', self.clockText, xb.miniTextPosition)
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.clock.hideEventText then
+    self.eventText:Hide()
+  end
-local elapsed = 0
-clockFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
-	elapsed = elapsed + e
-	if elapsed >= 1 then
-		hour, minu = GetGameTime()
-		if minu < 10 then minu = ("0"..minu) end
-		if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseLocalTime") ) then
-			if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseMilitaryTime") ) then
-				clockText:SetText(date("%H:%M"))
-				amText:SetText("")
-			else
-				clockText:SetText(date("%I:%M"))
-				amText:SetText(date("%p"))
-			end
-		else
-			if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseMilitaryTime") ) then
-				clockText:SetText(hour..":"..minu)
-				amText:SetText("")
-			else
-				if hour > 12 then
-					hour = hour - 12
-					if hour <10 then
-						hour = ("0"..hour)
-					end
-					AmPmTimeText = "PM"
-				else
-					AmPmTimeText = "AM"
-				end
-				clockText:SetText(hour..":"..minu)
-				amText:SetText(AmPmTimeText)
-			end
-		end
-		if (CalendarGetNumPendingInvites() > 0) then
-			calendarText:SetText(string.format("%s  (|cffffff00%i|r)", "New Event!", (CalendarGetNumPendingInvites())))
-		else
-			calendarText:SetText("")
-		end
-		clockFrame:SetWidth(clockText:GetStringWidth() + amText:GetStringWidth())
-		clockFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", cfg.SXframe)
-		elapsed = 0
-	end
-clockFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	clockText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if cfg.clock.showTooltip then
-	hour, minu = GetGameTime()
-	if minu < 10 then minu = ("0"..minu) end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(clockFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFClock|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseLocalTime") ) then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Time", hour..":"..minu, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	else
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Local Time", date("%H:%M"), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Calendar", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Right-click>", "Open Clock", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-	end
-clockFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end clockText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-clockFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleCalendar()
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		ToggleTimeManager()
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
+function ClockModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.clockTextFrame = self.clockTextFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.clockFrame)
+  self.clockText = self.clockText or self.clockTextFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+  self.eventText = self.eventText or self.clockTextFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+function ClockModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self.clockTextFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.clockTextFrame:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self.clockFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+    ClockModule.elapsed = ClockModule.elapsed + elapsed
+    if ClockModule.elapsed >= 1 then
+      local clockTime = nil
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.clock.serverTime then
+        clockTime = GetServerTime()
+      else
+        clockTime = time()
+      end
+      local dateString = date(ClockModule.timeFormats[xb.db.profile.modules.clock.timeFormat], clockTime)
+      ClockModule.clockText:SetText(dateString)
+      if not xb.db.profile.modules.clock.hideEventText then
+        local eventInvites = CalendarGetNumPendingInvites()
+        if eventInvites > 0 then
+          ClockModule.eventText:SetText(string.format("%s  (|cffffff00%i|r)", L['New Event!'], eventInvites))
+        end
+      end
+      ClockModule:Refresh()
+      ClockModule.elapsed = 0
+    end
+  end)
+  self.clockTextFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    ClockModule:SetClockColor()
+    GameTooltip:SetOwner(ClockModule.clockTextFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Clock'].."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    local clockTime = nil
+    local ttTimeText = ''
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.clock.serverTime then
+      clockTime = time()
+      ttTimeText = L['Local Time'];
+    else
+      clockTime = GetServerTime()
+      ttTimeText = L['Realm Time'];
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(ttTimeText, date(ClockModule.timeFormats[xb.db.profile.modules.clock.timeFormat], clockTime), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Open Calendar'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Right-Click']..'>', L['Open Clock'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:Show()
+  end)
+  self.clockTextFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    ClockModule:SetClockColor()
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end)
+  self.clockTextFrame:SetScript('OnClick', function(_, button)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == 'LeftButton' then
+      ToggleCalendar()
+    elseif button == 'RightButton' then
+      ToggleTimeManager()
+    end
+  end)
+function ClockModule:SetClockColor()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.clockTextFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.clockText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  else
+    self.clockText:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  end
+function ClockModule:UnregisterFrameEvents()
+function ClockModule:CreateClickFunctions()
+function ClockModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'clock', {
+      enabled = true,
+      timeFormat = 'twelveAmPm',
+      fontSize = 20,
+      serverTime = false,
+      hideEventText = false
+    }
+function ClockModule:GetConfig()
+  local timeFormatOptions = self.exampleTimeFormats
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.clock.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.clock.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full",
+        hidden = true
+      },
+      useServerTime = {
+        name = L['Use Server Time'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.clock.serverTime; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.clock.serverTime = val; end
+      },
+      hideEventText = {
+        name = L['Hide Event Text'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.clock.hideEventText; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.clock.hideEventText = val; end
+      },
+      timeFormat = {
+        name = L['Time Format'],
+        order = 3,
+        type = "select",
+        values = { --TODO: WTF is with this not accepting a variable?
+          twelveAmPm = '08:00 AM (12 Hour)',
+          twelveNoAm = '08:00 (12 Hour)',
+          twelveAmNoZero = '8:00 AM (12 Hour)',
+          twelveNoAmNoZero = '8:00 (12 Hour)',
+          twoFour = '08:00 (24 Hour)',
+          twoFourNoZero = '8:00 (24 Hour)'
+        },
+        style = "dropdown",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.clock.timeFormat; end,
+        set = function(info, val) xb.db.profile.modules.clock.timeFormat = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      fontSize = {
+        name = L['Font Size'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 4,
+        min = 10,
+        max = 20,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.clock.fontSize; end,
+        set = function(info, val) xb.db.profile.modules.clock.fontSize = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/config.lua b/modules/config.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dc5ad9..0000000
--- a/modules/config.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.useConfig then return end
-local configFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,cfg.SXconfigFrame,"ButtonFrameTemplate")
-local icon = configFrame:CreateTexture("$parentIcon", "OVERLAY", nil, -8)
---SetPortraitTexture(icon, "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Portrait")
-local configFrameText = configFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-configFrameText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, cfg.text.normalFontSize, "OUTLINE")
-configFrameText:SetText(addon.." Configuration")
-local globalCheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "globalCheckButton", configFrame, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
-_G[globalCheckButton:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText("Use Module Coloring")
-globalCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self,event,arg1)
-	if self:GetChecked() then
-		UIDropDownMenu_EnableDropDown(globalModuleDropdown)
-		globalActiveModuleText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1)
-	else
-		UIDropDownMenu_DisableDropDown(globalModuleDropdown)
-		UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropDown, "Select Module")
-		globalActiveModuleText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,0.4)
-	end
-local resetButton = CreateFrame("Button", "MyButton", configFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-resetButton:SetSize(80 ,22) -- width, height
-resetButton:SetText("Reset Color")
-resetButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-	cfg.color = {
-		normal = {1,1,1,.75},
-		inactive = {1,1,1,.25},
-		hover = {cfg.cc.r,cfg.cc.g,cfg.cc.b,.75},
-		barcolor = {.094,.094,.102,.45},
-	}
-	print"The colors have been set to default."
-	else
-	print"Hold <Shift> if you want to set the colors to default."
-	end
-local activeModuleText = configFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-activeModuleText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, cfg.text.normalFontSize, "OUTLINE")
-activeModuleText:SetText("Active Module:")
-globalActiveModuleText = activeModuleText
-local dropDown = CreateFrame("frame", "selectModuleDropDown", configFrame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-dropDown:SetPoint("LEFT",activeModuleText, "RIGHT", -10,-5)
-UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropDown, "Select Module")
-UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(dropDown, "LEFT")
-globalModuleDropdown = dropDown
-local modules = {
-	"None",
-	"Micromenu",
-	"Armor",
-	"Talent",
-	"Clock",
-	"Trade Skill",
-	"Currency",
-	"System",
-	"Gold",
-	"Heartstone",
-local function OnClick(self)
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(dropDown, self:GetID())
-	if self:GetID() == 1 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 2 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 3 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 4 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 5 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 6 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 7 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 8 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 9 then
-	elseif self:GetID() == 10 then
-	end
-local function initialize(self, level)
-   local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
-   for k,v in pairs(modules) do
-      info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
-      info.text = v
-      info.value = v
-      info.func = OnClick
-      UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
-   end
-UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropDown, initialize)
-UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(dropDown, 100);
-UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(dropDown, 75)
-local function showColorPicker(r,g,b,a,callback)
-	ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(r,g,b)
-	ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity, ColorPickerFrame.opacity = (a ~= nil), a
-	ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = {r,g,b,a}
-	ColorPickerFrame.func, ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc, ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = callback, callback, callback
-	ColorPickerFrame:Hide() -- Need to run the OnShow handler.
-	ColorPickerFrame:Show()
-local barColorFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
-barColorFrame.text = barColorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-barColorFrame.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
-barColorFrame.text:SetText("Bar Color")
-local normalColor = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
-normalColor.text = normalColor:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-normalColor.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
-normalColor.text:SetText("Normal Color")
-local inactiveColor = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
-inactiveColor.text = inactiveColor:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-inactiveColor.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
-inactiveColor.text:SetText("Inactive Color")
-local hoverColorFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
-hoverColorFrame.text = hoverColorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-hoverColorFrame.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
-hoverColorFrame.text:SetText("Hover Color")
---recolor callback function
-normalColor.recolorTexture = function(color)
-	local r,g,b,a
-	if color then
-		r,g,b,a = unpack(color)
-	else
-		r,g,b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
-		a = OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
-	end
-	normalColor.text:SetTextColor(r,g,b,a)
-	cfg.color.normal = {r,g,b,a}
-	globalNormColSlider:SetValue(a*100)
-	globalNormColEditBox:SetNumber(a*100)
-normalColor:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self,button,...)
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		local r,g,b,a = self.text:GetTextColor()
-		showColorPicker(r,g,b,a,self.recolorTexture)
-	end
-local normalClassColorCheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "classColorNormalCheckButton", normalColor, "UIRadioButtonTemplate")
-_G[normalClassColorCheckButton:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText("Class color")
-normalClassColorCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self,event,arg1)
-	if self:GetChecked() then
-		normalColor.text:SetTextColor(cfg.cc.r,cfg.cc.g,cfg.cc.b)
-		normalColor:EnableMouse(false)
-		globalNormColEditBox:Enable()
-		globalNormColSlider:Enable()
-		globalNormColSlider:SetAlpha(1)
-	else
-		normalColor.text:SetTextColor(1,1,1,.75)
-		normalColor:EnableMouse(true)
-		globalNormColEditBox:Disable()
-		globalNormColSlider:Disable()
-		globalNormColSlider:SetAlpha(.4)
-	end
-local slider = CreateFrame("Slider","MyExampleSlider",normalClassColorCheckButton,"OptionsSliderTemplate") --frameType, frameName, frameParent, frameTemplate
-slider.textLow = _G["MyExampleSlider".."Low"]
-slider.textHigh = _G["MyExampleSlider".."High"]
-slider.text = _G["MyExampleSlider".."Text"]
-slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
-slider.minValue, slider.maxValue = slider:GetMinMaxValues()
-slider.text:SetText("Class Color Alpha:")
-slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self,event,arg1)
-	normalColor.text:SetAlpha(event/100)
-	globalNormColEditBox:SetNumber(event)
-globalNormColSlider = slider
-local EditBox = CreateFrame("EditBox",nil,slider)
-EditBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(self)
-    self:ClearFocus()
-	globalNormColSlider:SetValue(EditBox:GetNumber())
-globalNormColEditBox = EditBox
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/currency.lua b/modules/currency.lua
index 06555fb..0964711 100644
--- a/modules/currency.lua
+++ b/modules/currency.lua
@@ -1,415 +1,417 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.currency.show then return end
-local iconPos = "RIGHT"
-local textPos = "LEFT"
-if cfg.currency.textOnRight then
-	iconPos = "LEFT"
-	textPos = "RIGHT"
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local CurrencyModule = xb:NewModule("CurrencyModule", 'AceEvent-3.0', 'AceHook-3.0')
+function CurrencyModule:GetName()
+  return L['Currency'];
+function CurrencyModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.rerollItems = {
+    697,  -- Elder Charm of Good Fortune
+    752,  -- Mogu Rune of Fate
+    776,  -- Warforged Seal
+    994,  -- Seal of Tempered Fate
+    1129, -- Seal of Inevitable Fate
+    1273, -- Seal of Broken Fate
+  }
+  self.intToOpt = {
+    [1] = 'currencyOne',
+    [2] = 'currencyTwo',
+    [3] = 'currencyThree'
+  }
+  self.curButtons = {}
+  self.curIcons = {}
+  self.curText = {}
+function CurrencyModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.currencyFrame == nil then
+    self.currencyFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('currencyFrame', self.currencyFrame)
+  end
+  self.currencyFrame:Show()
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function CurrencyModule:OnDisable()
+  self.currencyFrame:Hide()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_XP_UPDATE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_LEVEL_UP')
+function CurrencyModule:Refresh()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  xb.constants.playerLevel = UnitLevel("player")
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    if xb.constants.playerLevel < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and db.modules.currency.showXPbar then
+      self.xpBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitXPMax('player'))
+      self.xpBar:SetValue(UnitXP('player'))
+      self.xpText:SetText(string.upper(LEVEL..' '..UnitLevel("player")..' '..UnitClass('player')))
+    end
+    self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED', function()
+      self:Refresh()
+      self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+    end)
+    return
+  end
+  if self.currencyFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.currency.enabled then return; end
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  for i = 1, 3 do
+    self.curButtons[i]:Hide()
+  end
+  self.xpFrame:Hide()
+  if xb.constants.playerLevel < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and db.modules.currency.showXPbar then
+    --self.xpFrame = self.xpFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.currencyFrame)
+    local textHeight = floor((xb:GetHeight() - 4) / 2)
+    self.xpIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\exp')
+    self.xpIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+    self.xpIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+    self.xpIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    self.xpText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(textHeight))
+    self.xpText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    self.xpText:SetText(string.upper(LEVEL..' '..UnitLevel("player")..' '..UnitClass('player')))
+    self.xpText:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.xpIcon, 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.xpBar:SetStatusBarTexture(1, 1, 1)
+    if db.modules.currency.xpBarCC then
+      self.xpBar:SetStatusBarColor(xb:GetClassColors())
+    else
+      self.xpBar:SetStatusBarColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    end
+    self.xpBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, UnitXPMax('player'))
+    self.xpBar:SetValue(UnitXP('player'))
+    self.xpBar:SetSize(self.xpText:GetStringWidth(), (iconSize - textHeight - 2))
+    self.xpBar:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.xpIcon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.xpBarBg:SetAllPoints()
+    self.xpBarBg:SetColorTexture(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    self.currencyFrame:SetSize(iconSize + self.xpText:GetStringWidth() + 5, xb:GetHeight())
+    self.xpFrame:SetAllPoints()
+    self.xpFrame:Show()
+  else -- show xp bar/show currencies
+    local iconsWidth = 0
+    for i = 1, 3 do
+      if db.modules.currency[self.intToOpt[i]] ~= '0' then
+        iconsWidth = iconsWidth + self:StyleCurrencyFrame(tonumber(db.modules.currency[self.intToOpt[i]]), i)
+      end
+    end
+    self.curButtons[1]:SetPoint('LEFT')
+    self.curButtons[2]:SetPoint('LEFT', self.curButtons[1], 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.curButtons[3]:SetPoint('LEFT', self.curButtons[2], 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.currencyFrame:SetSize(iconsWidth, xb:GetHeight())
+  end -- show currencies
+  --self.currencyFrame:SetSize(self.goldButton:GetSize())
+  local relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+  local xOffset = db.general.moduleSpacing
+  local anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('tradeskillFrame')
+  if not anchorFrame:IsVisible() then
+    if xb:GetFrame('clockFrame'):IsVisible() then
+      anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('clockFrame')
+    elseif xb:GetFrame('talentFrame'):IsVisible() then
+      anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('talentFrame')
+    else
+      relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+      xOffset = 0
+    end
+  end
+  self.currencyFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', anchorFrame, relativeAnchorPoint, xOffset, 0)
+function CurrencyModule:StyleCurrencyFrame(curId, i)
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  local icon = xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\garres'
+  if tContains(self.rerollItems, curId) then
+    icon = xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\reroll'
+  end
+  local _, curAmount, _ = GetCurrencyInfo(curId)
+  local iconPoint = 'RIGHT'
+  local textPoint = 'LEFT'
+  local padding = -3
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.currency.textOnRight then
+    iconPoint = 'LEFT'
+    textPoint = 'RIGHT'
+    padding = -(padding)
+  end
+  self.curIcons[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+  self.curText[i]:ClearAllPoints()
+  self.curIcons[i]:SetTexture(icon)
+  self.curIcons[i]:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.curIcons[i]:SetPoint(iconPoint)
+  self.curIcons[i]:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.curText[i]:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.curText[i]:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.curText[i]:SetText(curAmount)
+  self.curText[i]:SetPoint(iconPoint, self.curIcons[i], textPoint, padding, 0)
+  local buttonWidth = iconSize + self.curText[i]:GetStringWidth() + 5
+  self.curButtons[i]:SetSize(buttonWidth, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.curButtons[i]:Show()
+  return buttonWidth
+function CurrencyModule:CreateFrames()
+  for i = 1, 3 do
+    self.curButtons[i] = self.curButtons[i] or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.currencyFrame)
+    self.curIcons[i] = self.curIcons[i] or self.curButtons[i]:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+    self.curText[i] = self.curText[i] or self.curButtons[i]:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+    self.curButtons[i]:Hide()
+  end
+  self.xpFrame = self.xpFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.currencyFrame)
+  self.xpIcon = self.xpIcon or self.xpFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.xpText = self.xpText or self.xpFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.xpBar = self.xpBar or CreateFrame('STATUSBAR', nil, self.xpFrame)
+  self.xpBarBg = self.xpBarBg or self.xpBar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+  self.xpFrame:Hide()

-local currencyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-currencyFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 340,0)
-currencyFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
--- XP BAR
-local xpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-xpFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 350,0)
-xpFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local xpIcon = xpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-xpIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local xpText = xpFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-xpText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-xpText:SetPoint("RIGHT",xpFrame,2,0 )
-local xpStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, xpFrame)
-xpStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", xpText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-local xpStatusbarBG = xpStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
-xpStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", xpText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-xpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	xpIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	xpStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
-	local mxp = UnitXPMax("player")
-	local xp = UnitXP("player")
-	local nxp = mxp - xp
-	local rxp = GetXPExhaustion()
-	local name, standing, minrep, maxrep, value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
-	if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(xpStatusbar, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	else
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(xpFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFExperience Bar|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(COMBAT_XP_GAIN, format(cfg.SVal(xp)).."|cffffd100/|r"..format(cfg.SVal(mxp)).." |cffffd100/|r "..floor((xp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%",NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(NEED, format(cfg.SVal(nxp)).." |cffffd100/|r "..floor((nxp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%",NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
-	if rxp then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(TUTORIAL_TITLE26, format(cfg.SVal(rxp)) .." |cffffd100/|r ".. floor((rxp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%", NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-xpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	xpIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	xpStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
--- Artifact BAR
-local artiFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-artiFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 200,0)
-artiFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local artiIcon = artiFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-artiIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local artiText = artiFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-artiText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-artiText:SetPoint("RIGHT",artiFrame,2,0 )
-local artiStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, artiFrame)
-artiStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", artiText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-local artiStatusbarBG = artiStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
-artiStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", artiText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-artiFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	artiIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	artiStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
-	local currentAP = select(5,C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo())
-	local traitsSpent = select(6,C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo())
-	local numLearnableTraits,currentAP,xpForNextTrait=GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(traitsSpent,currentAP)
-	if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(artiStatusbar, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	else
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(artiFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFArtifact Power Bar|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(format(ARTIFACTS_NUM_PURCHASED_RANKS,traitsSpent))
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(format(ARTIFACT_POWER_BAR,currentAP,xpForNextTrait).." with "..numLearnableTraits.." learnable traits")
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-artiFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	artiIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	artiStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-	SocketInventoryItem(16)
-local rerollFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
-rerollFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local rerollIcon = rerollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-rerollIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local rerollText = rerollFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-rerollText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-rerollFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	rerollIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFReroll|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	local SoIFname, SoIFamount, SoIFicon, SoIFearnedThisWeek, SoIFweeklyMax, SoIFtotalMax, SoIFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1129)
-	if SoIFamount > 0 then
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(SoIFname,1,1,0)
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("|cffffff00Weekly: |cffffffff"..SoIFearnedThisWeek.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoIFweeklyMax, "|cffffff00Total: |cffffffff"..SoIFamount.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoIFtotalMax)
-	else
-		local SoTFname, SoTFamount, SoTFicon, SoTFearnedThisWeek, SoTFweeklyMax, SoTFtotalMax, SoTFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(994)
-		if SoTFamount > 0 then
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(SoTFname, "|cffffff00Total: |cffffffff"..SoTFamount.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoTFtotalMax)
-		end
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-rerollFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-	rerollIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-rerollFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
-	end
-local honorFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
-honorFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local honorIcon = honorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-honorIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local honorText = honorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-honorText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-honorFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	honorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFHonor Level:|r"..UnitHonorLevel("player").."]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(concName,"|cffffff00Honor: |cffffffff"..UnitHonor("player").."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..UnitHonorMax("player"))
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-honorFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-	honorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-honorFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
-	end
-local garrisonFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
-garrisonFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local garrisonIcon = garrisonFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-garrisonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local garrisonText = garrisonFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-garrisonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGarrison Recources|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	local grName, grAmount, _, _, _, grTotalMax = GetCurrencyInfo(824)
-	local oilName, oilAmount, _, _, _, oilTotalMax, oilIsDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1101)
-	local apexisName, apexisAmount = GetCurrencyInfo(823)
-	local DICName, DICAmount, _, _, _, DICTotalMax = GetCurrencyInfo(980)
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(grName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(grAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(grTotalMax)))
-	if oilIsDiscovered then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(oilName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(oilAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(oilTotalMax)))
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(apexisName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(apexisAmount)))
-	if DICAmount > 0 then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(DICName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(DICAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(DICTotalMax)))
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
-	end
-local function updateXP(xp, mxp)
-	if UnitLevel("player") == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL or not cfg.currency.showXPbar then
-		xpFrame:Hide()
-		xpFrame:EnableMouse(false)
-		currencyFrame:Show()
-	else
-		currencyFrame:Hide()
-		xpFrame:Show()
-		xpFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-		xpStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, mxp)
-		xpStatusbar:SetValue(xp)
-		xpText:SetText("LEVEL "..UnitLevel("player").." "..cfg.CLASS)
-		xpFrame:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-		xpStatusbar:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-		xpStatusbarBG:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-	end
+function CurrencyModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  for i = 1, 3 do
+    self.curButtons[i]:EnableMouse(true)
+    self.curButtons[i]:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+    self.curButtons[i]:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+      if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+      self.curText[i]:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end)
+    self.curButtons[i]:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+      if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+      local db = xb.db.profile
+      self.curText[i]:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip then
+        GameTooltip:Hide()
+      end
+    end)
+    self.curButtons[i]:SetScript('OnClick', function()
+      if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+      ToggleCharacter('TokenFrame')
+    end)
+  end
+  self:RegisterEvent('CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_XP_UPDATE', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_LEVEL_UP', 'Refresh')
+  --self:SecureHook('BackpackTokenFrame_Update', 'Refresh') -- Ugh, why is there no event for this?
+  self.currencyFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.currencyFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip then
+      self:ShowTooltip()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.currencyFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.xpFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    self.xpText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    self:ShowTooltip()
+  end)
+  self.xpFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    local db = xb.db.profile
+    self.xpText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'tradeskillFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'tradeskillFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)

-function GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(rkSpent, currAP)
-	artiIcon:SetTexture(GetItemIcon(select(1,C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo())))
-	artiText:SetText("Artifact rank "..rkSpent)
-	artiFrame:SetSize(artiText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	artiStatusbar:SetSize(artiText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-	artiStatusbarBG:SetSize(artiText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-	local numRk = 0;
-	local xpForNextRk = C_ArtifactUI.GetCostForPointAtRank(rkSpent);
-	while currAP >= xpForNextRk and xpForNextRk > 0 do
-		currAP = currAP - xpForNextRk;
-		rkSpent = rkSpent + 1;
-		numRk = numRk + 1;
-		xpForNextRk = C_ArtifactUI.GetCostForPointAtRank(rkSpent);
-	end
-	artiStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, xpForNextRk)
-	artiStatusbar:SetValue(currAP)
-	return numRk, currAP, xpForNextRk;
+function CurrencyModule:ShowTooltip()
+  if not xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip then return; end
+  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.currencyFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+  if xb.constants.playerLevel < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showXPbar then
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..POWER_TYPE_EXPERIENCE.."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    local curXp = UnitXP('player')
+    local maxXp = UnitXPMax('player')
+    local rested = GetXPExhaustion()
+    -- XP
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['XP']..':', string.format('%d / %d (%d%%)', curXp, maxXp, floor((curXp / maxXp) * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    -- Remaining
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Remaining']..':', string.format('%d (%d%%)', (maxXp - curXp), floor(((maxXp - curXp) / maxXp) * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    -- Rested
+    if rested then
+      GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Rested']..':', string.format('+%d (%d%%)', rested, floor((rested / maxXp) * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    end
+    --GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    --GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Toggle Currency Frame'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  else
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Currency'].."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    for i = 1, 3 do
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.currency[self.intToOpt[i]] ~= '0' then
+        local curId = tonumber(xb.db.profile.modules.currency[self.intToOpt[i]])
+        local name, count, _, _, _, totalMax, _, _ = GetCurrencyInfo(curId)
+        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, string.format('%d/%d', count, totalMax), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+      end
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Toggle Currency Frame'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  end
+  GameTooltip:Show()

-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
-	--if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or event == "PLAYER_XP_UPDATE" or event == "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP" then
-	if UnitLevel("player") ~= MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and cfg.currency.showXPbar then
-		mxp = UnitXPMax("player")
-		xp = UnitXP("player")
-		updateXP(xp, mxp)
-		currencyFrame:Hide()
-	else
-		xpFrame:Hide()
-	end
-	if HasArtifactEquipped() and cfg.currency.showAPbar then
-		local currentAP = select(5,C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo())
-		local traitsSpent = select(6,C_ArtifactUI.GetEquippedArtifactInfo())
-		GetNumArtifactTraitsPurchasableFromXP(traitsSpent,currentAP)
-		currencyFrame:Hide()
-		artiFrame:Show()
-	else
-		artiFrame:Hide()
-	end
-	if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
-		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
-			if UnitLevel("player") == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL or not cfg.currency.showXPbar then return end
-			if arg2 == 1 then
-				xpFrame:Hide()
-				xpFrame:EnableMouse(false)
-				currencyFrame:Show()
-			elseif arg2 == 0 then
-				currencyFrame:Hide()
-				xpFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-				xpFrame:Show()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- reroll currency
-	local SoIFname, SoIFamount, _, _, _, SoIFtotalMax, SoIFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1129)
-	if SoIFamount > 0 then
-		rerollText:SetText(SoIFamount)
-	else
-		local SoTFname, SoTFamount, _, _, _, SoTFtotalMax, SoTFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(994)
-		if SoTFamount > 0 then rerollText:SetText(SoTFamount) end
-	end
-	rerollFrame:SetSize(rerollText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	-- honor currency
-	honorText:SetText(UnitHonor("player"))
-	honorFrame:SetSize(honorText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	currencyFrame:SetSize(rerollFrame:GetWidth()+honorFrame:GetWidth()+6,16)
-	-- garrison currency
-	local grName, grAmount, _, grEarnedThisWeek, grWeeklyMax, grTotalMax, grIsDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(824)
-	garrisonText:SetText(grAmount)
-	garrisonFrame:SetSize(garrisonText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	currencyFrame:SetSize(rerollFrame:GetWidth()+honorFrame:GetWidth()+garrisonFrame:GetWidth()+6,16)
+function CurrencyModule:GetCurrencyOptions()
+  local curOpts = {
+    ['0'] = ''
+  }
+  for i = 1, GetCurrencyListSize() do
+    local _, isHeader, _, isUnused = GetCurrencyListInfo(i)
+    if not isHeader and not isUnused then
+      local cL = GetCurrencyListLink(i)
+      local colon, _ = strfind(cL, ':', 1, true)
+      local pipeS, _ = strfind(cL, '|h', colon, true)
+      local itemId = strsub(cL, colon + 1, pipeS - 1)
+      local name, _ = GetCurrencyInfo(itemId)
+      curOpts[tostring(itemId)] = name
+    end
+  end
+  return curOpts
+function CurrencyModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'currency', {
+      enabled = true,
+      showXPbar = true,
+      xpBarCC = false,
+      showTooltip = true,
+      textOnRight = true,
+      currencyOne = '0',
+      currencyTwo = '0',
+      currencyThree = '0'
+    }
+function CurrencyModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.currency.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      },
+      showXPbar = {
+        name = L['Show XP Bar Below Max Level'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showXPbar; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showXPbar = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      xpBarCC = {
+        name = L['Use Class Colors for XP Bar'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.xpBarCC; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.xpBarCC = val; self:Refresh(); end,
+        disabled = function() return not xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showXPbar end
+      },
+      showTooltip = {
+        name = L['Show Tooltips'],
+        order = 3,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showTooltip = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      textOnRight = {
+        name = L['Text on Right'],
+        order = 4,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.textOnRight; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.textOnRight = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      currency = {
+        type = 'group',
+        name = L['Currency Select'],
+        order = 5,
+        inline = true,
+        --disabled = function() return (xb.constants.playerLevel < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and xb.db.profile.modules.currency.showXPbar); end, -- keep around in case
+        args = {
+          currencyOne = {
+            name = L['First Currency'], -- DROPDOWN, GoldModule:GetCurrencyOptions
+            type = "select",
+            order = 1,
+            values = function() return self:GetCurrencyOptions(); end,
+            style = "dropdown",
+            get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyOne; end,
+            set = function(info, value) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyOne = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+          },
+          currencyTwo = {
+            name = L['Second Currency'], -- DROPDOWN, GoldModule:GetCurrencyOptions
+            type = "select",
+            order = 2,
+            values = function() return self:GetCurrencyOptions(); end,
+            style = "dropdown",
+            get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyTwo; end,
+            set = function(info, value) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyTwo = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+          },
+          currencyThree = {
+            name = L['Third Currency'], -- DROPDOWN, GoldModule:GetCurrencyOptions
+            type = "select",
+            order = 3,
+            values = function() return self:GetCurrencyOptions(); end,
+            style = "dropdown",
+            get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyThree; end,
+            set = function(info, value) xb.db.profile.modules.currency.currencyThree = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/gold.lua b/modules/gold.lua
index 0d4fb3f..2031341 100644
--- a/modules/gold.lua
+++ b/modules/gold.lua
@@ -1,242 +1,270 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.gold.show then return end
-local onHover = false
-local function goldConverter(money)
-	local g, s, c = abs(money/10000), abs(mod(money/100, 100)), abs(mod(money, 100))
-	local cash
-	if ( g < 1 ) then g = "" else g = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffffd700g|r ", g) end
-	if ( s < 1 ) then s = "" else s = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffc7c7cfs|r ", s) end
-	if ( c == 0 ) then c = "" else c = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffeda55fc|r", c) end
-	cash = string.format("%s%s%s", g, s, c)
-	if money == 0 then cash = "|cffffffff0" end
-	return cash
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local GoldModule = xb:NewModule("GoldModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function GoldModule:GetName()
+  return L['Gold'];
+function GoldModule:OnInitialize()
+  if xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName] == nil then
+    xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName] = { currentMoney = 0 }
+  end
+  xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName].sessionMoney = 0
+function GoldModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.goldFrame == nil then
+    self.goldFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('goldFrame', self.goldFrame)
+  end
+  self.goldFrame:Show()
+  if xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName].currentMoney == 0 then
+    xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName].currentMoney = GetMoney()
+  end
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function GoldModule:OnDisable()
+  self.goldFrame:Hide()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_MONEY')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE')
+function GoldModule:Refresh()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.goldFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.gold.enabled then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self.goldText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+    self.goldText:SetText(self:FormatCoinText(GetMoney()))
+    if db.modules.gold.showFreeBagSpace then
+      local freeSpace = 0
+      for i = 0, 4 do
+        freeSpace = freeSpace + GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i)
+      end
+      self.bagText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+      self.bagText:SetText('('..tostring(freeSpace)..')')
+    end
+    return
+  end
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  self.goldIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\gold')
+  self.goldIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.goldIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.goldIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.goldText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.goldText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.goldText:SetText(self:FormatCoinText(GetMoney()))
+  self.goldText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.goldIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  local bagWidth = 0
+  if db.modules.gold.showFreeBagSpace then
+    local freeSpace = 0
+    for i = 0, 4 do
+      freeSpace = freeSpace + GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i)
+    end
+    self.bagText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+    self.bagText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    self.bagText:SetText('('..tostring(freeSpace)..')')
+    self.bagText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.goldText, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+    bagWidth = self.bagText:GetStringWidth()
+  else
+    self.bagText:SetText('')
+    self.bagText:SetSize(0, 0)
+  end
+  self.goldButton:SetSize(self.goldText:GetStringWidth() + iconSize + 10 + bagWidth, iconSize)
+  self.goldButton:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.goldFrame:SetSize(self.goldButton:GetSize())
+  local relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+  local xOffset = db.general.moduleSpacing
+  if not xb:GetFrame('travelFrame'):IsVisible() then
+    relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+    xOffset = 0
+  end
+  self.goldFrame:SetPoint('RIGHT', xb:GetFrame('travelFrame'), relativeAnchorPoint, -(xOffset), 0)

-local playerName, playerFaction, playerRealm = UnitName("player"), UnitFactionGroup("player"), GetRealmName()
-local positiveSign = "|cff00ff00+ "
-local negativeSign = "|cffff0000- "
-local goldFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-goldFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
- local function goldFrameOnEnter()
-	if not cfg.gold.showTooltip then return end
-	if not onHover then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(goldFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGold|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	---------------------------------------------------
-	local gold = GetMoney()
-	local logDate = ns.playerData.lastLoginDate
-	local sessionGold = ns.playerData["money_on_session_start"]
-	local sessionGoldIcon = ""
-	sessionGold = sessionGold - gold
-	if sessionGold < 0 then
-		sessionGoldIcon = positiveSign
-	elseif sessionGold > 0 then
-		sessionGoldIcon = negativeSign
-	else
-	end
-	local dayGold = ns.playerData["money_on_first_login_today"]
-	local dayGoldIcon = ""
-	dayGold = dayGold - gold
-	if dayGold < 0 then
-		dayGoldIcon = positiveSign
-	elseif dayGold > 0 then
-		dayGoldIcon = negativeSign
-	else
-	end
-	local weekGold = ns.playerData["money_on_first_weekday"]
-	local weekGoldIcon = ""
-	weekGold = weekGold - gold
-	if weekGold < 0 then
-		weekGoldIcon = positiveSign
-	elseif weekGold > 0 then
-		weekGoldIcon = negativeSign
-	else
-	end
-	local totalGold = 0
-	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
-		for k, v in pairs(val) do
-			if k == "money_on_log_out" then
-				totalGold = totalGold + v
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local realmDailyGold = 0
-	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
-		for k, v in pairs(val) do
-			if k == "money_on_first_login_today" then
-				realmDailyGold = realmDailyGold + v
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local realmDayGoldIcon = ""
-	realmDailyGold = realmDailyGold - totalGold
-	if realmDailyGold < 0 then
-		realmDayGoldIcon = positiveSign
-	elseif realmDailyGold > 0 then
-		realmDayGoldIcon = negativeSign
-	else
-	end
-	local realmWeeklyGold = 0
-	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
-		for k, v in pairs(val) do
-			if k == "money_on_first_weekday" then
-				realmWeeklyGold = realmWeeklyGold + v
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local realmWeekGoldIcon = ""
-	realmWeeklyGold = realmWeeklyGold - totalGold
-	if realmWeeklyGold < 0 then
-		realmWeekGoldIcon = positiveSign
-	elseif realmWeeklyGold > 0 then
-		realmWeekGoldIcon = negativeSign
-	else
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(playerName.."|r's Gold",format(goldConverter(gold)))
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Daily Balance",realmDayGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(realmDailyGold)))
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Weekly Balance",realmWeekGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(realmWeeklyGold)))
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
-		for k, v in pairs(val) do
-			if k == "money_on_log_out" then
-				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(key,format(goldConverter(v)))
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	else
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Session Balance",sessionGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(sessionGold)))
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Daily Balance",dayGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(dayGold)))
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Weekly Balance",weekGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(weekGold)))
-	end
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Gold","|cffffffff"..format(goldConverter(totalGold)))
-	if not IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Shift-hold>", "Show the |cffffff00"..playerRealm.." - "..playerFaction.."|r gold", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Show()
- end
- local function freeSpaceBags()
-	local freeSlots = 0
-	for i=0, 4,1 do
-		freeSlots = freeSlots+select(1,GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i))
-	end
-	return freeSlots
+function GoldModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.goldButton = self.goldButton or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.goldFrame)
+  self.goldIcon = self.goldIcon or self.goldButton:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.goldText = self.goldText or self.goldButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+  self.bagText = self.bagText or self.goldButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")

-local goldIcon = goldFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-local goldText = goldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-goldText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-goldText:SetPoint("LEFT", goldIcon,15,0)
-local spaceText = goldFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
-spaceText:SetPoint("LEFT", goldIcon,-17,0)
-spaceText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-goldFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	goldIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	onHover = true
-	goldFrameOnEnter()
-goldFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() onHover = false end goldIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-goldFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		OpenAllBags()
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		CloseAllBags()
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
-	goldFrameOnEnter()
-	if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
-		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
-			if arg2 == 1 then
-				goldFrameOnEnter()
-			elseif arg2 == 0 then
-				goldFrameOnEnter()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if event=="BAG_UPDATE" and cfg.gold.showFreeBagSpace then
-		spaceText:SetText("("..freeSpaceBags()..")")
-	end
-	local gold = GetMoney()
-	ns.playerData["money_on_log_out"] = gold
-	local g, s, c = abs(gold/10000), abs(mod(gold/100, 100)), abs(mod(gold, 100))
-	if g > 1 then
-		goldText:SetText(floor(g).."g")
-	elseif s > 1 then
-		goldText:SetText(floor(s).."s")
-	else
-		goldText:SetText(floor(c).."c")
-	end
-	if gold == 0 then goldText:SetText("0") end
-	goldFrame:SetSize(goldText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+function GoldModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self.goldButton:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.goldButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_MONEY')
+  self:RegisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE', 'Refresh')
+  self.goldButton:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    self.goldText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    self.bagText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    GameTooltip:SetOwner(GoldModule.goldFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Gold'].."|r - |cff82c5ff"..xb.constants.playerFactionLocal.." "..xb.constants.playerRealm.."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Session Total'], GoldModule:FormatCoinText(xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName].sessionMoney), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    local totalGold = 0
+    for charName, goldData in pairs(xb.db.factionrealm) do
+      GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(charName, GoldModule:FormatCoinText(goldData.currentMoney), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+      totalGold = totalGold + goldData.currentMoney
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Total'], GoldModule:FormatCoinText(totalGold), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Toggle Bags'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:Show()
+  end)
+  self.goldButton:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    local db = xb.db.profile
+    self.goldText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    self.bagText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end)
+  self.goldButton:SetScript('OnClick', function(_, button)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    ToggleAllBags()
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'travelFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'travelFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+function GoldModule:PLAYER_MONEY()
+  local gdb = xb.db.factionrealm[xb.constants.playerName]
+  local curMoney = gdb.currentMoney
+  local tmpMoney = GetMoney()
+  local moneyDiff = tmpMoney - curMoney
+  gdb.sessionMoney = gdb.sessionMoney + moneyDiff
+  --[[local weekday, month, day, year = CalendarGetDate()
+  if gdb.curDay == nil or (gdb.curMonth == month and gdb.curDay < day) or (gdb.curMonth < month) or gdb.curYear < year then
+    if gdb.curDay then
+      gdb.
+    end
+  end]]--
+  gdb.currentMoney = tmpMoney
+  self:Refresh()
+function GoldModule:FormatCoinText(money)
+  local showSC = xb.db.profile.modules.gold.showSmallCoins
+  local shortThousands = xb.db.profile.modules.gold.shortThousands
+  local g, s, c = self:SeparateCoins(money)
+  local formattedString = ''
+  if g > 0 then
+    formattedString = '%s'..GOLD_AMOUNT_SYMBOL
+    if g > 1000 and shortThousands then
+      g = floor(abs(g / 1000))
+      formattedString = '%s'..FIRST_NUMBER_CAP_NO_SPACE..GOLD_AMOUNT_SYMBOL
+    end
+  end
+  if s > 0 and (g < 1 or showSC) then
+    if g > 1 then
+      formattedString = formattedString..' '
+    end
+    formattedString = formattedString..'%d'..SILVER_AMOUNT_SYMBOL
+  end
+  if c > 0 and (s < 1 or showSC) then
+    if g > 1 or s > 1 then
+      formattedString = formattedString..' '
+    end
+    formattedString = formattedString..'%d'..COPPER_AMOUNT_SYMBOL
+  end
+  local ret = string.format(formattedString, BreakUpLargeNumbers(g), s, c)
+  if money < 0 then
+    ret = '-'..ret
+  end
+  return ret
+function GoldModule:SeparateCoins(money)
+  local gold, silver, copper = floor(abs(money / 10000)), floor(abs(mod(money / 100, 100))), floor(abs(mod(money, 100)))
+  return gold, silver, copper
+function GoldModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'gold', {
+      enabled = true,
+      showSmallCoins = false,
+      showFreeBagSpace = true,
+      shortThousands = false
+    }
+function GoldModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.gold.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.gold.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      },
+      showSmallCoins = {
+        name = L['Always Show Silver and Copper'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.gold.showSmallCoins; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.gold.showSmallCoins = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      showFreeBagSpace = {
+        name = L['Show Free Bag Space'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.gold.showFreeBagSpace; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.gold.showFreeBagSpace = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      shortThousands = {
+        name = L['Shorten Gold'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.gold.shortThousands; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.gold.shortThousands = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/heartstone.lua b/modules/heartstone.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 322ca4b..0000000
--- a/modules/heartstone.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.heartstone.show then return end
-local garrOnHover = false
-local hsOnHover = false
-local teleportFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-teleportFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local HSFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","hsButton", teleportFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
-HSFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-HSFrame:SetAttribute("type", "macro")
-local HSText = HSFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-HSText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-local HSIcon = HSFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-HSIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-HSIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", HSText,"LEFT",-2,0)
-HSFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.heartstone.showTooltip then return end
-	local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(6948)
-	if startTime ~= 0 then
-		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	end
-	hsOnHover = true
-HSFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	hsOnHover = false
-	if IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0 or IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0 then
-		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	else
-		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	end
--- Change the button action before the click reaches it:
-function HSFrame:ChangeAction(action)
-     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
-     self:SetAttribute("macrotext", action)
-HSFrame:SetScript("PreClick", function(self)
-     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
-     -- Innkeeper's Daughter
-     if PlayerHasToy(64488) and GetItemCooldown(64488) == 0 then
-          local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(64488)
-          return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
-     -- Hearthstone
-     elseif IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0 then
-          local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(6948)
-          return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
-     -- Astral Recall
-     elseif IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0 then
-          local spellName, _, spellIcon = GetSpellInfo(556)
-          return self:ChangeAction("/cast " .. spellName)
-     end
-     local playerLevel = UnitLevel("player")
-     if playerLevel > 70 and IsUsableItem(44315) and GetItemCooldown(44315) == 0 then
-          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall III")
-     elseif playerLevel > 40 and IsUsableItem(44314) and GetItemCooldown(44314) == 0 then
-          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall II")
-     elseif playerLevel <= 39 and IsUsableItem(37118) and GetItemCooldown(37118) == 0 then
-          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall")
-     end
-local garrisonFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","garrisonButton", teleportFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
-garrisonFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-garrisonFrame:SetAttribute("*type1", "macro")
--- Change the button action before the click reaches it:
-function garrisonFrame:ChangeAction(action)
-     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
-     self:SetAttribute("macrotext", action)
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("PreClick", function(self)
-     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
-	 if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		if IsUsableItem(128353) and GetItemCooldown(128353) == 0 then
-			local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(128353)
-			return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
-		end
-	else
-		if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
-			local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(110560)
-			return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
-		end
-	end
-local garrisonIcon = garrisonFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-garrisonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local garrisonText = garrisonFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-garrisonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-garrisonText:SetPoint("LEFT", garrisonIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(110560)
-	if startTime ~= 0 then
-		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	end
-	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	garrOnHover = true
-garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	garrOnHover = false
-	if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
-		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	else
-		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	end
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-local function hsHover()
-local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(6948)
-	if startTime ~= 0 then
-		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	end
-	HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-local function garrHover()
-local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(110560)
-	if startTime ~= 0 then
-		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
-		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
-		GameTooltip:Show()
-	end
-	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-local function updateTeleportText()
-local playerLevel = UnitLevel("player")
-	if PlayerHasToy(64488) and GetItemCooldown(64488) == 0
-	or IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0
-	or IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0
-    or playerLevel > 70 and IsUsableItem(44315) and GetItemCooldown(44315) == 0
-    or playerLevel > 40 and IsUsableItem(44314) and GetItemCooldown(44314) == 0
-    or playerLevel <= 39 and IsUsableItem(37118) and GetItemCooldown(37118) == 0
-	then
-		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		HSText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	else
-		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-		HSText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	end
-	if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
-		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		garrisonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	else
-		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-		garrisonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	end
-local elapsed = 0
-teleportFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
-	elapsed = elapsed + e
-	if elapsed >= 1 then
-		updateTeleportText()
-		if garrOnHover then garrHover() end
-		if hsOnHover then hsHover() end
-		elapsed = 0
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
-if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-HSFrame:SetSize(HSText:GetStringWidth()+16, 16)
-if IsUsableItem(110560) then
-	garrisonFrame:Show()
-	garrisonFrame:Hide()
-if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
-	if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
-		if arg2 == 1 then
-			if IsUsableItem(128353) then
-				garrisonText:SetText("SHIPYARD")
-				garrisonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."datatexts\\shipcomp")
-			end
-		elseif arg2 == 0 then
-			garrisonText:SetText("GARRISON")
-			garrisonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."datatexts\\garr")
-		end
-	end
-	garrisonFrame:SetSize(garrisonText:GetStringWidth()+16, 16)
-	teleportFrame:SetSize(HSFrame:GetWidth()+garrisonFrame:GetWidth()+8, 16)
diff --git a/modules/load_modules.xml b/modules/load_modules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10e910d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/load_modules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+  <!--<Script file="test.lua" />-->
+  <Script file="micromenu.lua" />
+  <Script file="clock.lua" />
+  <Script file="armor.lua" />
+  <Script file="travel.lua" />
+  <Script file="gold.lua" />
+  <Script file="tradeskill.lua" />
+  <Script file="currency.lua" />
+  <Script file="system.lua" />
+  <Script file="talent.lua" />
diff --git a/modules/micromenu.lua b/modules/micromenu.lua
index 54f23ae..0bf8be8 100644
--- a/modules/micromenu.lua
+++ b/modules/micromenu.lua
@@ -1,371 +1,589 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.micromenu.show then return end
-PlayerFrame.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf", 11, "THINOUTLINE")
-TargetFrame.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf", 11, "THINOUTLINE")
-local isBeautiful = IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_RaidUI") --!Beautycase check
-if isBeautiful then
-	subframes.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf",11,"THINOUTLINE")
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local MenuModule = xb:NewModule("MenuModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function MenuModule:GetName()
+  return L['Micromenu'];
+function MenuModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.mediaFolder = xb.constants.mediaPath..'microbar\\'
+  self.socialIconPath = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\"
+  self.icons = {}
+  self.frames = {}
+  self.text = {}
+  self.bgTexture = {}
+  self.functions = {}
+  self:CreateClickFunctions()
+  self.socialIcons = {
+    App = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp',
+      text = BNET_CLIENT_APP
+    },
+    D3 = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-D3icon.blp',
+      text = 'Diablo 3'
+    },
+    S2 = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp',
+      text = 'Starcraft 2'
+    },
+    WTCG = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp',
+      text = 'Hearthstone'
+    },
+    Hero = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-HotSicon.blp',
+      text = 'Heroes of the Storm'
+    },
+    Pro = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-OVERWATCHicon.blp',
+      text = 'Overwatch'
+    },
+    WoW = {
+      icon = self.socialIconPath..'Battlenet-WoWicon.blp',
+      text = 'World of Warcraft'
+    }
+  }
+function MenuModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.microMenuFrame == nil then
+    self.microMenuFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('microMenuFrame', self.microMenuFrame)
+  end
+  self.microMenuFrame:Show()
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.enabled then
+    self:CreateFrames()
+    self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+    self:CreateIcons()
+    self:Refresh()
+    self:UpdateGuildText()
+    self:UpdateFriendText()
+  end
+function MenuModule:OnDisable()
+  for _, frame in pairs(self.frames) do
+    frame:Hide()
+  end
+  self.microMenuFrame:Hide()
+  self:Refresh()
+  self:UnregisterFrameEvents()
+function MenuModule:Refresh()
+  if self.frames.menu == nil then return; end
+  if not xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.enabled then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED', function()
+      self:Refresh()
+      self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
+    end)
+    return
+  end
+  self.iconSize = xb:GetHeight();
+  local colors = xb.db.profile.color
+  local totalWidth = 0;
+  for name, frame in pairs(self.frames) do
+    frame:Show()
+    self:IconDefaults(name)
+    if name == 'menu' then
+      frame:SetPoint("LEFT", xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing, 0)
+      totalWidth = totalWidth + frame:GetWidth() + xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing
+    elseif name == 'chat' then
+      frame:SetPoint("LEFT", frame:GetParent(), "RIGHT", xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.mainMenuSpacing, 0)
+      totalWidth = totalWidth + frame:GetWidth() + xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.mainMenuSpacing
+    else
+      frame:SetPoint("LEFT", frame:GetParent(), "RIGHT", xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing, 0)
+      totalWidth = totalWidth + frame:GetWidth() + xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing
+    end
+  end
+  self.microMenuFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", xb.db.profile.general.barPadding, 0)
+  self.microMenuFrame:SetSize(totalWidth, xb:GetHeight())
+  for name, frame in pairs(self.text) do
+    frame:SetFont(xb:GetFont(xb.db.profile.text.smallFontSize))
+    frame:SetPoint('CENTER', self.frames[name], xb.miniTextPosition)
+    self.bgTexture[name]:SetColorTexture(xb.db.profile.color.barColor.r, xb.db.profile.color.barColor.g, xb.db.profile.color.barColor.b, xb.db.profile.color.barColor.a)
+    self.bgTexture[name]:SetPoint('CENTER', frame, 'CENTER')
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.hideSocialText then
+      frame:Hide()
+    end
+  end
+function MenuModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.frames.menu = self.frames.menu or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, xb:GetFrame('microMenuFrame'))
+  --self.frames.socialParent = self.frames.socialParent or CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, self.frames.menu)
+  self.frames.chat = self.frames.chat or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.menu)
+  self.frames.guild = self.frames.guild or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.chat)
+  self.frames.social = self.frames.social or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.guild)
+  --self.frames.microbar = self.frames.microbar or CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, self.frames.social)
+  self.frames.char = self.frames.char or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.social)
+  self.frames.spell = self.frames.spell or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.char)
+  self.frames.talent = self.frames.talent or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.spell)
+  self.frames.ach = self.frames.ach or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.talent)
+  self.frames.quest = self.frames.quest or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.ach)
+  self.frames.lfg = self.frames.lfg or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.quest)
+  self.frames.journal = self.frames.journal or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.lfg)
+  self.frames.pvp = self.frames.pvp or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.journal)
+  self.frames.pet = self.frames.pet or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.pvp)
+  self.frames.shop = self.frames.shop or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.pet)
+  self.frames.help = self.frames.help or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.frames.shop)
+  self.text.guild = self.text.guild or self.frames.guild:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.bgTexture.guild = self.bgTexture.guild or self.frames.guild:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+  self.text.social = self.text.social or self.frames.social:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.bgTexture.social = self.bgTexture.social or self.frames.social:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")

+function MenuModule:CreateIcons()
+  for name, frame in pairs(self.frames) do
+    if frame['Click'] ~= nil then --Odd way of checking if it's a button
+      if self.icons[name] == nil then
+        self.icons[name] = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+        self.icons[name]:SetTexture(self.mediaFolder..name)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function MenuModule:IconDefaults(name)
+  local colors = xb.db.profile.color
+  if self.frames[name] == nil then return; end
+  if self.frames[name]['Click'] ~= nil then
+    self.frames[name]:SetSize(self.iconSize, self.iconSize)
+  else
+    self.frames[name]:SetSize(floor(self.iconSize / 3), self.iconSize)
+  end
+  if self.icons[name] == nil then return; end
+  self.icons[name]:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  self.icons[name]:SetSize(self.iconSize, self.iconSize)
+  self.icons[name]:SetVertexColor(colors.normal.r, colors.normal.g, colors.normal.b, colors.normal.a)
+function MenuModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  for name, frame in pairs(self.frames) do
+    frame:EnableMouse(true)
+    if frame['Click'] ~= nil then
+      frame:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+      if self.functions[name] ~= nil then
+        frame:SetScript('OnClick', self.functions[name])
+      end
+    end
+    if name == 'guild' then
+      local leaveFunc = self:DefaultLeave(name)
+      frame:SetScript("OnEnter", self:GuildHover(self:DefaultHover(name)))
+      frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+        GameTooltip:Hide()
+        leaveFunc()
+      end)
+      frame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
+        if self.elapsed then
+          self.elapsed = self.elapsed + elapsed
+          if elapsed > 10 then
+            MenuModule:UpdateGuildText()
+          end
+        else
+          self.elapsed = elapsed
+        end
+      end)
+    elseif name == 'social' then
+      local leaveFunc = self:DefaultLeave(name)
+      frame:SetScript("OnEnter", self:SocialHover(self:DefaultHover(name)))
+      frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+        GameTooltip:Hide()
+        leaveFunc()
+      end)
+    else
+      frame:SetScript("OnEnter", self:DefaultHover(name))
+      frame:SetScript("OnLeave", self:DefaultLeave(name))
+    end
+  end
+  self:RegisterEvent('GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE', function()
+    self:UpdateGuildText(true)
+  end)
+  self:RegisterEvent('CHAT_MSG_GUILD', function()
+    self:UpdateGuildText(true)
+  end)
+  self:RegisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE', 'UpdateFriendText')
+  self:RegisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE', 'UpdateFriendText')
+  self:RegisterEvent('FRIENDLIST_UPDATE', 'UpdateFriendText')

-local gameMenuFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-gameMenuFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local gameMenuIcon = gameMenuFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	gameMenuIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() gameMenuIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleFrame(GameMenuFrame)
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		if IsShiftKeyDown() then ReloadUI()
-		elseif IsAltKeyDown() then
-			if cfg.useConfig then
-				--if cfg.SXconfigFrame:IsShown() then
-				ToggleFrame(cfg.SXconfigFrame)
-				--else
-				--ToggleFrame(cfg.SXconfigFrame)
-				--end
-			end
-		else ToggleFrame(AddonList) end
-	end
-local characterFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-characterFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local characterFrameIcon = characterFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-characterFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	characterFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-characterFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() characterFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-characterFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleCharacter("PaperDollFrame")
-	end
-local spellFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-spellFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local spellFrameIcon = spellFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-spellFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	spellFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-spellFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() spellFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-spellFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleFrame(SpellBookFrame)
-	end
-local talentFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-talentFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local talentFrameIcon = talentFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-talentFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	talentFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-talentFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() talentFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-talentFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		TalentMicroButton:Click()
-	end
-local achievementFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-achievementFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local achievementFrameIcon = achievementFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-achievementFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	achievementFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-achievementFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() achievementFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-achievementFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		securecall(ToggleAchievementFrame)
-	end
-local questFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-questFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local questFrameIcon = questFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-questFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	questFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-questFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() questFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-questFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		QuestLogMicroButton:Click()
-	end
--- LFG
-local lfgFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-lfgFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local lfgFrameIcon = lfgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-lfgFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	lfgFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-lfgFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() lfgFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-lfgFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		securecall(PVEFrame_ToggleFrame, 'GroupFinderFrame')
-	end
-local adventureFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-adventureFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local adventureFrameIcon = adventureFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-adventureFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	adventureFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-adventureFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() adventureFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-adventureFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		EJMicroButton:Click()
-	end
--- PvP
-local pvpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-pvpFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local pvpFrameIcon = pvpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-pvpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	pvpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-pvpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() pvpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-pvpFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		securecall(PVEFrame_ToggleFrame, 'PVPUIFrame', HonorFrame)
-	end
-local mountFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-mountFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local mountFrameIcon = mountFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-mountFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	mountFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-mountFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() mountFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-mountFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		securecall(ToggleCollectionsJournal, 1)
-	end
--- SHOP
-local shopFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-shopFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local shopFrameIcon = shopFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-shopFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	shopFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-shopFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() shopFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-shopFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		StoreMicroButton:Click()
-	end
--- HELP
-local helpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-helpFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local helpFrameIcon = helpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-helpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	helpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-helpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() helpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-helpFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		securecall(ToggleHelpFrame)
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
+function MenuModule:UnregisterFrameEvents()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('FRIENDLIST_UPDATE')
+function MenuModule:UpdateGuildText(isEvent)
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.hideSocialText then return; end
+  if isEvent == nil then
+    GuildRoster()
+  end
+  if IsInGuild() then
+    local _, onlineMembers = GetNumGuildMembers()
+    self.text.guild:SetText(onlineMembers)
+    self.bgTexture.guild:SetPoint('CENTER', self.text.guild)
+  else
+    self.text.guild:Hide()
+    self.bgTexture.guild:Hide()
+  end
+function MenuModule:UpdateFriendText()
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.hideSocialText then return; end
+  local _, bnOnlineMembers = BNGetNumFriends()
+  local _, friendsOnline = GetNumFriends()
+  local totalFriends = bnOnlineMembers + friendsOnline
+  self.text.social:SetText(totalFriends)
+  self.bgTexture.social:SetPoint('CENTER', self.text.social)
+function MenuModule:DefaultHover(name)
+  return function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if self.icons[name] ~= nil then
+      self.icons[name]:SetVertexColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    end
+  end
+function MenuModule:DefaultLeave(name)
+  return function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if self.icons[name] ~= nil then
+      self.icons[name]:SetVertexColor(xb.db.profile.color.normal.r, xb.db.profile.color.normal.g, xb.db.profile.color.normal.b, xb.db.profile.color.normal.a)
+    end
+  end
+function MenuModule:SocialHover(hoverFunc)
+  return function()
+    if not xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.showTooltips then
+      hoverFunc()
+      return
+    end
+    local totalBNFriends, totalBNOnlineFriends = BNGetNumFriends()
+    local totalFriends, totalOnlineFriends = GetNumFriends()
+    if (totalOnlineFriends + totalBNOnlineFriends) > 0 then
+      GameTooltip:SetOwner(MenuModule.frames.social, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+      GameTooltip:AddLine('[|cff6699FF'..L['Social']..'|r]')
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(' ')
+    end
+    if totalBNOnlineFriends then
+      for i = 1, BNGetNumFriends() do
+        local _, battleName, battleTag, _, charName, gameAccount, gameClient, isOnline, _, isAfk, isDnd, _, note = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
+        if isOnline then
+          if not battleTag then
+            battleTag = '['..L['No Tag']..']'
+          end
+          local _, _, _, realmName, _ = BNGetGameAccountInfo(gameAccount)
+          local status = L['Online']
+          local statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_ONLINE
+          local socialIcon = MenuModule.socialIcons[gameClient].icon
+          local gameName = MenuModule.socialIcons[gameClient].text
+          if isAfk then
+            statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_AFK
+            status = L['AFK']
+          end
+          if isDnd then
+            statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_DND
+            status = L['DND']
+          end
+          if gameClient == BNET_CLIENT_WOW then
+            charName = "(|cffecd672"..charName.."-"..realmName.."|r)"
+          else
+            charName = ''
+          end
+          if note ~= '' then
+            note = "(|cffecd672"..note.."|r)"
+          end
+          local lineLeft = string.format("|T%s:16|t|cff82c5ff %s|r %s", statusIcon, battleName, note)
+          local lineRight = string.format("%s %s |T%s:16|t", charName, gameName, socialIcon)
+          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineLeft, lineRight)
+        end -- isOnline
+      end -- for in BNGetNumFriends
+    end -- totalBNOnlineFriends
+    if totalOnlineFriends then
+      for i = 1, GetNumFriends() do
+        local name, level, class, area, isOnline, status, note = GetFriendInfo(i)
+        if online then
+          local status = L['Online']
+          local statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_ONLINE
+          if isAfk then
+            statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_AFK
+            status = L['AFK']
+          end
+          if isDnd then
+            statusIcon = FRIENDS_TEXTURE_DND
+            status = L['DND']
+          end
+          local lineLeft = string.format("|T%s:16|t %s, "..L['Level']..":%s %s", statusIcon, name, level, class)
+          local lineRight = string.format("%s", area)
+          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineLeft, lineRight)
+        end -- isOnline
+      end -- for in GetNumFriends
+    end -- totalOnlineFriends
+    if (totalOnlineFriends + totalBNOnlineFriends) > 0 then
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+    end
+    hoverFunc()
+  end
+function MenuModule:GuildHover(hoverFunc)
+  return function()
+    if not IsInGuild() then
+      hoverFunc()
+      return
+    end
+    if not xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.showTooltips then
+      hoverFunc()
+      return
+    end
+    GuildRoster()
+    GameTooltip:SetOwner(MenuModule.frames.guild, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Guild'].."|r]")
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    local gName, _, _, _ = GetGuildInfo('player')
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Guild']..':', gName, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
+    local totalGuild, _ = GetNumGuildMembers()
+    for i = 0, totalGuild do
+      local name, _, _, level, _, zone, note, _, isOnline, status, class, _, _, isMobile, _ = GetGuildRosterInfo(i)
+      if isOnline then
+        local colorHex = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class].colorStr
+        if status == 1 then
+          status = L['AFK'];
+        elseif status == 2 then
+          status = L['DND'];
+        else
+          status = ''
+        end
+        local lineLeft = string.format('%s |c%s%s|r %s %s', level, colorHex, name, status, note)
+        local lineRight = string.format('%s|cffffffff %s', (isMobile and "|cffffff00[M]|r " or ""), zone or '')
+        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineLeft, lineRight)
+      end
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(' ')
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Open Guild Page'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:Show()
+    hoverFunc()
+  end
+function MenuModule:CreateClickFunctions()
+  if self.functions.menu ~= nil then return; end
+  self.functions.menu = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+      ToggleFrame(GameMenuFrame)
+    elseif button == "RightButton" then
+      if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+        ReloadUI()
+      else
+        ToggleFrame(AddonList)
+      end
+    end
+  end; --menu
+  self.functions.chat = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+      ChatFrame_OpenMenu()
+    end
+  end; --chat
+  self.functions.guild = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+      ToggleGuildFrame()
+      if IsInGuild() then
+        GuildFrameTab2:Click()
+      end
+    end
+  end; --guild
+  self.functions.social = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+      ToggleFriendsFrame()
+    end
+  end; --social
+  self.functions.char = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+      ToggleCharacter("PaperDollFrame")
+    end
+  end; --char
+  self.functions.spell = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleFrame(SpellBookFrame)
+  	end
+  end; --spell
+  self.functions.talent = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleTalentFrame()
+  	end
+  end; --talent
+  self.functions.journal = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleEncounterJournal()
+  	end
+  end; --journal
+  self.functions.lfg = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleLFDParentFrame()
+  	end
+  end; --lfg
+  self.functions.pet = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleCollectionsJournal()
+  	end
+  end; --pet
+  self.functions.ach = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleAchievementFrame()
+  	end
+  end; --ach
+  self.functions.quest = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleQuestLog()
+  	end
+  end; --quest
+  self.functions.pvp = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		TogglePVPUI()
+  	end
+  end; --pvp
+  self.functions.shop = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleStoreUI()
+  	end
+  end; --shop
+  self.functions.help = function(self, button, down)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == "LeftButton" then
+  		ToggleHelpFrame()
+  	end
+  end; --help
+function MenuModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'microMenu', {
+      enabled = true,
+      showTooltips = true,
+      mainMenuSpacing = 2,
+      iconSpacing = 2,
+      hideSocialText = false
+    }
+function MenuModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end
+      },
+      showTooltips = {
+        name = L['Show Social Tooltips'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.showTooltips; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.showTooltips = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      hideSocialText = {
+        name = L['Hide Social Text'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.hideSocialText; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.hideSocialText = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      mainMenuSpacing = {
+        name = L['Main Menu Icon Right Spacing'],
+        order = 3,
+        type="range",
+        min = 2,
+        max = 20,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.mainMenuSpacing; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.mainMenuSpacing = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      iconSpacing = {
+        name = L['Icon Spacing'],
+        order = 4,
+        type="range",
+        min = 2,
+        max = 20,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.microMenu.iconSpacing = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/old/armor.lua b/modules/old/armor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e211304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/armor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.armor.show then return end
+local armorFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+local armorIcon = armorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+local armorText = armorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+armorText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+armorText:SetPoint("RIGHT", armorFrame,2,0)
+armorFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+armorFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	local durMin = 100
+		for i = 1, 18 do
+			local durCur, durMax = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
+			if ( durCur ~= durMax ) then durMin = min(durMin, durCur*(100/durMax)) end
+		end
+	if durMin >= cfg.armor.minArmor then
+		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	else
+		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	end
+armorFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
+	local durMin, durCol
+		durMin, durCol = 100, "ffffff"
+		for i = 1, 18 do
+			local durCur, durMax = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
+			if ( durCur ~= durMax ) then durMin = min(durMin, durCur*(100/durMax)) end
+		end
+	if durMin >= cfg.armor.maxArmor then
+		local overallilvl, equippedilvl = GetAverageItemLevel()
+		armorText:SetText(floor(equippedilvl).." ilvl")
+	else
+		armorText:SetText(floor(durMin).."% - "..floor(select(2,GetAverageItemLevel())).." ilvl")
+	end
+	if durMin >= cfg.armor.minArmor then
+		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	else
+		armorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	end
+	armorFrame:SetSize(armorText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/old/clock.lua b/modules/old/clock.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c17a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/clock.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.clock.show then return end
+local hour, minu = 0,0
+local AmPmTimeText = ""
+local clockFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+clockFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local clockText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+clockText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.SXframe:GetHeight()-4)
+local amText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+amText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+local calendarText = clockFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+calendarText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
+calendarText:SetPoint("CENTER", clockFrame, "TOP")
+if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+	calendarText:SetPoint("CENTER", clockFrame, "BOTTOM")
+local elapsed = 0
+clockFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
+	elapsed = elapsed + e
+	if elapsed >= 1 then
+		hour, minu = GetGameTime()
+		if minu < 10 then minu = ("0"..minu) end
+		if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseLocalTime") ) then
+			if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseMilitaryTime") ) then
+				clockText:SetText(date("%H:%M"))
+				amText:SetText("")
+			else
+				clockText:SetText(date("%I:%M"))
+				amText:SetText(date("%p"))
+			end
+		else
+			if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseMilitaryTime") ) then
+				clockText:SetText(hour..":"..minu)
+				amText:SetText("")
+			else
+				if hour > 12 then
+					hour = hour - 12
+					hour = ("0"..hour)
+					AmPmTimeText = "PM"
+				else
+					AmPmTimeText = "AM"
+				end
+				clockText:SetText(hour..":"..minu)
+				amText:SetText(AmPmTimeText)
+			end
+		end
+		if (CalendarGetNumPendingInvites() > 0) then
+			calendarText:SetText(string.format("%s  (|cffffff00%i|r)", "New Event!", (CalendarGetNumPendingInvites())))
+		else
+			calendarText:SetText("")
+		end
+		clockFrame:SetWidth(clockText:GetStringWidth() + amText:GetStringWidth())
+		clockFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", cfg.SXframe)
+		elapsed = 0
+	end
+clockFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	clockText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if cfg.clock.showTooltip then
+	hour, minu = GetGameTime()
+	if minu < 10 then minu = ("0"..minu) end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(clockFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFClock|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	if ( GetCVarBool("timeMgrUseLocalTime") ) then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Time", hour..":"..minu, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	else
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Local Time", date("%H:%M"), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Calendar", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Right-click>", "Open Clock", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+clockFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end clockText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+clockFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleCalendar()
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		ToggleTimeManager()
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/old/config.lua b/modules/old/config.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc5ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/config.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.useConfig then return end
+local configFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,cfg.SXconfigFrame,"ButtonFrameTemplate")
+local icon = configFrame:CreateTexture("$parentIcon", "OVERLAY", nil, -8)
+--SetPortraitTexture(icon, "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Portrait")
+local configFrameText = configFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+configFrameText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, cfg.text.normalFontSize, "OUTLINE")
+configFrameText:SetText(addon.." Configuration")
+local globalCheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "globalCheckButton", configFrame, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
+_G[globalCheckButton:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText("Use Module Coloring")
+globalCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self,event,arg1)
+	if self:GetChecked() then
+		UIDropDownMenu_EnableDropDown(globalModuleDropdown)
+		globalActiveModuleText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1)
+	else
+		UIDropDownMenu_DisableDropDown(globalModuleDropdown)
+		UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropDown, "Select Module")
+		globalActiveModuleText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,0.4)
+	end
+local resetButton = CreateFrame("Button", "MyButton", configFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+resetButton:SetSize(80 ,22) -- width, height
+resetButton:SetText("Reset Color")
+resetButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+	cfg.color = {
+		normal = {1,1,1,.75},
+		inactive = {1,1,1,.25},
+		hover = {cfg.cc.r,cfg.cc.g,cfg.cc.b,.75},
+		barcolor = {.094,.094,.102,.45},
+	}
+	print"The colors have been set to default."
+	else
+	print"Hold <Shift> if you want to set the colors to default."
+	end
+local activeModuleText = configFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+activeModuleText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, cfg.text.normalFontSize, "OUTLINE")
+activeModuleText:SetText("Active Module:")
+globalActiveModuleText = activeModuleText
+local dropDown = CreateFrame("frame", "selectModuleDropDown", configFrame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+dropDown:SetPoint("LEFT",activeModuleText, "RIGHT", -10,-5)
+UIDropDownMenu_SetText(dropDown, "Select Module")
+UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(dropDown, "LEFT")
+globalModuleDropdown = dropDown
+local modules = {
+	"None",
+	"Micromenu",
+	"Armor",
+	"Talent",
+	"Clock",
+	"Trade Skill",
+	"Currency",
+	"System",
+	"Gold",
+	"Heartstone",
+local function OnClick(self)
+	UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(dropDown, self:GetID())
+	if self:GetID() == 1 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 2 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 3 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 4 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 5 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 6 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 7 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 8 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 9 then
+	elseif self:GetID() == 10 then
+	end
+local function initialize(self, level)
+   local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+   for k,v in pairs(modules) do
+      info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+      info.text = v
+      info.value = v
+      info.func = OnClick
+      UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+   end
+UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropDown, initialize)
+UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(dropDown, 100);
+UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(dropDown, 75)
+local function showColorPicker(r,g,b,a,callback)
+	ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(r,g,b)
+	ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity, ColorPickerFrame.opacity = (a ~= nil), a
+	ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = {r,g,b,a}
+	ColorPickerFrame.func, ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc, ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = callback, callback, callback
+	ColorPickerFrame:Hide() -- Need to run the OnShow handler.
+	ColorPickerFrame:Show()
+local barColorFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
+barColorFrame.text = barColorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+barColorFrame.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
+barColorFrame.text:SetText("Bar Color")
+local normalColor = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
+normalColor.text = normalColor:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+normalColor.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
+normalColor.text:SetText("Normal Color")
+local inactiveColor = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
+inactiveColor.text = inactiveColor:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+inactiveColor.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
+inactiveColor.text:SetText("Inactive Color")
+local hoverColorFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME",nil,configFrame)
+hoverColorFrame.text = hoverColorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+hoverColorFrame.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16, "OUTLINE")
+hoverColorFrame.text:SetText("Hover Color")
+--recolor callback function
+normalColor.recolorTexture = function(color)
+	local r,g,b,a
+	if color then
+		r,g,b,a = unpack(color)
+	else
+		r,g,b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+		a = OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+	end
+	normalColor.text:SetTextColor(r,g,b,a)
+	cfg.color.normal = {r,g,b,a}
+	globalNormColSlider:SetValue(a*100)
+	globalNormColEditBox:SetNumber(a*100)
+normalColor:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self,button,...)
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		local r,g,b,a = self.text:GetTextColor()
+		showColorPicker(r,g,b,a,self.recolorTexture)
+	end
+local normalClassColorCheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "classColorNormalCheckButton", normalColor, "UIRadioButtonTemplate")
+_G[normalClassColorCheckButton:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText("Class color")
+normalClassColorCheckButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self,event,arg1)
+	if self:GetChecked() then
+		normalColor.text:SetTextColor(cfg.cc.r,cfg.cc.g,cfg.cc.b)
+		normalColor:EnableMouse(false)
+		globalNormColEditBox:Enable()
+		globalNormColSlider:Enable()
+		globalNormColSlider:SetAlpha(1)
+	else
+		normalColor.text:SetTextColor(1,1,1,.75)
+		normalColor:EnableMouse(true)
+		globalNormColEditBox:Disable()
+		globalNormColSlider:Disable()
+		globalNormColSlider:SetAlpha(.4)
+	end
+local slider = CreateFrame("Slider","MyExampleSlider",normalClassColorCheckButton,"OptionsSliderTemplate") --frameType, frameName, frameParent, frameTemplate
+slider.textLow = _G["MyExampleSlider".."Low"]
+slider.textHigh = _G["MyExampleSlider".."High"]
+slider.text = _G["MyExampleSlider".."Text"]
+slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100)
+slider.minValue, slider.maxValue = slider:GetMinMaxValues()
+slider.text:SetText("Class Color Alpha:")
+slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self,event,arg1)
+	normalColor.text:SetAlpha(event/100)
+	globalNormColEditBox:SetNumber(event)
+globalNormColSlider = slider
+local EditBox = CreateFrame("EditBox",nil,slider)
+EditBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(self)
+    self:ClearFocus()
+	globalNormColSlider:SetValue(EditBox:GetNumber())
+globalNormColEditBox = EditBox
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/old/currency.lua b/modules/old/currency.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bbc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/currency.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.currency.show then return end
+local iconPos = "RIGHT"
+local textPos = "LEFT"
+if cfg.currency.textOnRight then
+	iconPos = "LEFT"
+	textPos = "RIGHT"
+local currencyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+currencyFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 340,0)
+currencyFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+-- XP BAR
+local xpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+xpFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 350,0)
+xpFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local xpIcon = xpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+xpIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local xpText = xpFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+xpText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+xpText:SetPoint("RIGHT",xpFrame,2,0 )
+local xpStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, xpFrame)
+xpStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", xpText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+local xpStatusbarBG = xpStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
+xpStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", xpText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+xpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	xpIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	xpStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
+	local mxp = UnitXPMax("player")
+	local xp = UnitXP("player")
+	local nxp = mxp - xp
+	local rxp = GetXPExhaustion()
+	local name, standing, minrep, maxrep, value = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
+	if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(xpStatusbar, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	else
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(xpFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFExperience Bar|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(COMBAT_XP_GAIN, format(cfg.SVal(xp)).."|cffffd100/|r"..format(cfg.SVal(mxp)).." |cffffd100/|r "..floor((xp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%",NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(NEED, format(cfg.SVal(nxp)).." |cffffd100/|r "..floor((nxp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%",NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
+	if rxp then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(TUTORIAL_TITLE26, format(cfg.SVal(rxp)) .." |cffffd100/|r ".. floor((rxp/mxp)*1000)/10 .."%", NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g,NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b,1,1,1)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+xpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	xpIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	xpStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+local rerollFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
+rerollFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local rerollIcon = rerollFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+rerollIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local rerollText = rerollFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+rerollText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+rerollFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	rerollIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFReroll|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	local SoIFname, SoIFamount, SoIFicon, SoIFearnedThisWeek, SoIFweeklyMax, SoIFtotalMax, SoIFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1129)
+	if SoIFamount > 0 then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(SoIFname,1,1,0)
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("|cffffff00Weekly: |cffffffff"..SoIFearnedThisWeek.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoIFweeklyMax, "|cffffff00Total: |cffffffff"..SoIFamount.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoIFtotalMax)
+	else
+		local SoTFname, SoTFamount, SoTFicon, SoTFearnedThisWeek, SoTFweeklyMax, SoTFtotalMax, SoTFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(994)
+		if SoTFamount > 0 then
+			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(SoTFname, "|cffffff00Total: |cffffffff"..SoTFamount.."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..SoTFtotalMax)
+		end
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+rerollFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+	rerollIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+rerollFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
+	end
+local honorFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
+honorFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local honorIcon = honorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+honorIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local honorText = honorFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+honorText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+honorFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	honorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFHonor Level:|r"..UnitHonorLevel("player").."]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(concName,"|cffffff00Honor: |cffffffff"..UnitHonor("player").."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..UnitHonorMax("player"))
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+honorFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+	honorIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+honorFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
+	end
+local garrisonFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, currencyFrame)
+garrisonFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local garrisonIcon = garrisonFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+garrisonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local garrisonText = garrisonFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+garrisonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.currency.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(currencyFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGarrison Recources|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	local grName, grAmount, _, _, _, grTotalMax = GetCurrencyInfo(824)
+	local oilName, oilAmount, _, _, _, oilTotalMax, oilIsDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1101)
+	local apexisName, apexisAmount = GetCurrencyInfo(823)
+	local DICName, DICAmount, _, _, _, DICTotalMax = GetCurrencyInfo(980)
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(grName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(grAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(grTotalMax)))
+	if oilIsDiscovered then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(oilName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(oilAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(oilTotalMax)))
+	end
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(apexisName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(apexisAmount)))
+	if DICAmount > 0 then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(DICName, "|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(DICAmount)).."|cffffff00/|cffffffff"..format(cfg.SVal(DICTotalMax)))
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleCharacter("TokenFrame")
+	end
+local function updateXP(xp, mxp)
+	if UnitLevel("player") == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL or not cfg.currency.showXPbar then
+		xpFrame:Hide()
+		xpFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+		currencyFrame:Show()
+	else
+		currencyFrame:Hide()
+		xpFrame:Show()
+		xpFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+		xpStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, mxp)
+		xpStatusbar:SetValue(xp)
+		xpText:SetText("LEVEL "..UnitLevel("player").." "..cfg.CLASS)
+		xpFrame:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+		xpStatusbar:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+		xpStatusbarBG:SetSize(xpText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
+	--if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or event == "PLAYER_XP_UPDATE" or event == "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP" then
+	if UnitLevel("player") ~= MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL and cfg.currency.showXPbar then
+		mxp = UnitXPMax("player")
+		xp = UnitXP("player")
+		updateXP(xp, mxp)
+		currencyFrame:Hide()
+	else
+		xpFrame:Hide()
+	end
+	if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
+		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
+			if UnitLevel("player") == MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL or not cfg.currency.showXPbar then return end
+			if arg2 == 1 then
+				xpFrame:Hide()
+				xpFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+				currencyFrame:Show()
+			elseif arg2 == 0 then
+				currencyFrame:Hide()
+				xpFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+				xpFrame:Show()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- reroll currency
+	local SoIFname, SoIFamount, _, _, _, SoIFtotalMax, SoIFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(1129)
+	if SoIFamount > 0 then
+		rerollText:SetText(SoIFamount)
+	else
+		local SoTFname, SoTFamount, _, _, _, SoTFtotalMax, SoTFisDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(994)
+		if SoTFamount > 0 then rerollText:SetText(SoTFamount) end
+	end
+	rerollFrame:SetSize(rerollText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+	-- honor currency
+	honorText:SetText(UnitHonor("player"))
+	honorFrame:SetSize(honorText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+	currencyFrame:SetSize(rerollFrame:GetWidth()+honorFrame:GetWidth()+6,16)
+	-- garrison currency
+	local grName, grAmount, _, grEarnedThisWeek, grWeeklyMax, grTotalMax, grIsDiscovered = GetCurrencyInfo(824)
+	garrisonText:SetText(grAmount)
+	garrisonFrame:SetSize(garrisonText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+	currencyFrame:SetSize(rerollFrame:GetWidth()+honorFrame:GetWidth()+garrisonFrame:GetWidth()+6,16)
diff --git a/modules/old/gold.lua b/modules/old/gold.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4fb3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/gold.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.gold.show then return end
+local onHover = false
+local function goldConverter(money)
+	local g, s, c = abs(money/10000), abs(mod(money/100, 100)), abs(mod(money, 100))
+	local cash
+	if ( g < 1 ) then g = "" else g = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffffd700g|r ", g) end
+	if ( s < 1 ) then s = "" else s = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffc7c7cfs|r ", s) end
+	if ( c == 0 ) then c = "" else c = string.format("|cffffffff%d|cffeda55fc|r", c) end
+	cash = string.format("%s%s%s", g, s, c)
+	if money == 0 then cash = "|cffffffff0" end
+	return cash
+local playerName, playerFaction, playerRealm = UnitName("player"), UnitFactionGroup("player"), GetRealmName()
+local positiveSign = "|cff00ff00+ "
+local negativeSign = "|cffff0000- "
+local goldFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+goldFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+ local function goldFrameOnEnter()
+	if not cfg.gold.showTooltip then return end
+	if not onHover then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(goldFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGold|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	---------------------------------------------------
+	local gold = GetMoney()
+	local logDate = ns.playerData.lastLoginDate
+	local sessionGold = ns.playerData["money_on_session_start"]
+	local sessionGoldIcon = ""
+	sessionGold = sessionGold - gold
+	if sessionGold < 0 then
+		sessionGoldIcon = positiveSign
+	elseif sessionGold > 0 then
+		sessionGoldIcon = negativeSign
+	else
+	end
+	local dayGold = ns.playerData["money_on_first_login_today"]
+	local dayGoldIcon = ""
+	dayGold = dayGold - gold
+	if dayGold < 0 then
+		dayGoldIcon = positiveSign
+	elseif dayGold > 0 then
+		dayGoldIcon = negativeSign
+	else
+	end
+	local weekGold = ns.playerData["money_on_first_weekday"]
+	local weekGoldIcon = ""
+	weekGold = weekGold - gold
+	if weekGold < 0 then
+		weekGoldIcon = positiveSign
+	elseif weekGold > 0 then
+		weekGoldIcon = negativeSign
+	else
+	end
+	local totalGold = 0
+	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
+		for k, v in pairs(val) do
+			if k == "money_on_log_out" then
+				totalGold = totalGold + v
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local realmDailyGold = 0
+	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
+		for k, v in pairs(val) do
+			if k == "money_on_first_login_today" then
+				realmDailyGold = realmDailyGold + v
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local realmDayGoldIcon = ""
+	realmDailyGold = realmDailyGold - totalGold
+	if realmDailyGold < 0 then
+		realmDayGoldIcon = positiveSign
+	elseif realmDailyGold > 0 then
+		realmDayGoldIcon = negativeSign
+	else
+	end
+	local realmWeeklyGold = 0
+	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
+		for k, v in pairs(val) do
+			if k == "money_on_first_weekday" then
+				realmWeeklyGold = realmWeeklyGold + v
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	local realmWeekGoldIcon = ""
+	realmWeeklyGold = realmWeeklyGold - totalGold
+	if realmWeeklyGold < 0 then
+		realmWeekGoldIcon = positiveSign
+	elseif realmWeeklyGold > 0 then
+		realmWeekGoldIcon = negativeSign
+	else
+	end
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(playerName.."|r's Gold",format(goldConverter(gold)))
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Daily Balance",realmDayGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(realmDailyGold)))
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Weekly Balance",realmWeekGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(realmWeeklyGold)))
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	for key, val in pairs(ns.realmData[playerFaction]) do
+		for k, v in pairs(val) do
+			if k == "money_on_log_out" then
+				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(key,format(goldConverter(v)))
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	else
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Session Balance",sessionGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(sessionGold)))
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Daily Balance",dayGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(dayGold)))
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Weekly Balance",weekGoldIcon..format(goldConverter(weekGold)))
+	end
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Realm Gold","|cffffffff"..format(goldConverter(totalGold)))
+	if not IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Shift-hold>", "Show the |cffffff00"..playerRealm.." - "..playerFaction.."|r gold", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+ end
+ local function freeSpaceBags()
+	local freeSlots = 0
+	for i=0, 4,1 do
+		freeSlots = freeSlots+select(1,GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i))
+	end
+	return freeSlots
+local goldIcon = goldFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+local goldText = goldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+goldText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+goldText:SetPoint("LEFT", goldIcon,15,0)
+local spaceText = goldFrame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY")
+spaceText:SetPoint("LEFT", goldIcon,-17,0)
+spaceText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+goldFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	goldIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	onHover = true
+	goldFrameOnEnter()
+goldFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() onHover = false end goldIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+goldFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		OpenAllBags()
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		CloseAllBags()
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
+	goldFrameOnEnter()
+	if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
+		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
+			if arg2 == 1 then
+				goldFrameOnEnter()
+			elseif arg2 == 0 then
+				goldFrameOnEnter()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if event=="BAG_UPDATE" and cfg.gold.showFreeBagSpace then
+		spaceText:SetText("("..freeSpaceBags()..")")
+	end
+	local gold = GetMoney()
+	ns.playerData["money_on_log_out"] = gold
+	local g, s, c = abs(gold/10000), abs(mod(gold/100, 100)), abs(mod(gold, 100))
+	if g > 1 then
+		goldText:SetText(floor(g).."g")
+	elseif s > 1 then
+		goldText:SetText(floor(s).."s")
+	else
+		goldText:SetText(floor(c).."c")
+	end
+	if gold == 0 then goldText:SetText("0") end
+	goldFrame:SetSize(goldText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
diff --git a/modules/old/heartstone.lua b/modules/old/heartstone.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..322ca4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/heartstone.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.heartstone.show then return end
+local garrOnHover = false
+local hsOnHover = false
+local teleportFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+teleportFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local HSFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","hsButton", teleportFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+HSFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+HSFrame:SetAttribute("type", "macro")
+local HSText = HSFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+HSText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+local HSIcon = HSFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+HSIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+HSIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", HSText,"LEFT",-2,0)
+HSFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.heartstone.showTooltip then return end
+	local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(6948)
+	if startTime ~= 0 then
+		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+	hsOnHover = true
+HSFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	hsOnHover = false
+	if IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0 or IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0 then
+		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	else
+		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	end
+-- Change the button action before the click reaches it:
+function HSFrame:ChangeAction(action)
+     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
+     self:SetAttribute("macrotext", action)
+HSFrame:SetScript("PreClick", function(self)
+     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
+     -- Innkeeper's Daughter
+     if PlayerHasToy(64488) and GetItemCooldown(64488) == 0 then
+          local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(64488)
+          return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
+     -- Hearthstone
+     elseif IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0 then
+          local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(6948)
+          return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
+     -- Astral Recall
+     elseif IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0 then
+          local spellName, _, spellIcon = GetSpellInfo(556)
+          return self:ChangeAction("/cast " .. spellName)
+     end
+     local playerLevel = UnitLevel("player")
+     if playerLevel > 70 and IsUsableItem(44315) and GetItemCooldown(44315) == 0 then
+          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall III")
+     elseif playerLevel > 40 and IsUsableItem(44314) and GetItemCooldown(44314) == 0 then
+          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall II")
+     elseif playerLevel <= 39 and IsUsableItem(37118) and GetItemCooldown(37118) == 0 then
+          return self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/use Scroll of Recall")
+     end
+local garrisonFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","garrisonButton", teleportFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+garrisonFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+garrisonFrame:SetAttribute("*type1", "macro")
+-- Change the button action before the click reaches it:
+function garrisonFrame:ChangeAction(action)
+     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
+     self:SetAttribute("macrotext", action)
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("PreClick", function(self)
+     if InCombatLockdown() then return end -- can't change attributes in combat
+	 if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		if IsUsableItem(128353) and GetItemCooldown(128353) == 0 then
+			local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(128353)
+			return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
+		end
+	else
+		if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
+			local itemName, itemLink, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemIcon = GetItemInfo(110560)
+			return self:ChangeAction("/use " .. itemName)
+		end
+	end
+local garrisonIcon = garrisonFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+garrisonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local garrisonText = garrisonFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+garrisonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+garrisonText:SetPoint("LEFT", garrisonIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(110560)
+	if startTime ~= 0 then
+		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	garrOnHover = true
+garrisonFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	garrOnHover = false
+	if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
+		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	else
+		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	end
+	GameTooltip:Hide()
+local function hsHover()
+local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(6948)
+	if startTime ~= 0 then
+		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+	HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+local function garrHover()
+local startTime, duration = GetItemCooldown(110560)
+	if startTime ~= 0 then
+		local CDremaining = (startTime+duration)-GetTime()
+		GameTooltip:SetOwner(teleportFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Cooldown",SecondsToTime(CDremaining),1,1,0,1,1,1)
+		GameTooltip:Show()
+	end
+	garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+local function updateTeleportText()
+local playerLevel = UnitLevel("player")
+	if PlayerHasToy(64488) and GetItemCooldown(64488) == 0
+	or IsUsableItem(6948) and GetItemCooldown(6948) == 0
+	or IsPlayerSpell(556) and GetSpellCooldown(556) == 0
+    or playerLevel > 70 and IsUsableItem(44315) and GetItemCooldown(44315) == 0
+    or playerLevel > 40 and IsUsableItem(44314) and GetItemCooldown(44314) == 0
+    or playerLevel <= 39 and IsUsableItem(37118) and GetItemCooldown(37118) == 0
+	then
+		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		HSText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	else
+		HSIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+		HSText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	end
+	if IsUsableItem(110560) and GetItemCooldown(110560) == 0 then
+		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		garrisonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	else
+		garrisonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+		garrisonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	end
+local elapsed = 0
+teleportFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
+	elapsed = elapsed + e
+	if elapsed >= 1 then
+		updateTeleportText()
+		if garrOnHover then garrHover() end
+		if hsOnHover then hsHover() end
+		elapsed = 0
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
+if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+HSFrame:SetSize(HSText:GetStringWidth()+16, 16)
+if IsUsableItem(110560) then
+	garrisonFrame:Show()
+	garrisonFrame:Hide()
+if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
+	if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
+		if arg2 == 1 then
+			if IsUsableItem(128353) then
+				garrisonText:SetText("SHIPYARD")
+				garrisonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."datatexts\\shipcomp")
+			end
+		elseif arg2 == 0 then
+			garrisonText:SetText("GARRISON")
+			garrisonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."datatexts\\garr")
+		end
+	end
+	garrisonFrame:SetSize(garrisonText:GetStringWidth()+16, 16)
+	teleportFrame:SetSize(HSFrame:GetWidth()+garrisonFrame:GetWidth()+8, 16)
diff --git a/modules/old/micromenu.lua b/modules/old/micromenu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d762a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/micromenu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.micromenu.show then return end
+PlayerFrame.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf", 11, "THINOUTLINE")
+TargetFrame.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf", 11, "THINOUTLINE")
+local isBeautiful = IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_RaidUI") --!Beautycase check
+if isBeautiful then
+	subframes.name:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Drk\\media\\BigNoodleTitling.ttf",11,"THINOUTLINE")
+local gameMenuFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+gameMenuFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local gameMenuIcon = gameMenuFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	gameMenuIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() gameMenuIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+gameMenuFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleFrame(GameMenuFrame)
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() then ReloadUI()
+		elseif IsAltKeyDown() then
+			if cfg.useConfig then
+				--if cfg.SXconfigFrame:IsShown() then
+				ToggleFrame(cfg.SXconfigFrame)
+				--else
+				--ToggleFrame(cfg.SXconfigFrame)
+				--end
+			end
+		else ToggleFrame(AddonList) end
+	end
+local characterFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+characterFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local characterFrameIcon = characterFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+characterFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	characterFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+characterFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() characterFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+characterFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleCharacter("PaperDollFrame")
+	end
+local spellFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+spellFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local spellFrameIcon = spellFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+spellFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	spellFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+spellFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() spellFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+spellFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleFrame(SpellBookFrame)
+	end
+local talentFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+talentFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local talentFrameIcon = talentFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+talentFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	talentFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+talentFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() talentFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+talentFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		TalentMicroButton:Click()
+	end
+local achievementFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+achievementFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local achievementFrameIcon = achievementFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+achievementFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	achievementFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+achievementFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() achievementFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+achievementFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		securecall(ToggleAchievementFrame)
+	end
+local questFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+questFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local questFrameIcon = questFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+questFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	questFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+questFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() questFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+questFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		QuestLogMicroButton:Click()
+	end
+-- LFG
+local lfgFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+lfgFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local lfgFrameIcon = lfgFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+lfgFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	lfgFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+lfgFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() lfgFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+lfgFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		securecall(PVEFrame_ToggleFrame, 'GroupFinderFrame')
+	end
+local adventureFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+adventureFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local adventureFrameIcon = adventureFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+adventureFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	adventureFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+adventureFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() adventureFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+adventureFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		EJMicroButton:Click()
+	end
+-- PvP
+local pvpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+pvpFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local pvpFrameIcon = pvpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+pvpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	pvpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+pvpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() pvpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+pvpFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		securecall(PVEFrame_ToggleFrame, 'PVPUIFrame', HonorFrame)
+	end
+local mountFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+mountFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local mountFrameIcon = mountFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+mountFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	mountFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+mountFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() mountFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+mountFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		securecall(ToggleCollectionsJournal, 1)
+	end
+-- SHOP
+local shopFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+shopFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local shopFrameIcon = shopFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+shopFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	shopFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+shopFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() shopFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+shopFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		StoreMicroButton:Click()
+	end
+-- HELP
+local helpFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+helpFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local helpFrameIcon = helpFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+helpFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	helpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+helpFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() helpFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+helpFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		securecall(ToggleHelpFrame)
+	end
diff --git a/modules/old/social.lua b/modules/old/social.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f70414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/social.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.micromenu.show then return end
+local chatFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+chatFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local chatFrameIcon = chatFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+chatFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	chatFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+chatFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() chatFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+chatFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ChatMenu:SetScale(cfg.core.scale)
+		ChatMenu:ClearAllPoints()
+		if not ChatMenu:IsShown() then
+		if cfg.core.position == "BOTTOM" then
+			ChatMenu:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", chatFrame, "TOPLEFT")
+		else
+			ChatMenu:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", chatFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+		end
+		ChatFrameMenuButton:Click()
+		else ChatMenu:Hide() end
+	end
+local guildFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+guildFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local guildIcon = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+local guildText = guildFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+guildText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
+guildText:SetPoint("CENTER", guildFrame, "TOP")
+if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+	guildText:SetPoint("CENTER", guildFrame, "BOTTOM")
+local guildTextBG = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+guildFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	guildIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.micromenu.showTooltip then return end
+if ( IsInGuild() ) then
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(guildFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGuild|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	--------------------------
+	guildList = {}
+	guildName, guildRank, _ = GetGuildInfo("player")
+	guildMotto = GetGuildRosterMOTD()
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Guild:", guildName, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
+	for i = 0, select(1, GetNumGuildMembers()) do
+		local name, rank, rankIndex, level, class, zone, note, officernote, online, status, classFileName, achievementPoints, achievementRank, isMobile, canSoR = GetGuildRosterInfo(i)
+		if ( online ) then
+			if status == 0 then status = "" elseif status == 1 then status = "AFK" elseif status == 2 then status = "DND" end
+		local cCol = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].r*255, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].g*255, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].b*255)
+		local lineL = string.format("%s |cff%s%s|r %s %s", level, cCol, name, status, note)
+		local lineR = string.format("%s|cffffffff %s", isMobile and "|cffffff00[M]|r " or "", zone or "")
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
+		end
+	end
+	--GameTooltip:AddLine("No Guild")
+GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+if ( IsInGuild() ) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Guild Page", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1) end
+guildFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end guildIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+guildFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		if ( IsInGuild() ) then
+			ToggleGuildFrame()
+			GuildFrameTab2:Click()
+		else
+			print"|cff6699FFSXUI|r: You are not in a guild"
+		end
+	end
+local friendFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+friendFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
+local friendIcon = friendFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+local friendText = guildFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+friendText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
+friendText:SetPoint("CENTER", friendFrame, "TOP")
+if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+	friendText:SetPoint("CENTER", friendFrame, "BOTTOM")
+local friendTextBG = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+friendFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	friendIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.micromenu.showTooltip then return end
+	local totalBNet, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
+	if numBNetOnline then
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(friendFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFSocial|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	--------------------------
+	local onlineBnetFriends = false
+	for j = 1, BNGetNumFriends() do
+		local BNid, BNname, battleTag, _, toonname, toonid, client, online, lastonline, isafk, isdnd, broadcast, note = BNGetFriendInfo(j)
+		if ( online ) then
+			if (not battleTag) then battleTag = "[noTag]" end
+			local status = ""
+			local statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Online.blp"
+			if ( isafk ) then
+				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Away.blp"
+				status = "(AFK)"
+			end
+			if  ( isdnd ) == "D3" then
+				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-DnD.blp"
+				status = "(DND)"
+			end
+			local gameIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark.blp"
+			if client == "App" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp"
+				client = "Bnet"
+			elseif client == "D3" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-D3icon.blp"
+				client = "Diablo III"
+			elseif client == "Hero" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-HotSicon.blp"
+				client = "Hero of the Storm"
+			elseif client == "S2" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp"
+				client = "Starcraft 2"
+			elseif client == "WoW" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-WoWicon.blp"
+			elseif client == "WTCG" then
+				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp"
+				client = "Heartstone"
+			end
+			if client == "WoW" then
+				toonname = ("(|cffecd672"..toonname.."|r)")
+			else
+				toonname = ""
+			end
+			if not note then
+			note = ""
+			else
+			note = ("(|cffecd672"..note.."|r)")
+			end
+			local lineL = string.format("|T%s:16|t|cff82c5ff %s|r %s",statusIcon, BNname, note)
+			local lineR = string.format("%s %s |T%s:16|t",toonname, client or "",  gameIcon)
+			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
+			onlineBnetFriends = true
+		end
+	end
+if onlineBnetFriends then GameTooltip:AddLine(" ") end
+local onlineFriends = false
+	for i = 1, GetNumFriends() do
+		local name, lvl, class, area, online, status, note = GetFriendInfo(i)
+		if ( online ) then
+			local status = ""
+			local statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Online.blp"
+			if ( isafk ) then
+				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Away.blp"
+				status = "(AFK)"
+			end
+			if  ( isdnd ) == "D3" then
+				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-DnD.blp"
+				status = "(DND)"
+			end
+			local lineL = string.format("|T%s:16|t %s, lvl:%s %s", statusIcon, name, lvl, class)
+			local lineR = string.format("%s", area or "")
+			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
+			onlineFriends = true
+		end
+	end
+if onlineFriends then GameTooltip:AddLine(" ") end
+GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Friends List", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+friendFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end friendIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
+friendFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		ToggleFriendsFrame()
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
+	local numOnline = ""
+	if IsInGuild() then
+		_, numOnline, _ = GetNumGuildMembers()
+	end
+	guildText:SetText(numOnline)
+	guildTextBG:SetSize(guildText:GetWidth()+4,guildText:GetHeight()+2)
+	guildTextBG:SetPoint("CENTER",guildText)
+	local totalBNet, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
+	friendText:SetText(numBNetOnline)
+	if numBNetOnline == 0 then
+		friendText:SetText("")
+	else
+	end
+	friendTextBG:SetSize(friendText:GetWidth()+4,friendText:GetHeight()+2)
+	friendTextBG:SetPoint("CENTER",friendText)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/old/system.lua b/modules/old/system.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..649f9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/system.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.system.show then return end
+local onHover = false
+ local memformat = function(number)
+    if number > 1024 then
+      return string.format("%.2f|r mb", (number / 1024))
+    else
+      return string.format("%.1f|r kb", floor(number))
+    end
+  end
+local systemFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+systemFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", -350,0)
+systemFrame:SetSize(120, 16)
+local addoncompare = function(a, b)
+	return a.memory > b.memory
+ local function systemBarOnEnter()
+ if not cfg.system.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(systemFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFPerformance|r]")
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	---------------------------------------------------
+	local color = { r=1, g=1, b=0 }
+    local blizz = collectgarbage("count")
+    local addons = {}
+    local enry, memory
+    local total = 0
+    local nr = 0
+	local numberOfAddons = 0
+    UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("Top "..cfg.system.addonListShift.." AddOns", 1,1,0)
+	else
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("Top "..cfg.system.addonList.." AddOns", 1,1,0)
+	end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    for i=1, GetNumAddOns(), 1 do
+      if (GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i) > 0 ) then
+        memory = GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
+        entry = {name = GetAddOnInfo(i), memory = memory}
+        table.insert(addons, entry)
+        total = total + memory
+      end
+    end
+    table.sort(addons, addoncompare)
+    for _, entry in pairs(addons) do
+		if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+			numberOfAddons = cfg.system.addonListShift
+		else
+			numberOfAddons = cfg.system.addonList
+		end
+		if nr < numberOfAddons then
+			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(entry.name, memformat(entry.memory), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+			nr = nr+1
+		end
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total", memformat(total), 1,1,0, 1,1,0)
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total incl. Blizzard", memformat(blizz), 1,1,0, 1,1,0)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Force garbage collection", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	if not IsShiftKeyDown() then
+		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Shift-hold>", "Show |cffffff00"..cfg.system.addonListShift.."|r addons", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+local function systemBarOnLeave()
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+local pingFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","SX_pingFrame", systemFrame)
+pingFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local pingIcon = pingFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+pingIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local pingText = pingFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+pingText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+pingText:SetPoint("LEFT", pingIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
+pingFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	pingIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	onHover = true
+	systemBarOnEnter()
+pingFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	pingIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	onHover = false
+	systemBarOnLeave()
+pingFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+		local before = gcinfo()
+		collectgarbage()
+		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+		local after = gcinfo()
+		print("|cff6699FFSXUI|r: Cleaned: |cffffff00"..memformat(before-after))
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		ToggleFrame(VideoOptionsFrame)
+	end
+local fpsFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, systemFrame)
+fpsFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local fpsIcon = fpsFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+fpsIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local fpsText = fpsFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+fpsText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+fpsText:SetPoint("LEFT", fpsIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
+fpsFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	fpsIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	onHover = true
+	systemBarOnEnter()
+fpsFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	fpsIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	onHover = false
+	systemBarOnLeave()
+fpsFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+		local before = gcinfo()
+		collectgarbage()
+		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+		local after = gcinfo()
+		print("|cff6699FFSXUI|r: Cleaned: |cffffff00"..memformat(before-after))
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		ToggleFrame(VideoOptionsFrame)
+	end
+local function SXUImemory()
+local t = 0
+for i=1, GetNumAddOns(), 1 do
+	t = t + GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
+return cfg.memformat(t)
+local function updatePerformanceText()
+	local fps = floor(GetFramerate())
+	local BWIn, BWOut, LCHome, LCWorld = GetNetStats()
+  local pingString = LCHome.."ms";
+  if cfg.system.showWorldPing then
+    pingString = pingString.." "..LCWorld.."ms"
+  end
+	pingText:SetText(pingString)
+	pingFrame:SetSize(pingText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+	fpsText:SetText(fps.."fps")
+	fpsFrame:SetSize(fpsText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+	if onHover then
+		systemBarOnEnter()
+	end
+local elapsed = 0
+systemFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
+	elapsed = elapsed + e
+	if elapsed >= 1 then
+		updatePerformanceText()
+		elapsed = 0
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
+if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
+		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
+			if arg2 == 1 then
+					if onHover then
+		systemBarOnEnter()
+	end
+			elseif arg2 == 0 then
+					if onHover then
+		systemBarOnEnter()
+	end
+			end
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/modules/old/talent.lua b/modules/old/talent.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f0fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/talent.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.talent.show then return end
+local currentSpec = 0 -- from 1-4
+local currentSpecID, currentSpecName = 0,0 --global id
+local lootspecid = 0
+local id, name = 0,0
+local talentFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",'SX_TalentFrame', cfg.SXframe)
+talentFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", -110,0)
+talentFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local lootSpecFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",'SX_LootSpecFrame', talentFrame)
+if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+	lootSpecFrame:SetPoint("TOP", talentFrame, "BOTTOM", 0,-6)
+	lootSpecFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", talentFrame, "TOP", 0,8)
+lootSpecFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "RightButton" then
+		lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+	end
+local lootSpecText = lootSpecFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+lootSpecText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+lootSpecText:SetText("LOOT SPECIALIZATION")
+local defaultLootTypeButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, lootSpecFrame)
+defaultLootTypeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		if GetLootSpecialization() ~= 0 then
+			SetLootSpecialization(0)
+			print("|cffffff00Loot Specialization set to: Current Specialization")
+			lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+		end
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+	end
+local lootSpectBG = lootSpecFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+globalLootSpecFrame = lootSpecFrame
+local specFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",'SX_SpecFrame', talentFrame)
+if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
+	specFrame:SetPoint("TOP", talentFrame, "BOTTOM", 0,-6)
+	specFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", talentFrame, "TOP", 0,8)
+specFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "RightButton" then
+		specFrame:Hide()
+	end
+local specText = specFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+specText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+local specBG = specFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+globalSpecFrame = specFrame
+local primarySpecFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, talentFrame)
+primarySpecFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local primarySpecText = primarySpecFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+primarySpecText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+local primarySpecIcon = primarySpecFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+primarySpecIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+primarySpecIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", primarySpecText,"LEFT",-2,0)
+primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(talentFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	currentSpec = GetSpecialization()
+	currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(currentSpec)
+	lootspecid = GetLootSpecialization()
+	if lootspecid == 0 then lootspecid = currentSpecID end
+	id, name = GetSpecializationInfoByID(lootspecid)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffffffffLoot is currently set to |cffffff00"..name.."|cffffffff spec")
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-Click>", "Change spec", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Right-Click>", "Change lootspec", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if GetActiveSpecGroup() == 1 then
+		primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	else
+		primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	end
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		if globalSpecFrame:IsShown() then
+			globalSpecFrame:Hide()
+		else
+			if globalLootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
+				globalLootSpecFrame:Hide()
+			end
+			globalSpecFrame:Show()
+		end
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+		if globalLootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
+			globalLootSpecFrame:Hide()
+		else
+			if globalSpecFrame:IsShown() then
+				globalSpecFrame:Hide()
+			end
+			globalLootSpecFrame:Show()
+		end
+	end
+local function createLootSpecButtons()
+for index = 1,4 do
+	local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+	if ( name ) then
+		lootSpecFrame:SetSize(lootSpecText:GetStringWidth()+16, (index+1)*18)
+		lootSpectBG:SetSize(lootSpecFrame:GetSize())
+		currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+		local lootSpecButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, lootSpecFrame)
+		lootSpecButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lootSpecText, 0, index*-18)
+		lootSpecButton:SetSize(16, 16)
+		lootSpecButton:EnableMouse(true)
+		lootSpecButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+		local lootSpecbuttonText = lootSpecButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		lootSpecbuttonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
+		lootSpecbuttonText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+		if currentSpecName then currentSpecName = string.upper(currentSpecName) end
+		lootSpecbuttonText:SetText(currentSpecName)
+		local lootSpecbuttonIcon = lootSpecButton:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetPoint("LEFT")
+		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
+		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[index]))
+		local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+		if GetLootSpecialization() == id then
+			lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+			lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		else
+			lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+			lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+		end
+		lootSpecButton:SetSize(lootSpecbuttonText:GetStringWidth()+18,16)
+		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function() if InCombatLockdown() then return end lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover)) end)
+		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+			local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+			if GetLootSpecialization() == id then
+				lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+				lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+			else
+				lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+				lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+			end
+		end)
+		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+			if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+			if button == "LeftButton" then
+				if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+					SetSpecialization(index)
+				else
+					local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+					SetLootSpecialization(id)
+					lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+					lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+				end
+				lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+			elseif button == "RightButton" then
+				lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+			end
+		end)
+	end
+local function createSpecButtons()
+	local curSpec = GetSpecialization()
+	for index = 1,GetNumSpecializations() do
+		local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+		if ( name ) then
+			specFrame:SetSize(specText:GetStringWidth()+16, (index+1)*18)
+			specBG:SetSize(specFrame:GetSize())
+			currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+			local specButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, specFrame)
+			specButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", specText, 0, index*-18)
+			specButton:SetSize(16, 16)
+			specButton:EnableMouse(true)
+			specButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+			local specButtonText = specButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+			specButtonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
+			specButtonText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+			if currentSpecName then currentSpecName = string.upper(currentSpecName) end
+			specButtonText:SetText(currentSpecName)
+			local specButtonIcon = specButton:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+			specButtonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+			specButtonIcon:SetPoint("LEFT")
+			specButtonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
+			specButtonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[index]))
+			--local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+			if GetSpecialization() == index then
+				specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+				specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+			else
+				specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+				specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+			end
+			specButton:SetSize(specButtonText:GetStringWidth()+18,16)
+			specButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function() if InCombatLockdown() then return end specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover)) end)
+			specButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+				local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
+				if GetSpecialization() == id then
+					specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+					specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+				else
+					specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+					specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+				end
+			end)
+			specButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+				if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+				if button == "LeftButton" then
+					SetSpecialization(index)
+					specFrame:Hide()
+				elseif button == "RightButton" then
+					specFrame:Hide()
+				end
+			end)
+		end
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
+	if event == ("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
+		createSpecButtons()
+		createLootSpecButtons()
+	end
+	if event == ("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
+		if lootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
+			lootSpecFrame:Hide()
+		end
+		if specFrame:IsShown() then
+			specFrame:Hide()
+		end
+	end
+	local primarySpec = GetSpecialization(false, false, 1)
+	if primarySpec ~= nil then
+		local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(primarySpec)
+		if name then name = string.upper(name) end
+		--name = string.upper(name)
+		primarySpecText:SetText(name)
+		primarySpecIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
+		primarySpecIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[primarySpec]))
+		primarySpecFrame:SetSize(primarySpecText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+		primarySpecFrame:Show()
+		primarySpecFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+	else
+		primarySpecFrame:Hide()
+		primarySpecFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+	end
+	primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	primarySpecText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	talentFrame:SetSize((primarySpecFrame:GetWidth()), 16)
diff --git a/modules/old/tradeskill.lua b/modules/old/tradeskill.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433d6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/old/tradeskill.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+local addon, ns = ...
+local cfg = ns.cfg
+local unpack = unpack
+if not cfg.tradeSkill.show then return end
+if not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_TradeSkillUI") then
+	TradeSkillFrame_LoadUI();
+local proffessions = {
+	['ALCHEMY'] = {"Alchemical Catalyst", "Secrets of Draenor Alchemy", "Northrend Alchemy Research"},
+	['BLACKSMITHING'] = {"Truesteel Ignot", "Secrets of Draenor Blacksmithing"},
+	['ENCHANTING'] = {"Temporal Crystal", "Secrets of Draenor Enchanting"},
+	['ENGINEERING'] = {"Gearsoring Parts", "Secrets of Draenor Engineering"},
+	['INSCRIPTION'] = {"War Paints", "Secrets of Draenor Inscription","Draenor Merchant Order"},
+	['JEWELCRAFTING'] = {"Taladite Crystal", "Secrets of Draenor Jewelcrafting"},
+	['LEATHERWORKING'] = {"Burnished Leather", "Secrets of Draenor Leatherworking"},
+	['TAILORING'] = {"Hexweave Cloth", "Secrets of Draenor Tailoring"},
+local profIcons = {
+	[164] = 'blacksmithing',
+	[165] = 'leatherworking',
+	[171] = 'alchemy',
+	[182] = 'herbalism',
+	[186] = 'mining',
+	[202] = 'engineering',
+	[333] = 'enchanting',
+	[755] = 'jewelcrafting',
+	[773] = 'inscription',
+	[197] = 'tailoring',
+	[393] = 'skinning'
+local prof1OnCooldown = false
+local prof2OnCooldown = false
+local tradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
+tradeSkillFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 110,0)
+tradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local primaryTradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, tradeSkillFrame)
+primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local primaryTradeSkillIcon = primaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local primaryTradeSkillText = primaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+primaryTradeSkillText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+primaryTradeSkillText:SetPoint("RIGHT",primaryTradeSkillFrame,2,0 )
+local primaryTradeSkillStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, primaryTradeSkillFrame)
+primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", primaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+local primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG = primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
+primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", primaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.tradeSkill.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(tradeSkillFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	addCooldownsToTooltip()
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if prof1OnCooldown then
+		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	else
+		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	end
+	primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
+		if prof1 then
+			if (GetProfessionInfo(prof1) == ('Herbalism')) then
+			elseif(GetProfessionInfo(prof1) == ('Skinning')) then
+			elseif(GetProfessionInfo(prof1) == ('Mining')) then
+				CastSpellByName("Smelting")
+			else
+				CastSpellByName((GetProfessionInfo(prof1)))
+			end
+		end
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+	end
+local secondaryTradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, tradeSkillFrame)
+secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
+local secondaryTradeSkillIcon = secondaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
+secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
+local secondaryTradeSkillText = secondaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
+secondaryTradeSkillText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
+secondaryTradeSkillText:SetPoint("LEFT", secondaryTradeSkillIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
+local secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, secondaryTradeSkillFrame)
+secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", secondaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+local secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG = secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
+secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", secondaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
+secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
+	if not cfg.tradeSkill.showTooltip then return end
+	GameTooltip:SetOwner(tradeSkillFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
+	addCooldownsToTooltip()
+	GameTooltip:Show()
+secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
+	if prof2OnCooldown then
+		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+	else
+		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	end
+	secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
+	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
+	if button == "LeftButton" then
+		local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
+		if prof2 then
+			if (GetProfessionInfo(prof2) == ('Herbalism')) then
+			elseif(GetProfessionInfo(prof2) == ('Skinning')) then
+			elseif(GetProfessionInfo(prof2) == ('Mining')) then
+				CastSpellByName("Smelting")
+			else
+				CastSpellByName((GetProfessionInfo(prof2)))
+			end
+		end
+	elseif button == "RightButton" then
+	end
+local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
+eventframe:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP", "player")
+eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
+	local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
+	if prof1 then
+		local prof1Name, _, prof1Rank, prof1MaxRank, _, _, prof1SkillLine = GetProfessionInfo(prof1)
+		prof1Name = string.upper(prof1Name)
+		primaryTradeSkillText:SetText(prof1Name)
+		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."profession\\"..profIcons[prof1SkillLine])
+		if prof1Rank == prof1MaxRank then
+			primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Hide()
+		else
+			primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Show()
+		end
+		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, prof1MaxRank)
+		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetValue(prof1Rank)
+		primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+		primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+		primaryTradeSkillFrame:Show()
+		primaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		--[[for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
+			local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(i)
+			if cooldown then
+				local name = GetTradeSkillInfo(i)
+				for k, v in pairs(proffessions) do
+					for u = 1, #v do
+						if k == prof1Name then
+							if v[u] == name then
+								if not prof1OnCooldown then prof1OnCooldown = true end
+								primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+								primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+								if not prof1OnCooldown then
+									primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+									primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end]]--
+	else
+		primaryTradeSkillFrame:Hide()
+		primaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+	end
+	if prof2 then
+		local prof2Name, _, prof2rank, prof2maxRank, _, _, prof2SkillLine = GetProfessionInfo(prof2)
+		prof2Name = string.upper(prof2Name)
+		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetText(prof2Name)
+		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."profession\\"..profIcons[prof2SkillLine])
+		if prof2rank == prof2maxRank then
+			secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Hide()
+		else
+			secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Show()
+		end
+		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, prof2maxRank)
+		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetValue(prof2rank)
+		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
+		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
+		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:Show()
+		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+		--[[for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
+			local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(i)
+			if cooldown then
+				local name = GetTradeSkillInfo(i)
+				for k, v in pairs(proffessions) do
+					for u = 1, #v do
+						if k == prof2Name then
+							if v[u] == name then
+								if not prof2OnCooldown then prof2OnCooldown = true end
+								secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+								secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
+								if not prof2OnCooldown then
+									secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+									secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end]]--
+	else
+		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:Hide()
+		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+	end
+	tradeSkillFrame:SetSize((primaryTradeSkillFrame:GetWidth())+(secondaryTradeSkillFrame:GetWidth()+4), 16)
+function addCooldownsToTooltip()
+	for i,v in pairs(C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilteredRecipeIDs()) do
+	  local _, cooldown, secondsToCooldown, dunno = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeCooldown(v)
+	  if cooldown then
+	    local name = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeInfo(v).name
+	    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, SecondsToTime(secondsToCooldown), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+	  end
+	end
diff --git a/modules/social.lua b/modules/social.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cb89212..0000000
--- a/modules/social.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.micromenu.show then return end
-local chatFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-chatFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local chatFrameIcon = chatFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-chatFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	chatFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-chatFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() chatFrameIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-chatFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ChatMenu:SetScale(cfg.core.scale)
-		ChatMenu:ClearAllPoints()
-		if not ChatMenu:IsShown() then
-		if cfg.core.position == "BOTTOM" then
-			ChatMenu:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", chatFrame, "TOPLEFT")
-		else
-			ChatMenu:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", chatFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT")
-		end
-		ChatFrameMenuButton:Click()
-		else ChatMenu:Hide() end
-	end
-local guildFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-guildFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local guildIcon = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-local guildText = guildFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-guildText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
-guildText:SetPoint("CENTER", guildFrame, "TOP")
-if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-	guildText:SetPoint("CENTER", guildFrame, "BOTTOM")
-local guildTextBG = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-guildFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	guildIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.micromenu.showTooltip then return end
-if ( IsInGuild() ) then
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(guildFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFGuild|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	--------------------------
-	guildList = {}
-	guildName, guildRank, _ = GetGuildInfo("player")
-	guildMotto = GetGuildRosterMOTD()
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Guild:", guildName, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
-	for i = 0, select(1, GetNumGuildMembers()) do
-		local name, rank, rankIndex, level, class, zone, note, officernote, online, status, classFileName, achievementPoints, achievementRank, isMobile, canSoR = GetGuildRosterInfo(i)
-		if ( online ) then
-			if status == 0 then status = "" elseif status == 1 then status = "AFK" elseif status == 2 then status = "DND" end
-		local cCol = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].r*255, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].g*255, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[classFileName].b*255)
-		local lineL = string.format("%s |cff%s%s|r %s %s", level, cCol, name, status, note)
-		local lineR = string.format("%s|cffffffff %s", isMobile and "|cffffff00[M]|r " or "", zone or "")
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
-		end
-	end
-	--GameTooltip:AddLine("No Guild")
-GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-if ( IsInGuild() ) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Guild Page", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1) end
-guildFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end guildIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-guildFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		if ( IsInGuild() ) then
-			ToggleGuildFrame()
-			GuildFrameTab2:Click()
-		else
-			print"|cff6699FFSXUI|r: You are not in a guild"
-		end
-	end
-local friendFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-friendFrame:SetSize(32, 32)
-local friendIcon = friendFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-local friendText = guildFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-friendText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
-friendText:SetPoint("CENTER", friendFrame, "TOP")
-if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-	friendText:SetPoint("CENTER", friendFrame, "BOTTOM")
-local friendTextBG = guildFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-friendFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	friendIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.micromenu.showTooltip then return end
-	local totalBNet, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-	if numBNetOnline then
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(friendFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFSocial|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	--------------------------
-	local onlineBnetFriends = false
-	for j = 1, BNGetNumFriends() do
-		local BNid, BNname, battleTag, _, toonname, toonid, client, online, lastonline, isafk, isdnd, broadcast, note = BNGetFriendInfo(j)
-		if ( online ) then
-			if (not battleTag) then battleTag = "[noTag]" end
-			local status = ""
-			local statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Online.blp"
-			if ( isafk ) then
-				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Away.blp"
-				status = "(AFK)"
-			end
-			if  ( isdnd ) == "D3" then
-				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-DnD.blp"
-				status = "(DND)"
-			end
-			local gameIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark.blp"
-			if client == "App" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Battleneticon.blp"
-				client = "Bnet"
-			elseif client == "D3" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-D3icon.blp"
-				client = "Diablo III"
-			elseif client == "Hero" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-HotSicon.blp"
-				client = "Hero of the Storm"
-			elseif client == "S2" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-Sc2icon.blp"
-				client = "Starcraft 2"
-			elseif client == "WoW" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-WoWicon.blp"
-			elseif client == "WTCG" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-WTCGicon.blp"
-				client = "Heartstone"
-			elseif client == "Pro" then
-				gameIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\Battlenet-OVERWATCHicon.blp"
-				client = "Overwatch"
-			end
-			if client == "WoW" then
-				toonname = ("(|cffecd672"..toonname.."|r)")
-			else
-				toonname = ""
-			end
-			if not note then
-			note = ""
-			else
-			note = ("(|cffecd672"..note.."|r)")
-			end
-			local lineL = string.format("|T%s:16|t|cff82c5ff %s|r %s",statusIcon, BNname, note)
-			local lineR = string.format("%s %s |T%s:16|t",toonname, client or "",  gameIcon)
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
-			onlineBnetFriends = true
-		end
-	end
-if onlineBnetFriends then GameTooltip:AddLine(" ") end
-local onlineFriends = false
-	for i = 1, GetNumFriends() do
-		local name, lvl, class, area, online, status, note = GetFriendInfo(i)
-		if ( online ) then
-			local status = ""
-			local statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Online.blp"
-			if ( isafk ) then
-				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-Away.blp"
-				status = "(AFK)"
-			end
-			if  ( isdnd ) == "D3" then
-				statusIcon = "Interface\\FriendsFrame\\StatusIcon-DnD.blp"
-				status = "(DND)"
-			end
-			local lineL = string.format("|T%s:16|t %s, lvl:%s %s", statusIcon, name, lvl, class)
-			local lineR = string.format("%s", area or "")
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(lineL,lineR)
-			onlineFriends = true
-		end
-	end
-if onlineFriends then GameTooltip:AddLine(" ") end
-GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Open Friends List", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-friendFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end friendIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal)) end)
-friendFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		ToggleFriendsFrame()
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
-	local numOnline = ""
-	if IsInGuild() then
-		_, numOnline, _ = GetNumGuildMembers()
-	end
-	guildText:SetText(numOnline)
-	guildTextBG:SetSize(guildText:GetWidth()+4,guildText:GetHeight()+2)
-	guildTextBG:SetPoint("CENTER",guildText)
-	local totalBNet, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-	friendText:SetText(numBNetOnline)
-	if numBNetOnline == 0 then
-		friendText:SetText("")
-	else
-	end
-	friendTextBG:SetSize(friendText:GetWidth()+4,friendText:GetHeight()+2)
-	friendTextBG:SetPoint("CENTER",friendText)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/system.lua b/modules/system.lua
index 649f9c5..425e433 100644
--- a/modules/system.lua
+++ b/modules/system.lua
@@ -1,228 +1,364 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.system.show then return end
-local onHover = false
- local memformat = function(number)
-    if number > 1024 then
-      return string.format("%.2f|r mb", (number / 1024))
-    else
-      return string.format("%.1f|r kb", floor(number))
-    end
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local SystemModule = xb:NewModule("SystemModule", 'AceEvent-3.0', 'AceHook-3.0')
+function SystemModule:GetName()
+  return L['System'];
+function SystemModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.elapsed = 0
+function SystemModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.systemFrame == nil then
+    self.systemFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('systemFrame', self.systemFrame)

-local systemFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-systemFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", -350,0)
-systemFrame:SetSize(120, 16)
+  self.systemFrame:Show()
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()

-local addoncompare = function(a, b)
-	return a.memory > b.memory
+function SystemModule:OnDisable()
+  self.systemFrame:Hide()
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)

- local function systemBarOnEnter()
- if not cfg.system.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(systemFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FFPerformance|r]")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	---------------------------------------------------
-	local color = { r=1, g=1, b=0 }
-    local blizz = collectgarbage("count")
-    local addons = {}
-    local enry, memory
-    local total = 0
-    local nr = 0
-	local numberOfAddons = 0
-    UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
-	if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-    GameTooltip:AddLine("Top "..cfg.system.addonListShift.." AddOns", 1,1,0)
-	else
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("Top "..cfg.system.addonList.." AddOns", 1,1,0)
-	end
-    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-    for i=1, GetNumAddOns(), 1 do
-      if (GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i) > 0 ) then
-        memory = GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
-        entry = {name = GetAddOnInfo(i), memory = memory}
-        table.insert(addons, entry)
-        total = total + memory
-      end
-    end
-    table.sort(addons, addoncompare)
-    for _, entry in pairs(addons) do
-		if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-			numberOfAddons = cfg.system.addonListShift
-		else
-			numberOfAddons = cfg.system.addonList
-		end
-		if nr < numberOfAddons then
-			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(entry.name, memformat(entry.memory), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-			nr = nr+1
-		end
-    end
-    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total", memformat(total), 1,1,0, 1,1,0)
-    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total incl. Blizzard", memformat(blizz), 1,1,0, 1,1,0)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-click>", "Force garbage collection", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	if not IsShiftKeyDown() then
-		GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Shift-hold>", "Show |cffffff00"..cfg.system.addonListShift.."|r addons", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------
-	GameTooltip:Show()
+function SystemModule:Refresh()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.systemFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.system.enabled then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self:UpdateTexts()
+    return
+  end
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  self.fpsIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\fps')
+  self.fpsIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.fpsIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.fpsIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.fpsText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.fpsText:SetPoint('RIGHT', -5, 0)
+  self.fpsText:SetText('000'..FPS_ABBR) -- get the widest we can be
+  local fpsWidest = self.fpsText:GetStringWidth() + 5
+  self.pingIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\ping')
+  self.pingIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.pingIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.pingIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.pingText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.worldPingText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.fpsText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.pingText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.worldPingText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  if self.fpsFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.fpsText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  end
+  if self.pingFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.pingText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    self.worldPingText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  end
+  self.worldPingText:SetText('000'..MILLISECONDS_ABBR)
+  self.pingText:SetText('000'..MILLISECONDS_ABBR) -- get the widest we can be
+  local pingWidest = self.pingText:GetStringWidth() + 5
+  if db.modules.system.showWorld then
+    self.worldPingText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.pingText, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+    pingWidest = pingWidest + self.worldPingText:GetStringWidth() + 5
+  end
+  self.pingText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.pingIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  self:UpdateTexts()
+  self.fpsFrame:SetSize(fpsWidest + iconSize + 5, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.fpsFrame:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.pingFrame:SetSize(pingWidest + iconSize, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.pingFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', self.fpsFrame, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  self.systemFrame:SetSize(self.fpsFrame:GetWidth() + self.pingFrame:GetWidth(), xb:GetHeight())
+  --self.systemFrame:SetSize()
+  local relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+  local xOffset = db.general.moduleSpacing
+  if not xb:GetFrame('goldFrame'):IsVisible() then
+    relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+    xOffset = 0
+  end
+  self.systemFrame:SetPoint('RIGHT', xb:GetFrame('goldFrame'), relativeAnchorPoint, -(xOffset), 0)
+function SystemModule:UpdateTexts()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if not db.modules.system.enabled then return; end
+  self.fpsText:SetText(floor(GetFramerate())..FPS_ABBR)
+  local _, _, homePing, worldPing = GetNetStats()
+  self.pingText:SetText(floor(homePing)..MILLISECONDS_ABBR)
+  self.worldPingText:SetText(floor(worldPing)..MILLISECONDS_ABBR)
+function SystemModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.fpsFrame = self.fpsFrame or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.systemFrame)
+  self.fpsIcon = self.fpsIcon or self.fpsFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.fpsText = self.fpsText or self.fpsFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.pingFrame = self.pingFrame or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.systemFrame)
+  self.pingIcon = self.pingIcon or self.pingFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.pingText = self.pingText or self.pingFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.worldPingText = self.worldPingText or self.pingFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')

-local function systemBarOnLeave()
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
+function SystemModule:HoverFunction()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+  if self.fpsFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.fpsText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  end
+  if self.pingFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.pingText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    self.worldPingText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  end
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+    self:ShowTooltip()
+  end

-local pingFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON","SX_pingFrame", systemFrame)
-pingFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local pingIcon = pingFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-pingIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local pingText = pingFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-pingText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-pingText:SetPoint("LEFT", pingIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
-pingFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	pingIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	onHover = true
-	systemBarOnEnter()
-pingFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	pingIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	onHover = false
-	systemBarOnLeave()
-pingFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
-		local before = gcinfo()
-		collectgarbage()
-		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
-		local after = gcinfo()
-		print("|cff6699FFSXUI|r: Cleaned: |cffffff00"..memformat(before-after))
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		ToggleFrame(VideoOptionsFrame)
-	end
-local fpsFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, systemFrame)
-fpsFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local fpsIcon = fpsFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-fpsIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local fpsText = fpsFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-fpsText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-fpsText:SetPoint("LEFT", fpsIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
-fpsFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	fpsIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	onHover = true
-	systemBarOnEnter()
-fpsFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	fpsIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	onHover = false
-	systemBarOnLeave()
-fpsFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
-		local before = gcinfo()
-		collectgarbage()
-		UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
-		local after = gcinfo()
-		print("|cff6699FFSXUI|r: Cleaned: |cffffff00"..memformat(before-after))
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		ToggleFrame(VideoOptionsFrame)
-	end
-local function SXUImemory()
-local t = 0
-for i=1, GetNumAddOns(), 1 do
-	t = t + GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
+function SystemModule:LeaveFunction()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  self.fpsText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.pingText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.worldPingText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end
-return cfg.memformat(t)

+function SystemModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self.fpsFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.fpsFrame:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self.pingFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.pingFrame:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    self:HoverFunction()
+  end)
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    self:LeaveFunction()
+  end)
+  self.pingFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    self:HoverFunction()
+  end)
+  self.pingFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    self:LeaveFunction()
+  end)
+  --[[self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnKeyDown', function()
+    if IsShiftKeyDown() and self.fpsFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  self.pingFrame:SetScript('OnKeyDown', function()
+    if IsShiftKeyDown() and self.pingFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnKeyUp', function()
+    if self.fpsFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  self.pingFrame:SetScript('OnKeyUp', function()
+    if self.pingFrame:IsMouseOver() then
+      if xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end
+  end)]]--
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnClick', function(_, button)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == 'LeftButton' then
+      UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+      local before = collectgarbage('count')
+      collectgarbage()
+      local after = collectgarbage('count')
+      local memDiff = before - after
+      local memString = ''
+      if memDiff > 1024 then
+        memString = string.format("%.2f MB", (memDiff / 1024))
+      else
+        memString = string.format("%.0f KB", floor(memDiff))
+      end
+      print("|cff6699FFXIV_Databar|r: "..L['Cleaned']..": |cffffff00"..memString)
+    end
+  end)
+  self.pingFrame:SetScript('OnClick', function(_, button)
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    if button == 'LeftButton' then
+      collectgarbage()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.fpsFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
+    SystemModule.elapsed = SystemModule.elapsed + elapsed
+    if SystemModule.elapsed >= 1 then
+      if InCombatLockdown() then
+        SystemModule:UpdateTexts()
+      else
+        SystemModule:Refresh()
+      end
+      SystemModule.elapsed = 0
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'goldFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'goldFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)

-local function updatePerformanceText()
-	local fps = floor(GetFramerate())
-	local BWIn, BWOut, LCHome, LCWorld = GetNetStats()
-  local pingString = LCHome.."ms";
-  if cfg.system.showWorldPing then
-    pingString = pingString.." "..LCWorld.."ms"
+function SystemModule:ShowTooltip()
+  local totalAddons = GetNumAddOns()
+  local totalUsage = 0
+  local memTable = {}
+  UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()
+  for i = 1, totalAddons do
+    local _, aoName, _ = GetAddOnInfo(i)
+    local mem = GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
+    table.insert(memTable, {memory = mem, name = aoName})
+  end
+  table.sort(memTable, function(a, b)
+    return a.memory > b.memory
+  end)
+  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.systemFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+  GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+  GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Memory Usage'].."|r]")
+  local toLoop = xb.db.profile.modules.system.addonsToShow
+  if IsShiftKeyDown() and xb.db.profile.modules.system.showAllOnShift then
+    toLoop = totalAddons
+  end
+  for i = 1, toLoop do
+    local memString = ''
+    if memTable[i] then
+      if memTable[i].memory > 0 then
+        if memTable[i].memory > 1024 then
+          memString = string.format("%.2f MB", (memTable[i].memory / 1024))
+        else
+          memString = string.format("%.0f KB", floor(memTable[i].memory))
+        end
+        GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(memTable[i].name, memString, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+      end
+    end

-	pingText:SetText(pingString)
-	pingFrame:SetSize(pingText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	fpsText:SetText(fps.."fps")
-	fpsFrame:SetSize(fpsText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-	if onHover then
-		systemBarOnEnter()
-	end
+  GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+  GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Garbage Collect'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  GameTooltip:Show()

-local elapsed = 0
-systemFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, e)
-	elapsed = elapsed + e
-	if elapsed >= 1 then
-		updatePerformanceText()
-		elapsed = 0
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...)
-if event == "MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED" then
-		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-		if arg1 == "LSHIFT" or arg1 == "RSHIFT" then
-			if arg2 == 1 then
-					if onHover then
-		systemBarOnEnter()
-	end
-			elseif arg2 == 0 then
-					if onHover then
-		systemBarOnEnter()
-	end
-			end
-		end
-	end
+function SystemModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'system', {
+      enabled = true,
+      showTooltip = true,
+      showWorld = true,
+      addonsToShow = 10,
+      showAllOnShift = true
+    }
+function SystemModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.system.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.system.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      },
+      showTooltip = {
+        name = L['Show Tooltips'],
+        order = 1,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.system.showTooltip = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      showWorld = {
+        name = L['Show World Ping'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.system.showWorld; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.system.showWorld = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      addonsToShow = {
+        name = L['Addons to Show in Tooltip'], -- DROPDOWN, GoldModule:GetCurrencyOptions
+        type = "range",
+        order = 3,
+        min = 1,
+        max = 25,
+        step = 1,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.system.addonsToShow; end,
+        set = function(info, value) xb.db.profile.modules.system.addonsToShow = value; self:Refresh(); end,
+      },
+      showAllOnShift = {
+        name = L['Show All Addons in Tooltip with Shift'],
+        order = 4,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.system.showAllOnShift; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.system.showAllOnShift = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/talent.lua b/modules/talent.lua
index f9f0fce..0e5d6ae 100644
--- a/modules/talent.lua
+++ b/modules/talent.lua
@@ -1,340 +1,531 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.talent.show then return end
-local currentSpec = 0 -- from 1-4
-local currentSpecID, currentSpecName = 0,0 --global id
-local lootspecid = 0
-local id, name = 0,0
-local talentFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",'SX_TalentFrame', cfg.SXframe)
-talentFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", -110,0)
-talentFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local lootSpecFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",'SX_LootSpecFrame', talentFrame)
-if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-	lootSpecFrame:SetPoint("TOP", talentFrame, "BOTTOM", 0,-6)
-	lootSpecFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", talentFrame, "TOP", 0,8)
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local TalentModule = xb:NewModule("TalentModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function TalentModule:GetName()
+  return TALENTS;
+function TalentModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.currentSpecID = 0
+  self.currentLootSpecID = 0
+  self.specCoords = {
+    [1] = { 0.00, 0.25, 0, 1 },
+    [2] = { 0.25, 0.50, 0, 1 },
+    [3] = { 0.50, 0.75, 0, 1 },
+    [4] = { 0.75, 1.00, 0, 1 }
+  }
+  self.extraPadding = (xb.constants.popupPadding * 3)
+  self.optionTextExtra = 4
+  self.specButtons = {}
+  self.lootSpecButtons = {}
+  self.classIcon = xb.constants.mediaPath..'spec\\'..xb.constants.playerClass
+  self.LAD = LibStub('LibArtifactData-1.0')
+  self.curArtifactId = 0
+function TalentModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.talentFrame == nil then
+    self.talentFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('talentFrame', self.talentFrame)
+  end
+  self.talentFrame:Show()
+  self.currentSpecID = GetSpecialization()
+  self.currentLootSpecID = GetLootSpecialization()
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self.LAD:ForceUpdate()
+  self:Refresh()
+function TalentModule:OnDisable()
+  self.talentFrame:Hide()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('SPELLS_CHANGED')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP')
+function TalentModule:Refresh()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.talentFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.talent.enabled then return; end
+  local artifactId = 0
+  --local artifactId = self.LAD:GetActiveArtifactID() or 0
+  self.currentSpecID = GetSpecialization()
+  self.currentLootSpecID = GetLootSpecialization()
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  local _, name, _ = GetSpecializationInfo(self.currentSpecID)
+  local textHeight = db.text.fontSize
+  if artifactId > 0 then
+    textHeight = floor((xb:GetHeight() - 4) / 2)
+    self.curArtifactId = artifactId
+  end
+  self.specIcon:SetTexture(self.classIcon)
+  self.specIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(self.specCoords[self.currentSpecID]))
+  self.specIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.specIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self.specIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.specText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(textHeight))
+  self.specText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self.specText:SetText(string.upper(name))
+  if artifactId > 0 then
+    self.specText:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.specIcon, 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0)
+  else
+    self.specText:SetPoint('LEFT', self.specIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  end
+  self.lootSpecButtons[0].icon:SetTexture(self.classIcon)
+  self.lootSpecButtons[0].icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(self.specCoords[self.currentSpecID]))
+  if artifactId > 0 then
+    self.specBar:SetStatusBarTexture(1, 1, 1)
+    if db.modules.tradeskill.barCC then
+      self.specBar:SetStatusBarColor(xb:GetClassColors())
+    else
+      self.specBar:SetStatusBarColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    end
+    self.specBar:SetSize(self.specText:GetStringWidth(), (iconSize - textHeight - 2))
+    self.specBar:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.specIcon, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.specBarBg:SetAllPoints()
+    self.specBarBg:SetColorTexture(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    self:UpdateArtifactBar(artifactId)
+  end
+  self.specFrame:SetSize(iconSize + self.specText:GetStringWidth() + 5, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.specFrame:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  if self.specFrame:GetWidth() < db.modules.talent.minWidth then
+    self.specFrame:SetWidth(db.modules.talent.minWidth)
+  end
+  if self.specBar:GetWidth() < db.modules.talent.minWidth then
+    self.specBar:SetWidth(db.modules.talent.minWidth)
+  end
+  self.talentFrame:SetSize(self.specFrame:GetWidth(), xb:GetHeight())
+  local popupPadding = xb.constants.popupPadding
+  if db.general.barPosition == 'TOP' then
+    popupPadding = -(popupPadding)
+  end
+  self.specPopup:SetPoint(db.general.barPosition, self.specFrame, xb.miniTextPosition, 0, popupPadding)
+  self.specPopupTexture:SetColorTexture(db.color.barColor.r, db.color.barColor.g, db.color.barColor.b, db.color.barColor.a)
+  self.specPopupTexture:SetAllPoints()
+  self.specPopup:Hide()
+  self.lootSpecPopup:SetPoint(db.general.barPosition, self.specFrame, xb.miniTextPosition, 0, popupPadding)
+  self.lootSpecPopupTexture:SetColorTexture(db.color.barColor.r, db.color.barColor.g, db.color.barColor.b, db.color.barColor.a)
+  self.lootSpecPopupTexture:SetAllPoints()
+  self.lootSpecPopup:Hide()
+  local relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+  local xOffset = db.general.moduleSpacing
+  local anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('clockFrame')
+  if not anchorFrame:IsVisible() and not db.modules.clock.enabled then
+    if xb:GetFrame('tradeskillFrame'):IsVisible() then
+      anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('tradeskillFrame')
+    elseif xb:GetFrame('currencyFrame'):IsVisible() then
+      anchorFrame = xb:GetFrame('currencyFrame')
+    else
+      relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+      xOffset = 0
+    end
+  end
+  self.talentFrame:SetPoint('RIGHT', anchorFrame, relativeAnchorPoint, -(xOffset), 0)
+function TalentModule:UpdateArtifactBar(artifactId)
+  return
+  local _, artifactData = self.LAD:GetArtifactInfo(artifactId)
+  self.specBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, artifactData.maxPower)
+  self.specBar:SetValue(artifactData.power)
-lootSpecFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "RightButton" then
-		lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-	end
-local lootSpecText = lootSpecFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-lootSpecText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-lootSpecText:SetText("LOOT SPECIALIZATION")
-local defaultLootTypeButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, lootSpecFrame)
-defaultLootTypeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		if GetLootSpecialization() ~= 0 then
-			SetLootSpecialization(0)
-			print("|cffffff00Loot Specialization set to: Current Specialization")
-			lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-		end
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-	end
-local lootSpectBG = lootSpecFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-globalLootSpecFrame = lootSpecFrame
-local specFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",'SX_SpecFrame', talentFrame)
-if cfg.core.position ~= "BOTTOM" then
-	specFrame:SetPoint("TOP", talentFrame, "BOTTOM", 0,-6)
-	specFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", talentFrame, "TOP", 0,8)
+function TalentModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.specFrame = self.specFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.talentFrame, 'SecureActionButtonTemplate')
+  self.specIcon = self.specIcon or self.specFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.specText = self.specText or self.specFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.specBar = self.specBar or CreateFrame('STATUSBAR', nil, self.specFrame)
+  self.specBarBg = self.specBarBg or self.specBar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+  self.specPopup = self.specPopup or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.specFrame)
+  self.specPopupTexture = self.specPopupTexture or self.specPopup:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+  self.lootSpecPopup = self.lootSpecPopup or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.specFrame)
+  self.lootSpecPopupTexture = self.lootSpecPopupTexture or self.lootSpecPopup:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+  self:CreateSpecPopup()
+  self:CreateLootSpecPopup()
-specFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "RightButton" then
-		specFrame:Hide()
-	end
-local specText = specFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-specText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-local specBG = specFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-globalSpecFrame = specFrame
-local primarySpecFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, talentFrame)
-primarySpecFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local primarySpecText = primarySpecFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-primarySpecText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-local primarySpecIcon = primarySpecFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-primarySpecIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-primarySpecIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", primarySpecText,"LEFT",-2,0)
-primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(talentFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	currentSpec = GetSpecialization()
-	currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(currentSpec)
-	lootspecid = GetLootSpecialization()
-	if lootspecid == 0 then lootspecid = currentSpecID end
-	id, name = GetSpecializationInfoByID(lootspecid)
-	GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffffffffLoot is currently set to |cffffff00"..name.."|cffffffff spec")
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Left-Click>", "Change spec", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("<Right-Click>", "Change lootspec", 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if GetActiveSpecGroup() == 1 then
-		primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	else
-		primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	end
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-primarySpecFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		if globalSpecFrame:IsShown() then
-			globalSpecFrame:Hide()
-		else
-			if globalLootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
-				globalLootSpecFrame:Hide()
-			end
-			globalSpecFrame:Show()
-		end
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-		if globalLootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
-			globalLootSpecFrame:Hide()
-		else
-			if globalSpecFrame:IsShown() then
-				globalSpecFrame:Hide()
-			end
-			globalLootSpecFrame:Show()
-		end
-	end
-local function createLootSpecButtons()
-for index = 1,4 do
-	local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-	if ( name ) then
-		lootSpecFrame:SetSize(lootSpecText:GetStringWidth()+16, (index+1)*18)
-		lootSpectBG:SetSize(lootSpecFrame:GetSize())
-		currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-		local lootSpecButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, lootSpecFrame)
-		lootSpecButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lootSpecText, 0, index*-18)
-		lootSpecButton:SetSize(16, 16)
-		lootSpecButton:EnableMouse(true)
-		lootSpecButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
-		local lootSpecbuttonText = lootSpecButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		lootSpecbuttonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
-		lootSpecbuttonText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
-		if currentSpecName then currentSpecName = string.upper(currentSpecName) end
-		lootSpecbuttonText:SetText(currentSpecName)
-		local lootSpecbuttonIcon = lootSpecButton:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetPoint("LEFT")
-		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
-		lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[index]))
-		local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-		if GetLootSpecialization() == id then
-			lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-			lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		else
-			lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-			lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-		end
-		lootSpecButton:SetSize(lootSpecbuttonText:GetStringWidth()+18,16)
-		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function() if InCombatLockdown() then return end lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover)) end)
-		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-			local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-			if GetLootSpecialization() == id then
-				lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-				lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-			else
-				lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-				lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-			end
-		end)
-		lootSpecButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-			if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-			if button == "LeftButton" then
-				if IsShiftKeyDown() then
-					SetSpecialization(index)
-				else
-					local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-					SetLootSpecialization(id)
-					lootSpecbuttonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-					lootSpecbuttonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-				end
-				lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-			elseif button == "RightButton" then
-				lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-			end
-		end)
-	end
+function TalentModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_LOOT_SPEC_UPDATED', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('ARTIFACT_XP_UPDATE', function()
+    self:UpdateArtifactBar(self.curArtifactId)
+  end)
+  self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED', 'Refresh')
+  self.specFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.specFrame:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+  self.specFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    self.specText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      if ((not self.specPopup:IsVisible()) or (not self.lootSpecPopup:IsVisible())) then
+        self:ShowTooltip()
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  self.specFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    local db = xb.db.profile
+    self.specText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.specFrame:SetScript('OnClick', function(_, button)
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+    if button == 'LeftButton' then
+      if not InCombatLockdown() then
+        if self.specPopup:IsVisible() then
+          self.specPopup:Hide()
+          if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+            self:ShowTooltip()
+          end
+        else
+          self.lootSpecPopup:Hide()
+          self.specPopup:Show()
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if button == 'RightButton' then
+      if not InCombatLockdown() then
+        if self.lootSpecPopup:IsVisible() then
+          self.lootSpecPopup:Hide()
+          if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+            self:ShowTooltip()
+          end
+        else
+          self.specPopup:Hide()
+          self.lootSpecPopup:Show()
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'clockFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'clockFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+function TalentModule:CreateSpecPopup()
+  if not self.specPopup then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  self.specOptionString = self.specOptionString or self.specPopup:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.specOptionString:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra))
+  self.specOptionString:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.specOptionString:SetText(L['Set Specialization'])
+  self.specOptionString:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(xb.constants.popupPadding))
+  self.specOptionString:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  local popupWidth = self.specPopup:GetWidth()
+  local popupHeight = xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra
+  local changedWidth = false
+  for i = 1, GetNumSpecializations() do
+    if self.specButtons[i] == nil then
+      local _, name, _ = GetSpecializationInfo(i)
+      local button = CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.specPopup)
+      local buttonText = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+      local buttonIcon = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+      buttonIcon:SetTexture(self.classIcon)
+      buttonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(self.specCoords[i]))
+      buttonIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+      buttonIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+      buttonIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+      buttonText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+      buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+      buttonText:SetText(name)
+      buttonText:SetPoint('LEFT', buttonIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+      local textWidth = iconSize + 5 + buttonText:GetStringWidth()
+      button:SetID(i)
+      button:SetSize(textWidth, iconSize)
+      button.isSettable = true
+      button:EnableMouse(true)
+      button:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+      button:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+        buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+      end)
+      button:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+        buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+      end)
+      button:SetScript('OnClick', function(self, button)
+        if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+        if button == 'LeftButton' then
+          SetSpecialization(self:GetID())
+        end
+        TalentModule.specPopup:Hide()
+      end)
+      self.specButtons[i] = button
+      if textWidth > popupWidth then
+        popupWidth = textWidth
+        changedWidth = true
+      end
+    end -- if nil
+  end -- for ipairs portOptions
+  for portId, button in pairs(self.specButtons) do
+    if button.isSettable then
+      button:SetPoint('LEFT', xb.constants.popupPadding, 0)
+      button:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding))
+      button:SetPoint('RIGHT')
+      popupHeight = popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize
+    else
+      button:Hide()
+    end
+  end -- for id/button in portButtons
+  if changedWidth then
+    popupWidth = popupWidth + self.extraPadding
+  end
+  if popupWidth < self.specFrame:GetWidth() then
+    popupWidth = self.specFrame:GetWidth()
+  end
+  if popupWidth < (self.specOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding) then
+    popupWidth = (self.specOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding)
+  end
+  self.specPopup:SetSize(popupWidth, popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding)

-local function createSpecButtons()
-	local curSpec = GetSpecialization()
-	for index = 1,GetNumSpecializations() do
-		local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-		if ( name ) then
-			specFrame:SetSize(specText:GetStringWidth()+16, (index+1)*18)
-			specBG:SetSize(specFrame:GetSize())
-			currentSpecID, currentSpecName = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-			local specButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, specFrame)
-			specButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", specText, 0, index*-18)
-			specButton:SetSize(16, 16)
-			specButton:EnableMouse(true)
-			specButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
-			local specButtonText = specButton:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-			specButtonText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.smallFontSize)
-			specButtonText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
-			if currentSpecName then currentSpecName = string.upper(currentSpecName) end
-			specButtonText:SetText(currentSpecName)
-			local specButtonIcon = specButton:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-			specButtonIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-			specButtonIcon:SetPoint("LEFT")
-			specButtonIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
-			specButtonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[index]))
-			--local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-			if GetSpecialization() == index then
-				specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-				specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-			else
-				specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-				specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-			end
-			specButton:SetSize(specButtonText:GetStringWidth()+18,16)
-			specButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function() if InCombatLockdown() then return end specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover)) end)
-			specButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-				local id = GetSpecializationInfo(index)
-				if GetSpecialization() == id then
-					specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-					specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-				else
-					specButtonText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-					specButtonIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-				end
-			end)
-			specButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-				if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-				if button == "LeftButton" then
-					SetSpecialization(index)
-					specFrame:Hide()
-				elseif button == "RightButton" then
-					specFrame:Hide()
-				end
-			end)
-		end
-	end
+function TalentModule:CreateLootSpecPopup()
+  if not self.lootSpecPopup then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  self.lootSpecOptionString = self.lootSpecOptionString or self.lootSpecPopup:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.lootSpecOptionString:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra))
+  self.lootSpecOptionString:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.lootSpecOptionString:SetText(L['Set Loot Specialization'])
+  self.lootSpecOptionString:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(xb.constants.popupPadding))
+  self.lootSpecOptionString:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  local popupWidth = self.lootSpecPopup:GetWidth()
+  local popupHeight = xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra
+  local changedWidth = false
+  for i = 0, GetNumSpecializations() do
+    if self.lootSpecButtons[i] == nil then
+      local specId = i
+      local name = ''
+      if i == 0 then
+        name = L['Current Specialization'];
+        specId = self.currentSpecID
+      else
+        _, name, _ = GetSpecializationInfo(i)
+      end
+      local button = CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.lootSpecPopup)
+      local buttonText = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+      local buttonIcon = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+      buttonIcon:SetTexture(self.classIcon)
+      buttonIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(self.specCoords[specId]))
+      buttonIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+      buttonIcon:SetPoint('LEFT')
+      buttonIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+      buttonText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+      buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+      buttonText:SetText(name)
+      buttonText:SetPoint('LEFT', buttonIcon, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+      local textWidth = iconSize + 5 + buttonText:GetStringWidth()
+      button:SetID(i)
+      button:SetSize(textWidth, iconSize)
+      button.isSettable = true
+      button.text = buttonText
+      button.icon = buttonIcon
+      button:EnableMouse(true)
+      button:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+      button:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+        buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+      end)
+      button:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+        buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+      end)
+      button:SetScript('OnClick', function(self, button)
+        if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+        if button == 'LeftButton' then
+          local id = 0
+          if self:GetID() ~= 0 then
+            id = GetSpecializationInfo(self:GetID())
+          end
+          SetLootSpecialization(id)
+        end
+        TalentModule.lootSpecPopup:Hide()
+      end)
+      self.lootSpecButtons[i] = button
+      if textWidth > popupWidth then
+        popupWidth = textWidth
+        changedWidth = true
+      end
+    end -- if nil
+  end -- for ipairs portOptions
+  for portId, button in pairs(self.lootSpecButtons) do
+    if button.isSettable then
+      button:SetPoint('LEFT', xb.constants.popupPadding, 0)
+      button:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding))
+      button:SetPoint('RIGHT')
+      popupHeight = popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize
+    else
+      button:Hide()
+    end
+  end -- for id/button in portButtons
+  if changedWidth then
+    popupWidth = popupWidth + self.extraPadding
+  end
+  if popupWidth < self.specFrame:GetWidth() then
+    popupWidth = self.specFrame:GetWidth()
+  end
+  if popupWidth < (self.lootSpecOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding) then
+    popupWidth = (self.lootSpecOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding)
+  end
+  self.lootSpecPopup:SetSize(popupWidth, popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding)

-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
-	if event == ("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
-		createSpecButtons()
-		createLootSpecButtons()
-	end
-	if event == ("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
-		if lootSpecFrame:IsShown() then
-			lootSpecFrame:Hide()
-		end
-		if specFrame:IsShown() then
-			specFrame:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-	local primarySpec = GetSpecialization(false, false, 1)
-	if primarySpec ~= nil then
-		local id, name = GetSpecializationInfo(primarySpec)
-		if name then name = string.upper(name) end
-		--name = string.upper(name)
-		primarySpecText:SetText(name)
-		primarySpecIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."spec\\"..cfg.CLASS)
-		primarySpecIcon:SetTexCoord(unpack(cfg.specCoords[primarySpec]))
-		primarySpecFrame:SetSize(primarySpecText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-		primarySpecFrame:Show()
-		primarySpecFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-	else
-		primarySpecFrame:Hide()
-		primarySpecFrame:EnableMouse(false)
-	end
-	primarySpecIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	primarySpecText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	talentFrame:SetSize((primarySpecFrame:GetWidth()), 16)
+function TalentModule:ShowTooltip()
+  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.talentFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+  GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..SPECIALIZATION.."|r]")
+  GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+  local name = ''
+  if self.currentLootSpecID == 0 then
+    _, name, _ = GetSpecializationInfo(self.currentSpecID)
+  else
+    _, name, _ = GetSpecializationInfoByID(self.currentLootSpecID)
+  end
+  GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Current Loot Specialization'], name, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  if self.curArtifactId > 0 then
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    local _, artifactData = self.LAD:GetArtifactInfo(self.curArtifactId)
+    local knowLevel, knowMult = self.LAD:GetArtifactKnowledge()
+    if knowLevel > 0 then
+      GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Artifact Knowledge']..':', string.format('%d (x%d)', knowLevel, ((knowMult) - 1 * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(ARTIFACT_POWER..':', string.format('%d / %d (%d%%)', artifactData.power, artifactData.maxPower, floor((artifactData.power / artifactData.maxPower) * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Remaining']..':', string.format('%d (%d%%)', artifactData.powerForNextRank, floor((artifactData.powerForNextRank / artifactData.maxPower) * 100)), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    if artifactData.numRanksPurchasable > 0 then
+      GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(L['Available Ranks']..':', string.format('%d', artifactData.numRanksPurchasable), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    end
+  end
+  GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+  GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Set Specialization'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Right-Click']..'>', L['Set Loot Specialization'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  GameTooltip:Show()
+function TalentModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'talent', {
+      enabled = true,
+      barCC = false,
+      showTooltip = true,
+      minWidth = 50
+    }
+function TalentModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.talent.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.talent.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      },
+      barCC = {
+        name = L['Use Class Colors'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.talent.barCC; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.talent.barCC = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      showTooltip = {
+        name = L['Show Tooltips'],
+        order = 3,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.talent.showTooltip; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.talent.showTooltip = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      minWidth = {
+        name = L['Talent Minimum Width'],
+        type = 'range',
+        order = 4,
+        min = 10,
+        max = 200,
+        step = 10,
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.talent.minWidth; end,
+        set = function(info, val) xb.db.profile.modules.talent.minWidth = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/test.lua b/modules/test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a7f7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+local AddOnName, Engine = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = Engine[1];
+local L = Engine[2];
+local P = {};
+TestModule = xb:NewModule("TestModule")
+function TestModule:GetName()
+  return L['Test Module'];
+function TestModule:OnInitialize()
+function TestModule:OnEnable()
+  P = xb.db.profile
+  xb:RegisterFrame('testModuleFrame', CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar')))
+  self:Refresh()
+function TestModule:OnDisable()
+function TestModule:Refresh()
+function TestModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'testModule', {
+      enabled = true
+    }
+function TestModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return P.modules.testModule.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val) P.modules.testModule.enabled = val; end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/tradeskill.lua b/modules/tradeskill.lua
index 1b79a02..7df146b 100644
--- a/modules/tradeskill.lua
+++ b/modules/tradeskill.lua
@@ -1,272 +1,301 @@
-local addon, ns = ...
-local cfg = ns.cfg
-local unpack = unpack
-if not cfg.tradeSkill.show then return end
-local proffessions = {
-	['ALCHEMY'] = {"Alchemical Catalyst", "Secrets of Draenor Alchemy", "Northrend Alchemy Research"},
-	['BLACKSMITHING'] = {"Truesteel Ignot", "Secrets of Draenor Blacksmithing"},
-	['ENCHANTING'] = {"Temporal Crystal", "Secrets of Draenor Enchanting"},
-	['ENGINEERING'] = {"Gearsoring Parts", "Secrets of Draenor Engineering"},
-	['INSCRIPTION'] = {"War Paints", "Secrets of Draenor Inscription","Draenor Merchant Order"},
-	['JEWELCRAFTING'] = {"Taladite Crystal", "Secrets of Draenor Jewelcrafting"},
-	['LEATHERWORKING'] = {"Burnished Leather", "Secrets of Draenor Leatherworking"},
-	['TAILORING'] = {"Hexweave Cloth", "Secrets of Draenor Tailoring"},
-local profIcons = {
-	[164] = 'blacksmithing',
-	[165] = 'leatherworking',
-	[171] = 'alchemy',
-	[182] = 'herbalism',
-	[186] = 'mining',
-	[202] = 'engineering',
-	[333] = 'enchanting',
-	[755] = 'jewelcrafting',
-	[773] = 'inscription',
-	[197] = 'tailoring',
-	[393] = 'skinning'
-local prof1OnCooldown = false
-local prof2OnCooldown = false
-local tradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil, cfg.SXframe)
-tradeSkillFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", cfg.SXframe, "CENTER", 110,0)
-tradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local primaryTradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, tradeSkillFrame)
-primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local primaryTradeSkillIcon = primaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local primaryTradeSkillText = primaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-primaryTradeSkillText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-primaryTradeSkillText:SetPoint("RIGHT",primaryTradeSkillFrame,2,0 )
-local primaryTradeSkillStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, primaryTradeSkillFrame)
-primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", primaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-local primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG = primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
-primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", primaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.tradeSkill.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(tradeSkillFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	addCooldownsToTooltip()
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if prof1OnCooldown then
-		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	else
-		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	end
-	primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
-		if prof1 then
-			CastSpell(select(6,GetProfessionInfo(prof1))+1,BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION)
-		end
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-	end
-local secondaryTradeSkillFrame = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil, tradeSkillFrame)
-secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(16, 16)
-local secondaryTradeSkillIcon = secondaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,7)
-secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetSize(16, 16)
-local secondaryTradeSkillText = secondaryTradeSkillFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
-secondaryTradeSkillText:SetFont(cfg.text.font, cfg.text.normalFontSize)
-secondaryTradeSkillText:SetPoint("LEFT", secondaryTradeSkillIcon,"RIGHT",2,0)
-local secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, secondaryTradeSkillFrame)
-secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", secondaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-local secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG = secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,7)
-secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", secondaryTradeSkillText, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2)
-secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.hover))
-	if not cfg.tradeSkill.showTooltip then return end
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(tradeSkillFrame, cfg.tooltipPos)
-	addCooldownsToTooltip()
-	GameTooltip:Show()
-secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
-	if prof2OnCooldown then
-		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-	else
-		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	end
-	secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-	if ( GameTooltip:IsShown() ) then GameTooltip:Hide() end
-secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down)
-	if InCombatLockdown() then return end
-	if button == "LeftButton" then
-		local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
-		if prof2 then
-			CastSpell(select(6,GetProfessionInfo(prof2))+1,BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION)
-		end
-	elseif button == "RightButton" then
-	end
-local eventframe = CreateFrame("Frame")
-eventframe:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP", "player")
-eventframe:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event, ...)
-	local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
-	if prof1 then
-		local prof1Name, _, prof1Rank, prof1MaxRank, _, _, prof1SkillLine = GetProfessionInfo(prof1)
-		prof1Name = string.upper(prof1Name)
-		primaryTradeSkillText:SetText(prof1Name)
-		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."profession\\"..profIcons[prof1SkillLine])
-		if prof1Rank == prof1MaxRank then
-			primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Hide()
-		else
-			primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Show()
-		end
-		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, prof1MaxRank)
-		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetValue(prof1Rank)
-		primaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-		primaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-		primaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetSize(primaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-		primaryTradeSkillFrame:Show()
-		primaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-		primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		--[[for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
-			local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(i)
-			if cooldown then
-				local name = GetTradeSkillInfo(i)
-				for k, v in pairs(proffessions) do
-					for u = 1, #v do
-						if k == prof1Name then
-							if v[u] == name then
-								if not prof1OnCooldown then prof1OnCooldown = true end
-								primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-								primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-								if not prof1OnCooldown then
-									primaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-									primaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end]]--
-	else
-		primaryTradeSkillFrame:Hide()
-		primaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(false)
-	end
-	if prof2 then
-		local prof2Name, _, prof2rank, prof2maxRank, _, _, prof2SkillLine = GetProfessionInfo(prof2)
-		prof2Name = string.upper(prof2Name)
-		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetText(prof2Name)
-		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetTexture(cfg.mediaFolder.."profession\\"..profIcons[prof2SkillLine])
-		if prof2rank == prof2maxRank then
-			secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Hide()
-		else
-			secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:Show()
-		end
-		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, prof2maxRank)
-		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetValue(prof2rank)
-		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth()+18, 16)
-		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbar:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-		secondaryTradeSkillStatusbarBG:SetSize(secondaryTradeSkillText:GetStringWidth(),3)
-		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:Show()
-		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-		secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-		--[[for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
-			local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(i)
-			if cooldown then
-				local name = GetTradeSkillInfo(i)
-				for k, v in pairs(proffessions) do
-					for u = 1, #v do
-						if k == prof2Name then
-							if v[u] == name then
-								if not prof2OnCooldown then prof2OnCooldown = true end
-								secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-								secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.inactive))
-								if not prof2OnCooldown then
-									secondaryTradeSkillIcon:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-									secondaryTradeSkillText:SetTextColor(unpack(cfg.color.normal))
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end]]--
-	else
-		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:Hide()
-		secondaryTradeSkillFrame:EnableMouse(false)
-	end
-	tradeSkillFrame:SetSize((primaryTradeSkillFrame:GetWidth())+(secondaryTradeSkillFrame:GetWidth()+4), 16)
-function addCooldownsToTooltip()
-	for i,v in pairs(C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilteredRecipeIDs()) do
-	  local _, cooldown, secondsToCooldown, dunno = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeCooldown(v)
-	  if cooldown then
-	    local name = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeInfo(v).name
-	    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, SecondsToTime(secondsToCooldown), 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
-	  end
-	end
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local TradeskillModule = xb:NewModule("TradeskillModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function TradeskillModule:GetName()
+  return TRADESKILLS;
+function TradeskillModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.profIcons = {
+  	[164] = 'blacksmithing',
+  	[165] = 'leatherworking',
+  	[171] = 'alchemy',
+  	[182] = 'herbalism',
+  	[186] = 'mining',
+  	[202] = 'engineering',
+  	[333] = 'enchanting',
+  	[755] = 'jewelcrafting',
+  	[773] = 'inscription',
+  	[197] = 'tailoring',
+  	[393] = 'skinning'
+  }
+function TradeskillModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.tradeskillFrame == nil then
+    self.tradeskillFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('tradeskillFrame', self.tradeskillFrame)
+  end
+  self.tradeskillFrame:Show()
+  local prof1, prof2, _ = GetProfessions()
+  self.prof1 = prof1
+  self.prof2 = prof2
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function TradeskillModule:OnDisable()
+  self.tradeskillFrame:Hide()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('SPELLS_CHANGED')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP')
+function TradeskillModule:UpdateProfValues()
+  if self.prof1 then
+    local _, _, skill, cap, _ = GetProfessionInfo(self.prof1)
+    self.firstProfBar:SetMinMaxValues(1, cap)
+    self.firstProfBar:SetValue(skill)
+  end
+  if self.prof2 then
+    local _, _, skill, cap, _ = GetProfessionInfo(self.prof2)
+    self.secondProfBar:SetMinMaxValues(1, cap)
+    self.secondProfBar:SetValue(skill)
+  end
+function TradeskillModule:Refresh()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self:UpdateProfValues()
+    return
+  end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.tradeskillFrame == nil then return; end
+  if not db.modules.tradeskill.enabled then return; end
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  local totalWidth = 0
+  if self.prof1 then
+    self:StyleTradeskillFrame('firstProf', self.prof1)
+    totalWidth = totalWidth + self.firstProfFrame:GetWidth()
+    self.firstProfFrame:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  end
+  if self.prof2 then
+    self:StyleTradeskillFrame('secondProf', self.prof2)
+    totalWidth = totalWidth + self.secondProfFrame:GetWidth()
+    self.secondProfFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', self.firstProfFrame, 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  end
+  if self.prof1 or self.prof2 then
+    self:UpdateProfValues()
+    self.tradeskillFrame:SetSize(totalWidth, xb:GetHeight())
+    --self.tradeskillFrame:SetSize(self.goldButton:GetSize())
+    local relativeAnchorPoint = 'RIGHT'
+    local xOffset = db.general.moduleSpacing
+    if not xb:GetFrame('clockFrame'):IsVisible() then
+      relativeAnchorPoint = 'LEFT'
+      xOffset = 0
+    end
+    self.tradeskillFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', xb:GetFrame('clockFrame'), relativeAnchorPoint, xOffset, 0)
+  else
+    self.tradeskillFrame:Hide()
+  end
+function TradeskillModule:StyleTradeskillFrame(framePrefix, profIndex)
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  local name, _, skill, cap, _, spellOffset, skillLine, _ = GetProfessionInfo(profIndex)
+  local icon = xb.constants.mediaPath..'profession\\'..self.profIcons[skillLine]
+  local textHeight = floor((xb:GetHeight() - 4) / 2)
+  if skill == cap then
+    textHeight = db.text.fontSize
+  end
+  self[framePrefix..'Icon']:SetTexture(icon)
+  self[framePrefix..'Icon']:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self[framePrefix..'Icon']:SetPoint('LEFT')
+  self[framePrefix..'Icon']:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self[framePrefix..'Text']:SetFont(xb:GetFont(textHeight))
+  self[framePrefix..'Text']:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  self[framePrefix..'Text']:SetText(string.upper(name))
+  if skill == cap then
+    self[framePrefix..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', self[framePrefix..'Icon'], 'RIGHT', 5, 0)
+  else
+    self[framePrefix..'Text']:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self[framePrefix..'Icon'], 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self[framePrefix..'Bar']:SetStatusBarTexture(1, 1, 1)
+    if db.modules.tradeskill.barCC then
+      self[framePrefix..'Bar']:SetStatusBarColor(xb:GetClassColors())
+    else
+      self[framePrefix..'Bar']:SetStatusBarColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    end
+    self[framePrefix..'Bar']:SetSize(self[framePrefix..'Text']:GetStringWidth(), (iconSize - textHeight - 2))
+    self[framePrefix..'Bar']:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self[framePrefix..'Icon'], 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self[framePrefix..'BarBg']:SetAllPoints()
+    self[framePrefix..'BarBg']:SetColorTexture(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  end
+  self[framePrefix..'Frame']:SetSize(iconSize + self[framePrefix..'Text']:GetStringWidth() + 5, xb:GetHeight())
+  local spellName, subSpellName = GetSpellBookItemName(spellOffset + 1, BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION)
+  self[framePrefix..'Frame']:SetAttribute('spell', spellName) --- While this is usually the type of thing I'd put into RegisterFrameEvents(), I need it to update
+function TradeskillModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.firstProfFrame = self.firstProfFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.tradeskillFrame, 'SecureActionButtonTemplate')
+  self.firstProfIcon = self.firstProfIcon or self.firstProfFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.firstProfText = self.firstProfText or self.firstProfFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.firstProfBar = self.firstProfBar or CreateFrame('STATUSBAR', nil, self.firstProfFrame)
+  self.firstProfBarBg = self.firstProfBarBg or self.firstProfBar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+  self.secondProfFrame = self.secondProfFrame or CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, self.tradeskillFrame, 'SecureActionButtonTemplate')
+  self.secondProfIcon = self.secondProfIcon or self.secondProfFrame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.secondProfText = self.secondProfText or self.secondProfFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.secondProfBar = self.secondProfBar or CreateFrame('STATUSBAR', nil, self.secondProfFrame)
+  self.secondProfBarBg = self.secondProfBarBg or self.secondProfBar:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+function TradeskillModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:RegisterEvent('TRADE_SKILL_UPDATE', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('SPELLS_CHANGED', 'Refresh')
+  self.tradeskillFrame:RegisterUnitEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP', 'player')
+  self.tradeskillFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', function(_, event)
+    if event == 'UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.firstProfFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.firstProfFrame:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+  self.firstProfFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    self.firstProfText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      self:ShowTooltip()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.firstProfFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    local db = xb.db.profile
+    self.firstProfText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.firstProfFrame:SetAttribute('*type1', 'spell')
+  self.firstProfFrame:SetAttribute('unit', 'player')
+  self.secondProfFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.secondProfFrame:RegisterForClicks('AnyUp')
+  self.secondProfFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    self.secondProfText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      self:ShowTooltip()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.secondProfFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    local db = xb.db.profile
+    self.secondProfText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.secondProfFrame:SetAttribute('*type1', 'spell')
+  self.secondProfFrame:SetAttribute('unit', 'player')
+  self.tradeskillFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.tradeskillFrame:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      self:ShowTooltip()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.tradeskillFrame:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    if xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip then
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameHide', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'clockFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+  self:RegisterMessage('XIVBar_FrameShow', function(_, name)
+    if name == 'clockFrame' then
+      self:Refresh()
+    end
+  end)
+function TradeskillModule:ShowTooltip()
+  return
+  --[[
+  GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.tradeskillFrame, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+  GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Cooldowns'].."|r]")
+  GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+  local recipeIds = C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllRecipeIDs()
+  GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+  GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Left-Click']..'>', L['Toggle Currency Frame'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+  GameTooltip:Show()]]--
+function TradeskillModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  return 'tradeskill', {
+      enabled = true,
+      barCC = false,
+      showTooltip = true
+    }
+function TradeskillModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      },
+      barCC = {
+        name = L['Use Class Colors'],
+        order = 2,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.barCC; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.barCC = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      },
+      showTooltip = {
+        name = L['Show Tooltips'],
+        order = 3,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip; end,
+        set = function(_, val) xb.db.profile.modules.tradeskill.showTooltip = val; self:Refresh(); end
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/modules/travel.lua b/modules/travel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2441b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/travel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+local AddOnName, XIVBar = ...;
+local _G = _G;
+local xb = XIVBar;
+local L = XIVBar.L;
+local TravelModule = xb:NewModule("TravelModule", 'AceEvent-3.0')
+function TravelModule:GetName()
+  return L['Travel'];
+function TravelModule:OnInitialize()
+  self.iconPath = xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\repair'
+  self.garrisonHearth = 110560
+  self.hearthstones = {
+    64488, -- Innkeeper's Daughter
+    54452, -- Ethereal Portal
+    93672, -- Dark Portal
+    6948,  -- Hearthstone
+    556,   -- Astral Recall
+    28585, -- Ruby Slippers
+    37118, -- Scroll of Recall 1
+    44314, -- Scroll of Recall 2
+    44315, -- Scroll of Recall 3
+  }
+  self.portButtons = {}
+  self.extraPadding = (xb.constants.popupPadding * 3)
+  self.optionTextExtra = 4
+function TravelModule:OnEnable()
+  if self.hearthFrame == nil then
+    self.hearthFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, xb:GetFrame('bar'))
+    xb:RegisterFrame('travelFrame', self.hearthFrame)
+  end
+  self.hearthFrame:Show()
+  self:CreateFrames()
+  self:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:Refresh()
+function TravelModule:OnDisable()
+  self.hearthFrame:Hide()
+  self:UnregisterEvent('SPELLS_CHANGED')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED')
+  self:UnregisterEvent('HEARTHSTONE_BOUND')
+function TravelModule:CreateFrames()
+  self.hearthButton = self.hearthButton or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.hearthFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+  self.hearthIcon = self.hearthIcon or self.hearthButton:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.hearthText = self.hearthText or self.hearthButton:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.portButton = self.portButton or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.hearthFrame, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
+  self.portIcon = self.portIcon or self.portButton:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.portText = self.portText or self.portButton:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.portPopup = self.portPopup or CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.portButton)
+  self.popupTexture = self.popupTexture or self.portPopup:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+function TravelModule:RegisterFrameEvents()
+  self:RegisterEvent('SPELLS_CHANGED', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED', 'Refresh')
+  self:RegisterEvent('HEARTHSTONE_BOUND', 'Refresh')
+  self.hearthButton:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.hearthButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self.hearthButton:SetAttribute('type', 'macro')
+  self.portButton:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.portButton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp")
+  self.portButton:SetAttribute('*type1', 'macro')
+  self.portButton:SetAttribute('*type2', 'portFunction')
+  self.portPopup:EnableMouse(true)
+  self.portPopup:RegisterForClicks('RightButtonUp')
+  self.portButton.portFunction = self.portButton.portFunction or function()
+    if TravelModule.portPopup:IsVisible() then
+      TravelModule.portPopup:Hide()
+    else
+      TravelModule:CreatePortPopup()
+      TravelModule.portPopup:Show()
+    end
+  end
+  self.portPopup:SetScript('OnClick', function(self, button)
+    if button == 'RightButton' then
+      self:Hide()
+    end
+  end)
+  self.hearthButton:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    TravelModule:SetHearthColor()
+  end)
+  self.hearthButton:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    TravelModule:SetHearthColor()
+  end)
+  self.portButton:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+    TravelModule:SetPortColor()
+    if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+    GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.portButton, 'ANCHOR_'..xb.miniTextPosition)
+    GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+    GameTooltip:AddLine("[|cff6699FF"..L['Travel Cooldowns'].."|r]")
+    for i, v in pairs(self.portOptions) do
+      if IsUsableItem(v.portId) or IsPlayerSpell(v.portId) then
+        if IsUsableItem(v.portId) then
+          local _, cd, _ = GetItemCooldown(v.portId)
+          local cdString = self:FormatCooldown(cd)
+          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(v.text, cdString, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+        end
+        if IsPlayerSpell(v.portId) then
+          local _, cd, _ = GetSpellCooldown(v.portId)
+          local cdString = self:FormatCooldown(cd)
+          GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(v.text, cdString, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
+    GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine('<'..L['Right-Click']..'>', L['Change Port Option'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+    GameTooltip:Show()
+  end)
+  self.portButton:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+    TravelModule:SetPortColor()
+    GameTooltip:Hide()
+  end)
+function TravelModule:UpdatePortOptions()
+  local compassName, _ = GetItemInfo(128353)
+  if not self.portOptions then
+    self.portOptions = {}
+  end
+  if IsUsableItem(128353) and not self.portOptions[128353] then
+    self.portOptions[128353] = {portId = 128353, text = compassName} -- admiral's compass
+  end
+  if IsUsableItem(140192) and not self.portOptions[140192] then
+    self.portOptions[140192] = {portId = 140192, text = GetMapNameByID(1014)} -- dalaran hearthstone
+  end
+  if IsUsableItem(self.garrisonHearth) and not self.portOptions[self.garrisonHearth] then
+    self.portOptions[self.garrisonHearth] = {portId = self.garrisonHearth, text = GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP} -- needs to be var for default options
+  end
+  if xb.constants.playerClass == 'DRUID' then
+    if IsPlayerSpell(193753) then
+      if not self.portOptions[193753] then
+        self.portOptions[193753] = {portId = 193753, text = ORDER_HALL_DRUID}
+      end
+    else
+      if not self.portOptions[18960] then
+        self.portOptions[18690] = {portId = 18960, text = GetMapNameByID(241)}
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if xb.constants.playerClass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' and not self.portOptions[50977] then
+    self.portOptions[50977] = {portId = 50977, text = ORDER_HALL_DEATHKNIGHT}
+  end
+  if xb.constants.playerClass == 'MAGE' and not self.portOptions[193759] then
+    self.portOptions[193759] = {portId = 193759, text = ORDER_HALL_MAGE}
+  end
+  if xb.constants.playerClass == 'MONK' and not self.portOptions[193759] then
+    local portText = GetMapNameByID(809)
+    if IsPlayerSpell(200617) then
+      portText = ORDER_HALL_MONK
+    end
+    self.portOptions[193759] = {portId = 193759, text = portText}
+  end
+function TravelModule:FormatCooldown(cdTime)
+  if cdTime <= 0 then
+    return L['Ready']
+  end
+  local hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(cdTime / 3600))
+  local minutes = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(cdTime / 60 - (hours * 60)))
+  local seconds = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(cdTime - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)))
+  local retString = ''
+  if tonumber(hours) ~= 0 then
+    retString = hours..':'
+  end
+  if tonumber(minutes) ~= 0 or tonumber(hours) ~= 0 then
+    retString = retString..minutes..':'
+  end
+  return retString..seconds
+function TravelModule:SetHearthColor()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  if self.hearthButton:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.hearthText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  else
+    self.hearthIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    local hearthName = ''
+    local hearthActive = false
+    for i,v in ipairs(self.hearthstones) do
+      if (PlayerHasToy(v) or IsUsableItem(v)) then
+        if GetItemCooldown(v) == 0 then
+          hearthName, _ = GetItemInfo(v)
+          if hearthName ~= nil then
+            hearthActive = true
+            self.hearthButton:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast "..hearthName)
+            break
+          end
+        end
+      end -- if toy/item
+      if IsPlayerSpell(v) then
+        if GetSpellCooldown(v) == 0 then
+          hearthName, _ = GetSpellInfo(v)
+          hearthActive = true
+          self.hearthButton:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast "..hearthName)
+        end
+      end -- if is spell
+    end -- for hearthstones
+    if hearthActive then
+      self.hearthIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    end
+    self.hearthText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  end --else
+function TravelModule:SetPortColor()
+  if InCombatLockdown() then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  local v = db.modules.travel.portItem.portId
+  if not (IsUsableItem(v) or IsPlayerSpell(v)) then
+    self.portButton:Hide()
+    return
+  end
+  if self.portButton:IsMouseOver() then
+    self.portText:SetTextColor(unpack(xb:HoverColors()))
+  else
+    local hearthname = ''
+    local hearthActive = false
+    if (PlayerHasToy(v) or IsUsableItem(v)) then
+      if GetItemCooldown(v) == 0 then
+        hearthName, _ = GetItemInfo(v)
+        if hearthName ~= nil then
+          hearthActive = true
+          self.portButton:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast "..hearthName)
+        end
+      end
+    end -- if toy/item
+    if IsPlayerSpell(v) then
+      if GetSpellCooldown(v) == 0 then
+        hearthName, _ = GetSpellInfo(v)
+        if hearthName ~= nil then
+          hearthActive = true
+          self.portButton:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast "..hearthName)
+        end
+      end
+    end -- if is spell
+    if hearthActive then
+      self.portIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+    else
+      self.portIcon:SetVertexColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+    end
+    self.portText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+  end --else
+function TravelModule:CreatePortPopup()
+  if not self.portPopup then return; end
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  self.portOptionString = self.portOptionString or self.portPopup:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+  self.portOptionString:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra))
+  self.portOptionString:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+  self.portOptionString:SetText(L['Port Options'])
+  self.portOptionString:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(xb.constants.popupPadding))
+  self.portOptionString:SetPoint('CENTER')
+  local popupWidth = self.portPopup:GetWidth()
+  local popupHeight = xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize + self.optionTextExtra
+  local changedWidth = false
+  for i, v in pairs(self.portOptions) do
+    if self.portButtons[v.portId] == nil then
+      if IsUsableItem(v.portId) or IsPlayerSpell(v.portId) then
+        local button = CreateFrame('BUTTON', nil, self.portPopup)
+        local buttonText = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+        buttonText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+        buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+        buttonText:SetText(v.text)
+        buttonText:SetPoint('LEFT')
+        local textWidth = buttonText:GetStringWidth()
+        button:SetID(v.portId)
+        button:SetSize(textWidth, db.text.fontSize)
+        button.isSettable = true
+        button.portItem = v
+        button:EnableMouse(true)
+        button:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp')
+        button:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+          buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.normal.r, db.color.normal.g, db.color.normal.b, db.color.normal.a)
+        end)
+        button:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+          buttonText:SetTextColor(db.color.inactive.r, db.color.inactive.g, db.color.inactive.b, db.color.inactive.a)
+        end)
+        button:SetScript('OnClick', function(self)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.travel.portItem = self.portItem
+          TravelModule:Refresh()
+        end)
+        self.portButtons[v.portId] = button
+        if textWidth > popupWidth then
+          popupWidth = textWidth
+          changedWidth = true
+        end
+      end -- if usable item or spell
+    else
+      if not (IsUsableItem(v.portId) or IsPlayerSpell(v.portId)) then
+        self.portButtons[v.portId].isSettable = false
+      end
+    end -- if nil
+  end -- for ipairs portOptions
+  for portId, button in pairs(self.portButtons) do
+    if button.isSettable then
+      button:SetPoint('LEFT', xb.constants.popupPadding, 0)
+      button:SetPoint('TOP', 0, -(popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding))
+      button:SetPoint('RIGHT')
+      popupHeight = popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding + db.text.fontSize
+    else
+      button:Hide()
+    end
+  end -- for id/button in portButtons
+  if changedWidth then
+    popupWidth = popupWidth + self.extraPadding
+  end
+  if popupWidth < self.portButton:GetWidth() then
+    popupWidth = self.portButton:GetWidth()
+  end
+  if popupWidth < (self.portOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding) then
+    popupWidth = (self.portOptionString:GetStringWidth()  + self.extraPadding)
+  end
+  self.portPopup:SetSize(popupWidth, popupHeight + xb.constants.popupPadding)
+function TravelModule:Refresh()
+  if self.hearthFrame == nil then return; end
+  if InCombatLockdown() then
+    self.hearthText:SetText(GetBindLocation())
+    self.portText:SetText(xb.db.profile.modules.travel.portItem.text)
+    self:SetHearthColor()
+    self:SetPortColor()
+    return
+  end
+  self:UpdatePortOptions()
+  local db = xb.db.profile
+  --local iconSize = (xb:GetHeight() / 2)
+  local iconSize = db.text.fontSize + db.general.barPadding
+  self.hearthText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.hearthText:SetText(GetBindLocation())
+  self.hearthButton:SetSize(self.hearthText:GetWidth() + iconSize + db.general.barPadding, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.hearthButton:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+  self.hearthText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+  self.hearthIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\hearth')
+  self.hearthIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.hearthIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.hearthText, "LEFT", -(db.general.barPadding), 0)
+  self:SetHearthColor()
+  self.portText:SetFont(xb:GetFont(db.text.fontSize))
+  self.portText:SetText(db.modules.travel.portItem.text)
+  self.portButton:SetSize(self.portText:GetWidth() + iconSize + db.general.barPadding, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.portButton:SetPoint("LEFT", -(db.general.barPadding), 0)
+  self.portText:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+  self.portIcon:SetTexture(xb.constants.mediaPath..'datatexts\\garr')
+  self.portIcon:SetSize(iconSize, iconSize)
+  self.portIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.portText, "LEFT", -(db.general.barPadding), 0)
+  self:SetPortColor()
+  self:CreatePortPopup()
+  self.portPopup:SetPoint('BOTTOM', self.portButton, 'TOP', 0, xb.constants.popupPadding)
+  self.popupTexture:SetColorTexture(db.color.barColor.r, db.color.barColor.g, db.color.barColor.b, db.color.barColor.a)
+  self.popupTexture:SetAllPoints()
+  self.portPopup:Hide()
+  local totalWidth = self.hearthButton:GetWidth() + db.general.barPadding
+  if self.portButton:IsVisible() then
+    totalWidth = totalWidth + self.portButton:GetWidth()
+  end
+  self.hearthFrame:SetSize(totalWidth, xb:GetHeight())
+  self.hearthFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", -(db.general.barPadding), 0)
+function TravelModule:GetDefaultOptions()
+  local firstItem = select(1, self.portOptions)
+  if not firstItem then
+    firstItem = {portId = 140192, text = GetMapNameByID(1014)}
+  end
+  return 'travel', {
+    enabled = true,
+    portItem = firstItem
+  }
+function TravelModule:GetConfig()
+  return {
+    name = self:GetName(),
+    type = "group",
+    args = {
+      enable = {
+        name = ENABLE,
+        order = 0,
+        type = "toggle",
+        get = function() return xb.db.profile.modules.travel.enabled; end,
+        set = function(_, val)
+          xb.db.profile.modules.travel.enabled = val
+          if val then
+            self:Enable()
+          else
+            self:Disable()
+          end
+        end,
+        width = "full"
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/settings.lua b/settings.lua
index fedbc1a..c0f25c2 100644
--- a/settings.lua
+++ b/settings.lua
@@ -19,18 +19,11 @@ cfg.mediaFolder = "Interface\\AddOns\\"..addon.."\\media\\"

 cfg.color = {
 	normal = {1,1,1,.75},						-- SETS THE SAME COLOR FOR THE TEXT
-	inactive = {1,1,1,.25},						-- SET THE COLOR FOR THE INACTIVE ICONS
+	inactive = {1,1,1,.25},						-- SET THE COLOR FOR THE INACTICE ICONS
 	hover = {cfg.cc.r,cfg.cc.g,cfg.cc.b,.75},	-- DOES NOT CHANGE THE TEXTCOLOR
 	barcolor = {.094,.094,.094,.75},			-- THE COLOR OF THE BAR
-	classColor = false
+	--barcolor = {.05,.05,.05,0},			-- THE COLOR OF THE BAR
-if cfg.color.classColor then
-	local tmp=cfg.color.normal
-	cfg.color.normal=cfg.color.hover
-	cfg.color.hover=tmp
 if cfg.CLASS == "PRIEST" then cfg.color.hover = {.5,.5,0,.75} end -- ADDED BEACUSE NORMALY THE PRIEST COLOR IS THE SAME AS THE NORMAL COLOR

 cfg.text = {
@@ -74,7 +67,6 @@ cfg.tradeSkill = {
 cfg.currency = {
 	show = true,			-- USES THIS MODULE
-	showAPbar= true,
 	textOnRight = true,