

Mini_Dragon [02-05-15 - 19:51]
diff --git a/DBM-VPYike/Thogar/B14.ogg b/DBM-VPYike/Thogar/B14.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6266d00
Binary files /dev/null and b/DBM-VPYike/Thogar/B14.ogg differ
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 3c6f11a..0e578ae 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-# DBM-VoicePack-Yike
-DBM supports voicepack now.
-Curse: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voicepack-yike
-VEM English Female (previously known as default VEM voicepack)
- * Curse: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voicepack-vem
- * Git: https://github.com/henryj/DBM-Voicepack-VEM
-You can find the filelist here if you want to make your own voicepack.
-You are free to:
- *  Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
-    The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
-Under the following terms:
- * Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- * NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. (Contact me if you need this package for other wow addons).
- * No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
+# DBM-VoicePack-Yike
+DBM supports voicepack now.
+Curse: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voicepack-yike
+VEM English Female (previously known as default VEM voicepack)
+ * Curse: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voicepack-vem
+ * Git: https://github.com/henryj/DBM-Voicepack-VEM
+You can find the filelist here if you want to make your own voicepack.
+You are free to:
+ *  Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
+    The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
+Under the following terms:
+ * Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
+ * NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. (Contact me if you need this package for other wow addons).
+ * No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
diff --git a/voicelist.csv b/voicelist.csv
index 99cc8f0..599c4f1 100644
--- a/voicelist.csv
+++ b/voicelist.csv
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-153247,陨石快躲,Meteor run!
-findshelter,快找掩体,find shelter
-findshadow,快进阴影,get inside the shadow
-findshield,快找盾牌,find shield
-169613,快踩小花,run over the flowers
-153804,快找泥水,"inhale, get inside the puddle"
-dispelboss,驱散boss,dispel boss
-164974,快进白色符文,touch white runes
-159947r,准备投掷,toss coming
-159947y,你被投掷,toss on you
-159202,火柱出现,Flame pillar appears
-159202f,快找火柱,find Flame pillar
-156160,准备击飞,Bounding Cleave Coming
-162894,大地之赐,Gift of Earth
-163142k,真菌食肉者快打,Attack Flesh Eater
-163594k,孢子投射者快打,Attack Spore Shooter
-163141k,食脑真菌快打,Attack Mind Fungus
-160022s,绿蘑菇出现,green Mushroom coming
-160021s,蓝蘑菇出现,blue Mushroom coming
-158134,盾牌冲锋,Shield Charge
-158093,震荡怒吼,Interrupting Shout
-158057,致衰咆哮,Enfeebling Roar
-172895,返回原位,return to start
-161612,准备接球,ball soon
-161411,远离冰球,run away from ice orb
-157349,,force nova coming
-160702,快打炮,attack cannon
-20619,反伤形态,Magic Reflection
-pfour,4阶段准备,phase 4
-ptran,转阶段准备,Transition phase
-kick1r,1打断准备,interrupt 1,1번 차단
-kick2r,2打断准备,interrupt 2,2번 차단
-kick3r,3打断准备,interrupt 3,3번 차단
-kick4r,4打断准备,interrupt 4,4번 차단
-kick5r,5打断准备,interrupt 5,5번 차단
-gathershare,集合分担,share the damage
-mobout,拉开小怪,taunt mob out
-bombrun,"快跑, 炸弹点你","bomb on you, run"
-157060,快进黄色符文,touch yellow runes
-Thogar/A1,一轨道快车,lane 1 express
-Thogar/A2,二轨道快车,lane 2 express
-Thogar/A3,三轨道快车,lane 3 express
-Thogar/A4,四轨道快车,lane 4 express
-Thogar/AX,随机轨道快车,random express
-Thogar/B1,一轨道小怪,lane 1 Reinforcements
-Thogar/B2,二轨道小怪,lane 2 Reinforcements
-Thogar/B3,三轨道小怪,lane 3 Reinforcements
-Thogar/B4,四轨道小怪,lane 4 Reinforcements
-Thogar/BX,随机轨道小怪,random Reinforcements
-Thogar/C1,一轨道火炮,lane 1 cannon
-Thogar/C2,二轨道火炮,lane 2 cannon
-Thogar/C3,三轨道火炮,lane 3 cannon
-Thogar/C4,四轨道火炮,lane 4 cannon
-Thogar/CX,随机轨道火炮,random cannon
-Thogar/D1,一轨道大怪,lane 1 Man On Arms
-Thogar/D2,二轨道大怪,lane 2 Man On Arms
-Thogar/D3,三轨道大怪,lane 3 Man On Arms
-Thogar/D4,四轨道大怪,lane 4 Man On Arms
-Thogar/DX,随机轨道大怪,random Man On Arms
-Thogar/E1,一轨道喷火,lane 1 Deforester
-Thogar/E2,二轨道喷火,lane 2 Deforester
-Thogar/E3,三轨道喷火,lane 3 Deforester
-Thogar/E4,四轨道喷火,lane 4 Deforester
-Thogar/EX,随机轨道喷火,random Deforester
-Thogar/F,随机三轨道快车,3 Random Lanes
-Thogar/A14,一四轨道快车,lane 1 and 4 expresses
-Thogar/B23,二三轨道小怪,lane 2 and 3 Reinforcements
-Thogar/C14,一四轨道火炮,lane 1 and 4 cannons
-Thogar/D2C4,二轨道大怪四轨道火炮, lane 2 Man On Arms and lane 4 cannon
-Thogar/B2D3,二轨道小怪三轨道大怪, lane 2 Reinforcements and lane 3 Man On Arms
-158078,远离连线,far away from lines
-158599,火炮快打,"attack turret"
-1695uktar,乌克塔准备,uktar on the boat
-1695gorak,高莱克准备,gorak on the boat
-1695ukurogg,乌克罗格准备,uk'urogg on the boat
-ej9571,坦克快打,attack tank
-156096,死亡标记,marked for death
+153247,陨石快躲,Meteor run!
+findshelter,快找掩体,find shelter
+findshadow,快进阴影,get inside the shadow
+findshield,快找盾牌,find shield
+169613,快踩小花,run over the flowers
+153804,快找泥水,"inhale, get inside the puddle"
+dispelboss,驱散boss,dispel boss
+164974,快进白色符文,touch white runes
+159947r,准备投掷,toss coming
+159947y,你被投掷,toss on you
+159202,火柱出现,Flame pillar appears
+159202f,快找火柱,find Flame pillar
+156160,准备击飞,Bounding Cleave Coming
+162894,大地之赐,Gift of Earth
+163142k,真菌食肉者快打,Attack Flesh Eater
+163594k,孢子投射者快打,Attack Spore Shooter
+163141k,食脑真菌快打,Attack Mind Fungus
+160022s,绿蘑菇出现,green Mushroom coming
+160021s,蓝蘑菇出现,blue Mushroom coming
+158134,盾牌冲锋,Shield Charge
+158093,震荡怒吼,Interrupting Shout
+158057,致衰咆哮,Enfeebling Roar
+172895,返回原位,return to start
+161612,准备接球,ball soon
+161411,远离冰球,run away from ice orb
+157349,,force nova coming
+160702,快打炮,attack cannon
+20619,反伤形态,Magic Reflection
+pfour,4阶段准备,phase 4
+ptran,转阶段准备,Transition phase
+kick1r,1打断准备,interrupt 1,1번 차단
+kick2r,2打断准备,interrupt 2,2번 차단
+kick3r,3打断准备,interrupt 3,3번 차단
+kick4r,4打断准备,interrupt 4,4번 차단
+kick5r,5打断准备,interrupt 5,5번 차단
+gathershare,集合分担,share the damage
+mobout,拉开小怪,taunt mob out
+bombrun,"快跑, 炸弹点你","bomb on you, run"
+157060,快进黄色符文,touch yellow runes
+Thogar/A1,一轨道快车,lane 1 express
+Thogar/A2,二轨道快车,lane 2 express
+Thogar/A3,三轨道快车,lane 3 express
+Thogar/A4,四轨道快车,lane 4 express
+Thogar/AX,随机轨道快车,random express
+Thogar/B1,一轨道小怪,lane 1 Reinforcements
+Thogar/B2,二轨道小怪,lane 2 Reinforcements
+Thogar/B3,三轨道小怪,lane 3 Reinforcements
+Thogar/B4,四轨道小怪,lane 4 Reinforcements
+Thogar/BX,随机轨道小怪,random Reinforcements
+Thogar/C1,一轨道火炮,lane 1 cannon
+Thogar/C2,二轨道火炮,lane 2 cannon
+Thogar/C3,三轨道火炮,lane 3 cannon
+Thogar/C4,四轨道火炮,lane 4 cannon
+Thogar/CX,随机轨道火炮,random cannon
+Thogar/D1,一轨道大怪,lane 1 Man On Arms
+Thogar/D2,二轨道大怪,lane 2 Man On Arms
+Thogar/D3,三轨道大怪,lane 3 Man On Arms
+Thogar/D4,四轨道大怪,lane 4 Man On Arms
+Thogar/DX,随机轨道大怪,random Man On Arms
+Thogar/E1,一轨道喷火,lane 1 Deforester
+Thogar/E2,二轨道喷火,lane 2 Deforester
+Thogar/E3,三轨道喷火,lane 3 Deforester
+Thogar/E4,四轨道喷火,lane 4 Deforester
+Thogar/EX,随机轨道喷火,random Deforester
+Thogar/F,随机三轨道快车,3 Random Lanes
+Thogar/A14,一四轨道快车,lane 1 and 4 expresses
+Thogar/B23,二三轨道小怪,lane 2 and 3 Reinforcements
+Thogar/C14,一四轨道火炮,lane 1 and 4 cannons
+Thogar/D2C4,二轨道大怪四轨道火炮, lane 2 Man On Arms and lane 4 cannon
+Thogar/B2D3,二轨道小怪三轨道大怪, lane 2 Reinforcements and lane 3 Man On Arms
+Thogar/B14,一四轨道小怪,lane 1 and 4 Reinforcements
+158078,远离连线,far away from lines
+158599,火炮快打,"attack turret"
+1695uktar,乌克塔准备,uktar on the boat
+1695gorak,高莱克准备,gorak on the boat
+1695ukurogg,乌克罗格准备,uk'urogg on the boat
+ej9571,坦克快打,attack tank
+156096,死亡标记,marked for death