
- Updated DispelHighlight module

Lanerra [12-29-13 - 00:06]
- Updated DispelHighlight module
- Updated ThreatHighlight module
- Fixed Threat and Debuff highlighting not working
- Fixed small discrepancy on buff size on target frame
- Version 1.5.1
diff --git a/modules/DispellableDebuffs.lua b/modules/DispellableDebuffs.lua
index 47ee443..0f62c9a 100644
--- a/modules/DispellableDebuffs.lua
+++ b/modules/DispellableDebuffs.lua
@@ -1,118 +1,243 @@
-	oUF_DispelHighlight
-	Highlights oUF frames by dispellable debuff type.
-	Originally based on Ammo's oUF_DebuffHighlight.
+	Credit to Phanx for this Dispel Highlight Module
+	Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Phanx <addons@phanx.net>. All rights reserved.
+	http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info13993-oUF_Phanx.html
+	http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/ouf-phanx
+	Element to highlight oUF frames by dispellable debuff type.
+	Originally based on oUF_DebuffHighlight by Ammo.
+	Some code adapted from LibDispellable-1.0 by Adirelle.

 	You may embed this module in your own layout, but please do not
 	distribute it as a standalone plugin.

-	To have your frame's health bar highlighted:
-		frame.DispelHighlight = true
+	Usage:
+	frame.DispelHighlight = frame.Health:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	frame.DispelHighlight:SetAllPoints(frame.Health:GetStatusBarTexture())

-	To use your own highlighting function:
-		frame.DispelHighlight = function(frame, event, unit, debuffType, canDispel)
-			-- debuffType : string or nil : type of the highest priority debuff, nil if no debuffs
-			-- canDispel : boolean : indicates whether the player can dispel the debuff
+	Options:
+	frame.DispelHighlight.filter = true
+	frame.DispelHighlight.PreUpdate = function(element) end
+	frame.DispelHighlight.PostUpdate = function(element, debuffType, canDispel)
+	frame.DispelHighlight.Override = function(element, debuffType, canDispel)
+if select(4, GetAddOnInfo("oUF_DebuffHighlight")) then return end
+local _, ns = ...
+local oUF = ns.oUF or oUF
+assert(oUF, "DispelHighlight element requires oUF")
+local _, playerClass = UnitClass("player")
+local colors = { -- these are nicer than DebuffTypeColor
+	["Curse"] = { 0.8, 0, 1 },
+	["Disease"] = { 0.8, 0.6, 0 },
+	["Enrage"] = { 1.0, 0.2, 0.6 },
+	["Invulnerability"] = { 1, 1, 0.4 },
+	["Magic"] = { 0, 0.8, 1 },
+	["Poison"] = { 0, 0.8, 0 },
+oUF.colors.debuff = colors
+	[642]   = true, -- Divine Shield
+	[1022]  = true, -- Hand of Protection
+	[45438] = true, -- Ice Block
+local DefaultDispelPriority = { Curse = 2, Disease = 4, Magic = 1, Poison = 3 }
+local ClassDispelPriority = { Curse = 3, Disease = 1, Magic = 4, Poison = 2 }
+local canDispel, canPurge, canShatter, canSteal, canTranq, noDispels = {}
+local debuffTypeCache = {}
+local Update, ForceUpdate, Enable, Disable
+function Update(self, event, unit)
+	if unit ~= self.unit then return end
+	local element = self.DispelHighlight
+	-- print("DispelHighlight Update", event, unit)
+	local debuffType, dispellable
+	if not noDispels and UnitCanAssist("player", unit) then
+		for i = 1, 40 do
+			local name, _, _, _, type = UnitDebuff(unit, i)
+			if not name then break end
+			-- print("UnitDebuff", unit, i, tostring(name), tostring(type))
+			if type and (not debuffType or ClassDispelPriority[type] > ClassDispelPriority[debuffType]) then
+				-- print("debuffType", type)
+				debuffType = type
+				dispellable = canDispel[type]
+			end
+		end
+	elseif (canSteal or canPurge or canTranq) and UnitCanAttack("player", unit) then
+		for i = 1, 40 do
+			local name, _, _, _, type, _, _, _, stealable, _, id = UnitBuff(unit, i)
+			if not name then break end
+			if canShatter and INVULNERABILITY_EFFECTS[id] then
+				type = "Invulnerability"
+			elseif type == "" then
+				type = "Enrage"
+			end
+			if (canSteal and stealable) or (canPurge and type == "Magic") or (canTranq and type == "Enrage") or (type == "Invulnerability") then
+				-- print("debuffType", type)
+				debuffType = type
+				dispellable = true
+				break
+			end
+	end

-	To highlight only debuffs you can dispel:
-		frame.DispelHighlightFilter = true
+	if debuffTypeCache[unit] == debuffType then return end

-if not oUF then return end
-if select(4, GetAddOnInfo('oUF_DispelHighlight')) then return end
-local _, playerClass = UnitClass('player')
-local canDispel
-if playerClass == 'DRUID' then
-	canDispel = { Curse = true, Poison = true }
-elseif playerClass == 'MAGE' then
-	canDispel = { Curse = true }
-elseif playerClass == 'PALADIN' then
-	canDispel = { Disease = true, Magic = true, Poison = true }
-elseif playerClass == 'PRIEST' then
-	canDispel = { Disease = true, Magic = true }
-elseif playerClass == 'SHAMAN' then
-	canDispel = { Curse = true, Disease = true, Poison = true }
+	-- print("UpdateDispelHighlight", unit, tostring(debuffTypeCache[unit]), "==>", tostring(debuffType))
+	debuffTypeCache[unit] = debuffType
+	if element.Override then
+		element:Override(debuffType, dispellable)
+		return
+	end

-local DebuffPriority = { }
-for type, priority in pairs({ Curse = 2, Disease = 4, Magic = 1, Poison = 3 }) do
-	table.insert(DebuffPriority, type)
-	DebuffPriority[type] = ((canDispel and canDispel[type]) and 10 or 5) - priority
+	if element.PreUpdate then
+		element:PreUpdate()
+	end
+	if debuffType and (dispellable or not element.filter) then
+		element:SetVertexColor(unpack(colors[debuffType]))
+		element:Show()
+	else
+		element:Hide()
+	end
+	if element.PostUpdate then
+		element:PostUpdate(debuffType, dispellable)
+	end
-table.sort(DebuffPriority, function(a, b) return DebuffPriority[a] > DebuffPriority[b] end)

-local DebuffTypeColor = { }
-for type, color in pairs(_G.DebuffTypeColor) do
-	DebuffTypeColor[type] = { color.r, color.g, color.b }
+function ForceUpdate(element)
+	return Update(element.__owner, "ForceUpdate", element.__owner.unit)

+local function Enable(self)
+	local element = self.DispelHighlight
+	if not element then return end

-local unitDebuffType = { }
+	element.__owner = self
+	element.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate

-local function applyDispelHighlight(self, event, unit, bar)
-	local debuffType = unitDebuffType[unit]
-	if debuffType then
-		bar:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(DebuffTypeColor[debuffType]))
+	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", Update)
+	if element.GetTexture and not element:GetTexture() then
+		element:SetTexture([[Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight]])

-local function Update(self, event, unit)
-	if self.unit ~= unit then return end
-	-- print('Update', unit)
+	return true

-	if not UnitCanAssist('player', unit) then return end
-	-- print('not UnitCanAssist')
+local function Disable(self)
+	local element = self.DispelHighlight
+	if not element then return end

-	local debuffType
+	self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", Update)

-	local i = 1
-	while true do
-		local name, _, _, _, type = UnitAura(unit, i, 'HARMFUL')
-		if not name then break end
-		-- print('UnitAura', unit, i, name or 'NONE', type or 'NONE')
-		if type and (not debuffType or DebuffPriority[type] > DebuffPriority[debuffType]) then
-			-- print('debuffType', type)
-			debuffType = type
-		end
-		i = i + 1
-	end
+	element:Hide()

-	if unitDebuffType[unit] ~= debuffType then
-		-- print('unitDebuffType', unitDebuffType[unit] or 'NONE', 'debuffType', debuffType or 'NONE')
+oUF:AddElement("DispelHighlight", Update, Enable, Disable)

-		unitDebuffType[unit] = debuffType

-		if type(self.DispelHighlight) == 'function' then
-			self:DispelHighlight(event, unit, debuffType, canDispel and canDispel[debuffType])
-		else
-			if debuffType and self.DispelHighlightFilter and not (canDispel and canDispel[debuffType]) then return end
-			applyDispelHighlight(self, event, unit, self.Health)
-		end
-	end
+local function SortByPriority(a, b)
+	return ClassDispelPriority[a] > ClassDispelPriority[b]

-local function Enable(self)
-	if not self.DispelHighlight or (self.DispelHighlightFilter and not canDispel) then return end
+local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
+f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
+	wipe(canDispel)

-	self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Update)
+	-- print("DispelHighlight", event, "Checking capabilities...")

-	if type(self.DispelHighlight) ~= 'function' then
-		local o = self.PostUpdateHealth
-		self.PostUpdateHealth = function(...)
-			if o then o(...) end
-			applyDispelHighlight(...)
+	if playerClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then
+		for i = 1, GetNumGlyphSockets() do
+			local enabled, _, _, id = GetGlyphSocketInfo(i)
+			if id == 58631 then
+				canPurge = true -- Glyph of Icy Touch
+				break
+			end
-	end

-local function Disable(self)
-	if not self.DispelHighlight or not canDispel then return end
+	elseif playerClass == "DRUID" then
+		canDispel.Curse   = IsPlayerSpell(88423) or IsPlayerSpell(2782) -- Remove Corruption
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(88423) -- Nature's Cure
+		canDispel.Poison  = canDispel.Curse
+		canTranq = IsPlayerSpell(2908) -- Soothe
+	elseif playerClass == "HUNTER" then
+		canPurge          = IsPlayerSpell(19801) -- Tranquilizing Shot
+		canTranq          = canPurge
+	elseif playerClass == "MAGE" then
+		canDispel.Curse   = IsPlayerSpell(475) -- Remove Curse
+		canSteal          = IsPlayerSpell(30449) -- Spellsteal
+	elseif playerClass == "MONK" then
+		canDispel.Disease = IsPlayerSpell(115450) -- Detox
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(115451) -- Internal Medicine
+		canDispel.Poison  = canDispel.Disease
+	elseif playerClass == "PALADIN" then
+		canDispel.Disease = IsPlayerSpell(4987) -- Cleanse
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(53551) -- Sacred Cleansing
+		canDispel.Poison  = canDispel.Disease
+	elseif playerClass == "PRIEST" then
+		canDispel.Disease = IsPlayerSpell(527) -- Purify
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(527) or IsPlayerSpell(32375) -- Mass Dispel
+		canPurge          = IsPlayerSpell(528) -- Dispel Magic
+	elseif playerClass == "ROGUE" then
+		canTranq          = IsPlayerSpell(5938) -- Shiv
+	elseif playerClass == "SHAMAN" then
+		canDispel.Curse   = IsPlayerSpell(51886) -- Cleanse Spirit (upgrades to Purify Spirit)
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(77130) -- Purify Spirit
+		canPurge          = IsPlayerSpell(370) -- Purge
+	elseif playerClass == "WARLOCK" then
+		canDispel.Magic   = IsPlayerSpell(115276, true) or IsPlayerSpell(89808, true) -- Sear Magic (Fel Imp) or Singe Magic (Imp)
+		canPurge          = IsPlayerSpell(19505, true) -- Devour Magic (Felhunter)
+	elseif playerClass == "WARRIOR" then
+		canPurge          = IsPlayerSpell(23922) -- Shield Slam
+		canShatter        = IsPlayerSpell(64382) -- Shattering Throw
+	end

-	self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Update)
+	wipe(ClassDispelPriority)
+	for type, priority in pairs(DefaultDispelPriority) do
+		ClassDispelPriority[1 + #ClassDispelPriority] = type
+		ClassDispelPriority[type] = (canDispel[type] and 10 or 5) - priority
+	end
+	table.sort(ClassDispelPriority, SortByPriority)

-oUF:AddElement('DispelHighlight', Update, Enable, Disable)
+	noDispels = not next(canDispel)
+	for i, v in ipairs(ClassDispelPriority) do
+		print("Can dispel " .. v .. "?", canDispel[v] and "YES" or "NO")
+	end
+	print("Can purge?", canPurge and "YES" or "NO")
+	print("Can shatter?", canShatter and "YES" or "NO")
+	print("Can steal?", canSteal and "YES" or "NO")
+	print("Can tranquilize?", canTranq and "YES" or "NO")
+	for i, object in ipairs(oUF.objects) do
+		if object.DispelHighlight and object:IsShown() then
+			Update(object, event, object.unit)
+		end
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Threat.lua b/modules/Threat.lua
index 6c0b28b..0ca3e15 100644
--- a/modules/Threat.lua
+++ b/modules/Threat.lua
@@ -1,67 +1,75 @@
-	oUF_ThreatHighlight
-	Highlights oUF frames by threat level.
+	Credit to Phanx for this threat highlighting module
+	Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Phanx <addons@phanx.net>. All rights reserved.
+	http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info13993-oUF_Phanx.html
+	http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/ouf-phanx
+	Element to highlight oUF frames by threat level.

-	Simple usage:
-		self.ThreatHighlight = true
+	You may embed this module in your own layout, but please do not
+	distribute it as a standalone module.

-	Advanced usage:
-		self.ThreatHighlight = function(self, unit, status) end
+	Usage:
+	frame.ThreatHighlight = frame.Health:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+	frame.ThreatHighlight:SetAllPoints(true)
+	Supports Override. Does not support PreUpdate/PostUpdate.

 local _, ns = ...
 local oUF = ns.oUF or oUF
-if not oUF then return end
+assert(oUF, "ThreatHighlight element requires oUF")

-local unitThreatStatus = { }
+local Update, ForceUpdate, Enable, Disable

-local function applyThreatHighlight(self, unit)
-	local status = unitThreatStatus[unit]
-	if status then
-		local r, g, b = GetThreatStatusColor(status)
-		self:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b)
-	end
+function Update(self, event, unit)
+	if not unit or self.unit ~= unit then return end
+	local element = self.ThreatHighlight

-local function Update(self, event, unit)
-	if self.unit ~= unit then return end
+	local ok, status = pcall(UnitThreatSituation, unit)
+	if not ok then return end -- WTF???
+	-- print("ThreatHighlight Update", event, unit, status)

-	local status = UnitThreatSituation(unit)
-	-- local status = UnitIsFriend(unit, 'player') and UnitThreatSituation(unit) or UnitThreatSituation('player', unit)
-	-- print('ThreatHighlight Update', event, unit, status)
+	if element.Override then
+		return element:Override(status)
+	end

 	if status and status > 0 then
-		if type(self.ThreatHighlight) == 'function' then
-			self.ThreatHighlight(self, unit, status)
-		else
-			unitThreatStatus[unit] = status
-			applyThreatHighlight(self.Health, unit)
-		end
-	elseif type(self.ThreatHighlight) == 'function' then
-		self.ThreatHighlight(self, unit, 0)
+		element:SetVertexColor(GetThreatStatusColor(status))
+		element:Show()
+	else
+		element:Hide()

-local function Enable(self)
-	if not self.ThreatHighlight then return end
+function ForceUpdate(element)
+	return Update(element.__owner, "ForceUpdate", element.__owner.unit)
+function Enable(self)
+	local element = self.ThreatHighlight
+	if not element then return end

-	self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE', Update)
+	element.__owner = self
+	element.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate

-	if type(self.ThreatHighlight) ~= 'function' then
-		local o = self.Health.PostUpdate
-		self.Health.PostUpdate = function(...)
-			if o then o(...) end
-			applyThreatHighlight(...)
-		end
+	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE", Update)
+	if element.GetTexture and not element:GetTexture() then
+		element:SetTexture([[Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight]])

 	return true

-local function Disable(self)
-	if not self.ThreatHighlight then return end
+function Disable(self)
+	local element = self.ThreatHighlight
+	if not element then return end
+	self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE", Update)

-	self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE', Update)
+	element:Hide()

-oUF:AddElement('ThreatHighlight', Update, Enable, Disable)
+oUF:AddElement("ThreatHighlight", Update, Enable, Disable)
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.lua b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
index 1af87a8..009d185 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
@@ -84,20 +84,12 @@ PowerBarColor['ENERGY'] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 35/255 }
 PowerBarColor['RUNIC_POWER'] = { r = 0.45, g = 0.85, b = 1 }

 -- Threat color handling
-oUF.colors.threat = {}
+colors.threat = {}
 for i = 1, 3 do
 	local r, g, b = GetThreatStatusColor(i)
 	oUF.colors.threat[i] = { r, g, b }

--- Debuff color handling
-colors.debuff = {}
-for type, color in pairs(DebuffTypeColor) do
-	if (type ~= 'none') then
-		colors.debuff[type] = { color.r, color.g, color.b }
-	end
 -- Color conversion function
 function hex(r, g, b)
 	if(type(r) == 'table') then
@@ -112,23 +104,21 @@ end
 local function UpdateBorder(self)
 	local threat, debuff, dispellable = self.threatLevel, self.debuffType, self.debuffDispellable

-	local color, glow
+	local color
 	if debuff and dispellable then
 		color = colors.debuff[debuff]
-		glow = true
 	elseif threat and threat > 1 then
 		color = colors.threat[threat]
-		glow = true
-	elseif debuff then
+	elseif debuff and not ns.config.dispelFilter then
 		color = colors.debuff[debuff]
 	elseif threat and threat > 0 then
 		color = colors.threat[threat]

 	if color then
-		self:SetBackdropBorderColor(color[1], color[2], color[3], 1)
+		SetBorderColor(self.Overlay, color[1], color[2], color[3])
-		self:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+		SetBorderColor(self.Overlay, unpack(Settings.Media.BorderColor))

@@ -433,7 +423,7 @@ local AuraIconOverlay_SetBorderColor = function(overlay, r, g, b)

 	local over = overlay:GetParent()

-	over.border:SetBorderColor(r, g, b)
+	SetBorderColor(over.border, r, g, b)

 -- Aura Icon Creation Function
@@ -502,27 +492,29 @@ local function PostUpdateAuraIcon(iconframe, unit, button, index, offset)

 -- Dispel highlighting function
-local function UpdateDispelHighlight(self, event, unit, debuffType, canDispel)
-	if (self.unit ~= unit) then
-        return
-    end
-	if (self.debuffType == debuffType) then
-        return
-    end
+local function UpdateDispelHighlight(element, debuffType, canDispel)
+	local frame = element.__owner

-	self.debuffType = debuffType
-	self.debuffDispellable = canDispel
-    self:UpdateBorder()
+	if frame.debuffType == debuffType then return end
+	frame.debuffType = debuffType
+	frame.debuffDispellable = canDispel
+	frame:UpdateBorder()

 -- Threat highlighting function
-local function UpdateThreatHighlight(self, unit, status)
-	if self.threatLevel == status then return end
+local function UpdateThreatHighlight(element, status)
+	if not status then
+		status = 0
+	end
+	local frame = element.__owner
+	if frame.threatLevel == status then return end
+	frame.threatLevel = status

-	self.threatLevel = status
-	self:UpdateBorder()
+	frame:UpdateBorder()

 -- Time to give our solo unit frames some style!
@@ -959,7 +951,7 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
 		self.Buffs['initialAnchor'] = 'BOTTOMRIGHT'
 		self.Buffs['num'] = buffs
 		self.Buffs['showType'] = false
-		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height
+		self.Buffs['size'] = Settings.Units.Target.Height - 6
 		self.Buffs['spacing-x'] = GAP
 		self.Buffs['spacing-y'] = GAP * 2

@@ -972,10 +964,6 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
 		self.Buffs.parent = self

-	-- DebuffHighlight Support
-	self.DebuffHighlightBackdrop = false
-	self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true
 	-- Various oUF plugins support
 	if (unit == 'player') then
 		-- oUF_RuneBar support
@@ -1137,17 +1125,21 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)

     -- Hardcore border action!
-    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
-    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    AddBorder(self.Overlay, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)

     self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder

     -- Dispel highlight support
-    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+    self.DispelHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateDispelHighlight,
+		filter = true,
+	}

     -- Threat highlight support
     self.threatLevel = 0
-	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+	self.ThreatHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateThreatHighlight,
+	}

     return self
@@ -1323,17 +1315,21 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
 	self.SpellRange = true

     -- Hardcore border action!
-    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
-    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    AddBorder(self.Overlay, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)

     self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder

-    -- Dispel highlight support
-    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+	-- Dispel highlight support
+    self.DispelHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateDispelHighlight,
+		filter = true,
+	}

     -- Threat highlight support
     self.threatLevel = 0
-	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+	self.ThreatHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateThreatHighlight,
+	}

     return self
@@ -1490,17 +1486,21 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
 	self.SpellRange = true

     -- Hardcore border action!
-    AddBorder(self, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)
-    self:SetBorderParent(self.Overlay)
+    AddBorder(self.Overlay, Settings.Media.BorderSize, Settings.Media.BorderPadding + 2)

     self.UpdateBorder = UpdateBorder

     -- Dispel highlight support
-    self.DispelHighlight = UpdateDispelHighlight
+    self.DispelHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateDispelHighlight,
+		filter = true,
+	}

     -- Threat highlight support
     self.threatLevel = 0
-	self.ThreatHighlight = UpdateThreatHighlight
+	self.ThreatHighlight = {
+		Override = UpdateThreatHighlight,
+	}

     return self
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.toc b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
index 1fc3888..e77564a 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.toc
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
-## Version: 1.4.2
+## Version: 1.5.1

 ## Title: oUF_Lanerra
 ## Notes: oUF layout by Lanerra