
Move tags to a new subdirectory

Adrian L Lange [08-19-14 - 16:30]
Move tags to a new subdirectory
diff --git a/elements/tags.lua b/elements/tags.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9ab5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elements/tags.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+local _, ns = ...
+local tags = ns.oUF.Tags
+local function ShortValue(value)
+	if(value >= 1e6) then
+		return ('%.2fm'):format(value / 1e6):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
+	elseif(value >= 1e4) then
+		return ('%.1fk'):format(value / 1e3):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
+	else
+		return value
+	end
+local function Status(unit)
+	if(not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+		return 'Offline'
+	elseif(UnitIsGhost(unit)) then
+		return 'Ghost'
+	elseif(UnitIsDead(unit)) then
+		return 'Dead'
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:status'] = Status
+tags.Methods['p3lim:health'] = function(unit)
+	local max = UnitHealthMax(unit)
+	if(UnitHealth(unit) == max) then
+		return max
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:deficit'] = function(unit)
+	if(Status(unit)) then return end
+	local cur, max = UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit)
+	if(cur ~= max) then
+		return ('|cffff8080%d|r'):format(cur - max)
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:percent'] = function(unit)
+	if(Status(unit)) then return end
+	return ('%d|cff0090ff%%|r'):format(UnitHealth(unit) / UnitHealthMax(unit) * 100)
+tags.Methods['p3lim:player'] = function(unit)
+	if(Status(unit)) then return end
+	local maxHealth = _TAGS['p3lim:health'](unit)
+	if(maxHealth) then
+		return maxHealth
+	else
+		return ('%s %s'):format(_TAGS['p3lim:deficit'](unit), _TAGS['p3lim:percent'](unit))
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:hostile'] = function(unit)
+	if(Status(unit)) then return end
+	if(UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
+		return ('%s (%s)'):format(ShortValue(UnitHealth(unit)), _TAGS['p3lim:percent'](unit))
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:friendly'] = function(unit)
+	if(Status(unit)) then return end
+	if(not UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
+		local maxHealth = _TAGS['p3lim:health'](unit)
+		if(maxHealth) then
+			return maxHealth
+		else
+			return ('%s |cff0090ff/|r %s'):format(ShortValue(UnitHealth(unit)), ShortValue(UnitHealthMax(unit)))
+		end
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:power'] = function(unit)
+	local cur = UnitPower(unit)
+	if(cur > 0 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit)) then
+		local _, type = UnitPowerType(unit)
+		local colors = _COLORS.power
+		return ('%s%d|r'):format(Hex(colors[type] or colors['RUNES']), cur)
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:mana'] = function(unit)
+	local cur, max = UnitPower(unit, 0), UnitPowerMax(unit, 0)
+	if(UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 and cur ~= max) then
+		return ('%d%%'):format(cur / max * 100)
+	end
+tags.Events['p3lim:color'] = 'UNIT_REACTION UNIT_FACTION'
+tags.Methods['p3lim:color'] = function(unit)
+	local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, 'player')
+	if((UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+		return Hex(3/5, 3/5, 3/5)
+	elseif(not UnitIsPlayer(unit) and reaction) then
+		return Hex(_COLORS.reaction[reaction])
+	elseif(UnitFactionGroup(unit) and UnitIsEnemy(unit, 'player') and UnitIsPVP(unit)) then
+		return Hex(1, 0, 0)
+	else
+		return Hex(1, 1, 1)
+	end
+tags.Events['p3lim:leader'] = 'PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED'
+tags.Methods['p3lim:leader'] = function(unit)
+	if(UnitIsGroupLeader(unit)) then
+		return '|cffffff00!|r'
+	end
+tags.Events['p3lim:unbuffed'] = 'UNIT_AURA'
+tags.Methods['p3lim:unbuffed'] = function(unit, real)
+	if(not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Mark of the Wild') and not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Blessing of Kings') and not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Legacy of the Emperor')) then
+		return '|cffff00ff!|r'
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:spell'] = function(unit)
+	return UnitCastingInfo(unit) or UnitChannelInfo(unit)
+tags.Events['p3lim:fury'] = 'UNIT_POWER SPELLS_CHANGED'
+tags.Methods['p3lim:fury'] = function(unit)
+	if(GetSpecialization() ~= SPEC_WARLOCK_DEMONOLOGY) then return end
+	local cur = UnitPower(unit, SPELL_POWER_DEMONIC_FURY)
+	if(cur > 0) then
+		return cur
+	end
+tags.Events['p3lim:shards'] = 'UNIT_POWER SPELLS_CHANGED'
+tags.Methods['p3lim:shards'] = function(unit)
+	if(GetSpecialization() ~= SPEC_WARLOCK_AFFLICTION) then return end
+	local cur = UnitPower(unit, SPELL_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS)
+	if(cur > 0) then
+		return cur
+	end
+tags.Methods['p3lim:pet'] = function()
+	local cur = UnitHealth('pet')
+	if(cur > 0) then
+		local max = UnitHealthMax('pet')
+		return ('%s%d%%|r'):format(Hex(ColorGradient(cur, max, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)), cur / max * 100)
+	elseif(UnitIsDead('pet')) then
+		return '|TInterface\\RaidFrame\\Raid-Icon-DebuffDisease:26|t'
+	end
diff --git a/oUF_P3lim.toc b/oUF_P3lim.toc
index f05a369..93666d7 100644
--- a/oUF_P3lim.toc
+++ b/oUF_P3lim.toc
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@

diff --git a/tags.lua b/tags.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ab5d3..0000000
--- a/tags.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-local _, ns = ...
-local tags = ns.oUF.Tags
-local function ShortValue(value)
-	if(value >= 1e6) then
-		return ('%.2fm'):format(value / 1e6):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
-	elseif(value >= 1e4) then
-		return ('%.1fk'):format(value / 1e3):gsub('%.?0+([km])$', '%1')
-	else
-		return value
-	end
-local function Status(unit)
-	if(not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
-		return 'Offline'
-	elseif(UnitIsGhost(unit)) then
-		return 'Ghost'
-	elseif(UnitIsDead(unit)) then
-		return 'Dead'
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:status'] = Status
-tags.Methods['p3lim:health'] = function(unit)
-	local max = UnitHealthMax(unit)
-	if(UnitHealth(unit) == max) then
-		return max
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:deficit'] = function(unit)
-	if(Status(unit)) then return end
-	local cur, max = UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit)
-	if(cur ~= max) then
-		return ('|cffff8080%d|r'):format(cur - max)
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:percent'] = function(unit)
-	if(Status(unit)) then return end
-	return ('%d|cff0090ff%%|r'):format(UnitHealth(unit) / UnitHealthMax(unit) * 100)
-tags.Methods['p3lim:player'] = function(unit)
-	if(Status(unit)) then return end
-	local maxHealth = _TAGS['p3lim:health'](unit)
-	if(maxHealth) then
-		return maxHealth
-	else
-		return ('%s %s'):format(_TAGS['p3lim:deficit'](unit), _TAGS['p3lim:percent'](unit))
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:hostile'] = function(unit)
-	if(Status(unit)) then return end
-	if(UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
-		return ('%s (%s)'):format(ShortValue(UnitHealth(unit)), _TAGS['p3lim:percent'](unit))
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:friendly'] = function(unit)
-	if(Status(unit)) then return end
-	if(not UnitCanAttack('player', unit)) then
-		local maxHealth = _TAGS['p3lim:health'](unit)
-		if(maxHealth) then
-			return maxHealth
-		else
-			return ('%s |cff0090ff/|r %s'):format(ShortValue(UnitHealth(unit)), ShortValue(UnitHealthMax(unit)))
-		end
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:power'] = function(unit)
-	local cur = UnitPower(unit)
-	if(cur > 0 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit)) then
-		local _, type = UnitPowerType(unit)
-		local colors = _COLORS.power
-		return ('%s%d|r'):format(Hex(colors[type] or colors['RUNES']), cur)
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:mana'] = function(unit)
-	local cur, max = UnitPower(unit, 0), UnitPowerMax(unit, 0)
-	if(UnitPowerType(unit) ~= 0 and cur ~= max) then
-		return ('%d%%'):format(cur / max * 100)
-	end
-tags.Events['p3lim:color'] = 'UNIT_REACTION UNIT_FACTION'
-tags.Methods['p3lim:color'] = function(unit)
-	local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, 'player')
-	if((UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
-		return Hex(3/5, 3/5, 3/5)
-	elseif(not UnitIsPlayer(unit) and reaction) then
-		return Hex(_COLORS.reaction[reaction])
-	elseif(UnitFactionGroup(unit) and UnitIsEnemy(unit, 'player') and UnitIsPVP(unit)) then
-		return Hex(1, 0, 0)
-	else
-		return Hex(1, 1, 1)
-	end
-tags.Events['p3lim:leader'] = 'PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED'
-tags.Methods['p3lim:leader'] = function(unit)
-	if(UnitIsGroupLeader(unit)) then
-		return '|cffffff00!|r'
-	end
-tags.Events['p3lim:unbuffed'] = 'UNIT_AURA'
-tags.Methods['p3lim:unbuffed'] = function(unit, real)
-	if(not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Mark of the Wild') and not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Blessing of Kings') and not UnitAura(real or unit, 'Legacy of the Emperor')) then
-		return '|cffff00ff!|r'
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:spell'] = function(unit)
-	return UnitCastingInfo(unit) or UnitChannelInfo(unit)
-tags.Events['p3lim:fury'] = 'UNIT_POWER SPELLS_CHANGED'
-tags.Methods['p3lim:fury'] = function(unit)
-	if(GetSpecialization() ~= SPEC_WARLOCK_DEMONOLOGY) then return end
-	local cur = UnitPower(unit, SPELL_POWER_DEMONIC_FURY)
-	if(cur > 0) then
-		return cur
-	end
-tags.Events['p3lim:shards'] = 'UNIT_POWER SPELLS_CHANGED'
-tags.Methods['p3lim:shards'] = function(unit)
-	if(GetSpecialization() ~= SPEC_WARLOCK_AFFLICTION) then return end
-	local cur = UnitPower(unit, SPELL_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS)
-	if(cur > 0) then
-		return cur
-	end
-tags.Methods['p3lim:pet'] = function()
-	local cur = UnitHealth('pet')
-	if(cur > 0) then
-		local max = UnitHealthMax('pet')
-		return ('%s%d%%|r'):format(Hex(ColorGradient(cur, max, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)), cur / max * 100)
-	elseif(UnitIsDead('pet')) then
-		return '|TInterface\\RaidFrame\\Raid-Icon-DebuffDisease:26|t'
-	end