
Rewrite, more user-friendly

p3lim-52096 [01-03-09 - 06:36]
Rewrite, more user-friendly

git-svn-id: svn://svn.wowinterface.com/pError-161/trunk@9 7a612bb6-1b7b-4f5f-b58b-e1cc54d1b6b6
diff --git a/pError/pError.lua b/pError/pError.lua
index 9cff3da..430f944 100644
--- a/pError/pError.lua
+++ b/pError/pError.lua
@@ -1,58 +1,64 @@
-	Below you will find a table of errors.
-	You add your custom one(s) just like shown below.
-	Dont replace any, just add it.
-	You can find more error constants by following the
-	link found on the info page on WoWInterface.com.
-local blacklist = {
-	INTERRUPTED, -- Interrupted
-	ERR_NO_ATTACK_TARGET, -- There is nothing to attack.
-	SPELL_FAILED_NO_COMBO_POINTS, -- That ability requires combo points
-	ERR_INVALID_ATTACK_TARGET, -- You cannot attack that target.
-	ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, -- Out of range.
-	ERR_BADATTACKPOS, -- You are too far away!
-	SPELL_FAILED_NOT_BEHIND, -- You must be behind your target.
-	ERR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN, -- Ability is not ready yet.
-	ERR_GENERIC_NO_TARGET, -- You have no target.
-	SPELL_FAILED_UNIT_NOT_INFRONT, -- Target needs to be in front of you
-	SPELL_FAILED_MOVING , -- Can't do that while moving
-	ERR_OUT_OF_RAGE, -- Not enough rage
-	ERR_BADATTACKFACING, -- You are facing the wrong way
-	ERR_OUT_OF_ENERGY, -- Not enough energy
-	ERR_OUT_OF_MANA, -- Not enough mana
-	SPELL_FAILED_TOO_CLOSE, -- Target too close
-	SPELL_FAILED_TARGETS_DEAD, -- Your target is dead
-	SPELL_FAILED_STUNNED, -- Can't do that while stunned
-	ERR_SPELL_COOLDOWN, -- Spell is not ready yet.
-	SPELL_FAILED_ONLY_STEALTHED, -- You must be in stealth mode.
-	ERR_ATTACK_FLEEING, -- Can't attack while fleeing.
-	ERR_ATTACK_STUNNED, -- Can't attack while stunned.
-	SPELL_FAILED_NOT_IN_CONTROL, -- You are not in control of your actions
-	ERR_ITEM_COOLDOWN, -- Item is not ready yet.
-	ERR_ATTACK_CONFUSED, -- Can't attack while confused.
-	SPELL_FAILED_LINE_OF_SIGHT, -- Target not in line of sight
-	SPELL_FAILED_SPELL_IN_PROGRESS, -- Another action is in progress
-	SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT, -- You are in shapeshift form
-	ERR_USE_TOO_FAR, -- You are too far away.
-	ERR_INVALID_RAID_TARGET, -- You cannot raid target enemy players
-	SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_NOT_PLAYER, -- Target is not a player
-	SPELL_FAILED_NOPATH, -- No path available
-	SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_AURASTATE, -- You can't do that yet
-	ERR_ATTACK_DEAD, -- Can't attack while dead.
+local addon = CreateFrame('Frame')
+local orig = UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent
+local defaults = {
+	[ERR_OUT_OF_ENERGY] = true,
+	[ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE] = true,

-local OrigHandler = UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent
-function UIErrorsFrame_OnEvent(self, event, msg, ...)
+local function OnLoad(self, event, addon)
+	if(addon ~= 'pError') then return end
+	pErrorDB = pErrorDB or {}
+	for k,v in pairs(defaults) do
+		if(type(pErrorDB[k]) == 'nil') then
+			pErrorDB[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	self:UnregisterEvent(event)
+local function OnEvent(self, event, ...)
 	if(event == 'UI_ERROR_MESSAGE') then
-		for _, i in ipairs(blacklist) do
-			if(msg == i) then return end
+		local str = ...
+		for k,v in pairs(pErrorDB) do
+			if(str == k and v) then return end

-	return OrigHandler(self, event, msg, ...)
+	return orig(self, event, ...)
+addon:SetScript('OnEvent', OnLoad)
+UIErrorsFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', OnEvent)
+SLASH_PERROR1 = '/perror'
+SlashCmdList.PERROR = function(str)
+	if(str == 'reset') then
+		pErrorDB = {}
+		print('|cffff8080pError:|r Savedvariables is now reset')
+	elseif(str == 'list') then
+		print('|cffff8080pError:|r Listing database of events and their states:')
+		for k,v in pairs(pErrorDB) do
+			print(format('"%s"   %s', k, v and '|cff00ff00Enabled|r' or '|cffff0000Disabled|r'))
+		end
+	elseif(#str > 0) then
+		for k,v in pairs(pErrorDB) do
+			if(k == str) then
+				pErrorDB[k] = not v
+				print(format('|cffff8080pError:|r %s "%s"', k, v and 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'))
+				return
+			end
+		end
+		pErrorDB[str] = true
+		print(format('|cffff8080pError:|r Added "%s" to the database', str))
+	else
+		print('|cffff8080pError:|r Please provide an error string')
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pError/pError.toc b/pError/pError.toc
index 23c8724..45187c7 100644
--- a/pError/pError.toc
+++ b/pError/pError.toc
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
 ## Version: 30000.wowi:revision
 ## Title: |cffff6000p|rError
 ## Notes: Hide those pesky errors!
+## SavedVariables: pErrorDB

\ No newline at end of file