
Added a settings button and a hide button and added a few settings

Christopher Tse [06-15-20 - 10:18]
Added a settings button and a hide button and added a few settings
diff --git a/BlizzChatIntegration.lua b/BlizzChatIntegration.lua
index 154e76e..af1b211 100644
--- a/BlizzChatIntegration.lua
+++ b/BlizzChatIntegration.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@

 local ADDON_NAME, Import = ...

+local settings;
 --This is an invisible frame that is created to receive OnUpdate calls
 --Attached to the WorldFrame so it receives events even when the UI is hidden
 local Timer = CreateFrame("Frame","RPChatBubble-Timer",WorldFrame)
@@ -179,8 +181,11 @@ end

 local function onStart(self)
-	for _, channel in pairs(MANAGED_CHANNELS) do
-		ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, onChatMessage);
+	settings = Import.settings;
+	if settings.dressBlizzBubbles then
+		for _, channel in pairs(MANAGED_CHANNELS) do
+			ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, onChatMessage);
+		end

diff --git a/MainFrame.lua b/MainFrame.lua
index 68547f9..b856f32 100644
--- a/MainFrame.lua
+++ b/MainFrame.lua
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@

 local ADDON_NAME, Import = ...;

-local mainFrame;
 local ChatBubblePool = Import.ChatBubblePool
-function RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
-	return ChatBubblePool.getChatBubble()
+local settings;

 function RPChatBubbles_OnLoad(self, event,...)
@@ -17,6 +13,8 @@ end

 function RPChatBubbles_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
      if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and ... == ADDON_NAME then
+		Import:initSettings();
+		settings = Import.settings;
 		self:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self)
@@ -27,7 +25,62 @@ function RPChatBubbles_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
 		for moduleName, moduleStructure in pairs(Import.modules) do
+		SetVisibility(self, settings.isFrameVisible);

+function RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
+	return ChatBubblePool.getChatBubble()
+function RPChatBubbles_toggleVisibility()
+	if settings.isFrameVisible then
+		settings.isFrameVisible = false;
+	else
+		settings.isFrameVisible = true
+	end
+	SetVisibility(MainFrame, settings.isFrameVisible);
+function RPChatBubbles_showSettingsPanel(self, event, ...)
+	Import.ShowSettingsPanel();
+function SetVisibility(self, visible)
+	if visible then
+		self:SetAlpha(1.0);
+		removeVisibilityScripts(MainFrame);
+		removeVisibilityScripts(CreateButton);
+		removeVisibilityScripts(SettingsButton);
+		removeVisibilityScripts(HideButton);
+		HideButtonTexture:SetTexture("Interface/Addons/RoleplayChatBubbles/button/UI-hideButton");
+	else
+		self:SetAlpha(0.5);
+		addVisibilityScripts(MainFrame);
+		addVisibilityScripts(CreateButton);
+		addVisibilityScripts(SettingsButton);
+		addVisibilityScripts(HideButton);
+		HideButtonTexture:SetTexture("Interface/Addons/RoleplayChatBubbles/button/UI-showButton");
+	end
+function removeVisibilityScripts(frame)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter",nil);
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave",nil);
+function addVisibilityScripts(frame)
+	frame:SetScript("OnEnter",ShowRPCMainFrame);
+	frame:SetScript("OnLeave",HideRPCMainFrame);
+function ShowRPCMainFrame(self, event, ...)
+	MainFrame:SetAlpha(0.5);
+function HideRPCMainFrame(self, event, ...)
+	MainFrame:SetAlpha(0);
 Import.modules = {};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MainFrame.xml b/MainFrame.xml
index 45e7653..62dc5cb 100644
--- a/MainFrame.xml
+++ b/MainFrame.xml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 	<Script file="BlizzChatIntegration.lua" />
 	<Script file="TotalRP3.lua" />
 	<Frame name="MainFrame" parent="UIParent" toplevel="true" movable="true" enableMouse="true">
-		<Size x="145" y="76" />
+		<Size x="183" y="76" />
-			<Anchor point="CENTER" x="-28" y="29" />
+			<Anchor point="CENTER" x="-9" y="29" />
 		<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
@@ -21,22 +21,66 @@
 			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
 				<FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="RP Chat Bubbles">
-					<Size x="112" y="20" />
+					<Size x="103" y="20" />
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="18" y="-14" />
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="25" y="-14" />
-			<Button inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="Create">
+			<Button name="CreateButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="Create">
+				<Size x="152" y="23" />
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="15" y="-35" />
+				</Anchors>
-					<onClick function="RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble" />
+					<OnClick function="RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble">
+					</OnClick>
-				<Size x="115" y="23" />
+			</Button>
+			<Button name="HideButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="">
+				<Size x="20" y="20" />
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="15" y="-35" />
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="149" y="-14" />
+				<Layers>
+					<Layer>
+						<Texture name="HideButtonTexture" file="interface\Addons\RoleplayChatBubbles\button\UI-hideButton.blp">
+							<Size x="12" y="12" />
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="CENTER" />
+							</Anchors>
+						</Texture>
+					</Layer>
+				</Layers>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnClick function="RPChatBubbles_toggleVisibility">
+					</OnClick>
+				</Scripts>
+			</Button>
+			<Button name="SettingsButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="">
+				<Size x="20" y="20" />
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="127" y="-14" />
+				</Anchors>
+				<Layers>
+					<Layer>
+						<Texture setAllPoints="true" file="interface\Buttons\UI-OptionsButton">
+							<Size x="12" y="12" />
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="CENTER" />
+							</Anchors>
+						</Texture>
+					</Layer>
+				</Layers>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnClick function="RPChatBubbles_showSettingsPanel">
+					</OnClick>
+				</Scripts>
diff --git a/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc b/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc
index 6d40004..e3fad26 100644
--- a/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc
+++ b/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 ## Author: Christopher Tse
 ## Interface: 80300
 ## OptionalDeps: totalRP3
+## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: settings

diff --git a/TotalRP3.lua b/TotalRP3.lua
index 186e4dd..0217c60 100644
--- a/TotalRP3.lua
+++ b/TotalRP3.lua
@@ -6,54 +6,63 @@ local _, Import = ...;

 local ellyb, loc, Color, ColorManager;
+local settings;

 local function makeBubbleForNPCChat(_, event, message, ...)
 	if event == "CHAT_MSG_EMOTE" then
+		local senderGUID = select(11, ...);
+		local playerGUID = UnitGUID("player");
 		local npcName = TRP3_API.chat.getNPCMessageName()
+		if senderGUID == playerGUID or settings.generateTotalRP3BubblesForOtherPlayers then
 		if npcName then
-			for talkType, talkChannel in pairs(NPC_TALK_PATTERNS) do
-				if message:find(talkType) then
-					local color;
-					local myMessage = message;
-					local normalColor = ColorManager.getChatColorForChannel(talkChannel);
-					local normalColorAsString = normalColor:GetColorCodeStartSequence();
-					local nameColor;
-					--Detect colour alterations
-					if myMessage:sub(1,2) == "|c" then
-						color = myMessage:sub(1,10); --Save this to prepend back later
-						myMessage = myMessage:sub(11);
-					end
-					--If the name is in the default color scheme, remove it for titling emphasis
-					if npcName:sub(1,10) ~= normalColorAsString then
-						nameColor = Color.static.CreateFromHexa(npcName:sub(1,10));
-					end
-					npcName = npcName:sub(11);
-					local len = talkType:len();
-					--Remove the "says:" from the beginning of the message.
-					if myMessage:sub(1, len) == talkType then
-						local actualMessage = myMessage:sub(len+1);
-						--Remove leading spaces if any
-						if actualMessage:sub(1,1) == " " then
-							actualMessage = actualMessage:sub(2);
-						end
-						actualMessage = color .. actualMessage;
-						local chatBubble = RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
-						chatBubble:SetName(npcName);
-						chatBubble:SetMessage(actualMessage);
-						if nameColor then
-							chatBubble:SetNameColor(nameColor:GetRGBA())
+				for talkType, talkChannel in pairs(NPC_TALK_PATTERNS) do
+					if message:find(talkType) then
+						local color;
+						local myMessage = message;
+						local normalColor = ColorManager.getChatColorForChannel(talkChannel);
+						local normalColorAsString = normalColor:GetColorCodeStartSequence();
+						local nameColor;
+						--Detect colour alterations. We need to remove it temporarily to remove the start.
+						if myMessage:sub(1,2) == "|c" then
+							color = myMessage:sub(1,10); --Save this to prepend back later
+							myMessage = myMessage:sub(11);
-					end
-					break;
-				end
-			end
-		end
+						--If the name is not in the default color scheme, save it to be set later
+						--Otherwise, we'll highlight it with ChatBubble's default name colour.
+						if npcName:sub(1,10) ~= normalColorAsString and npcName:sub(-2) == "|r" then
+							nameColor = Color.static.CreateFromHexa(npcName:sub(1,10));
+						else
+							--Strip out the |c and |r tags so they don't get in the way of SetName()
+							npcName = npcName:sub(11);
+							npcName = npcName:sub(1,-3);
+						end
+						local len = talkType:len();
+						--Remove the "says:" from the beginning of the message.
+						if myMessage:sub(1, len) == talkType then
+							local actualMessage = myMessage:sub(len+1);
+							--Remove leading spaces if any
+							if actualMessage:sub(1,1) == " " then
+								actualMessage = actualMessage:sub(2);
+							end
+							actualMessage = color .. actualMessage;
+							local chatBubble = RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
+							print(string.gsub(npcName,"|","||"));
+							chatBubble:SetName(npcName);
+							chatBubble:SetMessage(actualMessage);
+							if nameColor then
+								chatBubble:SetNameColor(nameColor:GetRGBA())
+							end
+						end
+						break;
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
 	return false, message, ...
@@ -70,14 +79,17 @@ function initTRP3Vars(self)

-function TotalRP3_onStart(self)
+function TotalRP3_onStart()
+	settings = Import.settings;
 	if TRP3_API then
 		for _, channel in pairs(POSSIBLE_CHANNELS) do
 			ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter(channel, makeBubbleForNPCChat);
-			ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, makeBubbleForNPCChat);
+			if settings.generateTotalRP3Bubbles then
+				ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, makeBubbleForNPCChat);
+			end
-		--Don't re-order BCI's chat handler. It's important for BCI's handler to go first before
+		--Don't re-queue BCI's chat handler. It's important for BCI's handler to go first before
 		--  TotalRP3 as TotalRP3's modifications to the chat message (e.g. colouring)
 		--  are not propagated to the chat bubble, and BlizzChatIntegration.lua relies on
 		--  using the message as a common key between the chat message and chat bubble
diff --git a/button/UI-HideButton.blp b/button/UI-HideButton.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc142d
Binary files /dev/null and b/button/UI-HideButton.blp differ
diff --git a/button/UI-HideButton.png b/button/UI-HideButton.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fb7aa7
Binary files /dev/null and b/button/UI-HideButton.png differ
diff --git a/button/UI-ShowButton.blp b/button/UI-ShowButton.blp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39cadd6
Binary files /dev/null and b/button/UI-ShowButton.blp differ
diff --git a/button/UI-ShowButton.png b/button/UI-ShowButton.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02a99a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/button/UI-ShowButton.png differ