
-Added a check for skipped mail, if a match is found then mail retrival will stop.

Xruptor [01-07-11 - 15:17]
-Added a check for skipped mail, if a match is found then mail retrival will stop.
-Added a check for Blizzards inbox full notice, the 'Open All' button will now move to the bottom if it is shown.  If the inbox full is not shown, then the 'Open All' button will appear at the top.
-Added another check to make sure the user has free inventory slots.
-Added a check for looping while mail is GM or was read.
-Fixed a few issues where sometimes the mail would not be opened.
-Unique items are now ignored.
diff --git a/xanAutoMail.lua b/xanAutoMail.lua
index 6a891c3..8f5da0b 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.lua
+++ b/xanAutoMail.lua
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ local numInboxItems = 0
 local timeChk, timeDelay = 0, 1
 local stopLoop = 10
 local loopChk = 0
+local skipCount = 0

 local xanAutoMail = CreateFrame("frame","xanAutoMailFrame",UIParent)
 xanAutoMail:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ function xanAutoMail:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 	self:RawHook("AutoComplete_Update", true)

 	--make the open all button
-	local inboxAllButton = CreateFrame("Button", "xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN", InboxFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	inboxAllButton = CreateFrame("Button", "xanAutoMail_OpenAllBTN", InboxFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
 	inboxAllButton:SetPoint("CENTER", InboxFrame, "TOP", 0, -55)
@@ -180,6 +181,18 @@ end

+function bagCheck()
+	local totalFree = 0
+	for i=0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+		local numberOfFreeSlots = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i)
+		totalFree = totalFree + numberOfFreeSlots
+	end
+	return totalFree
 function mailLoop(this, arg1)
 	timeChk = timeChk + arg1
 	if triggerStop then return end
@@ -191,7 +204,7 @@ function mailLoop(this, arg1)
 		if numInboxItems <= 0 then
 			--double check that there aren't anymore mail items
 			--we use a loop check just in case to prevent infinite loops
-			if GetInboxNumItems() > 0 and loopChk < stopLoop then
+			if GetInboxNumItems() > 0 and skipCount ~= GetInboxNumItems() and loopChk < stopLoop then
 				loopChk = loopChk + 1
 				numInboxItems = GetInboxNumItems()
@@ -200,12 +213,25 @@ function mailLoop(this, arg1)
 		--lets get the mail
-		local _, _, _, _, money, COD, _, numItems = GetInboxHeaderInfo(numInboxItems)
+		local _, _, _, _, money, COD, _, numItems, wasRead, _, _, _, isGM = GetInboxHeaderInfo(numInboxItems)

-		if money > 0 or (numItems and numItems > 0) and COD <= 0 then
-			AutoLootMailItem(numInboxItems)
+		if money > 0 or (numItems and numItems > 0) and COD <= 0 and not isGM then
+			--stop the loop if the mail was already read
+			if wasRead and loopChk > 0 then
+				triggerStop = true
+				xanAutoMail:StopMail()
+				return
+			elseif bagCheck() < 1 then
+				triggerStop = true
+				xanAutoMail:StopMail()
+				DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("xanAutoMail: Your bags are full")
+			else
+				AutoLootMailItem(numInboxItems)
+			end
+		else
+			skipCount = skipCount + 1

 		--decrease count
@@ -220,6 +246,7 @@ function xanAutoMail:GetMail()
 	triggerStop = false
 	timeChk, timeDelay = 0, 0.5
 	loopChk = 0
+	skipCount = 0
 	numInboxItems = GetInboxNumItems()

 	old_InboxFrame_OnClick = InboxFrame_OnClick
@@ -251,6 +278,30 @@ function xanAutoMail:UI_ERROR_MESSAGE(event, arg1)

+--sometimes the mailbox is full, if this happens we have to make changes to the button position
+local function inboxFullCheck()
+	local nItem, nTotal = GetInboxNumItems()
+	if nItem and nTotal then
+		if ( nTotal > nItem) or InboxTooMuchMail:IsVisible() then
+			inboxAllButton:ClearAllPoints()
+			inboxAllButton:SetPoint("CENTER", InboxFrame, "BOTTOM", -10, 100)
+			inboxAllButton.movedBottom = true
+		elseif (( nTotal < nItem) or not InboxTooMuchMail:IsVisible()) and inboxAllButton.movedBottom then
+			inboxAllButton.movedBottom = nil
+			inboxAllButton:ClearAllPoints()
+			inboxAllButton:SetPoint("CENTER", InboxFrame, "TOP", 0, -55)
+		end
+	end
+function xanAutoMail:MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE()
+	inboxFullCheck()
+function xanAutoMail:MAIL_SHOW()
+	inboxFullCheck()
 if IsLoggedIn() then xanAutoMail:PLAYER_LOGIN() else xanAutoMail:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end

diff --git a/xanAutoMail.toc b/xanAutoMail.toc
index 9ea131d..2df1839 100644
--- a/xanAutoMail.toc
+++ b/xanAutoMail.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: xanAutoMail
 ## Notes: Expands blizzards automatic name generation for sending Mail to include people outside the guild.
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 1.2
+## Version: 1.3
 ## SavedVariables: xanAutoMailDB
