
-Updating for MOP.

Xruptor [10-20-12 - 15:30]
-Updating for MOP.
-Removing an old library that I don't care to update anymore.
-Adding support for LibDropDown instead.
diff --git a/XanReputation.lua b/XanReputation.lua
index 9240931..16394f0 100644
--- a/XanReputation.lua
+++ b/XanReputation.lua
@@ -99,11 +99,12 @@ function f:CreateREP_Frame()

 	f:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function(self, button)
+		if not button then return end
 		if button == "LeftButton" and IsShiftKeyDown() then
 			self.isMoving = true
 		elseif button == "RightButton" then
-			ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, self.DD, self, 0, 0)
+			self:ShowDropDown(self)
@@ -273,90 +274,152 @@ end
 --         DropDown         --

-function f:SetupDropDown()
+local function Faded(self)
+	self:Release()

-	--close the dropdown menu if shown
-	if f.DD and f.DD:IsShown() then
-		CloseDropDownMenus()
-	end
+local function FadeMenu(self)
+	local fadeInfo = {}
+	fadeInfo.mode = "OUT"
+	fadeInfo.timeToFade = 0.1
+	fadeInfo.finishedFunc = Faded
+	fadeInfo.finishedArg1 = self
+	UIFrameFade(self, fadeInfo)

-	local dd1 = LibStub('LibXMenu-1.0'):New("xanReputation_DD", XanREP_DB)
-	dd1.initialize = function(self, lvl)
-		if lvl == 1 then
-			self:AddList(lvl, "Reputation", "rep")
-			self:AddList(lvl, "Settings", "settings")
-			self:AddCloseButton(lvl,  "Close")
-		elseif lvl and lvl > 1 then
-			if sub == "rep" then
-				for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
-					local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
-					if isHeader then
-						self:AddList(lvl, name, "rep2|"..name)
-					end
+function f:ShowDropDown(sFrame)
+	local dd1 = LibStub("LibDropdown-1.0")
+	local t = {
+	   type = "group",
+	   name = "group",
+	   desc = "group",
+	   args = {
+		reputation = {
+			 type = "group",
+			 name = "Reputation",
+			 desc = "Select a reputation",
+			 args = {
+				--to be filled by loop below
+			 },
+			 order = 10
+		  },
+		settings = {
+			 type = "group",
+			 name = "Settings",
+			 desc = "xanReputation settings",
+			 args = {
+				range = {
+					type = "range",
+					name = "Scale",
+					desc = "Change the scale size of xanReputation",
+					min = 1,
+					max = 2.6,
+					bigStep = 0.1,
+					get = function(info) return XanREP_DB.scale end,
+					set = function(info, v)
+						XanREP_DB.scale = v
+						xanReputation:SetScale(v)
+					end,
+					order = 10
+				},
+				toggleBG = {
+					type = "toggle",
+					name = "Toggle background",
+					desc = "Toggle the xanReputation background",
+					get = function() return XanREP_DB.bgShown end,
+					set = function(info, v)
+						XanREP_DB.bgShown = v
+						f:BackgroundToggle(true)
+					end,
+					order = 20
+				},
+				autoSwitchBG = {
+					type = "toggle",
+					name = "Auto Switch",
+					desc = "Auto switch reputation",
+					get = function() return XanREP_DB.autoSwitch end,
+					set = function(info, v) XanREP_DB.autoSwitch = v end,
+					order = 30
+				},
+			 },
+			 order = 20
+		  },
+		close = {
+			 type = "execute",
+			 name = "Close",
+			 desc = "Close this menu",
+			 func = function(self) FadeMenu(f.DD) end,
+			 order = 1000
+		  }
+	   }
+	}
+	--fill the reputation list
+	local parentOrder = 1
+	for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
+		local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
+		if isHeader then
+			--check if we have something first
+			local processChk = false
+			for q = 1, GetNumFactions() do
+				local nameSub, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isHeaderSub = GetFactionInfo(q)
+				if isHeaderSub and nameSub == name then
+					boolD = true
+				elseif isHeaderSub and nameSub ~= name then
+					boolD = false
+				end
+				if boolD and not isHeaderSub then
+					processChk = true
+					break
-			elseif strmatch(sub, "(%w+)|(.+)") == "rep2" then
-				local _, cHeader = strmatch(sub, "(%w+)|(.+)")
-				local t = {}
-				local q = {}
-				for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
-					local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
-					if isHeader and name == cHeader then
+			end
+			if processChk then
+				--do the child rep names for the reputation parent
+				local boolD = false
+				local tableValues = {}
+				for q = 1, GetNumFactions() do
+					local nameSub, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isHeaderSub = GetFactionInfo(q)
+					if isHeaderSub and nameSub == name then
 						boolD = true
-					elseif isHeader and name ~= cHeader then
+					elseif isHeaderSub and nameSub ~= name then
 						boolD = false
-					if boolD and not isHeader then
-						table.insert(t, name)
-						q[name] = level
+					if boolD and not isHeaderSub then
+						table.insert(tableValues,nameSub)
-				table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a < b end)

-				if #t > 0 then
-					local starti = (30 * (lvl - 3)) + 1
-					local endi = (30 * (lvl - 2)) - 1
-					for i = starti, endi, 1 do
-						if not t[i] then break end
-						local status = "??"
-						if q[t[i]] then
-							status = string.format("|cFF%s%s|r", colors[q[t[i]]], levels[q[t[i]]])
-						end
-						self:AddSelect(lvl, string.format("%s      (%s)", t[i], status), t[i], "factionWatched")
-						if i == endi and t[i + 1] then
-							self:AddList(lvl, "More", sub)
-							break
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			elseif sub == "settings" then
-				self:AddList(lvl, "Scale", "scale")
-				self:AddToggle(lvl, "Toggle background", "bgShown", nil, nil, nil, 1)
-				self:AddToggle(lvl, "Auto switch reputation", "autoSwitch")
-			elseif sub == "scale" then
-				for i = 1, 2.6, 0.1 do
-					self:AddSelect(lvl, i, i, "scale", nil, nil, 2)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	dd1.doUpdate = function(bOpt)
-		if bOpt and bOpt == 1 then
-			self:BackgroundToggle(true)
-			return
-		elseif bOpt and bOpt == 2 then
-			xanReputation:SetScale(XanREP_DB.scale)
-			return
+				--add to reputation parent
+				t.args.reputation.args[name] =
+				{
+					type = "select",
+					name = name,
+					desc = name,
+					values = tableValues,
+					order = parentOrder*10,
+					get = function(info) return optIndex end,
+					set = function(info, v) optIndex = v end
+					--XanREP_DB.factionWatched = nameSub
+					--f:GetFactionWatched(true)
+				}
+				parentOrder = parentOrder + 1
+			end
-		self:GetFactionWatched(true)
-	f.DD = dd1
+	f.DD = dd1:OpenAce3Menu(t)
+	f.DD:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+	f.DD:SetAlpha(1.0)
+	f.DD:Show()
+	f:GetFactionWatched(true)

@@ -388,7 +451,6 @@ function f:CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE(event, msg)
 	if XanREP_DB.factionCount ~= GetNumFactions() then
 		--a new faction was added so lets update the display
 		XanREP_DB.factionCount = GetNumFactions()
-		f:SetupDropDown()

 	if not decrease and XanREP_DB.autoSwitch then
@@ -410,7 +472,6 @@ function f:CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(event, msg)
 	if XanREP_DB.factionCount ~= GetNumFactions() then
 		--a new faction was added so lets update the display
 		XanREP_DB.factionCount = GetNumFactions()
-		f:SetupDropDown()

@@ -420,9 +481,6 @@ function f:UPDATE_FACTION()
 	--setup startup faction information

-	--do the dropdown
-	self:SetupDropDown()
 	--do rep frame update

diff --git a/XanReputation.toc b/XanReputation.toc
index 6db0261..76e338f 100644
--- a/XanReputation.toc
+++ b/XanReputation.toc
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-## Interface: 40200
+## Interface: 50001
 ## Title: xanReputation
 ## Notes: A small window display current reputation xp
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 1.9.2
+## Version: 2.0
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: XanREP_DB


diff --git a/libs/LibDropdown-1.0.lua b/libs/LibDropdown-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161ae20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibDropdown-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1155 @@
+local MAJOR = "LibDropdown-1.0"
+local MINOR = 1
+local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not lib then return end
+local math_max = _G.math.max
+local framePool = lib.framePool or {}
+lib.framePool = framePool
+local buttonPool = lib.buttonPool or {}
+lib.buttonPool = buttonPool
+local inputPool = lib.inputPool or {}
+lib.inputPool = inputPool
+local frameHideQueue = lib.frameHideQueue or {}
+lib.frameHideQueue = frameHideQueue
+local sliderPool = lib.sliderPool or {}
+lib.sliderPool = sliderPool
+local AddButton, ShowGroup, HideGroup, SetGroup, NewDropdownFrame, NewDropdownButton, ReleaseFrame, AcquireButton, ReleaseButton, AcquireFrame
+local UIParent = _G.UIParent
+local openMenu
+local noop = lib.noop or function() end
+lib.noop = noop
+local new, newHash, newSet, del
+if not lib.new then
+   local list = setmetatable({}, {__mode='k'})
+   function new(...)
+      local t = next(list)
+      if t then
+         list[t] = nil
+         for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+            t[i] = select(i, ...)
+         end
+         return t
+      else
+         return {...}
+      end
+   end
+   function del(t)
+      setmetatable(t, nil)
+      for k in pairs(t) do
+         t[k] = nil
+      end
+      t[''] = true
+      t[''] = nil
+      list[t] = true
+      return nil
+   end
+   lib.new, lib.del = new, del
+-- Make the frame match the tooltip
+local function InitializeFrame(frame)
+   local backdrop = GameTooltip:GetBackdrop()
+   frame:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+   if backdrop then
+      frame:SetBackdropColor(GameTooltip:GetBackdropColor())
+      frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(GameTooltip:GetBackdropBorderColor())
+   end
+   frame:SetScale(GameTooltip:GetScale())
+local editBoxCount = 1
+local function AcquireInput()
+   local frame = tremove(inputPool)
+   if frame then
+      frame.released = false
+      return frame
+   end
+   frame = CreateFrame("EditBox", "LibDropDownEditBox"..editBoxCount, UIParent, "InputBoxTemplate")
+   frame:SetAutoFocus(false)
+   editBoxCount = editBoxCount + 1
+   frame:SetScript("OnEscapePressed",
+                   function(self)
+                      self:ClearFocus()
+                      self:GetParent():GetRoot():Refresh()
+                   end)
+   frame:SetScript("OnEnterPressed",
+                   function(self)
+                      if self.ValueChanged then
+                         self:ValueChanged(self:GetText())
+                      end
+                   end)
+   frame.refresh = noop
+   return frame
+local function AcquireSlider()
+   local frame = tremove(sliderPool)
+   if frame then
+      frame.released = false
+      return frame
+   end
+   local frame = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, UIParent)
+   frame:SetWidth(10)
+   frame:SetHeight(150)
+   frame:SetOrientation("VERTICAL")
+   frame:SetBackdrop({
+                        bgFile = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Background]],
+                        edgeFile = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Border]],
+                        tile = true,
+                        tileSize = 8,
+                        edgeSize = 8,
+                        insets = {left = 3, right = 3, top = 6, bottom = 6}
+                     })
+   frame:SetThumbTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-SliderBar-Button-Vertical]])
+   frame:EnableMouseWheel()
+   frame:Show()
+   local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "GameFontNormalSmall")
+   text:SetPoint("TOP", frame, "BOTTOM")
+   text:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1)
+   frame.text = text
+   frame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, direction, ...)
+                                      if not direction then return end -- huh?
+                                      local mn, mx = self:GetMinMaxValues()
+                                      local nv = min(mx, max(mn, self:GetValue() + ((self.step or 1) * direction  * -1)))
+                                      self:SetValue(nv)
+                                   end)
+   frame:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self)
+                                        local mn, mx = self:GetMinMaxValues()
+                                        local nv = min(mx, max(mn, self:GetValue()))
+                                        if nv ~= self:GetValue() then
+                                           self:SetValue(nv)
+                                           return
+                                        end
+                                        local n, x = self:GetMinMaxValues()
+                                        local ev = x - nv
+                                        frame.text:SetText(ev)
+                                        if self.ValueChanged then
+                                           self:ValueChanged(self:GetValue())
+                                        end
+                                     end)
+   frame.refresh = noop
+   return frame
+local function ReleaseSlider(slider)
+   if slider.released then return end
+   slider.released = true
+   slider:Hide()
+   slider:SetParent(UIParent)
+   tinsert(sliderPool, slider)
+   return nil
+local function ReleaseInput(input)
+   if input.released then return end
+   input.released = true
+   input:Hide()
+   input:SetParent(UIParent)
+   tinsert(inputPool, input)
+   return nil
+local function MouseOver(frame)
+   local f = GetMouseFocus()
+   while f and f ~= UIParent do
+      if f == frame then return true end
+      f = f:GetParent()
+   end
+   return false
+-- Frame methods
+function AddButton(self, b)
+   b:ClearAllPoints()
+   b:SetParent(self)
+   b:Show()
+   if #self.buttons == 0 then
+      b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0, -4)
+      b:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -4)
+   else
+      b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.buttons[#self.buttons], "BOTTOMLEFT")
+      b:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.buttons[#self.buttons], "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+   end
+   tinsert(self.buttons, b)
+   self:SetHeight(#self.buttons * b:GetHeight() + 8)
+function Refresh(self)
+   if not self:IsVisible() then return end
+   local maxWidth = 1
+   for i = 1, #self.buttons do
+      self.buttons[i]:refresh()
+      maxWidth = math_max(maxWidth, self.buttons[i].text:GetStringWidth() + 60)
+   end
+   self:SetWidth(maxWidth)
+function GetRoot(self)
+   local parent = self:GetParent()
+   if parent and parent.GetRoot then
+      return parent:GetRoot()
+   else
+      return self
+   end
+-- Button methods
+function ShowGroup(self)
+   if not self.enabled then return end
+   if not self.groupFrame then
+      self.groupFrame = self:AcquireFrame()
+   end
+   if not self.handled then
+      self.handler(lib, self.group, self.groupFrame)
+      self.handled = true
+   end
+   self.groupFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 4)
+   self.groupFrame:Show()
+   self.groupFrame:Refresh()
+   self:LockHighlight()
+   self:enter()
+   if self.groupFrame.Showing then
+      self.groupFrame:Showing()
+   end
+function HideGroup(self)
+   if not self then return end
+   if MouseOver(self) then return end
+   if self.groupFrame then
+      self.groupFrame:Hide()
+   end
+   self:UnlockHighlight()
+   self:leave()
+   if self.groupFrame.Hiding then
+      self.groupFrame:Hiding()
+   end
+function SetChecked(self, val)
+   self.checked = val
+   if val then
+      self.check:Show()
+      self.check:SetDesaturated(false)
+   elseif val == false or not self.tristate then
+      self.check:Hide()
+   elseif val == nil then
+      self.check:Show()
+      self.check:SetDesaturated(true)
+   end
+function HideRecursive(self)
+   HideGroup(self:GetParent())
+function SetGroup(self, t, handler)
+   if t then
+      self.expand:Show()
+      self:SetScript("OnEnter", ShowGroup)
+      self:SetScript("OnLeave", HideGroup)
+      self.group = t
+      self.handler = handler
+   else
+      self.expand:Hide()
+      self:SetScript("OnEnter", nil)
+      self:SetScript("OnLeave", nil)
+      self.group = nil
+      self.handler = nil
+   end
+   self.clickable = t == nil
+-- Pool methods
+local frameCount = 0
+function NewDropdownFrame()
+   local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "LibDropdownFrame" .. frameCount, UIParent)
+   frameCount = frameCount + 1
+   frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
+   frame:SetWidth(10)
+   frame:SetHeight(24)
+   frame:EnableMouse(true)
+   frame.AddButton = AddButton
+   frame.Refresh = Refresh
+   frame.GetRoot = GetRoot
+   frame.isDropdownFrame = true
+   frame.Release = ReleaseFrame
+   frame.AcquireButton = AcquireButton
+   -- make it close on escape
+   tinsert(UISpecialFrames, frame:GetName())
+   return frame
+   local function enterButton(self)
+      GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, self)
+      GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+      GameTooltip:AddLine(self.text:GetText())
+      if self.desc then
+         GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffffffff" .. self.desc .. "|r")
+      end
+      GameTooltip:Show()
+   end
+   local function leaveButton(self)
+      GameTooltip:Hide()
+      local p = self:GetParent()
+      if p then
+         local f = p:GetScript("OnLeave")
+         if f then
+            f(p)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   local function pushText(self)
+      if not self.clickable then return end
+      self.text:SetPoint("TOP", self, "TOP", 0, -2)
+      self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.check, "RIGHT", 6, 0)
+   end
+   local function unpushText(self)
+      if not self.clickable then return end
+      self.text:SetPoint("TOP", self, "TOP", 0, 0)
+      self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.check, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+   end
+   local function click(self)
+      if self.OnClick and self.clickable then
+         self.OnClick(self)
+         PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn");
+         self:GetParent():GetRoot():Refresh()
+      end
+   end
+   local function settext(self, t)
+      self.text:SetText(t)
+   end
+   local function disable(self)
+      self.enabled = false
+      self:SetScript("OnMouseDown", nil)
+      self:SetScript("OnMouseUp", nil)
+      self.text:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+      self.check:SetDesaturated(true)
+      self.expand:SetDesaturated(true)
+      self:oldDisable()
+   end
+   local function enable(self)
+      self.enabled = true
+      self:SetScript("OnMouseDown", pushText)
+      self:SetScript("OnMouseUp", unpushText)
+      self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+      -- self.text:SetTextColor(self:GetTextColor())    -- Removed in 3.0
+      self.check:SetDesaturated(false)
+      self.expand:SetDesaturated(false)
+      self:oldEnable()
+   end
+   local function revert()
+      --ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.frame
+   end
+   local function setColor()
+      local r,g,b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+      local a = ColorPickerFrame.opacity or 1
+      local f = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.frame
+      f:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
+      if f:GetParent().OnClick then
+         f:GetParent():OnClick(r,g,b,a)
+      end
+   end
+   local function revert()
+      p = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
+      ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(p.r, p.g, p.b)
+      ColorPickerFrame.opacity = p.opacity
+      setColor()
+   end
+   local function openColorPicker(self)
+      local p = self:GetParent()
+      p.r, p.g, p.b, p.a = self:GetNormalTexture():GetVertexColor()
+      ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = p.hasOpacity
+      ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = p.opacityFunc
+      ColorPickerFrame.opacity = p.a
+      ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(p.r, p.g, p.b)
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues or {}
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.r = p.r
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.g = p.g
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.b = p.b
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.opacity = p.a
+      ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.frame = self
+      ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = revert
+      ColorPickerFrame.func = setColor
+      ShowUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame)
+   end
+   local function highlightSwatch(self)
+   end
+   local function unhighlightSwatch(self)
+   end
+   local function makeTitle(self, t)
+      -- self.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+      self.text:ClearAllPoints()
+      self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self, "LEFT", 16, 0)
+      self.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", self, "RIGHT", -16, 0)
+      self.text:SetTextColor(1, 0.8, 0, 1)
+      self.clickable = false
+      if t then self.text:SetText(t) end
+   end
+   local function makeButton(self, t)
+      local text, frame, check, expand = self.text, self, self.check, self.expand
+      text:ClearAllPoints()
+      text:SetPoint("TOP", frame, "TOP")
+      text:SetPoint("LEFT", check, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+      text:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM")
+      text:SetPoint("RIGHT", expand, "LEFT", -4, 0)
+      text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+      self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1,1,1)
+      self.clickable = true
+      if t then text:SetText(t) end
+   end
+   function NewDropdownButton(f)
+      local frame = f or CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+      frame:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight]])
+      frame:GetHighlightTexture():SetBlendMode("ADD")
+      -- frame:SetDisabledTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)   -- Removed in 3.0
+      frame:SetPushedTextOffset(3,-3)
+      frame:SetHeight(18)
+      local check = frame.check or frame:CreateTexture()
+      check:SetTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check]])
+      check:SetWidth(18)
+      check:SetHeight(18)
+      check:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "LEFT", 4, 0)
+      check:Hide()
+      frame.check = check
+      local expand = frame.expand or frame:CreateTexture()
+      expand:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameExpandArrow]])
+      expand:SetWidth(16)
+      expand:SetHeight(16)
+      expand:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
+      expand:Hide()
+      frame.expand = expand
+      local text = frame.text or frame:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+      frame.text = text
+      frame.SetText = settext
+      frame.MakeButton = makeButton
+      frame.MakeTitle = makeTitle
+      frame:MakeButton("<not set>")
+      local swatch = frame.swatch or CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
+      swatch:SetWidth(18)
+      swatch:SetHeight(18)
+      swatch.tex = swatch.text or swatch:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+      swatch.tex:SetPoint("CENTER", swatch, "CENTER")
+      swatch.tex:SetWidth(swatch:GetWidth()-2)
+      swatch.tex:SetHeight(swatch:GetHeight()-2)
+      -- swatch.tex:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameColorSwatch]])
+      swatch:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameColorSwatch]])
+      swatch:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
+      swatch:SetScript("OnClick", openColorPicker)
+      swatch:SetFrameLevel(frame:GetFrameLevel() + 100)
+      swatch:SetScript("OnEnter", highlightSwatch)
+      swatch:SetScript("OnLeave", unhighlightSwatch)
+      swatch:Hide()
+      frame.swatch = swatch
+      unhighlightSwatch(swatch)
+      frame:SetScript("OnEnter", enterButton)
+      frame:SetScript("OnLeave", leaveButton)
+      frame.enter, frame.leave = enterButton, leaveButton
+      frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", pushText)
+      frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", unpushText)
+      frame:SetScript("OnClick", click)
+      frame.SetGroup = SetGroup
+      frame.SetChecked = SetChecked
+      frame.AcquireFrame = AcquireFrame
+      frame.GetRoot = GetRoot
+      frame.oldDisable, frame.Disable = frame.Disable, disable
+      frame.oldEnable, frame.Enable = frame.Enable, enable
+      frame.Release = ReleaseButton
+      frame.clickable = true
+      frame.enabled = true
+      frame:Enable()
+      return frame
+   end
+function ReleaseFrame(f)
+   if f.rootMenu then
+      openMenu = nil
+   end
+   if f.released then return end
+   f.released = true
+   f.data = nil
+   f.dataname = nil
+   f.rootMenu = nil
+   f:Hide()
+   f:SetParent(UIParent)
+   f:ClearAllPoints()
+   tinsert(framePool, f)
+   for i = 1, #f.buttons do
+      local button = tremove(f.buttons)
+      button:Release()
+   end
+   return nil
+function AcquireButton(p)
+   local b = NewDropdownButton(tremove(buttonPool))
+   b.released = false
+   b:EnableMouse(true)
+   b:Show()
+   p:AddButton(b)
+   return b
+function ReleaseButton(b)
+   if b.released then return end
+   tinsert(buttonPool, b)
+   b.desc = nil
+   b.released = true
+   b.Enable = b.oldEnable
+   b.Disable = b.oldDisable
+   b.handled = false
+   b:SetParent(UIParent)
+   b:Hide()
+   if b.slider then
+      b.slider = ReleaseSlider(b.slider)
+   end
+   if b.input then
+      b.input = ReleaseInput(b.input)
+   end
+   b:ClearAllPoints()
+   b:MakeButton("(released)")
+   if b.groupFrame then
+      b.groupFrame.Showing = nil
+      b.groupFrame = b.groupFrame:Release()
+   end
+local function frameReleaseOnHide(self)
+   self:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
+   self:Release()
+function AcquireFrame(parent, toplevel)
+   local f = tremove(framePool) or NewDropdownFrame()
+   InitializeFrame(f) -- set the look of the frame
+   f.released = false
+   f.buttons = f.buttons or {}
+   f:SetParent(parent or UIParent)
+   if parent then
+      f:SetScript("OnLeave", HideRecursive)
+   else
+      f:SetScript("OnLeave", nil)
+   end
+   if toplevel then
+      f:SetScript("OnHide", frameReleaseOnHide)
+   else
+      f:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
+   end
+   f:ClearAllPoints()
+   f:Show()
+   return f
+   local Ace3 = {}
+   local grefresh
+   local info = {}
+   local options
+   local currentOptionData
+   local function setup(k, v, parent)
+      local b = parent:AcquireButton()
+      b.data = v
+      b.option = v
+      b.dataname = k
+      b.refresh = grefresh
+      return b
+   end
+   local function setInfoOptions()
+      local option = options
+      for _, key in ipairs(info) do
+         if option.args and option.args[key] then
+            option = option.args[key]
+         else
+            return
+         end
+      end
+      info.option = option
+      info.type = option.type
+   end
+   local function initInfo(type)
+      info.options = options
+      info.appName = options.name
+      info.type = type
+      info.uiType = "dropdown"
+      info.uiName = "LibDropdown-1.0"
+   end
+   local function wipeInfo()
+      local type = info.type
+      wipe(info)
+      initInfo(type)
+   end
+   local function runHandler(button, handler, ...)
+      info.handler = handler
+      info.option = button.data
+      if not button.rootMenu then
+         tinsert(info, 1, button.dataname)
+      end
+      local v = button.data
+      if v and v[handler] then
+         local ht = type(v[handler])
+         if ht == "function" then
+            setInfoOptions()
+            local ret, r1, r2, r3 = v[handler](info, ...)
+            wipeInfo()
+            return ret, r1, r2, r3
+         elseif ht == "table" then
+            return v[handler]
+         elseif ht == "string" then
+            local t = runHandler(button, "handler", ...)
+            if type(t) == "table" then
+               setInfoOptions()
+               local ret, r1, r2, r3 = t[v[handler]](t, info, ...)
+               wipeInfo()
+               return ret, r1, r2, r3
+            end
+         end
+      elseif v and v[handler] == false then
+         return nil             -- Is this right?
+      else
+         if button.GetParent then
+            local pp = button:GetParent() and button:GetParent():GetParent()
+            if not pp or not pp.data then
+               pp = button:GetParent()
+            end
+            if pp and pp.data then
+               return runHandler(pp, handler, ...)
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      wipeInfo()
+      return nil
+   end
+   function grefresh(self)
+      local isDisabled = false
+      self:SetText(self.data.name)
+      self.desc = self.data.desc
+      if type(self.data.disabled) == "function" then
+         if self.data.disabled() then
+            self:Disable()
+	    isDisabled = true
+         else
+            self:Enable()
+         end
+      elseif type(self.data.disabled) == "boolean" then
+         if self.data.disabled then
+            self:Disable()
+	    isDisabled = true
+         else
+            self:Enable()
+         end
+      end
+      return isDisabled
+   end
+   -- group
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+         if not self.groupFrame or self.groupFrame == self:GetParent() then return end
+         self.groupFrame:Refresh()
+      end
+      function Ace3.group(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         if v.inline then
+            -- TODO: Add heading
+            local b2 = parent:AcquireButton()
+            b:MakeTitle(k)
+            b2.refresh = noop
+            lib:OpenAce3Menu(v.args, parent)
+         else
+            b:SetGroup(v.args, lib.OpenAce3Menu)
+         end
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+   end
+   -- execute
+   function Ace3.execute(k, v, parent)
+      local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+      b:SetText(v.name)
+      b.desc = v.desc
+      b.OnClick = function(self)
+                     initInfo('execute')
+                     runHandler(self, "func")
+                     self:GetRoot():Refresh()
+                  end
+   end
+   -- input
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+         self.input:SetText(runHandler(self, "get") or "")
+      end
+      local function inputValueChanged(self, val)
+         initInfo('input')
+         runHandler(self:GetParent():GetParent(), "set", val)
+         self:GetParent():GetRoot():Refresh()
+      end
+      function Ace3.input(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b:SetGroup(v, lib.Ace3InputShow)
+         b.input = AcquireInput()
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+      local function showInput(frame)
+         local data = frame.data
+         local input = frame:GetParent().input
+         input:SetParent(frame)
+         input:ClearAllPoints()
+         input:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "LEFT", 10, 0)
+         frame:SetWidth(185)
+         input:SetWidth(170)
+         input:SetHeight(34)
+         frame:SetHeight(34)
+         input.ValueChanged = inputValueChanged
+         input:Show()
+         refresh(frame:GetParent())
+      end
+      function lib:Ace3InputShow(t, parent)
+         parent.data = t
+         parent.Showing = showInput
+      end
+   end
+   -- toggle
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         local disabled = grefresh(self)
+         initInfo('toggle')
+	 local actual = runHandler(self, "get")
+	 if disabled then
+	    self:SetChecked(false)
+	 else
+	    self:SetChecked(actual)
+	 end
+      end
+      local function onClick(self)
+         initInfo('toggle')
+         if self.data.tristate then
+            local val = runHandler(self, "get")
+            local sv
+            if val == nil then sv = true
+            elseif val == true then sv = false
+            else sv = nil end
+            runHandler(self, "set", sv)
+         else
+            local val = not runHandler(self, "get")
+            runHandler(self, "set", val)
+         end
+         self:GetRoot():Refresh()
+      end
+      function Ace3.toggle(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b.OnClick = onClick
+         b.tristate = v.tristate
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+   end
+   -- header
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+      end
+      function Ace3.header(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b:MakeTitle(k)
+         b:EnableMouse(false)
+         b.tristate = nil
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+   end
+   -- color
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+         initInfo('color')
+         self.swatch:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor(runHandler(self, "get"))
+      end
+      function Ace3.color(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b.swatch:Show()
+         b.clickable = false
+	 b.refresh = refresh
+         b.OnClick = function(self, r, g, b, a)
+			runHandler(self, "set", r, g, b, a);
+                        self:GetRoot():Refresh()
+                     end
+      end
+   end
+   -- select
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+         if self.groupFrame then
+            self.groupFrame:Refresh()
+         end
+      end
+      function Ace3.select(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b.parentTree = v
+         b:SetGroup(v.values, lib.Ace3MenuSelect)
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+      local function buttonRefresh(self)
+         initInfo('select')
+         self:SetChecked( runHandler(self:GetParent():GetParent(), "get") == self.value )
+      end
+      function lib:Ace3MenuSelect(t, parent)
+         initInfo('select')
+         if type(t) == "string" or type(t) == "function" then
+            t = runHandler(parent, "values")
+         end
+         if type(t) == "table" then
+            for k, v in pairs(t) do
+               local b = parent:AcquireButton()
+               b:SetText(v)
+               b.value = k
+               b.OnClick = function(self)
+                              initInfo('select')
+                              runHandler(self:GetParent():GetParent(), "set", self.value)
+                              self:GetParent():GetRoot():Refresh()
+                           end
+               b.refresh = buttonRefresh
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   -- range
+   -- Some extra tricksery for mousewheel on the containing frame. A bit more user friendly.
+   do
+      local function refresh(self)
+         grefresh(self)
+         initInfo('range')
+         self.slider:SetValue(runHandler(self, "get") or self.slider:GetMinMaxValues())
+         initInfo('range')
+         self.slider.text:SetText(runHandler(self, "get"))
+      end
+      function Ace3.range(k, v, parent)
+         local b = setup(k, v, parent)
+         b:SetGroup(v, lib.Ace3SliderShow)
+         b.slider = AcquireSlider()
+         b.refresh = refresh
+      end
+      local function onWheel(f)
+         f:GetParent().slider:GetScript("OnMouseWheel")(f:GetParent().slider)
+      end
+      local function removeMousewheelFuncs(f)
+         tremove(f.buttons)
+         f:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+         f:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", nil)
+         f.Hiding = nil
+      end
+      local function sliderValueChanged(self, val)
+         initInfo('range')
+         runHandler(self:GetParent():GetParent(), "set", val)
+         self:GetParent():GetRoot():Refresh()
+      end
+      local function showSlider(frame)
+         local data = frame.data
+         local slider = frame:GetParent().slider
+         slider:SetParent(frame)
+         slider:ClearAllPoints()
+         slider:SetPoint("CENTER", frame, "CENTER")
+         slider:SetPoint("TOP", frame, "TOP", 0, -8)
+         slider:SetHeight(150)
+         slider.text:ClearAllPoints()
+         slider.text:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 8)
+         slider.text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 8)
+         slider.text:SetText(data.max)
+         frame:SetWidth(max(60, slider.text:GetStringWidth() + 10))
+         slider.step = data.bigStep
+         slider:SetMinMaxValues(data.min or 0, data.max or 100)
+         slider:SetValueStep(data.bigStep or data.step or 1)
+         slider.ValueChanged = sliderValueChanged
+         frame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+         frame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", onWheel)
+         frame.Hiding = removeMousewheelFuncs
+         frame:SetHeight(180)
+         slider:Show()
+         refresh(frame:GetParent())
+      end
+      function lib:Ace3SliderShow(t, parent)
+         parent.data = t
+         parent.Showing = showSlider
+      end
+   end
+   do
+      local sortOptions = function(a,b)
+                             if (b.order or 100) > (a.order or 100) then return true
+                             elseif (b.order or 100) < (a.order or 100) then return false
+                             elseif b.name:lower() > a.name:lower() then return true
+                             else return false
+                             end
+                          end
+      function lib:OpenAce3Menu(t, parent)
+	 assert(t and type(t) == "table", "Expected table, got "..type(t))
+         if parent == nil and t.args then
+            if openMenu then
+               openMenu:Release()
+            end
+            options = t
+            openMenu = AcquireFrame(nil, true)
+            openMenu:Show()
+            openMenu.data = t
+            openMenu.dataname = "Root menu"
+            openMenu.rootMenu = true
+            openMenu:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
+            self:OpenAce3Menu(t.args, openMenu)
+            openMenu:Refresh()
+            openMenu:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
+            return openMenu
+         else
+            local sortedOpts = new()
+            local lookup = new()
+            for i = 1, #sortedOpts do
+               tremove(sortedOpts)
+            end
+            for k, v in pairs(t) do
+               lookup[v] = k
+               tinsert(sortedOpts, v)
+            end
+            table.sort(sortedOpts, sortOptions)
+            for _, v in ipairs(sortedOpts) do
+               if Ace3[v.type] and not v.dropdownHidden and not v.hidden then
+                  Ace3[v.type](lookup[v], v, parent)
+               end
+            end
+            sortedOpts = del(sortedOpts)
+            lookup = del(lookup)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+local toggled = true
+local r,g,b,a = 1,0,1,1
+local options = {"foo", "bar", "foobar"}
+local optIndex = 1
+local rangeVal, rangeVal2 = 100, 10
+local inherits = {["inherittoggle"] = true}
+local t = {
+   type = "group",
+   name = "group",
+   desc = "group",
+   args = {
+      foo = {
+         type = "input",
+         name = "text",
+         desc = "text desc",
+         get = function(info) return "texting!" end,
+         set = function(info, v) end
+      },
+      inherit = {
+         type = "group",
+         name = "inheritance test",
+         desc = "inheritance test",
+         get = function(info) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(("Got getter, getting %s (%s)"):format(tostring(info[#info]), tostring(inherits[info[#info]]))); return inherits[info[#info]] end,
+         set = function(info, v) ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Got setter:" .. tostring(v)); inherits[info[#info]] = v end,
+         args = {
+            inherittoggle = {
+               type = "toggle",
+               name = "inherit toggle",
+               desc = "inherit toggle"
+            },
+         }
+      },
+      exec = {
+         type = "execute",
+         name = "Say hi",
+         desc = "Execute, says hi",
+         func = function() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Hi!") end
+      },
+      range = {
+         type = "range",
+         name = "Range slider",
+         desc = "Range slider",
+         min = 0,
+         max = 800,
+         bigStep = 50,
+         get = function(info) return rangeVal end,
+         set = function(info, v) rangeVal = v end,
+      },
+      range2 = {
+         type = "range",
+         name = "Range slider 2",
+         desc = "Range slider 2",
+         min = 0,
+         max = 80,
+         bigStep = 5,
+         get = function(info) return rangeVal2 end,
+         set = function(info, v) rangeVal2 = v end,
+      },
+      toggle = {
+         type = "toggle",
+         name = "Toggle",
+         desc = "Toggle",
+         get = function() return toggled end,
+         set = function(info, v) toggled = v end,
+         disabled = function(info) return not toggled end
+      },
+      toggle3 = {
+         type = "toggle",
+         name = "Tristate Toggle Tristate Toggle Tristate Toggle",
+         desc = "Tristate Toggle",
+         tristate = true,
+         get = function() return toggled end,
+         set = function(info, v) toggled = v end
+      },
+      select = {
+         type = "select",
+         name = "select",
+         desc = "select desc",
+         values = options,
+         get = function(info) return optIndex end,
+         set = function(info, v) optIndex = v end
+      },
+      color = {
+         type = "color",
+         name = "color swatch",
+         desc = "color swatch desc",
+         get = function(info) return r,g,b,a end,
+         set = function(info, _r,_g,_b,_a) r,g,b,a = _r,_g,_b,_a end
+      },
+      foo3 = {
+         type = "group",
+         name = "group!",
+         desc = "group desc",
+         args = {
+            toggle3 = {
+               type = "toggle",
+               name = "Tristate Toggle Tristate Toggle Tristate Toggle",
+               desc = "Tristate Toggle",
+               tristate = true,
+               get = function() return toggled end,
+               set = function(info, v) toggled = v end
+            },
+         }
+      },
+      foo4 = {
+         type = "group",
+         name = "inline group!",
+         desc = "inline group desc",
+         inline = "true",
+         args = {
+            foo2 = {
+               type = "input",
+               name = "text3",
+               desc = "text3 desc",
+               get = function(info) return "texting!" end,
+               set = function(info, v) end
+            }
+         },
+         order = 500
+      },
+      close = {
+         type = "execute",
+         name = "Close",
+         desc = "Close this menu",
+         func = function(self)  end,
+         order = 1000
+      }
+   }
+function testdropdown()
+   LibStub("LibDropdown-1.0"):OpenAce3Menu(t)
+WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseDown", function()
+                                        if openMenu then
+                                           openMenu = openMenu:Release()
+                                        end
+                                     end)
diff --git a/libs/LibXMenu-1.0.lua b/libs/LibXMenu-1.0.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 249fc63..0000000
--- a/libs/LibXMenu-1.0.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-	LibXMenu-1.0.lua
-	Created By: Xruptor
-	A simple DropDown library for creating interactive menus.
-	Example using each available option:
-		local dd1 = LibStub('LibXMenu-1.0'):New("DropDownName", database)
-		dd1.db.color1val = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1, }
-		dd1.initialize = function(self, lvl)
-			if lvl == 1 then
-				self:AddTitle(lvl, "My DropDown")
-				self:AddList(lvl, "Font Size", "fontsize")
-				self:AddList(lvl, "Advance List", "advancelist")
-				self:AddColor(lvl, "Color 1", "color1val")
-				self:AddToggle(lvl, "Switch", "switch")
-				self:AddToggle(lvl, "Switch2", "switch2", otherdb, "otherdboption2")
-			elseif lvl and lvl > 1 then
-				if sub == "fontsize" then
-					--loop selection add
-					for i = 5, 12, 1 do
-						self:AddSelect(lvl, i, i, "fontsize", nil)
-					end
-				elseif sub == "advancelist" then
-					--several different ways of adding selects
-					self:AddSelect(lvl, "This button 1", "button1", db, "dboption1", nil, 1)
-					self:AddSelect(lvl, "This button 2", "button2", "dboption2", nil, nil, 2)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		dd1.doUpdate = function(bOpt)
-			--fired after every menu selection click
-			doDisplayUpdates();
-			if bOpt == 1 then
-				--do something, bOpt is optional tag attached to a button
-			end
-		end
-		ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dd1, "cursor")
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibXMenu-1.0", 5
-local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
-if not lib then return end
---Used to prevent checks from displaying on Menulist title options
-local function HideCheck(item)
-	if item and item.GetName and _G[item:GetName().."Check"] then
-		_G[item:GetName().."Check"]:Hide()
-	end
-	lib:AddButton
-		(NOTE:)	This function is automatically called by each menu item insertion.
-				You should only use this function if your going to use your own custom button.
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-	keepShownOnClick	- (optional) toggle if the menu item should be shown or not on click (true/false)
-local function AddButton(self, lvl, text, keepshown)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	self.info.text = text
-	self.info.keepShownOnClick = keepshown
-	self.info.owner = self
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(self.info, lvl)
-	wipe(self.info)
-	lib:AddToggle
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-	value				- element in the database table, used when arg1 and arg2 are both nil.  Example:  db[value]
-						  NOTE: Value of the database element must be a boolean value.  TRUE/FALSE. Example: db[value] = true
-	arg1				- custom database variable, if arg2 is nil then value is used as element.  Example:  arg1[value]
-	arg2				- custom database element for arg1.  Example:  arg1[arg2]
-	func				- override with custom function
-	bOpt				- define an optional variable to be passed to doUpdate. Example: button name or button ID.
-local function AddToggle(self, lvl, text, value, arg1, arg2, func, bOpt)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	if not value then return end
-	value = tonumber(value) or value
-	self.info.arg1 = arg1
-	self.info.arg2 = arg2
-	self.info.value = value
-	self.info.func = func or function(item, arg1, arg2)
-		if arg1 and arg2 then
-			arg1[arg2] = not arg1[arg2]
-		elseif arg1 then
-			arg1[item.value] = not arg1[item.value]
-		else
-			item.owner.db[item.value] = not item.owner.db[item.value]
-		end
-		if item.owner.doUpdate then item.owner.doUpdate(bOpt) end
-	end
-	if arg1 and arg2 then
-		self.info.checked = arg1[arg2]
-	elseif arg1 then
-		self.info.checked = arg1[value]
-	else
-		self.info.checked = self.db[value]
-	end
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text, 1)
-	lib:AddList
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-	value				- menuList value, used in UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE when lvl > 1.
-local function AddList(self, lvl, text, value, notCheckable)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	if not value then return end
-	self.info.value = value
-	self.info.hasArrow = true
-	self.info.func = HideCheck
-	if notCheckable ~= nil then
-		self.info.notCheckable = notCheckable
-	else
-		self.info.notCheckable = true
-	end
-	self.info.notCheckable = notCheckable or true
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text, 1)
-	lib:AddSelect
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-	value				- 	Value in database to compare and store.
-							If arg1 and arg2 then value is stored in the arg1[arg2] table.
-							If arg1 and not arg2 then value is stored in db[arg1] table.
-	arg1				- 	REQUIRED: database variable, if arg2 then acts as primary database. Example: arg1[arg2]
-							if not arg2 then arg1 is used as an element of the database table.  Example: db[arg1]
-	arg2				- 	custom database variable, if arg1 then acts as an element in arg1 table. Example: arg1[arg2]
-	func				- override with custom function
-	bOpt				- define an optional variable to be passed to doUpdate. Example: button name or button ID.
-local function AddSelect(self, lvl, text, value, arg1, arg2, func, bOpt)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	if not value then return end
-	if not arg1 and not arg2 then assert(false, "LibXMenu-1.0: Error, AddSelect() requires arg1") return end
-	value = tonumber(value) or value
-	self.info.arg1 = arg1
-	self.info.arg2 = arg2
-	self.info.value = value
-	self.info.func = func or function(item, arg1, arg2)
-		local val = tonumber(item.value) or item.value
-		if arg1 and arg2 then
-			arg1[arg2] = val
-		elseif arg1 then
-			item.owner.db[arg1] = val
-		end
-		local level, num = strmatch(item:GetName(), "DropDownList(%d+)Button(%d+)")
-		level, num = tonumber(level) or 0, tonumber(num) or 0
-		for i = 1, level, 1 do
-				local check = _G["DropDownList"..i.."Button"..j.."Check"]
-				local iObjChk = _G["DropDownList"..i.."Button"..j]
-				--make sure it's a pair in the same selection field
-				if iObjChk then
-					local passChk = false
-					if iObjChk.arg1 and iObjChk.arg2 then
-						passChk = iObjChk.arg1 == arg1 and iObjChk.arg2 == arg2
-					elseif iObjChk.arg1 then
-						passChk = iObjChk.arg1 == arg1
-					end
-					if passChk then
-						if check and i == level and j == num then
-							check:Show()
-						elseif item then
-							check:Hide()
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if item.owner.doUpdate then item.owner.doUpdate(bOpt) end
-	end
-	if arg1 and arg2 then
-		self.info.checked = arg1[arg2] == value
-	elseif arg1 then
-		self.info.checked = self.db[arg1] == value
-	else
-		self.info.checked = false
-	end
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text, 1)
-	lib:AddColor
-		(NOTE:)	A color table must be first established before using this function
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-	value				- database element value or name. Example: db[value]
-	arg1				- (optional) use a secondary database, value is used as key.  Example: arg1[value]
-	bOpt				- define an optional variable to be passed to doUpdate. Example: button name or button ID.
-	func				- override with custom function
-	swatchFunc			- override with custom function
-	opacityFunc			- override with custom function
-	cancelFunc			- override with custom function
-local function AddColor(self, lvl, text, value, arg1, bOpt, func, swatchFunc, opacityFunc, cancelFunc)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	if not value then return end
-	local db
-	if arg1 then
-		db = arg1[value]
-	else
-		db = self.db[value]
-	end
-	if not db then return end
-	local SetColor = function(item)
-		local colDB = _G[self:GetName()].db[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE]
-		if not colDB then return end
-		local r, g, b, a
-		if item then
-			local pv = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
-			r, g, b, a = pv.r, pv.g, pv.b, 1 - pv.opacity
-		else
-			r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
-			a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
-		end
-		colDB.r, colDB.g, colDB.b, colDB.a = r, g, b, a
-		if _G[self:GetName()].doUpdate then _G[self:GetName()].doUpdate(bOpt) end
-	end
-	self.info.hasColorSwatch = true
-	self.info.hasOpacity = 1
-	self.info.r, self.info.g, self.info.b, self.info.opacity = db.r, db.g, db.b, 1 - db.a
-	self.info.swatchFunc = swatchFunc or SetColor
-	self.info.opacityFunc = opacityFunc or SetColor
-	self.info.cancelFunc = cancelFunc or SetColor
-	self.info.value = value
-	self.info.func = func or UIDropDownMenuButton_OpenColorPicker
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text, nil)
-	lib:AddTitle
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-local function AddTitle(self, lvl, text)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	self.info.isTitle = true
-	self.info.notCheckable = true
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text)
-	lib:AddCloseButton
-	lvl					- menu level 1,2,3 etc...
-	text				- name of the menu item
-local function AddCloseButton(self, lvl, text)
-	if not lvl then return end
-	if not text then return end
-	self.info.notCheckable = true
-	self.info.func = function() CloseDropDownMenus() end
-	AddButton(self, lvl, text)
-	lib:New
-	selfName			- name of the dropdown menu
-	db					- database for the dropdown menu to use
-function lib:New(selfName, db)
-	if not selfName then assert(false, "LibXMenu-1.0: Error, DropDown requires a name") return end
-	if not db then assert(false, "LibXMenu-1.0: Error, DropDown requires a Database.") return end
-	--Note: If you don't want to use a database, just use an empty table {}.
-	--Ex.  local dd1 = LibStub('LibXMenu-1.0'):New("DropDownName", {})
-	local dd = CreateFrame("Frame", selfName, UIParent)
-	dd.db = db
-	dd.info = {}
-	dd.displayMode = "MENU"
-	dd.AddButton = AddButton
-	dd.AddToggle = AddToggle
-	dd.AddList = AddList
-	dd.AddSelect = AddSelect
-	dd.AddColor = AddColor
-	dd.AddTitle = AddTitle
-	dd.AddCloseButton = AddCloseButton
-	dd.doUpdate = function() end
-	return dd