diff --git a/xanWorldPVPTimers.lua b/xanWorldPVPTimers.lua
index aed03e0..a99b309 100644
--- a/xanWorldPVPTimers.lua
+++ b/xanWorldPVPTimers.lua
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ function f:PLAYER_LOGIN()
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("|cFF99CC33%s|r [v|cFFDF2B2B%s|r] Loaded", "xanWorldPVPTimers", ver or "1.0"))
+ self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON")
self.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ f:HookScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
local pvpID, localizedName, isActive, canQueue, startTime, canEnter = GetWorldPVPAreaInfo(i)
local tFrm = _G[string.format("xanWorldPVPTimers_%s", localizedName)]
- if tFrm and tFrm.txt and tFrm:IsVisible() then
+ if tFrm and tFrm:IsVisible() then
if not isActive and startTime and startTime > 0 then
--check to see if we need to do an icon update
@@ -235,8 +236,9 @@ function f:CreateFrames()
frm.txt = g
- --this will trigger a faction check update if greater then zero
+ --this will trigger a faction check update if greater then or less then zero
frm.needsUpdate = -1
+ frm.currFaction = 0 --save the current faction
if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then
@@ -314,10 +316,13 @@ function f:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
function f:getClaimIcons()
+ local sendReq = false
--get wintergrasp data
- self:WGMapControlled()
+ if self:WGMapControlled() then sendReq = true end
--get tol barad data
- self:TBMapControlled()
+ if self:TBMapControlled() then sendReq = true end
+ --send a request only if it's requested
+ if sendReq then self:requestUpdate() end
function f:TBMapControlled()
@@ -331,8 +336,9 @@ function f:TBMapControlled()
if tFrm and tFrm:IsVisible() then
if isActive then
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
- return
+ tFrm.currFaction = 3
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_arena_2v2_1")
+ return false
--otherwise get the faction icon :P
@@ -344,13 +350,29 @@ function f:TBMapControlled()
if textureIndex == 48 then --Horde
+ tFrm.currFaction = 1
+ return false
elseif textureIndex == 46 then --Alliance
- else
- --in instance or something or currently in progress
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
+ tFrm.currFaction = 2
+ return false
+ end
+ --something went wrong check to see if we have a stored value
+ if tFrm.currFaction == 1 then --Horde
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_16")
+ return false
+ elseif tFrm.currFaction == 2 then --Alliance
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_16")
+ return false
+ --oblivously we still don't have a clue so request an update
+ tFrm.currFaction = 0
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
+ return true
+ return false
function f:WGMapControlled()
@@ -363,35 +385,85 @@ function f:WGMapControlled()
if tFrm and tFrm:IsVisible() then
if isActive then
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
- return
+ tFrm.currFaction = 3
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_arena_2v2_1")
+ return false
elseif GetCurrentMapContinent() ~= 4 then
- --this only works if your on northrend sorry
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
- return
+ --this only works if your on northrend sorry, request an update only if we don't have something to work with
+ if tFrm.currFaction == 0 then return true end
+ return false
--position 11 in getmapzones is wintergrasp
local wintergrasp = select(11,GetMapZones(4))
- local continent,zone,faction = GetCurrentMapContinent(),GetCurrentMapZone()
+ local continent, zone, faction = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone()
SetMapZoom(4) --set northrend zoomed map
- for i=1,GetNumMapLandmarks() do
- local name, description, textureIndex, x, y, mapLinkID = GetMapLandmarkInfo(i);
+ for i=1, GetNumMapLandmarks() do
+ local name, description, textureIndex, x, y, mapLinkID = GetMapLandmarkInfo(i)
if name == wintergrasp then
if textureIndex == 48 then --horde
+ tFrm.currFaction = 1
+ SetMapZoom(continent,zone)
+ return false
elseif textureIndex == 46 then --alliance
+ tFrm.currFaction = 2
- elseif textureIndex == 101 then
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
- else
- tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
+ SetMapZoom(continent,zone)
+ return false
- SetMapZoom(continent,zone)
+ --something went wrong check to see if we have a stored value
+ if tFrm.currFaction == 1 then --Horde
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_16")
+ return false
+ elseif tFrm.currFaction == 2 then --Alliance
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_16")
+ return false
+ end
+ --oblivously we still don't have a clue so request an update
+ tFrm.currFaction = 0
+ tFrm.faction:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark")
+ return true
+ return false
+function f:requestUpdate()
+ --this method will ask for an update from anyone else whom has this installed, via guild and party
+ SendAddonMessage( "XWPT", "upt", "GUILD")
+ SendAddonMessage( "XWPT", "upt", "PARTY")
+function f:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(event, prefix, message, msgtype, sender)
+ if (prefix == "XWPT") then
+ --don't do an update for ourself LOL
+ --print("Got", prefix, message, msgtype, sender)
+ if message == "upt" and sender ~= UnitName("player") then
+ local sentString = ""
+ --generate an update string
+ for i=1, GetNumWorldPVPAreas() do
+ local pvpID, localizedName, isActive, canQueue, startTime, canEnter = GetWorldPVPAreaInfo(i)
+ local tFrm = _G[string.format("xanWorldPVPTimers_%s", localizedName)]
+ if tFrm then
+ sentString = sentString..i..","..tFrm.currFaction..";"
+ end
+ end
+ if string.len(sentString) > 0 then
+ SendAddonMessage( "XWPT", sentString, "GUILD")
+ SendAddonMessage( "XWPT", sentString, "PARTY")
+ end
+ elseif sender ~= UnitName("player") then
+ --process message
+ end
+ end