
DBM reskined!

Ou Junhui [09-27-21 - 14:25]
DBM reskined!
diff --git a/rSkin/init.lua b/rSkin/init.lua
index 2364b59..c5c9eff 100644
--- a/rSkin/init.lua
+++ b/rSkin/init.lua
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ end
 L.StripTextures = StripTextures

-local function CreateBackdrop(self, relativeTo)
-  local backdrop = oUF_SimpleConfig.backdrop
+local function CreateBackdrop(self, relativeTo, anotherBackdrop)
+  local backdrop = anotherBackdrop or oUF_SimpleConfig.backdrop
   local parent = self.IsObjectType and self:IsObjectType('Texture') and self:GetParent() or self
   local bd = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
   if (parent:GetFrameLevel() - 1) >= 0 then
diff --git a/rSkin/modules/DBM.lua b/rSkin/modules/DBM.lua
index 223af12..8b4dc86 100644
--- a/rSkin/modules/DBM.lua
+++ b/rSkin/modules/DBM.lua
@@ -1,45 +1,11 @@
 local A, L = ...

-local function HideIcon(icon)
-    if not icon then return end
-    if not icon.__hided then
-        if icon.Backdrop then
-            icon.Backdrop:Hide()
-        end
-        icon:Hide()
-        icon.__hided = true
-    end
-local function ShowIcon(icon, frame, size, left)
-    if not icon then return end
-    if not icon.__styled then
-        icon:ClearAllPoints()
-        if left then
-            icon:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -5, 0)
-        else
-            icon:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0)
-        end
-        icon:SetSize(size, size)
-        if not icon.Backdrop then
-            icon.Backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(icon)
-        end
-        icon:Show()
-        icon.Backdrop:Show()
-        icon.__styled = true
-    end
-local function ReskinDBMBar(bar, check, border)
-	if not bar then return end
-	if not bar[check] then
-        local inset = border or 1
-        bar.Backdrop:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", -inset, inset)
-        bar.Backdrop:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", inset, -inset)
-		bar[check] = true
-	end
+local thinBackdrop = rLib.CopyTable(oUF_SimpleConfig.backdrop)
+thinBackdrop.edgeSize = 2
+thinBackdrop.inset = 2
+thinBackdrop.insets = {left=2,right=2,top=2,bottom=2}
+thinBackdrop.bgColor = {0.23,0.23,0.23,1}
+thinBackdrop.edgeColor = {0,0,0,1}

 local function HideDBMSpark(self)
 	local spark = _G[self.frame:GetName().."BarSpark"]
@@ -47,6 +13,12 @@ local function HideDBMSpark(self)

+local function ResetBackdrop(self)
+	if self.backdrop then
+		self.backdrop:SetBackdrop(nil)
+	end
 local function ApplyDBMStyle(self)
 	local frame = self.frame
 	local frame_name = frame:GetName()
@@ -57,48 +29,64 @@ local function ApplyDBMStyle(self)
 	local name = _G[frame_name.."BarName"]
 	local timer = _G[frame_name.."BarTimer"]

-    local barHeight = self.enlarged and self.owner.Options.HugeHeight/2 or self.owner.Options.Height
-    local iconSize = frame:GetHeight()
+	-- tex
+	if texture then texture:SetTexture(oUF_SimpleConfig.textures.statusbar) end

-    if not tbar.Backdrop then
-        tbar.Backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(tbar)
-    end
-    ReskinDBMBar(tbar, self.enlarged and "__style_huge" or "__style_normal", self.enlarged and oUF_SimpleConfig.backdrop.inset or 1)
+	-- reset backdrop
+	ResetBackdrop(tbar)
+	ResetBackdrop(icon1)
+	ResetBackdrop(icon2)
+	name:ClearAllPoints()
+    timer:ClearAllPoints()
+	icon1:ClearAllPoints()
+	icon2:ClearAllPoints()
+	icon1:Hide()
+	icon2:Hide()
+	-- scale first
+	frame:SetScale(oUF_SimpleConfig.globalscale)

+	-- bar
+	local barHeight = self.owner.Options.Height
+	local barWidth = self.owner.Options.Width
 	if self.enlarged then
-		frame:SetWidth(self.owner.Options.HugeWidth)
-		tbar:SetWidth(self.owner.Options.HugeWidth)
-        ShowIcon(icon1, frame, iconSize, true)
-        ShowIcon(icon2, frame, iconSize, false)
-	else
-		frame:SetWidth(self.owner.Options.Width)
-		tbar:SetWidth(self.owner.Options.Width)
-        HideIcon(icon1)
-        HideIcon(icon2)
+		barHeight = barHeight/2
+		barWidth = self.owner.Options.HugeWidth
+	tbar:SetSize(barWidth, barHeight)
+	tbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)

-    frame:SetHeight(barHeight)
-	frame:SetScale(oUF_SimpleConfig.globalscale)
-    tbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+	-- backdrop
+	local iconOffsetX = 0
+	if self.enlarged then
+		iconOffsetX = 5
+		tbar.backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(tbar)
+		if DBT.Options.IconLeft then
+			icon1:Show()
+			icon1.backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(icon1)
+		elseif DBT.Options.IconRight then
+			icon2:Show()
+			icon2.backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(icon2)
+		end
+	else
+		tbar.backdrop = L.CreateBackdrop(tbar, nil, thinBackdrop)
+	end

-	if texture then texture:SetTexture(oUF_SimpleConfig.textures.statusbar) end
+	-- icon
+	icon1:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -iconOffsetX, 0)
+	icon2:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', iconOffsetX, 0)

-	name:ClearAllPoints()
-    timer:ClearAllPoints()
+	-- text
     if self.enlarged then
-        name:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", tbar, "TOPLEFT", 2, 2)
-        timer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", tbar, "TOPRIGHT", -2, 2)
+        name:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", tbar, "TOPLEFT", 3, 3)
+        timer:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", tbar, "TOPRIGHT", -3, 3)
-        name:SetPoint("LEFT", frame, "LEFT", 2, 0)
-        timer:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "RIGHT", -2, 0)
+        name:SetPoint("LEFT", tbar, "LEFT", 3, 0)
+        timer:SetPoint("RIGHT", tbar, "RIGHT", -3, 0)
-    timer:SetFont(oUF_SimpleConfig.fonts.expressway, 10, "OUTLINE")
-    -- if DBT.Options.IconLeft then icon1.Backdrop:Show() else icon1.Backdrop:Hide() end
-    -- if DBT.Options.IconRight then icon2.Backdrop:Show() else icon2.Backdrop:Hide() end

-function SkinDBM()
+local function SkinDBM()
     -- Default notice message
 	local RaidNotice_AddMessage_ = RaidNotice_AddMessage
 	RaidNotice_AddMessage = function(noticeFrame, textString, colorInfo)
@@ -138,18 +126,38 @@ function SkinDBM()
 		DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"]["CountdownVoice"] = "VP:Yike"
 		DBM_AllSavedOptions["Default"]["ChosenVoicePack"] = "Yike"
+	local hugeBarWidth, hugeBarHeight = unpack(oUF_SimpleConfig.target.castbar.size)
+    local barWidth, barheight = 150, 20
 	if not DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"] then DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"] = {} end
+	-- place on top of details
+	local Details = _G.Details
+	local timerX, timerY = (-(barWidth/2)-10+1)*oUF_SimpleConfig.globalscale, Details and 185 or 69
+	-- normal bar
 	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].BarYOffset = 3
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].Height = barheight
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].Width = barWidth
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].ExpandUpwards = true
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].TimerPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].TimerX = timerX
+	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].TimerY = timerY
+	-- huge bar
 	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeBarYOffset = 8
-	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].ExpandUpwards = false
 	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].ExpandUpwardsLarge = true
-    local hugeBarWidth, hugeBarHeight = unpack(oUF_SimpleConfig.target.size)
-    local barWidth, barheight = 150, 20
-    DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].Height = barheight
 	DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeHeight = hugeBarHeight
-    DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].Width = barWidth
     DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeWidth = hugeBarWidth
+	if _G.oUF_SimpleTarget then
+		local point, _, _, xOfs, yOfs = _G.oUF_SimpleTarget:GetPoint(1)
+		DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeTimerPoint = point
+		DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeTimerX = xOfs*oUF_SimpleConfig.globalscale
+		DBT_AllPersistentOptions["Default"]["DBM"].HugeTimerY = yOfs+hugeBarHeight*3+18
+	end
+	-- rearrange
+	DBT:Rearrange()

 rSkin:RegisterSkin('DBM', SkinDBM)
diff --git a/rSkin/modules/Details.lua b/rSkin/modules/Details.lua
index a0b6720..0ecbcec 100644
--- a/rSkin/modules/Details.lua
+++ b/rSkin/modules/Details.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ local function SetupInstance(instance)
 		0,						-- alpha
 		"",						-- icon file
 		true,					-- start after icon
-		3,						-- bar space
+		4,						-- bar space
 		""						-- custom texture file, u can use oUF_SimpleConfig.textures.statusbar or "" as default