

Date Author Message Actions
10-14-10 - 13:11 James Whitehead II Do not allow AddBinding/DeleteBinding while in comv40000-1.2.0 commitdiff tree patch
10-14-10 - 13:10 James Whitehead II Add 'hovercast' click set, to replace the old 'glo commitdiff tree patch
10-14-10 - 13:09 James Whitehead II Queue any frame registrations during combat until commitdiff tree patch
10-14-10 - 13:08 James Whitehead II Change any stray instances of getglobal to _G commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 23:26 James Whitehead II Updated .pkgmeta to properly include tools usedv40000-1.1.0 commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 23:24 James Whitehead II Use Ace3 for database management and associated cl commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 22:14 James Whitehead II Fix a bug in database upgrade/initialization commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 18:39 James Whitehead II Hide the Clique spell tab when appropriate commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 16:25 James Whitehead II Ensure attributed are updated when settings changev40000-1.0.6 commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 16:25 James Whitehead II Give out-of-combat clicks priority commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 15:55 James Whitehead II Added name-based frame blacklist and interface optv40000-1.0.5 commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 13:49 James Whitehead II Hide spellbook/clique when opening options panel commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 13:47 James Whitehead II Add an 'ooh-shiny' box when spellbook/clique are b commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 13:46 James Whitehead II Remove addon initialised message commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 13:46 James Whitehead II Change window opening so it works on high-ui-scale commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 10:38 James Whitehead II Force a saved variables reset to fix the 'blizzfrav40000-1.0.4 commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 10:18 James Whitehead II Remove database upgrade code for V3->V4. commitdiff tree patch
10-13-10 - 10:14 James Whitehead II Fixed an issue preventing you from using mousewhee commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 20:55 James Whitehead II Fix the issue with nil 'blizzframes'v40000-1.0.3 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 16:37 James Whitehead II Added options to limit Blizzard frame integrationv40000-1.0.2 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 13:57 James Whitehead II Remove stale readme file commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 13:13 James Whitehead II Remove HeaderTest code from TOC4.0.1-1.0.1 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 13:13 James Whitehead II Fix a number of stray globals commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 10:58 James Whitehead II Fix a bug where options panel was not initialized 4.0.1-1.0.0 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 10:46 James Whitehead II Update credits for icon images commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 10:45 James Whitehead II Update icons to the contest winning icons by d87 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 10:25 James Whitehead II Fix binding configuration to allow for delete and commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 10:24 James Whitehead II Add an option to trigger 'combat' changed based on commitdiff tree patch
10-10-10 - 19:24 James Whitehead II Update BindConfig when changing profilesrevamp commitdiff tree patch
10-10-10 - 17:04 James Whitehead II Add options panel, spec-based profile swaps and pr commitdiff tree patch
