

Date Author Message Actions
09-03-15 - 21:29 Ignifazius fixing TradeSKillFrame = nil commitdiff tree patch
09-03-15 - 11:11 Ignifazius limiting the ID=0 workaround commitdiff tree patch
08-22-15 - 10:17 Ignifazius (heavy) workaround for missing entry in profession commitdiff tree patch
01-17-15 - 02:01 Xruptor -Merge pull request #17 from Blazeflack @ GitHub.cv8.1 commitdiff tree patch
01-17-15 - 01:55 Xruptor Merge pull request #17 from Blazeflack/patch-1 commitdiff tree patch
01-16-15 - 20:12 Steffen Fix for issue #16: Bank not synced when exiting ga commitdiff tree patch
11-20-14 - 14:08 Xruptor -Added the Reagent Bank to the search routine. WHv8.0 commitdiff tree patch
10-26-14 - 19:39 Xruptor -Fix for the ptBR localizationv7.9 commitdiff tree patch
10-25-14 - 14:35 Xruptor -small fix for brazil localization commitdiff tree patch
10-23-14 - 12:45 Xruptor -Merge Pull Request Silvertwistv7.8 commitdiff tree patch
10-22-14 - 13:16 Xruptor -Added Brazil Localization (special thanks to kubi commitdiff tree patch
10-21-14 - 15:32 Xruptor -adding gitignorev7.7 commitdiff tree patch
10-21-14 - 14:15 Xruptor Merge pull request #13 from Silvertwist/master commitdiff tree patch
10-19-14 - 00:01 Robert Fixed the currency counter commitdiff tree patch
10-18-14 - 18:48 Robert Removed unneed condition commitdiff tree patch
10-18-14 - 18:37 Robert Added Void Storage 2nd tab support commitdiff tree patch
09-18-13 - 13:47 Xruptor -Version updatev7.6 commitdiff tree patch
09-17-13 - 23:19 Xruptor Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:Xruptor/Ba commitdiff tree patch
09-17-13 - 23:19 Xruptor -TOC update commitdiff tree patch
09-17-13 - 23:11 Xruptor Merge pull request #8 from mbattersby/master commitdiff tree patch
09-13-13 - 08:27 Mike Battersby Fix bug with player name color. commitdiff tree patch
09-13-13 - 06:56 Mike Battersby Add currency tooltips. commitdiff tree patch
04-17-13 - 22:24 Xruptor -Small fix where the tooltip wouldn't always updatv7.5 commitdiff tree patch
03-23-13 - 18:55 Xruptor -Updated the tooltip search libraryv7.4 commitdiff tree patch
03-13-13 - 23:16 Xruptor -Updated TOC to 5.2v7.3 commitdiff tree patch
11-04-12 - 12:28 Xruptor -Added a new search parameter to allow players to v7.1 commitdiff tree patch
10-31-12 - 02:41 Xruptor -final commit for version 7v7 commitdiff tree patch
10-27-12 - 19:42 Xruptor -Final commit commitdiff tree patch
10-27-12 - 19:30 Xruptor -Well we are getting somewhere now... tooltips wor commitdiff tree patch
10-27-12 - 16:06 Xruptor -Added an option to hide the bagsync tooltip modif commitdiff tree patch
