

Date Author Message Actions
07-24-19 - 10:19 Ludovicus One last update for .TGA files. commitdiff tree patch
07-24-19 - 10:18 Ludovicus Update .gitignore for png files commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 20:58 Ludovicus CF#448: Protect RemoveWaypoint() from non-table in commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 20:52 Ludovicus Update .pkgmeta to exlude unneeded files. commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 20:30 Ludovicus CF#329: New colored dots.v80200-1.0.4-beta commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 18:07 Ludovicus Fix potential crash in 'Save this waypoint between commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 18:04 Ludovicus DebugListAllWaypoints() was not printing the world commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 17:49 Ludovicus Add default_iconsize controls for world and mini m commitdiff tree patch
07-20-19 - 13:27 Ludovicus DFortun81: Patch for TomTom:SetWaypoint() _display commitdiff tree patch
07-19-19 - 21:29 Ludovicus Fix bugs in SetWaypoint() and add _displayID suppov80200-1.0.4-alpha commitdiff tree patch
07-19-19 - 20:29 Ludovicus CreateFontString arguments in wrong order, CF#212 commitdiff tree patch
07-09-19 - 20:31 Ludovicus Duplicate call to InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCate commitdiff tree patch
07-06-19 - 18:14 Ludovicus Set TomTomBlock statum to MEDIUM to avoid it hidin commitdiff tree patch
07-06-19 - 18:03 Ludovicus Make CrazyArrow stratum be settable to HIGH/MEDIUM commitdiff tree patch
07-05-19 - 19:29 Ludovicus Announce [Could not find a closest waypoint] messa commitdiff tree patch
07-05-19 - 19:05 Ludovicus Document /way arrow and block. commitdiff tree patch
07-05-19 - 18:29 Ludovicus Enforce conditions on arrivaldistance and cleardis commitdiff tree patch
07-05-19 - 18:25 Ludovicus Allow precise placement of coord text on world map commitdiff tree patch
07-03-19 - 21:36 Ludovicus Update to compensate for Outland and Draenor beingv80200-1.0.3 commitdiff tree patch
06-28-19 - 13:36 Ludovicus Maior Fix bogus references to opts.silentv80200-1.0.2 commitdiff tree patch
06-25-19 - 23:21 Ludovicus Update Interface to 80200v80200-1.0.1 commitdiff tree patch
06-25-19 - 22:01 Ludovicus Make comparison only using lowercase letters and nv80200-1.0.0 commitdiff tree patch
06-24-19 - 23:51 Ludovicus Bug #441: Allow UIMapType.Continent for zones. commitdiff tree patch
06-24-19 - 23:46 Ludovicus Accept only maps that exist in a world for names. commitdiff tree patch
06-24-19 - 23:29 Ludovicus Bug #447: hbd:GetZoneDistance() may return nil commitdiff tree patch
06-24-19 - 19:47 Ludovicus Add silencing to some errant AddMessage calls.v80105-1.0.2 commitdiff tree patch
06-24-19 - 19:46 Ludovicus Update to HereBeDragons 2.01-release-5-gcd7e0dd commitdiff tree patch
06-19-19 - 22:38 Ludovicus Update to HereBeDragons 2.0.9 aka gcd7e0ddv80105-1.0.1 commitdiff tree patch
06-19-19 - 22:33 Ludovicus Do not register for QUEST_POI_UPDATE or QUEST_LOG_ commitdiff tree patch
06-19-19 - 22:33 Ludovicus Make sure C_PetBattles exists before checking IsIn commitdiff tree patch
