

Date Author Message Actions
07-25-14 - 12:04 Adrian L Lange Open the options twice to counter a blizzard bugmaster50400.14-Release commitdiff tree patch
07-25-14 - 12:00 Adrian L Lange Rename time! commitdiff tree patch
07-22-14 - 05:47 Adrian L Lange Use next instead of pairs commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 16:17 Adrian L Lange Use a scrollframe to avoid items going off the scr50400.13-Release commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 16:13 Adrian L Lange Update comments and add convenient link to wowhead commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 16:12 Adrian L Lange The celestial bosses share a spellID and loot tabl commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 16:11 Adrian L Lange Delay the Galakras detector until login to get act commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 16:10 Adrian L Lange Shuffle things around in preparation of 6.0 commitdiff tree patch
06-19-14 - 12:20 Adrian L Lange Galakras can go suck it! commitdiff tree patch
06-19-14 - 11:34 Adrian L Lange Cave in and use the suggested encounterID50400.11-Release commitdiff tree patch
06-19-14 - 11:33 Adrian L Lange Revert ce77f450f266dbeb93939a549a6ab879fc69d751 an commitdiff tree patch
10-19-13 - 03:11 Adrian L Lange This ain't PHP! commitdiff tree patch
10-17-13 - 09:57 p3lim For some reason, Galakras have multiple IDs, so we commitdiff tree patch
09-22-13 - 19:26 Adrian L Lange API changed apparently, default to 25-man50400.10-Release commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 16:02 p3lim Add a comment commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 15:47 p3lim Bump interface version commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 15:47 p3lim Fix name commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 15:46 p3lim Fix whitespace commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 15:46 p3lim Add new encounters in 5.4 commitdiff tree patch
09-12-13 - 15:50 p3lim Respect alwaysCompareItems commitdiff tree patch
05-24-13 - 20:52 Adrian L Lange Complete rewrite50300.8-Beta commitdiff tree patch
05-24-13 - 13:50 Adrian L Lange Proper handling of GetLootSpecialization commitdiff tree patch
05-20-13 - 22:50 Adrian L Lange Update for 5.3 commitdiff tree patch
05-01-13 - 20:25 Adrian L Lange Wrong spellid for Galleon50200.6-Beta commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 23:43 Adrian L Lange Disable the Dungeon Journal at specific times50200.5-Beta commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 23:42 Adrian L Lange Properly update the positions commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 22:02 Adrian L Lange Have to set the difficulty first due to the Dungeo50200.4-Beta commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 20:58 Adrian L Lange Some basic logic to fill up/down based on position commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 20:34 Adrian L Lange Reset specialization button selected on first show commitdiff tree patch
04-27-13 - 20:31 Adrian L Lange Set the encounter to make sure we have the right l commitdiff tree patch
