

Date Author Message Actions
06-11-16 - 11:24 Petr Grabovoy UI cleanup and README updatev0.16beta commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 09:26 Petr Grabovoy Can pass tables as function args. need to add t= p commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 03:47 Petr G Can pass args to functions. Works only for string, commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 02:32 Petr G Bugfix after meatatable name changed commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 01:42 Petr G Cleanup and refactoring commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 00:52 Petr G metatable fixesv0.15beta commitdiff tree patch
06-11-16 - 00:25 Petr G Fix if getmetatable(table).__index type is a funct commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 22:20 Petr G Fn cals names have args in UI commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 21:57 Petr G Added newproxy() fix after bug from DBM commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 12:12 Petr G Huge performance boost for function call monitor-l commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 09:51 Petr G README update commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 08:07 Petr G Frame name info added. Function call logger will n commitdiff tree patch
06-10-16 - 07:08 Petr G Function call logger added, cmd refactoring and he commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 10:09 Petr G tag commit0.14beta commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 09:31 Petr G UI cleanup commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 09:07 Petr G Events start and stop msg colors updated and time commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 08:57 Petr G Sorting update. Number names will sort like 1,2,10 commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 08:20 Petr G Added UI button for Blizzard_DebugTools FrameStack commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 08:02 Petr G Colors removed from xml commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 07:18 Petr G Main UI list rows dividers added. Highlights hoove commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 05:57 Petr G UI cleanup and buttons texture changes commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 05:35 Petr G Main wnd and sidebar preserve last state(open/clos commitdiff tree patch
06-09-16 - 05:31 Petr G Main UI wnd saves position and size on relog commitdiff tree patch
06-03-16 - 07:03 Petr G startswith cmd fix and delete items in history add commitdiff tree patch
06-03-16 - 00:02 Petr Grabovoy README changes commitdiff tree patch
06-02-16 - 23:53 Petr Grabovoy Added vdt help cmdv0.13beta commitdiff tree patch
06-02-16 - 23:07 Petr Grabovoy Events UI ready commitdiff tree patch
06-02-16 - 05:56 Petr Grabovoy Can monitor events with slash cmd vdt addevent eve commitdiff tree patch
06-02-16 - 01:08 Petr Grabovoy Slash cmd improved. Can search for fields py name commitdiff tree patch
06-01-16 - 17:19 Petr Grabovoy History for slash cmd added. Can call most recent v0.12beta commitdiff tree patch
