

Date Author Message Actions
07-24-18 - 15:43 Xruptor Updated for 8.0 BFAmasterv3.7 commitdiff tree patch
10-26-16 - 13:17 Xruptor TOC Update Legion 7.1v3.6 commitdiff tree patch
07-29-16 - 13:41 Xruptor Updated for Legionv3.5 commitdiff tree patch
10-25-14 - 14:44 Xruptor -Toc Update for 6.0v3.4 commitdiff tree patch
03-13-13 - 23:22 Xruptor -Updated toc to 5.2v3.3 commitdiff tree patch
10-09-12 - 02:06 Xruptor -Updated frame positioning to be one right on top v3.2 commitdiff tree patch
10-06-12 - 13:41 Xruptor -Fixed an issue with resetting frames.v3.1 commitdiff tree patch
10-02-12 - 02:08 Xruptor -Fixed the issues that were preventing the addon fv3.0 commitdiff tree patch
09-24-12 - 23:35 Xruptor -Updated for Mists of Panderia patch 5.01v2.8 commitdiff tree patch
05-05-12 - 12:32 Xruptor -Changed the positioning functions to be the same v2.7 commitdiff tree patch
11-29-11 - 20:47 Xruptor -Toc update for patch 4.3v2.6 commitdiff tree patch
10-24-11 - 14:31 Xruptor -Updated for Firelands.v2.5 commitdiff tree patch
05-03-11 - 12:02 Xruptor -Updated TOC for patch 4.1v2.4 commitdiff tree patch
01-10-11 - 14:28 Xruptor -Some people were having issues with the addon2.3 commitdiff tree patch
01-08-11 - 19:46 Xruptor -2.2 testing2.2 commitdiff tree patch
01-08-11 - 19:20 Xruptor -Testing something with github :P commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 13:33 Xruptor -Updated the version to 2.0 commitdiff tree patch
10-12-10 - 13:32 Xruptor -updated the code to work with patch 4.0. Special commitdiff tree patch
03-17-10 - 14:02 Xruptor -Name update ftw! commitdiff tree patch
03-01-10 - 20:17 Xruptor Initial Commit commitdiff tree patch



Date Tag Actions
07-24-18 - 15:43 v3.7
10-26-16 - 13:17 v3.6
07-29-16 - 13:41 v3.5
10-25-14 - 14:44 v3.4
03-13-13 - 23:22 v3.3
10-09-12 - 02:06 v3.2
10-06-12 - 13:41 v3.1
10-02-12 - 02:08 v3.0
09-24-12 - 23:35 v2.8
05-05-12 - 12:32 v2.7

View all tags


Date Branch Actions
07-24-18 - 15:43 master