

Date Author Message Actions
01-11-15 - 21:14 Adrian L Lange Update READMEmaster commitdiff tree patch
01-11-15 - 18:15 Adrian L Lange Don't package documents from embeds commitdiff tree patch
01-11-15 - 18:15 Adrian L Lange Add a README file commitdiff tree patch
01-11-15 - 18:12 Adrian L Lange Make sure the license is readable by mortal people commitdiff tree patch
01-11-15 - 18:11 Adrian L Lange Happy new year! commitdiff tree patch
01-11-15 - 18:11 Adrian L Lange Add CONTRIBUTING file commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 08:05 Adrian L Lange Update CHANGELOG60000.35-Release commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 08:00 Adrian L Lange Rework the click passthrough to be more accurate commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 07:59 Adrian L Lange Add support for the Draenic Mortar commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 07:58 Adrian L Lange Don't check if we can disenchant from the garrison commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 07:58 Adrian L Lange Update for changes to LibProcessable commitdiff tree patch
12-19-14 - 06:40 Adrian L Lange Update LibProcessable embed commitdiff tree patch
11-24-14 - 14:25 Adrian L Lange Update CHANGELOG60000.34-Release commitdiff tree patch
11-24-14 - 14:23 Adrian L Lange Update LibProcessable embed commitdiff tree patch
10-19-14 - 19:55 Adrian L Lange Use itemIDs and spellIDs directly, no need to quer commitdiff tree patch
10-17-14 - 14:05 Adrian L Lange Update CHANGELOG60000.33-Release commitdiff tree patch
10-17-14 - 14:04 Adrian L Lange Fix missing self reference commitdiff tree patch
10-17-14 - 13:58 Adrian L Lange Update CHANGELOG60000.32-Release commitdiff tree patch
10-17-14 - 13:57 Adrian L Lange Don't wait until PLAYER_LOGIN to do anything commitdiff tree patch
10-15-14 - 16:40 Adrian L Lange Update CHANGELOG60000.31-Release commitdiff tree patch
10-15-14 - 16:15 Adrian L Lange Update interface version commitdiff tree patch
10-15-14 - 16:15 Adrian L Lange Update LibProcessable embed commitdiff tree patch
09-28-14 - 16:54 Adrian L Lange Use .gitmodules to handle our local embeds commitdiff tree patch
09-01-14 - 19:21 Adrian L Lange Update changelog50400.30-Release commitdiff tree patch
09-01-14 - 19:18 Adrian L Lange Screw Postal, they need to let go of old tradition commitdiff tree patch
09-01-14 - 19:17 Adrian L Lange Update LibProcessable submodule commitdiff tree patch
08-31-14 - 13:13 Adrian L Lange Create our own changelog and let the packagers use commitdiff tree patch
08-30-14 - 12:12 Adrian L Lange Do some more validation before we show50400.29-Release commitdiff tree patch
08-30-14 - 12:11 Adrian L Lange Sadly, skeleton keys are not usable in trades commitdiff tree patch
08-29-14 - 14:52 Adrian L Lange Update LibProcessable embed50400.28-Release commitdiff tree patch



Date Tag Actions
12-19-14 - 08:05 60000.35-Release
11-24-14 - 14:25 60000.34-Release
10-17-14 - 14:05 60000.33-Release
10-17-14 - 13:58 60000.32-Release
10-15-14 - 16:40 60000.31-Release
09-01-14 - 19:21 50400.30-Release
08-30-14 - 12:12 50400.29-Release
08-29-14 - 14:52 50400.28-Release
06-19-14 - 11:13 50400.27-Release
05-27-13 - 20:43 50300.26-Release

View all tags


Date Branch Actions
01-11-15 - 21:14 master