

Date Author Message Actions
06-19-14 - 11:50 Adrian L Lange Update interface versionmaster50400.12-Release commitdiff tree patch
06-15-14 - 04:40 Adrian L Lange Fix caching issues with quest items commitdiff tree patch
06-05-14 - 18:45 Adrian L Lange Auto-accept area quests too commitdiff tree patch
06-05-14 - 16:02 Adrian L Lange Dirty fix for the InterfaceOptionsFrame bug commitdiff tree patch
06-05-14 - 15:25 Adrian L Lange The trackers themselves should be in charge of han commitdiff tree patch
06-05-14 - 15:25 Adrian L Lange Hide the quest window(s) for starting zone quests commitdiff tree patch
06-05-14 - 15:24 Adrian L Lange Let QuestFrame's eventhandler run as normal to avo commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 01:17 Adrian L Lange Let's do this correctly commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 01:00 Adrian L Lange Add some default items50300.11-Release commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 00:52 Adrian L Lange We shouldn't waste a perfectly good table commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 00:39 Adrian L Lange Don't want to delay these events commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 00:38 Adrian L Lange Allow required items to be filtered too commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 00:33 Adrian L Lange Make sure it's really obvious commitdiff tree patch
06-17-13 - 00:30 Adrian L Lange Query uncached items to make sure the texture is d commitdiff tree patch
06-03-13 - 19:07 Adrian L Lange Update Interface version50300.10-Release commitdiff tree patch
06-03-13 - 19:03 Adrian L Lange Add a delay + option commitdiff tree patch
03-15-13 - 20:05 Adrian L Lange The queen's wrath! commitdiff tree patch
03-15-13 - 19:44 Adrian L Lange Bump Interface version50200.9-Beta commitdiff tree patch
03-15-13 - 19:42 Adrian L Lange Add the item filter as an option commitdiff tree patch
02-15-13 - 04:56 Adrian L Lange Make sure we're within the level range commitdiff tree patch
02-15-13 - 04:27 Adrian L Lange Details should refer to the right settings on load commitdiff tree patch
11-06-12 - 19:47 Adrian L Lange Better logic for reverse behavior50001.8-Beta commitdiff tree patch
11-06-12 - 19:46 Adrian L Lange Avoid errors on first load due to early BAG_UPDATE commitdiff tree patch
11-03-12 - 16:22 Adrian L Lange Some minor fixes for first login50001.7-Beta commitdiff tree patch
10-17-12 - 22:17 Adrian L Lange More errors to filter out from the chat commitdiff tree patch
10-17-12 - 22:16 Adrian L Lange Fix an error with area-triggered quests commitdiff tree patch
10-17-12 - 22:16 Adrian L Lange Remove old unused function commitdiff tree patch
10-17-12 - 22:16 Adrian L Lange Flex in some options! commitdiff tree patch
10-13-12 - 10:21 Adrian L Lange Make sure that the accepted quests is tracked if a commitdiff tree patch
10-13-12 - 10:00 Adrian L Lange Filter more spam from the chatframe50001.6-Beta commitdiff tree patch



Date Tag Actions
06-19-14 - 11:50 50400.12-Release
06-17-13 - 01:00 50300.11-Release
06-03-13 - 19:07 50300.10-Release
03-15-13 - 19:44 50200.9-Beta
11-06-12 - 19:47 50001.8-Beta
11-03-12 - 16:22 50001.7-Beta
10-13-12 - 10:00 50001.6-Beta
08-30-12 - 13:01 50001.5-Beta
07-08-12 - 14:11 40300.4-Beta
04-28-12 - 18:09 40300.3-Beta

View all tags


Date Branch Actions
07-08-12 - 14:11 beta
06-19-14 - 11:50 master