

Date Author Message Actions
10-14-20 - 21:21 Jim Whitehead Fix some issues with backdropsmaster commitdiff tree patch
07-24-18 - 11:03 Jim Whitehead Fix issue with debuffs/buffsv80000-1.0.1 commitdiff tree patch
07-20-18 - 09:41 Jim Whitehead Update for 8.0v80000-1.0.0 commitdiff tree patch
08-10-16 - 19:50 Jim Whitehead Update TOCbetav70000-1.0.0v70000-1.0.0-beta commitdiff tree patch
08-10-16 - 19:50 Jim Whitehead Add support for Demon Hunter commitdiff tree patch
10-31-14 - 17:48 F. Dekker Merge branch 'resurrection-status'panoramix commitdiff tree patch
10-31-14 - 17:48 F. Dekker .resurrection-status commitdiff tree patch
10-31-14 - 17:14 F. Dekker Merge branch 'resurrection-status' commitdiff tree patch
10-31-14 - 17:13 F. Dekker Resurrection status icon commitdiff tree patch
05-07-13 - 15:40 F. Dekker - Remove ROLE from sort options in frames. No supp commitdiff tree patch
04-22-13 - 18:08 F. Dekker . commitdiff tree patch
04-21-13 - 12:40 F. Dekker Show dungeon roles in raid frames commitdiff tree patch
04-21-13 - 12:34 F. Dekker The role should now be exactly at the start of thedungeon-raid-roles commitdiff tree patch
04-21-13 - 11:53 F. Dekker Dungeons roles commitdiff tree patch
03-29-13 - 09:38 F. Dekker - fixed layout of checkboxes in buff editor commitdiff tree patch
03-28-13 - 18:45 F. Dekker - Removed old flasks and elixirs from auto-fill commitdiff tree patch
03-28-13 - 18:45 F. Dekker - Removed old flasks and elixirs from auto-fill commitdiff tree patch
03-28-13 - 16:49 F. Dekker Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ready-check' commitdiff tree patch
03-28-13 - 16:49 F. Dekker Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/shared-buffs' commitdiff tree patch
03-28-13 - 16:49 F. Dekker Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/incoming-heal commitdiff tree patch
03-16-13 - 14:10 F. Dekker Bugfix:incoming-heals commitdiff tree patch
03-16-13 - 12:58 F. Dekker Added absorbbar below the health and incoming heal commitdiff tree patch
02-02-13 - 16:14 F. Dekker Added "ROLE" as groupBy option for framesshared-buffs commitdiff tree patch
02-01-13 - 10:40 F. Dekker - fixed new group buff weren't correctly added to commitdiff tree patch
02-01-13 - 09:54 F. Dekker - Added "Aggro" text to healthbars even if "Show d commitdiff tree patch
01-26-13 - 20:02 F. Dekker ReadyCheck indictionready-check commitdiff tree patch
01-26-13 - 19:47 F. Dekker Blizzards incoming heals notification commitdiff tree patch
09-27-12 - 13:50 James Whitehead II Fix trailing whitespacEv50001-1.0.0 commitdiff tree patch
09-27-12 - 13:49 James Whitehead II Group API change commitdiff tree patch
09-27-12 - 13:49 James Whitehead II TOC Update commitdiff tree patch



Date Tag Actions
08-11-19 - 14:48 v80200-1.1.0
07-24-18 - 11:03 v80000-1.0.1
07-20-18 - 09:41 v80000-1.0.0
08-10-16 - 19:50 v70000-1.0.0
08-10-16 - 19:50 v70000-1.0.0-beta
09-27-12 - 13:50 v50001-1.0.0
11-30-11 - 21:33 v40300-1.2.3
10-18-10 - 08:47 v40000-1.2.1
10-17-10 - 13:58 v40000-1.2.2
10-15-10 - 18:33 v40000-1.2.0

View all tags


Date Branch Actions
08-10-16 - 19:50 beta
04-21-13 - 12:34 dungeon-raid-roles
03-16-13 - 14:10 incoming-heals
10-14-20 - 21:21 master
10-31-14 - 17:48 panoramix
01-26-13 - 20:02 ready-check
10-31-14 - 17:48 resurrection-status
02-02-13 - 16:14 shared-buffs