05-19-21 - 00:00 |
Ludovicus |
Minor toc tweaks.masterv11307-1.2.2v20501-1.2.2v90005-1.2.2 |
commitdiff tree patch |
05-18-21 - 23:16 |
Ludovicus |
Update to Ace3 Revision r1252 (May 17th, 2021) |
commitdiff tree patch |
05-18-21 - 22:43 |
Ludovicus |
Add new .toc files for BC and Classic. |
commitdiff tree patch |
05-18-21 - 22:42 |
Ludovicus |
Call EnableDisablePOIIntegration() only in retail. |
commitdiff tree patch |
05-18-21 - 22:30 |
Ludovicus |
Update HBD to 2.06-release v16 |
commitdiff tree patch |
03-09-21 - 23:15 |
Ludovicus |
Update Retail interface to 90005v90005-1.2.1 |
commitdiff tree patch |
03-09-21 - 20:57 |
Ludovicus |
Add a .pkgmeta to control releases. |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-19-20 - 17:23 |
Ludovicus |
Add .release and .env to .gitignore |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-19-20 - 17:22 |
Ludovicus |
Add Curse and WoWI project IDs to .toc |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-12-20 - 20:38 |
Ludovicus |
README..md tweak to prod the packager. |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-10-20 - 18:45 |
Ludovicus |
Add help text for /wayb |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-06-20 - 13:16 |
Ludovicus |
Added my name to .toc for push to curse |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-03-20 - 00:08 |
Ludovicus |
Set Retail Interfacev90002-1.2.0 |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-03-20 - 00:00 |
Ludovicus |
Set Classic Interfacev11306-1.2.0 |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-02-20 - 19:04 |
Ludovicus |
Allow larger ranges for playeroffset and cursoroff |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-02-20 - 18:54 |
Ludovicus |
Make RemoveWaypoint return on nil, because race co |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-02-20 - 17:17 |
Ludovicus |
Override MapType for Lunarfall/Frostwall so it can |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-02-20 - 16:53 |
Ludovicus |
Accept World or Cosmic map parents for Shadowlands |
commitdiff tree patch |
11-29-20 - 12:18 |
Jim Whitehead |
Update TOC for 9.0.2v90002-1.1.9 |
commitdiff tree patch |
11-26-20 - 13:16 |
Ludovicus |
HBD's GetPlayerZonePosition() seems laggy. Roll ouv90002-1.1.8 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-25-20 - 22:16 |
Ludovicus |
Update reference from GetQuestLogIndexByID to C_Quv90001-1.1.7 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-25-20 - 22:16 |
Ludovicus |
Set default modifer from Control to Alt. |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-18-20 - 22:40 |
Ludovicus |
Improved QuestPOI integration for retail.v90001-1.1.6 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-18-20 - 22:38 |
Ludovicus |
Call EnableDisablePOIIntegration() and ReloadWaypo |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 23:40 |
Ludovicus |
Set Retail Interfacev90001-1.1.5 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 23:37 |
Ludovicus |
Set Classic Interfacev11305-1.1.5 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 12:50 |
Ludovicus |
Update HereBeDragons to 2.04 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 12:47 |
Ludovicus |
Update ACE3 to r1241 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 12:39 |
Ludovicus |
Update zhTW localixation. |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-13-20 - 12:38 |
Ludovicus |
Update zhCN localixation. |
commitdiff tree patch |