07-24-18 - 16:08 |
Xruptor |
Updated for 8.0 BFAmasterv2.4 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-26-16 - 13:15 |
Xruptor |
TOC Update Legion 7.1v2.3 |
commitdiff tree patch |
09-12-16 - 19:42 |
Xruptor |
small fix for certain linked itemsv2.2 |
commitdiff tree patch |
08-26-16 - 17:28 |
Xruptor |
Small bugfix for spell or tradeskill links in chatv2.1 |
commitdiff tree patch |
08-10-16 - 23:21 |
Xruptor |
Major Updatev2.0 |
commitdiff tree patch |
07-24-16 - 22:15 |
Xruptor |
Updated for Legionv1.9 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-25-14 - 15:11 |
Xruptor |
-Toc Update for 6.0v1.8 |
commitdiff tree patch |
03-13-13 - 23:55 |
Xruptor |
-Updated TOC for patch 5.2v1.7 |
commitdiff tree patch |
09-25-12 - 00:03 |
Xruptor |
-Updated for Mists of Panderia patch 5.01v1.6 |
commitdiff tree patch |
11-29-11 - 21:05 |
Xruptor |
-Toc update for patch 4.3v1.5 |
commitdiff tree patch |
10-24-11 - 15:40 |
Xruptor |
-Updated for Firelands.v1.4 |
commitdiff tree patch |
05-03-11 - 12:34 |
Xruptor |
-Updated TOC for patch 4.1 |
commitdiff tree patch |
01-24-11 - 03:55 |
Xruptor |
-A small fix for the zip file on the repos :Pv1.2v1.3 |
commitdiff tree patch |
01-09-11 - 15:33 |
Xruptor |
-Toc update :P |
commitdiff tree patch |
12-14-10 - 15:11 |
Xruptor |
-Initial Commit1.1 |
commitdiff tree patch |