-- enUS / enGB / default localization file
local _, BG = ...

BG.locale = {
	label = "Junk, be gone!",

	-- Chat Messages
	reportNothingToSell = "Nothing to sell!",
	sell = "Sold trash for %s.",
	sellAndRepair = "Sold trash for %1$s, repaired for %2$s. Change: %3$s.",
	repair = "Repaired for %s.",
	couldNotRepair = "Could not repair because you don't have enough money. You need %s.",

	itemDeleted = "%1$sx%2$d has been deleted.",
	listsUpdatedPleaseCheck = "Your lists have been updated. Please have a look at your settings and check if they fit your needs.",

	-- Tooltip
	headerRightClick = "Right-Click for options",
	headerShiftClick = "SHIFT-Click: Destroy",
	headerCtrlClick = "CTRL-Click: Keep",
	moneyLost = "Money Lost:",
	moneyEarned = "Money Earned:",
	noItems = "No items to delete.",
	increaseTreshold = "Increase quality treshold",
	openPlease = "Unopened containers in your bags",
	openClams = "There are clams in your bags.",

	-- Sell button tooltip
	autoSellTooltip = "Sell Items for %s",