v1.3 (Not released, patch 5.1 stuff)
- Authors' layouts have been changed
- Mount serach was deleted, Blizzard added that themselves
- Some adjustions for pixel perfect mode to make things look good
- Caster name in auras' tooltips is now profile based option
- An option added to chosee if you want your power text to be on power bar or health bar (health by default as in normal ElvUI)
- Raid Utility options removed. Now it's fully movable with it's own mover
- Added a mover for world/BG pvp score - Hellfire towers, AV reinforcements, AB resources, etc. (Darth grow tired of using MoveAnything)
- Capture bar is now docked to the bottom of a new mover
- Show errors in combat is now profile based option
- Added S&L version number to version datatext, login message and config
- Buttons for resetting all S&L options or just desired group's options have been added
- You can now see changelog in game

v1.22 (November 8, 2012)
- Fixed our settings packs in installation
- You will be able to see your castbar and other stuff while in vehicle again (apparently it was there for ages and no one reported that o_O)
- The option to hide combat indicator was removed. You can choose to hide it in it's positioning dropdown list now.
- Fixed some issues with loading that resulted in disappearing of S&L mover group in config mode.

v1.21 (November 1, 2012)
- Fixed small error

v1.20 (November 1, 2012)
- Code catch up with ElvUI
- Some code restructure to reduce memory
- Small fixes/tweaks

v1.19 (October 24, 2012)
- Code catch up with ElvUI
- Added show/hide option for errors in combat (out of LoS, on cooldown, etc)
- Changed the way reputation is shown on bar
- Added Ampere Addon Control Panel to UI Buttons
- Fixed wrong rested percent with cur-percent mode of experience bar (195000000% of rested? Easy)
- Added new options for loot history frame
- Add ability to show Raid Markers only in the instance.

v1.18 (October 9, 2012)
- Fixed red flying could not showing in the mount list

v1.17 (September 30, 2012)
- Fixed Mount Search bug when skinning was disabled.
- Fixed Background Panels & Pet Battle Bar having frame level issues.
- Fixed left chat being to close to the edge of the frame.
- Added ability to show/hide background panels during pet battles

v1.16 (September 24, 2012)
- Added Search Feature for Mount Window by p3lim
- Fixed lua error about missing locale for ElvUI Hud during install process(It was mistyped)
- Fixed Raid Marker not toggling off

v1.15 (September 7, 2012)
- Fix Curse Ticket #3

v1.14 (September 5, 2012)
- Updated Install to catch up with ElvUI
- Updated Repooc Settings to more current setup

v1.13 (September 1, 2012)
- Fixed Combat Icon Error when ElvUI Unitframes were disabled.
- Updated Install file to ElvUI additions

v1.12 (August 31, 2012)
- Fixed Time Datatext error

v1.11 (August 30, 2012)
- Fixrd editbox positioning when ElvUI chat is disabled

v1.1 (August 28, 2012)
- (Backend) Optimize Druid Resource
- (Backend) Private options now use Elv's popus
- Added Demonic Fury number on warlock classbar
- Added debuff resizing
- Added hiding for combat ico
- Readded castername in buff/debuff icon due to darth rewriting auras.lua and not doing his job
- Moved options for auras to its own category
- Removed some skinning of addons as we are now working with Azilroka on the skinning package.
- Removed embed right fix due it being removed from ElvUI
- Fixed the chat text going over the panel's border
- Options for full values on hp/power text changed due to ElvUI's changes in text formatting. Now you can use tags. Just add a ":sl" at the end of the health or power tag to get full value. Doesn't work with percent.
- Background frames now have an option for transparancy
- Exp/Rep bar text options were changed to show full or short values
- Added an option to move editbox for chat pannels
- PvP text options were removed, ElvUI now has it's own
- Removed Skada and DBM skins
- Removed Pet Autocast option
- Changed positions of some options

v1.03 (July 25, 2012)
- Fixed Combatlog not anchoring correctly in right panel as the only chat window
- Fixed Microbar Bug (Leave combat issue)
- Added the vengeance bar for tanks (without options atm)
- Deleted keywords sounds (Elv has his own)
- Increased the recommended version number

v1.02 (July 15, 2012)
- Updated Repooc install
- Added Poisner Skin
- Added Outfitter skin
- Fixed Microbar Bug
- Fixed RaidUtility button not changing position on profile change

v1.01 (July 11, 2012)
- Skada/Recount embedright tweaked
- Minor install tweaks
- Added Alphabet layout to Microbar

v1.0 (July 7, 2012)
- Inital Release